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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 5, 1895, p. 4

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L^'-BrV'.1- ' Ik: '^Kv^v ft-, f'_ . _ '^"W,V^*U'. *Ui SVV Tills ahould bo the dunirc of ovsry oi "Your 1 owe in year kingdom and ahouM be juat Hi oomfortublo and bunutifitl as" yor upiin will allow. LiUtln MpuinmliH ikco* e.a*y to deooraie your toomit with our . .r^^3B i^ RR.ESF0NPCNCE1 Wall Papers Bund for sample nud pointers on Paper Huugintf. Consumers' Wall Paper Co. Windsor, Out. The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, AriW/fi* 1895, By bui owrjyo^Wicii puHBoit on Satur day* the *ot of parliament providing for the new ballot iu to ba brought into f*roo immediately. Tha now billot will Wvo littlo oppurtunity, if any, for error* suoh *a frequently epoil votoi. It will bo black except the blank upaon onponito tlu nanin of 6aoh candidate, on which the voter U to place his dwoisiv crrniq. If mUukoit oa cur under thiH plau tlicy will bo oithor frra willful negliganoft or tfrontf oarelen" nBH, Tha nw ballut will ba . tried '" tllt1 by*-rjlectioHH, and that will tost iU utility for tbo ga'narul olootlona. Tha Michigan Stata Spart.imaii'a An- goomtiou or* aHkiug tbo La'culaturo of that State to tas* a law prohibiting spring duck booting, as th* practice prouiuca to booh xtarmlnato tbo daaU. D Foront Paine M,ytliH water-fowl common te tbo region of the great lakga *rs migratory. Tluw l\y flauthwiird i tha fall and coma buok uuiuu iu tbo spring. Including, in.Jhgao wlihdi oOmbuakin tbo spring, mid alight find feedasBoanaa tbo lowr lu-ktia uud con- nscting stream* arc reached, *ra eauvup- backs, r#dlieads. wldueaua, salUrdiv-toalu and pintado. Thoaa are tbo bout came duokH. After arriving in this ian*~uru^ bably fatigued after long uiebts over' M)p, Vnd, thoj gladly tako to the water for rent and to#d, Naturally the oe boaring pariad baing in a state of advancomeat.thn destruction of a paroat duck tnounu tbo low oi many prtinpfiotiva young one*. - Ii *quires no particular argument to ahovr tha inhumanity in tbo praafcica of duck booting in thw pnoK tim. TUore aro lull four mnth of duck nhootiug from tbo Couikly KOiMlH. Jini-roK Fhkk Vnuat: Dkah Km. t bay* road with ihtflroat tba vnriouu diituuHuioiiB in your Valuable- pupae br.-itriutf on thiw wubjeot, and I hop* this ef- f[u:L will b to turn tbo attention of the t'ulfipuym'H of tbo county to a mueh-totiedotl i-it form. Few rtiformn art) brought r.hout without diwouHuion and agitution, and thin in tny oxnuito for imtorutg uito tbo armm. I do not intoud to dluoUHu purtiuularly tbo merlin or deuoeritu of any of th fornitf luttwra. Tlioiio of your reudorw who aro in- torohiod may dotbat. 1 will uav, Ijowevur, Mint. I am worry that our frind, Mr. Cortto, ImNdooidod to witluimw from tbo dinatih. hum), t'Hpoainlly wbon bu juat touohuH upiiii II vury important policy. To tnko.ovor tb oswnty linua and plauo tbum, a moou aa praotioablo, in a Jirat-olafiH condition by grading aad |*ravillinu i. I Hulirtvo, tbo wiatiat poliuy that a in ba pur- Huud by the county iu ill* matter of toadn. fluch up.iboy would rewult in ahooit ini- imii.suntblo bonofU to ov#ry ratopayur m tbo comity. Tbo value or laud iu-bu**d upon Un uun*rHl onvironmont, Uh quality, niid i'n iicccHH to market. How would Huah a policy otfuct thoao ccimiitioua? . Tboiu ia iiooouutV iu the Vo- minion that Iiilh.mo largo a proBOitiou bf Hood agriuuHural land. Then why in it tliat tho bout farum in tbm county hU for priuort at lount 'J5 to 50 por rnmt. \um tban tiio namo quiilir.y oi Und in tbo couiHioh uitHt und north of u, where, tbo .(jdnoral charaotorof tbo Und i uot noany youood ? \Vh> i* it that all the loati corapa,mon charuo-from 0 to 7% fot l'jaua on roalcwtita in tbia oountv, and io llio oountiqji eant of iiH tbo rato io"l4 to 54 ? Maldon iu purhapn llio foronioat townHbip in ih* oouuty, in tho matfor oi roada und farm improvement! but booauHO of ith proximity to otburpooror towuabina, tbo Hulling valuv of tlio lurid in tbu wholo towuMbip in roduced '25% bulow what it would bo if tbta* otlier townalupn' wtiro ua wall favorod an it is; or if tbo policy of th comity had bt*eu an pro^rowive for tho lat twenty yeara ua tho polioy oi that townnhip btt* bean. If tho townships of Maldun woro one of tho townuuipH e( Mid. dli'wox llio market valuo of itfl' land would bo from '25 in 50% hiRUor, tba rates ot in- tereuton loaut*wouldbafrom i,tol%low*rt jiiui bouuuKO of Ha proximity to livo and pro(,'fo-Hiv*-fartnititf int*r*Mta. Now if thin iu tiuo or.Maldon, it.m more than doubly true ot noma of tbo othur townwUipH iu ihe aour.ty, and, tbi'y boinji ho, tho motimport aut question for our oouuty couaodlai'a i, bow to brtnii about that condition that will raiao ibm oounty te the position that it ounbt tQ.hol^uKriouUmcailyin.tho_ntaviQoa. Tbu uantoru farmer iu not accuHtomod to 'tho paorroadu w bavo lior. It in impoi- aiblo iu moBt-partiL.QOho oounty for tha farirjera to patronize tbo clniBad"ftt<3torioa a yroat Iohh to both thorn and th faotonea. The cheeuo itidutry in Central Ontario in 11 most important one, but in tbia finoat grazing county id thaiproviuoo it is altnowt a failuro, bi<GnuMo of tfio patronuRQ out, off by poor roada. Bocauua of tbitt tliBan cant- em farmeru who havu mpuoy and praoiioal oxporionoo iu.tiio maut improved mothoda of fxrminc have tarnod tbair baokH ou thin pie for every human* oportaman. Prayer Mcetlnu*. MomUr* of H6Vral cburcb conjroflRtlona of tbio tow have aokod tbo Fiik PnBflu to brinfi bafore ttae public tbo maftor of ne- lootnig a oartain ninbt in tho woek, to be anerved by all tho congregations au a Kaaeral prayei-moetiug night, It ifl not thoujibt the preiaut avntom U tbo mont (lorirablo, ohit/flr f^om tbo fact that tho four qonxroa&tionu havo oaob a ueparatc Might of mooting. Henco, if any ontf 0? thorn doniro to havo a apacial gatberiu(j of any kind, it is bboly to conflict with .the prayor mooting o!hmooongr0natbn. Tho sawo may bo aaid of the meetine of tho eociotioa ot young pooplo in tho town. Tho BuggflBtion of having aoerUin uiglit In th* wok, obsotvei by all tho differout tieQominationu,would aenm to bo a good o.io. It weald prevent the pooaibility of meotings cfany other kind coufllofciuc with tbo prayer mooting, from the fact that it would bo cnoralIy"undari)tQodrtbat tho night was ranorvoi) for most of tbe oharoh-fioini; peo ple of tbe towH. Tha remaining nigbta of th weak would a!no be lift opon for olioiaa for gatheriuga and the paopla of all the oon- ^rofffitioua wonUba moro frea to attend. ThTTimM FiUEtiVflUKfieatB that tho heads <>'. tho oongrogatioMH cot together, talk tho rmttcr ovor, and ma!to a ohoico of a night, What caya somebody V KniToa ITkbk I'bxbh : l>KAa Bin,-Kindly all w, mo apaoo tQ. reply to Mr, C.E. NaylorS-uljarRaB iu tha Kitten tuna* of iant week ra to'tbq, matter. of tiliarcpreBoiitajtions hai*l to bo made by mynolf. I fail to aoo wbor t I have been "j^liy~~Ot~ttiiything-of thn-kindr^Imfactr that quality I uavnr before have been ac- oused of peimaaaintf, and if I have mUreprt* entod any citron I orave pardon, for I am are I nrvnr iutandod doini> *0. I haw I- Wayu recognized Mr. O. 3! Maylor arm falr- mmdtfd oitizou, and am Morry that with a bmall matter of thin kind, ho ihould ruah into print. Tho wholo dinpUto may be num. marizud an follows : .About throo yea.ra ado Mr. 0. Ifi. Naylor applied to th* uoun- oil aukipii to have a water Hervloe put in at bin mill, for lira protection only. Tbe ap plication uau {[rantod and I don't think any oitizon, tuyaelf inuUdod, wlabod him to pay for that privilo, therefore tlmro wu no uho writing to C, Walters or to H- M. *TobiiHtou 111 tho mattoK, and au I have tho honor to represent tbe uitUotiH on tho water committee of tbo 0011 noil, I do think that Mr. C. E. Maylor Hhould pay amouut pcoiflad in by-law for wauhlug cuthiaboil: era aud rotillimj them, amoo the time the aiirvioo waaputiu. Taking into oomddom" lion tho large amount of watur ntiod in othar wave, onUlde bf what ho uneu-in tho boilorn, I do think that would mn-ke up for tho tiuio hiu boilera atand idle. It coat the ttiwn iioino oi^bteen dollara to put that Harviau in, aad aa Mr. NayU-r put tho wat- or service to other uno than what he aykod it for, iu my opinion ho idiouldpay tho bill without Hayinc one word. Mr. C. K. Nay- lor ban alwaye been a tron advooato of almost cvory obligation atisiimod by tho town, tbo ivatorworka iucluded. and I ateod by him in tho lattar. I behove ho hhould pay hiu nbaro for tho water Rounad, and Hhould uphold mo aa an officor in tryirifj to colhjct a rovenuo from tho watotworkfl, ovou though it atrikou bis own pocket aome whatbeaw. Don't you thiukao, ratopayeiu? An for all tho other mattoru in Mr. May- lor'n lottor, the citixoua iatoreatad know all about r.aoh ol un. Now, Mr. Editor, pardon mo fo>* taking 00 much *paoo iu the maU f r, butinjuHtioe to myaolf L could not lot Mr Nil) loi'o lottor ko unnotiacd. Yoma otc, ,T. A. fllUKH. Enaex, April lot, 1895, 1895 New Spring Goods 1895 During the past ten days -we -hitve been very busy receiving and passing into stock large consignment of new Staple and Fancy Dry (roods, G-entS' Furnishings and Shoes. Other\iines will follow in a few days- ' ' Better Value than Ever. la tbo vonlict of M10H0 who bavo Boon our now Prints, New Ginghama, Now Clmmbrayfi, New Satoona, now bvt^- and VVbito UoitonH, now Shirtinga, now Cottonadoa, now Laco Curtuinu, now LaooH, now Veiling, new Uoao, otc.- Our Men's Shirts at Twenty-five Gents are very Cheap. Wo also liavo oxtra valuoa at 30o, at % ^. at 7fio. at 81. Wo aro showing a Iurgo ra go oGotitu' Fine Silk Nock-wonr, in tbo nowoat rnakoH of Knots, DetbyK and Bown. At Twenty-five Gents Each, Our now styles in Ladies' Oxford and CongroHR Bhoos wo Noat, Stylish, Gool and Cheap, What moro ii nocoaaaty ? Extra vaHic'fl in Mon'H Strong and Fino Bhoos and Long Bootu. - We are the Clothiers of Essex:. If you want good Styliah Clothing at low priooa, como to ua. Wo do tho Grocory trudo vory fino, as our host of natroriH know. UancLsomo Parlor Oloolca and Fine ^rendlx Mirarore* SF'tfoo. Yours for^ Bargains, ft DtTWS'r^lT SHOOK, ESQEIT- TEACHER WANTED. FOlt H. . No. ll.GOBFIKIvD KCmTH. BKO- end or third oluii4 cortinoato, with exnv- ionoo. To tultu aituntlon at onoo. Must be Pro- oiul or third olau cortinoato, with exnv- untlon at onoo. Must be r tootaut. Apply to 11. HOK, floorotary. Cottnm P.O. April 3, lfiOO. time th* tail aeanau upoun, and that intrm- ^ycnity.r and for the lant ton yoiira, ao far ne Farxnors. Get Kuaily! 3?arna*r and otbetra having corn plantnrn rog.uiMBtf repairy, aro rcqueotofllito bring : tem in *&rly, ao tho rush will] aoon coin* - -ttHMt I will be in a position to handlo a i *i of Mjpainnf!, during tho noxt few wooka, V *d Will also hayo Homo Qno now pi an tors : < Bal#, w have promisouS of an efirly * ringt ao don't delay. * Fhkp Eobinbon Talbot *t.i opponito Dr. McKonzio'u vefli- o nflB,3Sax. tf X&Btor MoIIdatyH. ' Uat ot oad lowoat first olana fara for the ^ iud trip botwara all atatioun in Canada, ' ul aUtiona ia Canada to Detroit and De- r -tit t atationd iu Oauada, and viitWaUr- .rd to poimtfl ott tbo T. H. cfc B. It'^. D*Ut of *! April Hi 12, IS. Xioketfl sold on tb ebova daUa will ba r od Klnitnutil April 16,'Itoalft for return ..-"To touchirs and atudontK only of High ' '\o!b and GolIeRfl, oh preavtitiitlou ot lard form of oortifloato from principal, V - .i of <iu aud oue-third lowat flrat- ' /ar tor round twp. ./toBoF,alo( Muroh 9i to April 1% hi- >. .1 i/a, bmlt to rotarn ait Inter than April lldren over 5 yopri of um* and uaf"*r v: L,t.iy be aold tiukntn at baif3uH fure. . ' , A. O, Stla:*, ' wettlumowt goea, wo havo been almoat at a utandstill. What bfctler policy could wo adopt tban tho ono juat mentioned by Mr: Conto ? Aud it MrjOcuULW in favor ,oJJt, in what way could ho aa^va his county butter than -by unint; hiu well rocotjuizod abilitioi iu odu- oatinu our poop I a a p to tha no niary level required to eupprt aaoh'Iupialatiou 1 A Bohema raqulrina $200,000 JaokB UrRo, and undoubtadly it io, but it in not nearly ho Inruo aa it looks, and X want* to abow what tho individual rospomiibility would amount to under it. It would requiro an annual payment of about 910,000 to repay a loan of 8200,000 iu 25 yoaro, including interest, Tbiu would maan just II pur ouch 91000 on tho equalized aHVuaraunt bf tho oounty. That would mean that aaoh farmor ownina an improved farm of 100 acres in tbo oounty would pay on aa aver* ago abont 83 por annum* Xboao in olone proximity to tho improvement paying a littltt mora, and thona further away a Httlu Ickh. But iu a veuy fow yoara tho asaeBflod vfiluu would undoubtedly bo mareafaed by tho aoitlvmont of the unimprovod landu. Moro than that it would tond to steadily riiduco tuxatiou. Our taxeo an high bo> oauso wo havo 00 muoh unimproved land tbut in uow iihueatiod low. A polioy that will brrni; thiu uudt.-r ouUivation will not only rcduoo taxation, bub will.juikunco tho vulue of ull tbe land in tbii^ftuiiityr^BoBidB thid wbut would bo dived to the farmsr iu tho woar und tour of bie boraea, barnoua, wu^onu, bunion, eto., in tbo advantago of yottiuK to market whan tbe land uaatoo wot porbapu to oultivuto, inutead of having to iiojiluot hia laud in ord v-td-Mavket bin produce whilo tho roaua aro dry. But whilo Halting.tho adoption of uuch a BChcmo an thin, la it wine for oar oounnil- lora to adopt the ponnv-wiae aud pouud- foolinh polioy of doing nothing at all, be- cftUBo all tho ratepayers in tho oouaty would not oujoy an equal uharo of the ban cut. Suppose tbia principle were to be rigidly onaotod of all our ligialatorn, Bo- wiuiou and Provincial, what would bo th run wit? ' The proposal that wa? mado to tbe county oounoil at its January nocoion waa one that would bavo benefitted ibo Iartboat ratepay er from'tbo work moro than it would have eoftt bita. Tho tax on tho beat 100 acrea in tho county would uat have exceeded CO oenta for ono yeaVonly;'a/Urge p*rt of tbo work would bavo been dono by private aub- noriptiou. While I am advooatmg tbio ichorao I wlah to nay that the fiuanuial bonoflt torae would not b3:nreatdr than to tho average ratepayer in tbe county, hot I recoauizo tho vory great benefit that muafcomo to all of uu by ita~ adoption, - : Hoping that-we may have wore on thin important eubjoat, I remain, ^ Yaura truly, ......'0. 13. 'NA-sr.on. Ebhox, April 2nd, 1895, War Ahead *r AuytliluK X Have Uvr Mf. John Ritzcr, merchant, Waterloo, it&ya : "I have uWon Biark'a Powdera (for Headaobn, Cohtivonoua, Biliouauesa and NeoraltiJa) an extonnive trial, and flod them to 1 give tint tjreato.it vatiifaobiou iu my family. I cau vory highly rflcowmend them. They aro far ahead of anything bavii evor uiied, and 1 have tried^naany remedies:*4 Bel I by bll 'dra^Iata at 26o ibox, 5 batei 81. Nice to talte, imaaedi- ate and permanent, . A ". A Good Man Gone. The followiufcia clipped from a Buo- ImmiRh, Wash.i aev/apaperol recent tlato, tti.d-haa roforonoe to tho father of Mr. G, li. HeodarBon, principal of E*>ox public nobool. "Mr. I. C. nondomon, father of B. G. Hondoraon, draggiatrof tbia city, died early oa Saturday moruiug last, at the roaidence of bin son-in law, Mr. Wm. Winejza^d.agod 7.3 yearn. Ho had^oon a aufferor from rheumatic for many y<arw,J>nd with in, creajing yeum ether ailments followeJ.and a gonoriil bio a It down of the ayato took toek ploco. Hie, funeral took place tits Sucday from the place whore be paaad away, aad wan attended by a large cow- oonrie of friuuda, the aervfooa being oom- dticted by ItevHtioBourd, of the Methodiak church. Mr. Henderson waa an old man. He paused the allotted day, and aa hia-hair gre w whiter aud hia atep aldwer hia beaut 1 "ful ohuraoter sbono ont in bolder relief. Always patient, cheerful, eyispathetio and tender, he waa the idol of the yeunn, and the roNpooted and eateemad friead <*f tkoae of more raaturo yearn. There a a num- hor of pcraone iu thiaoity who have been acquainted with bins aearly all their llyei, und it u to their credit that fchey did net wait until the pale uieaienger called before oxpreAsina their appreciation of hia many virtuei, but ahvaya apoke of hiaa In endear* ing terms. Of hie pant biatory tbe Tribune aayii; "IO. Hendomou was a native of New York, but at an earlv ago movad to Canada whore he wae nutted iu marriage to Uisa Belinda Guaniney, who livea to mourn her oompauien of tbe paat 60 year*. Mr. Eon. demon tanght aohool for leaae time In Oan- ada, and tbun engaged lu tbe hotel btieineuti, in wbiob he apent 25 ye&ra of hia life with aucii BQcceau that six yeara ago be was en. ablod to retire. He then moved to Bno- bomtnh, vauiihntf here eyer aince. Beaidea tbo wife, tho following children mourn the death of tbtir fathor: Mri. Rtaoy, lira, Win. Winegard, Urn. V. S. Swerdfi^er, Ur. B, G. Benderaon, of Buohomiah ; Mr. Albert Henderson and Mra. Q. Van Gump, of St. Xuomai, Dakota; J. W. Hendenou, Gonvoneur, N, Y.; G. B. Houdcrion, Ehb*X, Out.; D, Jl. H*Mdoroti, JfCmgiley, Iowa. "Mr. Hendoreon waa|ft poueiatept mam* bor of the SJtnthediet; olHurob, and in hie buBincmfi and private life waa alwaya up right and honorable a refilled Christian gontlemin." y"" ' ? .' YORKSHIRE PIGS FOR SALE. Look, Now! Tun TJNDRItSIGNED HAS VOR. SAIiR lino lot of Ironrovod 'Yorkshire Plfia, pi 9S, with roaintorod iiodiftron. nmtu lew Bo TJNDRItSIGNKD HAS 1'OR, SAIiR A Iirico oare ftlforHorvtco. Also" a well'brad yaclui; driver, veryohoup. Apply to 14,31 w.b.hmitu. Boutb WoocUlee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tbo Matter of James McMurray, of the Town oTIilbiex, Tinsmith. NOTICE IS HEIIEBy" GIVEN THAT THK abovo named Juuioh BlcUunay bua mado anaflnlaninunt to 'me, under tbe.provieione cf Obaiiter Vii, It.B.O.,lBb7, and Rroendmonts there-1 to, oi all bin ontato and oifocta lu trust, for tbe bunentef bin crodltoni. A mooting oi tho ureditors of tbo an-M James MoMurraylahorbby convoned anil will be held at the law olnoe of E. A Wismor, In tbo Town of BBBex, tn tbo County of Bseex, on Monday, tbeUtbtlayof Ainrll', 18W, at th* houir of two o'clock in the aiturnooa, tor the appointment of Inspector!! aud the Riving of directionu witn ref erenoo to the dlflposal or tbo mid GBtato. All orodltore of tbo wild .Tao MoMurray are hereby required to file their olaimn with me, nroBorly voriflod, an direotod by tho atatutos in that behalf, on or nofore tho day of mob, meet- lag, after which date 1 shall proooed to distrib ute the said estate, having WKftifd only to anoh claims as I shall have"uotloeof and I shell not be reuponslblo for tho asutta of tbe Maid eittate, ovauy part thereof, to any person or peraons wbone claim or olahae snail not have been nlod Dated at En'uox this 4tb day of April, 1W5. JOHN W. GIBBON, Assignee, . 14-21 Biaex,OnK. MORTGAGE SALE ! VALUABLE TOWN PltOP&KTY. IN TnH IfOWN OS' KBBEX, IN TttB COTJN- ty of Knae*, there will be soldou Friday. April 5th, 1895, at 1 o'clock In tho afternoon* *t. the Iloyal Hotel, lc the Town of Eb*o*. byvlrtue <Jf powem of sale eoutainwl lu a certain njoiUjaua. which -will be iiroduced at tbo sale, the followlug pro- PeXsW and 60, on the east aide'of OamqKin avo., In tbe said Town of Essex, hiu a (rout- iiRoof lOOfootby tdopth of 100 feet, aa ohowu on wlau No. 116 the The follnwlagbulldlng is Slid to be oraoUrt ou i property: a two-etory brlok elad dwelling. TEHUt). 15 per eeut. of the parohaflo money to h<* paid ilown on the day of sale, For balance toruis will be made known at tbe sale. For furthei particulars apply, t* . JONES, MAOKKNZEK A LEO WARD, flolieitors, Toronto tt., Toronte. 1-31 or to GEO, J. THOMAS, Kiaex. ^ulS^r^^Tc^la^ F S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES, A largo stock, all nw goods and latcHfc Novoltioa. I tako no back Boat on prices. SCHOOL BAQS, I havo.a largo stock, coughfc at bottom priooa, and can beat fcbom ail. for price and quality.' Call and soo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness He'ayy Harness - W EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo etook and it must go. Call and aoo mo boforo buying olBow.horo Eweryfhing in fhe Horse Furnishing Line. J F S- Adams. Two doors salt of Bate's Cai-riiRO Works, Kbmx. Tho M. O.K. euMtboundexpreaa |<aaalag< Eseex at 7.1(J, M. O. K. time, now Rtop on atonal, and the oautbonnd express panoiuR here at 10.03 a. m. alaolatopa here- on nig. nal. Obaugea in the time card, aro expect- id thio month. Mammoth Furniture Store OF TKEE VyTBST, . _ OwtmccoBfl ia duo to our motto, "Quick Sales and Small Profits," "VdR'tHE SPRIMQ TRADE -"' ' Wo havo UQod ovory effort to mako the bcBb eolebtiona of all claHaos of Fur- nifcuro to suit the buyer. In tho past wo havo mado yon prices to livo ai lot live, and now for tho coming season wo will go ONE.BpTTER. ."""" VVc bavo just tccoivod a larg consignment cfBaby Carriagoa which w will sell at !*w nd upwards. ,. -^-pai' Drawing Room Botts, $45 and npwards, of many designs Dining Room Botts, LoatiiortCobblor,Cane and Hardwood Boat Ohairij largo varieties, Extonsion Tabloa of many styles; also Oak, Walnut.Chori and Hardwood Bide-boarda. a0o Bed-room Suifcoa to select from. Wo havo a very large lino of all kinds of Furniture at vory low prices Come and soo ua before buying and judgo for yourselves. You will sav* both ttJonoy and time. Window Bhados, bostin tho market. Curtain Polos,TOak,"Maple and Hardwood, 25c upwards, complete. AS FUNERAL FURNISHERS------- Wo havo tho largest selection of both Caskots and Coffins MotullicH, Clot! Walnut, Oak and Hardwood always on hand. PROFESSIONAL EMBALMING-------- T^ay Tbono, 115; night 'Phono, 108-2r. All orders promptly attended tc WHITE AND DAM HEARSE 73 and 75 Sandwich St., Windsor, Opp. Crawford House! Lassaliiie ^ ^ons. < ' <++ &l*lJ\l*L/-TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. m THE TOWN OF ESSEX, TOWN OF ESSEX TO WIT, WnKBUiB, by virtue o! a warrant Uauod by the Mayor o! tho.Town o( Khbox, in the Geunty of sho^, and authenticated by tho corporate xoal of the said Town, bearing elate the 25th day of January, 1895, and to me directed, commanding mo to levy upon tho follewiufc lota or parceln of land for arrears of taxeu duo tboreon, witb aoata. I hero by Rlvs uotioo that anlssa th* aaid tuioa and oonta aro Hoonor paid, X ahall n Saturday, tha 18th day of May, 1895, at tha hour of 10 o'olook in tho forenoon, a Peck's Hall, in tho Town of Easox, prooaad to sail by public auction tho said Uuds as much tlmro of an bay ba tmficlnt to nay auoh arrears of tax oh and all lawful coats incnrrad; Plan. Lots. 181 861 G7f * 96 , 35 26 21 28 20 70 8 0 33 17 U 41 29 ao 4 fi5 50 C7 G8 38 29 2JIG-H0 ,12 170 fi 28B 2 fl) . 300 3 f 235 -H5 2H8'-. 7 8 .> 288 0 10 i 17U 200 247 72 28 39 30 31 23 25 3tt 13*t pav|i M. 40 01 12 . o ..., 0 7 8 0 2 24 25 22 . 27 28 20 a& fi 57 88 89 40 42 43 44 45 .4(5 47 48 Block.122 ________ "Iilok02 . . . r.look OU 234 247- 807 S29 23G 206 307 277 177 207 277 179 300 2<ia 207 175 207 234 385 800 292 200 203 1, I*leeks45.46 47 CO AC 1 , Lot 2, plan 267 , J Block 109 Taxes. 53 11. 5 38 2102 40 90 71 33 11 81 16 44 35 22 30 U 44 fifl 50 18 35 95 19 87 '< 88 86 43 83 89 93 24 21 24 21 86 16 15 15 15 60 . 23 01 49 oa 88 61.- 23.73 2G 85 20 42 4196 . 271 91 : m.09 . 10300 10 47 , 189 12. Oouta. 3,90 1 55. 4 23 2 80 3 67 1 5. i 71 a 17 2 00 3 71 7 97 2 78 <2 39 2 26 4 39 ; 2 30 B 20 3 20 a 20 1 68 3.48 1 87 B 65 3 61 1 88 206 i 8i; 155' . 6 S> Total. .56 01 6 03 25 25 43 20 75 00 13 86 18.16 37 39 32 14 '48 39 67 16 88 13 22 26 41 13 48 It 42 33 37 41 27 41 38 36 16 8S 19 08 24 88 45 67 92J2 25. 6t(^ 27 91T .-22-SW?- l',.55,kJp.Kr.-^! tuWttt W. D. BiauiN, Treaatirer, 46,86. , '9<MpaK3 mWmiW"'- """sisApilsMsMsI'lTiil'ii " liililhillilBsWsWis^TMsiiiMM

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