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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 19, 1895, p. 8

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l F: ,rv? THE bSShA b'KE|K t>lES r JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co.. BANKERS. Next to Aberdeen Hotel, Essex. Monuy to louu (in lfiLvm<vw* Notim; Notm bought orCollootod; Moiiny to Joan ou Mo *t (Julian Lt lowout ruton uhil bout turinn. DrafU lmnioil ptiyabhi at pur at nil principal Vol n In. Fire Insurance Agonts, otc. mm CABLE NEWS. Gen. Low's* Succor AtfahiHt Hi's.Ohit- ___]-iil THhe-mii'ii. THE ARMY DESERTS UM-fU-K-HA-N- RQXKKFONPENCE Miau'Lena Wallace in vioitiw^ friends in 'Ijondon. MiBHjJiu'tliiik npout a few dayn this week iti Detroit. Mm. Jimnio Wi^iit iipont Kaater with bar brother in Detroit, Mra. Ititclii tipont Kautnr with hor ecu, Humrf mul wjfu. in Detroit. Mian McLean, of London, i<j viniliiif! -MrH. (Rev,) (JiimpboII, of Ehbox, MUa Plow, of Windnor, spout KuMor with Minn Hort.hu Kobiiinon. Mr. TliOH. Alliuoii HpoU Kantor Sunday with friotida in South Wood-doe. Ceo, Walterit, of Wiudaor, upent 1-huter Huuday with hi>t panmtu hero. Mil. J. Stewart, of Dntrmt, Bpcut I-hTtttqr with Mr. and Mm. C. K. Nay lor. Miijit lterlte, ot Wooduleu, upont Saturday and Sunday with Mum Alum Naylor. Mr. and Mm. Itokort Rmallc-y, of Detroit, yimtod Eimox friondu on Laator Sunday, Mien Ted row, of Lpuii ii^lon, in a KUeht At tho reiiido'jco of Mi. and Mm. Church. Miua lJoiTownniii, of Amherntburi;, Bpcut- ijuuuay with tlio MiH-mu Stella and Delia Robinnon. Principal tw.d Mru. IlenderHou atid fuirn" ily Hpont J2ai,ter holuluyn with fnenda in KiDgsville. Alderman .1. A. Iio-io bun been confined tohin bod'partlir'thiHWuok with a Roooiid attack of grippe. Mvh. G. O. Young in vimUiip; inKiu^hvillo. ' Mr. 3%, Phiinmnr JHpcut Sunday with friondu in Kulgutown. IHmtiTiic'H *>( Opinion Annum; tl" Ifnhvit- IwU - Mr. Hill four SeverHy (Viiwured .II r, <iiilly l'in*ml t'lHin the Mimihii liy thn itlld- ll'llU. Mr". Doii.SihTmiu, of Detroit, and Mm. John Sibylf, of Cedar Springy, Mich., were viHitiu^ at J. A. Hone's thin week. Mr.'and MrH, David MeCauabuid and their bon Hubert, of Dutioit, hpont Ktigti r with Mr. and Slt.i. Kooert Htrachun, town MrH, J. Hi^hiy, who has nctu "viHitii (j frieuda in U^aex thu past fortnight, returrt- ud on Friday to la-r Iu me iu Putrolea. Mrs. K C Wullaou leiimied on Mondav evening fiom an - cxtmidfU v:tn with her daughter, Mr*. -V. Wiitm.-r, hniulot), and hor mother, .Urti. Mi-hiien, of 151. Cat ha- ntma Oapt. Ault'rrt, of AinhiTHtburj^, called on Mr. [J. ('. Bjumtn aiid inuiily on EitHti-r Monday, lit- waduu In.; way tojObWO^o, N. Y., to tal:rt ch'ir^tj of liin vuh^cI for tlu KjittciiMUM Oriiutud- At tlie MU" tiiiyi of th- Kfinih Eshcx D coiiHfi (JoiiH'iihiionerh h-dd hera on Wed JlCfldny, hceniits t- iiumlx:r of upphcai.!.-. U-r ihrot: month- only. Thih wo- Ijf -u:.-> i Mi I't'Lin regulations rh to [OMiti<ja-i>f h-u^ -ii.il us to kcopiujj ivinduw hiiniln i-'ii^ud. were not coiiiplud with. l-'ollovMn^; ih tlif Int ot lioeiiHuH ^nitilod : riO\VN <J1" KSSI-.X. 1101 1 1 s. Jj. ('.. I jiick, .'J inont ln<. Mr.4 .1 Til' IH^K'I IJ I'ldlilli". J. l'\ liurLiiti, -\ iidii' ha AMIIKIHI Ut'Ud. n'-it i.-. J. li. (iiKfLM, ;t lit.,1,1 \\-j, Kdv,anl l!(,\ i, Co W. II. M tin;,, v, <!o H. U. fhvf r, (Iu AU)-:rt Vi 11 all tJi.i > ( tr. AiHoiin, 1 iu iminl. :i o, ,t li , Kit Ilous-ic, (;.(( hll'i' i. W. J. Holt IWlJr^ iilji; \, (X]', Gi-o. T,i* lur, iln USAMlNli ION. 111)! 1 ] >4 W. n Hvnl, ;i in h n,. John (>Li'i, (1 < U. (I. \\is[i tttt, nit- \i itj-, A Ilnli in >n , -lo KINGSVIhLK. HU'Kl.i. D. J'lili ai. *ia m inih^. "W, runioiiitn, ;; m ji.ii).,, J. M. Si.- iduii, (i . J. Autiiii h-, if.'tti -j , (, HK in jntliH Mi:i; a:\. 'I ^ I 1A- . Henry D. in", Wi u i-1, y, (,|ju \,-Mr. Aza iVU'i'-it . VV tu ii |..v, mi.- \.\ iir. auHI'IKh!) ,S()[; i'u J. Htovvurt, Hut h "n, ,> it. Mm-, TILBUlt^ WK.r. n Ai'i.- -. \V. A. Maricle, ono y<n. lOrt.'iii'i. John Mihi-, thri'H month*. Jrin. (hi/, i, hr-'c inoij! h -. W. It, J?:/., i, lH-tjr find wiiM* '.-. luontlif, T.r.nmiv nou^ii. hiONi;.' iminc x Micha-'l 1 inn i nil- \-( hi- Jjt'VI K IH ill! i (l ', IMI \'< 111". J3(l, Jil'illii'MM. O'lo \e,:u1. *i lUuniY ciiumjiiii, Aloit. I'o^ti'i*, oiiii \t;nr. M.VLDKN.- Thootloro h u #i- in, omr.voiir. Patrrtik Bnidy; nun \ atr. ', - p - , , ' IjiuhIdii, April l.'i. <!t'no/iil Uiwvh' Inhi.'i! ^iici-i s.-Mi^uilist tho t'hltral tribc-i- ini'n, K'cin^, iin urdin;,' In I he Xt'W-, to lm\i! Knocked all heart mil, of his up-' jHHii'iilh. Tho ninrliino and mounltiln (pins al MnlaUand I'ii.^s tiill^'ht a lectin, tho forcn of wlih'h oven yotinp; hlonils ainoii|< tlio hillnien liavn^heen, conipi'lU'd to arUiKiwh'tlKo, niitl to-day wn liuar of "Ihiiru Khun hein/j virtually desert oil, while tho opposll ion to the niareh of thn iniiin army womK ini'ltliiK iiwny. f'olonel Kelly'ri brill Ian t fiat of crossing' the Sliuiular Pass Iwih niusi'd a diversion and tins' reh ;tM' of Dr. Jtoherlsnn, 1 ho tinincdl- alo nhjeet of 1 he ('ain])jil|<n, appcarn within arm's loiifrl h of iioi-oinpllshnirnt with the prospiiet, of Utile, or perlmpti no moro ilKhlliipr. 'L'hero now rNi's t ho (jurstlon, what hhall ho tho frontier policy of #ho Indian (Jovornrni'iit V hnnl HobertH propnM-s that Chitrul and thn ennntry between ll and tho rest of tin* 10mpirn ho retainetl not only to control tlio exit by the jmsmM of tho Hlridnu Kon.sh, hut lo prevent thn I'aUmn tribesmen from joining HiiMiln, should she ever descend by thn Chltrnl route. Mr. Neville Chamberlain, who Is taispft-ted rellecH thn opinion of tho In dian Government, deprecates that propo- sllIon. Iln avKons tbut such a "polluy would mrtin thustlrrinp; upof tho liveliest hornel'K iii'U on tho rrnntlor and tho financial strain upon India is enormous already; 17,iMi men tiro oiiKuyoil in this campaign alnno, lulonlsU IHflVr in Oplnlnn. U'rlfliiifs" dliferciiivs of opinion In tho ranks of tho 1 'niniiKts bave all'orded Hoino measiirt' of plausibility to the reiter ation by their opponenu of ilns statomenl that, tho alliance between the two great sections of tlnifc-pnTrj*-lN-woa.konlup;___Xho _ M'Wlsh at lit udi! of j bn I'lsier tenantry re- bpoethitf the fri^h hinri hill nndouhtciUy- compelled the KnionUt leader.^ to moder ate their opposition to the measure,at any rate until the fnmmitton sta^e has been reached. If they insist upon maintaining \vhat-M-i'r-<-'hambei'lni n callH their unrea- sonabh: donwindK, they may 16.*-o all by grasping at too much. Mr. T. \V. Hus- sell, who is fonnuhitlug uiiuMidinents oovi'i'lng tho Ulster demands, Is hini-elf dispOM'il to go furl her than tho Unii ni:-ts. Alhi'-ion has already been made to the diatribes o7 Thu ^innilanf against Mr, Chamberlain I'm- having elan tied tho Leamington .seat for a Liberal I niuniM. An novum us al taek.s all rlbuied io Con- si'i*vali\o inspiration ha\e appoared in other quarters, harping upon the aggros- sivi'iii'.ss <if the Liberal I'nionist loader. Tho chief party organ also censured Mr. Balfour unsparingly for aihising t,ho Lcaininglon Cnn^enatives to wltlidraw their candidate from-the field. Tho.se in dications of the revolt in tho Unionist camp ha\e lieen seized \ijion anil niagni- iied by enemie-, into a ~nerious rupture, hut all tills is mere fudge. Xo doulii some iiH-asurn of irrlt.-ii hm exists among ' the Con .ervatiu'M at Leamington, but L ; is unlikely that it will bo pressed to the ox lent 'f surrendering a safe Unionist t,eat lo tho flr.-it radli'.il carpet-ljaggor who come.s along, Titi' s-peaKer I ori'inl V pun ihn II mist'. The proeet dings <,{ the Iloihse of C'om- nums connected \\ nh ihe .u'iieakerS elec tion are eharai'teri/.ed as a display of parii/.iu b eliug, if not withoui j ns-edent, yet eei't.iinly not --liown tor ;i \ t ry long ' period. (trdiiiiirily tin: iin-no < ieei ' thi-irown pi-i'-uletit without ' j.rty Ida. and wjihotit inini-derhd prciNsiuv. On the pre-eni u'-iusioji ufiiJ.i-ii. t lie inlnlsLry nor the opposll ion --I'b'eled ihe '"Spe.il.er. Oil the coin r.iry, he has been forced upon the Iloiw by l noisy, Ihoiigh ininnic group ol i.'ailieal i:>i;ilcontenis, headed by Mr. I.aboiii'hei-e 'Tin- man best 111 led for the po.-H ion was unq uestionably Mr. Couriney, but the cabal against aim on the part of .some Con-ervnt ive.s who ro- .seuied bis ult ra-i iiih'pcnilencij n-> a Lib eral I'nionist wivcLed his piospects, Then the Cot;-er\.i;hes detiiiuii,, ([ to lion 11 note Sir "i^ail liew "While-L hili _. , Sjr William Iliircoiiri and many Libi-rals would ha\e acquieseed in this decision had not HaiUcil ili.sseni ient.s eoni]jelled the ministry to propose their own landi- daie, even at the risk of bi-in^iu^; about a euiiles t upon purely parly lines. SI v. Cully, ih" tloveriiineni nominee, ivns jjru- liosi il by Mr. Wliiibrrad, who is ono of tin; fa(her- of tin- House and who bim-i-lf once refused the Soi .iKei-sb ip lie has lonur held tho leputaliou of hi ing one of the nio.st level-lu-aded members, Inn. he eoniin M ' d ihe ext r.iordinary indl.seret ion of ijiin dueing an unneee.s.sarily provoca tive element into the contest, by accusing L]h. ,.ppo mon of wishing to confine Ihe M'li-diuii ol ti .spi-iikiT to tin- lauded iiir- tei-e-is. lie might ha\e remeniliered thai. lnd-,1 of I he speakers who h.l m* been helei'- leil duriii'; the la-u s'r\.y years lia\e been Liberals, and hnw belonged to the landed 1 in en sis. Mr. Cully's chances were nenny killed by the em rent shot, thai, nllliumdi u member <u parliament of ten ye.u's sianUing, he had not b.-cii ten niin- ules in ibe i lumber. * m Matt be\v Whito- Hidh-y, nn li;e oiher hand, has hail a quarter eenl nry'.-> experience, has re- p* al- i'ly iiered a-i Cli.nrman of I 'ommii - and Cotnnn-' ('in , t1 nil admit ledly i)f jialdmnieiiiary (letcbi imperially tlio JUiUleulH mo muen, tliats'lgbt hi being lo^jt of jiioni prosuln mat lev which may ho extremely loiporl anl. ft b. very likely that, the Govern ment will be herileiroifihV urinal read ing of Its Liirul Opium bill, ulihJt^Ur William llai'court hi pressing -forwuKl,. to an early vote. It In quiln on the mrilli Hint this may happen and it general eleo- iiumiig on tho connl ry within tlio next few wee leu. ~ illr, Sm tu'l inuii'n ltithi)t;naTlun. Sweet man's reidgnallon from I hoXallon- Ihi piirly and from parliament |u-cel]>l- leies ii curiously mixed llghl In Ire-hind id u very awkward time, lie is himself n \\ i-all by egni 1st, v> hoso us.sncIaLioiiH-i n London am all whlggish and who chaffed publicly all along at Ids failure to be taken at his nun \alnation iindite tho Irbdi j arty, lie knows his own conMil- ueray, Wieklow. so si igh I ly 11 if i t lie Imag iiail the local I'imirlMtos would leap at 'he chance of adopt Ing n ml returning him 11 uiiuphanlly. This' they refuse to do, .mil ii M-cnis impns-dblo in any case that b- may bn re-oleef"d, The chance-, at. presold, favor the Tory i-andhlnte in the i line cornered t ussle, but, the whole Ml nation Is so mixed that no prediction Is really safe. I -.ImIiIIhIiIiil: Mit<* I'minlinm. The Kreach Government have taken nil I m port ant snip In tin* direct [<m of est a b- 11-1.ing state pensions for tho ngeil. Their ciedli of .ts.0,000 yearly lo heneflt suide- i ies is intended for workitigmen who must haw .siilmcrihed to Ktich son it ies for ten years in order to bn entitled to tho maxim inn allowance of one franc per dn. The Socialist deputies de-ired that Mate help be given to all worl;iiurnii'ii, not merely lo t hose who bad siihsvnhed to friendly soiietie.s; but 1 hey did not per sist In their demand. The gou-rnihent- te-sLl.'tuee assumes the shape of a grant, accoiiling to tlio merits' of the reeipeiits in --avi'g money, not acrording to their needs, S]ieu1{er IVel'n I,ant A pptiiirntictn. Speaker I'eel made his hist uppearatiee us such in the House of Lords to hear the Ib>ynl assent given to certain bills and in accordance wiih immemorial pnu t ice, t ere ought lo have been a large gaiher- ing ol jiecrs as a mark of" respect for the rel iring Lresiih-nl of the Lower House; but to the great disgust of thnoonimoners i re were not a half do/.en of lords prcs- > :u Im hiding the (Jueen's coinlmssloners '.'.ho were buiiiK.l to If tlier*1, Tho slight Mas probably unintentional, hut it is felt none the less deeply and a large number '(-i-M-onLei\,diavii given notice of their in- t i-'i I i tn t o support a resolut ion of prut est, I C * lorm of iin address lo the Crown, ".'laying Her Majesty to direct that the i reel ice of nun limning this House t.o n end in the House oil Lords for l he ptir- I o e of hearing tho declaration of Hoyal : ism'tit to bills passed by bulh Douses 1 e dl-coui limed and that tjio Hoyal assent, to ' ills he in fni ure declared lo the House i:; C' lri.ions In l ho Com mot is Chii inlinr, " I'he new speaker will have to aiiend tlio lb.iet hi l.onl-, to bear the (Queen's ap- 1 1-H...1 i-f In- election and in the opinion' il r'c C o.-aH, that will have to he done away Willi. aUo seeing that ii N one of 1 be n nine roil s; survivals of i he ancient ji need ure i|esi;med to dimionstralo the iuit riorit v of tie Lower lltms. ^31 ZX^'4-1 ^E3- riciPs* -6( W. 3t. Ward. A LIFE SAVED BY TAXINCr m CHERRY PECTORAL "Bnvcnil years nr;o, 1 c:iiii>ht a Hi'ven-eold. alleudeil with a terrlhlu cuugli that allowed run no lest, either day or nhjht. The <lne- tori pronmmcaa! jnynasohopeleH'i, A friend, lemming of my trouble, sent me a bottle of Aver'ii Cherry IN'fitoral. Ily tins time I had used the whole hottlo, I was completely eiireil, .'iiid I believo It unveil my life." W, II. WAiti), b Qntniliy Ave., Lowell, M.'ifii, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral HlR-henl, Awardn at World'n Fair. Ayvr'a ViUa tho JJcnt Family J'hyaio. A TALK TOLD THE /CHESTED FOn PERJURY. 1.1 Tin- A hi i-Sjilotm ('in r v iu Clileairo to lie I t'M'il on inn'cr-t'ii I < loo [;! -., Chicago April l,"i, Municip d politt -, in !v. ei-'M-ee a Hark rem'bed an e.^'i; ing diihiA in the arre.st oi eight iv-blonis ot il," I I in i oil i !iai';:es \>l' \,\ iber\ , J )erj u ry, ill oi ilerly com hi i 1 and c.u r\ nig ujuiceah-d we q.'t'r . The fol l< iw mil,' \M',v ;i ri'ested : | I; \- Ceurge Muoi-e, p.-etorol the Hnpti-,1 ni-i h ; Aiiorney .lohn C. Ha i ley, Ale:*. It i liinoinl, Win. C. Thompson, l'crc,, n. Cen. JHllcr, Augll-t (iultsciialk .nit Win. A. lieiineti. The w ai-raui.- werc sworn on I by Fred Lephin, a *-,iloun keep-r, Uallou and Lev. Mr Moon- were u'ti .sled while leading a prayer meeting In the church. All were tnh< n hi line .Jusi i< e Cniiiungliani at Mfiuiit tireciiwood \vlio adniiued ilieui to bail. ' The i rouble grew mil of t be pri m i ,'i. s j held some lime ago when the two panic- ] in ill*' \illagti CiUne lo blows. The i-slle. i in the vilhu'e is I he .-aloon quest imi. t )ne i I aft>,headed by_bephin wants th- i.aloon ' to n-ina'in. "The' oii-TCTi1"" | ai-'h" r.l1 \rhich lho-e iirresied arc leaders, is .slri\iug to1 iijiilin the village "dry." Must of tlm-e I arre-ted are in weoincrs in the \ilhige. | Saoonkeepor Lephin claims suine of r 11< ni j liimr there for tho express purpose of j casting their votes to ItolpdeiVnl the pre | tint board of trustees at the e.h-ciion which will bu held to-morrow. Violent <licirth.li! siclU. Home, April ! -e-.i -.1 d]>,:riei , ol Sicily were shaken se\ ereiv by eari hqu.i ki - ' yesterday. The -hock, were inosi viuh at | in ihe jjrovlnce of Syracuse. In Mon- ! lerosso Alnio tlie facade of a church and several houses were laid in ruins aid many other buildim-rs were damaged. The dr.igiion legimi'iit in the harra* Us was alarmed afler t he first shot.k and wu-. marched out in haste, as tht w.-!ls v,i n cracked and were expected to fall. The people i<\' the lown aru badly frighleiieil and n fuse lo sia\ indoor-;, Xo tliatb has been reported. Jul- i -,-lS U klio^ leil procedure to which Mr. Cully does ma i \en pn-U'iid. A o. ti.-i-.il I'.Icrt urn l.ilo-1 v to TuJui I'laec. Mil.oil' Ii I be p:i|-li'imenlJir> ivi-i'^ e.\- temis lo vpril '.'.', fbai;n joli'tlcal e:.ciii). incut wiil reign a llttln earlier o\cr the two bye-cleeiloiis inO.J'ord and Mid-Xor- folk, v. hu b m-e'ppniing next wee!;, 'l'hey are Oo--- >e*m in any ease, but tho que. in 1 v.'Inch Is imw fairly open between the Toi-'u , mid Colonists renders tliem pe- eiiih.riv doubt ful, and mi one dares to ; Is./msl a f.ue^s how thoy will go. .\|| -oi 1-, "I' re mors were a Hunt when i he Ibnec In- bo up Wednesday, oil nn im- pe'ittiiig mul iby by Mr. Joseph Cham beCalu nvniuM Mr, [t.dfoiir. It \V{i, cvl- fie.n ibui .-'.I pii ion , of ihl.-, n -il i py * u!i ten kirj'ej^ into ihe imriguet,of ihe r-peaker- ft-lnp canvu., and it*-made evev> Imdy in i I'll '.oils and I'scltiible. that the scene of ' .Mi' uully's elect imi came \ory near ln- vulving peisoniil oollislons on tho flour of the House. Those poi-tens . oi' trnublo ; lieiwceii the Tory leadnrrf' hdiI tJieh- j L'nlonist allies hnvo (uich a koon inloret 'oe Hie liolhU'ltitiH of nil nartioK- ii-nd ihtw I.iiriiiiiii ^'i Ills (lie (inma Itiuie. New York, A pri I la, Tho steamship I'aris, of il.e American line, wa.s moored at her dock Sat unlay afler em oiiniering and beinji ilefeatetl by ibe laicama of ihe Cunnrd hue in an ocean race. The Ln- ran i a a i eiv cd live hours ahead of i lu st i anisli ij) Paris. When steaming at top speed the Tan-, consumed :i."iU tons-of coal a day, and the Liicania ofiU. Tun Ccnivlc:ts < uptui'ril. Hollglikcepsie, X. Y., April Iu. The i-apiurt' of Michael O'Donnell and Hatni'k MeCuire yesterday morning has ciiim'U no linle eoiistern.it ion m ibis, \icjlniiy. Dliver Perry and I-'rank Havies are slili at large, but according to good authority it i- a possibiliiy that i Vny will bo safely eonliued wlibin the wal Isof the .Mat tewan usvltnn inside of a Week. shut, a 1 rUmirr. lieVlin, April la. Pruatn Kashewsky, wlio is serving' his military in tho IIuiu- hurg.garrison, shot nn esi aped prisoner recently. Yesterday he was commended by (ho commander in tho presence of his regiment and was raised to tho rank of corporal. I IhlM-i'iiU'ii Arri'rttri!, Ln halo, April K>. *.*iivim fishermen with their fishing tackle." etc, were cap-. lured I'.v state others. Tlio olfenders uriv inuglit near HuJ'fuhi hauling In illegal nets and will bo given a speedy dial. ;______ >l irijiiitw .\ rt"i"+tril. Oder.sa, April la. Sevonil studentfi, among them I'riuco Tutnanoll'i woro .irr'eHted hoit) for tt'oolallst ngllat Ions. Much rovohilbinary liiewitiinf >vaH found In t-helr i-ooniH. nntl was hoIhocI l*tyili nolleo MIt. TIIOS. STRANG SPICAivS THAT SUFFKKliltW MAY KICAO AND hIVK. Attaclcoil AVI Hi La Grippe, I lie Alfor MCtt'or'tu Oovi'lopln^ Ho'iri 'rrroiililc MVIm lrlen.lM Thought MM)ill near nenth,w Door Alter itliiny Fullui'i-w Il*n 11104 Once ill ore Ile^uf nutl U.e IlElekMliitr of Pertoci Health. From thu Ooinhur Hi-rnl I. Strungfiolfi in a post oflio coraer about nix milcH from Comber. It m naniLU after tho highly n apoeted *m 1 w. 11 known fam ily of Klratign. The neighborhood m, a quiot one, bin tig inhr.bited by a cbureli- (jviino, Hober. indiiHtnouH pco[ile. Aiijoii" the people of thut iu ighhoi hood norm iu bettor or mora favorably known than i\Ir. TIioh. Strang. Mr. Straii;' m a man of ngu aid a bachelor. A few days aeQ he it-hi ted to the IJcral I tho hiory oi' bis re covery from anjl ih-h-> which he believen would l.avu reMiiIted f iilly but for the. u-^e (if Dr. WilliiimH' 1'i.ilt I'.lla. The origin of MivHirting'H trouble was 11 grippu whiih deyelupcd into heait daicatie. lie laid tor moutha with ivery norvo in his frail buily Huatrung. Ho tiiurl many rneilioines, bat noiicHeeineil to niateiially benefit him. He would rally at times and emit a\ or to walk, but bis byut'-m being rut|uctiu and weal'.en cd ho would triquently fall prostrate to the ground, and Ijia frien j-j b nl u< carry him into tho hot mo. This terrible htute of thingH lusted for months mid ail tho wlnh he was pelting v. uuker, and even the r.insi hopeful of his friends fuiu-cd tin: vvorst. -Mr Strang iwi- Ornugly urged to try tbewor'd lenowneil Dr. Williiin-.' ]'r,k P 1-. and eoiiaeiited to no -o. A u Mf.lib r waa dm- paicbed to tin- Con her c'rim at or) I or a hijpply. In a lew d y< alter beginning, llnnr usj hu began to improve, la a eoupP uf weykrt be w.ot ablo Lo walk uioiiud, 'no! lo-dtcy is ri-joruiug mid telliuj tho Hinnt: old story that hundreds of otbi/is are telling in thiss fmr Domini >n the utors of renowud strei-g b '.broach the use ef Ur. Willniiiiri' L'nik'PiiJri. Mr. Strang is now a aouu 1 man. tbine trequonllv in wulktJ to Con her, n dihtancjo. of six miles, to attend church. Iln infoiined the Her ald that ho was only tuo g!-nl to "ivu his oxperieuuo ho iba' sufl ring humunity rua> alrto reup tho bom tit and tbna bu n lensr-d from thu thraldom of iln eil'-e and pain. To bin beriL'factor.'. Mr. Strang feelB ho owoh il dobt of gratitude. With bun tho ileyn when lands ot agony Htood on his brow have paa-ol away, and Inn body ha** been rcgenonited anew bv the use of Pr. Williams' i'luk 1'ilhi. The after effects of la, -.rippo and nil troubles due to p or blood or shattered norvoB, flpecdily }itld ton fair trcatraeut with Dr. Williams' Pink Pols. They euro when other mediniinfi fail, imd no one uhould Hiiffor for au hour without giving tliia (.x-oat'i-oinedy a trial. Hold by dealerw or Bant hy mail pOHtpaid, ur 50 oeutH a box, or six boxeb for rJ "() by addreHhing- iln Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., HrockviUe, Out., or fseherientiulv, N. Y. Hehmo all imitations und Hubstitutim. IS DRAWING A MULTITUDE OF DELIGHTED BUYERS Dollar will Buy. a very Big Parcel. j^sssmm^i&^s^^s^ Here are a few examples of how we ar< selling Dry Goods, Clothing, Oar- pets, Hats and Caps, etc. 42-in. Tweed Dress GockIh, all ihe no went colors L5c Double fold pure wool aorgeH, worLh .ci5c our price 2i 46-in Ciiflhmcrca all new shades worth 75c yd for 50c lilack Novelty Dross Goods 50c yd. Special 20 piece" of lvocklinw all wool French Shallies, host in tlie world, wortli -I-'lc yds during thin Hide for 25c a yard BoyH'-2picce sitita wool, sizch 22 to 28 for 1.75 a suit JJoys' 3 piece suits worth $4.50 a suit, for $3 aauic. Men's all wool Tweed suits for $5.95 a suit. Men's Black Worsted OoatH& /cats worth $8 for $5,50 Boye1 Knicker Pants GOc pair, .GENTLEMEN See our new anHortment of Scotch and English Tweeds and black worsted Coatings, perfect fit guaranteed. 100 pieces of new Jinglish Prints worth 9cytTfblr7c yd Tapestry Carpets at 35c, -10c andoOc yd; Hemp Carpet at 10c, 1*2Ac and 15c yd Call early and share in the good tilings we offer. D'u r Alio.ul o| AH\ tlill*X D Iluye Siver HmmI. Mr. John liilzi-r, uu-roluint, Wutorloo, hti.vi : ' I have ^iveu Siark'a Powdurw (for Ilnndtiche, CoHtiveuoao, BilioiiHiu-HH and Nnondj-'hi) an extiuiaive trial, and find them t" jiivo thu flouted, putuifaatiou iu my fmnily. I riiu very highly recommc-iid them. Thoy tiro far ahead o"f tuiythnu.' I havo evii1* used, and 1 have triad many lomediflH." Sol I by nil drut^Htu tit 2~)C a box, ft boxuH bl Nioo to take, immed ' ate .and porrrniuont, A. o ^fn^iHlt uto Jinn Int, ot ^Vmdaur, la utrbec- 'y oppoia'd in tho running of fit root earn on Sunday, but bo b.-li.-vea that feho If^tHlati'in at pri'Meiti on thttf i>ni*ti(!uhir point iu lp t eff-ntive encii'b Tim Unlrnit Frmi Pri nn i-hvh : "While Mi in in \l>\ Uartl-t'H d-<oimou .- till nt. ii f.nr i Htima ii innofcv nine out uf a dun drul in il ' idly wculd rnntueVr it un ..uoronrhniont u|>"'i tlmir lilwutv'worci imrli -. law i-nioreaid. Wiudrior'luuiiilwayw had Runday jiaiu. The Great Corner Store, DIEBEL&BRICKER, Ask to see the Solid Oak Folding Furniture we are giving away. _____^.^ 1"^:'!~?" IM For tho benefit of every one who wishes to invest in a few shares of..... Ontario Permanent -*w*~^ ^Building and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver,general agent, will be in Lown for a i'ew weeks and will he pleased to explain the workings of this A- sociation. A post card or letter mailed to Essex P, 0. will receive prompt attention. ' , A Agent True and False Coins. Bu'hou liiifjn, tube cunm emi'irf a du.l, rauQiodGouul- G umter'oits in ovury fjuiao are int-t with fr:f|umt'y. liy tho (,'ulhnlo theajuro roueiv d hm th i ninuinu article Tradora upon tho juulio credulity are raoat datij^oroun whou tin-y ptsjodico hoalth, Thore are hoattt oE irreopormihld doalora who do not hoaitato to rujirooent cheap nostruma as identical with or akin to aiau. dard rfiraaclioH, and thm indict irruiairublo damajic upon thu invalid community, lib hevo no dru^giat or alnrekuupi'i- who lella you thtit aemo proparatiou iiu ban ill atock ih Hiipt'i'ior to or thu aituio thmi as S^olt'u Kmulmon of Cod Liver Oil with tho Hypo- phonphitcs of Limu ami Soda. Ho in try ing to foint falwo coin upon you. Demand and only Dakii thu truo which boaru the Htamp of gouuiuenoBU, and ban rucuivod tb^p uodorijomcnt of phyaiciann at1 a remedy for throat aud lun^ diiioaHen, inula nouiiaher iif tho fouhlo, norvotia and dyapuptic. I'm- tioularlv udaptml to ululdrun ia thn famous Huytninor of utrmu'th aud moroaoor of fUuh. Thin yuuuriotura i^row fat through i;a bu. lii^n action, aud uiiko io ia an paliiabln aa milk, thov uuvor regard it with tin; avur * mon thoy havo for mudinim-B unacL-optahb- to thy taiito. Amomiit iu tho mmo pivon hy tlnuuodioal frn.turuit> lo a condition of tlio HVhttmi indioiiLe.l by a Iom of iletdi and Htatuina. Thn tuiilinioiiy is abundant a till nonviumni; tbat Wuo.t'a iCIiiUhiion. at Ood Liver Oh puds tho holhnv pbu-ea ip tho hu. mnii fiumo with linn, honlthy floafi, - qn- \tf>y wliiuh eapsoiiiUy couurioudo it to ladio doBiromi of toundhig uu^raoi'ful unft'cH in too iliiurn, and aequiriiii' a oaj>tivatiR nlnmpiioRH i.b woll' aa heathy Btamhia iini} Mound dl^oation. <;,UOO Feet Above tlio -Uloiulo. N-.'aily three nnlefi above tho hou, aud i,(K)0 feet ahovo tho white, ailonfc cloailB itiai lio in aweoping plain uonoath yon, io Homcthint;',to fclmili about timo and time a a tin aftcrwardH, ifln'tit? In the aurnmer of 1801, tho raHaongor Dcpaitniont of tho Northern Pacific Buil-j mad fitted out an expedition to climb tUff highest mountain nouth of tho Cauadiair boundary on tho Nirth I*aoiflo Coaefc, and the (jraudcHt peak in the United. Slatea Mount llaiuiuu ot Taooma. Tho party reached the liighoHb point of tho mountain, af or a long aud duugoroua climb over rockH aud (tnow aud ulauioru that woVo guHlicdby orovatifioH, and returned iuaafoty, Thiu mauuitiioont peak iu hotwuod 14,000 *oh1 lo,000'feet hifjih, and indoo'd maybe found in the future to bo ovor 15,000 f0ofc, or nearly threo union in hoiizht. In a beautifully illuntratud book, jant publinhed, tho tttory of tbia imooiit iu ^lvon in tireat detail, to^othor with many facta about thin old mountain that was onoo a l Bi'ttbinj; voloano. i____ Tho Yullowatoiio Park and othor pacta of tho roat North-Wubt aro ulho UluhtruioU . and written about. In ovory ronpuot Ibio hook- in now, au<Tf-' nont'tiim nothing thtw Riulroad Qompiuty"-J has heretofore publiBhod. ' iiu naino ih "SkotohcR of Wonderland' ai><] hy hoiiditiK three two-cent htahlpa ',7i bi.v oonto-r-to Uw. Ciun. S. ifKc, tho Gon-iy oral lNiHBi-n-aor Agent of the (Jooipany J^tlf St/PaiU, Mum., you wiUveouivQ tho boakX3 in return. . -Tho titirlior Hyinptonm of dyHpopaja.^ hoaitburu und oocaurou'il headijohfi Hhonjid not bu eUotod. Take '"" Saraapurilla to.bo oureds. ', V/(S^*jBj| ,'Jw .'I'M '$L"A' 63

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