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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 5, 1895, p. 3

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WrVr 0 i. ,'*: , ' > - Hit ' %i .$ "."/ 1 H ii, i^QBB^ PEWS PRE^ / In Time . iinm mi, mini bUlLUl Na bOcibYitiS. PaineVOeEeryGoiriDQund makes PeoDleWell. THANKFUL PKOPLB EVERYWHERE GLAD LY ENDORSE THE GREAT MEDIdNE. The PriMiilftt' Jimticr Sell luxl ill r-Tlit'Ii*' * MiuNtor Of QOJimjJ^lbliL-XiJL Tlin hfuiiltnhit t-^lmol Mafttik* tti liu **L<ift Ul'l 0|i4in OiHiiithm- Only Hio i-'utlnmti'* t< ho mi Mil It ikI to riallii- nittiit -Aii I^itrty Appi'iil to tlio ('(iiititi'y. / It is a Blessing io the Whole Canadian Dominion. Physicians Acknowledge its Great Curing Virtuos. It Makes Strong Nerves and Pure Blood. IT CUBES DISEASE AND LONG-STANDING TROUBLE. Ottawa, Mnreh 30. Tho poll Ural erUln In over. Mir Charlie lllhbert Tupper Iuim returned to m live wotU In tint _ Cabinet, tho dittluulllcw between himself' and tho Premier having boen amk-ably m tiled. Sir'Mnokonzio Howell \suM asked if ftvorythlntf wiih all rljdii, now. Tho 'Phi- id Ut aiiHwcrcd with a hinllo that there Win never anything wron^. It In said that tho rnndltlonn on which Sir CJlntrlm lias mirrriidoied are that no (iiivcnuneiit, nieuMiiv will he lnt rnOiieod this Kfs-.i<m refm*tllnfjf tlin Mauitciha schools, that tlin nmtlor will I in loft an open question and that unly tho t hthnaU'H will bo mibnillted-to J'arllainont, ho that ~tl\6 ".esslon may ho as short an pnnHlhln, thus ffivinu an opportunity of an early appeal Io I ho country aft or piorotfiilnn;. Kir Churlim was at his olUeu la tho l)o- partinont of Justh'0 yesterday, and waa Keen In ronvorKatlnii with Novoral Cabinet MinlsterH, with whom ho appeared on tho host of trrmH. Tlio novt crlHlH will arlno wlion tho Gov ernment snbniitH ltf. policy to Parliament and ahkd a favorable vnrdlofc upon It. Tills will give Hon. Clarkn Wallm'o an nppnr- tuiiit> to duelaro himself (ouccrnhiK tho late crisis. Itinnor has it (hat. an ap;n>onieiit waf) reached through tin* mediation of Kir Donald Smith and Konator Drnnimond. JOE MARTIN SCORES TUPPER. An Ontario Man Strongly Testified, "Lara a liyiue; uitnnittto tho worth of Pnine'h Celery Compound." Thin in tho fttuttnxjunt or Mr. G. 1. Smjo of Sheffield, Out. It malutt people well ! Thin fact in ao widely known nu I ho fully borne (oiU by thoutmnda of inigmUccnt OurcH, that tlio vttatonietu is in itiiolf nufil- cient. Tho whole Dominion huHHeu bltdiscd by tho muvvcllouK work of the (irout medicine, and an army of roucutul and wived m n and woman blons the wAA*' dificovnrer, Prof. Ed.vur 1 K, Pholpa, *M. D., LL. 1). MuHtPi' mindn amount the mo'lic'il men of tho prcfient dny n adilv ncKnowlu'lco the potent and unriue, vi-tuaoof Painp'u Ci-lery Compound. They find it lun-kt-H Htroiifj ue- it (uakeH acrvon aud pure blood, two cHsontiuIn OOflBiiry for health in d utruu^tli. orocHHity, rooiipor'ite lout utrorgth, ft ml yam th honlthfulnean bo necaiHury to main* life plouBUitihlo tor tbo Hummer. All hUoul * bear in mind tho faot that l'aiue'H Oult*r> Compound '*mukfl paoplo wall." Tbo fnllowmf* lettor from Mr. C. J Bin)*, of BheffUld, Out., epehkii oF it wood rouu euro after ull ordinary means nd fail ed to^do tbo w* rk : "It ie wnh. rent,pk-HBure that I tont.if>_ to tbo vuluoof your ({rcutmwhttine, I>ftir]e'b Celory Compound, For uouriy twoyt l^^ I Huffered from intli^eittioi', kidnty and livor tiuublea. ' After tryiu^ Bevoral mcdi Gin* a tliat did not i fl"t ct a cure, I docidoii to try your Oimipound. "Before umuti it- 1 waa bo low in healih tliat 1 coultl not cat oi idot p. I could not lu* in bed owimjl;*Io pmn in m\ iiuok; it wmi only b> rta-Utiff on el- bowa uud kneort I wan owiblutl to obtain u Might degree of uuiio, IJeforu I had.lull} Long nlurfiuc troubb'H mid diuoavca uto | taken nnu boitlo cf your mediumo I bt-t*nu curud by I'ilii:&'h Olcry Compound when ill other medical ugeneien fail in tbeir work. For kidney and liver troubk'H, u m the in fallible remedy. Ni rvnuuduhility, rithauH- tton, irlioplohHnuHf and hnidaoliCK nro quickly uwept away by tliocunnff powera of Pain'a Colorj OompnunJ, Thiu ia the tifauon when thoiielt must, of to improve. I navo in all ttiktu fourteen b.iit'uh wnh nntud roHultH. I am a ftirmcr and am vov/ woikiufj every duy. Anyone mn\ roiur io mo in ra^aid to thoHo Htatc iiientH, or to ai y of my nMjiboru around hiheflltjIU, wlurftl mil well knoiMi. I am a living \".uiifiu to tho worth of Pinue'n Ctl- >uty Con pound." fiayu lilt A tit I <>it in lb" Ildiiuirlii 'llnitnt u 1'itrwiiril iiikI I hi pur llix-nt liny. Ottawa, March lid Hon. Joseph Mar tin, M.P., when nsked what ho thought of tlio resip-nation of Sir Charles Hlbhort Tiippur, wild: "I think the Mlniator of Justice's rchiKiiatlon at tlnS present mo ment is tho morit contcmpliblu trick that any pulltlclan was i-u-r K"-*Hty of, I am hiiro no publlo man in Canada oxcept a Tupper w'otihl do such ji thing. Tlio ro- Klguntloii of Sir Charles Tllbborfc Tuppor in ordinary times would not liavo aiVootcd tho (Jovurniiienr at all; in faot, I should linnglpe tliat Ut ino.stoftho atipporturH of tlio Government in tho Houmi It would be a pfreat relief, but, at tills particular crisis thin niovu is calculated to Inflict groat injury upon the Government, and, while no one will HUspect mo of wlhhinp;, Kir Macken/.le Howell's Govornmonb well, fit 111 J cannot help expressing my dotes- -tfti-hknmfTmch trcacherotin conduct. Tho oxcuso put forward in most frlvoloiiH. . . Ills nation in tho IIuuho i.s that of a forward and importinont boy." CONTROLLER OF INLAND REVENUE^ St Km k'J' Ojmom'cl to Antlvo Iiitttrfiironeo wltli illnuitobu and May Iti*nlp;n. IJrtK'kvlllo,March 110. A personal frlond of tho Hon. J. F Wood in authority for tbo htnteniDnt that tho Controller of In land Kovmnio i.s hlrongly opposed to tho adoption of any policy looking towarda nctlie interferonco with Manitoba and that tliis opposition may (itrry Mr. Wood to tlio length of resigning hin oillco. FINANCE AND Tokonto. March 110, \w,r, Tin* wheat market is sreaily. Koi (i.iii tliero ia an active demand wit 11 pneis a fihtido higher. Thoro is very httlu doing in tlio other yi ains. IJrices arc as follow -, . Wheat, red, flltc; wheat, white, 01 l-2u ; wheat, Manitoba, S\i 1-l'c , buckuhe.it, IJ to *i1c ; barley, No. 1, 41) to r>0u , barley, No. 3, -10 to 47o ; barjey, feed, 111 to -loo ; oats, a5 to Hue ; peas, (l()c ; rye. -itic Potatoes are quiet at 70 to 75u per bag, rota11 Tlio report of tlio various millers who met hero a fow'daya ago, to tlie eireet that thoir atorea woro fur bnlow last ve.u's lias a tendency to fltrengthon the price ol oats ia the local umrlcot. Tlio supply of fresh eggs is not rjuiti'so large, and tho pricta urtj, down ton leason- able Jlgure. Other prodnco is likewise Io bo had in quantity,,and especially butter and cheese, which aro almost too abund ant for tho supply. Fresh ogga are selling' at lit to lfic ; tub butter at 13 to 1 ic ; rolls 15 to 17e ; creamery tub brings 20 to 22c ; rolla, 21 to 23c. Tho receipts of stocks at tbo cattle mar-" kofcyoHterdav woro rather hijjlior than for tho corresponding day of last week. Prices were practically unennnged, ex cept for choice grain-fed lambs, for which thoro wnn a lively demand. Sheep, per hotid, S-LGO to S-j.75 ; lambs, choice, per dwt W to $3 : lainbn, ordinary, cwt., S3 to $3.7!S. AtHufl'alo birloy maltf>teri aio in tho market again for hinall lota blightly under .lUtlnnu Oitnt itt ifiMU uvu n rt>liu*i i'*t AN ELECTION IN HALDIMAND> The Govrnmtnt Wilt Auk for un lCiirtoruu- tlon of ltn 1'olU'y. Ottawa, March C'i. Ilaldimand ia to ho tfieflflffhtlng ground whoro tho Govern ment will uhJc for an endoraation of ita polloy. By tho neceptnnco of Dr. Mon- taguo of tho porfci'olio of Secretary of State, tho heat ^for-'IIaldiinnnd boooinofi vacant, and tho wrltWor-a now election will probably bo intmod this wook. It 1b reported that tho Minifltcr of Fin- ucp, Hon. J. O. Pattorflon, is to romain In tho Mlnlntry without portfolio until Juno, whon ho will bo appointed Llouton- unt-GiovoruDr of Manitoba. Thiitarrango- mtnt waa mado at tho tlmo ho took ofllco utidor Sir Maokonzlo IJowoll. Mr. W. B. Scarth, who 1h aUo In tlio raco for'ilio poflltlon, is horo proving hln olaimH. Tho aid to'tlio Ilv.dhOn Bay llallwny Company 1h in tho nature of a loan of 1^500,000, to bo recouped by lirafc prof- orenco bondH of the compuiiy whon floatod pn tho .Xiundon market, Tho Govern* - ,nont will roUiin tlio cosh and land mnV ' sidles oh a guarantoo for tho duo oxooutlon - mf the underiJiikinff. MRS. DICKS DIED BY BURNING- Hut tho Jury Could Not Agroo tlmt IMrku CniiNud tlio riro. Toronto, March 25. Tho Crown closed ita caso on Friday night without adducing any additional evidence to maintain tlio charge of murder. Tho cuorts of tbo Crown oflleerfl were directed to prove that Dicks vwih an incendiary, but they merely .succeeded in showing that Dicks had been burned out sevural times, hut not under suspicious circuniHtances. The heavy insurance carried by the accusdd and his wife was shown an motive and incidentally the public had an opportun ity of learning the Iooho manner m which insurance risks aro taken, two agents fitati ng that they accepted a risk an Dicks' furniture without sceiug-JX^ accepting bis word as to tho value. Tluilnry, after deliberating over two hoLirs7ln"o~tTghrtn a verdict early Satur day morning which was, however, not unanimous. Ah a whole tho jury came to the conclusion tliat tho duoimsod canto to her death by being burned in tbo bouso on St. Helena avenue, and eight of tbo jurymen were of tbo opinion that tbo house occupied by tho Dlclcs family on St. Helens avenue bad been sob on firo by Arthur A. Dicks, tlio prisoner. Dickn was then taken back to jail and will probably liavo to stand IiIh trial for arson. Tlioy Lout TlH'lt *>liiww. Charted IX Hurl, of Philadelphia, who as an extenaivn traveler bos hpnu consid erable time in Japan, aayn that tjio Inter esting peoplo of that country, though thoir advance in civilization hint been rapid, totaln fiomo of their primitive aimplicity. Tho Japaneso ulwayn leave their shnea at tbo door of a house when they onto? and walk inhido in their stocking foot. When tho first railroad waa fitarlcd from Yoko- boma to Tokio all tho JapanoHOgcntlomen wore crazy to ride. Thoy hurriod to tlio Btation, kicked their shoon on tho plat form and entered tho train. When thoy arrived" at Toklo thoy eagrly looked around tlio platform for their hhocfl, and groat consternation prevailed when those kIioch woro nnwhoro to bo found. A J'ninter I^roiu filnilnloiiit. Not long ago (aayr, a wrl.tor lo tho Realm) I was walking in tlio garden at Hawardon with Mr. GladHtono. "What would you do with that?" ho aaid middonly, pointing to a hit of nowapaper lying on the lawn. " I Jihink I'd pick it up and carry it away," I annworod, uatonlBhod. "Ah I Well, tliifl 1" what I do with It," wild Mr. Gladutono. Thcroupflnho phiood the point of hln walklng-Btiok- on tho middle of tho, scrap of paper, twlntod tho Htlok awnmd and around, and with much doxtorlty loft tho bit of pupor In tho noil and out of Might. "Tho Duko of Bucolouoh taught mo to do that," ho Bald, tut Wo romunod ^ur walk: *'ifc la good for tho ground," CHATTELLE'S FEIGNED INSANITY- Tho Jail turu-ecm Sn\n II ban No Morn In iiu<l in a Ilumiiu 11 oiiHtrunlty, Htratfonl, March 3(1. Dr. J. M. Duns- more, jail surgeon, is of the decided opinion from observations mado hincn (Jhattollo was lodged here, that his actions in court wore only ft lejned insanity. That was the fir.st occasion on which he had giwn any, indication of his being men tally unbalanced, and yesterday he he lms ed quite rational as he has slncu con finement. Dr. Jmnsiiiiiro is also of the opinion that Cliattollo In devoid of all natuiiil aiTectlon and feels no rouuuvo for his u'luio, and that his moral sonhildlitioH have become so blunted that it may bo said ho has no morals, but is a human monstrosity. Trail'1 <Jui"t Throughout tlin Dominion. NeW York, March IK) At Toronto bij.si- ncss is unchaiigid, act'ording to Itrad- htreet'h to-day, being cliar.icteri'/eii by only a fair demand for soil ing-up goods. Manufacturers and johbeis at .Montreal repoiM bii^liii'is (pui't, and do not exjiect actiUty until navigation opon.s. ]iusini'.ss is cjuiei alho at ilalitnx and throuyhtmt No\a Scotia, where colleetlonfl aro*slow. The output til1 lumber Is heavy in New Brunswick, ami it i-. of Interest to into theru ih'sonie revival Itr'V'rado la Ki\w- foundlnnd, lint healing hiduhtry having been successful. Hank clearings at Win nipeg Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax aggregate fcl&,2ul,00O this week, a falling off of about Id per cent .-from last week, and pnu'ticdly tho--same totiil as was recorded m the week a year ago. Theio are uSl business fuilim < it portetl to Braclstrt et'h from tho Dominion of Can ada during the past three months, con trasted with n8!i in tho first quarter of last year. There were two moro this year than last In tbo Pi'u\inee of Ontario, and ton fewer reported from the Province of Quo- bee. Tho fa\omblo feature, however, is found in total liabilities for tho Dominion, which aro only about two-thirds tho amount in the firat quurtec. In IBM. IHcUh Cuintnlttod for trial. . -Toronto, March J10. Ycstorday In the Police Court Mr. K h\ IX JobiiKtou, counsel for Arthur A. Dicks, waived tho preliminary investigation in tho charge of the murder of Mrs. Dioka, and despite tho Crown Attorney's desire for tho investi gation, Magistrate Detiison sent the case to the higher court without taking evi dence. Thy assizes will bo opened on April Ito, and at. that court Clara Ford, the Hjams brothers and Dicks will all bo required to defend thoir lives from tho iiceunation of murder. Tlio Price of Cut NulTa, Montreal, March U0, Tho Ilurdwaro and Motal Merchant gives tho following im portant plopo of nowH:. At. a mooting of tho Cut Nail Asuoolatlon lust night tho price of cut nail watt flxod at fcJ.io per keg, dolivorod to all parts of Canada in ton keg Mr, which nieaiiH that tho wholosnlo trade has deeldnd to ooU dlrflot to tho'retail trade. Tho Hill to rrovl'lu (*>*' Tlioti IitWp^oHon ItddOlVllH ItH Ht<MHHl Itl'lldlllL'. Toronto, March ~1W). Tho Important featuro of>yetterthiy'H bcsslon of (he Loe.d Ijeglhjat.ilro was Ibo heeond u-adlng of Di' McKay's bill to provide for t bo in- Kpcotlon of bulltllng soclelles. He uigucd c i ipui: Mntr ft t,lu1' ",n*H' Inwurance cnnipahle-t and bUKHLNUtm ^ji^^^^jn^,,^^^ hiHtlttitl'yw '-^orti now under Covei nniont itwpt etlon as a mat ter of pretention lo the publlo. Sir Oliver Mowat said Unit the Inaper- tlon of iIhni companies wus of gre.t'. Inl^ poi'taneo to the pulillc Kit thought that tlio eomiainles should ba\o no oppurtun- IIy of expressing themselves upon the nub- jet I. Tbo companies might them selves agi'io upon somo form of Inspet t ion Tlio hit I'odiietion of the bill had done good It would bring mutt-em to a head. He thought It would bo better If tho bill were withdrawn and future ad Ion might be taken. Mohsiu St rat ton and Howbind oppoMit tho bill, which after considerable dwciis- hlon was read a second lime and refernid tolhe spfclal ((unniitlee. Iiil Ini lliittcr and ( hu'wu "11..... Mr. ( bland inhodtmd il bill bu- the relief of biittiu* and clause innmiftu tiir- er. II pa ed, tbo niantilact nu is ',\ ill ho nllowed, through their associations, to borrow motley upon real and peisonal property. Tho bill passed the flrut read* iug. Oottirlo *u 1'hn hoi- tnn4itn. Mr. St. John asked If it is tho Intention of tho Government to take any stopa t<>- wardH ahcertalning the tiuaiillty, quality, a err age or value of tbo timber asst ts of the province. lion. Mr. Hardy replied that, the depart ment was constantly taking nleps such us suggested, but the Government at present had no intention of appointing a com mission to deal with the subject. <'i Into and CrliiilintlH. Hon. Mr. Gibson laid the annual report upon the prisons, jails and reformatorltm upon tho tablo yesterday. It hows an In crease in crime during 1MH within tho province. Thero worn 8.J1 committals more during that period. Of tho increase moro than half woro for petty larceny, 1'lb" for trospaHft, and for burglary Iiy. Tlmro woro 8,003 males and 1,JJS7 fomalou con victed. Tho conmilttals of hoys and girls show a decrease, and tlio drunkards' show a decreaao of 117H. Tho cost of ra tions, clothing and fuel for tbo D.-J5Q prl- Honors last year was Slo.llo, and tho wila- rles to jail officials ?7(),71K). Tho crime of murder has not Increased within tho pro vince. It has remained about tho s-inie slneo 1877. Thero woro !U murders In 1H01, while In 1877 there wi re ill), and 117 in 1888 and 111 in lS'.HI. The crime of rape nearly doubled last year, and manslaughter di minished by one-half. Attempts at hid- oltlo more than doubled, wiillo felonioim assaults remained at tbo samo level. Arson Increased 40 jier cent, and bigamy nearly 50 per cent. Tbo rrlmo of perjury Jnm'uuMjd over 2(lfi per cent., while in decent assault Increjised 20 per cont. NllW 1 HWM. Mr.Glbson (Huron) introduced a bill to onalilo public parks to bo established in police villages. Tho bill received its first reading. "Mr. St. John introduced a bill to limit Lho rate of Interest on arrears of taxes to ti per cent. Mr. Middleton moved tho ~flrsfc_.roadliig of his bill to enable municipalities to oloct their aldermon for tbo term of threo years. Tho motion carried. Second U'*ui11i;h, Those bills woro read a second tlmo: Mr, Wood, to amend tho Act respecting mortgages and sales of personal property. Mr. liyerson, to givo municipalities the right to make assessments overy flvn years. Mr. Whitney, to permit tbo issuing of (h bent tires for tbo completion- of county drainage works commenced before lbOl, Mr. Manor, to provldo for tho appoint ment of an arbitrator, who shall act in dlt.tsesol dispute between municipali ties ami private cltlzons. Mr. Crawford, to provldo for the in- speitlonof boilers, and quallfkation of person-, in charge) of tho same. Mr. ('oninee, respecting the municipal ity of Neebing. Mr. Whitney, respecting tho Stormont ICloetrlo Light and Power Company. Mr. McKay (Oxford), to confirm certain muuiclpal by-laws respecting tho Tilson- hurg, 1-ake Krlo and Pucifle Railway Coiiii* my and the Port Burwell harbor. Mr Mutrie, respecting tho town of Palmer-ton M/. Mi:'dletf)ii, to confirm by-law ni.mhors (IS) and 772 of the tlty of Ham ilton. Mr. McKiiy (Oxford), respecting tho debt of the town of Woodstock. M r. Si rat ton, rcvpiM t nig the Irondalo, IJancroft. and Ottawa Itallway Company. Mr. Iilggur, respLttitig the (Jshawn Hail- way Company and the township of Kant Whitby. Mr. Stiutton, to confirm a by-law of the united lown.shlps of Uurloigh 'and Au ii rtiiher. Mr. lliscott, to confirm by-law No. 011 of the city of St. Catharines. KegjHtrill'tt* IVoh, Dr. Meaeliam moved tho second reading of a bill to compel registrars to stamp upon all Instruments registered tho amount, of tho feo charged In uih case. Tho bill was opposed by tho Government on tho ground that it was not necessary since all that anyone had to do who thought the fee excessive waa to inform the Inspector, who without charge would look Into tho matter." Tho bill was with drawn. Separate vh. Public 8c]iooln. Thoro was a groat fight in tho Private Hills Comjnltte yesterday ovor tlio Sepa rate school bill introduced at tho in stun co of the Separate school supportorfi and tho town council of tho town of Cornwall. It would appear that thoro haihoon a dis- puto of long standing at Cornwall bo- tweon tho Public and Soparato school boards about tho proportion of taxos that should go to tho rospuoblvo boards to b,. paid by two largo cotton mills, The town" council ttnd tlio Soparato .-school -board agreed that IK) per cont. of thoeo taxoq should go to tho Soparato school board, and it was to ratify this ngreomont that the bill was Introduced. A heated discus sion took place. Both sides wore ropre- sontod. l'Tnally tho bill waa thrown out on a votp oi" 27 to 8. Cmitml Pvlon Wool, In tlm Publics Accounts Committee yes terday, Mr. 10 IV Carter, bookkeeper for Mr. John Hallam, admitted that tho firm had oharged tho Central Prison two cents per pound moro for a certain grade of wool than hud booh paid by an outsldo dealer foe tlio same grade. Tho explana tion was that tho prison wool had boon specially selected. .\n Aotlvu Mining l'dlley. Mr. Conmee linn given hjotlco that ho will move, that tlio Government bike such BtepB.as may bo necessary to Insure tho U ARE STILL LEAD1N the trade ip ull kinds of Building Matoriul, Wooflwork"" for liounea, (plain nnd prnamontal), Earn Lumber, Slnu^leH of all gradeH, Doorw, Saeh, Chofitnut Goal. WINDMILLS. \\o are Solo A-goutH In tbo County for TIHEIE! ja.3E5K.lVi:<Z>TOR, Of ChiouifOi which took Highest Awards at tbo World's Fall-. Can lurniah either Purapingor Power Outfits at lowest prices. A written guirantco with ovory Outfit. Laing BY-LAW No. A HY JjAW to foovtde for draiho*,'o work in the Township of Maidtitono, in tbo County of huHu.N, nnd for borrouniL' on tho credit of tho municipality the sum of $789,00, Muidatouc'h portion of the tost of coiiHtruotnig tho Ilyiimd druin, rroviaiontdly udoptod tho 10th day of March, A, D., 189-i. War in 4ii, \\ in, llfiiiHimiii mnl otlici-fi, * ompoflinu n majority un idiown l>y tho laab Yttvinati an- Bctiinniit roll of the Towmhlp ir Miiidotnno, of the purtliMi ain-owiMul for tho oonntructlou of tho IlylunU I'mJn alorofitihi, iintiHoncd tlio mtintalptil counojl of tlio TowmilHp of MahUtona to cn.l- ittruot, under tlin jiroviHioriH of the Jimimcjo Aot of 1MJ1, u drain to carry off tlio uurplun ~wutct of tlin arniL (lo(iorH)u 1 In tlio petition. And WimuuAK, thoroupon tbo naiil ooonoll hno procured an rxmnlnation to bo tniLilo by J.8. Lnlrd, P.L.B., lieliif' a pnrnon cnnipotont for nncli purpono, of tlin Hald area proponud to bo Jrulncd uud tlio mofinn niifiitoiitnl/m* tlio rlriitnngci tlmraof, ami of nther IuihIh ami roads "table to aimoiatuinrit nuitor thla act, and )ia ulno prooiuod plann, npt'oillciitloiiH and outlmatua of tho (lraiuii(!0 work to bo mini a by tho Hiiid .1. ii. T^atrd, and an nfaaauiiuniit to bo miolo by him of the IilihIh and rondo to ho hotintHtad bv nncli diatnnfio work, and of otlmr IilikIh and roues lluhlo for contribution thoroto, dtatlna, an noarly no b can, tho in oportlon of hunnfit, outlet liability and injuring Hal ility, which, in hio ophilou.wlll bo donvod > r ineurrod In eonutipifuicK of rtuoh drulo- iiuo worU by uvnrv mud or lot.or t'ovtion ot Iot^tbe uaid uoiioiinmoat Mo mado hclug tho atjuoHHinent horcilnaftor by thin by-law minctod to bo anutmiod nnd loviod upon tlie roadii und lotw ami partn oflotii horolnaftor In that bolialf onpoo'ally ui>t fori I, and donorlbod, and tho report of the sahr Jas. B. Ijaird, In roipoct thoroof, and of tho uaid UminaKo work, Iioidr aa follown: - To tho Itoovo, Dopaty-roovo ana CoimcfllovKof tbo Towuahlpof MfitdHtoae in Oounoil aeudml>ld: GKNTi.ruKN. In anenrdnnco with InntrnotionK fi'om yoar Imnoimblo body, I hi,vo taken tho petition alitnnd by Win. IJonnman and othora, and havo oxaminod tho locality jloiorlbod lu a aid paiition and baa to report thoroon an folio <vn: I 'bid Uutt tho uaid douorlbod looaUlyMa vary inuch in nno-1 of drnlnaRo. I would tboicforc rocaimaond that a rtltob bo dtiR otinUa uorth nlde of tbo townitno botwoon Maldritono nnd Uolobnator North from tho wont hido of the Mlcklgatt Conirat ttailwuy, woHt to tbo uanC uldo ot tho to_wnllno botwann Maldntono and Handwtoh Ronth. and iUho one on tbo ontit nldoof tlio road nllowimeo botwoon tho Otb and 10th conn, from th^saJu Uiwnllno botwoon MuidHtom-and Oolchohtor North to tho nnuth flido of tlio renr *atu\ anuth of Talbot road lot*, tlinnco woHtorly nlotic tbo dttob on tlio doutti wldo of nnid roar road to tho ditch on tho mint oldo of tho townllno botwoon Maldntono ami Baudwlcb Bouth, tlxmoo north aloog the hint montlonudditoh to tlio enntroof tho *au< ' Iota south of Talbot rotul, aiavin the Dame cutnand bottom wldthn nti ahown on tlio annexod predion nnd iipoolflaatlonH. I mid that tbo a out of tlio nald drain, all r^pdmion iuoludod, will bo ^IKI'J. of tbU amotint I liavo tuxlnTtoo Towd- idilpof Maldutono, for bonotH ti rnadH with 8^85; tbo TownHhlp of Ooloumitor North, for benefit to tho nouth tcwnllno witU !?(J7, and tbo Township of flandwjcb Eontb for bonotif to the Woafc townllno with SUU. I have imnonnod tbo lands of Uatdetoue (or bonotit with itJUW, nnd tlio land* of Maldntono for outlot with fi9, un uhown in tlio annoxud eoliodulcu of atniodnmoutii. A coo tn- paujlni{ j on will find phiu, urolbon, npoclfloatiomi anil ntifionumontn and all papovn uooflflBary for t'utdanoo in tho conntruotlon of tho mdd drain. I bavo tho honor to bo, f-ontlomon Eiiaojf, Nov. 23, 1601. Your obedient uorvant, V JAS. S LAUID, P.L.B. In of opinion that drain nfjo of tho aro no dosovlbod In de- tho ANP "WnitBBAa thojaa.id Council nirablo, Therefovo tbo nld maDloipal coniicil of tho said Townnhlp o! Maldntono, pursuant to m-ovlnionBOf tlioDrainago Act, IWH, otiucta nu followa: lot. Tho nuid report, plaim, rumoiftoationn, imiionnmonta and otitlraatou aro horoby adoptod and tbo dialnngoworlc ao horoin iiidfeatod Inul uutlorth iiballbomndo and cunntruotod m acoordnnco thorowith. "* , , , , n n 2nd. Tho Itoovo of tho nairt Townnhlp may borrow on tbo credit of the Corporation *jf tho nald Townnhlp of Maldntono tbo num of 71-0.00 bnln^ tho amount nocomiarv to puy Malrt- ntono'it portion of tho coat of tho uaid drain, and may innuo dobonturoH of tho Corpov> ution to that amount, In BiimH of not lean than *P0(K) oaoli, and payablo within flvo jonra from tbo tlnto tboroof, with intorcnt at tho ritto of fl per cont. per annum, that in to flay. In nvo uqual uihtdufntn, Hiich debonturcn to bo payable at tho Imporlnl rank at tba Town oi scx ami to have attached to thorn ooupomi for tho paynio'H ot iutoretit. " ' Urd. For waylnir thonum oi irllJi, tho uinouiit chnrfjt.il afjaiunt tbo nald landa and r^ada J?qr boiifflt, ri d tbo num of $60X0, iho amount charnod nijalnnt tbo Hfdd lands and rondn for outlet linbfl.ty, una tlm num of * , tbo amount chanted nfaiinot tbo nald laudaand ronda fo. injuriog liability, apnrt from tbo lando and roadn boloiiRiufi to or controllod by tbu municipality, and for cov.rinjj lutarcnt thoroon for flvo yonni at tho rate of bIx povoont. pur annum, tho total ni I'clul i aio, over and ubovo all othor ratoa ohull bo aimontiod, levied and oolloctcd (in tho mua muuner and utlbo b.uiu tlmo aa taxoo aro lovk-d and collected) upon and from tho undoi- niut.lojiod lotn or piirtu of lota, and roadn, and tho amount or tbo nald total npuulal rutoa uiiil iiitertut flhaU ho divided into flvo onuol partii, and ono uuoh part nhall bo anwomiod and loviod an aforciinid, 'in each youi for flvo yoaroaftortho final pimuing ot thin by-law,durliiR wbloli the nald di'1-entureii havo to-run. So leiiuh of Land a AoaoHHed for tbo Ilylan \ Drain. a M 3 a. M at - J Si ' => t 2 Ji CJ a O -4-1 ' U a ol U) Li **i) u 0 G O a* *-; uj t. o q 3 O Li o a > D > a E-iOw r , O ^ -4-1 O H tt-C. 3 a q*tJ 10 27 :t0 610 00 s ?I0 00 S 7 00 817 00 & 0 12 2H n pt JH ii pt iV V! '18 n w pt 28 n w pt' :):* r, 78 00 78 00 11 HO 02 80 18 50 fio 05 00 05 00 12 35 77 35 15 47 (1 ;m:; :> -10 00 10 00 7 00 17 (il) 0 52 ;in s o ft) 00 10 00 7 00 17 00 0 5a 2ti a pt 20 C R. 285 u bf :m :i .* tr no :i5 oo (1 05 11 05 8 33 (>;* H?, 00 82 00 15 00 07 00 10 52 B ' 100 20 00 20 00 3 80 911 80 4 75 2H?i Blif 20 ;m f.O :m oo 5 70 .16 70 7 14 2m a o qr 2H0 H w qi 287 h bf 2HH n'w i\v 28!) r i 1 fl 60 15 00 , 15 00 2 85 17 85 3 57 o0 100 7 o0 15 00 7 50 Ifl 00 1 15 2 85 8 05 17 85 1 70 a 57 .ri0 2f. 7 CO A 75 7 fiO :i 75 1 45 70 8 06 -1 15 1 10 80 aHO w lif h o q 28!) ii hi h w qi 28!) h w k 200 b o pt '200 h w pt Totiil on hindu Total on road" Totaljou landu A 25 25 25 113 road a 75 a 75 a 75 S 75 10 25 * a 7o & 75 a 75 3 75 10 25 70 70 70 70 1 05 4 ifi A U 1 lo 4 45 12 20 80 80 80 Hi) 2 4-1 *f -uc 00 285 00 fill 00 50-1 00 285 00. 780 00 05 75 51 15 COO 75 ItO 05 339 15 07 9 i 7U0 00 5!) 00 M0 90 938 00 187 7H S aZointod commiDBlonor to lot tin, contract for atii- J-""" , - % I ,v; .Id drain nnd wovhn omme^n^i^iSff^Sid and Batlflfaotory tmrofcloH.idm-jI bo rofiuired (bo PQtlmato]; but ovorj^aiioh oontraoto^with twj^ooa nu(| 0|(n lotion _of couttaai nooordlnB to fitid lor dno shall bo en- Motitrtmra l*.r|i*Ml Woi'M's X'ntr. Montrenl, Maroh 30. Tim CUI^our' Commltten appointed for tbo tyotfd's ... . ~ . Fuir, to bo hold In Montreal | iwwt loft, .mow mpjddovolopmont of inininpr, utid yesterday for Ottawa to Interview Pre mier Bo well, and If potable obtain *iili *wmi fl> Ytnmfilton Gnvpynnto,ni> ^ tho OBtnbllKlnnent of" motalliLrglonl works for tho treatmont of the ^noru linporUmt ftconomlo mlnenls of tho nrovinco. foVtirwttrtoontaV-imob^ aaid piano and Bpociaoationn, and w*'J?J^Vtv of such commiflalonor to oanno aad drain and ordored by tho coimoll; audit ohn.ll n"n1)?0 ;JSyBSnJtniotod in aoflordanofl with suoh pluraBdond worktt oounooted thorowltb to bo mado und coniiwi" j6fl {mlma otborwl80 ordered by tho upooifloationn, not Iiitortuan tlio ^4Ki TAn fvntn tlmo to tlmo to oaob aoutwator, leas counoil) and to por cunt of tho iiorformnnoo o. .,--------- tltlod to coivo a commlnnipn of V^"i fXt til with to owtor Into bouda in tho buw of ' . flth. That tho commJwWnor b rm'b; j f"[Jwth*0 pIanB ftlld apoolfloaUoBfl, and within the for tho duo oomplotlon oftlio woilt aecoruroL time apoQiflod in each bi'l- ^..^n-,^,! nnfl0 in ovory weok. for four oobaooutlvo woekn, lu tho Ah. Thin by-law Khali b PJ}V"A5nin tbo Town $t HflBose, ad nhall como iyto force, upon jt FmsK 1-iiKim, ^r^ClItnmtylooltml tlw "Hyluitd *Ortdu Bylaw." , n, nm iitiur u u.... - t| t0 tlxno tooaoii oouwaoioi to (imnt oortinoataij to tb Knovo from y t d a} ft000ptfld; unmount duo, until th) contra oommiaBfonor i of thoao and all othor dntlen of cowww V^contonjh KllDKX -......------- . and after tbo llmd pnBiiI M.McBtJOH.Olork OKO. A, W1NTEMUTK, Baova. * * rovin Ion ally adopted by the - A. D. 1886. TowBiblr^ olrki isro'Tic^Es- C AnS further notioe i.^jjj ft^^^Ht?!SIltier thapTan 4&ytr citar thV' final' *wb?fi aucb by-law, or Py P"*,*S5ttai WoVthe BI * 1*** hei>offloer, atod -pon. tho olwk ol Slab Court a* Toroto^irlMB tho au wwkb," V 01*K *VV' 5 'l '/!-! 1 Jv?" HI ah Court CteaM iblMuirf !Cth d*y ot Wmc*, t8. I. ^ .kr^ -.X ll ^M5- ^ 094210

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