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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), April 5, 1895, p. 1

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Ml Clolce ] KMSON'S Von oico Fresh Grocorion. 1 roviaiona, Tonn, Cofff om aud. Spiceu. Special Imea.iu Crockery, ^Wm^^^mWfW^^W^^If^^^' r'*'ff.-.v W, Christian Endeavor Societfi Bt. Paul's Churoh, -;r, TUESDAY EV0 &j|'i'| Everybody Come. ** VOL-XL tfo-l-L- ESSteX, ONT., ]mi-DAY-, APKTl. 5. 1895.._. WHOLE No. 656 F.A Spring Opening Friday and Saturday, April 5, 6. Wo cordially invito the ladies of Kasox and uurroundinp; country to at tend and inspoct our diaplay of Paris Pattern Hats and Bonnets. Our Miss Button and assistants will be glad to wolcomo you. Corao t It" i y Our stock of Dry Goods, House Furnishings, Oarpets, Clothing, Ilata and Caps, Shoes, etc, has boon rein forced by recont heavy importations, direct from tho loading manufacturing contros of tho world, and will well ro- pay inspection. Wo are in a poiition to servo you as well as' anyone, and better than many. Wo solicit your patronage and guarantee satisfaction. KINGHVILLK. The farmom al] alnnutho hike above have commenced v-prinj.' plowing, J. B. Uiddough ban piirohaand tho Chas. IJautiUuijli property in town. Mra. McLean Iuih puruhaucd tlio Brun- da^o cottaco and alno the roaidoncc) of J. M. Uuo. John M. Huo.iH failing very fuut and tho probabilitiett are that ho won't survive tho wook out. Mra. MoKcnny haw u Hue sample'of licit* worTTmTexhibition in C. 9. Millor'u drutf HtOre. Mru. McLean will plant 1,000 peach und COO plum trca ou tho land north of tho village thin aprintf. Abo Green and Miso Alma Hor wciiLt0. RiduotoMjn'thiM woek to attend ihewafldint: of Miun Fanwy Her and Mr. Ilayeo. Stafford Hart loft laub wook tor Chatham where ha htm undergone a critical operation under the treatment of Dr. Holmou, . Several farmers around tbo town who have boon oxawiuintf thoir pnacli trooa, ro- port tho budu all O. K, and prospocta for a big crop. On Thursday Goo. Foster leased bin farm oast of town to I. Jones of Ruth von, Mr: Jomn will plant tho whole farm in fruit trocm. .[nut think of it. our bnuti baud han buen. nrj;ani>wd oly two "weoka and now they havo rnnstored several tunes and will ho prepared wbon navigation opontt to furnish mmrfa for any" oxmirMonl.party.- .^ A. mooting ol tho shareholder!) of tho KinCHVillo Proaoryin^ Companv wmi held in the eouuoil chamber on April 3rd at 8 p. ra., when tho now officers wan oloctod and othor important huamdfis attended to, W.A.. Greenville Una a five yoaru' loaso of tbo roou in.tho rear of tho MncbamcB' Inntitut*,' which will ho used for a:i ico oream parlor. Mr. G. will alao have charge of tbo Mechanics' Inatitute. _ Our beautiful and latoly erected Method ist church had a close aall from firo on Wwdm-aJny ni^lifc lafit. A door loading from) the ohoir loft to tho roooption room oaunht firo from a ^an jot, but wan put ont with but yery littlo dumrtj;o. Thfi burnt district ban finally t-'ot into tho rit;lit hande. David Conklin liuu bought tho Wm. Kennedy proporty and alno ona half of tho Geo. Groonvills lot. Dr. Androw Wifilo Imu ptirohused tho other halt and now thoy wdl build up a solid brick block with a Holid stone wall botwoon. A Ranj; of men are at work clearing up tho dobriH. Thoro who a Rood tnrn out to the pan oiiku flocial at Waltor Bor'uou Woduottday eveniuL'. Mias Nullie MoLaun of Wbe&tloy matin u f^ood hit *b an amateur clooutioniut, A aruat mauy -wero diuappnintod at tbo uonappoaraucoof Prof. Mulhna, of Arner, who waa to have boon proaoot with hi fuitar. Dr. Oumpft-u in vury bufcy *t prerut. Hia tw/o horneu aro thorou^itly iid up caoh Jay. If la tfHppo atid uoino of tliu vLnf* JlmimtHrt* not lt up ho will biiVi. to jjot rnoro horwtiH. ' AMIIBUBTnUltG. Milton Ii.BicU!outt;ol ban movi'd to Mc Grttuor. Ilov. T. NutttodH ban bison luid lip with hi grippo. Walter Uurlov ban heun-on tho niok lint for tho pant two wcoltH. Cupt. Trottor hao bttun (jiiito ill tho pant wooh with cungoutiou of the livor. Minn Mina Wijrlfl, of Toronto, iHVimtinj hor HiHCur, Mr*. D. I>. Wi^lo. iTamoN \V. Borrowman, of Oliatham, haH boon'viuitinfi iu towh tho punt two wuuka Miflfl Liz/io flullivan, who ban hnQUittop.- pinji f^r.Lhruo'iuonthH pat itli rolativH in YpHilanti, Mioh., roturued homo ihiw WOL'k. ttiiy Fox- wan bittun by a dotf owusd by John MflGorruiok, luitt wook. Thu wound waa cttiHonzod aud tha doj( whot. JBmoiit PttUypieco, hud tliroo of tho Unburn on bin r^ht haud_ badly, cruahod, last week, by a boat falhu on him. William Moriu, will laavo Hhortly fot Lochino, near Montreal, whro h will bo aiuplovod by Duubar & Sullivan on thtdr drodfUnK contract. Juuutj Fiilconof, of Glovolaud, wan viu- Kiuu in town tho paafc woek, Uo will bo (hut ou^inofir on tbo Htoamer A. A. Parker aUain thia noanon. Aiuoh(j tbo twenty-aovon graduates of thu Miehmau Colleijo of Medicine of Det roit, wuh IiiLrnaHt P. llondot, of tbiH towu who puHbed with lu^h honora. Dr. Rou- dot will hun out.his shin^la in Wont Bay City. Minn Ectua Bum roturuod to hot home in Ludiugton, MiohIT-ou^Uuadayu.*ftor a ilvu montba' vimt with relativn in towu. Oer unol, .louyph Bantion, acoompauiod bur for a viu'it with rolativas iu that towu, Wm. McGregor, M. P., and Mra. Mo- GrwijoV, and 6pn Colin, of Wiunipoc,Mpant Sunday at Andrew Uackott'6, BoiK -Bia Inland, together with Mm. McGroyor, thoir u]othor,,.and Mr. aud Mrs, John D. CouBina and Mra. G. Wright. Cant. F. B. Haokott will, uoxt month( roovo to tlit' E. G. Park rogidouco on tho rivor lront uud Dr Prcudfoot will movo co Capt.' Hackott*a voHidnncu on Bameuy Htreat. 11. C. K. Entfiuour Cluff hau rent- ud.J. W. Borrowmau'a houao on Bich- mond at. and.will movo thorota. KOTITIX WOODBLKK. Mm. 1). Uailuy, of. .)uol(nnn, Mioli., iu Vlhir.11Ji! luir daughter Mru. O. Dawwon. Mr. H.. D. Iloopur, <i( Detroit., spent a coupl'* nf diiysi with Mr. VI. C. Rotn lant wook, Mii<H Iloleu Borlui, of Jimkuou, Mioh., ^pimr. f] and ay with htii'Virotbor Dr. Uorko. Mr. A. tJrmth hiui nana to Amhprritluir^, \vlnr<- hi liaH dccured a liitnatiom for thu kumrnor ; and our villiijjo ih enen morn without a harbor. It'iv. J. HundoruoTi, of thin villa^o, and Ituv. Urown, of MuidHtouo, will exchange pulpits on Huiulay ntxt. Mr. Jacob Mitoht'll wont to Chatham on tfuttirduy, to witnonn tho, Naxon Brou, MftJ. Co'h. dolivory, of whioh company ho iu an ufjant. Thuv dolivored maohinory aud ajjrU oultmal.imploiiiento that rotjuired novonty (ivo toiLnin to handle, all of which wore formed into ono proucHiiion. Mr. H. C. ItGfcfl mot with an accident a oouplo of week* ago, by bruiniug ono of bin b'^, whioh at tint wan nuppoaod to bo but K'nlight injury but from tho ronult of which-bo baa been couOotid, to tho Iiouho. Woaio ploahod to learn that he iu on the uunid, nud hopa to uoo him out, and ttbh) to attend to biiBincjm in a few days. : Our village U iiomowhat nhakoii up over iho apparanco.of an article in tho laut iflBtio of- tho Detroit Sunday Sun. How- over, wt thtuk our jioud pooplo will aur- Vivo tho ahobk, and tbo bad ou&h will bo nono tbo richer, barring tlio writor of the artiole, who no doubt recuiyod a few of uuelo Bams moklen for bin tabov, but for tunately ho iiniot one of our number, aa be happomt to como from tho laud where that ohnoxiouii plant, known as the "Ava lanche," it oultivatcd aud permitted to UouriHh. ...... Special attention paid to quality in our Grocery Department. You can rply upon getting fresh, clean, well kept goods hero. Wo .stake our. rep utation on this. Prxcos aa low as the lowest. ESSEX, ONT, GOSriELDNOIlTII. Mnt. J. Moo in very ill, with not much hopoH of hor recovery. Mr. Col lard hiiH loaaed Mr. Smart's farm on tho rear road, and movod thereon last wook. Mr. 8. Vaughn uoourod tho contract to build a now-fenoo around tho school yard of S. 8. No. 11. Ooborne Broa. baa erocted a now house near their mill. H. Venco movod into it on Monday last and ban ou^a^od to* work for thorn tbo coming Ejoaaou. Farraorn aro anxious to b(jw oeodinc. HA.IUIOW. The Ite\. P. J. Uzelle upoat tho moot of laut wook vimtin iu Maldou. Mru. Bouitmy iu away at prouent waitioe on h*r mother who is vary ill. The invalid lady reiiictoe at Rothvon. Mrs. M. V. O'Connor, tho wifa ot tho Com til and obliging at^ont of the L. E. d'D. H. B,, i now down with la jfrippo. Largoquautitiev of corn aro boing urou^ht horo to market now. Moit of tt in f a firut-olaBB quality and commauds tho top price. Wm. Beit's buruina obinauoy ^avo our town another firo alarm tho othor day. I* doesn't tako a yory big fire to maka a huge soaro now. The Rong norvica by tha Methodist ohoir aud othoro ou Wednooday evanme l^at proved a succors in epito of diiappoiutraentfi Tbo Eov. Mr. Ayoamt was too ill to attend Mra. Garrett waa ftlno absent for a and eimilar roanon. Tha malo quartottOB were well aiven, aud tho singing of Mra. P. Man. iti waa np to hor asuul styja, and was rapturously uoooivod. The noleotioiio' by tho oboir and the readings of Mr. Poaroo, which wro wall rtoeivod, mad up tho balance of tb proKramrao. Tho audiauoa, thoauh not a lar^o aH expooted, waa yot a fair one. Mr, HuKii0pUb*-*n.rK*.tit) leader of the ohoir, doporveu rttfct praiwa for his pBt*\*tmt fcffortH, and the suoaesaful iuiuo to wtiioh ha brouubt the mattor. . / SOUTH G08FIELD. Itoblffrt Leuiuiuf; has been away to vicin- iiy of Hamilton vmitiny old friend* and rolativoa. Alvin Wifilo hue built a now dwelling hoirnc^on tho -Ithconceaaiau..' At preeonc many of tho farmers aro busy putting in tilo-drains. Some nay tho ground m ruthor hard and thoro ih not enoURh 0[ water to make good digging. Mr. and Mrn. Alex. AfiU and Eli Pillon and wifo, MoGrefior, paid Moaflra. hialtor and Cuttoll a yimt. Mr. Styphon White hao moved from El- ford to the 'lth Goncotmioa. On Wednesday night, March 20tb, about tlevon o'clock, MenHro. Jame'it Graingor.aud Stupben Whito, whon on their way homo from tho I.O.F. mooting at Kingiivillo, aud whim withiu Bifjlit of Graingor 6c MoCrao'o aaw-mill, noticed a firo making groat head way at the end of tho mill. Thoy at onae gave tbo alarm. Had it not beou for the timoly arrival and able aaniutaoco of theea ({ontlonaeu, nothing would have oavod it from boiu|f burnt to the ground. On Friday evouing, March 20th, tho res* idouoa of H. C. Cottall wuh tho aoeno of a vory ploasantandonjoyablo otitertammout, tho ocoaaion of this Hoaoou of morrimout and fcRtivity being tho tontb annivornary of tho marriage of Mr. aud Mro. Cottell, or what is generally known nu a tiu-woddiug. There woro forty gncsto prosout, aud Mr, Wm. Elford, ar., was oallod to tho chair, and iu hiu unually happy und. fclicitoua maauer iutrodneed tbo various speakers in tbeir diCforeut purts of the programme, wuiah ooHRiatad of aongo, ruoitationn, road- iugfl, and witty Hpooohos, interuperued with choice Holectioua ot inutromoutal niMftio by Mr. Eabort Garliok, and km daut{htor, Mios Garliok, At the cloao of Iho pr our a mine Mrs. Gobtell invitod all prousnt to partalto of a magnifloont supper, tho preparation of whiob would mora than 'sabiafy tha most epioqroan tapto. 0 jluotdbnt with the ovea ing'H. pronrammo was the prontmtation to the hoatotis of ttfty-nevan piecou, many of .thorn uivfm in aotp, of a htrt;o aud v^ariod auoortmout of nooful artiolos of tinware, as nouyouira of tho ocaaBiou. An in unual ou auoh oconaioiiH tho young people present unjoyod thoraaolvea iu-tho oustotnary rou tine oj parlor gamoa, incidont to such meet- iaH. Tho company wore oonapoaed of neighbors aud friondalu the' vioinlty, also friends from Elford, McGregor and Eeaax, All preaenb enjoyod thomaolvoa, and ex tended their Hinooro cnngratulatioua to both host and lioaUuu, aud in rot urn Mr, aud Urn. Cottell wiuh to thank thoir many frhmds for tlio pioaaureof their company, nud also thank* andVoknowledgo thsuj for tlioir epontauooua offering of preaoutH, and wish all of them boat aud kindest regards;- NORTH RIDGE. -.-Mrfl.XHiibolla Novillo of Pontine Mich,, is hero, tbo guout of rolativon, Ramuel Anh roooived a bad kiok in the faco b> a borno la.-it Saturday afternoon. Alon^o W. IiVid'^on lout a vary . valuablo tuaro last Tuesday from intlamation of the utiua J. H. Montgomery lout a valuablo four year old horae lant Monday, from imla- matian. Jeremy John hod, who cam* back from Florida a short time ^tfo,loft forWeodotock laac Saturday. BtephoH MoCombs ia afiliotcd with la grippe. Wo Lope to doe bita around soon au well an ever. Alt Hadpins' boy baa been very" ill with mombrauous oroup, but is recovering rap idly undor Dr. Briou'a care. Uoadmawtor. Lamarsh, ooraped Talbot Road, last Saturday from North Uiclgo croHBing to Trinity English Church. "Tuck" in a bustlor and doe tho righ* thing at tho rinht tirao. Ycur reporter ID (dad to nay aomo otlier Pathmaatera have doao likowiao. r . GEUTO. Mr. Clifford wan iu Oooto on Sunday. Mr. Jno. Martin was in Gcsto on bur.- day. Lawyor Rodd aluo apant Sunday with bio frienda hero. Thert* waa a party of youug folkij at Mr. Bweota lant wook. ' LittTo~Cliarloy Ghro who baa been bo stick la fast recovering. Mr. Goorgo Colouutt hau had three children on tho Dick lint. Mr. Lown* McLacblan has removed in to Mra. Booord'a hottaa in Goato. Young mon returning from evening parties would do woll by uhuttiug farmcirs gatea behind thorn. Wo should oxpoot this at all times, from farmers' sons especially. Public School Nofcw. Principal.1!* room, aouior -lth ilasfcj iriurkM pohuihlo ia.i, obtained: G Irwiu 70, 1'J Ulclmvdnon 7ft, 13 Uuinon H S Brown 0U, (3 Htonfl Ml,.I Dolmorofia. D Wiflo 57. C Baugbman iVl, B Thotnua i'2, J3 Liliujj 41. G Labar -10, .1 EJgnr. 40, Ij Hilliar '10, N Cotton p, 8 Wilaon 85. Junior -itU olunu; marka pou.4Hiblu bO, obtained bvhiuhuHt tun: II Munro II, D Elhtinu V2, Ij RobiUHon -*0, E Buouian -10, J Dowar :i0, R Itobihsoti '2it M Millar 11, E Muuroo 10, K Lang 10, E Naylor 0. Miuti Williams' room;8r '.ltd chum, innrku potiHible, 50 ; Obtained by hiffhoat ton '.-r- II Fullor -11!. Vf Loo Sti, M Hteddard 30. A Rriiner Bli, V Leflor !I2, N Alnxandor HI, E Ibiughnianni.-R Ilubiuson 30, W Tho rue 27, RDiluo, 2-i, Muu Kliaw's room, ]r. part second olauH; markg poHnihlo HO. Obtuinod ky bi^htiKt ton .E Htaocy 75, II Allun 72. L Trewin CO, L Alltfii 08, H Ilaughman 55. D Paul (13, A Cory 03, .1 Davia fiO, M Tborntou 5G, G Fuller 53, A Uowiton C2. T Fields 10, II Dolmore .11, . Miuu Ed^ar'u room; or. Hoccnd olauu, marka_.poumbln 8(i. Obtained by"lugbTuHt tun : 11 Alexander 02, E Wilson 01, A Robinson CO, O Wiglo 67, M Thornton 55, B Hicks 53, A Wymau 50, M Phillip* -ID, E Jol.HHiiu !*.>, H Bovorly 1R. MiuH CraoMwellrr'n room, tiomor part 2, Marks poHHible, 50. Obtained .by higheab tou : V Hicki 55, A Stacay 53, M Diokiii- son 2, M Ruah 52, E Doraatt 47, D Wiuhtmah 17, J Brewn 11, W Wolfe 12, Jl Davia 4, GNaylcrli. Miaa Bnaklsy'u room, part I.; marks poa- uiblo 70. Obtainod :-Senior, M Wymau G3, J Siseon 50, F Young 19, B Elford 17, fl May 30, W Rhyndrens 32, D Kli.wcbile U3, H Lamarab 28. jOunior-Il-Haunaa 59, T Clay 53, W Sample IK, E BoamsBi-O, .! Worthy ll, P Oliver 39, CKyans 38, E Pnokhara 35, E Gardnor 31. _ Burglary at tttnulatone. Tho store ef I Halford, of tho village of Maidatouo, was entered about 1 a. m., ou on tho uieiht of the 28th inntant, by bur- Klarg, who otolo thorofrom tho following dosoribod good*: One dozen of men's dark grov frioze panto; Onodozon of mon'B corduroy panta ; Ono dozen of mea'u grey and blue wool panta; One dozou of mcn'M light wtriped panta, spring gooaa; Ono dozen light check and utripedootton. ado pauta, cheap goods ; Eighteen dark blue aergo suits. Throo brown ouita, largo nizo, Throo huhtgrey uuitH, largo size. Gooda woro packed in two m-cliuary boot boxen, about four feet long by one-bait fool wide and two foot high ; and in ono cme uued for lamp ohimueyu, about two and ono- hulf fact loin;, two feet wide and one and one-half feet high. Thoy may havo boon nbippod topoddlora to peddle ib thocountry, or to come feuco or second-baud dealer, all tako "of their hats when they gee our . . . . New Styles FOE SPUING, 1895. I WE are sole agents in Wind-' a or for the following Cele brated makes: Lincoln Bennett & Co., Christy & Co., John Buckley, Wilkinson & Co., Henry Carter, which includes the beet -Hat* made in England. Stark'a Powdora, oaoh package of whioh contain a two preparations, ono in a round wooden box, tho oovor of whioh,forma a raeaauro for ono doao, an immodiato relief fur oootivonesa, Siok Headmcho and Stora. aoU, also Notiral^ia and ail kinds .f norv- otifi pains, and another in capsules, {from \ to \ of one in au ordinary doco) which acta ou the bowolu, Liver und stomach, forming a nover failing purfeot troatment for all Hoad and St.ocuacli complaintm. They do not, aa most pills and so many otnor medioiuca do, lono their t-tfoot, or produce after constipation, thuy aro nice t o tako. 25o a box at all medicine dealers School Report. Report of S. S. No. 7, Goafiold North,for March. NamoB are fjiven in ordor of marit,. and only thofto of tlio four higheat in onoh olaofl. lth OlaHB. Thonann Fite, Victoria Hoop- or, Mauffio Moore. 3rd OUhh av. M Cowoll, B Phdlipa, P Howe, S Mooro. ~ HrdOlauH jr. H MoLeod, .Ji^Hoopor, R Queen, S Upcott^T'StoolTwcik' 2|id GUaaar. T MoLdod.FBriaaoUmbo, LPhillipB, Evoit GowaM. 2nd Olnaa jr. owan, S Stock- well, G Iouh, R flafj',(iiip. Part II. Kdua. Cowku,, O Moore, W Valade'.B Hoaa. . Average attoudanco for the mouth 10 PBr<s#ntaRfl 67, COTLNTY NEWS. Loamiugtoa now wanta a carpot factory, Loiimincto'1 PohI: A now gaa company eompoHodof K. S. Wiglo, WindHor.audfow of Kiu^tiville'o citizcnn, have loauod all the lands on Poluo Inland, and if thoy ouoqeed in obtaining gaa thoy will pipo it to Saa- duaUy. The numbur of applicatiouo (or lioenues in North Essex for next licenao year u 02, made up an follow(i: Tavern 71, shop 3, aalooua 3, aix men. tavern 1, wholenale 3. The liconaoa iasuud for the ourront yoar woro 80, aa followa ; Tavern 01, ahopa 8, oaloon :i, a\x nioH. tavern 0, wino and boor 1, wholoflulo 1, Miohael Potter, an old resident of Chat ham, waa found dead in tho C. F. R, yards Monday morning. Deoeaaod waa a pension- or and it iu naid lis waa taking the 2:15 a. m. txproaa to Loudon to son about hiu monuy. Ho waa an old aoltlior aad bold tho "Victoria crosu for bravery at Sobaatapol, Ho was 72 yoara old aud employed as a menasngor in tho Morobauta Bank. Oombor Horuld : Comber has a ohauoo now of securing a pruatioal miller und a thorough buflinoso man. Mr. 8. Mather,. of Stonoy Point, well known iu this tjcotion* offora to pull up at 8tonoy Point and looato hero, providing aaoiBatauco iu givon. Corabor should jump ub thia . chatioo; it in ono'of a lifo timo. Wo need a gnat mill with a businoBH man at itu baok, and wo need it bad, . Walter Welsh of Stouoy Point haa two uueivut douumenta, whioh wore tho pro perty of Mrn, Welah's ran M father, Squire Wilcox. Both are in tho form of atore a. oouuta rendered to Mr. Wiloox by ons Thomas MoGrao, grandfather of John Mo- Crao, Division Court Olerb, who, eyideutly kept a atoreiu Detroit when it waa a. Brit- lah possession. One i dated Oot. 23, 1707, and tbiothor Jan. 1st, 1805. The link of goods mentioned in the etatementa afford interesting reading, aa everything nedd to ran the hottsehold it on them, aud seme things that are not neoeasary for house hold pur pop oa tire also mentioned. At the THE LEADING MATTER. DEATH CAME SUimENJjY. XVire of JPreltlkit ILedyuk-d Cu u Muddcn Call. Mro. Henry B. Ledyard, wim of the prosidont of the Michigan Central Railroad Co., dropped dead ou Chono utroet, near. "| Cbamplain ntreet, Detroit, last Monday. Death oamo to her witliont warning, and- the ouddonucaa of *tho call in a matter of Rrief to hor many friends in Detroit, for nbe had a wide circle of acquaintances thoro to whom who bad ondoared herself bj hor eatimable oharaoter, end kindly and worthy aota. MrH. Ledyard lofb her reei-' dunce, 570 tTeffemon avauuo, nhortly after ono o'clock for a walk. Hur state of health had certainly given her no rnaaon to Huppoae -! that an abrupt end was roticrved for her. Bho paaHcd up Chono alroot aud was ap proaching Cbamplain dtrctit when aeverial paHsoru-by obaorved tliatHho ata^erod and'] foil back to tho Hide walk. Tuey. baatened j to hor aaoiatanoo, but all aid waa of no avail, for liTn had. pasued away and no I phyaician could have aorved hor. She was;[ doad wbon tho by-Btandora roaabed her aide:. She leayos bohind a husband and four.1 children. Thrifty Mothers can Dress; Their Little Ones Hand somely and Oheaply. Thrifty and economical methers rarely buy now olothiug for thoir children, yet, tho little oneu are always well and band-1 aomoly drcnaod for abhool und. .ohurcb| Thia ia the-reault of uama Diamond Dye*,-] wliiah make all tho faabionable color* will but littlo worii. BuitH for boye ond littledroBEoeand jack-) eta for the girla that have faded aud- bi como discolored, are quickly traueformi into new garmenfa by tho msgioal worktj iutf of Diamond Dyoa. , -3*1 These wonderful- package dybe cost bUw 10 oauto per patikage; they are simple tSij ubo indeed any child, eau VBe them an4j t^et a grand color. The colors produced bj Diamond Dyes'are fast and Btrong, and inj manyrespeota far superior to the cofir] uued in lar^e dyoiuii factories. When buying dyes for home use boo that V6ur dealer gives you "Diamond Dyea*!: imitatjloa aud worthless dyes will eau your ruatbriala and (jarmeata.. : \<)l bottom of the list ih written, "error except d,'* Hhowinji tbat the |ieopla of thou days were km likely to make mistakes as the people of the present dny. H. Walker dt Sons ehipped in M 11,06ft oasea of liquor, which ia th laraefi^ number of canoe ever ahipped by tlio fl In ene month. This aumreer & raqk wa bouse with a oapaoity of 10,000 barre1 will be ereotsd.. The largess one how use baa a oapaoity of only 18,000 bawlo-t^ . y::'%i'M ^i- vJV /.' ': liiiikiaa^^ 515

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