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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, p. 8

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*y Tf^v.";T, ' i',22 X& K-y h- WW WUH&r ^BSEX "..Kfti. .me&s* Great Uritaln f'ertmcnin tlio Will Huvo No Into*. Vom'/imhiTrotiblo, A .H0STILE.C1A.SH MAY OCCUR The UnltfKl Niulttit'lVim Miulo th Ouiuo ot Voutizuolu Mm* Own A Oiiitit. Doiil Now I>t-poiid oti tim Aellnil <f tho T'n tJov'riiini!ii|u In tho J>IU|iut<wl IViTltnry. 1% and ;ill molli-iv. \vlio lire luii'sing babu::i tlcrivo threat benefit from SeottV. Iitnulsion, Tins prepara tion serves two purposes It gives vital st-rcn^Ui to mothers and also cnnilnfsTTu*ir milk and thus inaUrs l,lu;ir halves t-'.riw:. WuHhhiKlon, April 5. "Vomw-nlu," Raid 11 Bontlnnuin ycMlmlny who has lived many yeaw In Smith Amorini, "would rather ho rodneod to ashes than permit I-rout Britain to oemipy pornmimntly (.lit country hi (llnpulo between her unci Brit- tsh Guli.nii." Thin declaration semim correctly to ti_> ._roH thu (iuiithmmts of thu Veitry-indjin people with refer-once tn MiIh lontf-mooli'i) qnoHtlon, What union Wno/.uoln nmy lilthmitoly take tn the nmttnr In mil known, but It/ 1m douhll'ul if tins Crespu hdmlnUtrntlon Ih considering tho proba bility of war with (Ji-oat Hrltaln as n ro- Bulk of tho latit'v'H refusal to abandon thlh territory. Tlio Venc/iulu'iis an- hopeful that tho illtiputo between themselves and Great Britain may yet, ho refer ml t" orbV- trillion. Thoy iiwlst. strenuously Unit the territory belongs to them nnd that Great Uritaln Iimk hnm enrniuohliitf upon It I'or yeurs hoi'aiiHo of Vfiifziu'la'ti inability to I>rvont her. Great Britain, on the other hand, has) long hmlntalnoa that while nbo will arbl- trato Kinno of tho pnlntH in* dispute ho- twuen tho two eouhtrloH, ho will jiot urbllrato hor control of tim country now hold by hor/ which embraces a tract ISO inlloH long byilfi whir, stretching from the count (.'UMtwartl and cmbmclnijf a portion of tho month of Orinoco river. There is nothing now In tills position taken by Groat Britain. In tliu eorrnupomloneo be tween Mr. llayarrt and Urn .Salisbury Government us far ImH; as 1HKH, when Mr. Bayard filled tho oMre of Secretary of State, Groat" Britain asserted that this ter ritory was a* much a part of hor country ns imy of her colonial posfinsslons, and that she could not penult hor right to oc cupy It to be arbitrated. Moro reeonlly tbo" British representatives havo clalmod bat their ownership of this land could bo Lo mom tin- subject, of arbitration than cat'lJrHaln'rt VlRlit to Surrey or-Kuwix-: ny ^hfr.'of 'tb.^'oniintlos In Knglnnd. .'ho'l'Iiiltiul States; _ Govormnont ban tiddly made tho ruuso of Vciiozuela o'wiv. A Krouf doal will now dopond n tho action oftlio two Govornnnsnts 'tins dUputod territory. loth Vcnezuida and Great XMtnlnMuiYQ ftabllshnd sninll outposts along tho uyunl river, wl.leh IIowh through tho centre of tho ttrritoi-y In etjiitrovorsy. Tlu'se outposts overlap each other, some of tboso established by Venozuola blng nimiTfr-trrtlio territory w11l^lrtrntrlTnittwl-l-y- British than arc sonic of tho British out posts. Tho situation is stidi thatahostilu clauh n\ny bo brought on at any time. i l>r ill i- ls a constnifiiive fond motes iho inaULnjjf... ni tissue and hmie. It is a wonder ful remedy (of Emaciation, GonorJ Oobility, Thro.i. and Lunft'Comolnintr, C:c:*ri;St Cohi?, Anaemia, Sorotula r.nd Vv':-.o'tiuff Dir.o::<ir-s ol Children* /." ;; .' . il.-.-it I. fiiUMi- . l..-.ii.N.llc. Ml Drnr]f]k;!a, GOc '. lS1. -NKWFUUNDIANirSD Dnlo^iitcs Submit a Statement ol ("oaililion ol* the Island. >T tllo B7Y-LAW NO. 307- liosUtr Korth in tho ipiibty tho hum of A BY-TjAW to vVoviilo Tor dninmU') work in the TowriHUip of Cola 0'iiinty of HnvU'x.iLiid for borrowing onthu aroJib of tbn muiiioi i)\YM>.Ti>toi:r.(tii\\>\*iii\ii*i tho muiiii, - i ProvUiomilly ttfloptud t.ha ard day of iMuirah, A. D., 18'Jfi. Wni'.iiv.An, Ofitliwt In writing Iulm Ihumi nurviid by John J, VouUr l-'nf|,, u\\i\i\ tho nmhlcbud (tonnuil ot tbo towrnililn o( (ioluhmdor No'tli iicillfvlnu thuoi tlmt If tlmv did wot luiprovo tlio _ilmlnn iiiijiioiHit, tn 11 iu liuidn, n\u\ wldob witro overflowing thorn und (lionauliii/ hlni.tliut lio WddTirtiiliii; uti iiotlnii toy ilinniiijcu injuliint tlunn AN WllKUKAH lllOKill|'0ll tin Hliiil "(Hll:Cll llUH, ptUnwoil KM lOCtUtlllKttlail tO llt> OlluUl 1)/ Jail. H. Tiiil'd, I' ].i H , lioinj.; a piUHmi orimpoLnnr. ""' 'txutU punuiHo, nr tint nu.10 uvrnt proiiOHOil to lio (Iroiiind nnd the uieinm mit'iciHtiul for the dinliuii;" tlnimof, mid of rttlinr liiiidn mid rondu Ilithlu rtiiin aj|. Kiid li.iii ilIiio tn-omo-od idtum, iitwioUluiuioiiK and in-thnatnH or -Juiitiiu k. Luird, 1*. Ji " Iho o uKitrhNinent U' il< dnilmnM' uoi Ic to lm inmlt- hy Ok (odd Jumuhi K. I.n.ttd, 1*. J,, H./uml ttii uwutiHinnont tn b inado by liini eT i. lio liitnln nnd I'oiiln In nclltod hy mmli dnilintcii woi-lt ilihI of otlmr liind'i uud rondu llnblo for niiiitiihulion tlieieto, nta iu{J. no neioly iui lm i!iin, iln proportion of Vjooottt, outlot UuliiHtv od tujiirii i: llublOiv. whicli, in idn opinion, will bjt ilorlvod or inourrod hi uniiHontiniinA of inioli t'orlitm of |ft tint unitenu- IrtLfitntai wdilt. hy i-vi'i'V rcml lot nicnit low iiuilh i by thin Kv-lmv I'lnioti'd to 1 o iiHfii-miod and liivhid upn Uio'rondu nod lotit or * '" ......... rib " NO-STATEMENT OF TERMS YET Tho Amount of tb 1'iiblh; I)rlt. Hli.nvn to b About ftllO,000,000-Tbo VUltori* Will bo liuii<iuot<Ml hy tbo <:itlxtm of Otiuwii on Tiumduy Noxt. / FIRST OF THE SEASON. ',/, Kttvlcutlon on l.nltf* ICrlo Oponnd by'ttto -; * .Stenmoi- City f l>troit, Botrolt, April 5. Navigation on Lako Erlo was opened yesterday by the Detroit and Cluvutynd Stenm Xavigntion Com pany. Tho Hteain'er City of Detroit has boon lying at the dock hero for tho paat two,days waiting for, th'e Win to move out of tho harbor at- Cleveland. Word wan rocolved from that idty at noon that a tug had forced a passage through -tho leo bar rier there, and at U o'clock tho City of Detroit left hero for the first trip of tho Reason. Amherstburg, Ont., April 5. Tito large pahico steamer Ulty of Detroit piiHsed horo late last night for Cleveland. She Is tho first boat this season. Lake Erie Is almost freo from Ice. InvlttMl to Moutb .Tothov. Capo May, N.J., April 5. Tho Ameri can Forest Association" litis accoptud tho invitation of tho Now .Icrney Forestry A- eoclatlon to como to South Jersey from tho 15th to tbo 10th of May next. Tho party will consist of about 76 promlnont people from all partu of the United Status and Canada. Some of the prominent gontlomon of tho party will bo tho Hon. J. S. Morton, Secretary of Agriculture; N. H. Newell, United Stilton Geological Survey; Hon. II. J. ' Lotblnlcro Joly, Quebec; Hon. ICdward Burroughs, Hon, Franklin Dyo and Prof. J. 0. Smock. Strwwt Itiillwuy Itlot.in Chlcugo. Chicago, April 5. A riot occurred at tho cornor of K3nd and Grovo st.reuts to day, cansod by tbo General Kleotrlc Street Eivllway Company attempting to run a car across tho tracks of tho Chicago City Railway Company. Over 200 ompluyen of tbo latter company solzod tho car, and after derailing It chopped It Into kindling wood. Nono of' the participants In tho *lot wero wirlouflly Injured. . MOHt^ot lluodlo l-'oroluu Htiuur. Pldladolphln, April 5. Tho sugar trust. havo ordorod tho Philadelphia sugar men io stop handling imported sugars A number of broken* say that they will not bo inutorlally affootod by tbo order, as thoy liandlo hut llttlto of tho imported product. Touonto. April 5.1805. Tbo local market \n especially strong In braidsfcufftf. 'I'rlcflH- both hero aud at Montreal .lire .cunhldambly higher than those paid outflldo. Two cents moro wan ptTld-on.tlvs Htroots hero yesterday"than waH given for oar lots in tho Unltod - States. Generally tbo prices continue higher than those paid olsowhoro. Flour in uiHo Ann. Thor has boon an advance of just lOo In the weak oloslng yoatorday. 3\tlllfoed Is Inclined to. weaken and has lost fiOo in tho week. Tbo demand fen? Iiarloy Is active, and car.lots aro selling at 45c and 4(Ju. For ono'lot 47c was paid. There ltrArnmiVclty of ryo, and JHc could bo obtained,, -Uiickwliuat 1h also In good dim mud at'Uo to 12o for ears. p,P.U. HtocklH improved in Iondon. It opouod ilrm at 41 >^ yesterday. In. Mont real-it was firmer, tbo opening figures being id.ixmUm^, In the aftornoon a rumor youohod Lon- don- Wng., ot the death of Quoon Vlotorln, and thlH utbiottled llje market for a tlmo. "Later tho wport was denied and at tho oIoko norvoim traders who had rocovor^ul tbei? oo'niniiHuro Wort; buying liaek tbo atook sold on the fidse rumor of tbo Qu*sM!* drtith. An Investigation dm(dop ed tb fiwt that the ruinor was t;lre.t|lalixl Iji Cl'bo iutd Motii*trI irt^-lUfin-o it Ottawa, AprU 0. Thoro was nnotber short eonforenco between tlio Newfound landers and the members of the {.loveru- mont In tlio Prmuior'w olllce yesterday moridng. Tlio delegatus submit led n statement Of tho condition of tho Island, financially and otherwise. This state ment shows the amount of public debt a<= being about $10,000,000, and gives Inform ation from tho official reports of the island au to the statu of trade. . .The ronferone.u then adjourned until -HnVmornlng, to permit olthlsj^iUmjont being printed, /^o far 'no statement o! terms hus been laid before the conference. t'tmt jdlmontry U lb nor, A meeting to complete arrangements fof the complimentary dinner to the New foundlanders- from the citizens of Ottawa was held at the Unroll yesterday morn ing. Mayor llorthwlek wan In thu eliair. Others present were:; Sandford Fleming, C.M.G., Kx-Ahh-rman Honey, .Sir .Tames Grant, J. \V, Mclbie, ne'orgo F. Hender son, Alderman Stewart, N. M. I.'lke, P. "nnifsUervllle, ^, May nurd Rogers, Frank MeDeugal; O. Duro.cher, ..Tofiuph Kava- nagh, president of the Hoard of Trade, C. Kess, Hborlff Sweutland, Samuel Dlng- bani, H. G. Code, 1>. D. Koss, William Hutehlfion, Dr. Wleksteed, J. K. AsUwlth, It. W.^Shannon, A. F. Molntyre, W. Y, Sopor, D. O'Connor, N. A. Heleonrt and Alderman Cook, secretary. It was deci ded that'the banquet should be on Tues day evening at tho. liussoll, and that tlekcts should not Include whin. Tho Kubsiriptlon was plated Jit fit. As them will be extra expenses which that figure will not cover, a number of those present put their names down on a guarantee fund for tbo extras. Tho only guests will bo tho Newfoundland visitors and tho Governor-General. At first it was thought of inviting the members of the Govern* moot, but the meeting thought that tho Ministers would prefer to como hh eltUens of Ottawa, and that the dinner would he a more distinctive 'welcome If the only quests wero the Newfoundlanders and her Maljosty's representative. Sub-enmmit- lees were appointed Unirniiigi: all detalln. As the time between now and Tuesday lo limited there can be no systematic canvass of tho citizens, ami it Is expected that all who euro to attend will send In their names to tho Mayor, or get tlekcts at tho Russell house, whoro they will bo ready to-day. HlY Iturbnrt Murray Intarvlnwod. St, Johnn, Nfld., April G.-Str Herbert purl ii .of I'd.. 1m t. litnii.-nn tlmt i.cluili' rKpceliilly no north mid doiinrlbod, mid. thu roport of-tliu an follnwri: I'm th.i )';> > M' '.ml Munieit nl Ceiiiieiilnrii "f tho Tnwuiihln of Colulioutor Nnrtb In coilnull ikihoiii* liini : Ci j;*i'i,i.:.i( :: In iLccnrilniu:i wit li iiihtruulionti fnnn your honomblu bod v. I llnvo talcou tlio -.iiit ice id;.1 in'il l>\ Jnbii ! ,t, imuI Ihivii ex:in>iiiui| tbo dllchnil loiiiliiin from bin bind nnd tie^ to n-pm i tl.i-ir'iii ili< KillovMi, I loutel all tlirett dilution Ion iiii|; from bin pbuni ijrtnitly out of ropulr mid hi ml i in i ei"t (if iiti|i)nVfiN"iil. } would i.liinnfan riicnniimiud tlmt .tlio ditidi nn tbo Ii'oi.tur hidti voml I'M dinni'd out tn.in 111 j S'in!.u Hihli- lUuul iirmtli to tbo > niitlniru t.d'.vnlinu. Abm clmt ! In* < lite 11 ( n the lioi Ih :iMe i.f t In Si li iiine i^ino loud frmn tlio dailt nido of tbft Ko.-it'ii tddo rond v.i'ta-'nb -ot UK voimi to llin dilidi tliiriu'.-li !<it \\ thcnuiuirji'Di id "nift tbo nuid dltoh tbrniifjh Int. h, a litrdniico of ill unit t-0 iimIii in tin- iliteh on tin- \vnnl, h|(|ii ol tbn Ilnndl dido roiid. thonoo nlotlg tlio dilidi on t lie Wi-ul i i'lu of tim Drudi hi.In r<ni<l, In tho C'anurd, bo oloioiod out nnd ulno tlmt tho >;it.i-b <<n t hi- i-ontb -iih' of ibe ti'uK b roui:.i;lL'. J frmii the on.nt. iddo of tbo I;ontor nido roud to tbn went, i.idn ol tlio Ibni.li ii<im fond in* rlodiioil mil; tlj Hit'Jto.to lm cloiined tint In (lunordimuo witli tin tu<ni'\i'>l |M'<jt\ln nnd h(H'ctHcat.iimis, I ihi i tlmt the exit of' climniiii! nut mild dltchoit nin'l nttnn'W i^o iiiipro iih: t .bum, nil ot pen'ion iiKjlii'lud, will lm .'^l.iliitj 7.r> Of thin amount I luivo taxoa iho towixdiip id' Colcbi'hier N'.'itu lor lunu'lU. m roiuhi. with ryi'Mi; tbo Inndu In CoUdn-iitiir North for licnolU with .i^f.Mi nod l.lm lundi. In (Joloht'itttir Nortli for nutlot, : *Hi 1 .'J.r nil Hbown on the nniMXi'il liidiodiiln ol ii 4nin,ii] iiMiit.i, Aoe.'unp iiivlin| \ ou m>\1\ , II in I pi tint), jnidlldii, iipnni limit ion it, iisM'tjHii niit:t I'nthniitD't nnd nil ethi-r pnpi'rn in-oonHiiry for i^nldiLiluii In tlio 'nnuntrnotion) chuilillli: dilt o' t:\\.\<[ (1 mi in 'I'hiv.n 11 ru i nn ni iui | In- In-pi . 11 repidr hy a tax ni. Mm hnid:i uud rondu mow nhUiini-ed, nnd in llui inlne iirojiori Ion, r\cept tlio oiiubiner in clinvijo of tho topniM duoimi it iiroi.Miniiry to clnilii;o mid piopwliuii mi m-ioniit ol ' ho elm need oh oil unit uncos. I ImY'i I he In nor 10 bo, ;;onti(nin>'i, Vtnii- ohctliont mnviuit. JAMKS li. LAIKI), f). b, K. F.hiiOX, Dec It. 1KM. __ And \V in, hi-ah, tbo Hn'id louninl is of o); In inn that tho (.lrujiuii:n of the uruiiu.doner itiod in <\<y tiii-dhln, 'J'lioroforo I ho nil1.1 tuiiicipn] uniuioll r>f tho Hind towimbip of fJolcbutittir North, puruituit to tbo pvnviiuoiiH of tbn Diniuiico Aot. IH'.d, oiinutH nn foltowii: 1. Tho imid rnpott, idnilH. iipnoiliuiLllouii, uiitionnmontn (uud ontlmntoii urn hivdby ndoptod and the dmlnii^M work nnthtnein liidio.itiul uml sot forth ulinll be niiulo unit con.itructod in ncoortl 'iiico tbiirowith. 2. The lO'ovo of tho litdd towrmhip mnv borrow an tlio credit of tlio coriiorntlou of tlio tcihl t>i\viiii)ilp (it (.'olcboiitor North tbn hum <if j^t.HOit.Vfi, lioiini tint amount of lundii nouuimary for tbo n'ni'li, inui nni) inhun dobeiitiiroH of tbo corjmr itlon 11 that iiniouiit In nuinnof not lonu than .-Hiu oaoii, iiinl p tynhlu wjMiin tin yonrn from tlin diito theroof witli intop'iit Ut tho rut" of 11 vo per centum per inmiuu, tlmt in lo iiav in ton oipMl linitiitniontn iniub dohtnturo.i to ho paynbjn at tbn IniimiiiLl J {unit at tho Town of I-'.m.cx, n; i| to lutvo attiLchiul to thorn couponit for tho payiuont ol utiroht. :i. I'or piiybiu tlio sum of ^siriTiO, tho HiiKiuntcharuod aiiiiinnt the Raid huuln iiinl rondn for boiniflt, uud tho mint of JHli.iiri, tbo tunnuiit cletrced aiptiiist tbo mild lundii anil road" for outlet llubility, npnrt Irani' thu huuln nnd rtnuhi bidonclnn to or controliod by tbo niuninipnlity, uud for eovorini; lute root thniomi for (en yoiLii: tit the rate ol II vo pur centum por iUimmi;tho totnl special into, ovor nnd ithovo nil oilier niton, smill ho nuiwuiied, hivioil nnd colloctuil (in thu finiiio mnnimr .ml ut thu Mini'* tiiiKMin otiiur tnxoiMiro luviud mid colloutud), upon nnd from tlio unilormon- tionnil lots nnd pait'i *>f Intu, and rou<l:i, nnd tho iiuiount <if tho nid tottl spochil ruton nnd Intor* Fit nhnll be divide i Into tt-n oipuil pints mil nno nucli part nbidl ho aiinuo'itni, Uvlud-nud collected nn iiforounid in ench vein- lor ion ymini nfuir tlio flunl pniiiiinj; of this by-law, durinn which tho Kuld debeutuiuM linvo tc run. Foatherbone Corsets must not "be confounded with those which were made fivo-or-.six years ago. Tho Featherbono Corset of to-day Td3Tremo\*^~fro^^ is as style, as black is from- white. BUY A, PAiP. AMD YOU WILL tiH rLilASED. J. GOtTRIiAY & SONS, ESSEX. ONT. WS--.14 Lint nf it.iia and l'nrtn ot Lotn aiijjj Koailn A-toiuhhttl for the CI* iuiilk out ol tho Foster OutlotH, 8 " 5 . a o O (-1 7 Li qr lb n ijr 15 D,J vA ti.i i'l ni i.A ii 11 h qr Vi n <ir 13 n fjr 11 uhno u bf o qr 0 w l.f w lit '.I o lif w bf 9 w bf h h'f !l w hf H ' ohrohfrt n hf o lil H w bf 7 epi 7 w pt o bf 7 8 10 n hf lo Hlif lo 11 13 12 U 10 p H 7 r> U 12 is 14 w hfir. e bf 15 10 8 M It bo qr 10 o w qr 10 Brunh mdo road < no r,i) r>o no no 50 lflC fiii- .10 no 7.1 '25 JUO 100 100 200 200 200 188 150 118 lil :m 10 :^o iw; lit 70 70 180 SO m C3 a. 70 00 jr. oo 20 00 15.00 22 50 5 00 (i 75 2 25 A 13 f 1>10 Od 20 00 10 i 0 10 00 20 00 20 00 HO00 20 (JO 10 (10 20 00 20 00 20 00 o^ jS 00 50 fit) 00 M) 00 30 00 4>0 00 60 00 00 00 an to ir oo 85 00 50 00 4 00 0fJ0 17 10 nno 10 00 24 75 Murray, British Cninmlfinloner, w]10 nr. I Houtb rear road rived horo by Kteumer Grand I^ilce, was Interviewed at Government houue, whoro ho in staying. He wiyB brlelly his mlmilon li Rtrlotly non-polltleal. Ho cornea sololy with tho view of relieving any oxlntln# dlBtrena. Ho brlnRHii mini of money with hlih for that purpcuo, bnt will not dis tribute It until he known tho atato of iiffalm from aotnal observation. lie would Klvo no opinion on tho posKlblllty of tbo Imperial loan bAHod on tbo favomblo ro- porfc of tho condition of affairs lie might render, neither would bo fiay If Kngland desired eonfudomtion or crown colony. flth cou roiid Fouler nido road Total for bonclit Total for outlet liability 15 00 7 5G 10 00 as oo 20 00 225 00 515 50 811 25 o Su c *-* b S 10 00 20 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 OO 20 00 20 00 io (io 1)0 00 45 00 20 00 20 00 45 00 2-3 50 5 00 . 0 75 2 25 00 OU :io oo HO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 40 45 00 85 00 _ 50 01) 5 00 150 1 50 ' 9 00 17 10 0 00 10 00 2175 15 00 7 50 10 00 35 00 20 00 225 00 515 50 811 25 U -> ^J H d U ra *> o * 51 .3 o H < f. Si <u Si s*i -%-> Ol a a a Z <u- ^ a oo o ou :i oo 3 01) 0 01) 0 (-11 (i oo ooo a oo '21 oo 13 50 0 00 0 00 i a 50 0 75 1 50 2 o:: (iB 18 00 '.I 00 il 00 IH 00 18 00 IH 00' 10D2 13 50 25 50 IT 00 1 50 45 1 as 2 97 5 13 2 70 3 00 7 43 4 50 2 25 a oo 10 50 ooo 07 50 5 in oo. i ao 20 00 2 00 in oo i ao laoo i 30 -20-60 20 oo 20 00 20 00 13 00 117 00 58 nO . 20 00 20 00 58 50 2D 25 0 50 a 78 a oa 7H00 mi oo au oo 78 00 78 00 " 78 00 -73 32 58 50 110 50 0ft 00 0 50 : 05 5 85 12 87 22 23 1170 13 00 82 18 I9 60 9 75 13 00 45 50 30 00 2U2 GO 2 '00 2 00 2 GO 1 oO 11 70 fl 85 2 00 2 00 5.85 2 02-5 05 87-H 20 3 7 8U 3 00 3 00 7 60 7 80 7 80 7 33 2 5 85 ' 11 05 0 fiO - fi5 10-5 58-fi 1 U8-7 ii 22-3 1 70 I 30 II 21-8 - - THE TRIUMPH COfclM SHELLER , ". - Thin Machine consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrouglit iron biUH, with steal teeth bolted to tho cylinder ho as to bo rovorsiblo whon tho teeth hocomo worn on "tho front pitlo, running in a perforated concavo iron nhell, which tho Hliolleil corn passoa through into a shoct iron cmio, with ft fan or clwuior attached heinw, which taltca all tho-duafc from tho grain. Tho cheapest, best, niost.Hiraj>lo and durable Power Corn Shollor in uao; elioUa corn perfectly clean in any ooi-diticn Mholling and cleaning from ono to two thousand bushels of cars per day. accordingto power. Dimensions. Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, (i in. face; Molion, u'00 to 800 revohitiona por minute; Wourht, CG0 Iba. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY & SONS* =C3 1' j . ."j.ir mm& ^Rfs^s5BKs"K| LATER EX?E05E9 IN MANHOOD MAKE NERVOUS, DISEASED MEN 'XU C-XJtHH-T-*^*rmran<*Tmtl folly in yonth, <iv<-rxt,rtlnn of mlml nnd baAj <n^aJi|j 'luiirrdnefmottiiouiiand iiiy ^of irpromiidnffyounwmon. ^mefadr. and wither tit an onrly nmj ;iitii"iohlosHomrfiiuitihowf, wldloothorii nni forcrd lo tlrn ont n wwiry,^ir,i11i.V^t- IJ^C* OtiioriirMoh matrimony W.Jm(ino"nol^ 'rhol '"' .-rkflinp, tho pnlpit,j juinlitiiciKilv P5;iritni:n. v.tl^. - r , Jvletiinti'i.ro.fftUTid in all Htntinnit of life: Tlio farm, tl.o olllct, th [tho tmdoii und tho profosiiinnK. t\ * dc A % RESTOREO TO MANHOOD BY ORG, ;\V.. A.WAV/rCEU. W^.A.'WAMCElb Mnd.CHAfl. VERUY, CHAB. FKUftY.; I 1 1 2 20 95 97-H 30 55 CO 20 154 05 213 38" 070 15 07 0i-. 1054"G3'10S^#3: Total for beneiit and outlet liability 1320 7ft 308 03 1724 79-176' 47^8 or RAID ON A BUCKET SHOP. Nvrwl I'rnmlnvnt Cltlxum of St. N.H.. Scoopoil la hy tbo Pollen. St. John, N.B., April 5. A sensation wri created yesterday by the arronb of four prominent citizoiiH, Kdward Soars, jr., A.M. Philips, James Philips and a telegrapher named Walter Gommory. Thoy were arrouted In tho buoltot r.hop in tbo Stock Exchange in tho Puguloy build ing by Chief Clark, Capt, Jonklnn, Bergfc. Baxter and Detective King about 3.40 p.m. Th bucket ubop I onoratod by Baldwin Bros., a well-known utoek brokers Arm of New York and Ciilcngo, nnd it Ih understood has been In oxlfttistico vfbru long tlmo. A. M. Philips la mild' to bo tho agent nnd hla brother Jariicu tbo clerk. Gommery Ih tho tolographer and Mr. baara waa n patron. Under the non criminal code thoHfi placen aro illegalancl heavy pcnaltlefl aro provided for conduct ing and frequenting thorn. When tho four were arretted Sergeant Baxter took them to the police Htatlon. Of nonrse thoy all went along qnlotly. The Chief and Captain Jenktim romalucd behind to tuko charge of tho promiHCn. After a uhort delay tbo prlKonort* wero admitted to .bull and their caKo will come up Mon day. AU tlio puporn, furnituroand money In tho exchange wau taken away by tbo > -poliep. 'I'hero wag only ' about $200.' If tlto raid luidtak,on placo half nn Uoitr.be- forb ttt. lcaHt one doiien promlnont pitiaouH would havo fallen into tho baud* of tho i. tfor paying tho omn of Sii'.iO, tba amount auaosiod agnlant tho iiiild'WiuIb nuij (l](Cn'(la"of tho uiuiiloiiiality, andfor covorinfj intoront tborooa fur-ton yoiLVu at tho rato of five jittr rlohtum i> annum, n, opooial rate on tho doll, r, imtucleut tQ prodnco.tlio voqitlrod yonriy amount tUorafor, ohall, ovur and abovo nil otliot raton, bo ovldd and collootod (lu tlio Ham* Wanner and at tbo nmno tirno an taxoq aro lovled and collected), upaa and from tho wliolo rutoablo property in Raid townflblp of.Colclioutor North, in aaoh yanr for ton yoard after tho final pasolng of this bydftw, durioo which tlio naid dobonturruhavo tn run. fi. That Jas. B. baird, toROthor with tho council, is horoby appointed aommlBBlouor to lot tho "ontraatfor improving nald drains and workaoonneotiadthorrtwlth, hy tondwr, (nob oxooodlng tbo ; ofltimatol.but ovory nuoh contractor, witn two good and HatUfitctory aurotloa.'ahull bo required' 1 forthwith to miter Into bond a for the dn* povfoirmuiuo and oomuletlon of tbo coutmot, aooordlhie j , \ V. mid plamt aud NpocJuofttionB, aud within tim tioio rueMtloned within onoU bomb mi!e otlior- SYPHSLIS EMISSIONS STRICTURE CURED nvaniXH'.' Aran TaKiTvu^T Divorced but nnltiwl renin ! .r-NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT YWTYKH CONSENT.ntl Win. A. Walker of ICthHtnwt wiyB:-"I linva mi.totod1 untold uu"ni(rfi for my "Ray lifo." I wiuiiiKH5oriwt*iwhibJL younir nnd iunonmt. * "Onoof tho IJpyn" lfc-"J'n\oti.J^ t)ypiiili nnd other l'rlvutodiKCQBen. lhutluloi.r- m tbt-ti mouth anil throat, bono painn, hair lpoeo, .pini.r .'B oij^ face, fini-'or nni hi cauin off, o:idtionfllW)Rrrto Uua und dc>ipoudcut. Potaoh, etc. Uovon dootorn treated m with Mercury,! Thoy holpttl mo but could not euro too.) riimllvufrlfi'uHndnoramototrylim.KfailKulyftKorgan. fj<. - .JimThT^HothodTrMitinontonrwlmolri a fow yttak*. Tholr trjmtmont in wnUnaal..1 Yen f<-el youraolf Rnininif ovory day. 1 havo never Uwird of tbolr falling to odro in nuitiKwC C"B" 27~CURE3 OUARANTEED OR MONEY REPUNDED Dm. K. & K. oral n'T Bemiimi vk*oh >v oi-iin.i.... .iu ftwero drain nn nnd wonknninK my vitality. 1 nmrrlod tit 5*21 under- miviro of my family doctor, but it wuh n Kniid export -non. In oi>;litm,n montlm w woro divorcatl. I Uthou oimwiltod bra. K. & K., who rontowl m to mnnhood ~*hy their four Attihod IVeotuMnt, IfelfcaMWllffltunllJhrongn my jttirvDB. Wo were unltod njiain and nro hnnpy. - " -------'--^uoflpocinlii KCnpt.(:huo.l'orrywy*:rMIowomyUfo to Dm. K. & At 111 loomed n bad bnbtt. At 21 1 hud all tlio nymptji n' f Beminal WcaWnoaa nnd Bponnatorrhoon. iLmiinb Tliifi Wrui 1MPOTENCY I VARICOCELE ig EMISSIONS Q CURED ig "I hate njjht ebildrou, *Wy oris in good health, not oritf of whom btik bM iakeH SooUVBinUjamu, iu vrluoli my wlt hui tcatta!^'eenfi^anba." forthwith to tintar Into bond a for the dn* povfotrmauuo and completion of tbo coutmot, according in tim tlmo nieMtloned within qnob bombunteHiiotlior- wino ordorod by th'oooimoll; ami it ehall bo tho duty of such oomminuiouor to oanao uald drain and worku counoctnd thorowlth, to bo mado and cq untrue tiki in aooonlauoA with uuoh pinna and flponiftflafcionti.notlatorthan tbolfltdayof Baptombor, A.D IfllW, (unkxin othorwlrto ordorod by tho council), and to grant cartinoatos to tlio Roove from tlmo to tlmo. to "ivcli oontraotor, lofin 15. por oont. of tho amount duo, until the ooufcr*ot ia fully oomidotud and duly aoouptod, and for tho duo porformnnoo of thoen and all other duties of oommUfiionor, tho auid commissioner nil all be ontitlod to receive a coinmionion of U por cent, on tho actual oost of tbo work. o. Tlmt tho comm Union or bo voriulred forthwith to ontur Into bondti, In tho mini of $1,000 for the duoj&m plot ion of tho work, acoonlinfl to plauo and npaqlfloaUouB, and wlbhiu tho tlmo npno- Iflud iw^aoh bond. 7. Thia-by U\/ nlmll bo publltihfld onao In ovary wok, for fottr oonaocutlvo wooko, in the Kanrcx FuiiB-PflKiny, a nownpapor pnbliBbcd in tho Town of EiiBOX.md ohall aomo Into forco upon and after tho unalpaaalua.Uioroor.aud.may bo oltod tbo"JToat*ir Improvamout Drain Byluw." J. A. COULTEIt, Clork. M. BAItKliTT, Ueove. I berehy certify that tbo forofloine in atruoaopy of a bv-law provlnionally adopted by tlio municipal council of tbo mild Townnblp of Cole lie etc * North, on the 33rd day of Harob, A.t>. 1B0B* ' (.. -". :'J. A.COUIjTKR,. Clork of Munloipality of Oolobonti'V North. Notioo in buroby glvon that a Court of Itovfiifon, boldpnrnuant to tbo proviidoua oi tbo Drain- noo Act, 1&B4, for tho hparlna nnd trial ol appouln mado aainnt tho abovo aiumiment, or any pur", thereof, will hold ita flrafctiHInto atttir Town Hall, Cololnmtor Norib.cn Hatrday,tho anil day of April, 1H05, at tho hour of 9 o'olook in tho aftnruoon, and that auy nowon intoudinK to an imal aioiiniit tho uboVo anaoiianiont, or any part thereof, muat, noWator than tou days before tho tiinoallUndfortlioholdiiiRof tiald Court, norvo on tim Clork of thin municipality, a wrltteu uotioo of nuoh appoul, <r otiiorwrno He will bn too Into to bo hoard in that bohaU, And farther notloo in horobv^lvon that, any porwn intiindln to havo imcb by-lnw, or any Don't you liko pilla? Eunljuy's Liver Lozengotf are hotter for you. 2r>ctu, ab drugfiinta The secret of tbo groat HUocai)ii of Kaol- jay'a Liycr Lo/mmen iu in the fuel of their not reaoting. Other laxativo medioieH dairoy tbo normal powers of the djgoetlvfl ftynitfMa> They bmld It up. They are *o"'*i t*t 25 ol*- box, or |2. 50 a iDoiit in -bi.x- "Womoo who onn't talio pilla aan have that bihoUBoeHH removed from ilndr nyatenw by ISmsIjay'n -Li.vor JjO^encea. 'i5 otH. at driigglMrt, 'l / Ewiljay'B Liver Iio/.>mgui aro at onoo i. blood iiWuhW, a Hyatom re^nlutor and a. truw toiuo. *2& ota h, box. <r 1*3.ftp per do^- 0i\ bnxwfl. __ CliiUben aro fond nf I'j**!j*j'h 'Liver L<\r.*uni<.'. '23oU. Ht drutj(-4'ii. nix yearn nno. Bra. K, 4 it. aro iiclontiflo apQcinlialu end I heartily roaommond Ukm." fflfWe treat and curt Varicocele* Eminions, Ntrvaus Debility* Stminai^ Weakness* Gl eix Stricture, Syphilis* Unnatural Dischat&s, S*l/A6use*f Kidney and Bladder Diseases. _____ 17 YEARS IN PKTRQTt. 00.000 CURED. NO R|SK Wno-w Mothod 'IVeatimmt will euro von ****** i-.ii v i^i a at fnrr? Vn tnlUv mh ftrfrruirsiCfCl f Aroynun'victim? Hnvo you lout hf.no? Aro you contemplotln, ^ttidLf%UC.il I rlnKft? linn your Hloojlibeoiidiiwi(tli' _Havoyon any weaknoati a tear. . ......, ......____i? On What it tniidono for ntlura it will do for yon. IfiuMSULTATiON FREE. No matter who han trnitod you. writ* fin* nn honoMt opinion____ KK CbJirgeuroiwonablo. BOOKS FHEf-^rho Goldon Monitor" (llluatwitfid), on L.f* lUIawiiioabf Men. J'liicluoo"pbtne. Soontii. Sauled. WHO WAME8U8ED ^IXH.QUr,J^R,TTBN CONSl vaxS No. mftdiolno oent C O. D^ Noinamoo on boxen onns tevryiin oonfidontlal. Quotlort hot and cost imentFBEE I CONSBNT. PRI- ot nvel-' of Trot-C kDBS. KENNEDY &XERGSN,NDfeV4^rTErcHT if =HE ^^4^>>>'-*^*^^^ i le . Bicycles. ^0<V Mftht Weight Hr! ..... - 1 'I Rigidity. Every Ma- AtMolutcly. the Beet. chinefully warranted 5 Styles Highest Hopsrs at the World's Golnakla ' S*u4 two*c*xit tasp fof our 3-i"P*t* CatUUfriM-A W*k *l Art* Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom* 8o,!WabahJAv.', - _gg?g5gK BBsiBafflg-eg^^ Ulcc tmd tUUtad 5to.$ OKiMK i"'- ' ..i.f-ii-.'-'.I ' - 'iv.^y."',.; ; '. -fc-_-f-^a__-v_--^ 049809

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