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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, p. 5

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pf^w.w.* I' < , ' , * ;^S?IP ^ Oak Hall Clothing-.... ygtB. H-sei-SSfc jyija::K; .'Pi*.g,aBl IS LIKE A NIGHTSHIRT, "y. YOU OANNOT fflKS Till! ATLANTIC Kpeeeh ou Ihe African QitcHtlou. IRISH BILLACOMPLEX MEASURE WEAR -JT ~, OUT! ijiHE ruckling of tho lien, tho discordant noion of a hurdy gurdy and V the warning of the sanitary injector to clour up, Bays, npring is here It also nayH, dress up and we are at your scrvioo This spring th^re are more -styles in clothing and more patterns to choose from than over 1)0foro and wo have them all- THE VC17 hiteat creation in Hpmig OvorconLri and Suits, Men's, .Boys' or Child ren's, are on our tablon, marked in phiiu figures that will astonish you. Clothiers, J. Moffat, Mflr. l.> Snndwich t-trpet / ( M 'in up bin k ytu ils. .dilhm ryappn Titians v..uited f uihv tin , Audi if-ou A Co. (.bin r lI if rviint ejrl v\ mtul. - V|M I*, ft tli*- lioyjil Jinn I. 'J he water.vorivH t.up'cmli n h ut i, ..tit thiH \ ' i k uttmi the. rutlii fur clio ipmi tci OliirmhKtlvorimlei.tiiKi TYi men- wuiHn t<> | Conmu nciue April int. hovrow utonov "t hi t mti h, liitM <i\n<'n'.e uml | S w t Ua 'init'll of bin ninj j .' h -h nth n is The Chatham Loan and' Savings Company, - si,ooo,ooo Wtonoy to Lend on l^drtga-gos rin ilelity nit null I tinplj pi f-feinllv to ihe Chat- liiiiti 1 nuii iiml SuMiij, i Co , (Jmiluim. b. J liAKI)\i,Ii, \Iiuiiif'm. FRIDAY, AlUUL I'A I HO "3. "_J TTV lOrr I fixer.? >.'/ OF THE TOWNS? Gofjd Kriduv. 11' id KiniihV ii'i. Luvu mowf r(i v,ill b< in deui-uid Ven i Iy Fami'iiii iu ihii . leitnty h lv. euui'ee i * od plowing, Utivo you Mieu M. .1 vVi^le .v. ' 'o < i.' h Of EllHtiT Uj. (J'l. Tho M. C. XI pa\ car ir>M d ibt iii^li town on Tnrirtfliiy The J>ouiinioii I'm bun > ut i i c dh ii f.,i Thxynday tiVxt, \pnl I-v Till Fiihi; Piu'it, li.n a line htii;e ofhei aafo for bill i ut n Imrtruin, Two or three n io 1 f ioib tin 1 voting rnilcli cjwa for fi'ili. Apply L-> J m. IIo^ihium, E-Bx. It Wliou will tiiut no v shIlkhI!' fiom Tub bot til. a i In- M'-'IukIul churJi lie r-uni plotctl : AtttnCK n t' c ill"ft to the Hf]v* i lufwlif ru ofmort^a^u "iilei.f ].t *J7(), T K N' ,on llou day nc,\t. Lucjiort ' lla\' \oti i "en the krl o\for I (turn k 1 ) --lio wuii. \T I Wi'i; A Co are hc'Iju^ a' T.'j anN. Hi.Miirian 1 bji.'b- h-m t ili" -i f)lu( on on Tw-'Hfbi.} nc\t. Th M Curth vit"s urn aft r J>j . Mo it i^'in * Lj.lp 0c. I'liGcoo will ilelivf f il sentij'i i 10 o'clock, u. in , in the, Mtthoriitit church on Good Ijii lay Kvmyboftv' w boniu. Another little clau^btwr cuitie to tins home o Mr. and Mrn. V. S. AH jinn mi W. diu^nbty OVO'iiu^, an 1 Mr. A no ko<jpn a ln\ of ci^uri) fur Inn cullers Goorl kmI <jr riuddb* a ,t_d wo in'in wan led; tnUHt nndei'Htiiild eookmu , < in who ban worltcl iu hotel pit-fi in <l. A ,, y >tt Ho'f I Exchun^n, Kmtj^villtj. Tho town authontieii should nei-that tin curfew by-law in hotter onfoioid A unafc manj young-itera, of all iifctiH, in ij be fotnal on tlie streets lont: ufter piclnbitJ houiit Wall pupf r 2e, roll May'n Ba/.nr. Ordeieil t lotlun({ at reduce 1 prices at Si/iuli'd, tito uJ. Diubol it Briclter have it-ceived unotbtr f car,lQiulof of nuur ami alt orderit foi bin rolH, entru'itdl with them, will receive prompt utU'iition. till- 1 ( till . lis. tti i p l-i!) >,.i'!i In, th in l( u .i 'u In ei d inalu i j i in llti '-itmiiii r Ir n ' ft for *'il**, at nhn^nn. .1. L .1 Tu^loi inula, 1 J\lii \Jli n.tii 1 , \.llli .iti.il ca--h dmwer. Apiilv tit tl Km \ l'i i i 1*1.1 i'i ollice. Tin- ftint foolhul 1 (.'mm if th > nc..' V* p. lunula.!* \i 'i^ijh will In ni \.\\ d a iJftimi on SiLtuul'iv April ^0, luUu i n llti- ,M. A. A. ti.fim, of Dutroir, and the Ideal tcinn. ' I'll* imy he4 the he id that ut-tun a erow n," biH it will not In i eneuirMta'i > ! to tli" II in i ^IIV'H III till1 It J I 1 fit" t It w tin ITT- j Alio fin' -t not \\ ijhi -i ii 'u 1! iM r brnn t , , \S*ti'1 or in pt t'liit; n p a (} it n'v 1 i "b" \f c'l'ioi i it i i i t hut pi ii i -e i to 1 ii ( " I biealo i '! Ik ! tlt'j I - )"^!i it ,miii nt (ii 11no it.', J00 HtioitL!, in- bill f t i iip|h 'i . | M ,1. Wil- A Co. 'u-1! > nun" ii'ijk tow I i hur^t^u ----------- u an11 iiry I oi.) i tit m /iut'inl v h l I a I < j- hlulf of-ni'-.t iilwuk d 'fin o up ihi- ^ut- , b t s nn Talb t Sf. fi i 1'Vi'i i\* and S itui biv ] I inf. Tin milk wuh [loin Justin tun for rln- ro'iih*. ny to l'i t i< pi>l v/a^hin^ from I the i'in a on Sund iy. \i tli -nlwr wulili ii; i*r c 'pti'tij ur M , ti -I Mii. J K "\fi V,w in. l'.s' we? U tip- I I. id i'h' Aid of the Mi tbodmt ihureli, 'f whifli Mi i MeKu in in a valued nii'tnb r, to ,k imU an'a e. of rli' r cm mon to | i cii tit till) IlO'itl -H 'l Itl'l^llll f HUt [ 111 I it Jill 1 lamp Rev. W H Ibt.wn evunj^eli it, of ('bi cay t, in holding ^j-ncinl Hf*rvi"es in the i lluptiht Church this wit k Ifnj op"ijinj* 1 iuhiru.ti'4 on Son 1 i\ i veiniif. wii.h htcn I to bv a lur^i* ( mi^it j, i turn, lb' h ii^n 1 1 v ! L'rof. M^oUribM \iK ulih* 1I< * ib in oipv c'io nnk 11 um In'iif fm I i U In hi'i1 iijj iiiuvt-mr-ii I t or Lhfj trinii t'l ban been setiotihly int*nferctl with by rrincipal Ileutlen >n Thu boyn havd e. n- olmltd to Hottlu down to huqiucsn ii'i tl ihil\ tli<*y eiflTlifit copo uith tlio-^e "uml r- ^iouikI wires" w IiilIi havo bi < n ' ml It* I t.veon the hetiool and thcii bono n. Jhcyole ttiver ftconi'i to Ikivl* utiuik the ponplo of Ci-b \ ill yootl (^iiod i innist I bid hCUiOll J \V GiIhO", Incil hl*h|i' f I hCV- eialot the bent (J'lnadi'i.i m nnifii' 'm lug and iinpuitioi' in in1*, hua tilnjnly madi ueveial dali>s arui exptt'H to plucn ipulu a number of wheela dutin^ the auahou. iicdpath'-4 gramilatud bu^ht b> bbl .'Jc- pi-r II). at Krnith's. Tin* Ilodnty Meicury cuitift to hand lanr i week in an t nlar^Lil form, and \eiy nnn.h | improved in iippc'iianc. Uio. .1 C Whit- I ney luu made iiiuny impiovernenliH in tho | Meriiury, and < idobnitpd thu tlnid iitiiii- 1 veifi uy of his propi mtorilup hv ^ivint* Iuh l<*iii*tlier AIWOUKMCI). IHenrln^ <>i tl\ l-l'tiicn i>oit <i HinU llnitfly. I'OMl Niarlyu cm b art of witn' t ie i and other mt< ut^tt d pcii'oin nnib to Kundvvieh jen tirdiiy in eouni ctmii with the njiiyoralty piotcit. '1'he day vvim np< nt in hoiirinf! tvidtii' l in iiippoi t ot 1 b' inotmn to u- m'iiI I>i 1> vv in' and imuit'ii n \v mi allowr d to hear th' i v nleiH c of u not lit r. An all c mbl not 1,( i Miiuiiie 1 diid^o linrnn jnili Hul t Ik t as' I'll i fin 1 In i heal i ill' a da i ((, I) > i nn i'u t > I. ad i n Methodist XUl'A'.iV. I'ln- IJ out Sin ciHNdil 3I;i/.ir tin I<im1Ii-^ Aid Iliur h;vt (-lini. Tlio anmiurhii/af nt thu J-atliecT Aid of tun Meth'.di-t ('nucli i'i iilAayi loolti d for- v. ti il to u i* Ii jiitf i < i', ii nd tlii r \pi i tut in i>T <l |.;ood f i i 11 tin t< hv *ill uho attcii I L'hvj^tvin on 'I ui <- I iy uml W'fdnE."-dni venii.f; i i f t b H W. > lv, th'i lulirh h iy, i llli IiioMt hiu i ' ii fid 11 i V Ii ti \ t _M t f{l, i n. hoinu of ^^r .nm Mil .1. It. M.fli .an, whole (he hti/ii i- lii 11, vvai crowdi d to tii fnlb -t caput itTuidTtro vt-rr*' " U'-i t con'Min illy l inn u pi )gu in nn s wtji f (Impie-t o iilid fulfil 'r^ (h)Od IliU' u ot each eviiiiu^, pnn* ipitllv nnd-i muii if^eiiu'iit of lli thurch choir a bihli by fitlu i frit nd i, A verv hir^e niiinbfi ot ti'a f A nt'd tun . hovi Hn h \i m e h'k-wii dud nil pretty lb i oll;;lily iliHpf St1 1 (A. "Jl'H. TllOllliis Din. titltn.ot WlllOhit, M l'.i , fot iniuij y am a rcmtleiit of 1j isp\, and an active intinb i of the AidTciJiltribUtt 1 a nn i bur of aiti 1 r. aid alio nclo'ifd t-tvtial iipiiiinif pio dtictrt of th" t ofron _ pi nt, idiou in'1 tl o growth of ibe raw cotton, trom the hi n-oin tt) ltn mature ooiifhtion. i\Lra Duiei umih il ftiintiv liuveev idunlh' nut foi gotten lln i I.hi- x aifaociuti ni i. While- i ho id minion fi o. including ltnu h k< iiu pb'ci d at only ID c nth, tho door i<< ceipls vvi'M' ii bou' ^ jU Ui) The u tlert i tt-iptH vvuio not Iviiuwn up to tho hour i f i* -nig to J)l ' .1. (h'Utluini n, Do ym know that M, .1. Wi^l A ("Jo. a*u ihowne thu hnei-t a-itiorf nn nt of hut4 in western Outanu" ftu a futt. l'liu nit'iiiii si inan on lecord " -iiiul to lim in Iliookcr Settlement. Ho t-old bin 4ihtt r-in Lmv one hulf interest m a cow,and then rt fund to divide tin- imlK inaiiitnin- niu; ilntt he nob! onlj thii front hull. Tlio bti\ it was also i kjumc I to pro\ ido I lie fei d the cow cuiintiincd and w.ih compi-lli'd to entry watui to h 3r three tnum a dav. lh- cuntly tlu- (ow booked him, mil bo iijiiuiuj^ hm HiHtcr in law tot (Unia^on ,^ 11 .1 Wi/ln A Co. multu a hpccial'y of laco ouitaiiiM I )o you want mifH'-i ibiH Hprmt; ' If yon do oi t< r. tioin C V, H A Co., it will H'ivq \ mil nioiit y , LiniHtitiiontd tho enlarged papet. Hodnoy Princijial Ut iidf.rHon, ot thu nubhntichoo- pf.0ple Hbould bi- jnoud of their local paper nuyathat tmieat tliiiiy buyw )n thin town, are pormittud to play truant a meat portion of tlio Bchool tune. A truant otneer bhould bo appointed, A.t tho Moolmnias1 Iiintituto leiulnw room on Puda/ neiiiii^ of nevf; week, April 10th, a moi-k trial will lie held. Mr. E. A. Winner will tiutii4Jud(.'u. A vorv in terentmtf I'veuinn i ca| llu 1. Xho entortaintnent (4ive*n ut tno Mtch atiiRH* Inatitulo rodiuH hint Finlaj evtiiin^ waa fully up to tlio averaue ot the minus ot "Popnlai PruhiyEvfniUKH," which-Kb^x pooplo have foimd qo full of ploaaurg and prollt dtiiii)f4 tlio pftHt HauBon; Tho prin- cipul rtature wan Mr. C, L. CrrHbwolloi'ji halMiour'h talk ou "BoyH and OirlH,1Jwhich proved full of iuttront to till proaoiit. Thoro wtrn alr-o bloH by Mihb A. Oarduor, ati(> Burdlok and Mr. A. Wallaao ; reading by lira. M. T, Campbell, Mihh Btraohan, and Mr. A.B. Gutiliihi*; a reoitutiou by Mr. Kroighotf, which waii onoored and ronponri- tt to, and a clurionot nolo by Mr. W. Mo Guiro. Dr. Bnei. ooonpiotl tho ohair, aud dave a vtiry ml-ruuting uddroan af fifteen tuiuutrfl on tho auhject o! tho ovfmiutr, Nio i-tfl't sauftr H oonw per lb, (by tho bbl) w.jr.wirIbago. ~l ff sale ut Bnlth'H in drogii (-ood*, now "\Iih. JJ Gardner, Lai ml uvo , dosireH to thank veiy iniictic-ly bur mim\ llfiiex (riondfi and uoif^hUorH for Lhoir tiruttt kind nehH during tho llluunn of hor yotinu'ent non, Llaiilwin. During tho hittor'H lale Berioud illuuhH, many toruptmtidclioacius vvoru riant in. and httlo acta of JtiudnuuH nhown, win di Alrn. Gardner and hor family are not vdow to appreciate, ThoKnuliHli ehnruh ehoir ban in ido ui- raii'jements to iivo a high ola^a entt rtaii - iTiunt hero at an early date. Tbey havo been fortunate oiioiitili to hcuuik tho hci. vieea of MrH.Courtwnght, (*nld inndullmt of th Detroit tiobool of elocution, Mr, Louit- wiij-lit harUoho, und Mrs, Dingwall, nopra- Tro^if Detroit, will -iiIho aiinnt. Further particuhuo biter. f Whenever von hoar a man finding fault about Ida MowHpupor, open it and ton toon* hohami'tanadvt. in it; flvo toono ho liati novof rivou it u job of printing; three to one bo aooo not taho^tho papor; two to ono f he ih a HubHor jbor ho in a delinquent. Evon-up thatho novr dooa uuytluni^ in any wuy that will aHBint thg puhlmher to run *. flood paper; und four to otio h n th* most ea- nor to aoo tho paper when it uoiyidh out. Huporior IhMh ilmniMk fill, 08, ami CO I iuohoB wide, ut Hpeai&I pruiud. Oome(iu>i:k I>lf ul.su ui me r l^uiiis. Hij^h School KiitiiLijco, ruhliu Hulifol Leaving, and Oominercntl uandidatm for the .Inly, lh'.t.">, cxammatianH in Kfi.i'N Comity must m n i their arph'-ittionn to IiiHpojiur Muwvtill not Utej than My lt and htilu diHtiu^ily at winch of tho fol lowing cuntn h tbey do4iio to write, Wind- hoi-, Uhhox, Oombor, l.eaiyiUHtoti, KintJB- villu, Iluriow, AmhoHtburg. t'runaiy, Senior Lcuvim.', otu., candidates miiHt h nd tln-ir apphcatiou-i ho that ho w llrueuive them no ln*or than May 2lth th I, idn n' tdovoH 10 fiintH, fist black hohQ HJeeiitH.tlipr o-h-U oi-ntH. M. J. Wir'i A Co SmiMi'fl havo a fine rangy of clothuij* and hlioch. Special hilIo now cu. Farmers. Oct Kcarty! li'ttrmorH and otljorn havinnoom plantora roquivind repairo, aro rcquaaSodllto bring thorn in early, an- tho rmih will!} Hoon ooin- monoo. I will bo in a pomtiou to haudio a lot of rnpairiuc, during tbonoxtfow wcoUh. and will alno havo nomo fino now planter^ for Bhl, wo havo promitjuB! of nu early spring, bo tlon't dolay. Vmtn ItoniNflQN ^Talbot t., oppoaita Dr.lVtolCouzio'urcHi- i neu, Knex. ' tf W.iNh rlnirnii___l)Ui'ulul>llHhm<>ut mil 1'iihm^k itn Scconil Kt'iadliiir bv ** Alujoi lly ~'l Iiu rulihiet Sop portn Mr. f.nlly for Um NneitUa nlilp. New York, April e\ M. Ilnnotaux'h vlovvH of tho Kiench Government upon vnr- ImiH Afi'h an (pHhtiMiiH wherein the Intoi1- e d 4 of ! 'rani e and Hii^'huid eonlli(,L iml- nuilly nroiisiw much intricnt, In London. Tlu I one of liK f.pecch Is nol n ,-aided as ho lib1, hul none of tin- London papers i on-1 h r l h.tt It ii nsvv i is 11n nm uplands of t ho lln i liciy (Jublnet Hit 1ms Mild nol one v. oid i'1 pi.lining the e\pi dilion lo tlio S ifcr ier inn, i x< i pt nitf to at 11 Unite t be trouble tu the hnt.itlncc ]iolie> of the NIlji r Conipaiiy in iiionopoli/in'j' truib' and pii v em Iiik l he t tuns it of i it her people nirosslis ti rrltory lie urines thai flu i uinpuiiv 's ( bum is ( mil lary In t be tn ut v of H< t lin .mil < iinnol be rccoi^niycd mini 1 he (|IK-.1 ion in ' i 11 led b.v dl|)lninaiy. Ih bus n hoi ded no lulormul bill 11 spi ctiii*^ the 11 pur led nd\nn* e of the Kiench cxpe- dll l in lo I ho I ppi r Nile, but (les;teioilslv i I. Li in i I oi K..UU r t he 111 ojiiiil ion of her 1 Jfdlt ns i ]' tho I p| i i I Jul .iiijdn. He de ll u s t he Uritiih i I inn lo I In- I p,>i r Nile, hut on ibis polni :i~- < " nit oiln i . Jie ha . iiwihioki d the 1 if I lb il Ibe l-'i i ni b liuit- 1 m 11 nie ju-,1 .ii nidi .inHe ns t In lint i 1 Tin i e is nit hin^' ie i"iu iiitf m the spi eeb I'.il ll uuelit h,n l.ili lv li.l'l h loin it i.u Ii i bun il and so i omph t ii lin n-tu e a -. Iheliiih L.nnl bill. The kernel of thlh ](iojio--il In i In wh.it is inlleil the iin- in u\i ini nt ' hni-e- 'I In -e (imiim nil tin ni si hi . vi) nun h lo lln I hti r h nnntiv that ufiit imi^iiltinj- iiu npii oiniiM' of th it hod. Mi T W Uii -. II il. i loud In- hhotlld i oi ih.ilh , lir.ii l il \ .i nil M n nuoi.sljy -up]mi t M i' Mm lev's hill '1 his .ii t ion no (lollht hi Ipi d In lol (i- (lie h.lliil nt the l.iinllii] tl-, ,md to it is kl] rcl> .iltibiiti tile I In* < in i no-.! um i s t h.-u t he bill w > nnop |n-id on i eond le.nhn^- Mi It.ilnnir ad mit )< d th.il I he A( t ol | Ss 1 In ui Iu 1 l at- tenil-dm siune lorm, but ihi- luiusuio vi ojii Ii il too \\ km lv I be \v I on- l.iild (pn il ion and 'would i ntoiii if.-i> lurther ib ni nnk mi t'n jail ol linanis lor the pt-rfcrmtion of a Mati ol Ihli ^s ii.t tiiisii - .i'h nii'diiabh. ^mm i onh i mat nm of i hi- i hm nil in Mr m \1 en's th < i u.it Km 1 11 ll 1 he bill I mill ill If s I lli* I l'llldjllislif I In l.unl h,i ue nt'd would i> suit in ihe h ill.i i in r iu j hi b it ion ol ii nt i \\ j Ii ,i view i o < nu t ni in i* -a | (i -i i ni tun > I pin - i hjy . It wiii (11 lainl v fi '-( - ^i II oil I h.it t be hi 11 I mild he n 1 i ml lo a i'ililliil 11(' ol bulb Idolise Im,.u e tla lninhoiii-i mi in ore and tlu* li i , ills in tin othi r, ----- Thi'ii.il ini'"'li' km r tin' ioia-i. i will i i*I ni in i on in 111 h i 'I lie I i.idli, il,s at i preji n uitf lor iIil i onllu t by prissin^ the Gom i nim lit lo I bit att n clo-'llO ol ,'iinend il p-1 u'*'"1 > in t hi pi im lpie ol la I jnu's L..I,* 1 j^in, Any -mil sh p would dry up wb.it- i \ er -.\ m|inl bit s t be bonis inn v hu\,e lor the nn iMiie and *-e\<i,tl ol llu-in me not untavoi ibb- to manv ol Ihe clauses. 'I he bill id fm ills cm nblt shim ut of tlio Wel-li i hllK h | as id lis i eoiul it idm^jf-kv a l.o 'i [ than bad Iim a ' \p< i ti d, hi i a use tho Irish < out in - rinl a\i tin u \\. I h fru mli tin ir solid vote on the prim iph of (lout (Us, mure tanuliarly known jk lo^-rolliii-j;. \n a in hi Uoiis v uiniK >ci teb ltadn.il mum d JJal/u 1 has I i en \i ry ^tiet esslul in i mum it 11 iik tin ('nm moils to tlio ap proval o| two ol Ihe wihle.sL sclieilie.S of 1 he w ihi est --el t ion of minis tt rial .siippnii- i i-s dm was ilie r -nluthm lorlluine Huh ull round, ihe other was amotion lav oi i ok a -ii end ballot m pirliaim ntury cledloiis. Ml l'.illotir oveiwhelllK d the ihst with udii-uh a- a most ernvy allempt ilL (oiistriative h ^islut ion und lust nl^ht'h projiosal for the M'tnnd ballot* found Hh chief opponents in Mi ssi'H. Lowthernnd Court in y. The mini dcrinl fiupportoia, however, tfa\o it then vote for tho hlngu- lar reason that It ininlinl/.es tlio danger of i onstit m ULies bcnitf (Iu hied by tho intro- tiuition of fice labor emdldates, who would retuso to answer the crack of tho Liberal whip. Both proposal-, woto car ried by hiuall in.iioritie-, in very small JIoums. This will NLtisfy the vanity of Mr Dal/iel, b'Jt n wdl hmiR hishchomcs no neau-r to jnai Uiul lcali/nilon. The CiibineL has now dn-Iand Its In tention of htmpurtiiitf Mr G ully'H noininu- tion lor the ^iieukership. Tins is virtu al h > ii hliiu? to I he presiiiro of tho Hadieul -i i lion m Parliament and as the lrlt.li vote will probably beiust with tho Rad icals, Mr dully's I'lei Hon is now assured. The whole object of Ibis imininatJon is to pn Vi nt the Opposition lmm securing one >r their ow n pat t;v. -in the person i if Ml' Malt hew White lUdloy, the position nf tho pn Mib my Ciiuim of tho Glad sioniaiih who weie hivuruilo to hir .Mut- thev. White Kiilh> peisonnlly have how ib i nh il to tieal this nlVuir purely on "pTrrry-tiiH -, and lu^ siippert, will he li mi tt il to ( in sej vat im s and a lew Unionists. If the Con si i \.,ti vi .s should ho s-aicri ssltil in the ne\i iii'iii iiil eleitbm und hhoidd dei idn tu appoint one of thtir own party i ilor to the >\n aki I'shi p in ihe new Par- haineiit, Mi Gully will piohnhly havo tin JlisL iiiil^e-hip at tlin disposal of his puity. Tin whole tiuiisueiion ii> now ndiuid to a iniseiable party issue. 'I he (ovi rnmeiu 's haul \eto bill lias \viv dai k pro peels K\ury week ulfords hiiine h'esh ev ideiKe th.it tlio Guhiimt. and pariv j^etu inlly (di~ap[irove of Sir William Ibiiioui'l's liislsliiiicu upon tl. ft is his bill uml In -wuii inclined ut all ha/urdb to hi ue; il mi he!ore Kusier and to foreu a M-ioihl lending beloi'o "\Vhil sun tide. Ari leader oi the I louse he has special oppor- lunitlis for having his own w.iy, but the bnwinj,' interest' on his shin of tho House is very Hiroiig, and although Im lias ghen Mip to the lihsh by staling (hut the bill will not apply to Ireland tho moving of an iiimmdmenl that 'that country shall not lio.\chnhd from Its opeuiliuns would brio,*, the onttro Irish \oto into liuo against* the bill home lender <f the Catholic ohuroh In Irehind, feuiful of interniulim strlfe|nt thu next, general election are making great efforts to bring about tho iiislon of tho Piit'iiellito and N'ationiillsl factions. Thoso olYm'ts havo bnon mi fer hut'coHt-ful that M *. Healy has not dunouneod tho l-tod- nimdUoH for ovov three weuku, and Mr, Ilaniuglon Imtt been eipmlly nllont ua *'^i For 10 Day Monday, Aprils, WE BEGIN BUSINESS WITH A Quarter-off Sale ] off roL'uIur i)ii<(' wool [ oil' TjikIlo .' ami < n nl mis Tog pt", ( nl i' Iim s Into shoos, from si ii ice niioi's b 1 .iio. r, up, ppcial Vii^ uv ' olV on Mon'ri.mtl \'>n\ , l'(.n!. undo funis; Wuy' iiiiiLH from $1.2o up , oil" on ('loth .iml liiniip;, im sitils madi: Iu okIoi', 1 -Uni vahio; -cotcli I [,IUlS t(J Oldci' ^lo.ofj. ] olTon till line> holt I Fills., lutil it'irt soli,, full r.in^tj of .spring styleff. IMi ,i \(iluts ni Fj.ico Tin t.nii Poles und Tmimiuih'-js; ti \nxlr Iatoo mii with I' )!e and fr ttire Cur- >e. ic otirhuiry Ducks, /tphyi", ('limnlini , M itl ni^.i, rropnu", mid other 1 ilium" y<i()d i. \' i f a ^ji lam nt ol hacoto niutcli. Ucilpitth.s o\ti ' stimlara Gi iiniiliitccl surby hairol }J ,Y po.incl. a W H TJ'XK Y_J31iililu-IiSiiItX- sJtJgt y^yj Wheat red pi r buuht'il Wheat, vvhiti* Corn Oats i'ltliolliy Hi ed 'Mover Seud Vii.ike llnv per ton. ... i i ef per c.wt........ Pork ...... Uuttoij........ HldlH ____ oIhoI'oiih pt rib..... Butt or...... Laird ...... VZUiia, por do/ ..... PotatoeB, per buabel Onionu A.pplon Turuif s (hirrota Huettt | LJiirmupn TurkeyH per lb....., Do-Jut ....., Cch ry per do/ ...... Cnbbago ...... v .? ( >:, t >M i'"t I ' .' ^ r^\fT><'-h>- 'J inthtthiiurtoomiuBof tho prliwtH. It \ttnA\d _ , . /1#VM w,tlv and ahean that t Im donoiu*l(m of mm HontH to tho BPWu a*a PP"y **a 0,,flIlP Kedinnndlren Is to ho tlio IuihU of hottle- nimit. Unforliuuitoly while tho hwufcot ihti eltui'oh favor tlin auIiqiiIo ' thuro uto , cerlnin of the hlsliopu who will notut any [ priio hiLNo any ikuillng or, arrangemont* wUh tho I'arnollitcw. :u to lia ho 17 .11 J rj( ft 7"> to o 75 :> ro :> no io b ou "> 00 to Ti 50 ', '>% to -j -'a ." onto t.oo 2 no s If h ."in to 7"to dOto HtO 8 H 10 10 55 B0 no lo 10 30 10 i) H 00 lo Cllrani 'WulUer Ac .SottH;TIiirItet Itepori No. 1 Hyo, [iei butihel ..,. II . 1 Corn .... la OaU .... ao Tho above pi icon are puid by. II, Walker Hoiih, Walkerville, Ont. CALL AT TOIt (iOOD Fresh Bread, Buns and Fried Calces, I'Vcah and Bwiiiit each dity Frosh Candies and Cakos ou Satardiiy. Ordorn promptly iluhvorod YOU'LL PE RIGHT IN Price and Quality- W. E RICHARDSON, Hardware, Essex. CALL AT -"^"^muH^ 's Bazaar, I'OU ALTj KINDS OF Window Blinds away down Chiniiware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yiirns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up To Smokers 000^ > WILL NOT DK UNDERSOLD. The boat efLoiU hor and flrBt-olaB Work- maiiflhip. All band work. Every Uarnofl* old by Hioma1 in Wood- nhi MyStook ofLIttht and Hoavy HatnoHB in now complete, and a Hpleri- did Htook of all Uorue Gootlu. WRIGHT C. SMITH, ^outh Woodsloo. To moot the wmhen of thoir ou^tomors^ The Geo, K. Tuokott tV. Bon Co., Ltd.. Hamilton, Ont., havo pliiaod upon the barltot A Combination Plug of 7'T & B." SMOKING TOBAfybq $ This supplies" n long, felt want, giv in-cj Uio consumer one 20 cnt pluff^/', or a 10 confc pioco, or a fi cent piec*'-'^ of tho 'famous fchT 8c J3T' brand of. j! pure Virginia Tcbaooo. -'.' The tin Ug Tfc B" is on ivwy ji i.rfLj. > .a 124919

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