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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 19, 1895, p. 2

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" ' fV'j'v \'Si. l' nil. jK.^s-sf-'A ^'PBR. '"RKrStr* -THE- ESSEX FREE PKESS PubllBhod Every Friday Morning "from the cfiloo tlio IndiiHtrhd Worliu lJuUdintf, 'l'ulbot Bt, CHURCH DlktOTORY ftll*Tiro>iHT . !>**, i'umioo, 1'u.utor. Horvioc vory Huiidav lit n iv. m.atid'/. i>. m. Hiibbut (JohoolHfcU::JU). in. <]. 1C. Nuylor, Hui'oHiitoi.d int of iKihrtol. Kpwoith Ijfli.u*-i*ti4.yAriuwiUi- t'utiudb* (voiihi(intH o'almiU. Odiio.'ul ^my<i rnttuliuiiOH Thurmlhy uvttiihitf. av Knlini> K'V. A.UIiitviirly, i oumhont, Ht. I.'iuiIh, Knxior;, Dtviminitrvi Uuifiioif Spoaial attention in putil to the publiuu- Uou of wattor of looal im|mrtuncn, nucur- ato and roh&blo rnportu of Town, iiuii'libor- ing Towubhip und County Council proo^d iner looal md county murltot roportu, oUn, tho oarof a. and juiliointiH inunauomout of Tub Fiikm'l*iuiHii, with rtJupuQt to thomi and otliorourront mutwru ot local importune!', httfl tjivou it a widnuproiul prvtUitfo in thu contro of Euhox onuuty.whioh i't ruiiuuiiiz','l ttfl oiui of tlm tot agricultural di**tnutt* in Ontario a';na Fhi:k Vukah i tho only medium oirouliuinjj; thoroughly in thin abtitrul portion of tho County, mul im onn- aoquoutly.without doubt.tliooiily tlwrmiLili atlvortiHing niodium Tor Uiihiiiohh punplu wltdnnp; to ruuoh that chum of enntoinurii. ooiniHfii'os!)KNt;i:. , Our oolmmiH uru ulwuyii mpim t*jr_ tim pottcoablo diaouiauon of imitttrnt pcrtuiKiui! to tho puMio wulffivo. *. Ablo oorniHpondunto in (dl dm .unoinul- looulitiofl furmHh'ifciiablii inporis ut ,^t, accii/iin,: in Hk-ims- wnd Cod to roo.iiyo SntiT,im:4 >""/,' ioWH from any (lipo^-l to toward <v>n!n- TjtiollH. .1 All ooinmunloationH <>i a priva..; una iiiUotitiul nature, uhouhl U- '.'1 tho oumulo of thu OIIV(jIi'I)' . HUiiHOiurTUJN* I'liicr.. 5100 pur annum, utricUy in udriiiioi', 1.50 por annum if no:, w paid; aiu all irroar charged at that rate. . AiiVKUTisi-;Mi:srri. Tmnwont logul and municipal mkur fciflomcutu, notice^ t-Vi., char^til M tho ratn of t.-n cm-iiIh pi-r hn-\ f<>r tin! jiiHortion, ami liv..>. yi;ut:i p'- llI,; roronoh subuequoiit ni-s.-riinn. Al! ui-:ii jdvortiHomehtB are ini-amitod by <i ^-^no H- /twolvo Imoii to tho Lncb. ' ' J Xjooal rcttdmu ami utliL'r nol-iccs ("lb- JiHhod amonK local iiwh matUr chart/o-l at tho rato of ton con'.; pur runninR 1m.(j for _0lioh iniioction. ' AUnotlcoBof churi:li or nncuity un;.T 4ainmontof any dcflcjrip:nn. at. whi^li i. admiBRiou foo ifl obare(l, arc regarded iu> advortiHtunoiitH, anil^fTTtrTrrH-iirtiriio^ ratrn charticd in all ouch pasoa. Notice* of ^nth- orinRB or mention* not for p-unuiary bmic- fit or aid, will bo olid-rfully p;ihliHh."l If( <of ohar^o. . Spooiiil contract ratcii matlu for Uibplay or atandingadvU. All lal or proteaNon.' alonrda undor ouo inch, ftS per annum. joii on coMMicnciAii rniNTisn. Tho FiutK PiiKflH Job Printing Do- partraont in under tho imperviMiou Of thoroughly oompoteut iiiccihtunca, and ttpooial attention ia paid to this branch of the trado. Our faoihtinH ?or tho oxoaution oi all UinrlH of Book and FJnoJob Printiu'u tiro uuiixcollfai. Steam power proHiseD. A call Holicitod. IlDHIMIiSS IlEOULATIONH. All Job Printing and Transient AdvorfciBinc acoountH, atriaily oaab. AdvorfcisinK aucouutw with ro^ular patrons aro sottlod quarierly. Bub- Boriptiona duo in advance. No rmbaoription to tho Fkee Vhkm, or advortiBomont publiahed iu in columns will bo discontinued until all arroarn aro paid in full. Changca for adyertiHomonts, to hgouiu inoortiou in tho current iuauo, maHt Iju bttaded in not later than noou of tho Tuoh. day preceding, uud notico of nuoh iutoud- ecl ohdnge in required on tho Monday pro- coding. Notico of diHoontinuiiuco of advoittHO* montB must bo givon ut least one wotik in Bovanco of tho ishuo iu which tliej* are doHirod to laHt appear. AUVKIlTlUtiltB, SubBoribern and patrons qeuorully are requoutod to read tho abovo regulations carefully, in ordor that conf.uuion may bo avoided, aa thoy will in all caHOH be adhered to. Addreaa all communication!! to**' IS. J. LOVKLACK Tiiljliflhor tho EusExTaKR Piuisii, Eaaox, Oat n VIUl! t-vt'ry buiwhiy ut V n'ulook, p tn Hmi'laj Hohool at IU it. in. x'rinitv Clmrob, North uirl[/. - Dlvlini Htn-vlcitfi ov.'iy siimliiy at, :i p. m.: Hu>, lay Holifiol at I.-J.ip. u\. 'I'lio publlo aro cor ilially invitod. PiiMnnvniiiiiH. W. M. Flimiiiid, Vmitnr Hoi vio.m on Hal-bath at 11 ".in. ami '/ ,!Mi p. in Mnl. atli Hchool ut::::io p. m. Pray in- im tttliin an 1'antor'ii lifbNi (iluiiii on Tiiiwduy titV.:ilJ p in Hoiiinl Union on WodmmiliLv at H.lftp, jui-'nHTCiiniieii. nov.M. ]'. CauipJKill, I'm- tor. Bni'Wcaii uauli Kahlmth nt 11 u"' m. rnitl i ji. in. 1'ruynr nitjctiiii! on WmimtiJduy uviiiIi.l ut H o'clnuit. tJuril.ii Iran. AM him corillitilv wnl coiiieJ. J ItflHAN OATIIOMO. Vr. J).. P. M.J.MiMlillNI! I ilhlot*. KiM'.'ln. oviu-v ntlinr Kuinlii.y nt H.UU in. Hnii.'la/ -lulion] nt J(p, m. Kai.vatuiN" Ammy.-T. II. MyJ.nod, rii]ifniti hiilvatiou MKM.-tiMM on W'uiliiL'hiliiv. rinii'Hil.i'. mul Siimlay (ivuiiiii|;ii; l-'rini *l 11 -1 T-- rTf* s5-, Kiininliiv evuiiin^ mnl ;i ]i in. huinl'jL.v; IluliiO'ii.;. ioi.i,!iint;> lur cliniitiiiUH l ruluy nvomilf; iilid 11 h. in. Kun <luy; Knnn I>rlll V a. in. ovtiy Bnmlay. all aii wi'Jtjitnii.'. LECAL; y L. PK'J'MIIK Itarrintrr, HoHcitoc, K'ltii > 'I I'i.'l>lii: , Miiimy. to Loan. , * 'lllr-n _ in or 'jlruthcni' Unitlf. K...hjx CJtinlU'. J4* A. WISMEU, liiin^l.-.'. :JnHrI tor, NV.!..i;. I j I'i:llie iVi:. t.Wf:i:y in loun. < Jllii.-i-n, I'm, fltltll ICoi.'Ii. llp-i.tlill !, Kviii.x. 1-!-, i"ll.AI'i.i*:, liMt'l l,.".T A- JiMtTI.KT. it.iti> \J Li'i'ri, in: t.)\\ict i', Mr-.ilhnry hluc!;, Wind:,! I'rlyi.ii- 1111ni;* Ut J't.ni. A. II. Ci.Aiiru:, \i. \t, il. K. A. JJauti.: 'i A. it. Haivti,::!-. ]1. a; | jf Iv-NltV r,. WAhTKhH. I,.r,.It., Attorney nu< .1 1. Conn.-i'lor ut law; v. iin Ailtiimon iV ]lit!'/li ^ {Jo)j(,'ruf>fi ut.. wcrit, Iji-tioil, ."\Iti:h. (Caiiinliiin uliiiin;* nfjaioiit poivoiui In t! T.'nitoil Stati:!i collofjt'id 1 J11 ijc:i*hi liuiMtrial Hanlt, Essox, Out. .1. Jj. I'otL-fH. 1m,ij , JJnrrihtiM*, oto., Kn:ii's(()i E,A. WiHiucr, !.. <i., Hun liiloi'. tUc, Khsitx, Ol MEDICAL. j .K EN'. M, 1).. I.. K C I'.LfcS-tiKlH^ti ' ' .ti;inl,. v Cr.lliv"-' ' ( r!i>sici'(UM. in.il f,\ . ii " Out. lirinliiato ul New Vrtrl:. Pnfit (im.;- :il i.' Mcilicaj hulioril. All fi'ill.* prouij-ll v '- i.i.oI.mI \u AImi t-pcrin] nlnmliioi |;ivi>n n diMiiih'.-H of Hit Iiinj.,'., threat,, noiii', i-vii ni.il cm Olli.M: nvrv J.rii-n ,t ."o'.-.. |>run Storo, and ,il) cilIIh. oiiiht in- ihtj, h;;i tlicrn. T*i|t)phoiJi im ciiniu-ctiriti. N. J; foinoilin lion rooinii (jrouini Moor nod hi-.l Um p.liovn. I^llli. ]K\VAU ^ McKKNZIK. lf. A. Dmwah, ?.r. I). C. ?,J., J-'. T. lU. S. firadi; to Trinity UnivoniUy. .Membov i.'ollofif) I'hyi i.ii.cs :uid Mii':;i;onii, Onl. iicniilencf, Talho U. Eiiht. G llcKiiNiin;, M. V. C. M., Follow TiiniL> Modim. I Collcj;ri. (inolnuto Trinity Unlvornity Itfiiiii i.ci-: TnJl.ot Mm t, \v-i-t ot ,\|, (.". H, Otllcohoiini H to !i ii. in., 1 trt-.'i and (1 tort p. n. "liliio in Iinpci'i'il lliuJi hlcrjk. ground llcetr ni-Jii to Tlioriin'f,flriiu Morn., T..'lniiljonoiu.connection with olfico anil rchi- iloiico. Onlern loft nt 'I'iiiini.i'ii d;-nW fitor.) will 1 ( promptly utfuuitci] ii^. DENTAL. HT. MARTIN, lt,l). H.. I,. J). K. Gradual... . in Donli'try, Itoyal t'oliojie of ]Jontal Hunjooub, OntnrMt, and Univoridty of Toronto Oluirf;uii,u]n(U)mto. Olllcci, ovor lirinu tt Cot Jl.ruK atoro. 18-ly VETERINARY. WII. JilClIAItD.HON, Votorinory tinr . iitiaii, Urailmito ft! tlio Ontario Voter inary Oollofjo, Toronto, troutn nil dinonBOH ol ilomrjfitlcatod oninnihi. Tuluiihonu hi connec tion. Dontintry a Hpocialty. Itouidoiicu, lour doom Hotith of firi.st Mill. Ofllco in poitollice Uuihlin/i; luflruuiry diroctly opponitu. CAIM J OBTAIN A PATENT? For a Rrotmit antiwar and an Unm-nt oiilulnn. writu to ItJNN *fc Od.i who havu Inn) iieiu'ly lll'ty yiiiiru' OYpcrlLTlco In tho patent buHinnuH. Conimunie;i- tloiiuritrlctly confidential, a Iliiiicllioiik of In formation concorntriR I'nttMiiM mid bow to olt- tal.i tlinoi rout fnio. Alsou cnmhjyuy ot mgiihun- iCiil and HoluntlUc Unnhn irnt IriMj, Pntontti tit kun t'nroucii Miinn & Co. rccelvo apoclal notlcHini.lio Sri on title Aui'iirnn. atij tbua nro bronirhc wldoly buiorothu piiniic witii- out cont to tho inv(!inor. Tin** flttlntidui ii.iii.t jBOUOil woolily, olonuDtly lllti^tn "1, him Itytari.lm izritant clraiilatloa of any tn<- ,iu: work in tlaj world. UJilt a your. yiiiio<lt) . ,.n.tj ursnt. frou. Jhllldlna Kdltlon, montlily. JiMia vi-nr. Slnirlo fiojilOH, Its flonta, Evorynu.. m:r coutaina Wan- tlfal jjlutoii, tit oolort), mid iiliotnuruplm of wv/ houfloa. with plana, onubllntr buMOcr-j ;o nhow tho latoflt rtrvlinm and 11(301^01:111:: !-. Addrr-s , MUK.,'Ai Co.. Ni:w Vouif, 11 HI Uuoauway "" 'ody Hosted, Mind nt Ease." fhftt is what'it io when travollintf on tho :. >b trains o'. tho Chicago, Milwaukoo & Ut. ill Railway; boniJou thoro ia no chance "IdoU," for tho aaoommodationa aro np iato, tho traina lioop moving ri^ht alou^ I gbfc tli -ro on time. Thoao Hnaa tbor- ^hly covdi* tho torrltory botwoon Ghioa^o, .i.tOroo.-to, Ht. Paul, Minnoapolip, Abor- .; .on, Modioli, Sioax Falln, Bioui City. Yiuktoj, Coanoil BlufJa, Omaha and Nor- 'Mora Wiohigan. All tho prinoipal citioa 1 ;id townw in that territory aro roaohed by kl 5;io "St. Paul" Hnoa, connootinR at St. Vjsal, Council Bluffs and Omaha with all 'vtaB for points fin tup far went. Writo to T. Taylor, Canadian PoBa'r Aftout,J 67 c Str&ot, Toronto, Qnt., forono of their. -' map timo tabloa and *|bro(ilmr, giving < ^onption of tlio Coiiipatttnotit Sleeping -: . Tiokota furniahod by any coupon . ip;fc aflttt in tho United Statoa and Can- V -, X'bo;flnoat dining cam It| the world - " ran on the solid YtiBtjbulod, elootrlo- nteH And Bteam-hoatod traihsof th* Obi- 'n-s'), JttUwftukaa & St, Paul Railway. BAKER. THE oldofit bmdnofiH in town. Mfitaoiitnu.- 187(1. Fit'Ht-elaHH-bnradajnl caliuii bfiii ltiildn. .Wotldinj? linltca a Hpooiallty. (Jroconr,!- provJnioDH,Hour, rood, Halt aod jtorl;. Confcc- tionory,erockory,ijlfiflKwitrn. Oaiinodfriiithiind vo{>otal)l(j!inf nil kjnrlH. Goodii promptly nt Uvorod to all jutrtii ol tho town. ,J. J[, IIICKK j;)itt SOCIETIES T O. O. K.-KNTKltPHIKK I.odyo No v^ JL mootHovory Tliunid.ay, ovoniiifi n.t 7..'(1' it Oddfollowa Hall, In third titoroy DunHtim IJJooli Vluitlimmumboriiuf other loduoiiwill rocoivoi. OtH it jrotornal voloiii, .J..JOHNSTON, N (j CKNTltAXj KMOAMI'JIHNT, No. (JO. mo_____ Otldfollowu'IIall.OuiiHtaii'H IJIoclt, on tho lira I and third Tnoiiday inouch mouth. Vinitorii lor dially rocoivod. Moinboreof unhorrlinntolodRet lo thh jurisdiction, invitod to join. C UANNAN. C. I'., (i. V. nit,h, (i. K. ESRIiX CKNTUK hODGK, Ko. 10/A. O. U.U Mnotu Hocoud and fourth Moudayn in oaol month, Jn tho Oddfollow'n Hull, at H p. m ViuitiiiR hrothrrju will hftRivon a fratornul \vl coiiio. JOHN LAINCI, Maator Woikiuai- C. H. FULLKIt, Xtoconlur -\MliV, IIHK'.ADH.-Tho Firo JirlKado meuti J- nocoild Woiint.-HiliLV uvi'uinj',' ovoiy inont.li at H p. in. in tin; conned I o]iainlji?r. All nivioui ruquoHtod to attond. .1. M.:M UJtllA Y, Child .J V. Mi-gUKKN, Socioi.uy. COURT KOVAI,, NO. 'JIJ, I. O. F. Muotii aoconil and fourth TuoKdav'H in ciu-1* month in 1. O. (). 1-'. Hull at IJ u'clocli n. m VlhitiiiR hrotljom will ho fdvon a frntirnul wop iKiinii. I1'. ATcCiitiNhind. C. U., \V. C. Slmw, titiny M.J. Winlo, CD. JI. C. IL. lAND AND LOAN AGENTS GEOIiai-J J. THOJIAH, Convoyauour, Com- uiiiuiionor, in Hi|di Conn of dioibico; duuloi lu HoilI ICiitatc and Mort^aijcui. Mouoy to loat at tho lowoHt rato of intcroiit. X'urtnu houj;hi and aohi. Imiuratico tukun in tim moutroliiLblf oonipanioB. PJia\vin of doudu, mortRacaH and loaunn a npoolulty. OharRon moilorutu and till bauinona iiromptly attondod to. Call at the Oontral Tolophono ofhoo. KnuosContro. BO-ly MARRIAGE LICENSES. f D. BKAMA.W, Iflinior of MarriftHo IJcoihiph. Inmirunco a upon- Night otlloo nt Dwollinp. TAM10T K'PHKKT, K8SKX BAHUI5TT, iiiouor of ManiLgo liiconnon, i Comminjjionorip O.J..oto. Oouto, Out M, MARIIIAGR Liconwoiior Wccltling HhiKn ouu bo procured tit H. Ij. Pnrk'o, tho old - ' liablo juwollor, Khuox, Ont. I^D^imVEYOtt^ JAMBS B. LAIRD, Provincial Lnncl Burvoyo? and County Knfiinoor, ISbbox Uontre, Ont Oulce, Dunfitau Dloolt, iipHtalm. AWCHITECTS- TOHM A. MAYCOCK, 'XlToffltEOT. &c. Boom 10 and ll,1F)emlna Bulcllpff, Wlndaor, Onl Tho no 1)10. UNDERTAK*NC Il riiUMWHU, Uiidorfitf- and FtrnHni J I ' oior'fy.urdc am &J to i0, iicUic'iiLr lu i)-i THE DEAD KOMANOEE. ^YM CRINKLE WRITES OF ROBERT -........ LOUIS STEVENSON......... llin l>md NovulUt'i* I'i'fwiiiHil TrulU HU Plitro In ll'td.'iii FNtloii IHm lunntlfnl Oliuviu'ti**' ami Nn tn ml lc fjlfw n~ rniMiiif! Miltor IliM >li-t .iniholy l'.ml, Ono of thn fnvnrlto h* "y-lollor.'i of out timi' bus jiiHt dicil hi.n 1 r-nway island of tho I'noilic, whi'i'ii hn nun.', liln liomis and i;very HiiLtrnenI-<if tin* cin !o of oivill/ul ion is viltriil.in^ with an in .latitannoii.'i j^ul- IIOSM. Tliln cnfmiopLilitiui coulil not- hiilo lilm- Hplf from mankind In the jumdi's of I'nlu Monnt.-Iin. 1 In iMirrio'l I u S.-inioa I Im j'old* un wiri'S t.bnt; tied him to hin raro, mut from t ho fur Mandu of t.ho m-ii ho ont out tin- iiinjj;iH.'t,ii; cnriiMit h t.liat riracln*d niillioiiM of heart'. TIhto ore no Innt'er any "vexed Iter- mootlios"'t hat lie like phantoms llvo fur iioiiKiiT i.oiiiH ^tkvi:nson. lon^s st ill hfyoinl. (ietiiu.s can no limber liccoiiii';i I'cclu.s!' rind hide finiii man, for inati i:OU' 1ihi!is iulncvrry unci!; ;iir! ri'u'ilf-r jf I In- ^ci'iy oi J jiljrn :. li'iln-ri I.oui^ Eleven son was ;i romanror. Thut, ;it tlii.H arid moiueni, -d' prMi'lo:-?i vi:rl:il fidieiiy i*. his brevut, to the wi.irhi. Ho was a st'ory-ielhir, and bis lories were of men and wiwiu-n iu notion. Xow lliat v: 1'iiiiu- to Nude over liU work, piled lip wit 1: prodigious energy in~spitn nf^ntl" invalidism t hat einit iniinlly threw ii.s :um;: iiis sliadmv over liis" ebiisoioiisiicss, we i an see Mud. all his mm and women are dieni: and not *'xjvmndim;. lie has t,lu: archeivpe of Ijeanty in his ^oiil and tim s no; I'mnlile' fori!, in the ^.verela of a prrw.-tir: workl. .Some! Iiin.tr is restless, imnmdic, in St.ev- [imatn'.- oharuour. . You .crumot . t.hhik *of h oi as a petla^ofiiU' or as the. ,scdo'ni.ary ht.,.k worm, compiling Met :mm from t.ho r.dlerted lights of this liln-ary; mistaking -rtri; icrsrrr fnr-t:n:artop n-fi+j <U4-n4-ii*u^4 riif Ii- tioii with-cynicism. Shiit, in with his own i'.'j.'.li:y lie would, have caj.cn his lioart out vainly. lie must tlrnw hin stimulus from contact willi the world. He will knock altotlt;. On tin; whole, jf om: will know what, kind of u world mio lias j,'of, into and what, aro ith illimitahlo pnssihilii ies no le^s than its possihlo limitaiions, this is be! ler than ro tie I tm a pundi in a study mid hey in tho futile task of lifting une'-j .self by one's own waistband. I cannot now: recall in their chronologi cal order the earlier books of Stevenson, hut, they yrnnp LIhohsuIvos in my mind as hooks of travel, i Tis is on a donkey in tho Covenncs. lie is puntiny his way with Sir Walter .Simpson in his canoo nlon/j; Dutch canals, drinking in thu still slum brous industry and etching the roofs of Amsterdam on his memory. JIu is voya^in^,' to Now York iu tins stoor- "agt'."' Ho is settled on the Suranac and toiling across the continent on mi cmi- Lcritii ( train; now on the Adirondacks and now iu California, mid t.lien back to Scot land. fxehnn^in# the drawl of the Ameri- L'an rivers for the tinkling hum of tho highlands, i hiinately he, is drifting iu l.rojiical -ca.T wayward, like a ^tilf, hut happy, like a lover to fix las home, on an island in the everlasting sunshine, where ho eon hi run barefoot like a Kanaka and writo like the Wizard of thu North when tho mood seized him. That this vagabondage was the mere re- Biiit of a dis(:iirsiyoJiitj/JJi;i:L.nnd-U.restless disposition I should-, not liko to nay. Doubtless an incipient invalidism had much to do with it. Ste.ven.c;on appears to have carried within him at an early period in his caret*r certain mortal Inis^ivin^s, faint intimations of physical disaster, and nothing is so apt to make tho imaginaiivo niati rush away from himself. IJ ut the result is shown iu his work. His mind is stored with pictures, not with conclusions, iIu lias not had lime to bo reflective only time to bo cognitive, and whenever and whon-ver ho turns from the concrete details to tho abstract mysleries of life, Ik; is like a Doro and not at all liko ft Turner. So lie created with a visual felicity and not wit.11 the 'diilosnphio insight. Jfe- made romance-s, braided his material according to :>. law of U.-auty into transient and y low ing det orations, but never wove theni hit o inimoial wnat lis. Criticism of the .soberer kind may now see clearly enough his limitations if it; will. "Treasure l-ikim!" remains to ns n boon, but unsung by the reviewers. That :.o nuvo ration nmsK, to turotiH, And hi bin virile force net in n brawny hand In a kid ^\o tlmmmt aro numoitlhiu and ho nvaitny adveii- it wrjfk thnro \h a. vo stylo llk a Mainly tho treatment. yiiiTioit on Saxon mid thr.. \h an lnpliV^)tiIoryou almodt, cv.iry tltlo pago that \^L Ixtrod. aro edllh'd or not you ahull not i^^lj. t'|lu Tliiajaau.lneiiloulublii t;iuirauty^ [ii-eiicnt niomout. \U!1it< /I'lio eiirreut noyol Ih heayx^V-lOcUJ Stevenson brought with him to hin page tlio mnoll <ii tho h;ither und the Hidlnu breath of old ocean horHftlf. Of the loan I think II, may b) said that ho felt that he win a wanderer, and that tlio only way to keep hhi imagination from fending mi itself was to supply It contlnu- i ally with new olijects of extormd interest. ' Few men of letters have lieerr hlesceil by < fain with so'fniry-liko u consummntion of 1 llieirdesires. Stevenson's Mfnintho I'rtci- i lit: make;, even "Typee" tame. Kiwi, uf all ho met by uun'o acr:identa j wonmn in Paris who instantly lllled n chasm In hin uoul a feat so seldom aeeoin- 1 plislied outside of fiction that It hi notable. I 'J'be fact that lids woman was the wife, of j .Mr. .Samuel Osborne, does not appear to ' have particularly fretted the course of i true love. The woman must have per- cei'vi'd with an im-tairt intuition .home abeyant desires and proelivit Ies In .Mr. .Stevenson of which ho was only dimly aware himself. They came together, for explanations of each other tlwit rmb'ody else ertuld undcrslanil. Mrs. Osborne ap pears in have n-ad and understood and sympathized with ihe man who scarcely under.- lood h bnself. The st'.ry of their nli.ie(|Ucnt marriage in Ca!ifori)ie. i.s unhpie. 'I'hero is not a shadow of scandal attaching to It so far as .1 can h:;r.-n. .Mr. (J>bornc himself appears to have apfirovtd of it and In have been pre-cut at the .vremoiiy after his wife had nb: ;;iii"ii an tuidi-fpu'i-d divorce. It Inokn very mueJi as if the absolute fitness of the hivon. was Mioli n< tn convince even the hie,hand. And what is still more rt-mark- uliie, the jtl'icr life of .Mr, Stevenson and i.tes this view. Very* lew, if any, dreamers have been able, to-si) Selkirk their dreams and pick their ui.-ui 1'Yidav. 'i hiuk of ihe runagate mind looting Sninoa/'aud hewing a path tl.iuii-li i lie. li'i.picnl forest to hullil his Ticrli.-m Inane bi;;h up on the hmely mouil- lom, ami 'Im vi:i'.^ ah-.orb;.-d all that travel eo'd'I ollVr, mi: im.; down in his shirt sli'i'Vi's bare-i'uoied, torellect on the ma terial and work it, out ? Thh\k, to,,, nt' the reel user, being double. Would anybody but loversiht this? Would any woman who had livedin-I-'aris do it if she. were not mortally, iu love and were Jealous of 'the world? Somewhere in every observant man's life there comes a time when he must sit down and begin to think backward, for the. future is narrowing to a point. It crimes snoimr to the invalid than to others. "I. have been hurrying and fancying, I lived in a mub to get away from myself. Now I listen lo my wife and am content." lint Nature is not cajoled even by love. Alas! the lint breath of tho tropics that ol laved tho restless mind heated and 'thickened the bin id and Stevenson was .struck down by the voluptuous hand that had coddled and fanned him. So fell, in tin* promise of his intellect, a man so singularly lovable that even envy MUB. IU I., BTKVENSON. charming atory Iuls no btraln mul no apo- cial defect. But to the (feneration Stev enson ia bcKt known by .Ida "Dr. Jokyll and Mr. Uytlo," an audacious pluca of sou- Hutloiialiimi Iu which thu conclusions of morality and science are aliko t\Inrogardod in tho eonBtrcutlon of a nlghtmaro. It in worth recording:, however, tliM this work, which was n more oxmirfllon Into uncongonlalgloom .nncl which fixed"-pub lic attention upon .him no qulokly aurf wiiloly aa public attention is itlxyitrft (lar- od by whatovor breaks ajvay from Cw normal moitn did uot by lkn Kiieociih C*+ tormltia tha wrlter'a future career nlou^; thn orlgctt of the monstrous, lie appear* .sti;vi:n'son-'s to.mii on tut: mountain top. had a smile for hi in, and the rude natives, with a dumb reverence, carried his remains hii;h up on the airiest plateau of their loftiest mountains and laid him thcro where ono may overlook tho sundit wastes of the l'acilic ami fool how faraway tlio world is. Personally and among fellow workers, Stevenson was a gonial, unobtrusive, but not, uiuMithusiastio companion, . Stevenson was a prolific writer and his work ranged from sketches of travel and tales of adventure to psychologic analyses and fairy legends. "Treasure Island," which was published in lf>S3, is one of tho most charming exploits of the imagination that our era has produced, but it does not mark the author's highest raime of abilit ies, which was probably reached in "The Master of JJallantrae." In all the work that preceded "Dr. Jckyll and IMr. Hyde" there were true in dications uf an ebulliency that belongs to youth or at least to an overflowing fancy. I hit when wo conic to..that hook wo got the strain of a function out of gear. The mistake of tho book, from an ethical point of view, is in making character -iopoiulent on u drug. But perhaps noouc could have reasoned or spun from tho same postulate wit h any greater artistic success; Few men have poured out tho same, amount of material in tho same time and o preserved the mean of excellence, audit i-, ibis fecundity, rather than any similar- iiy of style or purpose, that has made his admirers compare him loSir Walter Scott. lie utterly lacked Sir Walter's discipline ol family. His moods varied, and .some times left him barren, lie was either in spired or helpless, lie wrote when lie felt like it. nndMio wonder is that lie felt like it. -.(lol'ien. .\s for his styio it is commendable for us ler.eiiess, its lucidity and its strength, I li.iii'-'h it cannot: be compared with Wey- ui:in% for Saxon directness, and, like his iiioods, it varies, and sometimes hccuis to disappear ^altogether. Ho tells us that "Treasure island" was written iu "two bursts of fifteen days," with a fallow gap between. And it was in these bursts that he was at Ids best. There Is ii'-'lireezo in that book that nothing hut tho writer's enthusiasm-could impart. You will look in vain for it in "Dr. Jelcyll." Taken altogether, his instincts, if not of the transcendental order, were pure and sweet, lie does not revel in misfortune or cruelty, and most of the boiiign Induences of nature found a response hi Ids sympa thies, That his best work was done can hardly hi) said of a man who dies at forty-four with an unimpaired intellect. Hut ho in said to have left two hooks which were completed in tho ropo.se of his island. And I think thoy should ho tbo host work of hlu life.'- For.'wlth nil tho pains that ho took to express hlnmelf with an almoat faultlosHHtylo, there are in all hin hooka evidence., of a tmporflclal knowledge of the largeat and deopoat truths of life which trutliH-aro very apt to oludq tho resMea aiul CftRer mind of youth. For this reason Stevensoh'H work will not In Its'entirety grow with time. lie wa too distinctly u product of thl era to touch any other, and A product uot of the - rnont ciimcHt or the most lasting iutolloo- tual factory of thU era. Kveh oh ua amua- or ho cannot take wmk: with tho greater Btory tellura who wore fired with a ooiiylo- tlon that set ovo'n their imagination* nblaxc NVM'CmNiL^... Hood's jCure^d Aftor | .Others ft? ailed Scrofula In tho NccU-Bt mchoa All HatiKorvlllfi, Mnlno. "C. I. Hood & Co., I<o*ull,.Miw:i.: . ;.....- "Gcntleniea: h Iu favor of Hood's Harsaparlll;). : I have been trouhlcd with aeroml'i 1;( u. .':: ,indthro:it. Several kinds nf. m.'i.'.t'ini ^ h [ tried did not do mo any (roo.l, a:. ' : ',\.-.\ . .:.'.ii- inenccil to talco Hood's Sai\sa}i;;v;!!.i, t.i:.'. : ^ lari;o-hunchcs on my neck :y. :.<> o '.!. ,. j o.icu te^lb ff'V'.; not bear the iillBlitesttoui !i. V.'Iimi ( ] ! takim one bottle of this me<hci:v. V,]-i h.ul i;one, r.ud beforo I luol t'.'d.iht-.'l l!ei .' "iii;I the bunches had entirely tliJappear-i." ;.la:cuc AtwooI', San/;ervillo, I\f:iiiia. y..i:. Il.yeii decide to Lv.ke Ilood'-i nar.'.apa- rillj. ih> :n.t '..') !::ilo:;ed to bay any odea". Hood's fdlls cure constipation by rustor- lugthepeiistailluauuuuoi thfJidiuiciiUrycanah MANCE AND COMMERCE Tokonto, April 11, !*>!).">. At New Vork money on call easy ~ to ij]j. Prime mercantile paper -IbJ lo n. Unr silver llij,1-'. Slnrling oxciiauee .lull, actual business ?-1.8S;.{ to, bj for sixty days and at Sl.SUJf to lA for demand. At C.-hicago wheat was dull, traders holding off in anticipation of the govern ment report. Tho close Was )U to ,','c low er for May and \i higher for cash, ('urn advanced )'0 and. oats }* to ',. Provi- "slons wiu'e higher. lilstimatetl reeeipi.s for to-day, wheat 11 "cars, corn lu.'t e;uv. Hogs, 'loloot) licud. At Washington, D.C., tho April report of tho Statistician of tho ^Department ol Agriculture mtdecs tho averugo eondltion of winter" wheat on tho first of April M. f as against b(S.7 hist year. It was 77.1, . in lS;i,-8I.iJ in 1803 and 06.0 in' 1MII. (ieiier- ally tho past winter has been hard on wheat. Tho fall of ISO! was a dry mm and nut favorablo in many state* either to germination or to tho n:aie!ei:a::cc of tho vitality of tiio plant. The ..--pring lias ab-o been droughty over exieiirdvo areas. Much good, iiowover, has been jiroduc" " "iln's In the latter part' uf Mar- , in-... j . . lioiihirly iu thu atateu of Indiiiua, Illinois, Mlflsourt anil Iowa. Moderate rains also fell In Kehraskaaml South Dakota. Tt is reported, however, that the .-oil was so dry and had .suffered so limn from dnuight that It will require much heavier rain-, to produce any per AUCTIONEER nKNKY HKDKICK, Auctioneer. Salon promptly attondod to. Auilroim South Woouidoo, Ont. 1'onumn (loniiitiK to nocuro me may lotivo word at tho X-'ukk Vimaa otllco. tl H. HEDHICK DSIKCIiAIU, LICENSED ATJCTIONEEH tor tho County of Ehbox. Bailiff of ElRhtb Ulviuion Court. All kinds of Farm and other HhIob oniiduoted promptly. Itaton roa^onablo and furiiiuhurt on impllcatiou. Euquirora may apply at W. I). Boaiiian'ti oflioo, or at tlio olllc or Dlvlfii&n Court Gkrk, Mr. John Mlluo. JOHN r.OItMLEY. IJCISNBED AUCTIONIOKIt for tho County of Eufiox. All Icinila of farm utock- nalon, utc, conducted promptly and on iiliorfc notico, Itaton roiiaoi'ablo PorRono rloulruble to urranito nalcn may 3o iioby callhiftut tho Fkeh riusiai otlloo or by applying to .J J. GORULEY, I. O. Box 1.15 Eiidoi, Out. 17*11 ANK M0CL0SKJ3Y, Maldntono, tlllrty- . iiovon youra' oxporlonooai) an iiuotlouoorm tho County nf Knnex. Salon onmliiotod promptly, icd on roiuionablit torma. Vartloii (louirlii^-to rtx tho dato for a nulo can liavo thonmolvuf a dri?o by cdHini; at tho Fmsu rniisa oflico- Wo hnvo arraugad with Mr. MoClnalcoy and will fix tho dittos for iinl.Mjby toloprraph.ontfruly fruo of til charfjo to tho portion holding tho nalo, Ad- lrobH X'riLiik MoCloiikov.AraidiitouoCrntKi.Ont, 1135 ' r'"r NtliBSEpYWA^, ('- ' RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poaoh, Pear, Plum, Applo and Quicoo"'Troon, . Roaoa, Evorfireonn, Berry BuhIiuii, Raaphorry, Blaoliborry and Currant Buuhoa, ,AH.-rpraM*fl8 Btoelt. Save agenta* Big Profits'! anci:writo for priboii. Wo will ohoer- fully anHwer you by return mail. Splendid Apple Trees, Al iu ovry resp^ot, $12 PER 100 - $12. t* lFrcah iti'i'ival of Cream of Witch-haz el, the popular rem edy for Chapped Hands and all Roughness of . . the Skin . Call for it now. 'tiik oniiaciiai', ESSEX; Hotter'.' Mitl^ IAMKS NAYbO't ulto': ttllil biipomnlity Of* iiniioiinoin,. o Con pemdo tf tlio Town uud V.nxiuty at l<!rniox, tliutlm loin vni-ioiltdoil UmKil' mix ltoller MJJlit noconlhi to plnitii proparuilby- It. X. Jrie., HI.. Tlioiiuui, iliuI linn itlno iioeiirod tlio KrtrviciMt t,t UoiiKirr Stiiaciia^, an oxpori- oik.'ihI ami thoroiiHldy f:"tni>otinit inillur. Thimldiuj Uh\ pooppci' tlio town and county ior tim putronapo bonoiwcd upon him In tho iniht, will (;unruntoo ti<it;iifitctlon in tho hiturr Gristing and Chopping Soecialtv. 'ntR l\V.y-T CWtAIIKP 'M-' lT.fHMt, VVY.V /COKN.VKAL KKl'T IM HTiiC.K ANU KQL) AT KIGH'i' I'KICI'W. Cash Paid for Wheat and Dots. ... i THE AMEk7iCAN HOTEL Egsox, - Ontario. V <?. LUCK, PKOPI--IKT0H. HAH BKBN 1 Jn tlioionclily puioti il and ropluninhod with now rurnituro by tl.o prcsunb proprietor. LAion: ii.uin is riiSMin'inN. Fin.t-tMii'Oj Ac :v. ii.uin IS riiSMin'inM. i leoiiiniUitlfii '.'iinnintfv'ij. ' ESSEX ' ^ Hasldlusi-R(;s-ii!'varJ The fte'i i:Rrf ' Boois and'^hess .. \ft E?S82I, Great Value Sir Men's Shoes and Oxfords, Ladies' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords, The Chen post in the Land, Call and Eqarnlno and boCon- vlnocd foi* youraolvcflf Jas. Douglas, si^it of iii<- <;ouitii Huoi, Whitnov_.Block ' *___.-Essan WANTED te,1.:r!32 our Hardy Canadian Gmwn Imhmupv fitocl:. Wo guurantoo tiatiiifiiDiJoii to io|it(Hiiiitativou and cuiitomuTB. Cur nurnitrinH aio tlio hiroont In tlio Dominion, ovor 700 acres, So imliHtitutfon in ordorn. Kxcluuivo torrltory mid liboral torruti to whole or imrt timo iifontH. Writo tin. BTONM A- WKMJNGTON, (IJoiul oilha) Toronto, Onfc (Tho only nuruory in Canada IulvIojj tofitlnfi orchards.) -M-ara T,i:r!itciit, \ I;a>it:.;t Aloat Accurate, Compact, .Mont Modern ami progressive- I'ur i'iii;:!iiKii or IiiformaLloji. write to jviarlin Finn ARMS CO., t N'MV tln\"l, fnin, POR TWENTY-FIVE Y^ARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND largest Sale in Canada. w. I? Vlnca In tho world for yomitf mod nnd \vomon to tuiiMiroii HubIuobb Kducutifin.Hhorrhaod.oto.,^ tho Detroit BiiBiiii-im Unlvoriilty. Do- tvolt, Mloli. Ilninn:uto(! outaloBuo Frcis, Itoronoicin: All Detroit, JEWEXdjJp-roH. I'- II- SlWNt)MIl,Soo'y. Best Money tts loan On Rood productive Farai Property at S, A fl por coot. Btrajght). No Valuation Fees. tar Conveymoing Dono up Iu Neat 8fcyl Fire and Lifo hsurance- A.i.ilOVELACE," ItfSSJBX, ONT K,,v,-;.,:,^v . litiMiii<ELL^^ ^ii^ii^^^.! ^i^diikik^^i m* WTOfflofi: Wtiluey Block, upB|i :' :,>i'/M', -'iSj &'(.W, ,!".i,,^' ......- .. 'L:v^I }.tnemn>'#an* 63

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