1 -'1 .1) LU If 'I |T -*f- "fv-. 222^ftmWlM3m>t<,x:i!,i as^iss - I. .*fa THE &SSdgs3C J*KBB OPRa mi MM Tho Supporters of the GrconWity Government ai-o United. THE LEGISLATURE ADJOURNS Scttaatlonul DeYlopiiinuU Uxpaottw* w'"u tho I.gla]*ture lli>Muniti on Mny *' The Opj>oItl.n will UoolurA tor the Hooulnl-Uatloii of ull tit" Noliool* In th 1'rnvllio*" Winnipeg, Muroh 110. No amondmont was offered yesterday afternoon lo tho motion of iho Ho\orniiiont for adjourn ment of tho tfou -o to iniinldor iho school qtioHtlon, and tho I^lnhifcuro accordingly adjourned to May (, when i.onaatlonnl do- Consumption, The incessant wauling of a con- f.rimptivo can only bo overcome by a po rerful concentrated nourish ment like Scott's Kmulsion. If this wasting is checked and the system is supplied with strength to combat the disease there is hope ot recovery, Scott's JtiHMBE3M3Bi3S8&' of Cod-liver Oil, with Ilypophos- phites, does more to cure C on- volopmV)ntH"ftwV"Joxipttd. In tho moan- sumption than any other known thno It hi propn^d (o hold mwHlnRH to remCClyt It is for all AProclIoiu of got tho fooling of the ttwrnwa <m tho T|iroat and Lunps, Coughc, Coldc, Qr:):i" A Cabinet MlniHtor .in uii intorvlow dtmled iho wtJitomont that tho mppnrterH of tho Govornmont went divided as to tho line of ncMon to bo adopted In renporfc to tho remedial order. They wore united tor National uchooK When tho IIoiiw rihinnon It. will ho for tho purpose of disciisHlnR tho remedial order and drafting a reply. It U-iindcr- Chltls atld Wastftlff. V.nnf/l.-i/nr. Scott ii Bqwho, BoIIgvIIIo. All Uniyijhta. DOo. & $1. I Hh UbLbGATbS AHKlVfc- Nt'U'loiiiiiIIniKl'u Dttptitutlmi to tho Domin ion CiAorumniit Arrive itt Halifax. Halifax, X.a, March 110. The New foundland "delegation on tho way to Htood tho policy of the Opposition will ho Ottawa'to V^ntbite with the- Dominion to declare for tho wtulailzutUm oCa.il (h)Vonimont for to^fedarution wlrh Can ada, reached hero lust* night In the stoanioi* Grand Lake. 'J hey will remain in Jlall- fav until Monday, whetr they proceed schools whou tho Lefrtslafciuo meets. An Amu) lean Opinion, Chicago, March 110. Mr. John Jamlo- non, editor of tho Wewtem BrltlHh Ameri can, lmn just rotnrnod from an extended tour through Manitoba. Speaking of tho notion of Prom lor Greimway In adjourn ing tho Manitoba IXtlftlaturo, ho wild tho movement wah a who ono. It will doubfc- lof.a retail t In a poaoeful uottlemont of iho Kohool quoHtlon. Violonco need not bo feared, Canadian troops cannot ho legal ly used for tho purpos.o of coorolng tho province. Tho wholo Dominion, outsldo of tho particular province which Is {wok- lug to voHtoro lawn that wore annulled In 1800, will miqtalu tho Manltobanw. MANIFESTS OF VESSELS- Now Law Atftshtinii Cuimdlun VjnlB Ar riving nt tin) Port of Itufnilii. Buffalo, March 110. Notification of tho enactment, of a now law nCfooLing tho making of manlftmtfi of vqhruIh arriving from foreign ports him "boon rocolvod by Collector lioylo from tlio department at JWanhlURton. Tho law applluH to vcksoIh from Canada arriving at tho port of Buf falo, us there 1h no naval oflleor hero. Tho law Is as follows: "On and nflor July 1, lHDfi, each master of voasols arriv ing In tho United States from a foreign port, cxeoiit voksoIh carrying traflflo 1^1 hond on (rnimfor forrlos, Hliall Immedia tely ufton landiiiK, anil lwfqro ontorlnflr _Jis vism'1 at tho customH hoiif.o, mall to tho auditor of tho Treasury JOojiartmont*] at Wahhlngton a trim copy gf tho nlanl- fostn of his \pswj1, and shall on watering hlft \osiol malco a(Tldit\ it that lie has mail ed mich copy and that the same in truo and enrroet; and Jio shall also mall to tho wild auditor iTtruo copy of tho corrected nunifest ftlod on any jiorp entry of his vossol." Failure to comply with tho now law In punishable by a fine. Tho law ap- pllop only to ports where there ly no uaval ottlcor. Iho Statu orTiudtt. !Now York, March 110. IJradHtrcot'a to day says General trade for tho third wool: in succession eontinnes to show evi dence of linpiovoment In ho other diroo- fclon is ihlh 80 plainly indicated as iu tho tendency of prices. A week a/jo ciicour- eigoment had been obtained from a gene rally unexpected advanro In cotton and wheat lVollowliitf tho slight reaction tho iweok hap witnoHsed a firm cotton market, (further' ImproVomont "In wheat with n tympathotlo lnflnomo on rorn and oats, /tho efTeeC of which ih greatly ernpluisfXed thlH week by advances In quotations not only for coko but prospectively for iron oro and for Uoflsomer piK-iron for stetd billets, and actually for manufactured Iron at western markets. Higher quota tions for cut moats west are tho outcome of restricted supplies of cattle, and this is behind Increased demands for shoes for fall delivery, as quotations for leather direct to Ottawa Tho delogution loiutiats of lloni. Robert Uond, Goo. II. Kmonion, K. P. Morris and W. H. Hnrwood. They havo tho authoiity of both branchos of the Newfoundland LdglHlatura to negoti ate tho treaty, and liopo to bo successful. After the terms on which the Dominion will receive tho Island Into confederation aro Hocurud they will bo submitted to tho people of tho colony. The Newfound landers nay that there in little or no mmti mont in the Island in favor of annoxadon to the United States, Diatrcsa exists to a considerable extent, but not to tho extent implied in tho tele graphic reports sent out. It Is hoped that the seal fishery will bo a success this sea son, tut that would mitigate the distress to a great extent. The distress will really bo mora keenly felt in May than now. STRATFORD ASSIZES- Jnmci SlioHii rviutln a IIiiHinB of Stoallnc Ilia Niil^hliriiV Slieop. Stratford, March HO. Tiro attontlon of tho assize court yesterday was occupied with a charge of sheep Htcaling agnLmt John Shean.of Ijogun. John Why to and son, of Mitchell, own a farm opposite to thut occupied by Hhean, which is used principally for grazing Blioop. Toward tho close of last year a number of unimals wore missing from time to time, ami sus picion foil to Shcan, and his premises bu- Ing starched sovoral sheep, were found as well as tho polts ofotiiurs which lmd boon killed, which Mr. Whyto claimed to bo his. ^heau had also been in tiro habit of bringing mutton and sheepskin^ to Strat ford for wiU, and an uneMl^atlon roveal- ed among his sales skins bearing Whyto'h privato mark. Tho total number of sheep claimed to have been lost was 55. Those facta led to Shean's arrest. Late lust evening the jury brought In a \ordict of guilty and Chief Justice Armour sontimo- ed tahoan to five years in Kingston poni- toiUlary._________________^ THE SIBLEY FORGERY CASE. ------------------------1 Ontflnmo of a I'lot by CuntJcta ti> lilow Up tlic Ilniik nf Sluntical. Montreal, Maich HO The forgery case in winch \V. II. bililey, late editor of tho Toronto Karth, is implicated, turned out tins morning to lime been the outcome of a plot concoct! d by three minutes of St. Vincent, I)e Paul jicujtieni inryto blow up the Hunk of Munt i t-itl w hen" "tliC-y wuio liberal ed. Sibh j lias ,J N. Gi ecu shields, the well-known criminal lawyer, defend ing hinr.__________________________ IfiHiioo lliruii^h 1 i lu'"ii; Irisuulty. London, Out., March U0 Henry I\us, tho man charKtd with attempting to blackmail Insurance Agent May, and who went Inwino while in jail awaiting trial, has bum released from tho insano BY-LAW NO. 307- A BY-LAW to provide far drainag? work ih the Township of Colaheiber North in lb* Cnuntv of , and for borrowing ou the oreiltjDflhe muDiolpslity tho aum of $1H2(I.7& foroomplating the same. > / i i------- Erovlyioaally adopted the 23rd day of March, A.. D 180/J. WiucitHiAD, not loo In wrltlui boU of tlio townnlilu ... _ _ - drulnii ailjaoent tohla Ian da, and whloh wora ororflowitig thorn ilia damaging him, teat ho _____una ha boon sarvodbf John J. Vattar Eq upon tho mnnlalnal oouboU of tlio townnlilp of Ckjloheator NortU notify log tliora_thafc_lf they <1|(L nflfcriraprovo tho wuuM brlac an uotion for tlanancca,Ralnnt thom. .. vA**nWnBBKAB ttieroapon tha Wd OouooU baa proour(l an oxatnlnatlon to bo nmdo by JaJ. H.LalHl.V b H., noiufla poison oompotont for suah pnrpoHo, af tlia aahl arna propow"! to bo drained and tho nioiuis miguostod for tli <hulna(to thoraof, and of other lamia and roadn ltablo o aHanBsn.oitt unOor this Aot. and ha alo proourod plana, apoolfloatiooi and eitlmata of tho dmluaaa-woi U to ho uiadn by the said Jun.* B. Laird, P. Ij. H., arM an amensmont) to ho mado by him of the UikIb and roady bfiionted by mioh dralnafio work and of other landu and road Ittbln reir auiitii|iiitlnu thornto.iitatlnff. riH nearlj uliaetu, file proportion of bonoftt. outlet liability and lajuHug liability, whloh. In lila opinion, will bo dorlvoil or incurred In oonBaqueuuo of buoIi dm! ifc work, by vnry mail Int or portion of lot. tho nald anooiitaunt) so mado boiug the asoemt- nuint horolnuitorhy tliln hydaw unuoted tola aaaenand and lovlod upon tho road* and tutu or pnrU of lot huiuinitftwrhi that behalf (inpttainlly "t forth and deuorlhod, and tlio rnpoH of tho wnid JinriBH H. Liilrrt, l* h H., hi reupuot tlnircof and of tho mini dralna8 woilt hniuK uk foil own: To tha ltouvb mid Mutiiajpul OoiuialUoru of tho Towunhip of Coluboutur North In council uhhoiii- blud; OKNiLrwrN, In n<jcordtuio with inntruotionfl from your hoimrablu body, I havo takon tho rotici! Hlunml by JohnKoHt-r i.hd liavo rixmnlnod tho ditch oh louding f chn hiu laud and Iiok to fojiort thoi-oon uh IoIIowh , J found ull tliroo dltehoa loading from hla iilaco unuMy out nf repair mid much lu neod of imptov^niont. I would thoroforo rooomnmud fchut tho ditch on tliu Vantnr Hide roud bo otoutiAd out from Iho Koutli Hoar Itoad nouth to tliu nutlmrti townllne Alno Unit tin) ditah en tho north tilde < f th< Hth rone -union roud from the omit fdiln of thn ]>'oiitoi Hldo roud want ub ut fti) YOiiu to tho ditch throuidi lot ii, thunuu north ul mtf tho xntd dltoli lhrnu(,di lot H. a olntnnrd of about Ml rmlti to thft diti'h on the went wide of tliu Mniuh Hldevoad, thenco nlonii tint ditch on tho wont iiiditof tho linruli (tide road, to tho Uanaid, ho olitatiod out uud ulno that tho ditch on Die uoutb wide of tho noutli roar road from the cant tddo of tho I'ontor nldo roud to tho wout iihlo of tlio Pnuili tddo roail ljochiiLiiod out, ull thoHu to ho oluiiiiod out in uoeordunon with the ituuuxod profllo and npitoltlofi-tlonii. 1 find that the eoitt of nloiuilntf out iiiitd dltohoH mid othorwldo Inipro Um thom, all uxptiuiuiu hiuludod, will bu &UJ^17tS Of thin iimoiiut riiuvo tuKiid tho towufililn of {'oh hontor North for bnaoltt to inivdii. with S'-KJl); tho hnulw hi Colclientor Nortli for- bonoilt with jgnlSMiO unci tho luudu in Col eh outer North for outhit, ?tdl.Qfi uu nhowu on tho 'lunciXoil Hchoduhi of uificHiuncritH AeooinpunyitiK you will find planu, proftloH, iipcoltloatiouy, uHnewm onta.oiitliiiatofi and all othur puporuhofloiiKiiry for fitildauculM tiietcnuiitruotfou) (ileaiilnu >ut of rmld drninu Tlioiui dralun uliiill Li Itopt in repulr by a tin oi, thu huidu and roitdii now armoiiRod, und in tlio riumi proportlou, oxcopt tho onijlnocr ln-ohai*Kn of the ropnini dooma It ddCoiiBiny to chanj;o uald proportion on ittiountof thoohaiutod (dioimiHtutiowirr-' I liayfi tho honor to ho, Kontloinnn, Your obodlont norvnnt, JAMISBU LA1HD, O, L. H Ann WilLiUiu, (houuid council in of opinion that the drainnjto of the nvuan ilmmithod Ih do 'ihuhlu, Thorufnre tho int'd mnlolpal council of tho mud townnhip of Colohoator North, puniuanb to iho piovliiqiiR of tun Ihalnuijo AoLlHUI, ouaota uh follown: 1. Tlio Hiild report, plaiiH Hi'ooiiloatiouii, awjoaimionti! and ootimatan aro ho oby iidoptod and tlio dralntiK<< work uif tlioroin indiciitod and nob forth nhalt bo inudo and ooiuitruetod in uocord 2. Tho Koevoof tho mild towwdilp may borrow ou tho erodltnf tho corporation of tho'imid towniildp of Coloheiiter North tho imm of l,a3il.7ft, boln tho amount of luudu noooiinary fir tlio wurk, and muy Intme dohonturuii of tho corner itiou t > that amount in minm or nob loon than S5U oiioh, and piyoblo within ton ywurn from tho date thovoof wltli lutnront) at tho rate of Uvo pur mmtuui nnr unutim, that in to iiav hi tun offiiat fuutaluiontfi.DUoh dobontiivoi to bo pa/ablti at tho luiiiurlnl Uauk nt tho Town of Eimox, and to havo attached to thom aouoona tot tho payment of y. For payluK tho (inm of S.llfitifl, tho amount oharitodaKilnBt tho yald Inndii and roiuls for benoflt. and tho uuiu of $911723, tliu aninunt ohircfd aaiduiit tho uald Iiindn and roul>i for outlot liability, apurt from the landu uud roadn boIoiiKinj; to or oontrollod by tho luimhdpallty, and for covorlnn Intoront thereon for ion yoan. at tho rato of nvo por ooiitum per numm);tho total Hpooiul rate, over uud above all other raton, nmil) bo auwaiHod, lovlud and colloctod (]u tlio iiumo tnaiaior <nd at tho fiamn tlmo uu other tuxon aro lovlod and eollootiid), upon and from tho uudornium tJouud lota and purtH of lotn, and roadn, und tho amount of tho uald total f-poclal niton und intor- . nt yho.ll bo divlduu into ton equal parte an 1 ono huuIi part nhall bo anBouHoU, lovlod and cnlJuatod us uforooaid in ttoh your fnr ton yoarii nftor tlio flual patiolni! of thin by-law, durlnn which tho uald dobnnturon havo to ran. r Lint nf Loin and JJartn ot LotH and ltoadti AHaeuaetl for tho (JJf anuiR out of the Fouler Outlet*. erf u o A U3 u-i td ! Oat- In each U U a a> -* *~> Pj \A 13 4J tr - M (0 *3 tc - a a <U > .2 CI tn <o til a, *- U) W n a u-3 o 'a O - r- - ti u m O tu t-l O <U 3 D tA a a; 'si o H >* > H.. HS r *-* 3i M H hj W O u qr- If. n MrAJ_ ni V4T1J T{ nj i J i 11 n qr 18 n qr 12 ii qr 11 n hf 10 u hf o qr 9 w hf w hf'.) o hf w hi* A w hio hf wbl 8 o hf o hf 8 n hf e hr 8 whr7 epi 7 w pt e hf 7 .lo n hf 15 iilif lo 11 i:t 12 11 ',) fi 7 I) <> 12 l.H II w hf 15 e hf lfi 10 SMR h a qr 10 u w qr 10 iisjluni as cured. It will bo lemombtrod conUnuo upwnrd and rnmparaiho"'hcar- that SuperintondeiiMhicko ,ald I\os he- j Brnflh ^ad cltyofhldoH. Afl important as any othor Cll"\ lnri"no thr"uK| f';lKl insanity, , Houth rear load information bcariue; on tho .ondltion of. P'K Jims to eseapo justhe. 'Iho dcu- , Hth C(in rond trade, aro reports rrom Minnesota, houth Hor'fi opinion Is tlmt should Ives bo nor- Diikatu, Kehmhlca and Iowa, that tho hoil ! rit,a b>' f'lr*hc'r I>r"seoutIf.n he would piob- Ifl ffrcatly in need of mora moUtimt, whii-h I nbly npnln lo^o his reason. Jl was thero- with tho uiifccaBonnljly warm and dry i loit'bruiiBht heforo JusilcU\\illliimKlhott weather promihOB a restricted arru of j thU "HirnlnKrand iwovldoiuo hidiiK niTui- (d on tho ehurgo, liu was sot at liln-rty oO ."jU >:> no no :a) :>o 25 50 , 50 00 IOC .00 1)0 v> 9 A 2V0 100 100 ^00 2u0 200 189 l.-)0 1I8 01 :u 10 :io till in 70 70 180 50 J50 filOOO 20 00 10-Hr- 70 00 2,j no 20 00 45 00 22 .-0 ;oo (1 73 2 23 10 00 20 00 20 Op 20 00 20 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 00 oO dO 00 80 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 r>(> to r> oo no on 50 00 4 CO 9 1)0 17 10 1)00 10 Oo 21 75 wheat. Tho bettor fooling In p;eneial trado olroleH which uharaolori/ed leporis I nun a number of cilicfi has becomo in ore wnlr- Kpread, and oven whnro no aotual f^iiin In movement of staples 1^ reported, in< rt-is- od confldenco in a hotter demand i* inaih- ed. Reports of actual Imsincbs failurus throughout tho United Stales, December 37, 18S>t, to March 27, 1895, to Umdslrt et's, furnlBha total of :i,812, only 107" than In the first q orcapo In nunihpi tor of about I per eent , is ull^htly exteed- )d by tho fulllnjr ofT of total hballth-s, tiiu Jattor having declined -1.7 per cent, from tho qunrtcr'a total a jear ago to fcltJ,- 011,000. IiKimil niiJoliu I him Adjourned. Owin .Sound, Jlan h 111). Tho adjourned eorom r's Inquest over tho (bath of .John I"l) on, of [-hallow Ijtihe, was ixsinuod. yesterday afternoon A number of wit nesses were ninmlntd, but noiliin^ of Inr- portanet) wan hiouglit out. Dr. Cameion, uoioin r, adjourned tho inquest, till Mon- J Footer aide roaU Total for honefit Total for oudet liability 15 00 7 fiG 10 00 Ufl 00 20 00 225 00 515 50 811 25 ft 10 00 m 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 10 00 (JO 00 45 00 20 00 20 00 15 00 21 50 COU G 75 2 25 dO 00 !I0 00 80 00 00 OO OOOO (JO 00 ,10 '10 J 5 00 85 00 50 00 5 00 1 50 4 50 9 00 17 10 0 00 10 00 21 7"> 15 00 7 50 10 00 35 00 20 00 225 00 515 50 811 25 y 3 00 0 00 3 00 a oo fi 00 IS 00 6 00 0 00 :ioo 27 no 13 50 0 00 fiOO 13 50 Ii 75 1 50 2 0" e'H 18 00 9 00 9 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 10 92 13 M) 25 50 If 00 1 lo lo 185 2 97 5 18. 2 70 3 00 7-13 1 50 2 25 3 00 10W GOO 07 50 8 13 00 8 2d 00 13 00 13 00 20 00 20 00 ' 20 00 2<LP0 18 00 117 00 1 5;) 60 00 20 00 58 50 29 25 fi 50 8 78 2 93 )8 00 30 60 39 00 78 00 78 00 78 00 73 32 58 50 110 50 1 05 00 ft 50 195 5 85 12 87 22 23 : 1170 13 00 32 18 I 19 50 9 75 13 00 45 50 20 00 i 292 50 21 1C1 65 213 38 670 15 G7 01-fi 1051 03 105 10 S Total for benefit and outlot liability 1320 75 308 03 1721 79 172 47-8 if 3,812, dlilv 157 fnuer i ,~' n"7- i i ......*7 " ,' estimate), hut ovory nuch contractor, witn two i nunrlnvn'ill 'Pi. )i d'w ' AvrH L>l ,umI "^ 1SSll",I hUm,Uosct. ] forthwith to ontr Into bondn for tho duo woifoi 1 ," .. I1' 1J1U uo" ( for ii number or fiosh wltmsses. i t. imfrt plain) and inioeilloatiomi, ami within tho und it ehull ho tho Steuuit H'uulil Not Deny. H.uiiilton, March 30 It is said Mayor A. U. Stewart lias been asked to oppose lion l)r Montague in Hahlnn.uid county iu tho bye election ou !\piil 17. The Mnyoi would not, deny theirutli of tho statemuiit, Imt lias not deciihdyet if ho will accept a nomination in that constitu lluruuido und Do Hurry. BuiYalo, March 30. Several friends of Dr. purnnrdo In tbiH city havo entoiod u ency in tlio intoiost of tho McCnrthyltcs. publlo dofon , Krul .an,,,,, naalnst tha ohnrges made by one Do , . ,, , nrt i- , , t ^ , , Barry, a Government immigration Inspoo- ' . J '^h SO.-Lrelglifc ofilclalH ior IntlUn city, who has charged that will rnake a de ermlned eifoit at a ineot- "Barnardo maintain* pmato mphan Jy- infi to bo hold In Slow York next Wcd- lums in Knglajrd, where tho lllegltlmato ntJh,iu^ *? rohU>r rtt1teB1 ,t0 ,th" UlHiL ohlldron of the rich aro received, and K'^f n"nd riltt'H wcpo bna1^ broken yea- teulay. _____ afterwards brought to tho Canadian bor der and smuggiod into this country and abandoned." Dr. A. 1). McGlllhray, of IhlH city, has mado iin open htatemont doHcriblng Dr. Barnardo as a philanthro pist whoso Hfo Ih ft-lvon to tho roseuo of chlldron. Dr. MoGUlivray eayo liarnar- Tidoirniplilu ltrlofn. John O'Shea, or Kingston, Is dewL_ ITu was widely know as a diver, and during tho biHt 10 years, of his' lifo bo-s rescued ovur 5(1 people from |Irowning. Probate .TudKii llrwxdol])h, of Alabama, do's work is laudable, and many meu pro- has^bcou-mlKhlnp; buieo tboVlqtl^lnKrrmtr mlntmt in Cnnadlan clrcloi owo their buc- and there Ih reported to bo a largo Abort* ohh In Hfo to tho Btiirt Dr. Barnardo guvo ajje in hiH acrnunta with tho Muto them. Delhrrry clalmH that ho had In- Tho Imperial House of Commons pushed, fitruotlonw from tho Treasury Department by a votu of laa to 103, J II. DuIkioI'h re- warning him of Bariuutlo'H Bchomo, and solution ufurinlnjj that it was desiiable to ordoring hlnr to koup a- aharp lookout for e.t.iblisii local Legislative AHsembllus for suoh ehlldron iih ho might try to got Into England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. thlH country. 3 liuhn for IViwhtont of IT. 8, Columbus, Ohio, March 80. Grand Maxtor Workman Sovereign of the ICnlghtfl it Xjivhor tn an ln_tervlow here to-nlnjhe, .pomliifiturl i'higeiio V. Dehu iih a landi- lato for tho I'eupIe'H j arty for lJtohid>nit '111 1890, The Nortli Brant and "VVeutworth Con- servnrivoH mot at, Bt. George yesterday unci perfected their organisation for tho now riding. A convention will bo hold at a later date to decide on tho Htnndard- bonrur for tlio coming ejections. >'T Umltu'lnii lht> <aoveiiu>i'( Mulnry. ' Sydney, N.S.W., J'mch 30. The mo- tlo t" induce the salary of ilia Governor febf'.i?*'^^0"111 W,lU,H t0 JWiww ImH lwwKCd , bs boumUoHh obi naVuoV' ijainJi^^w of the ,i**K0uibly, duBjuit* I'l'w ph-bt rluldren, oi'ery one in uon'1 h^i"i. - + - f.f w'tri but baa fltr'i Qe'if uhioh m$ wife Long Waist, Correct Shape, Best Material, Comblnecl i'tih the best filling in tho world, makes the " Featherbone Corset" unequalled. 5- 7 J. GOtTBIrAY &; POr, WSEX. vNT. - ac,a 9 v \:-'W u f'"-'* . . THE TRIUMPH G^ftN SHELLER 1DESSCRIPTXON. _ TuU Maohino cnnniit? oHi liorizontrtl * a^t cxTmcli r, with wVU'^hl iion buiB, witb fltool teotli boltod to tiro c\ liuikr no hh to ha ruvonublo whou iho teeth hoconio m rw on tho Iront Hitlf, rniimi-g n. u jjorfoni'cd concave iron. ^hell, wlucJi tlio shelled corn pni.rOfi tlirough into a t-licot iion ctuio, with a fan nr U ner utt.iclied boh-w, winch talcch u'l tlic duBt from tho grniu. Tho ohoajn' L, huHt, m"st aimplo und dnriihlo 1'ower Com bhellor in uso; aholla cor*' pct'lbot'y olom in tiny lo< dititn hlielhng and cleaning from ono to two tlmusiMid bnpholfl ot rarH por dny. accoulmg to pnwor. Disiknhionh. Pulley, lOiu.diam- otor <i in. hico; Mu'ion, 300 to 800 revolutions por minuto; Woiglit, fiSOlb*. ^_ EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY 6V SONS, 3=5 : ..v.w-m 1200.000 WEAK MEN CURED! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. wsrauREs guaranteed or no payi II DC Vnil *3 Nsrvoaflnnddenpondnnt; we^k or debilitated; tired moruincn; uoam- AilL TUU i hitlon lifek'HUj mornorypour, oamly futitfiiod:oxoituwl*andhrltabloi oyo flanlcRn, rod nnd hlnrrod, jiunnhm on facoi orerun* end niffht lOMMi; roiitlofift; lnurffa*d looking; wonkbirclc, bone nnhn-: htilrloog/'^ ijlcemt soro throat: varicocele, deponlt tn nrlno nna draino ut utool; dbtruotfnh we*. i>t cotttidonce; luck of *mw and utroiiUi-W O-AiV OL/Rfi YOU / RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY Dt*Q. k* & K. jonN a. manun. JoriN a. manuh. chab, ^>wrnp. CHAS. VOWEltS. UJjJOIUi'rilJUTMKNr. AFU-U TUIIA1JJBNT. UUuaU tl.L,ViJUJEM'ii .U/il-U WWLXWlXWS, NO NAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. John A. Mnnhnnnyn: mo tfloU . ""' ".miuunivmi. "ttfavo np in donjnur. Iwo drnlna on my Bynt*m wore wiis**lnflf my iniollnct an Vuii fl' *"> oatual mid r>hy(donl VARICOCELfc, EMISSIONS ANb I .VI POTENCY CURED. timo of early iffiiorauco commoncod ut Ifi yoarH of riiro I '-1'-' B-Jvcn nj^edicnl hrmo nndapant$(M0 without uv'ali. lifo My btpthar ndvlood me an a is*t Wflort to commit Dm. Konnoay *Krtfair. 1 commowsod tholf Now Mot hod Troatment nnd in a few woek wan n now man, with now lifo and nmliitlcn. Thla wan four yfliirn bro, and now 1 am mnrrlod anil happy. I recommend thcoo rollahlo BDOcIoliflta to all ray oflllotod followmon." CURES QUARANTEED OR NO PAY.- CONFIDENTAL. "Tho vlcofl of oarly boyhood laid tho fonndatinn of my rnin, Lnter on a **Kay Hfo" nnd esponnro to hll(d"di" aaanan complntod tho wreck, 1 had all tho nymi tomn of Nnrvone DoblUty nankanoyo8,emIiHlo*an,drain In urine, nnrvominoHfl, weak bnok, etc. ByphUls canntd my lmir to fall ont, bono pnino, nlcorB In month and on tonirno, ___ blotclioo on body, oto. I thank Qot\ 1 triod Dm. Kontncdy & Korean. Thoy roatorod rao to honlth, viaor and happinooa Syphilis, Emissions Varicocele, Cured. CHAS. POWEHB. 1 I^or iniyinn tlio nam of 9ti')0, tli-i amount annenitod afiiduiittho mild roiulu and lands of tho j mun'oipiility, nnd (m covonuji intortjst thmoou for ton yoavn itt tho j-atJ of t\vo por ooutum por iinnuin, u Bpooial niteon the doll r Hiiillchtut to produce tho rnfjuirod yoarly amount theroinr, hIihII, ovue and ubovo all nilun-ratufi. bu twlod und collootod (iu tho namo manner and nt tho Hiima time an tnxo aro levied and colloBtodi, upon and from tho wholo vatoablo nroporty in entil tfiwni'hlp of CnlchoHtor Noith, in t'ftch year for ton yoaru aftor tho final paoiduG of tide b>-law, a durinj! which tho miid ileheutuf-* n havo tr ruu. 0. Tn at Jan. S. Laird, tofjotlior with tho council, i hereby anpointod oommlnnionor to lot tlio "ontiuct for i'i]]irovIni( fiaid drufniiuud worksaonnootod thorowith, by tondor, (not oacooedinn tho estimate), but ovary nuch contractor, with two yood and mit hi factory no -at too, olin.ll bo required | In lor tlio dm> polformaneo and oouiplotlon of tho contract, accord!np; tinio (uoatlouod within nuch bond, unlonn othor- duty of miolioommiiHloiior to ouuno uald drain and workfl connoctod therewith, to bo made and cotuitruotud in acoorUunso with nuch plana and Hpuofncatfonn, not Inter than tlio lit day of &ptonrbor, A.D lfvJiJ, (unUioii othorwhio ordered by tho council), and to grunt cortillcatoa to tlio Ituovo from time to tirau to oiwdi uontraotor, loan 2.1 por cent of tho amount due, until tlio contraat la fudy completed uud duly aocoptud, and for tho due porforiuuitcit of tbeno and alt ottifr diuloiiof ooinmlnnlouor, tho uald oo-ninluaiouar nliull lu outitlrd to receive a, cniuininuiou otii per cent, on the actual cost of tho work. e, That tbo commlHHionor bo rertutrod forthwith to enter Into bondo, hr the aum of 81,000 for tho duo oompletioc of the work, ncuordhiG to plana and upooiftoationn, und within the timo npoo- lflod in each bond. 7. Thin by law shall bo published onoo In ovory week, for four oonnoouttvo woolto, in tbo Eniir.x Pni'iG Pnr.cH, a nowuimpor publhihcd In tho Town of Eiuiox.uuil nlni.il come Into force upon and after tbo tlnal natiiiintt thoroot. and may bo cited tho "Pont"r Improvomont Drain Uy li J. A. COUhrElt, Clork. M- BABRETT. Keovo. tSF We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility* Seminal Weakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases.____________ 1 7 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. _______,_____ nCAntd f Are yon a victim? Ihivn you lont 1iopc'j Aro yon contcmplntinjrjnar- ritLrlUCri I rinao? IlnB jour Blood b en diiir.infd.-1 Jlavo yon uny wrnlcnoHH? Our Now Method Treatment will cere yon. Whnt it ban donn for othoro it will do for iou. CONSULTATION FHEE. No matter who lino trnntrd \on. write for an honest opinimi Frow ofOhnmo CharBen roniionnhlo. BOOKS FREE **Tho Goidon Monitor" (dlustratod), on Dlfloaumi of Mbn. lnclrao pontnpe, 2 centH. hoidod. tSTNO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRI VATE. No modfclno s nt C O. D No namra on box^-o or nnvol- opos, Evorythine: confidential. Quustton list and coot of Tioat- mont, FREfc,, ____________ DRS. KENNEDY & KEBt No.l48SHEL^VSr. ? DETROIT, M3CH. ^^^ss^^^^s^^s^s^sr^ niiin by tbo ~ 1605. I liere-iy certify tliut tha foroKolntf in a true copy of a by-law proylnionally adoptod by nicipal council of tho uald Townubip ot Oolchoutcr North, on tho 2Srd day of March, A.D. J. A. COUIji lijlt, Clork of Munioipallty of OolohoBtcr North. NOTICE- Notice in horobv i;Uon that a Court of Ilovln on, holdpurijuant totho provlnionn f_^'o Draim uro Aot. m I, for tho Uuiu in and trial ot appoaln iuado aQitinst the above ' > par tboroof, will hold itn flrat uittinna at the Town Hall, Colobeotor North,on HafnrTla (, tho 2 lb duv of April, IMrt, nt tbo hour of 2 o'clock in tho aftornoon, and that any poriion Intendiuu to ap poul acalnut tbo ubovo amMMment, or any jiart thereof, must. notPlator trmu-tu^aaya bforo th time ullhtrtil for the holiliiiRoCniddConrfc. iiorvo on tho Olorlt of thin munioipallty, a written notion of mioh appeal, or otliorwiiio ho will bo too Into to lie board in that uohall And fnrthor notice iBhorobynlvon that any pomf n Intoiidinp; to havo nuch by-law, or any part thereof, qaanhod. munfc, not later tlntu ton dayii after tho tWal PiwnliiR thorunf. n|,fV(,lj,|tj0- tlto in wrltinn, upon tho Hoove or other head otiloir. and upon tho Olorlt of Hi - Muiiioiniility of folohcntor North, of bin intention to make applloatfon lor that pinpouu, to tho lliab touit at Toronto, durinrt tho Dlxweoku next pnoulng tho 11 nal iiilhuI d J ' > coTJJTI* R Towmddn ClorU Don't "vou hlio pdlo? KueljuyV Livoi* Lozonyeu nro hotter for you. *2jetu. at diuggiutB The sflorot of tho fifoftt buocohh of Euol- jay'H Liyer Lozenaoa i i tho fact of their not roaotiilg. Othflr lftxativo modioiBOH destroy tho normal powcrn of the diKtlntlvo <Vtetn, They hudd it up, U'hey a^e hold ut 25 ot*. a box, or 82. SO a douou box- (8. . |- -r ' - \ft 'ti Woraou who can't take pillH 3an liavu that biliotion-jaji removod from their uyutumn by Enoljay'n Livor Lo^onKoa. 25 ct. at drufi^iata. EhoIjiij'u Jjivok Lo/otiijoB aro at ouoo u' blood qlouuBor, a nyi>tuni regulator and a true tnniu. SG ota a boy, or H'2.50 por doz en boxea. Chlldfuu ure foutl ol KHtjljay'ri Xitvur pnsseucea. Ui>'nte. at dm; giu'e. J ' -.-..' I i I ! i$i J V 5: Kino; of ell Bicycles. * % v 1 <^yOO Light Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- .i I....,.......... chine fully warranted Absolutely tho Best Superior rtatcriat and Sclentiflc Work- mnnsltlp. . - - 5 Styles ' ' Highest Honors at the World's MUtt Exposition. I,* Send two-ccat stamp for our ^-p* CaiIogie-A work at Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Saleroom, ok Wbh' Ave, UkOMd tUlitcdfa., CHICAGO, |Uij T |,- kLrr a gi^^>MKSW^^^ cxxxxxxxxxx>;x>o^ i.*\