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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 26, 1895, p. 8

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*WM UPSP^ ppy-f *Ws BP-:-: ',' "'"' # V ' " '! j';- l Hf ncSWiiA KKEh PKB8 "' r'. JAS;/i}/:A^DRSpM-.& .,0o BANKERS. Next to Abordoon Hotel, Ekbox. Moimy toluuii on l'*u.vniovu' Noton; Nolan Imii;'hi or C'oHiiot.*(l; Money in Winn n'u Mnrl-Li'i..1"' at lowest ratuii it nil bout toruifl, Drnrtu Jnuundtayiibli> nt, par at all principal Fire Insurances Agonts, otc- ._.____ ',UU-. , J|o%sroNp.ENcd X\ B. Adaum in in Torotito on bu^ini-HH thin week. Mum Alma Olivnr, of Winder, npent her vacation in town. Mr. A. WiHiitiiiH in now onj.'iie;c.l in .1. A. I'Vu.uoiu now store. Mr. Wm, Laini: id in Lrndou ant' Si. TliymaH on buninim]. Mr. i-'rod l*orUp.W vim tod friends in Mr. A. Boarf spunt it few days laut weoh with friondu hi Toronto. Mm. M. J. Wicjlo viuttcil iriemlmii Kinj^- villa and vicinity taut week. Mru. A. ft- Knu-ry, of Toronto, iw viuitmtJ hor tumor Mm. O. U, LUiokor, town. Mbm "Lennox npent a portion of her Ktu1- ter holidayu with friends in St. Marys, Minn M. G. Kobcrtson, of Windsor, bpcut hor Kauter vacation viaitinu frienda iu town. Mr. 0. J. Thomas returned on Katurdaj from a viait (o bin mother at. Haruia, who ban been ill. Itov. Geu. Elliott, of Comhur and Ili.v A. L. Duverluy, of Khucx, catch un^ed pulpi. on Sunday last, Miss Luttio Gordon ban roturnud aft- upending a low duys with hor friend Mn-. V. Cunningham. Mr. Faruyth of Berlin was the RiieBt ot Juo. D&lglumh, af J. GourUy dfc Sans, for ""fow dav hint week. MihEj Shaw, of tbo public uuhool atuff, re- turned oo Saturday from u holingy trip t( hot* homo at Rodney, Tin' wife of Chief of Police Griffiths, ( I Wulkarvillo, him Iwun vmitiuy hor mother lira. Demean, Alicu (it. Princip'iU'C. Jj. CniHMWullftr, of the Il.j^i Bcliaol, npent hi:it weidt in Toronto, uLL'-nu* -Hitf u convention of lhjjdi School' teuolien Mrs. Uurry Wiiilri lcavus to-day foi Blind Hiver, Out., to join hor huHband wh. IB tunployod with tho I31iud River JiUmbet Co. Speukar W. O. Balfour, of tho Ontario Lo^islatura, passed through town on Thurs- day evening of lam week, on hie way to bin homo at AtnherHtbur^. Mrs. John Milne, i\f rn. A. E. !\lilite and M.r. F. A. Luute roturuod yL-btunlay froiu Florida, whnro tb--y lutv b|HMH tho vvintci. Ex lU'.tyur Jnu. Milnu it yxpuottid liom.- from K-iMitru Ou'ariu t<> duy. Mr. A, .1. ltoycraft, baa complttod hu courwo of* ni-uityj at t,lio Drtroit Medi* al Colluuo, and in now intitk-d to wear an M. D. af er Iijh naino. IU- .sucixjtdciJ )u puh- .aiu|; hfVi'K'indnation, with u very hijih pci- ccuta^o, and wau tmt n-ipiirud to piiHh tl o reiiulai' writL.-n txaniinatioiiH new in pio- (jreua. Tlio Dr.V many fiiviiiiH \u:uj will bo pleaaud to larn ot liibtiU'JCfBri. SOUIATIOJN, Itl. A. A. V*. K"bu<>u .Tiio iiriit gaioti of thu Huurtun for l*JtHi*x wus plityud in Detroit Suturdiiy, April St), thbir oppouout b-dug t,ln.ir old tiinti udvor nariOH, tb.i M. A. A. tuani. Thin teum u- now Hlroii^or t'nai uv or, pretiuntin^ mor. Htiir pluy^rn than ai.y otlit-r team in tbt WCHt. It wan j*t:iior-illy suppi.hcd iliat our boya wctuid Hunmly win u.^ai-iiht'inich nun OU thoir own titd J. Tim c:ommitte** know. iuC tliiH Hparud mi d! jil Uj pbiOu tliui ptrontlQHt ttam mil und,r wh.t m-uined in- uurmoitntaulu diTJi^ulLii t Un-y imi.;cul> 1u admirably. Tnt-y arn V'!"y nmUifid to Lho^i. who at j^ruat inuunvuuiouno u tbLvuHLdvu-i htdpoii tluiin to lo lIuh. Tne |.;ainu win called nt i'>ur o'uluck untho teams lintid up us fullown .- M. A. A. F. McJ)oiutltl." W. MclJuiiald. Goal 11 iclfrt lUlfri Cuut;"u J. Kiiurtb f .1. (i-'iirlii v \.l. li. Sh. it |K. II. Han.-Li, !i. P. St..n.... y i'j, JW-nian l\ Km, I , ,, , ( A. G'luriMy jU 1,orWlir,I\Cufn.u.hiiM IU l-'urwunl J. Wu1h. ) It. Lur^'t*. ) B. F^riiUr.ni!. J. Mnrtliwomi ) J, IU'iidoixuii. B-.M'cDnnald.l W. .bloaii. j '" "........" \_f luiinintttiam n, ,. - Rt 1-urwunl ,, , Ilcnr.v WillimiiM. Ui:lcrn-. At'llm bfginniu^ uf'il.'c' jriiini it loolunl ' uh tlvui^h the i\l. A. A. wi-it k J'n^ ' %vl11 an tiny crowd*-I our ii(=ttr.i^^, pivtty huif l)l)t I>1H i ^llt-]-u Khm X ttlllllUH tilth rirUn'H. iin(I .niti li;n^ n*f<iih Ii;i;.|K-ut'(i till tut! c!ok(j of thi: half, when K. MrDunrdd l.y a dr'-p on goid itoortid tho iir-.t Ll-ml. Thiti \v-t~ jiitit a I hanos, however, u^ lilrt-i s \uni m Vkjh' <if i Iin play for tlm last part of nus I1j i-- llalf. A^riin at Ih-i t\cnt ul llin m/crmd i :>ll tlm AI. A,'A. forced niatttjr.V, but i v ti . lnur, bilf ho'ir Kiim-'X dooidftMy had fcl.o ad- vuntiiu; i t.t.ough tl-o- -.'-I" ' i) 1, "_,, f^oid, tlio dufidnui romaininM wtdt i'p tho li 1 i tie i moHt of tlm limo. About thu middle.of tlio HQuond liitlt by nu > mo!o a b' of toain |ilay Ehuox (ior. iir -' wpi u 'he M. A. A. ';];oiil^i.ijil A. G mi I >y -at ra I on a fami fi'om . .^y/'du-.iji' g' am Thw who tho laub ucoi* I 'j,,, . ..lr..w. ( p| - j.. :. K......,(' -!M w.d'. 'ho "I r,!,1.'! !.v'Gourlalp.^bHt Lm,i:-.', 1>uGcw imv:,1u.lw.:n,,1rrepln.a.ih,1aud fort...... w rHI(V1 , ii.. .y rlt o! Budt W4 vM|^Pi!ly com. , .Th,..<, lM*.'f.. 1.-IW. h If I-, Hi tin. wr.H ; H"V"' .niTC.:::,li,|.plo,d1d wjfk. ..vs^b<- i'- " |,:--- " M,|,nv | "' """' ...... ,. '"' " " dun .-Im.-^- oi * .i-' ,,.1'lip'i'tt^- Ot (,l:r -l.-.'.:i. I'o p'l H,: i(.in i.. t; i. di* inn t ..... ni,l|t....i .1. ,li , Td. i i 1,1 )-; "v a i.t C-y to I* mi .. i",s' U'mdt -h"" , ,, ,",: , ,, ,. ,n. >. 'r..>\ -*.'i, ... , -i;- I 'i l"i h .r' I'"1" - i' ' ' :-. ims oniiE mm Chhiost* Who Furnished Supf1"^ to Japan Must Not be 1'uuishml. EUROPE LIKELY TO INTERFERE I>iir]ntr tin' l".iii;ui;finriitx fi,000 Chiiu'nn 'l'roi>|)4 \V4tii t'upl until Ity Japnu C^iiitii Hum Not. a Sin^ltt liipaii- tiHJi I'liHiimr - A riot tn Dv~ throni) Cun:a*n ICit)tr* V h AN BrPRKSSLVE SCENE. CAT' I" DKEYKUi; DEGRADED ~IN~f HE" pneacNOE oi: 6,000 rnoopa ffnshlnKton, April 20. The stipulation in ilio treaty of peuco bctWciin China mid .lapitii that, tlio Ghjiii'Ko who havn ht-i-n ( upuiird by thn Japanesi: and ntbcrH wlm Hold HUpplies to ttie .lapaiu.'Ho troops ill thi-ir niurch thrpu^h Aiiinuhurhi ami Mianinn shiill .not- 1m piinisiiid by Gin Chinese authorities was inspired by hi;- nmin emislderation. It Is the custom of Clilna fo behead suoi) of lu-r stddiers iw fall into the. handti of tlm enemy and lire aflerwurds -returned to their euiintry. During several naval and land enpi^e- jiieiiis upwards of Ti.WJ't Chinese; troops wi'i'i) cjipiiired by the .Japanese and it is to preserve their Uvea that the I'mv^nin^ j)rnvision was inserted in the treaty. The same amsideratloiiH Inlluenred the oilier provision relativo to the purchase of sup plier from Chlneso subjects. The i urimis ln(;t <levelopn In this connect ion tliat. Clilna luiH not, a (dnylo prisoner of war IJUhllltflllK tO JlLJULtl. L'utU the Jn'^iniiinpr of tlm warbidween China aiul.JiLpan each country had a eim- Kiilar jurisdietion over its subjeets . in the other' country. It Would appear that Jiipan will no longer Knil>t 111i- oris iie^te to China althoutrb stipulating for a con tinuance of this rlKlil for herself. The. oNplumitlon Rivon fl>r this exception U that Japan is now a civilized country with a coile of laws based mi tin- higlwtit principles of justice and equity and that Abo cuin bcwifidy trusted hcretV>iv, to deal fairly with the Chinese subjects living within her borders. China, on tho other hand, it is assort ed, is Htill (l barbarous country and fore igner* robidiiiK there must, receive tlio protection of thoir own country Hinoe little, If any, will be afforded to them hy tlio local authorities. London, April 20. The Standard's cor respondent in St. Petersburg says: Tho newspapers continue to express discon tent with the cession by China of Main land territory to Japan, but only a feeble idea is plven by them of the extremely diflicnlt position in which Russia is. placed. It is a fact that the gravest, appre- hi'iiston-exists In political circles and it is evident that Russia cannot submit to the riitillcation of the treaty under the pres ent conditions, but it is very dillicult to see what path will remain* open should Japan anil China persist in tho ratifica tion. There- are excellent prounds for Reliev ing thai Russia will ask for the cession id other Chinese' mainland. If Gils Is re fused consideration of her prestlgo will compel her tu take derisive and prompt action. The Standard's correspondent in Odessa says: "In the last few weeks ti,(XKt soldiers have sailed from this port for Yladivustock and o.iHH) mom will eiu- burk soon. The cruisers are held ready tn transport iluin despite the conclusion of peace in the Kast." A Central News despatch fnuii Seoul stale's that, a. plot has hern discovered to dethrone til"! Kin;^ < !' Cmva in favor of his nephew, Id Shun Yon. The conspira tors, including Li Slum Yon, wer- promptly arrested. M ill Keep tlm Mii/./le On. London. April 2. A St. Petersburg despatch to the Pall Mall Gazette nays Uie Czar bus rejected the petition recently presented, praying for a relaxation of tho rigor of tho existing press laws. Tho action of the Linperor was taken upon th recommendation of the minister of the Interior and the chief of the holy svnod, who constituted a commission tu consider thu petition. The report of the commission was adverse to granting the requests made. IH.'.t U'llhont a striiynle. Columbia, Tenii., A;<ril :.':-'. Matthew Calloway, ihe negro who murdered Jim Walters, eo!n:-iMl, at, Shnta Kit in July lust, was e.xeeiiied In the jail yard here Haturday. lbt made a full eorifv.-idon on the Kcall'old. The dmp loll lit, eight o'clock tind he died wiiliout. a si niggle, his neck Tiffing broken. *J\vi> of Tlii'in l>t(i\viiei|. Quebec, April ^.'.--While ef.j.-.slng tho MunuiJorriH-y, Glliieri Hani--. r., Gilberi Ilain^, jr., ibibnini; and ,'.lr i,ile:-, all of the parish of M. There-e, v.ere ilirown In the vlver by I he upseiiing ot ibelr eanue. liains, sr., and Jjubreuil wero drowned, lluy wiirU's V pptu'iitiuii h.-mIimI. Minncaiiolls, April :,'^. e Snigraw .Smith, ina lengtiiy decision Saturday... iteuied the moiion for a new irial i u^tliv | inui'iiei* case of Harry Wayward. An' uppeal l" the Supremo Cuun \vdi lollo-.v, The London Standard s:iys (-rent- llrit- idu's poiiey hi. regard I o Japan and China will be one of quiet, vigilant solf-nrotee- linn. The London Times, cemuienling on the I'op/i's eue.yt'lh'al says tho re-ulnnn of the Anglican and Romun ChurehuH ia a mere Uivani. II*. 1m lleprlv,.) ,tf u\h Mllitury Ituiilt utul tiiHl^nlit at tint 1'iirln Kooh) hniltuio- i:e I't-ot.iwled IXU I|iiMMi.<ioit. I{itotil by - Yintt Cru\*t\, ('apl.iiln Dreyfini,' an artillery olflcer. lit the Fiv.neh artny, detailed for clulyiit the d ;iii-,. ry of War, wm arrestt-d on tlio ehargn of having hetrayed Important, fie- ' i 'in of t,hi! Ministry of \Vnr to a foreign g tverium-iit. The actual fncts of the no- eii-ntinii against; 1dm were kept Hcerct,,hu( <! wii1. reported that be had betrayed or ' -'old certain important military informa tion to the (fermati I'hiibasiy in Parht This provoked an indignant denial from Lerlin mid a diplomatic protest from Count von Muenster, the Ccrninn Ambas sador to Pnuite. A guarded denial of the rep it made to the Kreneh Chamber of Deput ii-s by the Minister of M'ar was fol lowed liy a reiteration of the charges In a number of Paris papers, which aroused violent protest on the part of the llerlin press, 'Meanwhile Captain Dreyfus was kept a clone prisoner and not allowed to cum- .miinicatewil.li his friend*. A court mar tini was appointed to try Id in on the charge of treason, and it, had hardly open ed its silting before it was decided to con duct, its proceedings with closed doors. What, took place and the nature of the tividencc oll'i'i-cd is but imperfectly known, but. by the (dose of t lie second day's sitting the accused was found guilty of treason and ih'e severest penalty applicable Ultimo of peace-imprisonment for life in a fort ress and degradation from all military rank and honors was pTonullnced upon him. The formal degradation of Captain Al- Tieiv Dreyfus, who was recently sentenced to deprivation of his military rank tunl title, nud to confinement in a fortress for life, for having divulged government s- erels,, took place recently on the parado ground of I he lOcole Militairo, Paris, in tho presence of 0,000 t mops and a number of new-paper re prose lUa-Thes and others. Some time before daylight detachments front all the regiments in the district, of I'aris were on the march to the. parade ground. These detachments comprised new recruits, veterans and men of all grades of service, and as they arrived at the Kiole Militairo they took the positions U'-siimi'd to them. The weather was clear and bright, hut cold. At. half-past eight A. M. Ccneral Darras, commanding I he troops, arrived. Ilu was assisted by Colonel Payette and a major of the i'aris garrison. The troops formed a square, facing the main 'entrance to the parade ground, where was stationed a band composed of drums and bugles. Tlio Thirty-ninth regiment, having Captain Dreyfus in. charge, was one of tint first bod ies of iroops.t.oarriveai the parade ground. At precisely nine o'clock the prisoner was led out-from.the left, wing of the square, lie was accompanied by a squad of artillery and soldiers. lie was i)ah^btrtn\dlrhf-arflrrnr| st:p in- marched, with bis sword in bis right hand, to the centre of the .square, where he was awaited by, General Darras. lie halteiLhcfor-u the General and stood at "attention." The adjutant of the Kopub- m %f siAv) CA VTA IS' A LnKKTJJKBVFi:.*. lican Cnard then read the verdict, of tho ourr-m.'irtinl which bad condemned Cap tain I'reyCus. Re flushed, Homowhat, hut .,lowed no sign of lord a g liis composure. Af-ttr the reading of the verdict Kenernl Darras. addressed the prisoner, saying: 'Dreyfus, yoiiurc unworthy to carry arms. In the name of the people of France we de grade you," The adjutant then walked up to Drey fus, and took from him bis sword, which, wit h a quick, sharp movement, he broke u-ro-vs his knee, casting the pieces upon the ground. He i hen cut, ihe but tons and insignia of rank from the uniform of the condemned captain, and threw them also upon the ground. At this point in the proceedings Captain Dreyfus was for a moment moved by a sense of bis humilia tion, but he quickly suppressed bis etno- i ion, and shunted in a loud voice, "Vive la Prance!" Cout inning, le- said:--"You have degraded an innocent man. I swear hat I am innocent." Re seemed about to peak further, but his voice was drowned iv I he rolling of the drums, which was nit lotid enough, however, to drown a iinging'shntit from Ihe crowd in the rear of the soldiers of "A inert It; traiiro!" i Death to the l raiturlj -The ceremony up to this time had lasted just four minutes. The drums then bca., md the degraded man began Itjs march lioitg four sides of the square, in what, is rioown as "le p:u*ade d'e 1'eXecnt ion," Tho eetie was very impressive, and many of iie younger soldiers turned their h:;ad .'.\ ay. ('apiaiiL Dreyfus marched iu a linn and oldierly way, and, with a quick, ^hort ace, anil when he reached t lie dcjr-ai ion l' olTlcei's from '.he reserve-, i':u .. t it if -i::d and .said: "Tell I he whole ul' Ri-.mmv .a' I ant iii..'>'"'itl." Turning io,.,,' |r;i -oni I lie pu-.il.iou ol l he I'eserve oili'-ei's* in- nie lietore'ihc lliell I! i' I's of tin- pre-.-., in no )u> said ill a linn Voic, " J. deci.i it a 1 .mi iu ioc ml. " : h.i etid of i Iu- ni-'treh ^a- r.Mcli.it ;i vent V intitule-. ]i idi'iniied man w.e; i . '. i Tn.'i, , n: [to". . A lar. - . ^ , < :ie p.. i i.anion ; iieni came .1 . . ay, nut 1 lie ia ^- i; .- !"iv:Im.'Im':i :... , ; .-. raoie laaa ^\ ii:.,ai:: ... . linCIl! I.':*:;. -.' f ' .!, . :i,i , ..... ui.-s, f. 'o ;.. i . i .. ,,1! vail., a no a. a.. .; ,; ( ,i i ct i've o.u,.. !h .. \,..', Mill '"I ' ond, m.mI - a'ol'ii '" ne '!'* )e iiw! l! the i ..'.'. *.-r..ij i , .' ai e in" ioin- . . ,\ ' 'i on liaa ei .i Me '.' I I'.'i li'l- ^:itai nd to tiico' 'i-eia . :!.' liuieiy-itiui! our oO-uvery huu- , j mI laen who are thus degraded weep .le children during'the ceremony, .hut ilivvfiu* wius.flrm thrQUKhouf. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. "L'iiwm Hai.l, MAriiHToNi:, Ai'iiiij 'J.0'tut 'UH. Cniiiinll mot thin day purHusnt. to ad- j mriimnnt In Court of l'tviidoii ou tho Hy- luml Drain hy-Uw. - MV.^he memhorH of th^ onunnil, wijh tho Hxcoption of tho Uov*i( being proitont. Kttnli nf the munihcrH prewnnt made ami tcihacrihod bin d^olnrtttinn t)l office un a moibher, of Htiid Court of Hevinion, and to dt his neat at tho couneil board. Moved by Mr, riant, <eeondoil by Mr. PriiK', that Mr. KIIih be chairman.--Car. The Olnrlt reported Unit ho hud received ujjppulwilu follows ii|Miinnt the tuiufltuimnnt.H dor the iiaid drain, and that" ench of tho pttrtiew upputilud ajjaiinit hud beu duly no- tifi'jd : W. I), huattio appealed that ho wo-NiiwifiH- ued too hii;h. W. D. Huattio appealed tt^ainrtt ItoWort Ellin not kbhcuhoiI und on^httn b. John. Gieavt'ii tippenled u^aimtt ]. W, Hy'and hUMCunad too low. John Ovonvea uppiild auaiiuit William FlgriHtuan, auHetiitod too low. Thn...Kll u appofil'^P'ttgiiiimt ownorii of Houth part of lot 28 in tttii concrKflion, north part of Irtt 'JH in Oth concotminn, noutli \ of lot iJHH fionth Tidhot road, and HOtith 4.0F lot 297, nouth Talbot road, ell aHscmod too low. David Hemmjuu appeuisd ityainftt Win. N -nbttt and J.W, Hyliuid, nspo^ucd too low. Albart. IlyliMid appnalad that ho was rhu'MhmI too high. ,i,, AMiiirt Ilylaud uppoalod ajjiinut J. W.. Etyiand, miHetiBod too low. Ilvidenco for end a^aiutit oach nf tho nid Bpp;aU was hoard, after which tho engineer Whti mndc|tho iutnesnmnnt gave &irrsqpluia- tio 1 of his plan for tliu drainage of tliin lo- Onl tv. Tho following changfm were made in thu as-ictiumout: Lot 27 in 10th|eon reduced to ^;io. " lii n pt in 10th com mduced to 975*. ' 28 0 pt LUh G011 riuduct-d to Slttt. " 25 n J S T It rduced to fi7.5t)f ' 2HH h e f B T II ftimfuued 82.50. On motion of McHHrH. Price and Datwrn,' tUe usueRitment for the Ilylaud Drain, 11a atnoudud, wrb cflufiriiied. OiV ufotToii of *MennrN. IMatifand Dauim, tbo Court of KeviMQii then rone and tUo counoil Hat for e,onornl busiuoaH. Iu the nbioneo of tho Ueove, who wau unavoidably abuunt on account of itioknonn, Mr. 1'jII s wan, 011 moLio.u of Muiisra. Plant and Price, appointed to take th-i Itjovo'rt clui'r. . MiniiieB of the previouu meeting wore roud, irrdTTmlTiotfoTTof MeHsrH.' Plant and Diium, adopted as read, and Bigued. Toco. Ileilaire reported to council thnt tbeojeuiui; of tho now read uoroas hit) form nouc-Hdituted the rumovul of certain ol hiH buildings and tho filliuR up of a t^ood wall, .-lid rerpaet.tdd council to eompeuflate him forhuino. On motion of Mtssrn, Price and Dainm, Mr. lhvlhtiro was paid 828 tts ccmpciiHutiou iu full for the remijvul ot tiaid huil lineu and the liil.ng up of Htid Well. Mr. Kl. Price preneutL-d u bill ofSUi.lO for timber furuiHli^d by him for Piko Creek bridge. On nioLion af IMcshth. Damm and Piiiui paid. J u o \ Kane reported dutnag*" t > Inn land and feneirH by tho washing in of ttio 8th oouccadan drain, .iTt. On motion of Mttbst'ri. Plant and Price, council a^roi-u to iUVo ^Ii*- Katiu 620 uh payiituiit in full of bin 11 1 ^cd claim tor uaiiiU.jeu, provid.ui t ett .Mr. JCany deeds to tno corporation of Township of Maulm-eme, a btnp of land five:e-;L wide uloutz tho hide of the uaiii drtun,iml again to m iku no further claim tor dawugurf from thu said drain at auy time 01 tbo future. Move I by .YD. Paint, uecouded by Mr. Price, t tat the council go into a committee Of tin* > h-lo for the uueoud reading of the .Ilylaud - Drain Byd-LWT IIr. Plant in thu. chair. Said l)y law wua road clausu by clanse, and, on matiou atlopuul. On motion of MeHurs. Kllis and Datum, eouuc] resumed and aaid Ilylaud Drain ]Jj-1lw was read 11 t'drd cunu and pi.9Mod. Movad hy Mr. Point, Heonn lud by Mr. l>rioe, that W. S Cuiiunitorii im appintc-d auditor or to.vuwhip accou ito for tho cur rant year, 111 the room un 1 utaiui of Thou F. [Cane, docoiiHed, and that, thu ClurL be lustruotOii to pi-opa.ro a by-law to c-irry tliu mud appointed-mit into offeut. Curried. On motion of MudBra. Prioo and Plant, blojiheu Conroy wuh appointod overeeor of liii^iwuyH for road divininn No. 11, in room and mead of li. Nuvui, who coubud to 1j n rtPidcntlu saisl division. A commumcation from the C. P. Kail- way Company, ra the Wallace drain wan read, and ou motiou of AltiH&rti, Plant and Diunin referred to a uoiamittut of tho uouu- ell CONSlstlUg Ot AIuBHir*. i.'dllfl, Pl'lCO, 110(1 1) III 01. ""*!> JL ^iiS J- wxTZL IB DHAWIISTG A MULTITUDE-OF DELIGHTED BUYERS A Dollar will- Buy a very Big Parcel Here are a few examples of how we are. selling Dry G-oods, Clothing, Car-, pets, Hats and Caps, etc. 42-111. Tweed Dress Goods, all the newest colors L5c yd Double ibid pure wool aergeH, worth 85c our price 25o 46-in Cashmeres all new shades worth 75c yd for 50c Black Novelty Dress Goods 50c yd. Special 20 piecea of Lvecklins all woo] French Shallies, bust in the world, worth *J4c yd, during thifl sale for 25c a yard BoyH* 2piece suits wool, sizes 22 to 28 for Si.*5 a suit Boys' 3 piece suits worth $4 50 a Huit, for $3 asuic. Men's'all wool Tweed suits for $:>.95 a suit. Men's Black Worsted OoatwA Vests worth $8 for $5.50 Boye' Knicker Pants GOc pair, GKNTLEMKN See our new assortment of Scotch and English Tweods and blade worsted Coatings, perfect fit guaranteed. 100 pieces of new English Prints worth 9c yd for 7c yd Tapestry Carpets at o5c, 40c and 50c yd; Hemp Carpet at 10c, 12Jc and 15c yd Call early and share in the good tilings we offer. M The Great Corner Store, DIEBEL&BRICKER. Ask to see the Solid Oak Folding Furniture we are giving away; Mieluod. Pgwith prn-'imtod un order from N. W. Trimot.t it'tjnuuiiriii oouucil to pahtm (Powith) Sffl.iiOt for timber furniali6il !i>t Piiv < On motion ol Mo--tN. Priori mi 1 PI i"'( paid. Mr: Pu'H't , -.u litor. pre:Kinioil utatouitmt . f'J'ownHhip Tr-ami*, r'u account with tin Towitt-bi.t' ; adHtono tor 1 lit- quartet eiidiir , arch 31.ii. Houl and tiled. D. 0. Coutm i re.rnCed hill for S;i for lure d! a horHn and i.'J.'i:y Ioi-'h. triptoWoodn Inn to prpuuro m-<licil nid f.-r. UVt^goity, indigent, liuri g./ni^ lato iJl-U ns.- 0:i mo tion | aid 8' 5 ) v T -i. Lapptin pr.K.Mi'L'd bill of 10 for eiiriny f : llayytiruy for two woe It h,' during tlu-*!nttr'H illnun. On moiion Mr, Lap- p-in with iin id ^fi. On inrVtion -Io!ni M-ph-nlin watt paid ft'J "un Mtatuto 1 ibor .fund or division No: -12 t,nt 1R ii.w | iu 6th conj.^oi^ work done,' Tho Clerk introduced a by-law to con firm thu awanl of the arbitrator* appointed under byduw No. 01 of tho County Council of KflHt.-x, ro Utiiun Bcbnol Sea'ioii Noh. 1 aid 2 of the Townhhipi) ot MawUtona mid Kntdii^tor, eto. Kaid by-law wua put through thu unual reaiUnen and pinned, Mr. Price, in tho chtur. It. F. Seymour r* qiuibted uouneil to (jive him a.dtiinito aimwer to li in request of dome time uj|0 to bf paid 500 for ilamnyea to binhinilH mid crops, i-tc , wbereupon it wan niov(!il by Mi*. KIUk, mid Hccondcd hy Mr. Plant, that after hiMtriny the -evidence of MoHstrst. Sticltwobd, Gunii, and Queen aud otberH and taking into conniduration tint the eaat and west halves of lotn 27. 2h and 20 in the 3rd coneeHion wore anweastuJ for ih 3rd couceHtiion drain, that It. P. Suvnmur'a dutnend of &500 for iliimn^ou bo not ontertuiiu'd. Carried. Thu collector returned hu roll lor 1 rt'.M. On motion of Mchhih. Plunt and Damm tho hiiid roll WttH iiL'oepted, and the clerk iu- titrueted to return to Mr. Jtmcn, collector, tho bondH of hiniHetf aud iiuietien for tho duo f aliilmnnt of hiut-atd oil'ico of collector. On motion of M!<jhhih. Plant aud Price th:i council aiijourued to tnotit u^iiin at tho 'i'own Hall, Maiilntone, on Suturday, tho Iin day of Juno next in Court of Kovisiou o i the tLHnefiBmunt roll for 1805. INCONTROVERTIBLE EVI DENCE. A YOUNG lLADY RAISED FROM A SlCKBliO, Ilopo for Xliown Mti irorluc- Irom Nei-- voiih Promlriitleii, Wottlcneuu um! tow plrlli-IIoi.v lielluf can hclouml. Kioni tlio Ht. Mar>'u Arann. Thfi aecumhliLlion of evidenou in what convino"H. A man briuciuj; a oimo bo- foro a jury witliflut eviden,coo to convince Miem of the justice .of hia ploa him a poor oli'inco, but whon witnotiH after witneflfl in proihiuedto buck up hia plua, then tbo jury uiLsily iind a verdict in h'H favor. Thiu m tin* ofiHtt with one of thy tiroateht li'o^prp- Hivorp known to the woild atpreBon*;. Tho' Qvldouoii of liunuredn und thouiando of wltnmHCH haw bouu publinhrd teHtifymi- to to iu pricolern vduo, und tbo jury tho publiu uro beni! eouvinctd. Bt. Mary's ban ninny-witnnnaoH who could bear goltSon toitinionudti. The Ar^iiH guva rnnonfly n. rdmarkabie oano in the ouro of Mr. Gidotin El ioit. A^tuuwe piOHtuit anotlior. Minn Mary Scott thuightar of, Mr. John Scott, hit.d buonmo oowpVoly ; proittratud ; waH pklo, nnrvouc, pnv-t-piritcd and in fluoh a condition ua to alarm bor parouta aud friomlH. She bad not bean nblo to loivo hor bed for ovpr uix weelro. JDootor'ii tnod- ioinca weiu not helping her. Mro. Soott had been ruiulin^ of Ihe wonderful euros elected"by Dr. Williania' Pink PilU for Pale People and noma acquaintance* re- coimnendtd them. Sno purcha^utl thrco hoxeti ami botore tii0 iirot box wan fluiflhoil an impiovemont wuh noticed, and continu- iii{l the uhu of tbo pills M,ia Scott wan noon ablo to j urtorm work about tlio bouiio aod_ im now eiijoyinu bettor hoiilth than for yiaiH. Mm, Scott aluo Leatifiud aa to tho e,ieut 1 etielit btie herHelf had derived from the nvj of tbrou boxen of Pink Pilla and do- cluren that they would not bo without them in tho hoUH.e. An impoverished condition of the blood, or a dittorilered condition of tbo norvoa. are... tbo fruitful uuurcei of misyt ills that uflhot maukmd.iiud to any thus ofllictoa. Dr. Wil- haiiiu* Pink Pills olfur n[iuedy unci cortttin euro. No other remedy Iulh over mot with such ^reut and continued uucoohij. which ia ouo ot the htronixuHt proofa thab-Dr. Wil- jaina' Pink Pills accomplish all that is churned of thorn. Thuy are an unfailinR cure for locjmotor ataxiii^iartial paralysiH, St. Vhuh dunce, ftoiatica, neuralgia, rheum atism, narvotiH houducho, tho after offeota of la grippe, palpitation of tho heart, nor- vouti prostration, diaoaaoa dopoudintf Upon yitiatud blood, tiuch aa ncrofula, cbrouio erynipelun, otu. Thoy uro aleo a- Bpooiflc ' for troubloj peculiar to femaloo, ouviutj. aU forma of wotdcuoos. In men thoy off go t u. a radical uura in all all cation urisiuf; from montal worry, overwork, or oxoombos of any nam.ro. Dr. Williuiuu' Pink PilU uro aold only in buxo-h htariuti the llrtn'a trudo mark. Thoy are nuver auld iu bulk, and auy doaU or who offera aubetitutoQ in "thin farm Hbould bo avoided. Thuso.Pills aro paanu- faciuruci by tha Dr, Williumu' Modicino Company, Broukvillo, Out., und Bchonoot- ady, N. Y , and may bu had of all dru^iata or direct by nauil at eithor addyH8, at 50 coulh or uix buxoa for d2,50. .- BEES FOR SALE.. TWENTY SEVKN IlivJSB OF HKKSIN 1 eooil movublo framo bivoo, for oalo. Ap ply at tint Iiinu of n tr ATtVFIUft WITjSON, Lotil/i, oon.7, Maldatono Tp. DITCHING. 1 nutilio aiictton, at tho MaMutouo townlmo '.. anil I nth ton mail onrnor. on Tti.niiluy, Anvil :t(), attou o'olocUam., tho jo of eonntruotln(j tho J* Ilylaml drain In tho Tp of Muhltitoiio. 17 J.iS.-B. LAIRD, Ootn. mdrohantahlo ..Boffr.'."' '& 200 oordn of ({ootl .. _ ._ ___, Muplo llolta, with httrk on, dolivorol, on-( , ;;v oarH ulorif) lino M". O. It'y., not leus tbaii^.^ij-J! 12 niolun in Uiatiiotor and 18-InohcB )oug>; \' T. H. p<tGewy#$ ^=K.......~:! it^^^tiMi^^l^^ tik$$^$&'^

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