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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 12, 1895, p. 2

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s^T?^^ ^W^W^^^^^^'f^^ V1'M . '-1......'jrtH^lr1. y JiRBE' 'PRiti^S THK- ES8KX imEE'PRK-SS i33^j^2^c, - oiri1.,. . Published "Every Friday'Morning Frmii the'cflieu n llio Tndintiial Wuclni iiuddinu;, Talbot, Kt. BpOOliL) itltoiltion in ]'(V-.il to til" JMlMiiJ'i. tloti oE tuuttur of Inijiil nnp>irtiun!(!, iKicur. atu lUlU fi^ltlblil r-'!)ill*t:l of 1'dWII, lini|;llh<<r. inj< Townrjuip and County-(Jnuiioil imiciaid- ini^fi, Uc-sxl litid county in irkM, rt-purlti. etc,, tho oitrvtu. n.iui JMilicioii't. nviiiiii1,! iiiirjjl. .of 'Xiik Kiuik .L'i;i:us,\vilii iv;;-,nct lo l!u^" und Othor current utnLrrM-:> i.f local nnpni"!iiis',,,t bait !>Woil it il v.'iUi!s])r'jtul pr<Hli^-' m the centra of. I'junns niuiii:y,\vhh:h in i"^'";1"1"1 ' an oin of th" bonti a|;iioul:in\il < i i-1 r * i - ^ u Ontario, 'run Imm:k I.'i;i; h Hi" '"i!medium uiiouluuni^ llmriMijihK -" tlu.i contrul portion of tlit; Cmni'.v. '""I " con. Boijutniliy.wit Ihhh flt)iilit,l.:i'- iinly l! ioronu'h advoriiiuii^ mi'ilium for hunMi'.-i'S pcnplo 1 winhinu to roach Una ehn-M of (.Mit.ioni'-rn. cmri;r-i'i)Nin::- <:i:, Oin* column*! am ulw!i\ ;i open for iin* piuiOt-ablu dh.uunniou uf niutkTs pvrLiiiniii[; LO llii) public Wiiltnt'd. wfrfeluTtlUM jyonuVnhi in nit ihu mii" round. "uif Jo'.!Mliiii!ti nu'nisl1 vi li'ihlu i rnovt.'i 01 nphor*.-; niid tho puuliMiHT n tit all um,i- jluaacd to rouuivu iniin-oftinn ileum ol WWh from iniy <ibip<>:,t;;i to forwi'.hl cunUi- All. Qniumtl'ikvitlonti nf '.i | I t.V-iiti uti 1 nrtilKlitisil iKituri.', tih-.uid to *'.<) niurlt'd tho ou.-i:K' ot lh<1 t<nv< lope. HUI'.SCIUI'TION l'llICK. 81.01) p--r uuiimn, *trioily iti ndvn noo, 1,50 pur unrmm if no; ho j ai'd; ann all irroar1- chared at tlutc r.ito. - A.IjVlUlTlHliMf.NTH. Tranuiont lo.^nl and uumicipiil ikIvlt fciaumeiitH, uotiet:-\ elCr, oluu^utl at tho rato 'of ten enitu jior hm*, fur firtil iwHOrtion, anil iivi) onuU pnr lino for caob"liiioKCijiiiMit uiM-rtion. All uuoli adVcrtiHomuutfl are mounurcd by a uculo of fcwolvo Imich to^tiu inch. Looul reuiliAitf and othor noLiccn pub. liHhod anjjjutfiooul iiuwh matter uhurtiDJ at tho t-ato of too ctmtfl pur running liuo for oaoh inoortion. ' AH uoticeii of church or nooioty enter- iftiiimonta of any-doocriplion, at. which mi adminfiion foo m oliarutd, arc roiiunlod u" advortiKorfiouU, nnd fall advorUhinu rati-a charged m oil (inch chhoh. Not icon of (,',uth- orint;a or m00t.in.f4n nob for pucuiiiary bone- fit or aid, will.bu ohuorfully p:ibln*hotl f;ic of olmr^o, Bppoiul contract raton made for dinplay or standing advtw. All lo^ui or profcHHiou- al oardfi undor ouo innh, 05 por 'annum. JOll OK COMMliltCIAr* IM'.INTINll, ^"TTUir-3PHB^-E*KHt* I*riwrinK Do- partmont .ia undor tho RUporviHioti .of ,-.UiowiflChly competent roeohaniCH* and upoolal attention ia paid to tliio btanch" of tho trado, Our facilitieH jEortbo ox'icntion ot all kiucin of BooU and Fine Job Printing aro uuoxooUnrt. Stuam Ipowor pronsea. A onll nolioitod. All Job Printing and TraiiHiont Advortiainj accountn, atrictly cilbI). Advorklainu aooountH with regular patrons aro uottlcd quarlorly. Bub* doriptionaduo in advance. No nubsortptioQ to tho Fiikk Pbeqr, or 'iidvortiflomoutr publibhod ia it-a colurnnH- Will bo discontinued until all arroarn aro IP aid in full. Ghangen for ndycrtifiomontH, to ooouro 'insertion in tho cur root itinuo, munt ho handed in not lator than noon of tho Tuor- .jfl&y..prflaodingi and notico of huoIi intend ed oh an go in roquirod on tho Monday pro- coding. Kotioo of dmoontinuanco of auvouino- mGtitH muat bo j^ivun at luunt ono wook in atilvanoo of tho ifmuo in whioh fchoy aro doaircd to lawt appour. AIlVKHTlflltUO, Sabttoriboro and patrona qenorally aro roquontcd to road tho nbovo ro^nlationa earofully, in order that confnaion may bo avoidod, au thoy will in all cauoa bo adhorad to. Addroaa all oommaniaationB to Mi. jr. KjOvxskjAch. PabllaUor tho EBnicx'FnKre PriKua, . Ua*sx. Ont ChORCH dikEOTORY ^ "lK:in<M'.!l*T7-D.:. ^uwi'..' l-aiiir- H.rv.*:, MtrvMiml(ivtliiL. in. iui'i " '"- hl,VJ',(. (),li :..J .'t '-'::'l. m. <J. tl N.4yi'ntJiui'rliiM.i r ..i.iior(i..ij(ol. Ki.coith l..;i.iiol'>"y nu.H.ttn, ( . (H'liiiml iituv*M iK'M)t|/()ii 'L'Jiiik-HilHy-jvuinnrt- uintlMiUf., Hfc. I'milH, IbHIWX. WIVllKKilU'VlL'f . Uivlno n.i-vini"i ovtiy h"',,l'i>' "l J I1- "'- ^" luy Hi!hool al l.i'-V- ']i- J ,M' I'i'bllc am coi I dily iiiviud. I'liKI.NVTl-MIIAM. W. M. I-'IfiHitDf!, I'l'iitt-i Hi" v(:iMt mWliildii'Lli iUII i',. hi. iin.l 7 .'id p. in Stil, i;iilrtJ[ihol ut-'.':'!" n. to. I'm.vor in* utitif! u.*j- t'.iitr'ii hililc uliU'H on Tini-.hiy ut7.;ifJ |i lii KliiJllI LfllifJll "II Wi'dui'Hila v i:.t U.Ifjp. iur'1'inT Cm.uoii, tor. Horvici'fM-'HulL S/ililmtli ut 11 u.^ in. mid . ji, in. J'niycv uici't in;.; mi Wi'.ini't.ildy nv'niilt., af H i/chifk. Sfii.l-i lri;i'. Ali avn coii'lially w. 1 COIIl!'.i, 'Io.man rATiioi.lc, -- 1 r. l\ }\ M.-Mui i.u :. f'l^u.i'. ! n. ]>, hi, K .I.V.'lIf.N :\lon.-T. II. Mtdii'u,!, LVipL-..!,' Sal vn I urn iii(i'-tli*i:.i tut \Vi<tlin:ni|iiy, 'i'liun.il.n niid iiiintiny i'Vitiiiii;,>; l"ti;u hii i Kjhiv, rmturdin I. vith i ii(_; mil A p in., r-.xi it ^ ln\ ; Itohittum ni.-titiiu;. Inr cliiii.lliini. M inny inininij-ii iitl ll n. in. Sim *ln>; KiiciiJirlllV :i. in. oViny HiiinlnyyO^li Hr. Wl-'lcltllll!. LEGAL. I I,. i'KTKKH liiini-itrr, SoIlciLor, Notir " I'iilihr .Mun,'\ i'* IjUtui. Oillca (>\ui !>.-. <.' !A. WIS.Mhi;, f:iiiri!tt:r, Kollcltiiv, .Ndti.r.^ \ t 1'uIjJh! iVc AloiiMV lo linui. 'Lillcmi, iJi: h lit.Ill t)in<:!l, Hl'-:-.ln:i :i, I'.'ii-l'X. '1 i:, J- -i,.\iij:K, ];AH1LKI' it ll,MtTI.KT, Km 11 \.J t. vu, Me. OMiuivi, .Mi dbury lilui:!;, Wiinlin. Pri>utn liin.it I'- Jonii A. il. Cj.aHIU'., L. Ii. Jl. N. A. JlAit'iM I A . It. Uau". i.i; r, 1',. A. rrKNl'.Y C. WALTKiis. UL-H., Attornnv im- L .l.Ioutii-flni- ut. I.iw; Willi AililniiOii it Uui';h A" Cuu^iijt-:; [it. v/df-t. Drir.'ir., Mlulo (tluimdiiui cliuiuii nijiiiniit ixmoni In t: Vultcil JitiitcFi collui.tnd.) Itofurcti.t-.i'ri'i liniiorlfil Iliinlc, Khsox, Out. .1. Ii. PulLTii, L'htj., Kiinlnt.M', etc., J'.ini'X, Oi l'".A. Wibinur, Ki.'i., I/aiiihtiT, etc., 1'ahux, i 'i W1EDICAL. T It EN, M. I)., h. It. C. V. A- H iKInHt< '* Mmiil'i;]* Collupo of 1'liynlcimin utitl Sn- H o. Ont. (iiinlnii tool'Nnw Yorlc. J'ftut flnnl- it. (j M imI I mil Hchool. All onllh promptly ut- i.j..ileil Lu. Alto j>i iscinl uttciition invou t diKufiiiL'fi of tilt Ini'ijM, throfit. Mono, oyo ut.<l rar Olllco ovor l.rii-n Sl Co'u.. JJruu Htorn. mid nil cull", nhilit '"' diiy, lett ihont. 'I'clopnoirti n coiiiictitioii, N. Ji.--Coniiiiltiiti('ii rnoiim yruui.i' il'jor unit tln>t Hut uIjovo. jyiH. DI'iWAH it McIIKNKlK. I', A. IiBWAK, M. D. C. M., V. T; SI. H. prath- fa Trinity Univorsity. Hoinbov CoIIorci I'hyi "iilfttio anil hurtjijonn, (Jut. Jtuuidoncc, Talho 0. MoKknzik, M. I). 0. M., Follow Trlnlt' 'ludieul CijlU'iio. Graduato Trinity Unlvomity Jlomiliiiicit; Talbot htruct, woht ot M.C. It, OfJlcohonni ti to!) . ni., 1 toil ami O.totlp. ii 1 Qlcu in linpRi-lil Hunk bkek. fjioimU floor next to Tlioniii'HiiriiR t-toro. Toleplioijoiii uoiiucctJOD with oflloo und iiei- dbneo. Ordortt )u/t at Tlioroo'u ilrnjic ntoro \\'l\\ h< promptly uttendod to. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? Vor a. prompt ui^wfji' antl un hnnoit opinion, wrlto to MUN N A; CO.* who Imvo.bnil noorly tlfty yflnra1 fljcpm-luiiou In tho pntnnt buHlnnnu. Commuiilca tion* atrletly oonddciitinl. A Uatidboolcof In* lot-motion eonconilnir I'litmuu and bow to ob* tMi Uuiid ponf. f i-flo. Also a cntaJocuo ot mechan- tcoj and wjlGHtltlc bonloi norit fruo. . -patent*' takai* ilironch siumv & Co. rocelvo meSH uotlcalntho Hidi>u|tile Amerlran. mid thiu ard brcuirbt wltldly bororotlm nubile with out eo*t to tho Inventor. T"-n Bplondtd pipiT, lutiftd Meeklr. elflamuly tllunt utod. nut by far tho arffose ojroulfltlmi of n\iy ecinntlUo worle In tho -worJd."3 nywnr. Bntniilc iinpioncontfroo. - BdJJAIwtf Wdltiou,inomliiv,*2^0ayoar. yinijlo eoptfti,U5 cents* Kvcry niaiiboj' oontdina hoa\\- tlfcl pUtflH. fn .colors. n'i nhotoaraplin of nuw komti,wlili pTnii^iinblliiiruulMr r-o iihow tho lat*t 0"SilpfiiB and Bociiro tontroonu Addrnsa ii Uti J i'O., mkv Vnuu, aoi Hiioaoway Body RoKtea, Mind at Base." That *"Uat it ih wbuu travelling on tho r vat kralnti of tho Chicago, Milwaukua & Ut. )kanJ Hallway; boHidoo thore 1b no clmuoe -.."kicU." tor tho accommodations aro up 10 dat6*>f'ie traian lioop movinr*ri^ht alonj; Mid^W.j^io)on.timo. These lines tbor- .uRhly^vor the territory botwoon GUioaRO, Tjft.CroBie, Bt. Paul, Minueapolin, Abor- dood, Mitcboll, Bioux'Falln, Hiotix City. Vank'cou, Council Blufto, Omaha end Nor- thorn Michigan. All the principal citiofi and towns in that fc*rrltd*y^tro reaobed by fchft "Sb. Paul" liuoa, oouneotlu at Sfc, Pani. CounoH Bluffs and Omaha with all I'ntm for? points Jiu tHe'ffti,: West. Write to .v. J. faylorr-.OatiaclIttu Faea'r Ap;ont,J 87 !' 'fk Btr^ofc, Toronto,,Oixt, tor one of their vkjbajplirrte tablea and ajbrorihure; tflvin't! .\ viMbdn^tJon of the Com^attintihfc Sleeping titrti! tTibketfl farnWiod byauy coupon ,. ^,6 *^nfc in: tho United BUUa end Can x.'-w 1'hG flneefc dining darH in tho world ,, ,j run on ttic Bolld vefetibiiled, olootrlo- ' ^hted and Hteara^ieatMltrklnaof tho Chi- DENTAL. VT P. MAItTIN,D.I>.8., L. D. B. GraduntP ll Jn Doullbtry, Koyivl Colloffo of Uontol SuvflaonH, Ontario, nu<l Dnivornity of Toronto nharnoH.modurato. Ojlloo, ovor Jlrion Si Cot driiir itoro. 18-ly _. VETERINARY. WJ1, ItlCUAKDUON, Votorinaj-y flur , (,'oon, Graduate of tbo Ontario .Votur Inary Collnno, Toronto, troatn all Ulnoanun o! dotnoaticutod onintaln. Tolophooo in connec tion. iJontlotry n, npoclaity. Jioeidonoo, four dooru BOuth of Griat Alill. Oftlco in pobtofllci' buildiuu; Ioilrrnary dlrootly opponito. BAKER. THIO oldont buoinooB in town. KBtabliftnc 167d. FJrnt-oIaflii brond and oakos of aJ kludu, Wodddiit cukes u upoolallty. (irooorioi. provinlons, flour, food, salt and pork. Ootafeo* tlonory, orookory.iclnBawaro. Canned frnlta and veROtabloBof llvArod to JOI-tf rookory.iclnBawaro. Canned frnlta and a of all kindn. floodo promptly ao allpartnof tbo town. J. M. HIOKH. E SOCIETIES tO. O. *\ KNTEUFBIHE LoafiO No Vlfc mooteovory Thui-Hday, ovoiping at 7.U0 Ir Odd foil owe Hull, Jn third storey Duo u tun Block VlflltlDftmomberuofothor lodooawill rocoivc* jraterual woloomo. J. .TOHKBTON, N. G. OBNTRAL ENOAMPMKNT, No. 60, raootnii Oddfellows' Hall, DuiiBtan'a Block, on the Brat and third Tuouday inoach month. Viultora ooi dially roocdvod. Momboreofauboirdinatolodget tn thh lurifldiotlon, Invited to join. C. HANNAN, 0. P., G. F. HILL, a. B. SBKX OENTKE LODGK, No, 10, A. O. U.W Mflote nooondand fourth Uondayn In onob month, in tho OddfolJow's Hall, at 8 p. m. VUltlnK hrothron will boeivon a fraternal viol come. JOHN I.AING, Maator Workman O. H. PULZjKU, Uooordor.. FIRK BRIGADE. Tho Flro Brlfjado moeti second Wodnonda,y oveniuff ovory mpntli, atS p. m. in tho council ohiimbor. All flr^rrluii raqnontnd toftttoncl. J. MoMUUHAY, Chief J. F. AIgQUKKN, Hocrotary. ' COURT ROYAL, NO. 919.1. O. IMuota soaond and fourth Tuosdav'B in cacb month in i. 0. O. F. Kail at ti o'olook n. in. Vlfcitiuc brethornwill bo Rivon a frattrnal wol* como. IS MoCatiHland. 0. II., W. 0. Shaw, Buoy. M. J.Wiclo, O.D. H. U. R. t,AND AND LOAN AGENTS GEORGE J. THOMAR, Convoyancor, Com- mlflsionr, J Sigh Court of Juntioo; doi^loi in Heal Kotato and MortfiiifiOB. Money to loac at thu Iowunt rat of intorent. Farm a boui'lit and Bold. Inauranoo takon In tho moBtroHable oompi^nioR, Drawing of deoda, mortftngoB and leABOB a np eo laity, CbavfioH m Oder ft to and nil busiueno i>romptly attended to. Call afc th Ckmtrai Telephone oflioe. KsBoatOentre. BU-ly MARRIAQ LICENSES. T D. DEAMAN, InBUor of Uarriftflo Lioonnpn. Innnrnnco rvnnt'O- Nifihtofflce at Dwelllnn. TAXiDOT bTUKKT, EBHRX MBAItRETT. lauuttr of Man itgo Lieonvoa. Comrainaionor Id O .J., oto. Gostu, Ont. MARRIAGE-LloonaoBov Wadding Rlnnii cav bo procnroil at >1. L; INtr^'n, tho old-^-y- Hablo juwollor, Knnox. OnL..T.... ^ " JAMEB R. nA^ltn.^rovlnomlXttnit Urnvtyc* and County HnHineor. Ebbox Qentro, Ont Ortloo, Dun at an Slook, upBtalra. ' AKCHITECTS. TCdlN^I^COOKr , ARCHITECT, &a . Room Id end ll,*FlmwfiJ|i Batldinc, --WlniUor, Out TbonaQlO. >M NRAIt AT UH j Nc : irhit o'i*. i;.\pi'i*l.cil i-i TopiniiuUc !-....-_. ilV ;;,, j|.p;;,iy (n' :;i.;,.|n,V Ni'Xt. j RUSSIA WILL NOT INTERFERE i * . i i I'lw cliln-'r- \rii)v iii NiijiIi Ccti'inoHit Huld j h> iiH-iuiti' ii I.jm'i;" .' ^, of Hjj- : i;ii"* vt^i.i -iih ; .isnVim In >* nl'i \V HI I'I <':ili .hi t tl Itr- , 1mI I )H' 1 It V Llll'I'K. Wasliliijrlun, April Fi. Tlni c:lnoUf tli (inn'i- iii'j^Diliii 1'ijis bi'twri-ri Chlitii nml .hipjui, 1'nttii nil nci'inml.-i rocidvcd liorr, i?i }n :'.:' al hiiml. Ho rapidly nro thi> iii'jjic t i;ii ii.ns in'iirci'illn^ I lint, il 1^ ln-linvrd I hey will hi' t^rinliwiii'd Ity Hut urelay or Hundiiy Uf-\l. Whlli'. ni > ilrtii 11m lmvo n-nchml \Vnsliinp;toii it is iiisiiiirslood Mint, Japan will MTtu-M pniri irn.'ly I'vrrythinpr him lin^ :i>l:ril l'i,r liio j:nsH-ss|in of Korino.-n, n wiir Indemnity .: icu.ciio.imi; ymi, Itulcpcn- cJiMH-i' (il* * It ii-i'JI, 1111(1 tll'i |lii^:-<'S^loil of tlltlt, pm-l of t ho pruvlinv of Hliaii-'run wlilrh Inclinlrs Purl A rt Inn*, anil u siililt'itinl ainmmt of fi;rritni'v sui'roniidln^ t hut phn: for nilliinrv und ki niii'frii: purjiiM'.s, at. iia-:| UJilil I In* iiiili-m: iiy slutll huvn hoi'ii piild. Il is np,-;iin n.-.rrtid ihnt ltip-sln will in;;Uc no intorlVri'iico ivilli tlicsu t'on- dit :on> >)( pr:icc. Shm-lio i.LI Mllril W'll 'i* pollri'. London, April o, Tin- 'I'inir^ corrr-r 'poniii-nl in Sliiun;o-i'l;i srnds I liis drspatcli ntnli!' llio dnto ol' M.ir,:li ::l : "Military mlhity in Ja|)an h:i*i mil ulmlt'tl. Kivu traii-poi'hi of i iil'iint ry ji nil i-avulry wurn hurried nway yest-.-rday liefin'o the- itrinU- tfi-e w:n piMidaiini'd. Thn conditions nr- i'juuri'd liidieiiti! tin- ih'.siru of ('hirui lo wive i'l'kin al. nil 'liVoiitH. Hiimono.-;-:lci is lille.l with polloo to proU'dt tho Chini'sn piivoy.-i." I'ori-l^iliTH Iti'llitvml li> ho S'lfo. Kmm Hdi)^ iviiii^, tlio TliiK's has thin thvipalt-h. "Tho (Ihini'HO aro (loi'lnw from Houi Ii . Kim no.--; i in dm mainland and Him;.-: Kmi*;. Tin- .lajiaiuwo un.' roporti'd to he iu:iri'.lii ii(; upon Tukaii. Thn Cliinttsi: army in Ninth Kormosa is SO,(J0<> Htrnnp;. OT this foirc r.n,(XJ.) am Kplontlid troops well aniii'd. Tho rciiintndor arli raw ru- cnilt-j, liicludinw avon ninny Im^ar^. KitfhtLng is imniincnt. Tlio foroi^norn aro lielii-vi'd to hit snfo. Vigorotm niousuroK have hiioii tnUi'li in riivatow and Canton i to i-Ofli.st thn invaders. Uooiim lmvo boon pi . I in (Jantou rivorand torpodooa hfivo livi'ii plui;pd in Swatow harbor." I'tii' I'oriungn Cubit* Ilrnhmi, h'ari-^, April 5. Tlio Kurop^nn edition of flu- Now Yorlc ITorahl ims this di-npatoli 1'n.Mii Hluuitfhal; "Toli?p:raphio laimmnni- ciitifm has hncn HUHpondod with Kormoan, as 1 lit' ruble is brokon, A (-Jorniitn war- *,];;[) present diirliig tin: oporatloniTiiX thu IVsiiiulori!!-; roportn tiuit tho i*('si.stanco at Mal-Kuiitf w*as fcolilo and the arUlhtry was iniiffootlyo. Thn garrison at Tal-Wnn li'no consists of IIO.ODO Chinosi). SU.Tnpan- ( i! v/arship.-i will- remain M tlio PoHca- doren." UNDERTAKING. Tl VWfiWAH. Oku'. " i-'im'w 1 l^A'ttaalw.CMBH"hr" * i. *:wyu.rda rouiWtoAJO, Mt^\*itor Cut 0-i . THE CANADIAN PACIFIC SITUATION. Tbo niuitnismtnit f^ulil to bi> i>u u I*nr with ttmt nf jMonI Amitricitii fCiotdx. London April fi. Commnntlnfr on the Canadian Pnolllo Kltunlloii, tho WoHtmln- Ktor Gazetto says the iiiunapement of tho road in on u pur with that of most Ameri can mads. Tho OaKottoadvlKPs tho fihnre- holdorn to tako matterH into their own hands by iirranglny that tho mootln^H tthnll ho hold in London I nut end of in Montreal. The St. .TamoH' G7.tto ascribeH tho re covery of Canadian Pacific on, tho stock oxchango to tho foot that nothing \va9 dlscloKod ab tho meeting that wan not known or suHpected already. Tho Ftnnnelal Ncwh 'to-day'^ayfl in a lender on tho CanadiajnEnclflo ltiport and mooting: "Wo fall to (Hm:ovor any facts that justify invostorti in putting their money into the company with tho idea of an Immediate return. Wo ahull wolcomo gladly any signs of returning prowpority, hut anybody studying tho Hltuation.carer fully and impartially muat nee. that Hitob sl^iiK aro ho faint us to bo. nlmout in* viuihle. London, April fi. Tho Standard to-day wiys that tho Canadian Pacific report Is not good reading from any point of view, least of all whoro tlio oicusoa rogardlnff tho reKorveu aro given. Tbo wrltor ask a who is answerable for tho louses of Brltioh 1 n vefi t ors^____________________________ Govornnitoit T>Iirru-,)1i antt NawspapeirH. Ijondon, April fi. Arnold Morley, Pout- mnstor-Gonoral, Hpoko in tho Hoiiro of CommoiiH last evening concorninc tho bufllnesH relations of tho Government tolo- graph linos and tho nowspaparu. Ho ro- itomtod tho etatomont mrido by hhn last month hoforo tho CongroHH of tho Cham- born of Commorco that, tlio Guvoruuiont'u annual Ioah upon press tologi'ainH was U0,000. Ho wan willing to Institute nil impartial Inquiry, bo said, if ho could get tho aRBuranco that tho preiw would abldo by the result and astionb to a, lofilfllatlv revision of tho tariff. The l)ti|}oi-ori <jiiAnof lltiwtill. Sir Thomas IGs- mondo, antl-Purnolllto M.P. for tho west division of Kerry, will usk tho Govern ment on Monday whether Llllnokalanl, tho depoKodQueon of Hawaii, is a prisoner In tho barracks at Honolulu, and if o whether the Govornmont will not rocpunst tho nuthorltloH to lot hnr rosldo in tho paluco under guard. A lfrlu*ii<t) MfHuhit;. Calcutta, April 5. It Is reported from Simla that tho Chitral expedition siiHtaln- od loHKes more flovcro than was at'lirst re ported. Umrn Knlin is 'reported to have captured two IMtlnh oillcorn. HundrodH of natives are flocking to his Mtandard. AU of tlio reported casualties to tho Brit ish force rofer to tbo Second hrlgmlb. A Ni'H' Safn ICxplnHlvn. Vienna, April 5. Tho president of tho Kobel Company, makers of explosives, announced at tho general meeting In Vienna yesterday tbo discovery and huo- [ wssful produetlou of a blasting explosive whleh is not affected by llro damp and can be used-wlth aafety in tho moHt'diin* gtvrmtHT'ITIiK'fl.' . N*iv ^*iihiMl-Wiiitii_a'Truuty. London, April 5. Tho United PreK correspondent learns upon good authority that New Zealand is willing to uoffotlato a conunorelal treaty with Canada. T*.f.'ai'H|>IOi1 ,'lff*i. It is rumored that a defalcation tp tho amount of $10,000 Iuih boon discovered In. tho Crown Lands nptirtnont of Quebec. Tho swindle won perpetrated during tliJ Morelor admluUtfutlou.* Tlio dettdiu wlll- Ukely, Im) 'kubwu uhortly. ^uguvttu':'PpronkulMl.'..,Moni. of ChvUHi Wji)n,viKelrt, ban .cmmiPrived un action ajtarihJt bis fatlior for llbot for stetotiio^t* .made whll he wan huuuiger. of BtirwckoU Philadolohla {teHnerv. IvlK. fc-.NGLlt* IN" I HUUULb.. nivtlii'du uf a Vaunu lUnii Whit <'1ulitM-d tn In* S^nitt ,-, .Ui-Iimlu* M-ri'c{iii'.v. Monlrea), vVpi'll .r>. There arrived In Mont real from the wei;t tdiout two weeks ago a young man who' "slyleil himself Cnptjiln I'higUM, and clulmi'd to l.p Mm M'ci'onn'y if Senator MelnnoK, of IjiUIhI '.'olutnMa. Mr*. Knglls was In"rrnunhv from llio 'moment that ho hijideil lire, He tililt.iMl that lio^nVeJils hai.'gnne ( l'ecL-4- Into the JiundH of a (JinndiaiiKiHiin l.nU- \vay poi-do' and procecilcil lo llio .' t. j.nw- venci! hull, where lie Mienretl a r< "jn antl gave in hi ru el ions In the porters uf t I:i- hotel lo bring down lib; hag*.;:i;ce. The 'porters could Uml no baggage and uoin* bus lieeit fiui'nd sinee. Mr. Knglis was lint Hied Unit bis Imggago \vas nor lobe found and he expressed much surprise and Iiidiimnlinn, lie i [rehired I lint I be lo: of hlii |ier.opal I'll'ect s . was a tillie. I >ut t lint one of IiIm valises contnlni il pulilii a I (locilliU'Ml'M of 1,'ieiit, Milne, l-elalilif; lo'l.lii: election campaign In Hrifb:|i t'(dumbi;i mid the properly of his rhiei", Senator Mclnne;;. lie uald that, the Senator would I in naturally much annoyed at the loss, and requested M'Veriil newspaper inen nol lo I'lieniion the nccmriiMicn so Unit be .might have a chance to recover the pro perty before bis employer arrived. Mr. Knglls also hinted I hat (hero was a polt- ticul ennspiracy at, tlio hotloiunf the theft and 1.1 nit start 1 in.'.' d>'\eIijpnientH might ui'eiir. After ahiiiit. a week of IhW, during wliieh llio. .straii/^er had a good time'with his now aei|iiaititamcm, he was priv-enicd with bis holid bill. Then then! was morn trouble for .Mr. Kimlls. Jt was led con venient for him lo soitle'jnst at.that lime. As he had no hai/gMT/e^uid tlio hotel peo ple thought hi! ne\i i- had. ho was politely requested lo move out. Among Mr. I'higlls' .new i-ityw neiiuaintanoos were a young lawyer, to whom he confided ills IntiMitioa uf Inking rooms in a boarding house. It was so much quieter. The lawyer mentioned casually the name of a lady who nmnoges an exclusive boarding house on Mansfield street, Knglls straight way proceeded there, and giving tho lawyer as his reference, had himself in stalled in Ills Hew cpmrtorsr,' His next, move was to replace hls.vunlshed ward- rube. In his conversation with tho lawyer ho learned tho nni'no of that eontletnan's tailor, a well-known merchant, and pre- M-ntlng himself there as a personal friend of the lawyer, ho obtained1 a stock of chillies on credit. On Friday afternoon last Mr. Knglls'presented himself at the Herald allien, and after introducing him self, requested that the following personal bn inserted: "Senator Mclnnis, t>f ilrlt- Ish Columbia, is expeeied In Montreal on April 12, on business connected with the opening of the session. Captain Knglls, secretary to the .Senator Is at the St. Lawrence hall." What his object was may be surmised. The peculiar methods of tho young man and his story of a poli tical conspiracy aroused a some suspicion, audi ii answer to a telegram sent yeBtor- tlay to Senator Melnncs, at Victoria,B.C., th "To Kditor Herald,Montreal, jlavo no private boc- rotnry in"Montreal*; know no HUch person as Kngils. (Slgiual) Thomas. R. Mc- Innes." Mr. Knglls i a young.man of pleading uppciiraii'ie and plaiudblo ad dress, and likely to' Insplro conlldonco with thn public generally. THE CAMPAIGN IN HALDIMAND. 'I'ho Ci>ntHt will bo FniiKht Out Cli|fly im tho Mfiniltohii Sohool (Junntlon, Cayuga, April ((. In thin olootlou-rack ed constituency there U much excitement ovor tbo contest between Dr. Montaguo and the McCarthyito, whoso nomination will bo mndo to-day. In tho coming con test tho election will in all probability bo fought out on other grounds than a straight Llhoral and Conservative fight. On tho Manitoba school question, moro than on anything else, will tho coming campaign bo fought out. This question is in ovoryono's mnuthi-ftrid no matter- how dofilroiw one is to koop'the question out of polities, It will ho Impossible. The county of llaldlmand contains about COO Homan Catholic electors, and botwoon 700 and 800 Orangemen. Tho chief Liberal paper of the county says that tho party which it reproKonts will not nook to mako political capitnl out of tho matter, but it also call a fur the malntenanco of provin cial rights.______________________ GODERICH GETS A SCORCHING- Th Grand Operu limine HoKtniywI and .tttivwritl litulm-BB Klniift Humeri Out. Godorloh, April fi. -A diuastrous flro broke but hero youtorday morning flhortly hoforo oight o'clock, which destroyed tho Grand Opera House, tho largo gonoral utoro of C. G. ArmHtrong, with tho millinery store adjoining, and thq book and Btatlon- ory storo of 13. IJ. Calblok. In addition tlio dry gooiln atoro of Jamou Roblusou was completely gutted, tho largor portion of tho goods having, howovor, boon ro- inoviul. Tlio total loss will bo about 130,000. Tho fire originated from tho furnaco in tho cellar of Armstrong & Co.'b storo, and spread so rapidly that littlo oppor tunity was given that firm to tiavo much of their stock, which had recently boon largely inoroasod by Hprlng Importations, During tho flro Mr, Oalblck, In endea voring to save a portion'of Ida goods, fell through a trap-door in his collar and hub*. tained wvoro injuries, two of bin ribs be ing broken. It .wan with dlttloulty that ho waw enabled to got out, owing to tho In at niid smoke._______.-. St.uh-rn Will not Kuril Kx pa nuns. Victoria, H.C., April fi. Under tho In ternational aeiding agrticwont, coaling on the count will cease April U0, and proflonfc prospects indicate that tbo catch for tho first half of the Hoason will bo vory light. It has been the old story of rough weather, making It Iniposslblo to hunt seals when herds have boon lpcatod. Ton clays ago the highest catch reported was 1*25, which at tho current rates would not pay dxpuiiKOH, No reports have been rocolved from tho Asiatic const and thoiio from thin coast aro as yet quite monger.__________ putilc In h Chiirtdt. Montreal, April 5. During a Avoman'fl retreat In the parish chundi of Sto. Ouno- gonde last night an hysterica! woman shouted fire and a panic took plane. Tho church was crowded with women and thoy mndo for thu door, tho result being a scum) of confusion, during which several women wove rather severely Injured, but none Aitelly.________ (ylltit Iiy u'Cl'WMV llllllllM. Winnipeg, April 5. Near Glolohon, Al berta Territory, Krnnk Hkynor, tho Do minion iRavorniiio-it Ikhuop of ratUmH to tlio Bluckfeot Indian rysilrvatlou, was shot dead by an IiMlhui nmned Atehuwan. A potow of mounted police is ndAv on the tmll of tho ttsuaiwln. The Indlami on the .^MrVtttionHay'^tobhVffanjj ongy* . " Hprlne l>rllt Ord^r-- Ofciawn, April' fi. ^ho order for th spring drill and'Oomps will bo humed this weuki.iIf46'novf'ln t-ho]UUIttu 'Pbonrtiuunt awaiting Blffimturo of the MlnUtei"Whoq ,4i*'f>tttrni. j Krosli arrival of Cream of Witoh-haz- _el,4',lie-pQpniarrem- eciy for Chapped Hands and all Roughness ' of .. the Skin . Call for it now. TIIK DUUGCHHT. ' , C:if. A^b y V v;;.: il / e::.:i After T;ii:i"T l'oo!'.i^.> ".<*-::) " '.rl,,\:1 " f v.-..- .' 1., . I !;..p I ]::.;<-. \--. /i: u..' ... ',' i.;-. f \v. .ia I.-] ! '. l!:.'i: I I:::d h*f' - Ut. !->'-i;ij* JI<>'J<:';; Sa1 ':iJa, advi .il-'-'d i:i liu- p:ipers 7 d(!(.[fled lo Iiy a bottle. X foini! relief hclori! 1 l::i:liir.I.-.l.f.i v>li\.;i h::lf o:'a [ :- tl^. T got so much !v:!p Im-iii i.it.l;.(,' the Hi.:l. lmltle tint I dechtrd to .Irv :ni'.tlnT, cud f.b::'1; lakliiK the S"ro!ui bo:;!-- I f "1 e; well ;:;. i-ri-.c I did hi my lire." Ci: .:.:i.;:i:::TT,T..;-i,n:. .-'i'-t. In Dreadf &s Oasaadatiosa Almost a Complete V.*rock Aftor tho Oi'ln m .Cnp HnrcJIy Er.prcr.n Gufficlont Crat1- f^uclo to HoocVd GK!:r.Rpr.fU!D. "(', I. Hooi.t iTjCh., I, .: "HearSI.-.'.-I fcltlti :' di;:y l > let-you knw thi i;nod IIoiiI'h S.ir -:ii':iT ill;t h:'.:; done f<r xw}. I havo bei'!i troulih*;! '.'.::ii simr.ner r.t e..;^;iiiit fjr yean, ii:t:d)b! tn *in auy.lii..;:. .1 U'jed everything hut '.:eni.:r] 1 /-;:t ;io ; f. Then I bennnio avielim uf lite grip and vyi-i left In a dreadful st.ite, an v:e:ik 1 coubl. ;;. Ay v.'ork r.iul wlica I did Tworlcei! Jnmliery. T!;e oi<c!/i;' nnldIlindr.rli!hI.'Kd:v.;if:.\ My i '. Uvy* vert lo dreadful fnn.illl'.'it. 1 fi'iui.d < :\<-- o* yt.iir p;iporaUny ilojJ'.U'.id on reniiiu;: i. .led to iarsajpaniSa RlvoIIond'HSarsaparillaa tri'-i ;]iJ:::<S::f.-* n t >.h" time it '.vn not much uso as ii'itul:;:-.' le.-lp'-d i:.o before. Hut,thank Cod, I it.: r.-V; r aiUn- tho ilratbottle. I kept on taklie; i* ;in-f u*<t:;'t five 'hotlleijamnowacuroi'. mini; n'.-;et U:ii. hotter. I huvo loudly roiiommeticifMl l.teod'n Saruapa- rilla, fo-T ov.ij invllfo to 11 atal tn-pe thh-i may ho tlio i ' . ig oUier.H lu jjlve it. a fair trial." loahL.. :,. .'.Til, Korwiuh Avl-., Wood stock, Ontario. Hood's Pllltt euro llvorllls, constipation, (aundlce. billo;i3r.?^Li,-ilcl;lmadache. hidljreation. AUCTIONEER HBNBY HEDItICK, Auctioneer. B 1 o I promptly uttuDtlod to. Audrotai Soutk Wooiluloo, Out. Pertionti deairlng to aoour* in* may loavo word at tlio Fiu'.k I'ltcua otlloo. tf H. UEDItlOK DBINCLAIR, HCEN8ED AUCTIONEER . for tho County of ISuioz. Bailiff of Kiclitb Division Court. All Ulndu ot Farm and other tiilei condaetert jiromptly. Ha ton roajonablo and fumliliuil on unpl,iaation. Enquiron may ftpply a* W. D. Unaman'sofllfio, or at the offlc Of Dlvialon Court 01rlx,Mr. John Milne. | AMi'.s N'WI.Oi: *u.k.<>( thin opportunity oi I iifi!'('iii>i:jn uii> jnonlo f.r iboTowo ami i i in 1.1 v i I r..-ih '\, that hn liuti rofioihil'til thw I-J)*- i.ivi itr'il.M Milln itdtrorillMf; to I'buiH nrepi.r(idby U. X '.I.--, St. Tlionnnf, ii-'-(| li.Vn iilno n*Miriiil inn .-.< itr > i'HAuii.vN, an t'Xporl I'ljcml "ii.i ihcrnii^iily c iiipjiit'iiL niilhir. 'I haiOoeji t ht- |.<ni[)Jn ' r thn town, und county f'ir Un- |"ili(iimp(! Ini-t'Wi'ti ii|io]i liiin in tho [in t, will j;u irtinttn' un'.;ilH(;tion In ttiu tilturu. Gristing and Choppinpf a Smcialtv.* v TIIK UK T OKADKR nrM-'bOUU; KKKHAND COUNMMrU, liV.VY IM HTOCKANI) St;LIJ .. .. . AT liUil.l1 ritKJKH. Cosh Paid for Wheat and Oats, THE AMERICAN HOTEL ! Esfiov, - Ontario. J j* thoinu^blv iminuul and rcplinliihiwl ivilli imw ttiMiitiuo by tin nrfmont nroprictar. r.AHO)'. I1A1I>; IN CONNECTION. Firm-('hem Acctnnodiition Guarnuti-od. ESSEX JOnN GORVliEY. LIOENBKD AUCTIONEEIt for tho County of Kauox, All kind a of farcu utoolt ealee, oto., conducted1 promptly and on ihort notice, Itatos roanoeabU. Porflontt dlrablo to nrrn.\w* na.1on may -3onhy oallingat tho Fukb PnKRo offloe or by applyiiifi to 4 J. GORMJjKY, P. O. Box IKS Kwwx, Out. FRANK MoOLOBIDaV, MfthUtoao, thlrty- Bevon yearb' oxporloufto au an auotlonoerfn the County nf Khbox. Sulca onndtiatfld promptly, and on roasonable torraa. Tartloa dOBUdntf to fix the dato for a Halo oau savo thoniBlvo* a drlvo by nalllnK at tho Fhkb Piuehb oflioo. We hav* *rrftiifld with Mr. MoClonlcoy and will flx the datH for naleii by toloKraph, entirely froo of ill abargo to the portion holdinff the sale. Ad- droB Frank HoOloskoy,MaldatouoCrot(H,Onti 10B Has Just Received Th$ Finest and best flsssHmeni of Boots .and Shoes Great Value ia Men's f hops and Oxfords, J"~ . Lrdics' and Childress Shoes and Oxfords. The Clieii|H'M in the Land. Call and Eqamlno and bo Con vinced for you^Qolvos. das. Douglas, Whitnev Block - Fn-#f XtY A WnmPTI Luc,u ,U)'i 'I'^vellnff W xSLJUV -Mi m * rtulusiiitui to handln our Ilunly (J&iiadlantjiowu Nursery Hteclt. Wo RtiiLruutau natiafaotion to n praiiiuitutfvud and cuittomuiH. Cur nurnoricu tiro tho Jarfent ia tho Dominion, ovor 700 ncrun, Nd aubfttltutloa in ordom. Exolimlvo torritory aniHiboraitorjni to*v*h*lt>oi^part timo ncontH. Wrlto nn. BTgNK & WKLLINQTON, (Hoacl oUicu) Toronto, Out {Tho only uuraory in Canada having toatluK orohardfl.) -if Urn ^"^E^u^wW^^SKK^ftsi Qoorgo I. Joaoe,. HUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Pe&ob, Pear, Plum, Applo and Qaiuoo TreeB, Roboh, EvorKroosa, Horry BhBbea, Raopborry, Blaokborry nod Gurfant Bunhos. All flrut^olaBfl Btooh. Save afientH* Big Profits ! ii nd write for priooa, Wo will ohoer- lully anawor youby return mail. Splendid Apple Trees, Al iki overy'reflpeo*. $12 M ioo - ill SafcAt, Simplest, Stroncoftt,, olkl Top Uecelver. v>v-'i iititif fiuAltit Working Most Accurate,' ' Compact, Alost Modern and proffreaslve ' T'or'iutinloeuo or hiformntlon writo to T::E MARtiN FIRE ARMS"CO.,- FOR TWENTY-FIVE YSARS DUNN'S pi THEdamo LAftGEfcTSAt-K IN CANADA. Best to Iron Wq Valtmtion Fees. H3- Oouyeyattoinj; Dono up in Niab Styli ' -'.v. X Placo in the world for y6uag men and women to Moura . BoalneH Kiluoatlnn, Hhorthand,eto1(is tbo U<itreit BeIneu University, De troit, Mlob. Illuatratodoataloiine '- Froo. RitforonovH: All Detroit, WJu\^EWKLL. Prea. P, It. HPHNCMUtBeo'y. Ou yood productive Furm Property at: . iSJ tft.O per cent. Mtrai^ht. W > ' .\-- Fire and Life nsuranoq- 1 k.E.LOVELACEj ,^ S5SJBX;' OVTM '/ ::>&0$ 'Offiei: Whifcn*y Blook; upUir};V^:. * 3169830 42 51

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