F; " /"" . '- * :____.. 4'-.> . "fi-lfflffiffi^? |E|".-., .' 'V J ./'"" ' Tlfe'ESSEX FFEE iPRlRiSS." ^Eg^^^s-gases^^ V Prescribes and-' Rcgoiti- mends Pair's Celery. GoiRD^und. HE DECLARES IT TO BE THE BEST SPRING |X2W23= BEST R EVI OFFER MADE.. ^iriiSZSSS&aUk 7T MED WINE. SJJL> UL-N-DOWN MKN Also vvomkn The Only lioinriily That MaKx-H I'uiv, JliiKht ami IvimI lll.ooil. *TTTftnu4iu(4 ami purifyint4 the blooil, and putting tho hum m ir^uii-un m propo r working order, i*. *t work tint .l-Mimit . vory wpuciui aTii'rfimn in ilm iSpriu nun Hon. Many of thu uhl-iU ilihI mot vxjm: ionoud- ptiyniuum tiru of urnnion th.t Pauid'h Utih-ry Cnip..iu.d dou'i tho In-u and moit, tliuroiuji w.ifi*. in ilui way < f blood clmm-tinn. nerve n.ti viit;tlH>miijj; iinu timmu building. No nth'"" "^ :t" impart tu wuuli uu.l run-down men ami women tlio ^riutd vitf rem stroii^tli, ri- buatnuHii and kohkiuI mini health that JPiuno'ri Cidury Conip .nind 'jivnu. Dr. A. W. K. Newton, the. eminent phy- jiioian and Hur-j-uoti of Benton, nayu , "T^Uiu'ri Okry (join-muiid in not a pat mifc iiitidiciuu, and it mtixi not be confouud- Wlth thu nrdiimry rrfirvTTTr^ bit Larri*-"tirH- mirs'ip-mlla. It in a much hiipi-nor 10 , tho dm moniJ'iH i'U|)u."iii" tit ^: i-*, [: p'.inh ,.n tin- bbud, BtrcMirfthftiiK th ._*. an t N na turVi f.xid for tlu' b:ain. "I lial<Homo ti'uUldo Hiymdt, [com blond Jjoitiniiiii^, ruO-ivt-il in >' "}' i-di*: ii(! mi fit r .. IL. IJL iLddil DE^-C4 UL^u For tlie balance of l-895_for 60 GBHTS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS Show this to youi\neiglibors. ADDIIKSS E, J. LOVELAOE, Proprietor, Esaox, Ont. ^ ^O I'jlE DEEU 33"V GEO.' 3^A.3ST"VI3LirjEi 3EnEJN X-T (to in: coNTiNi;i:n.) "Ah, thoro you nro, Kdlc," oriud thn ftd- inhal fixoitudly. "Myrn, Ik jiihI ({'in(; trt <:ui, ilnt Oiiltu; Mi' 'hi. -iv, tikn my Hin'iir Itlld JJIVn IujC WHIM' Hl/illip ILMIt!, I'l 111', 111V d',<iu-> I dnn'L lil;n pn.ii* Alyri/n Liolc f. I mtiHt Kiki In tdiM pcojih', and h;i\*( a word with d;inn>n V.xt rmi ln-fiiui' l,lmy iil.ul, ;,nnd I'vu^ot.i.(i iijk'kIi, tod, .and how lo tft tliroiiL;h it 1 ilun't. hnou*." "Wdl.it, do yoil Hunt hio to dn, nmdi-V "Wnal, I told ynu, my di;;ti-," mi'd thn nlil iinu) ici.l.ily. 'din and Inup wirh my 7<n<vr dail'!(,' till t|]<! liiiit." Ivliii cr*'pt, tu Iht i^ni'iin'll nidn nud '(itny- 'd i h"i'i* ttui lii|.'- flu: ndiunid':i hjn'c- It, nno v ' I r fJJ--".t. t-> ihf In.in!,. ill lit; bridi")'* ImmIMi, luid tn tho Mfdt-'ipfh'-n, hv .Jump"! I'ihtimi. And ik tin' till th; Hint; wiicu ill.; biidti mi^bt lip :i\'.'iiy tu c.iuuc.N'i Ikt iiii.'i Tni' ill*1 j"lir- iit'y di>ivn Hi S-ililli'iiiipi-iiii. Lin- w ihiuif.; 'rip ciiniiii"ii'dnj; t-lui ii'-xt. diiy on lumid tin; 'ji'i-ni nt>!iuni!i' oui.ward hinnnl f'i- lint "(Jiifvit, \n) I id," li.tid t.ittj iidniir.il, dr.iw- lll;f !l|f\'min^ IIIUI II'.,.", ",:-'! V.Hit.1 lift til \'i!iy \M-il, bin I'd hi- lli.i,nkful il" ynn'd ',,1'c \i-ll !i<;il lllilt. Ml, IiHTmii'.i fiU'l.ii;.; ih ut< ' > tin* ddiu1 in mni". Myi'i i-' .not '.Mill, i:|.rl ;ilH- Il.i:l t,"llt li. Ilc:i ; ILT ' ' HI 'n'^' i.i.,.t nil-, iii i v In' :ii!.iv,i d t.<i .-di]i .i '\ ay urn ! -u' i;nid-iiy:i I (,ii ppn * tin- p< npf(t a dl iiavi* ii li in'! i-ann Miijipi-r mid i h:r tlii"\\ l.i;,r t(H[ifi"il"iy."' "V"U in.iy tl-'p-nd iir.im me, Sir Matte," Knid I iiic^l. * iiud b'- nrt, jtlnmt lii'i ' M'd; at oihii', ^ri'iuiy m Hie buib-i'.t ili.-i- |!iim, Thn uiinnt.i"t u-ciit. n;nftly ' h m ; I Im L'UfSl *'. J.f i ' brl'lllC nil 11 If l.liljl .; iM' lll'id I'tuwiini^ in.- I.ii I, M'liibr t h" ;MniiL;;t; wilii ill! hto'd wait iiiu', V.lt'b nil ' 11vi:11i*:* (|im)|'. (ItH'^t U.l-)l-]l .It:'- Mllip Hl'fdllJ tll.lt III'! ' wj.ipH ;in 1 v.irlnii-; lilthi ftflii'lf^ iit'ii'ind mi I In,' j'Hlt !;'V i\ t;t u IliUnU'd 111. H 11 i (ill, lnd,,1"" 1I1H tbl'di-d ;ind |i|'oild, vvni In th" luul, with Iiim Inuid ^r.;!'pt:d l>y Sir .dark, uim| .i nnirnnir "f oc^iifnicnt. and 'i t:ln!r un- loUMC'.'d LliaL tin: bihlu Wat cninm^ dnv.'ii, wht-ii Lhu l-rnli ^iikhii'h curriag*) bc^MU to iidVf on. Tlio mnhl*u Htartiug of tho horses made (Jucin tin n hiitir ply, "Hi! M.-p ! Do \on In-iir i" ho (("I'vaniM wiit- iiicj mihiidf t'mk ' tip ih-i cry, "Cnmiup Inwii." Hut, t-ii+t-f-ii ii'^-i moved on and a four- wheidt'd null tu(dc its placf.', amid a roar nf [iiii^hicr frniii thn i:ruwd. At* tbt* h iinn iinmittnt tlireo hunin(i(.likn 1 oking men stf[ip<;d intn *lio hall, and he- !i.|r> I lie bllldui mill footlilt'll 't)uhl Btnp tin-in lln-y wcro clnno up to tho toot of tho nttiiri:a-o. Sir Mark inriiud dpon tlunn untjrily, but ririo or-fliciu ^I'ippud his mtn ami said ipiickly : "Sir Mark .luri-obl '.'" ,,\<'-'. W'li.it. m ; In i intiu.iiini ?"J M'pitaiiH, :dr, . Slop the young bidv ft-nm i-niniiiL . ivn," Tun nian"i niiuiir i wuh ho iinpn Hyivo that it fuiccd Sir Marl; in not, and ho idiuulud itp llm broad utiiji ciih" : "iMiio ! ntif! .nmnicnt not yet." Then, mi if rt.-Mfiitnifj tho fact, that; ha tilinuid liavu obeyed ihia man, ho tttrtiL'd Hliarply in timo to hour tlio wurdtt : ".Iami's lUli! in tliu qiiccn'a name. Hero in my warrant.1 N"o iions'uiao ; wo aro ihroo | tn mi*;," TJi" hi i'ic^rooin wu:i htrii(,;yhn^ in tho polici-ijiaii'tt aiuiM, and in tdu> blind which ho iroud there wast a revolver. povvn of o. nunnndral llk-.3iand <if Kil'^-t. from horn-, ^ "Lady han mmn'y, I -inppo^o V vvki^por- :<l Iho (dllci.-r frniii bnblnd bin hand. (Im-nt. f!,LV'n a Hlinrt, hIiili p nod, anil tin i, fidi. aniniviiil with him'.ulf, but, thn nflio-i toi.U un hffd mid w'i'iiL on: "Of roiinwi tdn- would havo, mr. \V<dl, mv (.p-ntbitmil wid iif/t l)n idili! t'. touch I li.ii, nid I Hiippn'ii tin in will bi!_jno_ddli- 01111 V iibmit. ^.'Itiu^ii lil'.'oi en," A i. i Mu'.o nnhi a ilood <*f ilnni^iit fit In d till ,-itll'h CJllui.ru bt.iin, and |wi in call' d c-'iivt'i-.'Ml.ioiiH hold wltli 1'ili.r i > iipi-rdi't; ' ' [_'irl' t Ini|iI iCRpl !. i v li-i'.'c <li' .mi it ino;: but fui li'T piuii.; itini iif r pi nit, ! f<! W iMibi l> i vf. ' ' oft i ii I *' in-., r:: J,,:i m'm li I J|i' I i' b'H iic iu.niil I ii j* i (hi l.o ( |,r in.-1' ill. i'1.1 M.ll Jl., ..tl ! f: idic I me; (my rt- .':!i'ti S'-'t 1 <:\ i \'n i'i, t-. (it d |',.iri-nii, "i- !). . iii u kind ni 11' -.! l I'll I (ij! - ^' v en 1 V the nlii.'iT . who lu'.u h..:i|c I ' 'f'ii v.-ni r tif I -ill In* in,in" U (in ' i| i-i' I, i' ><' IT ' ",.i !.. \. \(,w, * ' i:i .\ n .i..i ,i i ;' i " ! I ii ' '*n id'-mity. I'd. It )i,r u.it ifitv t.lic t; |i< njiiu ii.'i in my p" p iiindjilM v, ui;d. ,ici. -m bail lm ,ny ro-appvnr.i 11>;< . \i{ Will b" no Hull l liiMiijili.ii I fj- il,i'.. I T-1 \s (bin Nlya b-*ar I h<! 'iiiti'T; ?" Sir Nbi: I-:'-' r.nln i-ai V.'orfd tiAv.i i , i I he upcal-i-r .iiiic. I;,, an.! 'ii nihjj t o ! h't i lli .-i u b" hiiii li'i-ii ii ' > i) uihiii 11 urn l in* IlllIlT-, ill' I I bin, l:...l.ir "Tni:i'u, *'ii, I Vnd vc*. ?,i was ail .a mb'- lako." "V***, Sir V-'idi, you 'li<l," i.aid r 11h nuin rt . pi-el ; end t *. i* 11 to a couple of put ice. in n , "i.. li lli-'iiV m." """"I'ln Itij-.'it ,v: wiml u ;.;, b -in-.; hnnn; ill by tlio in on. "V ', t\:v," -nitl tho nlhcitr. "f Ht.cppcd biodt in f*;ivi'- in.".'i tti'tmnr, to our iin;n tu hriti': <n ( i-iirriajovaiiil lln- 11 nidi i "un L n> to W'iiLorlo'). Tbuy inii.-i; in* MMivhcil for inoriniina: inrj ;vi b-nicn. Tim iiflv';' In^i^'ii'e will tin hunt back tit Ihiurut) Sijinirt; at Oiic*:. " "Tin- iiiH-'h-iKio o[ ' '-. niTiiiiiiiri'Ia !" tTicil Han.-ii. "\ly ilf-ir .' d k, prav fri-t thin Vi'i'i'tclii'ti hii-niHT-i fi. >!."' "1 c ii mi V- t.i i; -j i ,t (Tiiin il v,oi(\ d^ul nf.._ tiuii'd.*, J '.do," ""id tiio iimpiu'tur in clnii*i*i*. "A' o V"it a'lilrcHd'iL' '. *', nn f iiaid th'- pro ii'ifi liii'i-^lii iiv "W'-ni'i di> h.iic ; tlift iMiv-'u t:.p," i-aid tin* tns[i. ctor, nni ii ni^. 'flic n in Sir Mark : ,-i itm Kotry fur you, uir, but Una la no cuti" for bad." "lint- I will no hi* rotairitv for auv njjiiiunt." ciidd Sir Af.irk, whu cnndicd clown LlK! b'diftf thai ho bail bo'-u (burtiivcd. '"Vr.-. of conrao, of <i;ilU:if," oriod I ho prituiui-r. "N*i. if'o'.L ilr. . You .uiiU rcnuw iEDRillTURE;. 1.1. ' 1 < - ,, , I 1 if I . . I J n. V U-'i it. .(....HpiiM,... y l ,M':"1 ""i' JUST READ E3KLOW: t-inc' bedrcorn T-iutt i-iie, ., i,,,., f-'lnu i.xtcrsion Tnhic.j "' ,:i ' 0o ortof.1 f-iti^oadf. "'v,m:- J?9g i"' i \ o r 111111 curr PRICES .III . ' I it...... i -i. ' i Vci,..) fr ,.,,; ,.,..,,.,,,. ........... "i. " i". Ii.iuiliirn Unt!crt:;I:in^r.i(.:IKm:>;-i]m- - Gpociiilty, I liui ( I'.w.'i! h.,i i,,..., ,., u.!Vi ,, .^..i,,.!-,,,)^,,. 1 o i t j 11 11 | i. -,, h-. KICKS & CO., i-.ss i::-; ONT. f*ji.:-i..l--,. 5"'^ :;.v':. / 1.1 re, : ri;_'i:!.ti'! I .,.....,, ; ,. i. .! j\ ., rtur.?. -. A Jbii ii to JI(jr*-cim;n. Oik- bottlo of J*^ 11j4lir.l1 Sfo.viii Lmimoiit tomj luioly ro ii.ovd a cinb I mill rny homo. 1 tulle pluaniirf itri'LCiTriTrncndiiiil'tlinrf.'rno'Jy, nn- lt tit:tn Willi inymnrioun ]iioin|)tnt!Hn in the removal from lion-en of Jianl, ht,ft or cub lom-ed lump,*, blood Hpaviu, Hplintu, ourlm, hwceiiy, HtiJ]en 11 i:d :-pritiiu-ti. (Jen. JioLh '.iirmer, Marhham, MJnt. Hold by John Thome, Drncidi;:.. - --------- 'H'cMlliii-: Iilu IBoiii'Nty ' Hiunl operation. ! 1 imtrMi.i .1 11 of Pilll-.1 ' Celery (J.nii|Knnid ! l mi- i 1 1 ry 11, au I was iniisli pi'Mt*i* 1 wtdi t!.i* rt-.-iiili. I pn tlcril'C li. i*'ii- >;i. 11 ;-i. 1 ' cii'!i iv bo h-iv. .. ttypc ih, I'.ati'iD' ri'ii-p. i'ii ;L" ' ' run- Io:.vn. h' ,1- t .!- diHdl'.li im of th-* bl-ii'd a 1 no eij-.i- ]. " V'heil II *.l 'Il or ^^T i!n tite, Io-:L ^b*---p, and n- I-. don, th-ir. rn.'i-'jiHi u* i" I pri'-iiritj' P-iiut." -. my pat mntfl '.vl.o b i" " dan^.'rnii 1 ' 1 iidaciory I'i'-u.' - !r retJiedy t" I'.'-op on- '.- (luridii ilif i-'p: in^ " . .'i-i l.'1-.t np - 1 . ' ]>,'. 1H 11 Ml i 1 hi -' o'indirifv- (! :ii[i.)i]ii't --.- r i|-:jimo;i a 1 iiiyurt Uiiy i . I,.-',' pos-ii II 1 1 11 'i ml t'lJtTf.1,* i:in:ii' r r ui-n tli.i." 1 o <;. t. 1;. \>. ii lot i.iui tin- 4 -111 lint*-. Obii'U'^ii, April ii.- - i In; ('irnnd 'rrunk raill'und, win eh h.i1. brm tin' liNiili-r in tlif roi'L'iiX heavy f\:'.:.i: 1 lt of ( isihi.nn.id .i^rahi rates, ha-i *.;ivei( n'l'ic.' i'i the Iniur-Statc CinnnuTce (*om mi--,!.ni l hut. it will caui-el itm V.lc. rate on "j-rain Ii:-tw.-cii tdiieatjo and JiJcW Vot'k oh .illI'd i:i. The rati; has Ijcimi a., c........ .,;.. i1......1 '1 .. 111 ;..!. \-..ti.,.. in forcn via Hi am. and Kric sine- la-a. d,. Lcbi^li Valley ...... . . M.iijibiy. The Kv'w <; list of iJulVnlo v. a-, l.y th:-, -irran.c-niueiit made to ua\villiii'_d> in lines.at tin-- rinlnccd lii'.un o'.'i-i' i ariiV. 11 iiia(b": M-roiiL: proteHt, and it. i^ in [inn due in tin* oppo.si tionthns dnyidup^il tliai tin* rule wm- .. ivithdvawn.- Tin* (i rand 'Id'nnk id a in is it ' Was jllstilU*'! tn nut iinu ll.e rnt e to sec un; lar^o shipmttnm of oai-,, wbiib in n f,.\v days would have been l;iki*n by Lout, al Very l'JW [iric,^. It, took on,- -inp.n.ait ol 550,000 buslnds at. Ule per hiiudieii pnu:id>. <:tit tin*; Inmii 1 anri* Ital i*>, Dili nth, Minn., April ii. A 11 insuraia-,. coinldiH!, ineliiiljn^ M-vi-ml i.ii'iti>h, ('mi- tinnnlal and Ainii'han (-oiujniiib >, wiib thn .British and foreign eompjinies at il- Ju*ud, has been inakin;,' hltinki'i com raet.- with Hour and wheat. ooni|i;uib'i for Ihrii Intiuranco. The rales bereiolon- uovein- iii liavn been rut almost in half and tin- " OOinpaiiiis wldeh havn previou-dy heel' " iloin^ this business are in daii'-'er " ihrohbinp and your veiuft too full. My (h-ar hoy, if you g; to that wedding, you will voreito yottr-ndf anil we Khali have- a. rdorii'itH i-(!aps-." "If 1 do j'd';" fiaid StraiLuh quii-ily, j'.'J, hliiill ecrtainly hnvc it, I mean to go." If-! ro.-i: hum tho cmudi en which he had n 1 \ 1 iij4. walki'd into ihii bedrnnin, and uhi**.id i-iif dnor. "Did veil I'vcr 'Hi.-o Huch a lilldn, Mr. Hii-i lison '!" cried (lucsi ri.H hmiui an .they vi-ri) jiioin;. "1 wm a fool to come iti-and led him 1 wan e-oin;; ; but. [ tboUKht", Jn; l:ml oot. fiver il, .oid lm knew ii wan to- ihiy.'; "\ 011 arc i^oihL; iio cii'J of lli'- Irii-nd.i". ' "Ye:i, Mis-* J.-rrold iod;ed 1110," h:iI(I linen:, nitLer co'isei.iu |y ; *,oni of cmui'm: !i uould have known .til rw.u d. .md rt'- 1 ro.o'hcl un' loi inn t'dbii-^; li:in. \\ n.tt. ii l 1 in- dtillf 7 ' "i ' ! l.-illd\' noi 1 tut ai t i,i ni," ri-plleii !) i'I ; iMiii. " L '.\ ,ih f^oiliff ;ii:L in I ii'" cuon- ('y." "i 'o.liv.'i ni:':" " \ -*. n:v. den- .'ii:', 1 lit 1 It-. My [..-n at ii',ic-\, Mi. Ou.'-t. 1111t I uiH mil '.'o. \\'i! iioida ii.. 1 in c i.iiini lli,m ^"od Iiv 'uioii-- piinj n.111, k-i /li lm 10 tin: uliuirh u|1-h lillli." ,d a .mm* a.-," .ilui < infill, "Suppi - Ik r.n-iuhi turn wild ai Hewing hi r n-t ip lm- .i,.sl<i. . Kaney (he coiiHc- ipi 1. v-. I tt m:nl tin- cruel hi 1 lo: l.nly, 1; 1:. n I.:*, :.' .-.he ii ni ji! cd him." *' \V\1-1 en. .I f.ir linn ,1 t.;1 , .Lit nil-; V t". m ,-|>' 1 ol lb '-'il 1 -ton. " ! 1 'in ! \Vci|, f,.r, I d"ti't ([iiite liku 1.1 -Hi' At .. h <.\ !!' S, M l.'j.-i M t I .. .J el 1'o.d mi. I-. I . , , I I IO . Ml I'..LIT. ill I, ', I . Il.i-.r . '"I M.i ii-.., 01 -i[i')li.'- .1 tf.'n ti, I .i;i! -.in' ! I cei'l .UU In ni 1 inn ni.vim '-'i 'd 11 ni. : ' i'i- inr ui:?t man's wife, whilo that lio IcjvihI her n., giive her no room to doubt. "I will do my duty by him," film mud ni'iullv to hiM-Hclf an nhn t:tnok h"r tatlier'n hi in ; mid an (hiOht WHO driven in unoilu'r of t in: carrhitr/'n lo church, bo ih'Uight !' hiin-'elf thai Id- friend had boon biind in hoi Invo, for M yea wafl hard and unu.mo- lirmabhcaH In': tonkin wan uwect nmL lov- iyh e. - :!.. iiiisjini'j.'ii hur n^'niii an In* tiuw.tiiT k'j'.v*' lln: ciiitu.di le;urin^ npun hor bus,- ni Olll 11- IUUI1J-; loin nii.-n 111 nn li; in """c"' loKinK all tlie husim-.-s and they' and h^lit the other eoiuldinv The Co... ,* ,*~blno htm made eonli'net-s \vhh"l.)iiUith and lowni* lak> shippers and is now working in Uhleapio. Ve.-sirl -iiielits all alon^ the lnlceB arc liabln to bi.-e 1 heir bti-duess as tho profits are nmsily in Instiivinee und-a v IbJg cur. will ruin them. Trump** Kill ml in 11 'I'dilii \*. reel;. Alum. 111., "April ii. Four 1 ramps wen'ii - alnio^t Instantly Icilled mni ill'ti'i'ii olhnrp Imdly iiijttrod In a freight, wm-k tin tlie Ohieaii-u and Alton vnilnuid nein- hern ycH- toitlny It 1^ llioiiffht. tlie M'ri'c.k was *lattsiul by a lirokim mud;, which allowed H(hw>n cms to pile in 11 lienp, It is csil- l **utiHl that Vi franipn worn filcallnw rhlen : ' ^n the train. When taken out I'mir of [ /-"tliom wtMtiOwid. Thb injured were hrmitfht [ '- tn the lioHpllal in,j-Jil. citty, and rim in- 1, . ijnust-was hofd in Knst/A,Jton. Appeal in tin; Wliiluli Time. , - "New York, April.h1. Tim I)lslrle,t' At- -t, UiP"(,y h,Vi uL'Vtul notice of appeal. ,/'-,;:;<> i "-"tlio decision of the (jotieral Term, ii)Vftv- ', ^'hiij-" diio vm-dlct (o tho ns ot': llraMfrmi ,; "Whrnin, who \V'W .eotivluUul foi* .{ov^vy, . f'Xho t!ti*u will, it. 1h umU-vi-itood, ho fought " >,"/ .. "A, a 1.11 f 1 -r I h n ;i 11' !.iif-:in':'-, thi>i: . I'co; l.fl ' p'j.i bill ! lilli. I Iom .-, ill) M G.) cr ' , ,1 . d ;ni - i". .1 I'.n Wollid, 1' 1. Oi Ho (I, t In h.ui ii l d\.'* ' n 1 i.f I .dy '.'" "11 \) .lodrii S .I'H'ti-n will, 1 .1 1 n . . 1..: o.uii 1 v ..; no ins 1110 fdiy. J know him hettt'r iii.ui von, (.im)..L. "1 ibink not," kaiii tlie ymuif; man, mnib un..'. "W" w.ll not uriju.i 1.be point," r'*pli'*d 'I"; oid boiiiiiirti, t-iki.-y (Jiia:'ji hand. "\\*t both 1U111k we know lino bt;i.ii*r than ioi-Coiiu i-Im,., jtlid uf.f.-r all liiivt. not, half or:,,!,-.' (i,..t depihi. of lm natun:.". "W I'd, I b-tn'u bii 1 in you," n-iid flues 1. "I ii ivh 110 iinu. to np 1... I'm (}' now, old f"|lAv,' lm eibtd, uop'roiiciiint* th bodrooin uooi. *-**---------- ' " :'/ "All right.," cried Si ration <:lr-<>rf(illy t*i I.,: umii.. I.mdc ;ind h.dd 11111 his hand.. "My kindest regardh t( Kdif. IMn't ht; afraid, old fellow; I am golnj; tl> hehavu iit'indblv. You neod 110L funr a kooiiu n ' nut I------" "Uon'i, deny il, lad. Ofl" wiih vf,u," (laid .Strutted, umilint; at Iiih (rii-nd'-i con- fiiHion; ami ho iicoouiDiuiind him out on 10 the luuWng. "Odd hlo'i her !" in; Bnid. *1 with hor oviy linppinnna with ilm man of her ehnieo. It'fj all ovur now, and I can boar il like a man," Thoy Hhonlc handa nnd parted, ami when, an hour lalor, Oiu^t uaw Myru ontur ilm room, wharo lm wns Junt Hnatehuitf a liur- ticd word with Kdiu, liowai tu.rilod at ihu whiio, nnt fufln ftmi atranRe, drouinv fiycn which looked In hiu whfin ho ipoka In hr. Tliii wliut had h'oan a hitter fipiit wim at an end, nnd all ltd rt hlddari in tlm hrido'u own bronilt. . For a timn, nn It had dawned upon her that thtrfo wan uoiuathinu wni-mor than hdnnduldp in lir br#ast for Malcolm fltrattan, h* thmiilc in horror front, iha Mo a of pMginfl huriol/ to ' ha nntVi lio Imd *wXJpUd ;. but ihe fmiyht vltH n-nd crunhad down hmr ItfaUngfl. Btrttt- bon'muil, ihe'.faU,'cbwpU* h*r now, und D|gcl to B*rron, Ifc wm br ftber' *UhF *ud ih had promitd 10 W *-TM^-:..-;"4rV.V a>'t]/\ \\it' \\\n \, ' Jjijol's arm, while l.o\v be w.'iti privilcfjed f.O im* nl I'liii', iiiii"'i 1 hi: four bri'b"ini.i -.dn, di.od; 1 o 1 J'Mirii" >*\'i ir** ' ,| M-den. in," II" ;-..'! n h I m;. ,*' .i.s hfl f ..|i-.o-ii ll'.t iieiv V rniriied eon-ec with Idi fV";-, I! 1 nno ear v.-.: n .uol nc,:riy iw p.ih- us i.j-i wife, l"il hi- li.lijT pl'oii'l, cinder, .'lid Land- Home, as bu hatnied M \ 111 iolo I be e uTKi^e. "Tuc htppv pun," udn^ptM'ed K(ijo n.-. din p Mi-i'd In-r lit 1 'o hand upon (iui.-r.-i M'ni. "1 i'ei iMl* to llie e.iiria^f, pleo'r, us tpi ekly an you l'iiii, or 1 ail.ill c;ry nnd make Ik h.-'-lll*',' *' \*e-i, Vi'H," be U hirtperiiil hack. "This WiV ; i'ui, Mill'1. I,".*' Li-en looking 'II i'imiimI 1 hi: 1:im'cii ami imi'i 'leu hnn. 1 >.d vmi curl) Mi.-hi of Sinttt-'ii V "NTo." i.iud the 011I .with flume aspeiiiy, "and d'd not ui-h tn 1 could only sfc dial, p<>->! ui'l li"i'ij; Lhinujzh ll.e (Ku'-inonV, mid I ftdt nil 'die tiniel eoiild ii-ud her tlioiij.duM, O 1*rey (bie.st. if nil 11 only liml inn -.nil I so much pride, or M.iieohn St ni It on /1 ml been un bold an ho wns Hhrink- nii >tnd Htranmi, thirt never couhl Imvo' been ! llaek at hour no ,S(pmro, with all tlui iiii'iy and exeitumoiit of 11 wedthug morn in".' Tin* hoinie crowded with frieiulsi, nun Sir Mark nil" nag-menu, to dn the holiorn oi Ihm phu* i wiill and nil. C.n rinses tiiKm-^iTl- Ihe 1 o ulwtiy; a couple of palicuiui'ii kunt b 'lio little crowd, ana tho ndtniral's i- is, re-enforced by half a doztin nt (hini'-i's iiiini, litul a. hiirtv timo Biipplyinj* ihe waul h of llin gm-ntti. ; "Wi'll. you two," mitd a voice, rutdilenly, behind I'ldie, who wnii. listening to a r*- ' mark inudo hy Guoai, *'dnii't..loolc in that I ilroumy way at everyone. I'vo boon watoh* iny you for over no ' lnnp;t Don't you know | that thia is tho happiest day of Myra'a.) lifor1' ' ' . . , "No, aunt," iaid EiH ahortly; "do you >i Mihs Jarrold idfruggad hr ilmulderiL "Go mid kop car her, wy dear, till thoy leave. X luvim't th lionft. Edio, am In wrotohedly prejudiced old mnid. of In thoiro iomething nob k>Ie *boab Hint mikitV____, CHAl'TKU XIV. ^TUATTON'.S TIIANKSfilVINfJ. There wan a Hli^ht Htrnq^lu, the nharp I'liok o|' Kleol, mid before Sir Mark could tiiri woiibi to express his ra^n and iiHt.0ui.1h- ineiii. liariuu wan heinjj; hurrie.d out of ilm hdi bv two of the, men who had n.;ule l bu tnieei i-mouioiis entry, whlbi the two poliee- lli"li ili'!:<- foi iiiuiLhi.'t' pU[|ioae,in an-iWui* tu Mniue fi eeniiLMinry ot lln; force, opelU (1 till' random*, unit hhw the vellichi driven 'dV. Sir M .11 k 11 ad mennl tine tnaib'. an tdi'm t I.u fi.iiuw, iiiit. the tnaii who had H'ou'^n bane i hii w.iy. "Von scoundrel ! Who un; you ?" loar- dl t he adiiilial. "Wdi.it (lues thin mean *'" "S'lin-rintelldenL Aliioj/d'ill, (!r>'iil, Seiit.- I 11 id \ .nil, fiir," was ilie (jui' t 1 ep! v. "ft uni.-nii, sir, ih.it I've s.ivcd the youiii" imiy fi'ifi .1 [i .infill i-eeiin,' and y >n Innii 11 *t en 1 nhi nn a an "iul, "b, tli.'i'i! in (loinu liurrii'i-: blundi-:,! 'lint im my friend, my suii-induw, Mr. iS.ir- loli." "N'n, .sir, ail alius. .Jiitne-i Dale, whom we have Wauled (or uumiiIh, l)od[jeiI in by keepini; abi'ad. v..'nillihi't inn him la eat Hi b"i'M e nnd in; '.s.is -ol iibro-id ncalii, imt. uaj iumh ju-t' in t line." "1 1 e i yon." 1 hnnd "red Sir Ma- It ; "it. ih it hfi 1 .bb' nil ti.ke. Ih-re, ( iui'.il Lhe car- ri,'!v* ; v, e must lolln w tin 111 ri 1 01 ua*. L'niii s, some ot 1, "ii - -oh, Inr is my -d.-ii 1 r. II -I" -i.-.-a, no 11 [i ' o M y 1 a ii ml k"e|) h. 1 in I . Harnii his b't-u e * I led iev.1 V - - a biisiin-s ur.-sl .ku. '1 - d he 1* to In: eabi:. An '. , in r," b" ci led i-i ei il ly to t.l .( oil ue r, ">"U iio mil leave my Hide. Mr. I lui'si, c (lie with ih." 'Where io, Sir M*iik ?" sanl I ho uuui qui'*' ly. ! "To S.-'iiluiul V . -^'f ' "I'.v.' u nn', fJ\r IA v k*: ini-t die. I"l (to \". 1 j n \"ni, ol ( lie- cm! ol'l liie'e d 'V * -') pi*"lipi. \'..ii hav.i 1 1 eu iuii-i.s ,'. in di liy om- of 1.lm r'f V"i e-1, f-f: Ulidl'els of III.1) tune. ,1.. ni'.-t Dale. i:i^------,: "M r-.-.I ainei liiriMti. man." "No, Si; Murk ; dames I'ale, charged wit ii fludindmi; l he Itns-d-in troVtil'nmeiU "f a l uinii'iitlntli :ni:i'i by ihe i.-sijing of for^-sl rublf iioi.cx" "WbM r' "And jiiit oil to Buini'iH Avri's " "To th.; West InditM, Hi iin to bis esliil c." ___"Yen, uir." '(aid l bo man dryly ; "ln-'u Roinjj io his entile, bui it imi'i. tinn-e." Sit' Mark looked wihll\ loimd iit tile crowd of fin n Ih who were dr.iwinf; away, nnd without aim' Inr wnrd aecomp ovii'd the oll'iiJ-r t-u I hn eariiayu. whero, (il/soon lli they \ven> soirteil, the ht ler iublifH--"i him-'cif to (Jueai, ilm adnn ai loivin^ Mink hick in oin* uoi iter, tryiujj'ln cidit-ct Ins thou-jlitti, hut only tu bogiu lintoniii|; in tern lv, "N'i inifltiika, Hir," uaid tho odicor. "I ,_\vdulL for i ho (veiitli'in'in'H nake there wna. 'i'lirt pi ifioiier ban buitn oarryino* on thn pinrm for u long timo 'with a ctipporphito primer, a man name.,- Hrndfirnon ^iimuef Ill'iidOnioii. .Wo tonic Idin nn hour ago, and it wan through u, letter wu found in iiiu ( paelcet- that wo know what wan go ni; on Intro, and arrived just in time for tho young lady." Ohiest glanced at Sir Mark and mot bin flyi'f'. ~- "' "Quito a guntloman, our friend Dahi," oonMnuod tho officer. "SahoohniiMtin' onuo, I found, tt peak ii languugCB; pla'yn, and tiiticu. Great; ynolitintt inun. Dooeivo any body; hut hiw (jame'fi up now. Couldn't live 10 finghtud a* it wns. Whoro did he Wimt Indlii, uir ?" Gmiiit nuddi'd. "Well, hfl waa going on frtrthor koulh. U* had takaft tiokU.ri' tho Ilivef I'lutt-." " Sir Mmlt started violently. ,. , Them w. Ucnoo for fw tnonientg, and Gueil'i rntmont agfclnit Myn difd out a* Ii thought of tho poor girl In ttw **Y"u eiir !" ro.irnd the priso-aiTr, "Y"rt turn a^'nins! me ! Hut 1 kimu th' rcaimu for i hut ; our friend the reject-id in J lunch- lt\ Inn," "(Jt.nv) away, Hir M.'rk,"' cried < hm-H. "The innii in an niter knave," *"I will not heiil'-i- it," cru.'d Sir Mark. "It.'ail thai leil.iM t iieil," uaid (Ilie.-iL quietly, "wi'iLTluni'-. p-iper bearinf; your crei'-t, fmrn your own li'iiitu, t'i.hii eenf'ed- erate Hunimd TIced' imhi, tl e priuier of t he fori.'1-d F*U'":*-a,i r.oii m." Sir Murk 4 it .viieut and tlu'iii'luitil in t |,e em in-r (if Iiiu carriaj^'.' ns he und ltii".it wen- driven back, till tiny v. "P- :n*ai' tuo hou-e, Wlmll lie Tinned ntlilUeuly to Ills Cntiip'.niori. "Tiimi; yen, fiuent,' In said warmly. "NothiliL; like ii filelid ii 'ici'il. ihu,;,' it, uir, IM sooner, lake my.'.hip'i into iuMuui HL'aiu (ii.ni meet my friand.s hero at. Home. Ilii'. i' !l,.H to h done,'* b s.dii, "an.I olll* Hide " bc'iteii, I wil\ no P'-hevo" thai Mr. liarrcii in guilty u.ii v ! Lnat. I could h;i\'i; ln'iii im ol" a (oo I. *I'he man i*. i ;-. n- tl'llllan, noil I'll fitac.'i ' , lillli li tin: i."-1 io opl i e 0' till t hut iii -'.aid in mnM, Hi tu *A ii.it do vr.u nay, tiir wlml iln y.iii nn V' "Do you wi.di tuu to apc.k, Sir Murk"" "Of ci.iii'Hti." "Tii en I Hay I luit I lie man in iin"utii;r ueoiindrel ; that you h;iV been horrdiA; deeeiv.-d; and'"that, Mir.rc, 1 um making you i' n;*ry." ..- .. , "X i- a hit, tbll'Sit \ i ', :; lilI.. 1'ill lll'crd i yon .. i " .nj.j'ht, out. 1 unci, i'i(,dit ibis on i."' T e ib or W;"i ic-u'hi-d and S'l* M ai k tit tered a i-i'^h of '!,.', /ill' thi'io' v.'.ii h<i Crowd .no, upon otii * ,iit eveiy fri'-tid m.d vbdiur hud d.pa!;.o. Sir Mark-stroil'.' in in-n^ht a..d tit.; , um! GueBf stopped If' ^'iV l "iid-bye. .. . 't leavo nn; yri. " Voij,J dru-^jj-iHt is huuost if when yon a*li "h.lni for it [JutTln rf Scott'a HiTinNion ho i>ivnH you judt. what you unk f-or. Iio knov.'hthiti in the best form in whiun to- tiiku (Jud ijjv-r (Jil. ' me up and lai'o the "Xo, no, my lm oaid t be ohl innii. liidieu first." lie b;d the nil' np .iilu tho druivluL'- roetn. exp'.'i'Uri* V. luul Myni pnelra'c; but tht.'rn w;t:i only one fiiiuru to greet h.m Ins iiiHier The duor, however,'had h.mt- -ly cloU'-d hefure Ivlie, who had been w;i h her cousin*, ran into ll>4 room tluuhial and ii';er. "Whre ia MyraV "Lyiuy down, uncle. We anntiu iutd I peviuaib'd her to po to her room," "I-* aim much broken down " "Mv dear Aitirk I" cried his sister sharp ly, "Myra ia a aciiHibln girl. Now, tluni, don't keep ua in nuspenuu." Tell mc; iu it all truo ali"Ut that man V "Yuii, It- biic.'a I moac no," ciiod Sir Murk fnrioimlyj "of courne not, niui I'm going to iiiMlruct counnel and damme, ic'.i Homo enehiy'ti work. VII pour imch u brniul- yjiie into him ! Why, confound it all !" he cried, an a euddon thought Btruclc him, and ho turned to Guest, "this inuat bo uomo of your frimul'ii work." * "Sir Murk!" "Oh, u'nclol" "Den'r. talk atuff, Morlc,M'oriod hli niator almost at tho name moment. "In it lik*dv? Thon it in all trim. What an ccospo ! VVoli, I am glad it happened wlnm it did." Ru Mark gavo a furious stump on the floor, hub tnrnod oalmly nongh on Gueal offering hi" hand. "Van will xouui ma, wow. Sir Mark." "Eh? VVImfe t Going? Woll, . if you muBt. But don't leave mu in tho lurch, "my lad. Como baok and have a bib of dinner with me. I ahull b vary dull. No j I won't link you Iter*. It will bo miserable. Meat ma at thaolub." Guest promiuod, and then nhoolc hsnda With MiM Jorrold, who preiuod hiu finfft<r warmljr ; ibut when ho turned ;to say goo*l- bye to Edio ehe won not in tha room. V'Too upuflt," he rauttetod * ho weak Aowh. "MlRht hn,vtt wild good-by- tbough., the Niagara Falls RqvU.' aoJKO KAflT ra!.:nt; <-.iff ct N. v'. \hlh, 1S0-I. FjHvci..... Womb -iTn... Cloinni r ..... liiilje t. ii. Ht. Tl ...nan- Mall . a.in. H.II! H.-j:i- H -|0 !!..'>" I ii. ir, IL III. H,.tr> II.S.-J noise; ".-.'i-fiT. I-'.xp. I'l'iHu".................. Mrii.Jkr.uiie l !roHK ... Velum .................. WimlKor............... a. in. II.a 1 u.m. h -Ji'} H I li 7.:,; 7 IT * i 7 nfi (i Tt (i.r.o ('..11 li-l'l ti ,'!-l -i-'i ii ii in (i.'jr. ('..:!".. (i.-l-J ti 11 7 (.- .......... l-JUO l.eiunlimioii niui TiViiid.ior. N0UT1I liiH'TH P."I n.m 'H' W'iiKls n* !^,:i,i ">'! I'eltou Xtiig H..',l * Meni-t'iiie Oroiwi 11.01 i-li KHrux . I).|n *i - } Woo.lsleo .il/il 11" ItUHuouih \)M It" ... Uruiiher.... 1(1.(10 ,'r'1' ..... bnfii-ivn ...... huh :i-l">...........; Htiiplen ..... 10 1G ' i^-> ' .........*(JiiUlunil...... HU'l ;l:i' ......Hlvthoftwoud ...... 10.1!5 :i-ii ...... "wudo ...-.., l*Ht .......... Luke K .fc I) ll'y ........... t-i> ..... * IjiiimiiiRtoii, ... 10.-10 Mution. A-inKi-wii,!,*-! M.oeal Triilnu. wi:^t i:aht, " in. . a.m. !Mr Fumox 7.15 O.ifi KdMiirii 7.0U 'JMi LK& It Xing 0.00 :i.i ."deGrenor U.14 10.01) Amherstbuvi: ll '10 Kxn. 1'. in. 10.115 10*51 11.Ci i.or Mail l>.m. .20 c.:u) 15.10 7.00 p.tn fl.aii r>M 5.J5 r-.Gt CM II 25 fi.no (ill) ti.io .n ri 0,55 7.01 7du p.m. -1.25 1,10. -1.02 -1,00 3.-10 All trainu arc *rnn ou oonttral ntaudat-d timo, which in Hiity minuteti alowor than Kwaox. time. For in formation nnd niton to oolou- iHtii moving wont apply to John a. Lavon, VliB- Hoiiuur Acont, Bt. -Itiomuii, 0, W. Itajjcloii, Gon- oral VaHHOiiRor niKiTJokot Ariont, ChlcufiO, 111 or A.*0. Btiuiorn, Aeonb.l'jiiflox, L- E:& b. R.Ry- * TIMK.TAJlLKNO.W.talilijB afloat on Jironday, Nov. kSu 1HH1. Trainb run by Eastern Btaud- aid Timo. Daily oxcept Sunday CJt-l 53 AHA M 1) 25 11.00 o.n3 'ii.ia "iiJiit'n 2.1 0.i!iiu,: o.r.o 0.07 H W i - Il O E- P u ;20 0.27 'l.lltl II.'10 (IM 11.65 lift 13.0H 7 on W.2B 7.10 12 4U Y.17 1.01 7.li 10 (U 10 00 10. to 10.117 10,37 1MB 10.N1 1I.J1 H.B0I .* *" 11. IU n.w ,1I.M lani wit 13,111 ia.a-i 1U.1W I' M, Static wa. nop Wall'orv'lo Ar Wnlliorvlll" Juuo. .i.....Pnltou......... ......4 oifloiinUo...... .. . 4 Phqiiotto ..... MoOruwor ...... ,,,+ Now Canaan... ... f MarHhiieia .;. , Harrow ...... .......d toner........ 1 no v'fl......KhinBvlllo...... ...-. Kutbvon ...... 13,20 v fit! ... Xiiaminpton ... "~......WUcutlty ...... ......r Himwlolt ...... li.'SHl 0.1U1 H.8fl ......Coatiiwoith , U.ltff U.B3 BM......dGlm\v6(td...... 4.16 n..........Merlin......... 4.4( Brti......f Buxton......... 4,15 H.&tl ...... F/audlfioii ......it 40 n.t-ft dob ./dCiMitirfiprinfitj... o-si .0 to 0.12 Bhmhettn Jutiot'n U4 6,40 .IT......Blimhnlm.....; 0 w .B .Q/l ........fWilUie...... , u 10 0.10 M AV ItilltletOwU Don {J 0Q V,M I'.Ml A.M. A " U 10 1) 1)4 8 IS7 s mi 8 47 8 42 S Ho 8 21) H ft! H1J 8 01 7 51 7 40 7 a* TIB 7 10 7 00 6 'A a -a. coo o :r*-M 7.00 iAti: UM i:.nt iu7 i.'iH 0.4:1 4.10 0.I17 4.11 4.01 o.ao a.4 1141 USD a.u a.w. a.-ii" I.hO 1.IW .i.aa 3.00 B'il 12,80 0 4a in: hi 12 (W 11.2B n.so 11,16 lO.lfi H.I12 <M0 0.13 O.01 B.SI fi.4l fi.UO fl.u n.05 fi.UO. 4.50 iA'i 4.IIS 400 4,21 4.14 4.ta 4.00 .1,60 P:'M ' . t>'lug Htationu. Tm<nflBtopo-Jlywtith*", are ptuHPngeiM at or 'or thoae atatlona. JdixiA jy' l<l- trainu aro at al- tlmoti nubjeot to bo oonocllod| j> " V/U '*V01\LATT.' 'OenerainEuTpw6itwaite:iit;; '- fi^jj til/.'; ' MmM^^i^^iM- '-MI& oat a* ha thought of tho poor girl hath* " ,"., ^^f^"-:.^'.^;