HF"' " ,i W^2 * K ; !tf THE JS8BEK PFER ? 7 r u lEIRT mi Louis Frank and Kato Kolb Decided to l)i TogvlhH*. S^f~T>IROUGirTHE HEART A*t*r Taking Hut '..Uoii limy Out Tlioli Tlit-onta With u Knit'.., Attvv U l.irli He Kudu limit- Mvuh by Hliootlni: limy I.tiuvfi u l.ottor 'Ill- lu|f of tint IKmtl. St IjOiiIh, April 1. LouIh Frahk and WIbh Kuto 1-tolb, who llvwl In thim-lty, dlod In u horrlblo muniior boforo dnyllght ycHtordny morning, tlio man holng the mimlowir imd this Hulcldo by n#i umiont. Tholr bodlvti wow found lying- nidi* by fiUlo on Jiicob Duft'w fwMi, a fow miles west of tho oily. In tlio rigid bund of tho man was a revolver mid onoh wan idiot through tho heart. Tho irugmly wan dlh- covorod by Chariot Taylor, a gurdnnor. MImh Kolb, u beautiful young woman, lay utrotchod upon thu ground with throat cut from tmv to oar. Uy hot hU1u wiw tho oorpRo of Frank, whowi faco whh horribly dlbtortoA, Ho wuh lying nlmont facA downward with bin rigbt arm throw*! ocroim tho l>ody of tho womiin. Ul 'thnout wan ttlHo out. "Tho knifo oovdrod with blood lay on th ground. At tho *oV~thrKjiOiUcH wan an empty box labelled 'Mint poison." Thu womini'H hill lay crUHbod on tho ground. Pinned to a rlhbon wnt thlH nolo: "April 0 Wo bavo both decided to dio together and H oo or tho other should happen to noivor, tho othor Hliall not bo H'snoiiHlblo for tha flood. Wo both aio going to taUo polnott and, I will do tlio Hhootlng. Wo lire not doiiiff thin on account of any lemi affair, but ulmply bocnusn wo ilo not want to Hvo any longer. Thin 1h all wo have to nay and hopo there will bo no trouble." Tho lottcr *WU4 wilttcn In ink and showed that tho dcul was (an fully plamu'd and tho letter prepared hi* fort) tho rouplo loft tho city to die. Tho girl's nanio wjw wlpfncd with lend pencil, prob ably aftor thoy readied tho sceno of tha tragedy.. Taylor ran all tlio way to tha fomulo hospital on tho western edgo of tho city and ntnrlled tlio phyhluhuiH there with the nown of bin find. Dr. Vfolli, of tho hubpltfil, returned with him and dis covered that both had boon shot just ubo\o tho heart There wcro traced of poHon un tho lips of both. After hwal- lowimj ilio puif.nn thoy had gashed tholr throntH with tho blade of a largo ulaup knlfo and tlion tho man had in ado doubly fluro by firing a bullet Into tho glrl'u brrrmt. Ho cnditl hit* own llfo in th* wvnio manner. Kate Ivolh lived at 1,8117 CheroLeo street with her parenK Sho and Frank, who had bci-n rngagod for n year, hi ft her homo tnfii'ther Inst Wednesday. Tho (rlrl left a bote, hiding thoy wero going to kill thoni'-iilw"i ami ascribing lovo as. tho tiaiw The lettor was found yonterday. It was learned yesterday that Ratio Kolb, who was only scvontetn joars old, was in a delicate condition. Her piirrntq live in Hamilton, Ohio, and bho has heou living lioro with her uncle. I>iH{jov(i*ii<l u( urti for Confiuiiiptlon Washington, April l'i Krom (Icnniiny conies tho ilrst ollleiul news nf a great Aiuorhaii disto\ery(s,ild to cure the nuist dreaded of ilisc.ises ton*,umption and canter. CniiMiI-lioneial Uekay.at Ik'rlin, In a ri'porl to the Stale Dcpnitment, t-a\h tho diuovery, which was annouiu m! late Jn March in the ni<t herlous and trust worthy mtdi(al M'hool In (iemany, i1- llkely to iiuihc (onsidenible attentioL at thu cominir medital congress in Munich. Tho discovery w*as made by I)r Louis Waldhteln, uf New- York, a britlier of tho famous arehuoolo^lst, Dr.Cliarlcv Waldhteln. Thv new tieatmuiir, which has been purftttid by studies abroad, eon- ulfatH of injectlnpr nituute doses of pilocar pi no until the ylin]ilmtie system is hlilmu- latcd and the w hlte eorpuholes uf tho blond oMiHome the jioImidous paiticlog which produto disea-i- Ur. Waldsteln'jj rose in lies liave gone to tlm louiitalu whunee these healthful white corpuscle* upmiK and by euliNoiun^ Itn act ion and prod in tivonehs restores thu condition of the blood, destmyln^ poisonous go run Tho Importance of t he dlsi overy is thought to bo far beyond those of Pasteur, Koch and others. InhUi-*,nt- Y<"ii<l<*r DoiVutml, Madrid,April 1IJ. Capt.-Generil Calloja tele-^r.iplis from Havana that tho Insur gent le ider, M.ieeo. Iius hi en defeaU-d again and has been surrounded by gtiv- orniiient tioupsv -lost Marti, lie'-njs, ii supposed to liavl'iled to thel'nitnl Males Km tied to,l>i-ut1i. Howard Cltj, Mich, Apiil 111 Th* farm house of J. CHlnmie, two miles north of heie, has been bound A fourteen- year-old son was but md io death, another aged twel\o will piohahlv diu and Mrs Gilmoic ^us b.ull> huimtl 60 CENTS! BEST OFFER EVER MADE lUinly, unft t "n ESS. trttKt yoi Qui It wrt of no ciinwriawjo^ hulnjf quit* THE ESSEX FREE PRESS Forjthe balance of 1895 for . 160 CENTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS plainly, una i on irw /oa to ha <1uorou Th* fmat U, my brotliar in\ onn nf ibn lxtti men lb*t mVmf bre*lb d, aAd at i lti ImJ faW officer* who Wo*r Ilia Ipnd.but on alior* htf la one of tbo*i men wlloni any otnVnf, drilglllllg lOOUtldrnl eon Id liupoite upon, ltd is I don't n<> to ilium tint! *oly tho <ir*Kit . *"/.*! of watahfulueai w ahad bfldiavlnfj it fr'g ^Jri*-Vti ootnit without a pniinv, or onio olh*ir dr*adfnl~lWiurHr7-hooiiwiukilff till thra la * mo tin r migageintittta(ipoor Myra drltfflti half mad." "What, aftrr lUnli a laaaon % tlil> baa bofii, Miaa JurroldT** "Of coio.rt Poor Mark will think th*J bnai thing for Myra to do will bo to marry, ho ai to ^tt ml of thv ainhi^uoiia poaition la whitih tlm 1* plcd. Wif*> to a ooaviot rvtMg his tmiN. Poor child, it ttv* ino a hmhUi viy (Jmn 1 think of it. Tlmr*, 1 wdi ma think bf it any morn. I vh marlu my nmni up, and 1 alull g." "I would," said Ouut t>arly. "Kli? Atnlprt.^ why, iirt* old Udy t*li*rply. 'I tliotipla it would ha Ourrfl Oiinlllt-rtiUy, *Fin uiiraeono wr know, bit. Thai'* ull otor now. bud hitiui troat their livun dothuti Hlutna ; apongo iliinu ii<*ai.lj, inu. tliuui oluan, and bi/in all nvr ayniu. oat of plaoa. If* ihook band* with bar meohatuoj.lly, hr or )iar bar erital th* UtUr," laid h? N'l, no, au nrliorfrtio >yu Lka- Sliow this to ycrar neighbors. ADDRES B. J. LOVELACE, Proprietor, Essex, Ont. WI^E^ l^ t^CB-JDEEELi CUAIM'KR XVI. ut HIIAM, M1VK TO 00." A y*r paiHod rapidly away, during whioli tim* Gueat'i vmu ware pretty enn- HLaiit to lliuuhnir' Inn, or to Unit iiiutitu- tion whwe tu uV curator uevnned to hava thrown btinaaU with o niueh upirit into bin work that Gu*at oftau oarnn tu the conclu, ion that h* muit hava treatud lu pant aftrtba faiihiAU iiuggoitad by the adimral'a U nintr. For thtn-a wro no friomlly oon* GdauOdH, and l wan only a auppoiitlon that Stratton wight ba Wall informed an to tha doing* of the family abroad. At lantonw morning, fterbflingeipeotank ami on thorn* for wekn, Guaat mad* lib wiy to 1U,yawater, aotiditig the cabman by a circuitoua rout*, nou t pau through liount* Bqoare. Th family Imd not returned, but thrn War painter* at work f and excited by thin, he rang at Minn Jsrrold'a, wa iliown up, ami at aoon an h had nhakn hamla tho old Udy tightened bar lipi and ihook her head at him. ' All my go*d advioe thrown away, boy," ah* entd. "Now uo deoll; you've heard taaW* V' "Indrd, no/' he otned. *4t only came through thejuiuare." "On purpoie!*~ ., "Wrll, yea, and uvr that there were men at work paintino; " "Pooh !" ejaculated Alia* JorNild, 'That may mntm my brother going to let tho haunt)." "But Sir Mark ie not going to lot the houae, Mian Jerrold t" "Ot oourae not. Yes; you Are right i they will be buck in about , week." 'In a wflk!" onnd Guut joyounly, Yh I wanted to eee you, though. How about your friend, Mr. Stratum; be ha* forgotten *H that mad Honieme, I aup- but b did hot *rn to word*, and *ba cMii^ht (bleat's aim, "Oat him wy," alU wliMpetfiul "It wuh niuiliifia. 1'ray g->, for nvryona'n uUo." Otiiiat iiodiltfd, look hii frimtd'* arm, and r wnlktid alnwly uw.iy in ^ilonco till on uttrd a low, truujfi' liui^'ii, an I ua (IiimI htt Id* wild ') um : """Nor-nhrtflltow/Mm aaid qnfoiiy. "1 &in >i"t K^lng tnd< unbiuu u wiih nntdiuihrf in nhnv i h prompting* of mv pnor, weak iiuliirfi )I'lr u"inn with nut t my inniim, f'M H'.rniithiDtf um iih (" lo ftp <m auk tn^ 11 mi if llfo in it a nil eiif tfie ii nnutaku " Menuw|nhi ut Mm* Jut reld'u hotige, tin- iiidtie'iit tint do") u'uu il"Ufd, Myra hud oniu/11l wildly ni lim oiMiiiiu'* liuuil, 'Quick ' * hI ern*d in i linaihi* wliiupi-r, "tnkit oin In our t'Hiin/' ionl uillt u.ii.1 i-licl^y '.h< Inn i led hoi < miHlu uf mi air - lu olon* noil lock thu door li dor uln* ^'m v \ < n> to t lie v. ilrl. In hi11 leal hutT nf n^ony th ii u UK Hti tiliifUii^ fi'C ' KM. ".S > ci mil itr> hfartlitUH," kin' uolib mI *Iip pjicfil the ll"iir, wrin^intf le-r Inuid < mid rejoi (ii'jr itv t-rv fvttompt ' ........ Iinr e(nmn'fi it i'. Oil, tt'n lliii'lib niiiy " " Myru, be i tliu, lit* rutin " "Ciiim i" tried Myru Mildly, "H t pntHitiU. Do von think ma niado iu ill aoiitf >bn inn mi "\\n tnuit liiivti known fMTURE i i It *lll pity nii\oi,e to call timl OYHiniiiii nur Lmi/i imd Willi nh- wo I (!_ Hteek ot KINli l-'lIUNI- TlTltK, if (hey wiii t to yot thlu upi ii^>. uliy JUSTREAD BELOW; Pino Bedroom Sott nill rrnnelotn) FlnoliXtonsioh Yabloo, "uuo u tt lone- Uood Bodstendn 5 00 I 75 iuui oitd of ilenh und Vuu my fnilir--my ie>l nf Htune blnoil hkti ynurmilf? Hunt nil trout me BY aEJO. ^A^-VIXjI-jEI 3^]E13SI3Sr (to db continijkd ) "Obod bye, Mr. Oueet,' Came from the littlt, ooimorvatQry linlf-way down to the hall ; and there wan Edie waiting. ' "No, no , don't *top me. I mwut run up to Myn. Goodbye, Percy. Oh, I am lo plud " "(Jood byo, Percy Good byo, Percy," GucHt kept on nay In g to himielf ai he walk' nl lowly along ono *l&$ of the aquart. ty "I the I FINANCE AND COMMERCE Tukomo. Ajm il I \>'i > At Knht l>ulT.i!o i at tie 113 nirs, nmrkut flteiidy, li^bt steels *l to $i .n, pnor n. "fair rnwh f.l to \i ~'ti, ilKht st oi heii & ln to i'l ."."; good ftoeheiM ^ I -.*> to sit 10, venK. indinotti lo&.l ", lltfln to fair W to lln^, -1 (in-1 thiiiiiKb, Si."* sab' M.nkot hte.ulv at. Thuiidnj'h lntn dot lino with it fair for best ^nulu,, Yorkeis good, *r>..io V) *r>3r; lijfhl Vorkers K.S5 to 5.1 10 pi^s >.~> -"In >"> -"> mls-i'd pnikois *r> Id to *5.15,'nii'diunis y"> l"> to ^"> 5'); tfooil heavy t& 60 to !?r>.f>V, roughs >.* .i0 to .?"i UJ. Sheep und lanibH, -i (oi-, through, J.l -.ab Murket stead} ; for prime handy lambs vory dull for heavy om s, wltli tmde tor 31II kliuN lhrht. Prime himbs, 55.7.) to J5.WJ, mostly Ki.T-)- 1 nn- to uod M 10 to S"5 1,0, lht. Pi line bonus '.r> 7n to $5 tft); imi-.tly 4-").75. Fair lo (.m,(k| s| 10 to $5(10, llKhK and common ^i *.'"i to ?!, tlijipi il lamlihSt toKT-'H nuud -iiei j ;;.oil tu prim"*! l< $' " *oniinon to f.iir AI y fo^ ^.'1 7.", I'ciiy ellppud 0x1 urts hbtip $I.C0 td At Chit VO pileoH (i euUle, owiiir to the lltfht ileniand, ^m'it no nion than Htemly altholmh tho reudpts. >\i 11 li-ht. Piuktrs woto IiujIiik Iiu^b vcrv -pjini.^ly iuui iioUvithstnnilliifC noder.iti' .imImiU prhis w.ro fin lower. 'Sheip with dull find nhoiU steady. Tlio reeiipt^ weio niodemd' 'J'lie tboitaj'n in tin sti|i| Ue^ of i ntt le lU Chuami, Knn-nii C\\\, liiiiMha mid Hi. IxniN, the piiniip.ll Ui-tTii nrrunl' Shun fur il'iioitnii tt> neai'l," ^D.OiJi ' !" d ^impure 11 with Aie ye iv ,,<o The Lor - tfh In piiuinli. oi Jtlre".(il hooi -Iniotbe U*Ht of tliO >ear Of; n-.-ale-. 17i,(H^),(H0 oouniK or nearly S.ODU.O'JO] ouruls pi r !tiy Jin* prleo of 11 vo catlUi has udwiiU'ed about two v^titii a pound. -.-, "l'i rey, for iliefirnt Good Ilouvonn, Mull '*' Im* 11 led, alar ti hund wni 1 li r ]int-iii>'!u !na mm I hi (inin- my 011 1'vo somoLhiiig partieuUi to lull ym. ' "Thank you," aaid Strut ion quietly knn everyth np " "W I1.1t 1 1 did itot uea you nt 1 Imiub " A*i ; 1 hn.d nut lit ii '-rt to come, nan! I Mould, hut I ntn\i \ uway." "(toud Right " iihi 1 tJnnHt. ul>ut 1 wan obliged [ 1.010Q to aoe her go fui one glanco uiiiloii." "And you oaw tboaireiit?" "I aaw the striitRli' in tho crowd. A iuui! hurried into a cub, uhioh who driven in tlio dpi 1 " ' Mi '" ejaouo.ti d I Went, and thou tlm re WHrt a pa mi), brnkou ikt lust by Strtttton, li Hiud i. .1 inolj "SumhI fruin a hfo of iniaery und deapulr. Thank Oed 1 thank find J" CH V1MKR XV. Willi IO A CONVICT. Sir Murk awoke thu nut in.lining thnr* ouqhly cnnvuiood tlmt ho hid buuu tho vic- t:in ni a C(-ou:idrel, but lie kept his word, ana did everything pitHnible 111 the wuj of frroviding >ihlu b'g d aynHiuncu for his sou- ti law He had inlu'n Myia and hor cou- itii nt on oh to a retimd Huaaulu p uoe wi-tlun onay reach of town, and mail.- Jamea Bido'a Cam* tho nolo buainou'i of inu hfu. It was a two dnyu' buBinoai, that trial, nwihg to tho uffoi t* inude by thu couune! for the deffiaio. w Jio foucbt their uli iil'h oailflo galUntly. But It wai a loHing ((amo from beginning to end ; tbo jioofa were ukUtcly__onpihing. Jamm D.do had obtalnoit a large income f:om the forgonoo for yearn, And. I111 uu<nnani<in m wio iniquity hud purohaunl property eirtoimivoly. Tho Went Indian Brtlutru ware ocrtalidv f cxioiMice, and be. limgodtoa family named Barron, but 111 primnor'a otuo tlio name wae ubbuiiuuI, nuU in hUreal patronymic he, witb hia con- federate wu ntntenofld to eoven yearn pBiial^rvUude. ',- '!',", , a "DeaftKved it, *vry bttur," mid K>r M(irk(<wlthiigho{ relief, aa be 6r<*"- away from the eourfc with Guoit "Now for a fow moutlia of quiet td^toad, and then I ahull nave to lee the lawyer* afialo." Guoit looked at him Inquiringly. "Eli ? What do I mean! Well, I don't underatund muoh about iueh matten, but Burely under the oircumatancee iho IiCwi of England will ivoi keep my child tied to ouch a rtucdoetbat.1 talent w as about to epeak, but the old man intmruplod him. "Fancy, my l*d, after an anprenticeihip nf aoven yean to a convict's] life that fellow knocking at my door, and Andre wo comma up to nay that- he had nailed for bis wi/o fiiiiat siiuddcred ; tbo idea wai horrlblo. "N", no. my ld ; that uould not do at all But there, my no more about it now. lij and by I shall la* what the lawyers think about a ihvoroe." They ahook bands and parted, the ad miral going home, and Ciuest atraight to bis frionu'H chamberat wlioro ho knocked, but thnro was no answer. BroLbiami came oat, tho 3I1, from an ad- lomtng room. "Ho 1ms not come back yet from tho triii 1," Brettiion said, "liult'i-d ! I looked round tho court, but could not koo him there. You have heard, of ooiirfH !" "Tlm verdict! Yob, 1 was thorr. The two ini-n looked inquiringly into nob others' e>oo, und just tliun a step w.lp hoard upon the hmus. "Hero bo is," whispered GucBt, and the next minute looking very oalm and m-lf pufisrsaed, Stratton jmnud them, ami nulti-<J them in; but Brettinon deebnud, and wn:t buck 10 bis cluimbcia, wbdu fJiusL billowed Inn fnond into his ioro, tluuking, us hi ent*. it il tho qiuwt ruiut-d place, of bow liu comiiiu l'-n oltuDgi^ lhn cuironL of .Slrat- ten eaii or. Sit. <U>w"f old follow," Bald Stratton cliot-rfullv, and bo [>cnc4 lio closet by tbo fin pace *l rmuh down t box of cigat a, wluoli ho bunded to Giiou, end then [uuk ono luinm*lf. "Now fu it," tbniiL'lit Gueut as trattou 8n,t hick, hmltnig p'-e mnl and lIiiii frmn bis iiIiichh; but be nml on emokina. up pwetuly ^ an nip fur bin fiitnd to epoak. "And I di-n'i Icuuw what l say," thought Guout. He uai iehu\d from nl* tiniharransinvnt ut iuflt by Stratton bi ginning tn tulk about one of tlm ciinent lopiLti of ib day, and bo Ufr the Lhainht re at lust without there hav ing hoeu thu slightobi rrferuneeto tlio trial. Uiuetfmind hia way to Bournu Sqiiaro ilio noxt *fienioon, and wau auriled to find nil tlio nluiitiMN clnaiid and tbeblnulu drawn in 1 in* uppni 1 nm. On 1 of toun' Hi'cmid written plainly all over ill" h"ii"u. l'H that nothing Honnuu wuh tin- muni wan ovidi'n fnun a frmndly chat ponig "ii n- ibu aia gato ImlwLMi uUO in miH, ubo hint dmpcimid with thu hatt.il hm-a-iir ot hUvi 1 y and wme lauglmig witb " rustic looking young milk- man i~ , , Clin ut took a cab and diove lo Mini dor- rolil'" ' BayHW.itiii, to find that lady al home ird iiMidv 10 welcome bun. *(h.i.r, mv dear boy," uho mud. "tbmc tn Homo hi in, and On* bent thing ton. U^llt I nricr liked that man, l'trcy (Jucat. Ho liM.kul hU mlvor, but I cmild fud that ho una only oleoi.ro plato. Wtdi, -poor 'Atyra bad a torriblo uiiuipu. It was, of comae, and he looked for Home of but who in criod hastily. sue said the old her iwmyt mine." 'lints whfia are thoy coming back. Alios Jornddl* v , u "Oh, not for a long time, I bopo. It tv\]\ be tho best thing in tliu world for poor jiji*, and J bave been thinking tlnvt I 4ht< |t> and join thorn booh. Not till'lUoy \i\vc all had tune 10 calm dowiu There nf Molhvriu to blind tllLthed." T *uid *beaa Uat words * maaulnpW p08 Gueat was silent for a few momenta while the old lady lookod at him inquiringly. "You do not know Malcolm Stratton as I do," be said sadly. "He has never men- tioned Miss Myra Jen-old's name^------" "Mrs. Dale's or Barron's," said tha lady sternly, hut Guost shook his head. "^inae the wedilinfl day, butif I~ know anything of my friend she has never mnce boon out of his thoughts." Tho tears started to Mils Jerrold's oyos. "Poor boy," she said sadly. "But he must not think of her. My brother had cer tain thoughts about getting tho marriage cancelled, but Myra will u^t hear of it." ' Suroly she does not care for this man !' 'I don t know, my dear boy. She is a mystery to mo I triad to talk to her sev eral timos when I was near, but she closed my hps at once. 1 am nobody now. I can pretty well manage her father, the worla can thu be !" she < "I'm not at home " tilo* rosfl to ring the bell, but thero wero Steps tb oimIv on the stairs, and the servant, looking a halo slai tied, opened tho door. "Mr Stratton, ma'am. He says------" Stratton who already at the door, looking pile, but with 11 red pot burning in each choi'k "You here, Gueet 1" he said uiciterlly. "Miss Jerrold, pray nsk your niece to me, if only for a minuto." "My nitice, Mr. Stratton, lady coldly, "! mParia." "No, no," ho cried "They ruacliod Clinring CroM not half un Hour ae,i " "Sirait-m, old m*ii," whispered Guest, "for gnodnca* fllto, contain ynuniolf In deed the\ are not bore." "Hah !" cried Striitton excitedly as a cibdrow up to tho door; and lie prouped how ho had, in hu exeitfrnont, ouUtnppi-d with a fast hansom tho alow four whowled cab; and without giving aunt or friend an other thought he dnsliod downstairs and out to the cab dnor. Myra was looking eagerly up ut the houne as 1 he front door opened, and Kdie henid hor gno a hoarue ganp an sho shrank buck lntn the corner of tlio Beat with hor fnco rniivnlnfld by a apiisin at tho unexpect ed sight of Si rat ton. It was only mouimtary. By tho tune bo reached tl.eicab donr, flung it open, and held out hia hand, uho had drawn hernoll un, and it wuo a calm, dignified, graceful woman of tlio world who gave the tremb ling mnn her hand to help her lo ahghb. . Ah, Mr. Stratton," ubo n.ud, and her voico thrilled him. "I did not expect to B(io you here. I bono you have quite ro- covnrod from your illness. Thanku Mr. Guest, ton. Yos, you may talto my wrap pers. Ah, there 11 aunt. Aunt dear, we have taken you quite by storm. Pap* had letterB veflterdaY >tlICu ll Mld mUflt " Himea to |>. rmmauy * once, u.m y ju take im in, or must we ro to an h<ftel? This Ui in the hall, to which, trenr- blinc at tin. iimoting, Aunt Myra bad come down to embrace her nieces. 'Yea yea. my dfiir j come id. wo glad an very glad. Mi. Uucet,, would you mind the cabman!" Sho handed tlio joune/ man hor purse, but Mvra cheJud her, "Xo, no. "tl,lt dearj pupa did .*oo to that* So kind ..f vou to ha^o old friends hoia an a surprise. ' "jSo, nu, my dear, an aooident; and und -thoy were just going away." ~ "Ych," said Stratton in a Bir.wgo voicomi ho hold'out lim band and gnxed with agim- i/od oyeii wmt fully in those which lonkt d sooiiluily in Ida} "we tttro jijut going Mihf Jeirnld. "Mrs. Barron, Mr. Stratton," mud Myra nuietlv> with just 11 suspicion of ropioaali in her voice, a?i who gave him her baud. **l*upa wuh talking about you tlm othurday. I am anro bo will bo g ad to see old friends again." . . Sue turnoil from him nnd shook hands jith Guest, while lUdio, with toari in hr "yos, approached Stratton. '"tio------ to sue yuu again, Mr. Stratton the whwparod, with the "filad" inaudible, al. .1 eat m HH if I were a child whom a word or two will set frae, I tell you again I am that m-ui's wite. In mv WdnkuuHH and folly, blind to what I called dtny, I went headlong into that gulf of doitpaii. I sworo before the altar to be his wifo till d'aih do un part. It is my fate, and thuro can bn no ohiuige " ___^But Myra dnnr ciuuun 1" "f toll you, Edie, tliero in not an hour pai'iefl without my HfL'ing him onco nine bafoie mo holding my luuid, with bin evn telling nii< that I urn Inn wifo, and," idie cried paninonutoly as a low lapping wan beard at tho door, "I ai waiting for the day when he will be ral*ard nnd come, wherever I may he, to claim inn and hid ma follow him, whatever may b<> lux fu -lurv-, And I shall have to go I shall tmvo i.iyra," whisrio,rcd Kdio, throwing lier armii about lior cousiu'm neclc, "hush, pruy 1 Pray biiuli ' Auntie in at tho door; uhe?"T muut not hear yen talk like thin. Tin no terrible fits aro only for mo to hour ; my own uiHter, pray, pray bo calm." Her touch, her luiseu, had 1 ho desired effect; and 00 tho tapping at the door hub romiined, Myrji nank dnwn nobbing on a cbiv.r, and bin led her llmdied facu iu Eillu'u bieaaU And everything at . CUT PRICES .. All good j delivered fron of eliari; floAd Lmubcr tiil.on Iu nxelmnun fm fmnltnro Undertaking and Embalm- a Specialty. Ptleeiinti low, if no* lowor, than anywhere she for rpiahty. J, A. HICKS & GO, MB SEX, ONT. iw -' ir.-ini mil iiiiMiMiii n POWDERS Com SICK HEADACHE nnd Noumea In 30 MiNUTBO, nl-o Coated Tonicim, Uir/I- ri(,r> >, Dillon ,nc<.i, I'.iln In (lie Side, Conitipallon, Torpid Liver, Jiud breath, toai.iy cured alio regulate the bow< la. vxnv w/c ro TAUM. ^Pttioti 2G Oknyq at Dnua Growta? A Born to Horhomon. Ono bottle of Englinh Spevin Liniment completely ro moved a curb from my homo. 1 take planum in rcoorumondiug tho roraoJy, us it uctu witb inyHtonoun pr,omptneHu iu tho rumoval from hornoH of hard, notb or oal- louood lumpn, blood opium, npliutu, ourbfl, Bweony, fltiflcn nnd hprainoH. Geo, Dobb nrraor, Markhum, lOut. Said by John Thorno, DrrtpgiRt. TeMtliitr liU lioneaty You-' druggmt 14 honoHt if whon you auk him for a bottlo of Scott'a Emdlmou ho giyoH you junfc what you aok for. Ho kuowuthiB ih tho hoHt form in whioh to- talto Cod iiivor Oil. CIIAIMKK XVH. niti:\uiMi Tin; caoi Night at The iMneland and a dark night., the mow", not dun fm Imurn, uid when idle roio not_ likely to be Hcen for thy heavy clouds which ulotiuu out tin maim, Light-* worn out in the greai riin d ng, which Otood up by ua> gjoo uy, in,my wmd.iwtid, and foibidding mi tin Iiiil" pro montor/, crowned by wall and woiUh, mid u it h HOntrUd between tlio com icl miali hub me 111 and the mainland. 'I1 lie oihet thiee sides hud the ua\e-<, nbicti wanix d tbo im arly purouudn u'ar precipiu u, tor uarderi, anil it wuh only lieio and there that mi active man well acquaint! d uuh tho clilhi < ould denoend to the b< a, and micb an uctjuaintan^i ulnp waH 110L likely id he made bv tin wretcdiea mim inarcLiefl out, fettered and guarded, to tlm giu ^l qiuvrre day after day, and then cart-fully watchud back tn then cellw At lime* tlio iiuntinel duty onuido tl"* biulding could euailj bo telaxtd on Lin hei Hide, Urtho billmva eamn tliun leifng in, aiiiiung the polifilied io<;ka and flying high 111 air with 't drub ut>>g dill ; but on a calm, warm, dirl* night, when it was pntjmble for a boat to approat h cloao in, a atneter w a>ch wat k'p , leat one nf the inoio hardem d prismic ih Hhuiild contrivn io elude Lhu vi^i bn ice within too bui.dingn and make a des perate attempt to win hu freedom But, ao a rulo, attempts tit nyasiDii .iomi mad when tho men wero marched our 10 LVquarries, whon a daub would bo nm.le during a sua fog, or a convict won d craul into aomo hollow among the fionlnv hewn loneB, and he there, hoping not to bo iuibb cd till he had made good hiu encnj e. On tbio particular night a young memhor of the warder guird nlood, rifle on shoulder, looking out to ilea from tlio mre nlit.lt nf level lock near tho top of the cliff. A great steamer whs making her way down channel, and her lightn rIioiio like stnro away on tlio black waters. "VVf-ut Indy or Smith America; and 11 Du'.cli boat, 1 should mi\," mutrorod the " euntry ; and ho turned Inn eyca to whero, well up tinder tho iilioltur of the great promontory, tho lights of several vouaola showod whoro thoy lay at anchor* "Tina io a rmaurabto dog's life," muttorod the irian, "and I get nrocioua sick of it, but 7 think I'd rather bo horo than there. One can feel bottom and be safe oailora can't. That one Highest in in the littlq man o**warv I suppone, and } on's tho big one." How dark it in 1" Hft stood Uiere trying to ploron the bluckupus, out of which the anchor hghta of the nbi| a Blood ItUa stars, but lie could nee nothing aa\oafumt hlunih-groeny gloam now and then far below, whero tho phoH- phoroAcanae of the sea washod gently, liko so much luminous oil, over tho naflen of tbo clilTa und played among tho masses of sea- Weed lying awnnh. "How unkod the noa is of a dark night. Fancy going sailing ngbt away yo'ndor, not knowing what you may hit Upon noxt. ~ Shore's good enough for me, even if it'n being at Furoland convict puson, with a (lav out now and then." Jlo turned hia face shnrowiird, looking acroBO tho bay, doticd with faint lighth, to whore the rod laMpa of the baibor honu out with thoir lurid glow. 'That's hotter," ho naid as ho followed the curve of- tho shore, with tho faint goldn gleam sent up by tho gas lamps which dottod the bow hlto 110 many bright boade strung along the shoro, on and on by [ the line of nouses faumg tho sea front, I till thoy ran out for a short dlu- ' tanco to eon, and ondrd iu qufto a cluster, out of whioh flashed oue with a bluish glare, whose rays cue tlm darkmisj), (or it was tho oUotrio lis.lit at tbo end 'of the pier. "Baud's playing," said the man, listening Michigan fTENTRJOi " Tha Niagara Falls BouU." dOINQ KADT TaltliiB effect Nov. 18th, 1804. Kabox WootinUio.. Com In r Hlilr,t'.wn. Ht rt'lliiIllUI) a ni. hi Mail ii in. 813 8 2.1 H 11) ) 10 1145 OOIHO WCBT- Exp. 11, in. 11.51 H -15 'i r>r> KHuex MitldHtoiio CrORii Polton "- ir/, Windsor U 20 Kienmliiirtou atul Xl'MUduav, NOItlll Ksp. p. in. 30Y15 10 M 11 flr> 1.05 Mail* l>.m, fl.ao 6 30 ' (MO 7.00 D0UTI1 p m n.m ft 10 Windaor P,. 1 fi'3 Polton Xing .6l i.ll MaidHtonu Gro n 0 01 4 'III Khhox " 0.10 I "1 WoodnloQ 021 1 IS Buncomb 0 40 4.00 ... Comber.... 10.00 UGO . Itonnlvn .. . 10.11) it 15 , Btaplon . 1010 :j:i ... "Oakland. - 10 at U 115 .. . .Blythonwood ...... 101!5 U.20 Wffllo . 10 Ul Lako R&D K'y ........... 0 26 '100 Laamineton, ... 10.40 Hag Station. AiKiiicruilinre; Kiocal TfrntiiN. UADT am H2f) fl (JO 75f 7 17 7 JO 7 27 7 05 015 OW il.lt 0 10 (1.11 p.ra 5 211 5 3d B.JB oRl G.0O 026 0 90 0 10 0.40 (t51 055 7.01 M0 a.m. 7.15 7.00 O.fiO 0.4B 0.1)0 p.m. 4.a& 4,10' 4.02 4.00 a. 40 WT,HT pin. a.m. G,'25 0,15 Ktliiox 118r> 0 a Edgars fl 12 0 :ia L K ifc D II Xhig u 11 0 85 McGregor 7 05 1Q.00 Amhorotburg All tralnB aro run on central standard time, which In ufxty nilnuton olowor than Koaex time, For Information and ratoti to colon- lntn moving wont apply to John Q. Iiaven, I'os- nongor Agent, St. Tliomna, O. W. Ituculeo, GftU- oral PannoiiKor ami Tlokot Afiont, CIiIcdro, 111 or A. 0. Bttmorn, Aaont, Ennex, L. E, & D. Ft, Ry- TIMnTAnLKN0.17,taldnf( offoeb on Monday, Nov. art. 1801. Traluu run byKastoni Btaud- ard Ttmo, Daily exaopt Sunday A M A 0 2511.00 0 aa 1110 n an 1125 [)4!MU0 0 5011 40 GC1 0 57|U.OB 0 5 10 oa 12.0s 7 o:i V M 0^0 0.27 '(.'to 0 44 10 00 10,10 10 27 10,07 10.45 lO.f-5 11.11 11.20 11.25 11 05 11. fI 1150 11.53 13 04 lflii iinti 12.21 was r it. 12.20 7.10 12 40 7.17 1.01 7.CH 1 HO 7.0H 1.45 7.4 0 3.20 7 BII a.4fl SI2 8.W B.-'t U no !Jfi2 J If- 4 10 4 15 fl.t'fi GIB n,\o .10 a so H.41 a 51 H.5H 0 05 0.13 .IV .25 no P.M. Pop Walltorv'lo Ar Walkorvlllo Jiino. .....Polton....... ......I Oldcndtlo.... . f Phquotto.. , Moflrojior - ...t Now Canaan , \ MarHlil|eld . Harrow . ........+ Amor..... .... KluuavlUa...... .... Hutbvon ,.. Ijoaiuinfiton , ,. Wlmatley . 1 Itouwlak .... Coat it worth .... fGlnuwood..... ........Morllu........ . . ,f Itnxton.....,., ......BautllHon ...... ...tOodarUprlufjH... Dlonliflm Tunob'u ......Blenheim...... ........IWilkto......... av Itiduutown Hop A M 010 0 04 a 57 8 511 8 47 t)42 fl au B20 R (Xi an HL'l 7 01 7 40 ,7 21 7 10 7 00 A M 500 4.45 4,I>1 4.20 1.10 4.11 4 01 !UN 1141 U23 Oil S55 a, io 1,50 tia 1.00 It Hi 12.80 0 4ft 12 1 0 40 0 111 0 24 0 2U 0 10 0 00 A.M 12 00 11.28 il,*) 11.15 10,15 10 00 r.u. V TU 7.00 0.54 (J.47 0.411 0.07 O.ift .2fl 1110 013 0,01 5.61 5.41 500 5.14 0.05 500 4, 50 4.42 4.05 4,!I0 l.'il 4.14 4.10 4.00 8 60 \ Ji'laU BtaUouu. Traluu stop ouly whon thew are paBdengors utor for theae Btauoiis, Mixed jl trains are at al 'timea buhjooc to bo otuoplledj | AS WM WOOIiTjATT, flonoral Btuwrlntefide'nt^!. h" iK i'l a : <!., 4ilfal& L'S <1 .'// M^jIMMM^mM il'!: HbSlh^l 90