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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 5, 1895, p. 5

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^*.?$ W^ r> fHB BSSJEftX ! The Chatham Loan and Savings Company. CAPITAL.._-_ $1,600,000 Money to Lend on Mortgage* 01 nroduotW* raal entnU. FumorH "wcntlWifu borrow mo&er at best rates, loant exnm*> nd no delay ahoald apply personally to TU Chat- bum Loan ad Havlnga Co., Obatbun. 8. F, OA.UDHEB, Marnier. Division court will bo hold *t Euex ori Tuetday next, Thu April fool tfot off a low of hU_atato_ joked ab ubqiI on Mo.nJ&y. Tho towu council mot on Tuesday even )UJC> The minutes *ra unavoidably crowd c out of thii Week'a innuu. FRIDAY, ATRIL C, lugs. y *&F TA L K T0F.THg_TOWJi Maple uyrup hf btftiiuatug to oow to town. General nerva-nfc irl wanted. Apply ut "tho Boynl Hotel, Thu town of Chatham i* n*okin(i iuoor poration as a city. Tho Hiring of '9fi in very bttakward in coming to tho front. Svoil important it#m are unavoidably crowded out thiM week. Granulated. nugftr\ beat. 3;Jf pound by barrel, at Smith1*' for 10 duyu only. GIHL WANTED.-For light *.aoral housework. Apply to Mm. E. J. Loyolaee. r ' Tho Woatera Ontario Boo Kaepare' eon- voutioh mte'ta at Windiior on Saturday, April 0th.. Mr. XI. F. Seymour haaanomor letter on the tfravol road agitation which will appear next wofck. Tho South Essex Lioouflo Coramifurian* orn will meet at Ehbox Towu ou Wodnen. day, Anril 17th. Tub Yotug Liberal club.of Wiuduor, havo aUebaudod for tho h tun on andhava gone in. totiuwmer quarter*. Trade ropdrtu uulto in Haying ptoapscta aro improving, and prices are higher for many line* of good*. Tho 6atablihraent of oheert f no tor ion iu tlmulating the r*ioe of miloh..oowa, nud every .auction sale now bringn big priooH. Look out lot Smith'* | off Eiillo next week. Meiota. Diebel A Brioker ol&im to have ^broken the record iu hogar Baled, Thoy recently iold 80 barrolw a cay load -in tea ir,, rjrf ~uly. _J___ Iron erafc for.oalo, at a bargain.- J..* J. Taylor n3akdyifix21iii2 imiHe. with uiiiY oaoh drawer. Apply at tho Esbkx Fm:k X?itEttB office, Chief Just icaMorodith strongly 'donoun. ced tho condition of tho Lurnbton conrt house afc tho recent anuizon. What will Wo nay when ho cornea to Ehhqx. An Hiiti tobacco lauguo iu Chatham Iibb rittoii all urocarfl and 'others who deal n tho wood that thoy will protect minora y proHocntiaK all infraotibun of tbe law. Thursday, April 11th, in appointed by Judtfo Home, for tho hearing of ovideueo iu tho oane of Geo. Thornton as ralatr vo. JDr.P, A. Dowur, mayor, to uimoat the ,luttor. Atr tho Meohanicn* Iuatitulo roadinfj roomu thia ovonint;, Mr. C. In Cranswollor will kivo hit talk ou "Boy and GirU" a good program of 'inutiio. otc.. will alio h provided. Arrari|em*utu aro about coraplntod for th* holding of the Euaox Central Sabbath School couvoutiou at tho Frottbyterian ohurah hero next Monday aftomoon and vning. A pleasant and profitable time is expectod for all who attend. Local Sunday school workotu aro auarin^ no paiun to make the affair a nueoena. Everybody i invitod. LadieH* walking ohoea Too, button bootii 81 pr at Smiths. Froight trtfffio Oa tho M. C. R, is boom ing at present awd the mou are kept buy Throo more arewe wera aet to work Monday. Thore are at proupnt aixty freight crews at werk. Tho lareeat number ever oti the road wan t-ixty-five crown, but with the double track cow in use sixty crown e* handls much more freight than did the aixty-flvo crewn at tho timo they were em ployed. Tho rush of freight is mostly eavl bound, oaused by tho movemnut of grain becauBo of tho advarjco in prioes. If amorohant will take oaro of hie ad- verting apace, ohauue hii* copy, keep it fresh, und pat iDterosting matter into it. it will ba read ao aumdously and aa ru- ularly ua the BDieioHt bit of news. As it gets roadorn bo will llio dealtr got oustem or*, AgcreBBivenaBK and oonudeaee aro essential iu advertiBincf. Timid me i do not (tuooeed. It.B tha fellow who floes Straight ahead, full of uolf oonAdonoe, foroo- fttl. bound to maku his point; that's the Wan whose buBinesi thrivoi and flouruhei, listovery utatomunt be exactly a fuot n*o more, no Ires. Abovo all rmt in tho ad. vortiieraent. Diabel A Brloker have reoeived another oatr load ( of suKar and all orders for bar rels, entrUBtud with thm, will roueive prompt attention. Tho mlllinory opouins of Moiars. Iror- sythc, Andurson A Co., and of Meiers. Dlebi'l A Xirioker take plana to.day akid to morrow, and ladio* of tho town ate on th qui vivo. Tho EvouitJf Beeord of Windscr has entered upon Us slith yoar. It is a healthy youn*ter, i out ot kniokorbookers and the manager Hay it huu cab several of its wisdom tooth. II. G. ArLald A tions, Konilworth iosk fares, Muidstona, have jasb added to iheir herd a beautiful yaarlin^ shert horn ht'ifer, Miwaio Nuidputh, 17ih, bred by the aon. Thou. Ballantyne, Perth eouuty. aiiliim^y apprentices wantad. Foraythe, Anderson & Co. Boys* suits $1.2fi, men's all wool tweed suits $5 at Hmlth'u. A groat moiny people wonder why tobao^o dealors aro allowed to sell cigars and tobac cos to minors in this tow*. Boys fresa ton years upward may be sesmilmost any Sun Jay on the strootu, with uitfirs iu tbir mouths. Itoom for a little miflHion work at homo. Mr. tlowlaud has Introduced into the Ontario Legislature a bill dirootod against the praotico of dookin^ noraes* tails the penally in a fine of not ls ilian 8100 nor moro than 300, or imprisonment for a torm not exoe*din twelvo months, with rjwithout hard labor. Tho bill should pans, Georno Millar, a farmftf Itvin* near the Puoo laid an information bofore P. M. BurHet, Winduor. against ,Ier* Jacksen, on Monday chargihg him with woandiug Wei. Kirteh. The affair was the eutcome of a free fitfht at tho Puoo on Saturday and in tho scramble Kirtoh wan stabbed in thethigh, Jacksen has skipped. Bpkciat* Skrvicish. Evangelist H. M. Brown, whose labera havo been so greatly blosHod In Blonheim, Chatham, and L*am- incton rocontly.will conduct special sorvioes in the Baptitit church of this town, bogin- ninu Sabbath noxt, April 7th. Farther anaounoomonts will he made for the cor- vicosdnriii(j tho week. Services begin at 11 a. nr. and t p, m. on Sabbath. All aro cordially invitod. By tho roport submitted to tho local log- iaUttiro lant Saturday thnro waa 831 mere coumittaJdin 18114 tbau diiripn the year proviouH, The crime of murder has not increased within tho provinoo; it han ro- mainod about tho same eiuoo 1877. Thore woro 32murdora iu IBM, while io 1877 there were 39, and In 1893 thore. woro S4, The orirao of rapn nearly doubled last year. Attempts ut suicide more than doubled; arson incroaHed 10 per cent; bitfiray near ly 50 per cent, while perjnry increased over 900 percent. GiuND Pancy Bazaii. Tho Ladisa Aid of tho Motnodiat Church. Ebbcx, will hold their annual Bazar of fauoy and useful novelties ou Tuenday and Wedneatlay afternoons, 'Jth and 10th April, at tho ran-' idenco of J. 11. MoEwan, Talbot Street. C, E. Kuylor Eij. is expected to give the opening address ou Tuesday, and \Vm. Ohuroh Esq. Wodnesday. A apooially at. tractive mimical programme will he pre. vidod oaoh evening. Open from 5 till 10 p. ra. AdmiHsion aud refreohmout 10 cut. Mns. J. R: McEwAn. SIIjVEK W1CODINO. j*r. and Mrs. X. H. BleBwan Oe labrat- ------- rd their afi*l Annlrerearr. ;__ Broomtee House, the comfortable ro*i- dsnooof Mr, and Mrs. J, K. MoEwah, wa* ahe| soena of Vary flaaeant gathorinfs yaaterday. The date waa the occasion of the 35th an. ttiyarsary of she) host and hoeteati, and they ware "al home"to their frlende during tl o afternoon and evening, many of whom o li ed to extend congratulations imd ui^lca for another quarter oanttiry of wadded lift- to this most estimable eoupb. The spaolone rooms Were haudHomnly decorated for tho ocuusioti, und a bountiful luuah was prepared ior tlipjUBHts, Mrs. MoEwan was attired in the costume worn on her bridal day, 2fi years provintiH Thk Ehku Pun>B joins thnlr mafriy frioudti ia wishing; Mr, and Mrs. McKwnn contin ued heulbh and prosperity. Orottt KuooeHH. Tin Ladles' Aid of the Baptist church have every reason to he yratinod at tho HneecMH attending their baxar and dinni r given on Wednesday afternoon and oven ing. Tk* vaoxbt atoro in the X>Ubata.k block which had bean thoroughly oloaned up and haadsomely daoeratodfortheooeauion, wan divided into two compartments for dimne; hall and salesroom. The tables in tho dining room woro provided with tho fat of the Und, and gunnt* wsro supplied with the beat tnafc could bo obtained. No painn were spared by thu ladies to mske tho dm ner one worthy of tho culinary skill af tho houHOwives ot Easex. The saksroem was woll supplied with many attractive articles of household <l>.e. oration and of family uiio, and uoarly.overy artiolo brought to the baaar was diopohod of. A piano iu the hands Of Miss Doahntsdcr aud other local mU'doiauu, helped to make the ovoninu enjoyable for visitors. The prooooda wore 8185 in aaah, wl irh would be Increased by a few artisles wliich wero Beld later, ABANDONED THE POST. *rhe MKraolcnr Snlllewout HoltAol Wltlioutji Tcuotior. [N The truatoos of tho Br Quit or nottlomon t school are advertising in this wcoh's Fiiki: Pittas for'a toachor to take ohaige of thtfc institution without delay.' X). A. Wilson, the late toachor, has ovidnnily found a bit uatien more congenial to its ta-*tos, haying accipted a pouitiou an reporter on a Dotroit paper, and han lofttho scenes whitih latoly provided ao much arauflomont (>r liis spare bour<. One of tho trngtoeu said yesterday "it looks as if Wiluon i^u't oomiu^ back," al though ht* had not givon any notice of bis intention to leayo. At present the sohco is olortijd, until a toachor can be securrd. THti BUPOET FnoMTrjerCAPlf AL. A focuUnr Thaaa In tlia Apreamtint - twnmt tho City mid btra'at Ily. Cropa Up, Ottnwn, April l..~A nuw and eomowhat -Peoullur phftwof tho city's bargain with tho Btreet KjVllwny Company liae nrlaon. ^ n'ppoiLrH 'thuf undor a clauHo of the con tract tho company by simply forfeiting their bond of W.000 that' Uw*' with tho city truAsumr, mt^ht^hiclino to build any ofthullnott Htipulatefl by tho agrunmnnt jo bo built this your, lnoludlm? Klfrln^ Thuodom and Nicholas atreots. It Is thoro- fom thought tho ooiuinUtAt) Hhonld not he too hard on tho com puny, or tho olty might, hiKu nil tho projootud llnoH. . Want I-*Orl iml Wliarf Uoimlrt,,!. A dopuUMon cohHlKMn'j? of Moshw. TTnll, JolmKton and Bfivld, of L'OrlKnal; D. BiilMmrln, Conservative- ciindldnto for Pros* cott; Hurtuhlso, CouBOrvatlvo Litdtdnt for nuwwU; Lowry, of DuucanvUlet OhAtululn and Captain BowIk, of Ottawa, waited on tho Mlulstor of Public Works to nrue that tho wharf at L'OrlKiml Hhould ho repaired. Mr. .Oulmufc promised to tiiko thu mnttor Into oonHldonitlon. Montr.ml'* \Vnrt<l'H l',i-, A dolflfmtlon from Montreal, bonded by Mayor VUlommvo, waited on tho Govorn- nutnt on Ratunlay and asked that asslflb- iiiico he Klvon to tho proposed Intbrna- tlutml fair In that olty. Sir Muokomdo Bowoll nsked thu dologatlou to submit tholr vlcwrt in writing to tho Govern ment, no that ho might lay tho matter bo- fOm llltt COllUflftUQfl. BOTH LEGS CUT OFF. tfohn llitmiltou fotind im thw Hallway Tk-uuL In u Dylmr Cnudltlnii. Jflutchor, April 1. Ah tho mall train waa approiiohlnpf Buxton Saturday night tho ogmlnoor noticed tho' body of a man lying nonr-tho track. Tho body wan takon on hoard and brought to this village Dr. S. N. Young wiuj Htimmoncd and Br. Smith, of St. Thoniaff, rwmt for. Tho tloctorn found on examination that both loflH woro nearly out oft abovo the knooR and the patient In a very critical condi tion and Hlhklng gradually. Ho died at 11.15 p.m. Beforo death ho wan conscious for a fow mlmitOH, and gave Dr. Young tho addroas of a slHtor in Dotroit. Tho frlonda woro at once communicated with nnd arrlvod hero on Sunday morning's train, and claimed tho body an that of . John Hnmll* ton. Comuor J. Tj. Bray, of Chatham, waft notified, and after hearing tho faota ho deemed anA inquefit unnoccawiry and handed tho body over to tho relatives,who tnok'it'to Detroit hist night on tho 10.B0 train, thnnco to Toronto, whoro two hrothem and a slater of deceased Uvtytor. burial; " ' M Spring is Here! :# "Vv" 13 ABE SHOWING A GREAT VARIETY OF Bargains and Novelties in all classes of Dry Goods, Spaoo will nofc permit of a fall list of the good things we have. To appreciate thorn you must come in and see them. In Prints, Shirtings, Towolings and White Cottons 'vre show a large assortment at 5o per yard. Elegant lines of all wool Dress Goods at 25c per yard. We show the only complete range of Zephyrs, Chamhraus, Fancy and Plaia Ducks, and Mattings with Laoes and other Trimmings W match. Remember if you want to be in style you must have these goods. We have a special thing in Table Linens afc I8c a yard. Ladies ! w-e have Colored and Black Kid^'-w^Tc* #1.00 per pair, equal to any in town at $1#50 per pair. .ACCIDENT-ON TUlrtOfn THE...G.XJ*. In * rOOTBAIjti. There aro some thirsty mon m Essex. A goad jolto iu thiy oonneotion in told about Arthar Sloto, Not an April joke either. Arthur brought his band-saw up town to leave with a well known saw-flier, who happened to be out. Tho .saw waa loft with another man to be given tho filer, aud when Arthur roturned to the latter, he was informed that it had nob been loft at the plaoo aa ordered, and on inquiry, learn od that a saw answering the description of his own wan held ky a local hotel keeper who had takon it in payment for a fow drinks. Arthur paid the oharf*eti, and will be more careful hero after. OpoHtnig oftheMpnrtlita Neasftti brlkt Orastulxattvu. A KiURSvilIe correspondent says : Where there's co d there is khs, and whore gs. in o plentiful as found in these regions, oil iaoloooby. It will be newa to many to kaow that experta were here last week and havti|le[t;but who, boforo leaving, thor oughly explored, aud If we were able to flhow you the papers concealed on their persons whon leavinji we oould show you a map olearly dohuinc: a groat oil belt, which lies mostly west and uorthwest of Kwtfaville. Bnftloe it to ssy tho oil experts .left here fully aatisudd \\ut Kshex Co. haa ooemie of od lindorlyiufl the whole sputh Western portion of tho count), and.further, H men with braina aud money willjdu- jp the same bofor^-aubther your pass- Claude Vance showed the FiftHS Pubsb a froak in ken fruit on April foel day that waa a pretty good thing indeed. Whon abked where it oauo from, C lauded aid he bought a doiuu of brcu at a grocery that aftornoon, and when onoof them was opoo- ed, it w<is found that it contaiuod iueido of it another egg, normal in every particular except as to size. It waa about tho uizo of a canary's egg. The large efitf, in which it waa feuud was also O. K. Of courea Claude promised to po back to the grocer and pay for tho thirteenth egg, Whother the April fool joko perpetrated by the old hen, waa intended for the prooor, Mr- Vauoo, or tho lattor'B visitors, Claude says not. Midsummer Exams, Hifih School Entraupe, JPnblio Bohool Lsavinu, nui Commercial candidates for tho July, 1805, examinations in Essex Conuty must send their applicative to luspeotor Maxwell not later than May 1st and stato diatluatly at whioh of the fol lowing oontres thoy demro'te write, Wind sor, Essex, Comber, Lcamiufttom, Kings- ville, Harrow, Amherstburc. ; Primary; Senior Loavinfl, etc., oandidatee must aend their applications so that ho will roaowo tlumi no later than May 2lth. Ijaob Friday oveninn a large-tiumkor nf those interoited in football mac in K. A. Wismer's oflics to or^auif.o, and to con sider the ddvmibility of outoi'in^ the Pen insular Football Auaooiatioa. This Association has just been organized and comprises tcaiwi from the Soubh Western Peuimmla of Ontario and the Wayne PeninBula of Mlahiwan. Its pur pose is to foster football in these diatriotn and baild up euoh a loague no will n^akc football as interesting hore an it is in the Csntral or Toronto districts ef the West ern football Association. Te orft-aniKo this league daUtfatea from all the principal of tho Western oluha met in Detroit some timo ago, J. At. Short roproseuung Essex, and it waa decided to form the leaguo above named. Westorn Football Association rules " shall govern tais assooiation but the echedulo will ba fashioned after tho manner of tho ho.no. ballleaKuos, whioh will ivo evory toum a clmnoo to meet every other team at least once, the one winning tho greatest number of tfatnos being awarded the peunant, HThis will make txponsss much lighter aad g,ive Essex at least aix house tatH,H' uo the olubdeoided ntmnimoiauly to enter this league. The election of ofliaere resulted aa fol lows: J. B. Brlon, President; W. U. Uiohardaon. Vioo.P^aidont;, ,T. M. Short, Secrotary; J. Gourlay, Treasurer; E. N. LaiD, Gap tain; A. Gourlay, Curator; W. Canning- ham, E. N.^Latu^ R. Hv"BayvUtvCora. Hsproseutatlve to P. F. A., J, M. Short, Asthfre will iu this league Wo tbro:; teams iu Detroit, and two or throo iu Windsor and Walkcrville, the beat, playora there will ho dividttd, and EsRQX. retBinlnjg. allot the old playrrs, will havo a good ahanoe ot standing hifih at tho loagus tin lull. The b'jy* are most enthuuianlio thin year and a* there are twenty or thirty gooid-meu to pick from, thoy will put strong eleven in the Held. There will be full team praotiao ovory Monday and Friday evenings, and a match between the-High Sahool ana town every Wednesday evening. 1 ' Wall paper 2o. roll May's Bazar. iaoo curtaina BOo pr,; curtain poUs and trluiraaaa 25o at Smith's. The Standard Oas and Oil Co. will thin \i-ool( put down their flrat well in Essex. It will be a^lnkon Lako Erie, a few feet from the tfhoro, close to the town Hnr. be- twtou Mersea sud Gosneld- I-'roljvht Cur . Il6Klwy4,(l Itoiir-ICnd CJtillUlon. Tliimllton, April l. An uocldent oo- curred on the main line of the G.T.Tl. nt Hamilton Junotlon yoatorday morn In u about -l o'clock, which resulted In the do- HtructUm of thirteen freight lAra, but fortunatelyjiq liven wero lost. -A-freih train from the west way standing on tho line awaiting orders when another freight from the wcst,\yhlch wan following rnthor cIoho, ran into the rear of'the firwc train. Tho engineer and flrumim of the llrat train juinpud aud were only tdinhtly Injured and no.oihers of either crews wore In jured. Tho oar.-i cjiught lire from tho atovo in the caboose, nnd"thlrtcen freight enrH, Homu of them loaded, wore con- numed^. The city firemen wore called out aad did good work in cxtinguhshiiiK the blaze. A wrecking crew from. Hamilton had tiie line cleared early in the day and trafllc was not delayed. An InvoaLigution .into the cause of the accident will take place,_______________________________ STEAMBOATS AND RAILWAYS- Vatxlnrbllt Syatom A tint-C'uinullau Clmr* A. SI, Smitli lSstnt.o, Othiwa, April 1. Thu--VandorbIltuys- torn havo lon^ been Bald to want lin en trance to Toronto, and It was aald they were hohlnd the now Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo railway. ThiH la conclusively proved by notleo of application In the Gnzoito for an Act giving tho Canada Southern Railway Company power to "acquire, lease or amalgamate" with the T., H. & B. railway. A charter has boon granted to the ox- eoutorfl of tho lute A. M. Smith, of To ronto, to purchase tho steamer Port In and othor voaaolH.and carry on a general trans portation business undor tho name of the. Toronto nnd Montreal Steamboat Co. Itreitlncr Hurt*io*l Oprutlou. London, Ont., April 1. A very In teresting operation was performed at the city hoapltul recently, by which n liucan man would probably recover tho una of a diKnnsod arm, which had hitherto boon stiff and ontlroly usoIobs. Tho patient operated on waa Charloa McCarthy, of Lucan. A dlfieaRo, of .tho bono mado it impoHHlblo for McCarthy to bond his arm at tho blhow, and to romody this Dr. Wis- hart, in tho pro^oneo of Kovornl othor medi cal jnen.mado an oxolslonAt tho elbow and removed a portion of tho bono leading from tho wrlut to tho ahouldor at tho stiffened joint. ThlH gavo tlio bonog room to work and allowed the arm to bond. Ah tho wound heals tho arm Is bont dally. 1>l'llWI)e<l 111 H A1I1I ItllOD, Paris, Qnt., April 1. Patrick Flan- nery, an old and rospoctod resident of Purls, who haw been induing tdnco Fri day night, was found yoBtorday afternoon in tho mill race in tho eastern- part of tlio town. Thore woro no Rlgun of ylolonco, but his faco wan badly bloated. Tho volunteer rescuing crow had hard work In finding tho body, aa tho only clue waa an old hat supposod to belong to tho do- oeaBfld. The race wan almoflt full of lco and It had to bo drained, and then tho lco had to ho out and thou drained agojn before thoy found tho body. Coronor Sinclair has orderod an lnquost to bo hold to-day. ________ ' ..^____Mnsonlfl Illnok for Cayucu. ^-Cayuga, April 1. Tho hmmbora of St. Jtilih'o todgo, No. B5, A.F. & A.M Cayr uga, havo formed a joint stock company for tho purpoHo of erecting n throo-storey Mnsonlo block in Cayuga. The follow ing brethren woro nppointod provisional ollkoi'Knnddlreotoru: W. BrovJ. G. Car^ ruthord, Prosldont; W. Bro. JaineH Mit chell, TroAsuror; \V. Bro. G. Powell, Secretary; 'and tho following board of directors Bros. L,'L. Harbor, D. Thornp- Kon; W. Rlloy. Tho bxilhllng when com-, ploted will bo.a credit to tlio outorprlRO and energy of tho company. QporutlonB have already commenced. Our Tailoring Department-was never bo well stocke* with choice Tweeds and Worflteds for spring An Elegant Tweed Suit to order $ 15.50; Fancy Worsted $17,00. Shoes A-n extra fine range this aeaaon. Ladies* Walking Shoes, 76c; Button Boots $1 per pair, Genta* fine Laced or Congress for $1125, These aro the best values over shown in Essex. Linen Roller Blinds complete 25c each. CStrOO^ritsS^Granulated Sugar in bbllots 3|c per jjoiindft ITH & CO., WHITNEY BLOCK. ESSEX UKETJ M i4. illiiiiilllllll HllH til* <i. T. It. : Toronto.April 1. Mrs. Kllznhoth Mona- han, widow of tho ..late Qourt Brono^ graphor Wonahiin, hlllod In tho Weutoin iUJi'hlont',~TmT entered suit uga(uBt tho Grand' Trunk railway .for$26,(X. Thej. \vrlt- Wiw UHUitd by' W, J. Wallace, who ithtlolputoH a .sottlomont of the uotlon at a '.figure In tho uolghboriiood of that sued (ot ' t ' Wheat rod per bushel ., ..8 CO to GS Wheat, whito .... 0 Corn * .... 17 Oatn .... 32 to 32 Timothy Seed .... 2 60 Clover Sood .... B 75 to 5 75 Alfiikn .... 5 50 Hay par ton............ 5 00 to 6 00 lieof per owt............ fi 00 to 6 50 Pork " ............ 5 35 to G 25 Mutton............ 5 00 to 600 Uidea ............ 2 50 chickens per lb.......... 8 8 Buttor ".......... 12 12 Lard .......... 8 10 Ecrb, por dox.......... 10 Potatoes, por bushel .... 61>ta" fiK Onions .... 7Kto 80 Apples .... 60 to CO Turnif .... 40 Carrots .... 40 Beets .... GO Parsnips .... 45 Turkoye por lb.......... bto 0 Ducks .......... " 8 Celery por doz .......... 100 Cabbage .......... 25 Hlvam XVatlter & Hon^Iiifak'kel U^povi Ko. 1 Rye, per hushol .... 46 1 Corn .... 45 Oatn .... 26 Tho abovo prices aro paid by, 0, Walker Soni], Wtilkorvillo, Ont. CALL AT W. H. EVANS, TOR GOOD Freah Bread, BuidB and Fried Cakes, Fresh and Swoofc each day. Fresh Candles and Cakes on Baturday, Orders promptly delivered. WOODSLEE Cheese Factory Milk Cans and Dairy Utensils ! You can get tho right thing from Winn Hardware* Essex. CALL AT Emporium. -ooo G. May's Bazaar, FOR ALL KINDS OV Window Blinds away dovm Chinaware, Bric-a-Brae, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, ' School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents ng^ To Smokers To meet the wiuhee of their oantouereW The Geo. & Tuokett A Boa Co., !*& Hamilton, Ont, market hitvo pUoed upon |k#>. A Oomhination Plug of WILL NOT BK0NDERSOIjD. The boufcef Leather aud nrufc-olae* Work- tmuHhip. All baud work. Evury HarnoBH wold by mil made in Wood- Pluo. My Block of LUht and tlcavy IlaruoMH i** now comploto.aud a Hplen: did titoolt of ell Horno OoodB. Ilepainn^ done promptly aad ohcap. , . WrichT'-'c. smith, South Woodslee* "T & B."4 1 SMOKING TOBAtiCff '...... Thia supplies a long folt.wunt, giis.; in tho ooiiHumcr on<j,20 ocufcplviji^ or a 10 coi t pioce, or a 5 cent pieo of iho famous MX & B"1, br*d1iP%l p^ro Virginia, Tobacco. '4-'r'-4- 4-: $$ the tia tag "t & fi"'is .on ,wwy :^|| :'J.:-'. 774916

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