pi^ WILKINSONS hjL Choioo Fresh ClmcoueH fim* ' PlOTIBlODB, THg, ^offtit'H F^ and KpicoH. V Special lines m Crockery ' (.-"VL." Christian Endeavor Soci ' VIs. ,' ,'<( St. PmiI'h Church, "i-wP** nmsDAv Eva., mar. 2B?L H erybody Cons, VOL XL No 13 ESSEX, ONT., FRIDAY. MARCH 10, 1895. WHOLE No. 634 F 0 LEADING STORE OF ESSEX Wo lmxo meowed a luv^o shipment of Spring Millinery Goods moro to follow aooi. Wo bog'to announce our Spring Opening THE xr: (-< y>y,sJ5>^. :oN Friday and Saturday, April 5, 6. ALL AUK INVITED. Our display of Paris. Pattorn ' llata mid bonnets is exceptionally line. ive hopo to .-,ee nil tlio Lading of Essex and vicinity ;tt uur Opening, AMIIEKKTlHTUa. ThoH. lUndall, of Detroit, in In town. Phil tttmumo visited in Comber lust week. Kd. DaviH, ol Aylroor, wwi iu town Iwt week. Miss Minn Wigl, of Toronto, ix visiting at D. D. Wigln'n. Lewis Oimrdin has returned homo from (Jlevohuid, Ohio, Mrs. Lnwifl l'rimeau ami nun vinitod friondn in Anderdon tho pant week. J. W. Jtioharduou, of Colohsstur. South, paid uh a friendly visit ou Thursday. Wm, Partridge, of North Gonfiidd, wpuut u, tow days in town thm week. W. a. Baldwin, of Colchester Buthf was iu tev/u for a fow days last wook. Gapt. D. Nicholson left town on Weduea- day of liiat week for Chiaago to fit out Iiih boat. Miss Mubul Twomoy, of Dotroit, in spend ing a fuw d*yo with friend* in town. Tho repairs to tho uoulh ond of 0. VV. Shipxau'scoal dook in about oomplotod. Gordon l\ J'ox, of KiugRvillo, wan in town dotag bumuous en Wodncoday of laut weak. N. A. Costo, rdovu of Maiden, returned from hid visit with rolativou in Ottawa laut Thursday nij>ht. Geo. X'ickorniFft of Dlonbcim ban beon visiting m town with hia brother, H. V, Pickering, for a wook past. NOUTU MOON. Wmtor lingors in tlu Inp ut "("'.'A1!!;. ..... Loud-tluuiilnr limL Kimdiiy aftnrMiou. fol. lowfltl by n lhiu warm rain ut night. Ilyron Ciilhnn of Pontine, Mih., U vist- inj; riilaMyuM hero at prniirmt. Cnlvm Duvidi'o'n bun gone to work for Pridoaux Orton for Mm nurnnvr. Tho Tailor Bron. nut wnnd for noyurnl pattios bun1 Hut wi'ok. Alonm W, Uridgen in pelting cnl timber and hewing it for a stable which ho pur pose* building uoxt Himmior, Chai. Oobloy of Pontine, Miah , iH bafi*, tho giiowt f\t r^luLivntt. A fnw wokrt ngo lin liad two flncaru of 'Inn ritfht h'tud tint off in aHaw.milljJoonlod near Pontine Jmr6H Gnrnmiford ih ablo t bo nround ajialo. wo aro filttd tn Kny. IIo walkod out in bin linden laot Guiuluy, tho flrnt time in Bjvaral wurlcH nino bo butt boon uldo to nut oat uid tho door, >Jow in tlm tirao to unrap clav roadM. Tamtii H. Laird P. L. S., whb locating linos horo last Wcdnoiulay. r-f Handsome Desips IN Spring Dross Goods, Tweed Dress Patterns Fine Serges French Figured Goods Henrietta Cloths, etc. KINGSVILLL. . J.'E. Stono, of Ehbox, wan in town hist wook. Jan.. E. Brown iu couflnod to tho hcuuo with a JoIi'h cjonifortw. . H%. L. McKay in auditing tins 1 ookn of tho Kinirdvillc (Janinu^ Co. Tho Mo^haiuoH' Inntitutu robma .wcro handnotuoly paporod thin wook. Mr. Howard, of Port Huron, m viaitinj; Iu'h uinter, Mrii. MuKintiuh, Tho boll tor~tlTiy~rtiiT^^tlirtn^iTOrH placed iu poai'tion Friday, John J. .llalott id ab!o to bo up iind around nftor lua neriouH illncun. Mm. Sol. Baltzer Hpont hor birthday, TueiuHy, lioio with Miun Alma Ilor. Frank Moons, of Northvillu, Miah.* will- hbortly opon up a Rttiiun laundry horo. Mihh Cameron, of Monvoo, Mioh., ih Bpcndiiif* ii fow day with W. /V.Grenvillo and tumily. . " . in tho fix/Jo. About fifty malou wcro prri'iont but not. n oinglo fomalo uppoarod^ .Tho boy turned in and had a fitu^e da&oo, unti 1 tho janitor turned the gutt off and Jtft them t j fj ol their (way out in tho dark. imOOKEU SETTLEMENT. Mr.^tfo. Nwraan.i painti.i(i Win liftUne inaida, tind in making a fjraat iwprovemnt. Mofmrtf. L. Rodgora and .Taa. DrJD(/ ar busy fciicint; in'tho TjO acre* of Cunada Cornpany'n land oast of Jaft. Brooker't* fiO We nudorntand it iu (or pantile, Thoro waa a vtiry larjja atteudaiice at the Baptiat Church last Sunday mid Itov. Mr. Gauipbell piaaobod an cKoftlUot uov- moti. MrB. Campbtdl actad an orga-uiit la*-t Sunday, Minu Birookar boin^ abaout. Givo an neeount of .youm&lf, Mnt*(ji. \Vt uudorutand that Mr. T. Gumminca in tfoing to erect a new Wo una, Mr. W. Birch ami hiu brido aro~ butiv cltunin^ Iiouho, hh they iutand to k* keor- 11-1*4 ho'.ise iiHinadiat-fly. W* wiuh them nnvtli' jny and happinehK. Mr. ri. Church !h building a flncrfruino house on bin farm on tho roar-road. Air. J. ICny hint tho matoriul taontly nu tbo urouu'l for a now hount. It is uoing to bu a brick. Tho dancj tuat wan to be held hall Thuroduy ovcninii waH a WASH FABRICS: Prints, ^ Satteens, Duckings, Crinkles, Delainettes, etc. See our assortment before buying your Spring Costume. Our pneos aw lower tlmn h good many. With tiait is not "how much wo can get," .but "how little we can afford to sell for." "-Dress Trimmings, Dress Laces, Dress Linings, Fibferine, CarfvasseB, etc. At Bottom Prices, Carpets 0 heap, ____ Curtains Cheap, . Window Shades Cheap, Wall Papers Cheap. * ' . ._.., UOMBISH. Mrfi. A. Baird, of Loaminstn, in in ths villain vihiiwiji hcr._Jjiot.mir. Mii Laura Yoauc, of Loitraioctoir,. in in Mm villain visiting hor purc&ts. Mr*. Pizor haa roturnod from a fow dayi*' visit with friends in Ivingavillo. A. A. Couto, nf Ottawa, and A. K. Itou- dot, ot Anuhortbory, woro in the village lant week. It. Ilurnt fjoourod a cood well of water for Jau. Grahatu lant wook.' Tho well is 142J fotitdoL-p. Jao. Lieiday han purchased from Mcnarfl. J. S.AinBlio* Bro. alarm on the 11th ooncoHHion of Tilbury Weut. MuBHra. Win. Wurron and D. Chattorton aro building hoiioes on thoir acquirtd farmn on the '.UL ooncoiiuiqn, aad will move thero- on in the Bprin^. Air. Prtaroo, reprooentinj;, tho Ontario Natural Gun Co., wan in tho villa^o laot wook trjiug to ocouru loaooa of nevural farm*. . ------<-:_______ (JK3TO, - Hov. Mr. Wiln*n, of Detroit, occupied thi! pulpit here on Sunday evening. Mr. W. Clifford wafl hero aain ou Sun- duy. Mr, B. Wilagn who'wan'ou thn nick hat i? li^KiirabLo to rosifvno work.-........--------.......... Mr.'GaRo'n littloboy is vory nick, with uot rnuoh hopo of Iiih rocovory. -----------------------^ i ^. ...... COUNTKBFEITEUS ATP WOIUC. lisum, Mttmii 20 i ii. IHW,. ... Coiri.Ml iw t i ) iji i : i| !, Mi-- tiny- or in ilu: i luiir. ProHHiit. .utv-riji)v<, and oouin:ill'ir-t (J'H. IJ.nh.-l. A i-'.- *;, l> WhiMiny, ,L A. tl.i-.l-H, A. U.in.jM. .1. M. IliokN, an I fl. J, Tli.imaii, A (iiminiiniontio!] wan .mad fr>ni '.I e Liuou-*i3 hisp<:otor ro by |nv purn-il bv tli Qunnml ImiiMnj,' lb- li n' ;i fur lh<: >al of intojcicatii't; liipior in ilic 'I'r.Mi >ii Kmiax, an fol'.iw-t: Gkmi.i:mi:n, d your bj-litw in in hitt'u' in l.'rovii":!*' TrcuHiiritr and thin m a oiipv nf'hi' li'tiM'I r:i:ivt:*l in rL-ply. ViiiiiH truly, (Biifiiml) Ar.ANs'jN liiiLMTT, Intipiator II. r.ICKMrili Itll.lN'fJM. Tohunto, M.ui<:n IVrn, '1)5. But, In reply to your fuyoi ot tbo 7tU' iuht, oiicln-ii cnpv (if hy-lawn pnHH.id by tbo Conuuil fi' tbo Town of Etmi-'X, I li'g to Huytlmf. municipal cour.dila havo now no powor to fix tho lmur.1 of clonic of tavcruK, It it p'JHHihlo that uudor Buution .12 aud uiidor tho wordo "or may irapOHa any ro* Htrictionii upon tho muds of carrying on miuh trafiio an the council n.av think tit," they may liavo tho powr to (ix th hitur of cloninj of fihopH Under Llin old law whou munioip,4 uoumnlu yrautod licouiton, they had powur to r(>ulata the bourn of oloflin^, bu<< all Huoh poworu wnro with*, drawn from th couneilft ky the Act of 1870, and placed in tho Iniudn of tho board of .oomnriimuunoru, exuopt in regard fcJ ahopH, ilh ubovo riifurrt'd to. It in nu^oet. od that you ch)1 tha attoution of tb coun oil to tlnu niii^ttor. I luivu tbo honor to bo.otc., IIeniiy Tottkn. Tho mayor oxplainod tbo object of tho npeoial meutini; which wan to tako iuto comidrttaiion tho ittnpii ncceBoary to put tlio boiler at tliu waturwoikn in a ^ood it.-.ttt of rt*[mir. Mr. G. J. Tlnmiu r^ad a lattor whicli ho had draftvd to forward to tbo raanufactnr- et'H of Maid boiler, which lutter wan approv ed by tho oounoil. \Iovud by Mr. Thoman, noconded by J. M. .Ihulu;, thut di-nuty-roovo MoDougall bu addod to tho Fire, Watar and Lij*h't cfouainittoo aud that thoy ^ot the wutur- work* boilor properly repaired. Carried. Counoil thuu adjourned to date of ro^ular moating, 4gril 2nd John WAi-xrno, Olorlt. tulitr'u work, Car. ........ Mr. Mulvumi, of Riillu itivnr, mMroMHi d tl).t..cou()oil ro_tho ^nrcliartJ of a rnad-nia- ' ' Wilcnjr ami fiylvtro, that WHnoi), Ran kin & fJii.'n anoount of 5(.j0 bo paid. Oar. Mr. J. M. Tittrimn piMtianfod bin hill of *.">!) for nurvjy of thn utlot of tbo Turu- bull, Ith oom..and lUiin lino- draiurt, also making pltAiu of uttuin. v Ladoiioour and Wilcox, that Mr. Tior- aun'ii bill bs paid and^u &K for aHwintants. -Our. Aoctii. jontiHrtd : J. D . (t O, A. Ainali*, tt10,cofflu for tbo lata Ji lion La^ocquo; 0. Clark, SliD, printing anditorn ropcvt( ta,; Ii * 11 o Kivur, Bll.nO, uowor pipau; C. Oar. rick, 62, Mtntuta labor refund. Adjounind to April '20th to rnaol us. Iluucomb Station. Gentlemen nil tako of their- luitM when they Heoour .' . . . \ aPKClfAIjftUl-.I-.KTIN. On IMiintlntr and OitrUi^ <*>i Volint; t'vttru 111 un \.ii>I Orrliub-d. Tlio Ontaria Dupiirtinont of Agriculture ha jiiNt inuuod a dpeoial BulUtin on th abovo-namud nubjeot, Tho qu*tion iu v*ry fully dualt with, and oompleto in- Htruotiona givn. Copied of tho BnlUtim which should bo in tha hmds of oyary farmer and frmt^rowor, may bo bad ou appbcutiou to tlio Dopartmont at Toronto, Following io a 3Utnmary of tha inntrnct* ionuRivou ; QUIIUAHY. New Styles FOR SPUING, 1895. ttOCHKSYVUK COUNCIL. MAIDSTONE. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darned, ]r.,.onter- tainod a number of their relatives at au "At Homo" on Thurnday, 2Ut ihst. At cix o'clouk a bountiful rtpaot wan nerved by thoyonuj; houtoas, after whioh a very en joyable oveniug ,wan fipont by all pr*eufc. Mr. Konnoth WiIooh is ftttiug watorial on tha ground for the rictiou of a larjt* new barn thin npring People out this way are getting their bomeBtoadi in better ohapo ev'ory year. ESSEX, ONT. N Farmers. Oct icoady! ParmorH and others hftviuRcorn plantern raquirmtt repairs, are requeutou||to bring tbetn in early, no the rtiili will! noon oouj- ttioneo. I willb* in a position to handle a lot of repairing auring thonoxtfew weoka, and w^ll aliio have uome fine new plawters fornulo, wo'havo prominaa' of an early Bering, wo don't delay; Pnieo RoiiiNRON Talbot Bfc., oVpoKiteDr.MoKeuKio'iirflil- deaoe, Bbmx. tf llculth and lACo mudunserod by YJii HornpulouH Dealers tvito PQfUHle VJiitiiiwpcsctliiir People ( TaUc Im- llatlonii S*me iPolutom Worth Kto- mi'iiiberliiQ!. No modicmo that in wot of more than ordinary merit tuffors from iraitatienH or tuibutitutca. Tbo fact that an imitation iH off jred in onu of tho otrou[jant proofn f tho oxcclhiut (luilitiGA of tho ^esuino article. Tlio .I^r. Williams' ModhainQ Co., is con tinually trying to impress upon tho public tho fact that Dr. Williama1 Pink l'illa are only Gold in neourely iicalou boxcH, tho wrapper around which in printed in red ink and boara tho rogintorod trado mark ' Dr. Williama Pink Fill* for Palo Pooplo," Notwithntandin^ this constant warning tbore are nnaompulous doalerfl hero aud there Who defraud tho public by Bollinc on imitation pill (aluo colorod pink) either by thsdozou, hundrod or by tbo oynoo, ailti^- injy that thoy aro "juat an good," or "junl thu name" ns. tho (jeuuino Dr. WilliamB Vmk PillH. ThiH in a faliohood, aud tbo uuiiurupuloua-dealor who oiTurft tho imitat* ion kuown it, but in raoro concerned for thn extra profit ho makew on tho imitafion than for tho health of hia unfortunate victim. Will the public, in their own interests, boar in mind tho following factu, Dr. Wil liams Pink Pillo are never sold by tbo doz on, hui dred, pi ounce. If any defilor of* tors you a pill -in- thin form (no matter whothor colored pink or not)' he in trying to cheat you aud-ohould bo nvoiJed. Thtj formula of.Pr. Williamn Pink, Pills iu a auorot and in known ouly to tbo oom- pany. Therefore if uomo dealer tells you a HUbDtitute in "just the name" or "just as Heod" he in simply trying to deoeivo you beoauiB there u a larger profit for him in nailing the imitation. Whou you auk for Dr. "Williaam Ifmk I'd In too that the trado msrk in on the wrapper of every package, and do not bo puwuadod to take tuiytujug olio, no mutter how plauuible a story the dtiler may tell. Imitations in mtdfcnio are always ohoap, always worthleis and often dancerettn, and people who have a oaro for their heilth will always refute thorn, Dr. Williamn l*ink Pills euro when other mcdtcmosfaiK That'a why they aro im itated; and that iu why you nliould inuiiat on (jottiu'R tho conttlua,'\ Vhq& ilh a spring medioino Dr. "Williams Pink Pills aurpttsa all otkur uiedioimm. Xf faeliu^ "out of ioitu" ^ive them it trial. Bc-JoAcniif, Al'xn. lft, lHDo. Oouncil met its par adjournment with all members preuont. Minuten read aud ivl- opnd. A com. way rend from A. Torry, chief ebcinoor II.-0. R., stating that tho matter of culverts complained of had bcoa referred io tho asflt. encineer'. A com. waij road from Wilnoa, Rankin A 0... enclosing a abatement of thoir accoimt againat Uoohsator re Rasoom units. Tbo amount of their aooouutand disbuvHcraontH ib J10S0.H5, buttboy ara willing to accept Sb'GU in full of thoir acconut. A com: wati real from tho truntoos of B. S. No. 8, consenting to allow lot 20 to be takuu out of their section and put in No. 0. -providing, no oxponuos woro put op them. By-law Nu. 17, providing for tbo noooa- uary ohun^ti, waoroad ih-j uuual uuuubor of timoa and panpedr' ' Ladoucsr and Wiloox, that IIr. H. Lajoie be appointed pouudkeoper iustead of .Too. Deoaire. Oar, Adjourned for dinnor, and upon resum" iut,', Mr. Chrlu, Simon addreHi)d the couu- oll r uurplus on fitb oou. drain. Bowhirst and Ladouoer, that tbo olork bo appointed to go over tho.bookii with a viow of looking up surplus on Oth con. drain if any' oxmt, Cur. The collector's time wain extended to April 3uth. Mr. D. Donio apphod for B12 for koo^iuK Jou. Donin, who hag been afflicted with rheumatinm. Sylvestoc and Liadouoour, that tho abovo requottt.ba not ontortaiuod. Car, A joint potition from ratopayera of TiU bury North und Itoohoator, asking for tlie formation of a now union school section on tho .hike shorn. Thoy also aok'ed for' the appeiutmont of au arbitrator. A. counter-petition wuh road from rata- payOKB.of.B. 8. No. 10, protesting afiaiuat any ohanne in the sootiou, Bylventro and Dowhirst, that the joint potition of ratepayers of Tilbury North and Rochester be not entertained. Iu amendment by \filoox-Ladoaoour, that the joint petition of ratepayers of Rochester and Tilbury North be entertain- ud, aud that Ml oh an I Moll ugh, of Maid stone, be appointed arbitrator. Car. Ladoueenr and SylveHtre, that Mr. Wil- ooxboappeiuted tooxawine Mr. C. Bimcn'B oomplaiut of down timber ou oou.. 0 with power to aot. Car. Uulphica Laoharite was allowod to com- mute lils.statuto labor on lot 17/with F. Sylvestro us oom. N. CJ a junior applied for, tho council to appoint a com. io roooivo bis work. Wiloox aud Sylv*str, that tho Reove be appointed to receive and settle N. Gan- 1. Far an ercbard, select, if potuublo, hiyh land with a northern or noarthaHtern exposure. '2. k woll.drained, desp, open, clayey loam iviha best. fl, Work the laud dooply and well, pre vious to planting, 1. 1'lant far euough part thai trans will not touch when full grown. 5. Tbo hexagonal Arrangement of tress in an orchard admits of 15 por cout. imore troeo por aoro than on tbo uquars, without a bit more crowding. 6. To seours propar fertilisation of bloti Homi, avoid planting too larye a bjoak of any ono variety. 7. When trail uplifting, keep the roots moiat and pack tho earth about thorn firm- iy. - . ., 8. A wiuioh nproud about, newly. traiiH- planted troes 'maiutaius a uniformity of temperature and moisturo favorable to tlio formation of new rootn. 1). Givo thorough, ohallow,lcvol cnltivat-' ion. 10. Cropping botween tho rows must uradunlly ceaifo an thu trees increauo in nize# 11. Unlaauhed wood ashes aro ops of the bufit fcrtihzoru for fruit cross of all kinds. "~ VI. Likr*lfotbr fbrtilizera, tha^honld bo npread evenly sa far out as tbo roots ex tend. 13. Prune regularly every yoar and di rect growth rather than cut out what haa grown., 14. Preyent injuries from borers by coat, iog the trunks of trees with a nofc eoap soda and carbolio acid wash._____ 15. Bprayinj* Ib of toll neaesaary onyounc traos while nob yot of a bearing ago. 10. For loaf-eating iunocts, use 'Pario ^roen ; tor nocking insects, koroaono cm- ulHion; and for funcy>'JH diaoaaeu, copper Hiilphiito nolution and Bordeaux mixture. 17. Tho Bordeaux mixture and Turin groon may be applied together with ad- van'tuco- , .Ul'JUVI.SO. Tho whole host of loaf-eating, inBoota which food nn tho apple troe, such as the Tunt caterpillar, Red-hnmpad. apple trso uatorpillar, Yollow-ncoked apple tre oator- pillar, Fall "web worm, Tussock moth, canker worms, etc., must bo fought with Parin green, usoii at the rate of 1 lb. to '^50 gallons of wator. Otlior inaeota which sack tho juieca from tho Iouvch and young wood, such as tho aphis, treo cricket and bark louse, must bo destroyed by tho korosene emnlnion. ThiHis mndn according to tho following formula: Hard aonj) } lb.(or nuft soap about gallonf, hot water 1 gallon, coal oil 2 ijullonn. Dieiolvo tho soap in hot wator, add the coal oil, than agitato by moans of a.foroo pump or oyrinfie for five or tan minutoH until thoroughly mixed. If properly made, thin, ou cnoling, will form'a jolly-like nub- ntitnco, which, boforo usiug should bo dil- ntod with aboCit fiftoon parts of wator. The apple, scab fungmt, which, affects the fohago an well an tho fruit, muut not bo allowed to weaken tb young trees be fore thoy oomo to a boariug age. To bold this in chock, spray before the buds open with a solution made ol 1 lb. of copper sal- pbatot>2fi gallons of water; after tbo follatto appears spray threo to four tlme it intervals of lOdayB or 2 weeVa with the Bordeaux mixture.' This, us now wsod, .is made according to this fallowing formula: Coppersulpbato (blue vitro!) 4 lb., hnoe (treoh) 4 lb., water f>0 callous or bn coal' oil barrel. pUu'olvo.tho copper sulphate' in wooden' voflRol, or in tha barrel on which the fores' pump is wouttUd. To ao this*quickly hang it jusvlittlo cotton hag so that it will boiustholowUiasurfaoobf the water in thobarrol, Xu another vchmI Uko the lime, using plenty of water, the- s^n^ , ^ fi ^^ ^ ^E avo Ble n'gents in Wind sor for the following Cele-^ brated makes: ,/" ^ Lincoln Bennett & Co., Ghrisiy & Co. y John Buckley, Wilkinson & Co.. Henry Garters which includes the beet made in JEnglaud. Hata THE LEADING HATTER. barrol containing tlio copper aulphato, 'Fill the barrol with wator. . If tbo limo is fresh and pure it shenld noutraljzo all the acid in tho copper sul phate oolution. To tout if this ho the oaB> add to a uraall ump1of the uoixturo itdrop or two of ferrocyanido of potassium.' XI tlio lime m inauffioiont, tltisi dvcp, when added, will turn brown. In thut ease Jime- wntor miiHt;bo added until tho tent gives uo brown aolorutiou, - The Bordtauac mixture and tho Paris. groon mnv with advantage he applied to- gather, tluia forming a combined faugioido and lunocticido. To do uo udd -1 o^s. of Earia urosn te a jiarrnl of tha mixture. All of these mixtures shonld ho applied in the form of a very Una upray. The Vermorol" and "McGowcn" nozzles' hav* I ho far been found to bo tho rr.onfc effvotive.' and economical f?r thia work. Those may.! lie attached to any g*>od, strong forcn pnmp,:| nt which a number of Canadian makes may bo found advertiuad in tho agrioultura and hortioultural journals. Donth of Mrs, OT. (>. Pock. Ksnex people will rearat very much to loam of the death of Mrs. J. 0. Peck wbieo ooenred at Windnor oh Wedntsday uior. ing at 10 o'olook, at tha Hotel DifU, where she had been taken lane wok tot treatment.' On Sunday morning "ohe wan apparently] sinking, ond.could not Jiyo onfc tho day J and an operation was uudertakou as alast'I remedy with one ehanco against m&ny inj Havinf. her life. Tho eporaaion was pi"*;'] formed ly Dr. CarRon of Detroit, aaaistedi by Drs. SamHon and H. B. 0"flraiai7l yinco then little hopo was, entertained hor recovery. : Tho doooancd was a native of OhathatoJ and was in hor 13rd yoar. She was ms,-i riod 20 yearn agO'laat:S'o*totiaber.ana -wi tho mother of eight children, four bey I and foor girlf, who all nurvlvo her, thi J eldest being 10 and'thftyomJUostthMo. Shejj was a member of bt. Alphon.HUH ohttrefc; and one of tho congregation'*! most oaruesJi workers. ' : , Mayor Annrar. through a bit ef coarse sackiMg Mr. Geo. H, Burfiar, OPoBtmaster aa^J Mayor of Welland, OntMsayB:, VFro.m;ei" llerienoe i* toy^wn fapiUy I oaonot sfi too hitthly of 'UUxk\ Bpwders as pUMant imwodiatb and psrwanen* owe fer H< ache, Hedrftlgia/.Bilionaness aba, Liyw troubles. \ram*lw aware of-severaV vore cases in * * own town'^nd. u.^hh^ bond which have been cnr4 by them ill the patients had sufl(rqd for yearf, trUd allkibdsof.reweaiea and had: troatod^by dootora.-rr-Go. H. Buroab, :V Two preparations In eno , bQ?,; , nioe/fl take Bold by all medicine deaisra at 2fl iVi'.i^w-i-r- s^ik&x. :.-.s,' f+v.-V7' M ,'.V iffiifeiB^^ 339 59179 555