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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 26, 1895, p. 5

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o.ftao&uiivi""--*" . ". iIy ."' "'-^ '.$ 1P1E J^SSSfcCX. r *.;: ir ^vr^-tisS OAK - HALL ..... Clothing Mfrs. WHERE YOU Get tlie Best for the Least Money. Bovh' Buifca from $3.50 up. Wo havo pur, into sLtiiik 100 nion'n units worth from 7.W) to $10. Wn aro clc:ir- mg.lhoao out at 5.95", Young imm'n ;uitn to fit, ap-o< iVom U> to 10. worth $5 mu! . to eleur at Sjjiii.r.O Wo havo alroatly ontablisliud Llio mum? of bom^ pionocrtt lor low pritu^i. \V .nuvuf \vor in a position to givr- to tho public uuch bargaiiiH an wo have on our'tiiblon at tho present time. Clothing wcurors wlio want to nave dollar will do woll to inapoct tho bargain" wo aro ott'oriiig. VVo liavo inaugurated Wcdnoaduy an bnvg'im .I);ty in connection with our biuiino^H. Nbx-t Wodmmday, $a,y 1 wc will offer bargains in men's miitn at half tho price tlnU other merohantM arc asking for hm inferior'quality ol clothing. . ' v.__ OAK HALL, [;) Sandwich .street, WiudHor, J. Moffat, M^r. Clothing Manufacturers, TT The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL - $1,000,000 Money to Lend on Mortgages Or productive yoal cutato. Fuvimmi wmitlnn to howowmonoyat boot raton, luiwa oxprncti uml no ilolay iihouM apply perRmmlly to Tho Chut- hum Loan and BavhWH Co., Chatham. S. F. GAItDNEll, Manner. <;J1AKGIM> WITH KfllltKZ. C.v- 2'rt'iiMiirrr Nor Hi i>InllloiiY ttl 'O'lllHirj lu l Im1 Art UNcrl, FRIDAY. AIHUL 2ti, IB95, ....."talk OFTHE TOWN] - ^m^' i Seod potntooH at Smith & Co. Millinery apprentice!!! wanted. Fotny- tho, AndeiTibu & Co, It it! Htatod that a marblo wurltrt will bo opotied in town next wook. Mossm. Tilloy A Hymul, of LoninintQn. will onou a laundry in town in ti few dtiyn. Job lot prints regular I'lata, for Heat EwjU-'d. Annrnterof improvmeiWand alter ation are bom# mudo ol tll Impunul Bank Biook. ~.........;' - _ Don't mini tho Ht. Pu-jI'h church choir, concert on May 3rd. It will be tlio event of tho season. A. Allen baa a carload f Heed poliitoea now opon at tho railway hon*. I'rioo OH cants a bushel, JChacx haa postponed hor Qul'Ou.h birth day celebration to July lnt, and will ^o to Windsor to ueo tlio Kilties." The High and public bohoolu woroopuued again on Monday, after tho Lnster vaontian_ with ttmohcra und pupilti all on duty. Two fiflnaral purpotio colin 3 and 1 years old for uulo or will tradofor cattle. Apply to Joh. Buruto, lot 18, con. H, Muidnt.0111.', Wall paper 20^roll May's Buznr. M. J. WigloA Co. are din tha \tut trade oi Easox. Ur. W. J. Slater will coll ft lar^u quantity of houaohold and offioo furuitui<j on Hat- Ut'day aftornoou at tho vaoaututoro in tht Dunataa Blouk. Tho acon'd of the surioa of football mat oboe of the Poninnular Loanua will bo played at Ebbox ut ' &:&() o'clock aharp, on Saturday aftornoou, between tho hemo fcoam and tho'team from Walkervillo. - A Harrow correopoudont aay: "Mr. ^immorrmtn Rot in aoouplo of car loads of lumber laat week. Ho ban a contract for thn erection of a Bumoaor cotta^o at Cedar Ctooa for Mr. DuCow, of Ehhox. It will be a boauty." ' Mr. Tliorne haa iu tin drug otoro a curi osity in what in commonly oallsd a "boof tongue oactus." Tho littln plant has a protruding ulioot or tonRn abont two fnat lout;,'from whioh aro auBpendfld a numbor of potaU in various stag* of blooM, Mr. Tborno aluo has u tiua oollootion of othor plauti and ihmbs. Tho mmlsera of tli ISihgx 1'iro Brigade have fitted up their nw reading and sitting tooiad in the Btouo building and oooupicd ihora for tho lirat time on Monday evuig, nearly all tho firemen huing pronoat in honor of tho occasion. The Brigade d. aire to thank th citixenH who no liborally awistcd them in buying furniture, eto. Tho "mock trial" hold in tho rending rooma of tho Mechainia'tf Iufltituto lust Fci. day night drow a orowdod Iioobo. A (jood deal of amusement wu.8 oauied by tho crow xarainationa of tho amateur lawyer*, and the looal liita mad during the 'examination of wltneRHea. Lawyor E. A. WUnier aoiod as jud^a, Bwrt Church ati court olork, Wul- tor Lun aH ahonff, (and ho oouaHionally fviiihtoniid the audiiinoo by hi atontorian touoa "uilonoo in the court",) .1, A. Short wax oounaol tov th plalutili Mi an Bunl- jok ua "Mian JoneB," and ,7. L, Stewart d- fondod Mr. Kviiftiioff.aa "Matuow Uu^Bi" a native of th Fiji Inlanda, Thoro waa a whole heat of witnuHKon. The olouing nd- : drees of the nolioitora were oruditablo to tho amateur lftwyom. Tholiut entcrtiiin. tbeut of tho in^tituto foi thin ho anon will bo . held thi Friday evoninfj, |a : jaeoi' all wool tweed nultn flfi.OO, boyii' mU 91 25 oaoh at Smiih'u. fe^e;.';:.... ' ,' fi^vC^'y^v^W'V^ ,-.." /-^feV"-: 'I'll.' Htaiiilnri! (las* :niil Oil (Jo., of 1".hH(.'X cotnV y h:ivi! Cf>iutilciH:(;il drilling opiMiilionn on honu; of tin- .;is li:ldn m.-ar Ki]l,liV"ii. >Jo-.VM])'iper nlot innclniii'-i are bcin,* trird in tin.: Hamilton street f;a'r*j; Tim iiiachini1 cnntiiinM uhuiidUi r.f.pEtp.'i-u, and an a cunt j Xfi Llitj ruimnt. audit an iipparutit iJ- iH dropptal iu a papnr cornea tint. I licii'iic^ of SS.'JHO w,)--' dinisovL-rcd in Un- Thu Amlicrhi.biir^ \oluott'tr cotn]>auy ' fii'idi of Hi'! tov/uidnp of Tilbury Xorili. Iuih dihhatidf d, and tliu pcoprt.y of tli- , Cl-'in^nt Al-iilloii.x uuu tn-aitiirrr for thn i- company (No. fi) tr.in-f' rrul to \Vail{rviil-. yt'-ir.-' and two month.,, bin ri!sii;ucd at il t POLITICS JN BRITAIN. Uumm-uH. in tho Vrcmlcr itiid'-thft Kx-rroml^r Contradicted. LORD R0SE6ERY IMPROVED. Hut Still TrotiblKll With Hlrrpt-.y^no..- Tulk if nd-, (JhuUtonn Airuii) TuUlit^ Hm ItohiK-Ntiw Ytn-k Tt'llm t-'r- r>M)>Olt(lullt'M (NtllllHHIllM oti tliu Hilnntion, D, I Hioklt'ituud v.ill hi! tho cuptain of tin) new company. Hi'porta i'rooi tlif4 puacli-ni'rnvin;'dintrit:tH of South Ki;.'.!'* ar to 111- = (d'l'.Ma that tho punch trot'H liavo hloml tho huvi.-ro v,iuicr wci'-IIh-T hi (.'.nofl ehap, uod tli'at thcrt: will he an abundant crop or j-ckjIh * thin yiir. jJgfJarpoU 10 cenhi a yai d. hie 'curtiiiu _ :'A) coiita per cm tain, poh ii'aiid triiuiuga 'J-'jc. extra ynluo at Hmith'H. Mr, A. Borry and family, who liavo lived in Bhhox for Hevoral yearn, havu rented a farm. noar Kinjjuvjlle ami iuoyr;d thnrunti. Mr. Borry will bo much inifiod in liaptiai. cbnroh circlcH, aa ho wihi a zuiiIo:ih worki-r in that church, and wan u!m> Miiperint^n dnt of thu Sunday i-clioo!. What C!in bo iiono by at-I<'iitivo and in- TnTTlfjpntrfruit culturu..in_Oiitano waH Inst fall ilhistrutod in llio c.iae iT an Oifnrd orohurdiHt, who obtaiutd 800 for iho ap- p.!ea grown on Htvon acn.^ of land. The HGcrtt of this extraordinary crop lay in pruning. muUdiin^ and aprtiving. Cnnmicncitig on Fri-lny of next wt:ok, May ;!rd, "11 town lUoron will bu closed at BiXnVl.udi, p.m., oil Tuesday andVridny evenings during thn Bumnioi4 inoidhfl. Tliia will K'vo *-" clorltfj, ab well aa tho ornployreo, a chanco to obtain a little need, ed rocroatioii from btihineflH worry. Detroit proplo are no thoroughly di^cn^t- ed witli Prince MicliRid'n colony of "Fijior Rollerb" that llioy arc; making arranijo- montn to yet. rid of tho wiiolo colony by trading tliotn orjino property in \Vindnor for thoir inttrent in DQtroit proporliua. Tliov propone to nia!ro liinftx comity a dumping ground for theni' puraHitt'H. Friday, May :trd, will bo Arbor Day in tho auhoola of Ontario. Thiu i-. in accord- auce with the statute Hutting apart tho firat Friday in May, iu eaoli yftr, t^r tha pur- pQHoa of troo pla^tiuK *tr. othtrwino decora., tiug nohoul grouuda of tho province. Tho day mi^ht, with pro/it, bo obMorvud by the property ownern generally, of Ontario. Oh, aren't they nioe; and ho cheap too, ih what tho ladioa aiLy"o'fMT^-.-Wtfclo-A .Cu!u. laco cartaina, Mr. Brown, thn ovanyolmt who ban bi-en holding uioetiutiH in tho rink, left Monday for Chicago and will not return. Tho nervier aro being continued in tho Baptist church by patdor Campbell, aafiuleil by Hovb. J. II. Boworby, o[ Chatham, Haun- dor, nf Lonmiugtou aud Viuing, of Wind- aor. Drand Huccoaw ih attending thoir effortw. Tho Inut of thin olubiiiR uciiuou'h aeriPH of "Popular Fnduy ICvuuiu^a" at tho Me chanics' Inutituto will ho hold thiu evening, April 2Gth. Tho euterts-inmeut will bo of the mm a! muaioal ayd litcrury nature, aud will uluo include a abort nddroBH by Mr. Thou. Kunh, who will tako for bin cubjuot "JTootprintH." lloevo Laird will occupy tho chair. Mr, J. A. Franoio opened out hm now utouk of foods in the atoro lately occupied by Mr. Vuuoe, cu Wednoaday last. Tho interior of tho store haa bcou givou it coat of paint and othurwiao doopratad and pro B'jnUi a moo appearanco. Mr. Franoin will kuep acompleto stock of general mcrchau- d ho. Hooxpoqtu a largo etoclc of ready i- ado clothing nuxt wook. Ghiof Wills, ef Windaor, lias warnod all dealers that no tobacco in any form wuat ho aold to boyn under i8, and tbat'infrao- tionu of tho law will moot tho full rigor of tho law. Tho oflloara of the force liavo or- ojojuj of la .-it yvar, and tliu tqijiaidiit float. ugi.' fuund u(t(;r , hia rcidgnation. .Mr. Miilloux sayn In; in fully prcpiirnd to chin L>. li.-th bin inni'tvinco, and huldsi thut a clornjid orrnr Una lictui mtolo. O.i thn othor hand tho council aro [n-r Him i*:it t linf. t h'-ro in a thoitago and S. M:i' fiiji* laid nn information charging oui Uotectivo Cam'|:v>u.-\veut om t) rtinney Point mid made tho arrtht, bringing tho aeou^frd to town. Air, Mailloux wan at once reloauiid on Ohi.000 bail, furninhud by himnulf aim fattier, ilo holongs to one of the olcico^ famihuH in thn t.own.-liip and w a furinor aud lumber mill man, and biti fnomlrf-wil h.npo that the nffair it the oiitcomo of an unfortuuiito niiataUo and that bo will hi. fully oxunoruled. S<:liooi K.eiorl8 I'^ollnwin^ \a tlio vc^ulta of tho lCaat>r E.Mimmatiomi fur Wnodaleo u^hool, t-ncli pupil in urcor of un-rit. 5th chihn AI. h. ltorke, lib clithH Win. AIIihnu, J Chriatio, Mills, C Allittop, C Woltz, I Wiglo, M lUo> fouudl>' aU l"^'1,1^11 ,,,M life- Ho iH writ" New York, April W. Tho Tribune hm* thn following Hpcohil from Uh London corroapendont mulor tho ditto of April IXi: Thoru uvo. two very obntlnato nimowi which It imiy ho well to contradict, nob bociniHo they nprlng from any \ury Im portant huurci!, but. hcioaiu.i: t hoy uro :>o porslHtimt. Both of thorn liiivn re-ap- ponrod thU wook In u form which Inmireii them a wide circulation. Tho Jlrst roln- toH in Lord Huhobory, whoso lllnoiir. in nj/aln hald to ho hhHouh and olironlc. Them In no "otluir foundation /or that atory than tho liiHonuila from whioh ho has Kutl'ored In (jrcatot* or Uikm dop/reo for many yarn pilnt. It wan aKtfmvnted by inlluonza, wlilch a|rrfavntc!H ovorythlnf.;. II U condition Iiiih, nt'.vortholoHH, Hteadlly linproyiul hi net) ho wont to- UurdanH, his ciiuntry phico noar OnTpstmi. If ho has any intuiitiun of r(.'.sinhiKi 1<* hi un- kiin.vii to Win friends. Tim hit est form of this I'timnr orccllls him with tho Inten tion oi. holding on through tho Hummer or i iil t Im end of Urn H'ssion nobody know's how hoom that may come and thou, alleging tllncHN us the cau^o, retir ing. Thu Fr i*I ii fjfs uro to hopulhid moan- tiimi in such a way that just i\n noon hh Mi\ CiladMtdiio nomlnatos Lord Hosebi'ry for hi^ suci'i's^nr, Jjtird Kosnbn'ry Is then to hand hack tho reins to Mr. (tladstonu, Thus du we reach tho second volume of thU inii't'i :<lln;< ronianco. Mr. (Jlad;.fonr, li' \nu lihis to beltovi' the romancer, Is piidngvtu ictiirn to public llfo. Tho tixiwi comritry Istriio. What I aald. lonp; liinci', whoa those lmafjlnatluiiH ilr.st tnolc shape, Is Mill accurate. Mr. Gladiitono has no inn'iiihm or desiro to como back hun puldic life. A. side issuo, llko tho Arint.'uia.n niroeit ies about which ho feelfl strongly, inigiit'induro him to return for a .speellh: jiiirpiiso, but not,- in a way to InvoHi' bin leadership of tho party. Ho has withdrawn his mind from politic**. You can hardly got him to talk about them. Few or nono of the current Isnuos really interest, him, Ilo doos not; want to loud an attack on tho IIouko of Lords, Ilo 'io(w,as everybody oIko kooh,fanatics ox- rep.ted, that- Too agitation against tho set oiitl i haiulmi* has collapsed. The theory nl'^Mr. (llaiht.nie'K (ilih primo mililslorship iiiipl ie.i. i hat lie Is to whip it up onro moro ho i.-j to toke ojlico fur that purpose. Well, the ohl iiiKo'scourn^e Is equal lu anything bin lie ha.i not yet taken leave of his In telligence "i" of his weariness in politics, lie ran si ill ouleuhitu probabilities. H*.i his own account! vt his whshus and purposes is very (IHVeronL from all this, lie has planned out literary and religious work to occupy him for porno yeara to cniiio. lie is at this moment on gaged on a new edition of "Hullers Analogy," ono of the half dozen bnolcs which ho always ini'TUhms a.i having Inlluonced him pre G. E. SMITH *Oo Still ft WITH B^-R-Oj^I^TS! We quote a few of our special cuts in colored Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Serges, Tweed effects, all of latest designs. ..... Regular 50c lino Cor 30c. 80 " 50 1 00 " G5 rcRu'ar 00c lino for 30c . 75. " 4 1 5 " 75 lug iiu less of iliis great, troatlso, and long excursuses. JI is edition will till two oiSave volumes. That Ih but ono of his projected works ono othor step toward ., . , <, f m Imiuovtaln'v- While ho was in Caunoa ho indolaaahr. O Christie, M Joj c;, M i W(W rmdlI1j, t^ liours daily, somewhat Smith, C Bmith, C Hillier M JJontietr, U to the disquiet of hl family.. Sinco his Hill, II UoHtewii. ' return ho has caused It to bo announced \V | In tho papers that ho can noither rCAfl rr answer letters but that docs not prevent cock, A. Sichooiey. iJrd cltibH B Keuyou, O Wi(*lut L aciioi.l oy, O Wilcox. A Loudon, In Black and Navy Bluca wo arc BhowinJjT**^ fine aflRortmont id oxtra low pricos. Sou our. double JJr'jss Goods 12\ c per yard. Job lot 'Prints regular l2Jc for 8c. To he in style you must gafc a i\tney Duck Drotm, We iui\o a fine assortment with Lace and other Trimmings to match. We have over-bought in clothing and mean to reduce at on'cc, if pricoH will help. Men'n all wool Tweed Suits S5, regular prico if 8 35oyB' 2-piecc suita $125. Men's suits made k>-.order, Scotch Tweedsf Ijplo.50. . In SIioch we carry only the best makoB, and at prices that sell them at Bight, Ladies' button boots worth ,$1.50 for $1; walking nhoes 75c; Gents' line laced or gaiter shoes 1.25 p'r, We are reducing prices in all shoes for balance of month. It will pay you to look at ours before purchasing Lace curtains 30c; curtain poles and fixtures 25c; carpets trom 10c yard up. 9 WHITT^Yr-B-kOGJ-W KSSEX-,. '2nd cluuH jr. P Wiloox, Schouly, M i'uinloy, '2nd Fart li Aluon, L Llillier, K Beuuett A Vu.u J^vory, II Chribtic, ItL-gohtr itttcnttunco 4^ (or March. I. M. IloiiKu, teucher. Saiidwicli Euat JBye-Eloctio*ii. The bye-ulo3tionn iu Sundwich Kant took place hint Monday to Gil tha 'vacancy iu tho deputy-roiiVuahip, cauuod by tho nuHeat iu>,' of Alex. HuutiiuQ. IMr. IWumo wan again up for election and wan opposed by Clement JtiuiaHO. him from carryIiik on an active corres pondence with his friends, Ho may or niny not be aware that the party ho onco led does not, want him bank as leader, or that tlio controlling .sections of ft do not, though they niij-ht bo willing to uso him to help win an election for with tho country hlu Is etlll a might}' name. THE HOVAS WHIPPED. V'clitlng In MiifliigiiHniir IVliIclt RcitiltAtl InSuonnflK f<r tho Pr^noli, Purlti, April 23. Tho Governor of Diego Siorez, Madaf-nscnr, has telegraphed tho Government that the .French troopn havo occupied tho Kortrosa of AinboiUvoblbo, The fi[jbti was ono of thomout Bpirited iu ' after n KplrUed attack. Tho Hovas runlat- ocl for a .short time, when they evacuated tho phice. A few of tho French woro wounded, hut nono were killed. >Ir. Wiilior Jn Trouble. WnshlTiBion, April 23. Nows hnn boon rocelvdd t > tho effect that tho French aiuhoriths In Madagascar havo put tho IS SELLING "Wagons, Buggies, AND ALL KINDS OF Farm Implements AT - tho huroEV of the townEihip. It wuu nar rowed down to a purely political battle, Mr- Iliiuumw beinj; biijiported Umoat entirely by tho Liburulu, and Mr. Jtiuitma by bin party, tho Ooiiaorviitivan. Iti^ii and ciinvaxborrf. ware employed tlio wiiolo day dmniug votera lo the pollu and ex-UnitodStatesCon.sul,Mi*.Wallor,aboard- a vury hti'tjo votu wiih thertimlt, the slauiuir and sent him undor guard to ,, . n i ,i i Franco. Me Ih undor Kentenco of twenty M-r. ItL-uiiino wiih roturucd by tho Iutlu , . , , , , , years Imprisonment on a charge of holng mujority of 100, aud bin friandu uro jubi u fipy ln lho inUircst of tho Hovas in Ahirt- laot. I agascnr, against whom tjie French havo ' boon waging war, which sentence was Imposed by a court martial at Tamatavo. Whilo thin action on tho part of tho French government will only add to tho amount of Indemnity It will ho called upon to pay, should Mr. Wnllcr'B friends nhow that tlio charge on which ho wasfiontoncod in baseless, It will still facilitate offorts of the dupartmont of Stato to fully do- volop tho facta ln tho caso, as it can now ,, , , _ commnnlcato directly with Unltod StJitea IheoouumlionowoompoBQd.of ono Tory. Ambassador KuotiH, Instead of hoing Thu voto htootl: It ami mo Jauimie Pull 1, Town Hall 81 1G " 2, Sohool IIouho 08 ' 1)2 " ,'t, Tucucnaoh fi2 . 71 * -i, Ilivur Front 80 41 RIGHT PRICES. Fence Wire, Nails, Paints and Oils, CHEAPER THAN EVER. W H, HiohardsoHf HARD WAUL. : ESSEX. CALL AT Wheat rod por baohol.,..S Wheat, whito .... Corn .... Oatn ... Timothy Sood r.-. Clovor Sood 11 _. Alsike #t" Hay por ton.........[\-Uoflf por owt , ,',',' Pork * lll|,IIM,|l Mutton i . <-. Hldea t*m, *<.... Ohiokono per 16,,^..^.,.. Buttor " ......,(-, Lard .......... Eckb, por doz.......... Potatoco, por buohol ., Oniono .... Applefl .... Taruips .... Carroto .... Beots .... Parfinips .... TurkoyH por lb.......... Duckn.......... (/elery por doz..........___ Cabbage .......... MRKETJ 70'ta 70 05 GO 30 ^ - ftfirt ti 75 to 5 7fl fi 50 5 00 iO 11 00 f- 00 to 5 fifl ft SO to fi 50 5 00 to GOO a oo in in B 1(9 8 (1(1 80 (10 40 10 GO 10 ft 8 1 00' fio to 75 to 60 to 8 tO 25 283 183 Majority for Uoanm.6, 100. and four (int. Thiu \u tho first time iu Bovontaon yoaru that the Lihoruh) had a majority. lu January laat tho roturna wore : Poll 1 " 2 ." a " i Ho an mo Mora rid 85 ' ia u 73 58 88 101 38 078 212 obliged to adopt, tho tedious course of act ing through nn inferior consular officer in Madagascar out of reach of cablo commu nication. Mr. Kufitls has boon Instructed to pursue tho matter to an ond and nmlco a thorough examination of all tho faots attondlntr tho punlKhment of this Amorl- can citizen. Mo will alfin jnalco a apodal examination into tho legality under treaty fitlpulatl'ons of tho trial of a citizen of' a friendly nation by court martial, lnstund of by tho regular civil tribunals, nH Ih oustomary and porlmps nhBolutoly eHHon- thil. Moreover, tho cjiho may involve tho rifzhfc of Franco to oxoi'oIkq jurlsdlotlon i.vor thu lntiirnal nffnlrH of Miuhigusivir, from which nhe appears to have buon ox- prufiHly oscluded by the treaty (jf 1885, which gave her ouly jurlKdictloaover tho' ay's Bazaar, FOR ALL KINDS OP Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac. Fancy Goods, Novelties, BookB and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up. To Smokers deo.1 with thorn. I'nr Ahead >(' Anvtliliiix 1 Have ICvor KJHOd. IVlr. John Ritzor, mt-rohant, Wutorloo, dara alao to bring in all minor* found umok. , ttayn: "I have uivon BtarU'ii Powduru:(for infi. Tluro ate wiuorn in Ewex using Heuflaohe, CoHtivouei?, DilioimuuHD. find foreignTeguhttlorifl'of MiuhiRascar tob'acoo, and tha offloom of tho law Bhoul'J Neorulciu) a,n extensive trial, and find them . London, April 22. A despatch to tho to riivo tho ^roatout ' aatiafaotiou iu my Tlnu-H frorn Vn\'\* w\ya it Is probable; that thorn. They aro far ahead of anything I___________________:___________ havo ovor usod, and 1 have trlod mftuy i T,l4, -,r iiiinnia nunHMl. remodififl/' Sold by nil drupji-latH , at 2fo l London, April 33, The Times says that abox 5boxoit$l. Nioe to take, itnroodl )tho. Prlnoo of Walos' ciiiter Urltannlii atoand pmaumt. A 5 i arrl-ed Saturday nl;>h. ia On won, Isle of Noxt yoB-r will bo tho lunt loup yow of bbo century, and nnothor win not ocour until lOOt. Tho your 1000 will not bo a leup yr. The unusual ocouronoo 1b due to the fact that tb addition of ono any to oh.fourth year moro than mitlicn up iljo preflamod dofloioey in tho attlnndar your, and uoiifequeutly thd oi 1 i ia aoustmitly losing timUf.ui a waloh ioaeuit. ____ ! Wljsbt, from thn N.odliorrmumii. In BpuiaiUneicolored df.4 tfoods, os-,h- I '"'O -f:^^^V * IlUmy.. rfi eneonn- 1 \. . ~ . . on*d liouvy weather, dunniz which sho menu,tiara- ami twBC.d effeota.at about: 1(iHt (l pi,v ,,m :0f. .hor., oi'P"or. Hlumthlhijc. half prloe, Bw thpm at Smith's. . 1 Hpc *"li! p " ^Mv luViOur ' ,, In b'T hnil U.i.jr | tho ^tip.n^Vl. ^KI) of hci*', To moot tho wiuhfG of thoir ountoraorn, The Geo. K. Tuokotfc & Bon CJo.. Ltd,, Hamilton, Ont , havo placed unon tho murUub VKlram XVul it or A Son^tfKnrket Ucvok-C No. 1 Rye, per bushel .... -IK 1 Corn .... 45 Outs .-.- ------ 26 Tho above prices aro paid by, n, Wallior Sous, Walkervillo, Ont. BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS, - Having built a now. ovou wo aro prepared to furaioli flrHtolaus I)r<bad and Cakqa Bukora' Btratig Flour. Goods delivered to all part a of the town. Spooial attontiou grvtm to all oraam. G-LVE USAOALL! Two doors oast i>ofcotflco. WOODSLEE A Combination'Pluc: of yi "T & B. SMOKING TOBACCO Thifl anppljofl a long folt want, giv*. int; tlio congumor ono 20 oonfc .plug, ova 10 coi t pioce.or a ft oont pioou of llio famous U'X' Sc Bf"' t>nxi& o*" pure Virginia Tobacco. , The tinlae'T & B" is on evJary piece. WILL NOT BK ONUKUSOLD. Tho beat o( Leather and firat-olaaa \V<ixk^ mimfibip. All baud work* IGvcry liaruea fold by m** mado in Wood, elee- My SI oak of Linht and Heavy librueii in now comploto, and a uplon- did uteok of all Horse Goodn, '. Repairing dt no promptly and ohenp. .. ,r. WRiQhte^siiiiiipHi\--,r'-->-..v v V South Woodslee; ; | . .,v'-,cg .'J^-'Ul',! ,.' f'"M,j 'V:^C,~/V.w-V:^

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