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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, p. 4

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<>fM "^, 'TTTTC T^gjJsTggy ~ TORRES PRE6P Thin uhould bo tin* de^iro of evmy" m o Your home in yonr lcinjviloiii and ohouhl bo jupt as comforUblu mid boaiitiful an your ut- -oh will ullaw. Ijitthi uxntMwiuJiH uvvin t. iry to dnuorato your rooniH with our Wall Huiul for namphm and [mintcm* <ui Consumers' Wall P.^or i5o.- Wluiluor, Out. which h h|I( of Mm hiKtd of liniouo' of. fortti, in ldnl, notmtv.' provlruilnl unil "till l'lr^nr u:ii"UH, Mr. Ilundun -o i rolntnd t)) Hood.\voj*Mfln^ ilomi by ( r^iiiiization in Sunday uclmul wjr't uvwrywhuru, uhd urfiil hln huarorn to loin im < (fort to pUnl Hun- duy KolinoU wliuruvor tlitur m-od in appmr- oni. Mm 15. A. WUiwuf thou cnmliiqtbil & Biiyii* chu'ii, Ultinu f"i* u loMioii tho itiibjout n'. "Tho Wioliod Husbandmen," Murk XIT; 1-l'J. .Ah". WmiiM-r uhowud tli(nou|{hly lior inotlinil o( drawing out tlm uuimIh (,( tho (Mi'liulani, aijil of HLHUU'in^ their interopt und atLtijtioii. aii'l ruouivotl many complnuuiit- ury remark* fiuin thoan prudent. Tlio rliwouftiiinu of thtivanouu muthodu of Imtiilliii!-' tibiHHMH, and of thu iiubjoatu in- iroduuml, brought out many i;o'id jiointa, iiil |)|'<)\ i.'f| of iitiiul) vulmi In tlioiu prt-'Ufint wiiovvi-r*; I'ltcn.-ntcd id Mm Sunday hoIiumI work. 'I'll'.- uf i iJi'tni-iU iiL'tmion wili Lhmi brought tu ;; v,\;>.- .-, iui-1 :il] ihii ^inn-tii nivii.iul lo piululco f u tmL vhitib liiul heou prepared in tiiM Hu.-i'iitin rooiii tit tin; uhureh, byladitai o!. i.lill *nia nuhotihi in tov/n. HVKMXU Uli iwI'.M. 'I'iid (:\en:iu; i^s'fdon ivuh uponud with d'.V"'i in.il ' :: 'i-cum-n by Hoy. -V. 1j. iK-vi-rl^), fni;ii,\ .-(1 by iii. H'lii'i1;!) irnui tln-r pr^idtnt - !'i-l. Jl'l". I t_' I U H-tWC I !l:r, '.Vll;j 'i Villi l,li :! n- i'-n, ulm ,'n'i' >< K- tin1 flit up ji'itt rdiupM. 'if Dm. v.-i-r! i'V' i -i,s, U< V. \V, it. Sr;i '.'.' ;.; .V(' II liiuf liuiir'h lull-, on '* Jb-I^;-- ..-:wl 1! L'.-I' ! to Suhd-iy itli; thu tciA-ii of l'.->^-'., -:!" ;o\mi-..., ," |"!:o-.vid by Mr. A. M<r- Gos-iUdd North mill J -<didu ^t:r North, liob.t j N-.c, of Wii.d^ur, ulm ' rvd a v* iy nbly "uMc on Mon ' ]'|'c|.hm i| iiddi'i'Mi (io "'I'ho r> ln'i't) of Mi'i' ^nnil'iv l-chnnl'iu ili'.' 11 iioij !t:nl (JhurL'li. !'dr. "ti;:.\'u;:'.i [-;i;Mr Ayt-\-/ [uilti wotun \.<. rv lltl.l'i V frill 11 l.r- I I'O u TSJ r ! !<'l'C!t'l i-O'l, 1 i.)o1 , (i!i i Im* xi'-.i' !i-ol <-I tin: Jk-iiji' of chili!. ; n uid to. lioth public iMid Sinidtty t,L:liuol WiirK, iin(i tile it dwelt, (jii I ho liccttiuit y ()! tin- ( llfut'-lllL'itt of luilill l.y lllWfc !l!( llli cttiKlri n v.bi n'.* purcntu do noi Tho Essex Free Press, PltlDAY, A.riUL ! _>, 1H9.". ni>x C.iwrul Sltwirlri .U"'"^1 Hon ;il*l t" K'^vux. Tho .mii\o iio:. "f ;-:-h . ','- evu ul t In? r.-^M-.v Ui,n.....i-iii.L, j in tin.' I'i'vhIj) ti-ri io I'luircii day lunt, proved vi-rv i;i'ui.ilyi:i:; to ibo i-io- inOtci*;! 01' till.' ;;'ll Mr! In;-' Tiu-ic uri' nl-uiil f n clay Sfiln'oln in il.n i Jolfyii.-s w, :,. pi ^u-nt ail Wo 11 ii'i thti nn-uu;!- inon'oM- of I lit: c];, saou worltiufj iu tlin ditri<:t. Xliu Snndiiy cbnol-i i;i tlii- oi-itri-:!. three ut Coiun:, on*. ;-.t Nni'iii HilI^o, ; I ; 1 I t : ' - :-L:-:o-d, :ui 1 ,,in V'H'ioil- ptnM_, IV ! - , oil .' Ci-Hto, Klfo.d.l t:^ Uci I'm inj* KARLY CLOSING. Notice to tl^ 1,""M <>r Esci Wo, thi( nndiTiil^ii'd mcrolmntu and boHinui in- n.ut tho Tov n >I Khhux, miroo to *.lotic our njiiiiuutivii pbm -h of InumiOHit nb (1 o'oloolt. tnv.n linio, c < ry Tnoiuhiy und Frjduy hubwuiMi Muy ;i iu.il Octuhor *J9, A. X). IHDoT" W ! Dowur, iiMiobant tiulor. ,1 II Allinii, hardwuro tnondi'iiiL J A llitlui, luriiituru (hitler. DllilHrl .I' lirlolH:!'. \V H Kii'liLLrdnon, u. riUvnro mi. r^li'u ilt. ,Iiik I)on^,l'i". "in * 'ncr.rluLut. Sinilli V: Co. I'l I'llllilOiCl', t 1 |(>f. ' T II M.lIlli'ir.M, I..1 .r. J'j Ti I'arlt, jiuvf-lor. J :M llioloi, bnli--r. B Willtinnoii. fc'oruyi.lu', Anili-.r'on A" Co. \V MviiiiH, I) 11<* r. M H Wiul' I-IT ;l ii U'iirlc W Coi.ihIi. B G Iv.'au.;, idioo iu..k- r ,1 Vt Slnho 1' Sooiov , ,-h.'H- in iKnl' m ;i '.v.^'.o ,*.- c . at BrooiVr, viil- . co.'li ni School lit Nt:W CiUlili' n, mi '. I mil' il; ! In- ' Ulld I lid 111^ i li l' i Ii it 11 M)!"l uf cjllfist iJUU l]o tOWU ( f- J'jliM.'X. Tho opnnitm iX-i'c:ci-h wt-iit i.i rfunni'.t \>Hov. j\I. IV G-uiip'-" 11, \, -ifii-r \vl.:t. n Jlr. C. K. Niiylin v." >t> i;-iik-o . to tin* cli.iii' Ulld iiltr:r WCiCdUiln.r til-. <.[ uii". ^-iVi- . tdiort itddrtmu, full oi Mind point", nuiiiiiy oil tin- trMiiinjj of tho Ldnld :n tlo- boni'.-. Mr. C. \V. Kfinudy, "I (Ifctiiii, \v:ih :ip- pOU'ltCd proviHifjual L'.',-(:n.'iury. M^mu'i*. .1. V. JJc(,)iiuoi], .M. -J. Wi|;"^, A. Berry liiri \iov, lii-vi-riy \vV] L-i^i^oini^d'-u;1 LOI[l^,J^tte'. "() n, ymir ton. MORI GAGE S AJuE VAU'AIJU: J'AIIM L'KOL'KKl Y. T TNUKi: A.\'!i Ii V VIltTCK < M-' Till-: I'lUV- L-.I l-l- of hlll: i:itl.IllitJ< "1 HI IL i:i:l I..HII I|l() T Lf'U j;i! imi'ln lo'llin Vi'iloiH v.'io'-li will In- nroilucuii tit 1 ii--. tirin- ol '.ul' , l.)I'M u v.'nl li.- mi 1<1 In puMic u-irtiu:i n.l. ! !:;> Al.i i"!';f:i lii.lm ;n i!:u Town ol Kttr-i'.'i.nn iVaOMDAY, APRIL I5f 1895, i > D.oo.'l Hiuii'itir, l'.tiq , Ar.t'ii.jiH or, '.)iu'. vulu- niiti' furUi rniii;ui..i'[l i.i I Nil Mii-,1, hull ol lot IltlMl- bi.T ,..V!i, horili ul' Tulhiit llmi'I, and t|m fiortu 11ult ol iliu I'liiit Imlt ol Lot. miuii'-.-r :'."'.). toitiii ol 'l'tilbol itoiid, Hi rii.-'r.r.-.'N-llij) of Ci-Hnl-I Nor li, 'in l.'iii County ul l'.;i^i-x, i-iHitnliinn: Hi hll l.'.O ;n:ii.:i. vVljn.it. Ill1' icn-', uro (di-un-d n.iid lliolir riiltiViition. ():. i ;hj f'l'ni.-dtii'ii in-" a Inunn lioiiint, I Ol!" f'iii!i'* limn mi. 1 :>!M'0' iHii.-iui!iliii:'.i; til,-;n a 1895 New Goods 1895 Dnrnr^lre"p^gt^eii~days--we have been very busy receiving and-Qjj| 'passin'g into stock'large consignment of new Staple and Fancy Dry G-oods, 'Grents' Furnishings and Shoes. Other- lirfes will follow in a few days; . - )i".f-iinitri hntli dny Mini ni^lit. iMr. C I. Cr..!'MVi.'lh-r ut tlm ili;;h Suliool licurtily Mio ; t'.M Mr. Jli iidtji'inm*.-*. htuti ihl-UiH unit .ii .ii.L; r.hi- in I'.t'-r ur^'Mitly i\an ivin^ tli.. i'tu-ijr.ojti ii lln.- aut lioritit;^,.._________.. Air, II iriti.-i:. id:.;o npuiio of tiio hlrott a iui:-ition tii-it i.; miniii;; the uow^boya .iiiid otbi.ji ii. Wii.dsor. Ur. l.>i:W:il' :-.!.:({ I 111; I'ti'lHOll t llO CUl'fC'W bydu'-v wmm not Miforcod in I^mUljx, '-viu t'na muni uf thi> L-oiirndllors did not fci'l -liftT to'I-.ii-p tin in j'roio trLOni-nlitii' tho Klroctu ' 1'"" '!,:il'ir'1 lvl-" ' ll,'v" ' ?i"hiihiip|.l', ut wt:r. 1 .1 Ti.:-, 'In lr.il.lo ii|..|".i:*t y t > '.viruio om- mllo rif l.i! 1 |WN (it KhSi!\, W UH'il l:t llltJ IIOU'KOt lOWll Ol tli.- '-"ii my. 1 UliAih Tell pi r ci:l. c:oih ut tloi tiiuo 'if ' F-.ii'p\>u (i t Hit! tin..- .! un!i' for lui-ili'T I'm u.nil n-.-i niip'y I" I' Hincl.iii", !-!-i| , A o.'iniiii'iv. !.- !. 1.. fi.T-.trii, iiari l^t^r, I'.nM.X. or t .M::.T>its i':(ii;i:;s') a .".ii-ih.in'.m.I). D, SiNCl.Vtlt, Alien, Vaiilnih' Holic.unH, ' 1-. t. Thoniiitt. Better Value thdn Ever. in thu viiiilp fc of thnHi! who hiivo uiHiU oiii' now J'rint.H, Nuw (lin^hatni), Now C'liitmhrayii, Now SniloonH,' new Oi*oy and Whito Gotonsj, new ohirLin^u, r.ow (^ottoniulcti, now Lao Cnrliiiiiw, now Ijjlco:!, nc-.v Vuilin^M, now Uohc, otc Our Men's Shirts at Twenty-five Gents are very Olieap. Wo il!hi hitvo'ostvu vuIuom at, HOc, at, C > .p) nui^o of i-ienta* Fine Bilk' Nock-wear, in tho uciwo.nt niiilifH of Knois, Dothyt ami Ihiws. At Twenty-five Gents Each. Our lirsw atiViY* In I.ii.(1ic-m' <)*;ford . ;nnl Cun^rc.i.H Shoo \ -iW; N'mU, Stylish, (loo I iitui t'hoiiji. Whnt moi'O in noco.isaiy '.' Mxtfn valuer in MoiTh Strmi^ nnd Kino Shoe:; ami Loip0' liool,;;. . We are the Clothiers of Essex. If vo'i \v;ui t _!.joo(I Sl,\ Ii:-h ( Moth iii.'j ;i!, low' jii'ii.'o^, ooiii-' in n h, Wo do 1 ho . (i rooory trado \cvy lino ;i,-; our host of ]MiM'oiiH know. ' !E3!cLn.dsorM.o Parlor Olocl^D cxrid ^iw-O ^roxicti Iv^irrorQ IPrbo. Yours for Uiir^ains, ( ^*^3 UBHAJ TEACHER WANTED I'^OK S. S. Nn Jt.COSKIKI.n NOW I'll. Si-K.% i ll ond Or tliird clu^-t cortiHcaOi. u il b o;:i-"r buicii. To t.uki! hitiiiiliun ii'. t'lici;. ..iI).i;-"-.bt.' I'^uL:.^ Luhtiuit. A jiply to .Auril ;i. lutl.a It. MOK, S.'iintaiy. Cott.-iia 1'. O. l-l-:il a iiOininating nfiiuoit.) for the oi'^auizu-tioii for thu ooir- n! yoar. RoportH wuVottn-u' :i-.iu-d from tin: d.*|. ogutt'H'preflynt For t.l:e vuri'.ii;i m;1iooU. hi tho.dmtriut, Mr, Thoinuu Mii!(:ii i'4">rUid ih.* C..:t..tn IVlothadiftt tiohuo] ub liavo.^ an uvciai!.- uf UO pupilu, With 11 tciL-luif, nod iu.lii^ thu Hteraturo of tbo Muiliodirtt I'ook K iom at Toronto, Ho hohoved tho huhool thu most importaut factor iu Cottmu religions work. | Ho holievod childhood tbo proj tr tunc in ' which to inoulcatu ruh^ioiiM touu)ii:iUHt and cited Bevorul iiiHtKiiuou where tho JohcoiiH taught m tho Hohuol in childhood worn novor for^otton, mid bad brought forth fruit in many waya. Rov. A. L. Uovtrloy, in Lho abaouco of the regular diilc^aiu, reported Trinity school at Cott.am uh duiu^ a ^ood worlt, with an avoru^u attontlancu of 00, and about nm'o teaohorH, a tfood library und uamg tho International lo^iionH. Rov. Al. 1*. Campbell roported the Brook or Baptist Huhool au hcin^ iu a thriving condition, wiih'abont 00 or tifi luombtirs, xminn International Ua^ona, aud C?ok'a literaturo. Mi. C \V. Konnii(iyr of Ciesto, avo re ports of lho ticliuulri at UcBto, Kd|;ar Mills. Blford, und tim nuiun Hohuol at Camp ]?alracr. TIloho wdioohi are all m no'.v diti trictfl, but are doin^ a ^uud v.ork, and j^iv- inn very uatiufactury ruporta uf pro^roHH. Mr. C. K. Nuylor roportod thu Ji*box jMothodiat Hohool aa having an average at- tondanco of iM(, with -:j(j*.i on roll, '2.") touoh- <;rH, and a now _libnu\y, Althon^ti tUo uohool iii Cioingjiatirtfuctory work, and much mtoreot is rimmfeHtud, a lac a of io;nn i.-i about tho only inco-iivi/uit nc--. 'I'luj Moth- jdlHt littllutlU'O l:i 111 UMli. ill*. A.. E-Uoiry, fur tin: !J..|.Li.'it .s.':li(*ol i-:iiil tbat four year*, ut:u, u. ,- ubuut *J.". or ..d puruoiiH attondod th-i .-.clij.il, whil-: tvt proyeut tlio avoni^o ih <> ) hcLioIiuh, wnb ' 7 tcuchoi'H. Tbo heboo! .: dolus houly, buu *i j^ood library, but m .-i Lo iuoonvL-nk'ncjil i ,ving to a luck of rcoi.j. Mr, J. l'\ McQuot'ii reported for tho TroH- ytotian uchoul unavora^u, attendance' of ;> J or mpro pupils, with 100 on roll ; toaoh- , . . o twelve, nv.iuily v.ll prosuut; lia u good j'orary; at--, lias added ^'J.j worth of boolifi - oia yoav. Ho roooiumoMdind ntrou(jly tho ; '.o ol tho Ciiild'n IIoMild, an a papor cloin^ , .^d wo: \ .ii uohool", ortp<;uinIry ,if a, mih- oiiury ' iitracter, Tho uchoul wan also i .'owdio .'-r want of room. ' *'-" OFFICERS ELKCTKD. Thw nominating-'Committee ]ltre prc- 'Houteii : 'j'eir report, an IoIIowm : - Frcr'rtimt Mr. C. Cracsweller. . lt Vio ProBident Mr. C. IS. Nuylor. 2nd do Mr.T. II, DaCow. Boo. Troaii- Mr, J. A-. Forster. Tho roport.vviiH adopted. Mr. Alox. lhirtlot, of Windsor, thou ^avu I-II / ^joot, "'Tho triumphal outry." Mr. Barb- n'tid '- "tted many intoroHtin^ maidoutu and ax- . i lioiiccti of hie own life iu Bnudwy mcIio*! i. ik, which.yniito woll rcaivad. . Ub'v, .1. llondorwou, of WootMna, ad 'lyawod the pa'.horlbt', ou '"pra'aiifeirtipn, . a weeJg, wiBtbods and Mialta" durid^ COUHt.lbli1 t.0 Hiforco till' iiCt. It:.-v. W. M. J"l.-niiii i;os;!. ^ayt! w u-ry al)l-! ,'iililn-;vi, t :i K; 11 jlf fur hi-J iiLihjfict "'.no.- M-.tiiodM of tbt> (irf-iit Teuchcr.'V Mr. C. ii. Nay lor biiuily hurnnied the puiniH thai bioi been brought out ilurinji tlio duy'ii v.orl\, rcviuwiiii4 tlu; mctliiaih hhfiwu, iLinl tho ^uml tlnnt's tho ( j)(i,ikt--ra had dwelt on. -,- -- It was decided to hold a convention of ilihi iL:i:juiaUon aniituilly, ut n. date to bo lUed by the Kxt-cutive, after wbicli the Ih'nt coiiveutioii of tlio Eym.'X Central Sah- Dulh Heliool ABhOciation wan brought to a clone. / alro. Win. Jjiiin^ presided at the or^an, and the Hinging wuh under the manage ment of lilt: local cburub clioin*. .lunisE op tui; - YUnKSHIRE PJSS i-on sau. 'plIK t.'MM.KSUiNF.I) HAS I'Dlt SAIj-'i A 1. line lot ol iiiiproviiit Yoi-ltsliirn J'ifit. [irie-: i.inl u \< iv is i.is lit Inr.wi'Vicu. Alno u well Ovjit puclli;: uiivi-l', very cbo'tji. Apoly tu 14-'.Ii W.II. SMITH. t-oulii \Vuo'l..b:i-. Oin THE WEST NOTICE TO CREDITOR d. Foot Hull. Ah stated |a**: wiiek the firnt fiaiK* of the Heawon l-titwci-u the lli^li School and towu teams took place' W'-diR'Hdn.v ni^lit. NeiLln-r team wn uut in full force, tho 11 i l,' 1 Sid.on! bL-intr iiumuh tl eir Htront* centre ferwurd Frtd Km^, and the town tihort two or three el ilieir best playerrt. However llui naii.o vtim iunt and intertat- jUK to tlio njectittors. The town boyHcanio out four ^oa!s iiheiul but thin record they cm hardly liupe lo lieep up. For lho atudeuts W. (^uiinin^bam forward, Luing and 1! irrett de-foiiej did fine work. For the town all lint i>ld rirliahlen put up" their ^auu: and all bhow.-d ccniHiderablo hkdl iu tli'ti liport. i'jonk out for n more esculiu^ t-amu i ext WcdiiCH'.lyy evening. Thu lii'jt f;a^:e of tho nerion for Ktu.ex is ono a,i:iiiiht the IMichi^au team, ^&&: HB *v^ Ai'amh. At Knsex, on WeducHdny, April IOlIi, l.sil.'i, tho wif.i c.f F. S. AdiinH, hanuais d')iili;r. ol a daughter. , W F CuMriiiM! By Rev. W. II. Shaw, on the ;ird inat, at tho ruBiduiicV-oHiVm. Milh-'n Krij., Chiuii N. Ciruming to Mary Ann l'arHODH, nil of Gohtteld Korth. South Biding of. Essex, Applications for Tjiquou Licenses in. tho South Hiding of Eescx, for the l-ioGiiBo Year 1895-90. OLD APPLICATIONS: .....- -TiiwMir AiiiiF.a'jTiii'no, .Tun. 1(. Oilltinn. tuvr.vn.........T.ukn Vlnw Uotioo ICilwnrd 1Vj> t, '* , ... ..... Amuricm lloumi W, II. Mulnnry, ' ...................Union Tlotol I Id try H. (Jn'M', ..... ...........llrowu Hoihuj Albuit yrrall. " ........ Hornninn Uoukh FJl- llntihhio, " .................Wiluox llouuc Antoin ltornar'1, win** and bour, Dnininioii " Ot'orpc Tu vl'iv, hli'ip, Twninny Illofttt W, .1. UnbiiiKCi), iibop, Jubntun block town or emirN. V.(\. I.mrli, laviirn .................:Ani(iric(m Koimu Mr. ,1. Tbi-inibor, tavern.........AbenUim Houhh John llurtmi, titTorti...................,'.lioyal Hotol Tir.v:; or lkaminoton. W. II. Kviill. tavtrn........................Hentr- Uniiflf loliu ('hit tuvfirn..............................IaicU Hoimo II. O. \VhtfiOit.,'tavrn..................HiiniiiH HniiBti Alfruil Hiiifinau. tavern............fliUTnluu Jloutici vu.r.Aoi-; (ir aiNntvVjf.M-;. Duviil Klhett, taviini (ti niontlin) (Jrove<]alo Moll Bo. John V. \nt!K'bib'. titv^t'Ji, (ii ninTiihfOM'dttuwuij. Wnlti.tr I'loiioriun, tavurn,......... Piifitoriui. l[ou i.J. M. fllu'ldon, tavoin...............Hotel Kxubaii^u OUMl'Iiil.O HOUTII Sitnnon Ktev.art, witi't inul btii-r, Itntlivflii Ex- Chilli,','!!. MALPKS Tliodilorn I^uiifdois. tavtirn......Trnvt'llorH" Floini! 1'atricU lioiuly, tavern .....Fanii^ftt' J^xuiian^.* MKIIHKA Houry Prit;R. ta.vfrn.......... .........Kn FtmiHO Ann Mt'rritt, tiivrn............. 'I ljotnpi;on 11 on no TiiMiuay uii^'r W. A. Mm !(?! , lavorii...............INtv-i.I "Kxclmn jn John t'lizn, tuvcrii.............Ciriuul Central Ilntttl Jcilm Milns, tiiTio-n............... ..........fVmiimii-mii] W. It. Vizt-r, wind ami bder...........Sidlnrn Hou^i: tu,nunY :<ohtii F.d. (1 . Jiinlph-i*, t M-orn.............T-'ny-il Tlotftl Midhaol liuiiti, t.-iViT'i..................Aulmi Hi'llHU Loon Komib'-iiMii. t.,vui*ii..............<l W.K. Hotit| Alox. l'ultior tavern....:.......... . ...(Jiuiiula tlouwo i'l'.i.v.i: ihi.ANp ltobt. Littlii, liivorn.....,............:.....rulitml Home tlmlur Mm Imv, no lhiiiiitio can \xi IhhiioiI lo uny Iritnl ov.'r two i-tDnnti in Iml^lit.ujiMl llrotihciiprm aid jiroviiUnl in iiccorbinuit with fd Vio. ("iiiiji, :il. A linii nf ?"20il or thrdu inoiitb-i' o'uitlncniout la thn penalty pinI'likua of thin provision. (it" Aji)illcant.n niur.t fiirniali tlin tianifffiof two 0(nl ami Hi.illlcidtir hiirotidii us hondunicn ut tha tinid nl niiilibif; apijlicatrou. Any iipjdlu<'nt (or a new* lii:i:tiii.t tmist fiinidih a ccrfifhiiitn nfj^.....1 nv it iiinjoviiy f;! t [in (iti'Ot.firn mil.itIt'd to vom ut dii'Ct.lOI|H Pir tho IiJiUifO'ltiVt! A HHMllllly 111 till' Polling Hub- livl'-ioii in whiuh thu premiridtt fiouijhl to bit linniiHoil aro fitmitiifl, mill llio until miijiirlty in ii fit hii'lndu t lonnt oni'-tliini of tbn Hiii'lnliHitoni wii-i tiru ut tlm tinio of rtin;h ip- pliuatiiin loiiiiU'KiH within tbo naid i'olliiin fiuli- divliiiun, III the MatUu- of ,|aincH McMnj'iay, of ipu Town of 1'jhScx, TiiiMijitli. VTOTKiK IK 1IKUKHY C-IVKN' Til \T TIIK' V\ aliovo liiiliuiil ilaiin.'ii McMnrray looi itnult; an aiiui^'niniuit, ti: nit*, undi-r tlin provihiouH ct (_'baptt:r 1-1. H S U,,It>>7, ami uinoiii'lniniiCti Llioro- to, nl al] hiH oKtatn aim cilufU in trust, lor tho lilUH'lK ul bi,H <;r<:<litoi:i. A nici-'liii^ or tin; unalitm'ti of thu biild JtiiiKH IMcM'ivray ih nurtliv con viuu.il tun I will On hi;lil ut thu law otlicfc of H A Winner, in tljL; Town or Kmiux, in thu t'ounty ol Khm-V, <*n Moini.iy, tlut Pith day of Apvil, IKIliJ, at, thi htuir cj| two o'clock in thu atturnuuu, lor tlii HppuiiitniL-nt oi iiiHpcutuiti and lho ipvinjj of oircctionu who ruforuiiuo to tho diflpotud ol tho fiaid ohtaUn All crinUtnrn, of tliu tiaid .lau MuiUumiy urit lioraby roiiuircd to IHo tbt-ir clainni wuh um, 'jifoporly vurilhal, as dirucud by tint ntntntos in lb at biihalf, on or boforo tlio day of hiurli im-. t- inc', afiur which duto 1 tihull piocnoii to dintrih- uto thu Miiitl t-ntiitu, bavmu rojjard only to iincb claiinii ilh I Hball liavo niulco of and I tihall not no ri-tipuiiiiibli) for tlio aHuetii of thu mtiu t-tunU', or any part theruof, to any jicvfiuu or puinoiin whniio inaiiii or clahut nUidl not liuvu boi;n tilud itti afol'i-iiiiid. Datod ut Kiihox tliiti Ith day of April, IBXj. JUltN W. (ilM-ON, Ah.si^'nco. M-x'i Khiiux.Oiil. .Our fiuoccKH is duo In.onr'innttn, ' <l)iiicl< Salo.-^ and Small Profits,!!. -FOS THE SPRING TBADEr------- W'o haV" \\:ioA every ri)\->y\ io mai.i* tin: ho.st solootions/jf all classes of Fuv- nit'H'fj !n suit tin: Imyct'. In tin; past wo have made you prit'o.s in iivo ami lot live, and lh'iw for tlifi coming hl> imm wo will ,^o ON 1*1 JililTTKll. \v' ' 'V*- i*1'"'. lvnohcd a larxo coiiiii^rinicnt (.f JJuby Carriiigcs which wc will sc' .a v..... i iinv/iLi'd;. Oaf Drawing Kuom Scttn, ij'25 ;md tipwjirds, oi'inany (luHi.i'ns Dining Koom Setts, Jjfiiitliei;,(..'ol)llcr,( 'anu and ITardu-ood Kent (,-hairs, larpt'o varifitios. l'lxtoiision Tul>l(_-# of many Hl.yle.-; also Oal\, Walnut,Cherry and Ilarilwciod iSidu-huiinld. jl)u l.H.-d-rooni Suites Lo std*M*L from. Wo havo a v ry Inrvo line of all kiiul.s of Imu'iuUuv ad very low'prices. t'nmo and sot1 us licl'oro huymg and jiulj,re for youiV(dvos. You will savu both rooncy smil time. Wibdow Shades, lie.stin tlio uiiirkct. Curtain Foley, ' >uk, .Miijde and Hardwood. ir*c upwards, compleo. 'CAH'T tlUnT DM CAW. -------- ____ 11AUUKI3 HflUOWi iycohcehqm - Harness Emnorium. AS FUMERAL FURNISHERS------- "~" Wo have the largest .selection of both Caskets and Collins Metniiie>, Cloth, Walnut, Oak and Hardwood alwayn on hand. PROFESSIONAL EMBALMING--------- Oay Tliouo, 115; night 'Phone, lOM-iiit. All orders promptly attonded to. WHITE AMD DARK HEARSE------- 73 and 75 Sandwich St., Windsor, Opp. Crawford House- -^ ^cns. t^ar Alioml oi' Anything I Iluyo Ttiver J\lr. 'John Hitxor, morohant, Waterloo, iiaya : "I have tfive-n Htark'u Powduru (fot Hoadaoho, CoBtriveno&u, DilionaueHH aiul Koonilf[ia) an oxtonnivc trial, and find them to (jiye tho ijioutost natiBfaotiou iu rr,y family. I can vory h'g'ily rficoramoud thorA. Thy ero.far uhoud of anything I bavo over uoodi and 1 have trltjd many ronifldimi," Hi 11 by nil druguUts at Vi">o a box, f> ujxuh $1. N'co i j ii mod', uto and Eormnueut. A 5 Any puMtinuu ii'l'i'iimit tlin t;runt.infj of licnnnoa to uny Hiiplloimt, or to tho prpniiiuni naniml. imiiit ho tllod with tlm iimlartiluijoil iiMi'init four day4 In forn lho day 6f mo Huk. All puv^onn wulphiiuTipovorn thoniBtilviifliuioorrtlnijly. A' MERTINO of tho Luioniw Goiumliiidoiinni fortl)u.BouttiItiilini!o(EHtox will btliold at the' TOWN OF KBSIilX, ON . Wednesday, April 17, (895, , , at Oo.clopk a.m., to. aoneldoV thnv ahovo npidiaatloni. h&r all paftlttu oftnooruotl1 unrt fit-tint iioli lloonadu im muy b*thuu apittovmh AtjAKflON KLritOXT* Inanoctor. Oxloy; April 6,1S0S. TRUNKS, VALISES, A largo stock, all new goods and latest Novelties. I take no batik Heat on prices. SCHOOL BAGS, I havo a largo stock, nought at bottom oriccs, and can beat tlinin ail for ifyifo and quality, (hill and :-eri2tjjeniJ PRICES AWikY DOWN - ON * Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness OF" EVERY DESCRIPTION. A lame' Rtocle and it must g'>. Call "ltd unc mo before buying el so where Evoryvhitig tn Ibe Horse Furnishing Line- ; R.S. Adams* Two doom oaat of Bato'ii Carriage WorkB, iduwix. TREASURER'S SALEJF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. TOWWOF ESSEX) TO WIT. 1 Whkimus, l>y virtun of. a v.'urrant iHHiiod by tho Mayor of tho Town of Ehhox, io tho C'.uiuty-(>f. JCrnrti ^, und uuthHijiicjitod by the oorponito hu.i1 of tha iiaid^ Towu, bearing iiato tlu-j ^nth-duy of January, 18!b", iiud to me direotud, commiindin^ 'mo to lovy upon thb.Jollo'.nui; lotn or paroolu of land for arreni'H of taxos duo thoroon, with oonto. '. .1 hurohy ^ivo nnfcico that unloiui-tho Haid tuxusi and cnxia ara Hooutir paid, I bhall nir Satiirdiiy, thti iHth day of May, 1H',)5, ut tbo hour of 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, at Pi-uk'n 11 Tt J J. j, r i tha Town uf IS^aox, proceed to noil by public auction -thu naid landn, or an much thereof uit uwiy hu auflicitJiH to pay n'uuh arroarn of taxe'H anil all lawful contfi' inuu.rrcd: '"""'-. Tho M. C, It. oHUtbouod exproafl pttHimia TEeaex ut 7.1(1, M.O.ll-time, uow atop on iiguul, Hi.d the eatitboond exprpsa p^aalng hereat 10.03 a. m. also BtopBhera oil il.' nal. Ohangri iu th tim* o#rd >ro oxpout cd thu month. . Plan. Lotn. IS I :i')i 2'Ai (17 j '217 2(t H07 'J.I *J(i 27 *J8 '2'.) 2*-*U 70 ii:Ni H 0 1107 17 177-11 i ^(J7 :>\\ HO "() .17 n8 17!' fH 'j') v;sr. :n> :t'2 17< ii ;hhi '2 [ *2^i." ,I."i 2S8 7 H , Ufift \{ 10 17b '2()hx 217 72 :joo '28 -2t) :io 31- ill .28 207 2fi '2d 17(1 Kant pivt 11 307 -10 2'M !H 386 IB 'noo i) ... . r"Z " .T^-'iiZ 2!2 r 7 a n '": " 200 2B 24'2fi 22 r 203 i!7 28 20 115 UG 37 118 89 40,49 43 41 15 40 liloak 122 Blnok 02 . Blook OH . n^bkH4fJ U 47 50 flfl.l bot2. plMU-267' J '-.-.- B*oaM 109 TllKQH. COH tO, 2 11 00 ' n !18 21 02 10 00 71 33 11 81 hi -ii :-l5 22 ;io m 14 fifl fiU 18 nr a.i 10 87 .38 8<i 1 0.5 j 2 30 3 07 l r>r> 1 71 2 17. 2 oo 3 71 7 07 2 78 2 30 2 20 Total. 50 01 0 03 25 25 4320 75 00 13 30 18 lfi 37 30 32 14 18 30 07 15 38 13 22 20 41 12 Ifi 82 ;1 20 '48 11 j- :to 03 21 21 '21 21 80 10 .15 IB" 15 00 23 01 42 02 88 r>l 2U 73 25 85 '.2.0-42 5 41. 41 00 2 30 3 20 3 20 2 20 X-08 3 48 1 87 U 05 3 51 1 88 3 00 1 81 1 55 0.26 43 a:t.. 27 4127 41 A. 38 30' * 10 83 19 08 24 8B 45 07 02 12 25 fit 27 91 .22 23.,^ 0 90 :^ 47 48 40 | " ' ' l 127 rt9 103 00 I.'- 48 23-.'/^l 20 49 202 10:. 4 49 J83ifl$ 0"i2 109.12^ 10 47. 1 65 ^J02;^ 189 12" ft'7a-:;i98^^ "V .-4o ao " ^S*:,f"-":J5f \V. D. UttiMiN, TreMarer, Town at'Rum'^Y"'.;^(-^ ^

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