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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 26, 1895, p. 7

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mm THb H.SSHX ?v . hV; H m Peiple Speak. THEY SPREAD THE ELALJEWS, _ PAINE'S CELERY : COM POUND MAKES THEM WELL. Aftor Suffering For 18 "Years Tho Great Spring Morlii? cino Cures Mrs. G, H. Parker J'li^ht tlitiif ( .:, I '.nxi^t v ! ... ' I'1.".iluc" -i Uoi* fnilujm with il-i.:f,.ir -, :.inl worthier,-. inedudue. invle life .-r.\ ami drciLiy lor Mrs, G. H. V.irU'*v, '.Yeee-i, Out. ! After iiouic permi.ir.ioii, Mr*. l^rla.r wm< induced to ;*ivn Puiiui'h tilery t om [ ouod a fair and ho-.e-t trod WliiLt. lu-ppy tjniml 1e '!i!tH! Su-di it victory over duffcrm;:; I Cniuplobi fiirc and rcii'jwi.iil health ! Tin- following ,i.- Mr', barb, r'.i nnnnl"':- it(:u IcMnnon.} : "I have been a jln. 'i imm ie-ur: ulj^ii*. fur nearly f - :-of- forii*.f> at ! iin'.'t wi t-t- to h..d tb'.t <od*H wouli! f *iI lo df-crilia them. Afnr h-iv. inj; Tried every known ivmel,>, an I d 11L-r Oiit jiliy^iciuiiy, and rei;id\i->:; no l.idp J ivii.'i (jL*r>ux<leil t.) try your Taint;'* Celery Compound widen 1 have b'en iibine ha tin- i'nst four m in.tlis. I m hup v to hiLv'iliLt T am ir-v a : ifiVrYM." wonw n '< n ' .CUli\\)]<,!..-\ -\. I "-H. i :'ta*ra'irl vui PtL.m/.i (! :!. i y (' mi,,, ew -. to .-11 uiy trienf " I tltllf.V. In Mi'." {'huh Nut Cullty or V uiis|jiuj;lit er, Giiolph, April (>.- The c:ih' against John Car-s, for ijutnslnu.'jhior, ami AIcy- HfATnltnTiCeTttfilg, as an ;ii'(T.>Mi!r, rami- up for hearing yesterday aftm-incm .h.-b,jv JU\ .Tustieo Ibe-e. Tin', crime which i hey arts charged with was the roMilt nf a bar room quarrel last November, when tho deceased Johnston, a fa'nni'r in*;.r (.'uelph. Who was on Ills way to tho IijmiIut wends, fjot Into a trilling altercation-at Botch's hotel with Caw, whlrli li-il to blows, and in Hi'1 oUneh Unit followed 'Johnston foil underneath Cans and never regained eon- ficimisiH'ss. Keating is charf-Tod wit.h hehitf an ;it:i *j.s.-;^ ry for interfering witli othnrs Who omloavorod to M-panite. t ho com batant*. Tim medical witnes-es at tliu inquost who held the jiost -nunMem on Johnston's body lustitied tluil his skull was of iiiuihUul thinness. After hearing tlie evUlcneo far tho Crown and Dr. Caveii'ri testimony, his hordsliip hold that Cuss had lint, used unduo vinhiicr to de fend liiuiself, and dinned that a verdict, of not. guilty lie entered. Both prisoners Won: diHclmrtfed. A IIl. I'"lKht Kxpojf.t<!'l in ViTi'litrrivi. Montreal, April ti. The Vi-rcln-res elec tion, which will take pktcti on the l7t.h Instant,', ia. exciting f^reat interest and a hiij; contest IB to he wa^t-d hutwucn Mr. Geoffriou, tho Liberal candidate, and Mr. Bissalllon, the Conservative nominee. Both canduhiieH left last nielli fur the fccunc of Lhn contest, and will ho followed jjy a crowd of politicians. The inmiina- timiM take place on April lUih, and ln)t.h candidates are expected to d.-ilue their position on the ^laaittdia M/lmol ijiiu.-tioa. ~ Cnpfc.-AKrcil.T. Mahan, I'nited Smie.s Kavv, hnsapjdiod for miu year's h-av.- of ahHcnen in order to flidsh cerUuii literary FIANCE AND. COMMERCE ToitoNTO, April 22, ItilC. Wheat continued-Hs boom at the utart In Chicago on Saturday. Pardridtfti was a huycr and tho hull; of the trath-rs, tak ing thin as confirmation of. tlio theory that ho still has an enormous Khurt lino to cpvor, he-Ran buying furioiiHly. May opened % higher at TiHV^o, sold up rapidly to tO%c and reacted to i&%u. Corn stroiifj, May oponed at 'l-V^e, advanced to -Itl^o and reacted to -W^<\ Oats firm, May opened SH'.je, old to ~B:;^c and reacted to 28JiI. .ProviHlons fljfm. July pork opened Co higher at $ia.B3. May lard hold at S.'JO andribHat %AWA. 'Tho principal feature of tho market, in Hamilton on Saturday wa.s the remark able riso in wheat prlees. Tho Canadian marlcot fnllowfl tlm Ameriean market In erftin Vary. cloRtily, keeping jllMt below tho lS-ccnt duty limit. Saturday, American Wheat flgurofl hucuminR KtilTer, up went tho Canadian price to 7 cmitH (standard) pur bUBhcl, Tho Spectator na'yn: '"JMiur^ 1h a goneral impression that tho local mip- ply among tho farmorfl 1h exhausted, or nearly..ho, and this i Bald also of ul0 wholo Ontario market. If it is truo there is Uttlo likollhood of any dm-llnu, and tho prohahllity in that; not only v-ni the present Ufcuro bo nuiintaincd, hut ad vances may coma One of tho city millers (stated that from tho pri'sont outlook ho WoiiUTilut ho at all BiirpriHod to see-.wheat up to BO cents in a very nhort timn, re- jnalnliiK in that vicinity tiutll next hnr- venfc. The present riso Is a jump of four' cents in two days. Of courso the 'Irst, (d'i"<'ct of tluwidvanco is to brliitf Hour up nj?nin. The mornlnp; despatches quote an advance in M inm-apolis (lour ol' 7( eentu a ^iitm:;. ai'U i.'.r !n-;d uiilU \\-\l\ r;ii c tho Wl.iOie-:'.!" ; iv !: -JUS, 'I'?} ^:':.:U-^'r price oJ.'fiG ti.o-'.i lnij:ossible in ' e.,l'iir the liaUors- lo r I ii.-i'id at lhn pro^eiii 'I-.-- I. (M ,,;; for ' four-pound loiivet- r-a;:d ';;'{t""ti. nl^'Mifa* tt-roa, ii't'.'iil' a ni! iU'ii*, iik>'-v l',v I "or by Lku Scott's. Emulsio', the cream of Cod liver Oil, with ~ HypophosplilUiH, i:> for- Coughs, Golds* Soro TtTJ*o'nt, EJ r o nc h i t! o 9 Weak Lt!n^stf Consumr>ti,,-'t>>v ILosci of Ftech-i Emaciation, VVoak BabSoo! CrowiM.r; CI, p, Poos* Wlcthor^-' un;;*/;, ScroTn.ci^, in fact, i'nr ;i) I >!!- ! ing for- a ciui el: :;: \ '"' '. ivc nourish me/it' .,; / v.'V^ SC0tt & Downi!. [J;;!i.:i||,i, >V-< ijrit- .j'c.'li. COc ii; * J. a NAnnow IISCAPE. A Young .vi'un Iicci-tx m an Infrrnul ^la- rhlnc <N>i)tiiinliil' Dynamite* | (.'linttar.nuva, Tenn.. April ;(). A nyH- I tm-iotis pael;-i;;e \v;m ilclivrrcd by" mail ' yes1erd;iy lo Will . '. ir<| url.le, a tailor of tliis city which i.r>'^ i mho an infernal machine nf ike voi-.;! i;.'ro. It Was post marked (,'lin.Hanno-a niai when unwrap ped a'eonmiun he-'N ,> nmioii Pox whir .sliding eo\er w:!-, I'..; to tho lid and slidinj.: v.ii ii it; was a phaii of ^nmlpaper liuueath wldcli was a match heati. Around the match fitcm was found ! a short fuse ending ill a cap, which was i sot in a qunnlh/y of dynamite .suJUelenl, ; to have blown a lmu-o n> piee"H. yoitunately ManpioMo did not.slide tho ! Hd off but pried the l.oit oiu ph-eu nil' with 1 his knife. The post Milieu inspector:-; aro I working on the caM'. . w State of 'I'm li- in t tn1 I'ill led. Si a ( ch. 1 New York, April .'.'i'. IJivuh-troot's kivs' The volume of pencra! trado had main- ; tuiuod tho ivrevioiiv v.-oi'U's proportions mid at some pidut. -hows nott.-worthy Increases a-, r.nnjar. d willi ilic total a year n^o, ( h-tior il i '-;rile eondit ions in the South an- no b'1!! < :, In sonjo respects lc^a '-at i-fa ['lory'. I: n' > nivemi-nt ill do- inand is tan cnipniiH (, a! any points. In Texas hi;.di wiisd- : ml lark r.f /.'rain hurt crop pm^pi'ol:;. lA|inrts of ^v]loat fnil11, both i.-n.-i-t-i of I he I 'nited Statt.'s tliis word;. Hour iiielmi-d a-- viheai; amount to :i.l".'),"'i i Inn kid-', a .'/):!!,I'd)!) hush- ids' last we.-l:. 15: i id: [ i-'i n.'is amount, for IT oilier. In t'.dP.o-. \'h\\) during tjie ' jji'i'vious : i:: d:iy-, ;i <I>i n-a-.a as compared with the too;! for lln- pi-.-crdin;-? Week of -' :{,a per com. The.v r.i'e r.-pnrifd :J1'.I biisi- ii.:,:; failuro-; in tie- I ~ nit fd Stales this week. I.ast we>k lie- Kttil was :.'-.','i.. Sixty ItiiHim'fiS Hon-"1-, it^htrnycil by l'|i*t>, Ardmore, T.T., April ::'). The aiaiu port Ion of Ardnuav f.'.r >\x sd id bjordis nti l': id do : in-ot in al !i a Jul -mitli of Main street was de-hoyrd !>. lire Ve-terdayr Sixty bi^lness l.oiis. - v/ore entii-ely dc- s*froyed. The loss will I'j-'riT'raH' ?.*)(>,D()0. The Cnited State.; run ft and jail were also dost royed. ...The hr:u ^\^ !s so inien^o that il; vault ami -aiV in tho court house wen e;-,. i rd and tin* niiut n/cords jiartly' ,]( '1'be iJi.isi tide temple, was also luin.. :. l.iany famibos are camped out in t l,o :-i re.-t.-. A .Mr-. Ni-il was so hadly burm-d-ihal ?\\u cannni iveover. \'i'ail(lf.U'H r."o") lltiilmlnic-d. I 'nris.April/-1'. 'I'be I jsidy <f tho Ameri can, Wadiloll, -ivlm v;,t- .-.hut by his com panion O'lirh'ii. lia.i J)ei;ii omhalined in the .i,n-iT.iv of ha'.vyer Allain, rejiri'sent- iii.uthe Wnddell family, and has hecn j,!aei-d in ihe Ainerioan iditireli, pending the ooniph-fi'-n of tho arrangements to M-iid il ii A mo:-io;i. The oxa i ui i uit inns of Waddeir's inia!-.-- ha.-, revealed nothing likely lu -Thed !i;:'.ii on <.)'hrjeu's motive. 1 In- ti i in i- i " 1 i-.il Af.i'-i-ieji. New 'i'ori:, April \'o. A do-patch from New i'ori, i L I., to a njornin;^ paper Kays: The un nninrinuit was made hero that the I.-Vineout Wales will vi.^ii Amor- iea t hi-^ .summer. A pi'i nil iiu-nt sueiety man |ms received a loiter from Kupland annouiudli^ thai le- \d 11 . ai ln,d the eup i mil-- and spend several weeks at New port. i j E^u (liua 1' oril 'it Ciirtn, | Toronto, April :.M. Tho dideetivcH are i busily eii;_';i'jed in ;ir]Mi!i"'in^ the Crown ! i-Videiwe in tlie enso ul' ( '!:i ra Ford, charged I wltli the m urder of l-'nink Wostwood. They will Mibpneiin sinne r-i.My witnesHCH. A number of new features have been de- volopi'd and it is e\pi <'!ed tliat the v:\fiO will coniuieiiee a( lie; arizes during the llrst week of no.M, month. II. Ik Osier, Q. V., will proM'cuio. J nc un i' '1':i v 111cc1111 h. : W.'i.-.hin-.rloji, April o. I 'nnimisshmer , nt the internal lu-vimi! Ihireau, -,(. ij,,ti j'roin iillieial reiui'tis received arni lr-mi seitd-ollicial o^.liinale- ho iilaced l he ai-vrovrato lo he oblai la d from t he in- eonie Tax at ?ll,UK},non. When the em- reeled fot ui'ii- are al I in o mi l he ] i-onli le.s imposed eo! lee ted tin- anion nl will ho increased to nearly tiri.iuji'oM). I..\.oi.rii t eil tlm (i. T. K. I'linplnv ! , hranf.'ord. April :.'(). Tin- impie.i bidd to inquiro into the caiisf; of ihe oe.iih of ! Tho-.. MoAduui^, who \vn-. kil .1 husL i Saturday wlnin crossing I h.! l.iran.. Trauk, | was cone]uded last mjdji. The jury ii-,- i turneil a verdict of accidental denlh.'ex- onoral.in^ the Grand Tmnk employe:1 from all blame. .- Cluirir^il Wltli I'i:nul. I J[amiHoa, April 10. arrested by Detooilve Hoid on a war rant issued in London alinut nine mom hs a^o, (dmr^in.^ liaine .wit h (jhtaiuin'4 >,->>'* jmder . false preienees. Tbo prlHirer is a com mercial, traveler ami sods she.My ^;(rds in iho eniintry. It hi ill cnntloc! i. Mi v. o h the Mill1 of ,-Tuuds t'O a (i. T. Jl. oormueiKi- umi other por.-(ns that the ehar^v, was laid. A hoiidon ollicrr arrived here ami took b'aine back for I rial. I'tninil' I>r;nl ill a Icili-r Col-tier, broekvilhi. April ID. The body uf Miss hilllan Sb'jtlienson, of Jvr.iiikville. who left homo about, four -o'cb-cl: Tues lay, was found ateij;iii, uVduok \e-.ierday Slie w.as found dead iii n ......,,er ot a feueo about one hundred and Jll": : vards from ihe .M.. K, Churoli. \,, niark^'of violence or foul play couhl be fmuid. ^\u^ was in ' 'lnv .-.looking feet, w'nh mi uiiaw-k-irt fast- ' cni-d anaind her head and throat, lku' a;:o was 18. -- __ ...- I A Ibvde !:irl, tliU'e yei.iv. old, uaii.'jhter- of ,.\. Can- 1 '.in, i ; e.'i-i-t i e (.:.. T. ii. hero,. Toil w, I ta'e{*i'on:.v; il'ia.i II. ihil'd iitoi'ey Nv'ihuo-.v ' uf n hou-e. receiving curious injury, hut will r;-^'. i.blr recover. " . ' ' ..,1 THE POl'EltilElllflillKS rnndcmnn Citlholie.H Who Atiend !) (' teMhmt; HdionlN in MiiuiLolia. * TO HAVE THEIR OWN SCHOOLS 'I'lUi tMlllVl'll Will Nut KlUM'UoM vJlulUtMU SclmoU --\nthlnt; Svvf In Hut I.titt'O" I ion i I: nine, Salil A i-<:lil>lnlio|i I.nnu'"Vln Ulinii -\Hlmil. ' ' - | London, April 10. Tho Morning VohI, 1-a Informed from IJninn that the Pope, through the eon;rre;/al Ion of the prhpa- ^auda, bus addre.-.sed a leiiei* lo tho Can adian bishops condomuin<;' all * 'nt holies who attend tbo I'roi u-liint or iion-seclar- iau sediools of .Ma nitoha. WinnipeLr, April P). Arelibir-diop I.an- ; jrevin was u^kod yc<.ierday if ho had re ceived from lioiao a lei ier to I he ('ana(Man b^hops condomni in.r at tendance at, I'rot- i eslant or neutral sehonls by the Catholics I of Manitoba, lib; I b-aeu an.-.wored that, a I coininunii'uiinn had been sent hy Cardinal hi'dochowski to |hn ('atiadhui b.b.liops ciiiuniendin;; them for I lndr action on the unit ter of their Oil liolie t.ehools. lb1 ai til ed : " Hut. this is iitiihin'.' bev,*. The eluireh v. il 1 not siinei ion ( h.dlc s -m Iieols. We V.irllt I 'at bid if .' . 1 n a word, den< ani i.;i; i.oial a re What; We M'l'k, b'e! i;rie;i ; .d ,-r'ieui i i!e L-duea t ioji iiimsi, ;'o hand i;; i;a r = e 1. We wn.nl CadiMli'r M'In',1 , P .; . and h l l h" I'rnle .tauis havo I.'r ,m ;;: 111 sclionlr-. There is nothinjc no v.* in the let t i-r from I lonio." THREE FKI^MTlM INJURUa A ICie; lilt: In J ' Il thiiti 11< li nt On iini--, ( <hi- sidecalile I ):im aL'f. Pliiladelphia, i'a,, At one o'elnek' mis inorninj-C lire bnd>e oill ill \\ il:-,i.n'-; eineh- . ir bakery on Front ;.nvet abo, e b'oeoand ill a .short time spread to Ib'euh pp'd'-. :-na] laetory and Siniwd.Mi's el;,iii" laeioj-y. All t l.i-ee bnildin:;-; \\'oi'e de.-,t roved a ink tlioi'i.1' Vi'fi-5 (iali^'ee of the lire > ] ire;idin;f lo surrounding proper:;. Ai :.',:;: i a, in. the Pro was i-1ill bi.riiii . ti.-i'i i 1 >. Ii has spread .-out h to "Jl,-: N .: : :i Front .stj-'-ei iind the entire bleep 1, uiuded I','.' I-'ront, Haiv, Vin'e a nd S1-1"!!!"! si re-el -i i-. 1 hreai - . ^ned Willi d<- trU'Aion. Thl'ei: hi em en' W--iv i nj lived by l'a!li a;; walls, hut how serin.; !y cannot, In; |n!d. Tbiry ha\'o heen taken lo liio ho. piial. [ iihliT ti* I > In 1'ikoi. \Vashin;.'.inii, ."-pril l.i. ' m rn- yidved iti \\'.i;.;:M;.^('M; ye.-lerday ii'oin .bdm W. F..-H;'. .id-,'. peace plei.ipoioni i:irie . a1.iiiouiie.', , Jin: he w ill aermi.n:! j.y hi I iam.-;- (-han;-: io 1'el; in. The i hiiie ,:\y v, ill ' arrive al .' 'ek::: ahoiu .,,!,i/ .,t \. i en V. h'tcir line.- ,: --1 '; lie e:;jrt r : : .a <-!" 11 t extended anni-'. :< '. nil May *) ti:e:e will ho a week ! , m e-e!:aii;;'- r;.-! :.. , It j., noi 'doLil... i i;.: . : U- I'iil ilied U led j,r..ii:pil V pi n\ . . :e I. . '-'ffl Statement of uWell ICnuwu litr.'l-A- " Nil i'lh"r liloiitl liiciheiito th::l I I,:;-, .t ever lj jeil, ;hm| I have 1 lied t !) (|l ,,'.,. Ihoronidi in its .n-tiea, i;inl i-in-et ; '^i:n'- penilillient cure.'; asAVcrV S.n i dfi "A. J >r. II. ! '. (1 - J 'i'l'iO *$ '>j.j ' J^Jx^?t'SS^"i'?ii3 A-clraittiKl at, 'tlio V/o:ldk; I^uir. m Make a better filling for Corsets than any other kr.ov/n material. "Fcathcrbonc" Corctits are tough er* and more clastic than any other make, rv; they are entirely _filled with, ciujlls (Fcatherhone). Tobo had at all Retail Dry fiooils Stores. T. GOUBXiAir & SONS,-ESSEX, ONTv ^ -- finl <.' < B --mi 'V^-':1JJ;:^J-:-^^vr^^ '^r-.-Wi "4t e'a ** ffl W H\-ffwV rV : - M ."Vpi\,ir-i11.^A flyer*;* .l*U?n/ny1li'i r u in! ttftttuiltt. I l.Hi/ tlfi'ii-f'r. I.eini 1 \ , I'hllpei'or I'VW.Y-'. ,.Io.-. /!Ven 10,11111 Ihudns lo the -olbaei'.- in l.aibaeh. The roihvay caiipfiuy has pro\ idi d h'jij oars and the war idhee lias, :>e!it all the avail able lonis. beyond thi>, howovor, Utile has been done to relievo ihe dist iv-,s of the 011,(11)1.1 lioinele.ss persons in i he I.aihnch disiricf. AliiluCioil li.v a IluIf-ISi-oed. (ireoii^lcir;', l'n, April IP. Mr.-. Julia Ilulli;-., wife nf a miner at Hunker, and her three children, wnro abdueted by a halfdireed J ndian, named doe Jiup.-nii, who has been hdierin;,r in the vieinhy of the llollis hoiin: a few day-., Woman SuU'i ;ce;i> Mill Dbpnseil nj. Salt haho, April I'd- \Yoinn u Sut'iTago was linally disposed of in iIn; cuii.>i iiu- tional coiiveni ion ye.-lerday. , A motion to reconsider the chime adopting [\, Wlig killed by a decisive majority, almost the entire vote in favor uf reeoixidor.-it inn coming from tho anti-Mormon members. Awurdrfl Mtolaln for Mi a very- London, April-H). A eonimitiee pn-- Ki-nte.d medals at; hloyds >'o^ierelay to (Captain JJarends, of the Ilaiu!air:^,\ mer- iean steamship Nermania a ud siweral others who- took pfirt in the riv-cun of ihe hhip Arnos erew in nihl-oconnJiisMuouib. ^I'llllti]; AM-icH'latinn Mulii-Min A ^si^imti-nl. (irand !',i.;-!:s NM'., April I!t Tho North Dakota Milling A.-.-oeiaiioti nnido ati as.siL'ineiiill yeslerdny aftortionn. Tho nssois of t he j i --i.chit ion aim unit to .v~t>n,ii"0 and liidiilii:- -- tos|H0,inJU. Thea.^oclailitu owns ilevni mills. Mi*. itnf.;ruH I'muid <;uil|y. In tho (.'rhninal court yeMerday Mr. flnlippi- (Jin^ras, ihe woll-Unown coal inorchaut, of this city, was found guilty of m torin^: a furta'd pro missory note. Seiili nee wilf be delivered later. A I'.rltiili llin-lt tilvi-ii up for l.nut, lliiinliiir;.'. AprVI Pt TIVo Uriti>li bark Ironeraj^i wluoh mailed from ibinta Ecua dor on October ' { for this port, has heen kdyen up as loM. Sim carried- a -eivw of eighteen. Tlie liiijmrt. In :i ('iinartl Demilson, Texas, April p.t. The sensa- tiiinal report r.ont mil, of a battle in the Chickasaw Nation between (iovernor Moseley and factions isHi canard. UNITF.D STATi. ^ Liitl^FS- j Hrr. Iir'linoiit ;inii '-;i-, \Y. K. nut to Slurry j liihile.; I,.i\, ; ;t ! ' lliilnt'rcil. The New York Ilerdd ,;iy, It is In v. ! position lo denv. mi the aulhnritv of | Olivi* 11. I'. ]), 1 j urn 11 'r, family, tlie ru- ! mors current t hat Vir-. \V. 1\. Yandorbllt : and Mr. Uelmuin, were lo be quietly mar- i rlod ;il rnjnl. | '..J ud./o \'aiiee, of i'oi-t Huron, has been . informed by the Canaidan ollioials that' the.' will en operate with tlie Michigan ollioials in en t'.a-ei n^r the law 'relative to fishing in St. Clair river with in-' .. At Dec.tiiir, HI., the ot her day '.V.iliJaia ' Cramer i-hoi ids. divorced wile, ;.'* .' I^ul- lnii lio^ardus fatally, and then ;bv<l 0110 ' shot into lbs own heart and. died alni'.-a j im.lanlly, He had Iren a Wab.i -h liin ! man. Of Iain lie had been drinhbi.^ and i lliroaieniri;< to kill his former wife for i marrying u^'ain. | 'J'he. l.'eiinsylvania Kailroad Company ' has sued the eity of (.'hica,^ii_ ha' ih tv> i:i very of damages hi the de-l nn lion and j injury of its property durum' ihe sirila- i of hi.-1 July, 'I'lii! -'air tor ."hVdn; "1 he ' an: mil damages sustain -d by I ho hi.-;- ;: . ' Injur/ to property, and . d.:-.' , damages ihe bual deiuand hoin,- . h.'t.ojo. i A de.-;jii:lrli from XoWpni'l, li.i,, t i .1 1 Nov/ York paper, mivh: '1 he an io[hne- \ ment was made hero that t.:e b'.-.r.ee ' <( Wales would visit America I nis sun: an r, A prominent society man has reeei ,-,-d a ; will aiiemi the e.up races and 'spend sev- : oral weeks at -Newport. .">! r.-*, rui'iiel) is Yeryf.tjw, IJord'Mitown, X.,1., April 2. Thero is no niaierial ohani;e in the condiiion nf ' Mrs. Parnell ,-inor-Saturday, as she is still | unablo to convolve intidll^elil ly, Owinp; , to her advanced a^o, her cinidilioi,i is re garded as heiii^ erltical. What the physb- j eians fear the most is tlio Injury at the jba-'uofihu brain. Tliat her skull wns not fractured seems almiist a miracle, as the blow st ruck by tho villain was evi dently a terrible one. Them hs no clue to the perpel aitor of ihe dually assault. ; Mrs, 1'arnell parsed a good night and seemed brighter this morning, but as the i day advanced, she j^rcw weaker, and it Is ' doubtful whet her she will survive the 1 shock of . tin; _nssiiulb Nothing has yet developed to Uirow any lifjliu upon tho ease, although tl|n detectives aro si.ilLat work. Tho theory that, the crimo was committed by tramps hs not believed. Policemen I Fart maun, Pippett and . Michaelis surprised a cuuipof nino trampw yesterday afternoon on the outskirts of the eity and locked them up lu tho city jail, pundintf-.an examination. Tlio City of TorouLo, Owen Sound, April *J:J. Tho new steamer do-dp;ned and built, by Capt. John Simpson, tlio videran ship bunder of this place, for the North Shore Navi gation t'oiii]iiuiy, was launched on Satur day. Ah she sdid down the ways tho little | daughter of:M, Kennedy, mayor,' brolie I the traditional hottle of wlno and chris- ' toned her "City of Toronto." Tho si earner is a Him side-wheeler, 103 feet loiiK mid IIS fecti beam, over guard.s. Sho is lifted with all modern Improvements, , and is intended for tho Parry Sound | route. She will ho commanded by Capt. A. Cameron. D. McQiuulu will ho chief engineer. All the oihciiilH and a largo crowd of friends witnessed tho launch. i _ .___________________________________________________ _______________________ . ' Indian Supplies, 1 Ottawa, April !. Contracts for Indian ' supplies have been awarded hy tho Indian dopartinont Saturday as fellows; Bacon, C. Gallagher, Kdmnntnii; A. Macdotmld & Co., Winnipeg; Western Mining Com pany, liuftlna; T. l^m-rj- & Son, Hamil ton; A. Desbrisay, Wolseloy; Humphries ^ Son, CanniiiKLon Manor. Flour, Kelly , & Co., Brandon; O^ilvy Milliner Coin- ' puny, and Hudson hay Company, Winni peg; Joynur & Fdklnton, I^ort Qn'Ap- - pello; Moose Mountain Trading:Company,* ' Cal^'ton Manor; Arrow Milling Company, i Blrtlc. ". A \J I '*?'{ ^<i^^y^ i'i.v#r"^ ( rt \ . . . . THE TRIUMPH CORW SHELLER , . This Machine consi;-Ls of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought irou burrt, with steel li:etli bolted to Llio us IiuiL/jr so as Lo he rovorsiblo wlien tho tentli become worn'on the front side, ninniib; in a perfornied conc.avo iron shell, wliicli the s,hclliai corn paitset; through into a .sheet iron enae, Willi a Ian or (dernier atbielied holow, whieli lakes ail tho dust iVoiu tlio grain. Tho chonpost, be>i, most, simple and dm-ahle Power Corn Hholler in use; abulia corn porieettv" clem in any eondilir.n- -hidliii^ and clean in;.; from one to two thotisaiid.bushol.s of earn per day. accord hi j,' to power. . Dimensions.-Depth, 2 it, I in.; i-cn^Ui, 5 iXJJJjnjJ.>itlh.>y, loin, diam eter, 11 in. l'iiee; Motion, ot)0 to 81)0 revolution.? per minute; Wciybt, 5ii0 lbff# EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J, COURLAY & SOWS- ........,...................wumnmjTOW,(,mwin.rniiiroiw-r<'-"-: "v"^^-i75! LATER EXCESSES IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN .r ..in. a ue.,r ., r a k .) lj!r> .= t Tl.ere. , tit ., ilvv..-m.HMMi..:....u..iHLhUi..m.....",ir- -..,. r,-. -! .w.M,: , d> . -.nrlim.oi.. tl.o uolp. i^iiie ti-aoc-aiid the pr"h.:^;or'.s irj-i:ek.,e,.r,.ie::i!.1.., v. ()di-rn rnneh mat,-. ,ocy int laid w. i.o In.....a . ...M = t t. -. i. - < ^ S^v.clii.v'.iv.ar.indinallht..ithmnif.': Thu fii.-M,: tl.o oihe . th . -.orlimaos tho pulpit.^ RZ5TORSD TO MANHOOD BY DRS. X. c K. & iiUS.'.IHAd.rbknV, CilAS. L-bUUT.^ , i ^V..;. A. V/AVAGJi. Wsr. A, WALKt:ib [Ijtt 3* r ^i'-:7'!a-i:,i,KiiAa,jn!i:T % fixn i AnXUTHl!ATM;;NT I .1 %0' -^V--, d f^/ 'Vl"-^t V.i ,v '^K Divorced hut nnitwl ?.-.*:dri. i$ H- ft. NO NAMES on-TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT -WTTCM CCNCCKT.' On-TESTIMONIALS UsSEO WITHOUT -WTTCM CCNCCKT." :. \\ y7 -----------1 Win. A. Walk-end" If.th \3Xv.^ -iW3:--"i; a'/'" . -h'e-.^"^ QVPHB3 IQ iaitddayi,iii,.Hriiriay "-. / hh--. ' I M-^r.".- - \.^\-A:-^ OVrniUO ynum-ri.udhnior.iml. .WOiioofthiiiJ.)!:' ' -.ocl-h .r^v} PriWIUQQinMQ hyphilirtiind oilier P.-ivaioMiM-aK-ii. I b:: ..-...- - : 'Una LIVl!l00BUI\0 mouth and Uir.Hil.hoa'; pra!;:y hair lo-,-, ;...',;;i.s oii-J STRICTURE CURED fucu, Jiia-TT nails eutiiiKjlV, ninli^lou;), becimin U:Ul nii(Jig denponilent- Seven d'Mur* fronted mo-with .'.n.srcury,1*0 Potash, etc. They holind mu hat. ceidd not ee,-t mo. FiiimllviifriLTKlimlntMJtl iiHtoti-y l)ir.Keiiiieay<.v. !>oraun. 77' ^ Lilian T iHtiLllUMi\Oi-v* mi'i'i ^i .....------------ -v -. S^ar^-v MTia"rmitiucntcnre(linoia a few weeks. Their J^U"":111' r^e.';' ;-r nt. g^oiif-.elyoa.-Hoife'uninKOVorydiii-. I huvoneVL-r heard ot their Oalu.u'tocav.uu... inUeg ,,<L "' Ki/"CURES GUARANTEED OH MONEY REFUNDED 'M ('iVpt.CiiiiB. ForrynnyB! r*r>-rr*[M *\\f K\t.]illeuraedahiulliEihit. At 21 I hud id ilw. H\ni|.tpmH aP/S^O U hSUo V Severe draiaaa; mid wnkoninw,,'"> VAH3'L',U"i>jbL.!u fjj, iua2\ under ndvico of my fmnily doctor, but it v.-iis n; rn/iBOr>t!1nkR0 i,'1!1 |a|Kide::|ierienc' I:nii|;hlot inontlm we were divoiee. . I fc.SV( 300tlOI\l O .i l5llit.nr(nHtiltiinrH.K.AK.,wlM.> ro,.torrd inn to "imnhiKii - - ^jioK-p. ^ S?hvthnir A'nv Methotl'Jrftituu:iit. Ifoltiiiuiw lit-i thrill thmul,-h ijiJrit.U M jHa'.v nervnn. Wo wero united iiRiiin unci aro huppy. this w:w .. -----------.------ .. ... .. IJ ""ix yearn |Wo. Dru.-K, & K. uro Boiontific iMieoiulwtM ami I heartily recommend Idiom.. J^ S &rlVe treat ami-cure. Varicac^Jwnioiis.AynwusDdmtW $ Usakucss, GLtU Stricture, Syphilid Unnatural Discaar^ heif AbiniW o Kidney an '......' o Kidney and JJladdc* Diseases. __ 7 YEARS IN DETROIT, UOO.OOO CURED. NO RISK laryiont.FREE: kDRS.KENNEDY & Mo. 148 SHELBY ST.^ 5 DETROIT, MICH. | Tittups Arrive In Il.iviitm. Havana, April 10. The steamer Oiudad do I'udiz, with WHi troojis on hoard ar rived here from Spain yesterday. ticritbmmn nnd Urnctrurt. London, April y*J. U'ho Globo in an article on ilm inaugural hanqnot of tho new Anu-riiyin soeleiy In London says: Tho Hoeioty in certain to ho a miocost; if Us moinborslnp Ik confined to those who FINAECE AND COIIECE Z^^^Zl^X body has a greater horror of tho bnuue- lnjr, hra^inw vulgarian Mian tho eultl- valed .Atuericaii (.vent ;oiuaii, but ti-avol in 1'iiii'ope is .spoiled i'nr him hy i,ho ui^Hrii'ih of a nohsy .crow,, who no inia:c roprehont America than does tho eheap tripper rep resent; Kn;:laud. 'TolloN'To, April 1!), l^'.Vi. At Kast HulTalo lio^s el used .^teiidy; nil sold. Sheep and lambs elo.-'od steady for jfuod linrdy hliippinir and butehers grades. Slow mu! weak for heavy export.--. Quite a number unsold. At New York" money un call was easy at Ihj to :-':-. Prime niereanti]ei puper pbj to a, liar silver ii7. ^d-.-rli mj r-xidianj^e oindt't*, . aeltml htthiness Sl.s--;1., to bj for hixty days and irl.NPbi for d<mi:iud. I'ost - oil raien :M.SU to $-l.'.bbj. Cmiun-idal liillft $l.H7:,'.f-to V-I.S8 '(lovofiimeni"..bonds linn. At Ohiea^'o wheat eoTftTniied iiirouK <>h. reports of (*rop ilfinwitfu and bca.vy export deniaiultho e.lo-,u hciiifj; above yclerdny. t:.,:--! ;.;ained ' ,'e in syi'nputby with wlieat, ami o'.bs were tuichati^ed. I.'rovislonn a iow-r. KHtlnia'.od- reeelpts: ^-lauit, lo ear.-.; eorit, "d umij- biitn,- 1HH eaVs; hoK, V1JX\) head; + H------------- - (.V V'lli'h* Mini"* iHci'iiii- Tux K, ttil-llH. \Yushin{:ton, April :::, 'reloi:r.i|)Iiio'i\u- vicos re.coivetl frmn the colleetor:; of the RoycrM internal revenue ilisirlcts Indicaut thafthe ayyro^do aniouiii of- income tax" Hhown by.dho returns which wtiro..JHed before Hid Kith lust., will bo about tfl t, ;Jr ,000.' T h . - h o s t.. j n d R m e n t of tlm Treasury oilicmbi le; 'tliat but for tlie adverse dee'udnn of the Supreme Court, tlm amount carried by the returns would liavo boon abowUniiviOitoM, whiuh, during- tho pendency of the Ineom.) lax bill, wan tlm (.v;tlnt:.i:v of Ihe doriirtiuoMt. 1 v I II ! King: of.fill Bicycles. Llglit WelRlit and Absolutely the Best. StiperJoi* flateflat Rigidity. EveryMa- HlgiiGsl Honors at tho World's .Columbian Exposition, Scud two.ccnt stomp lor our 3.**PS Cututosuo-A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, KaMll .gnlesrooin.'BBo Wubnsli Ava/ . Lake und HalstcJ Sts., CHICAGO, ILL., {"^.^^EKt^rt:^:^ llp/v V m EJ^SafS^^^^

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