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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 22, 1895, p. 8

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*W ' v" 'jfj^m^w^^^^^^^W^- ' : i VHB fc^SEX HRB*i; PREkS^ JAS. D. ANDERSON & Co , BANKERS, Next to Aberdeen Hotel, Essex. Moty.y to loan on I'urinorg' Niltflfli Notoo bought eri'ollootod, Mnuy to lonti oil MorttfaKoii at lav/nut tiitau tLUil bout) torinu, Fire Insuranco Agonts, to. nm T7 Anniihl import n^UYta Show roa of 4vet- Sauo.OOOuit thu Y*iir'" lluslnoa*. -------" i*i Montreal, March 10. Thoro 1b troublo Two Firemen Iiit)titntly~KUIe<l While la tho Conriumom Cordage Co.,whlch con- trolH tho oordngu business of tho Domln- ' . Fljrhthig tho Flames. SIX LOCOMOTIVES DESTROYED -uJVti* ttlivuinrmr*>ll MUa[lu UnJtft^- tw*n 9YK.O0O ihhI II 1()Of- 000 uihI U Fully InHiirml, 'A15? PERSONAL Mr. and MrH. D. J. WhHiioy returned to thoir home ih London. last Friday aftor speeding Buvoral woeks with friendH htro. MiaH BUlla KobinNon in visiting Mr. and MrH. W. B. Robinson, Ijfiawingtou. Mr, J. IX Btrumbort returned to town en Wednesday ovotiiug aftor a fow dy absenae. Mr. tt. W. Allan wan in Toronto on business last week. ir.-wu A, '^iaw, f Pioton, p*id a short vint to hiSP-'Ntlwr, llov. W. H. Bhaw, Gottam. *Mr. and Mr. J. L Efltors spcut Satur day with friends in Detroit. MrH. F. Sway/a, of Wellatid, npot Mod- day with Airs. G. O. Young, of Essex. Mr. A. H. Smith, (general merchant, in visiting his mothor add other roIativoA at Cloar Croelt, Out, and other eastern yiointu. Mies Andorson haa rotumud to Esflfot after spending tho wintur with hor sistor Mrn. Aihphmt, of Loudon. Toledo, Miurh 18. A fire itttmidiMl by Jovj uf llfo occimcil In th 1m city yrnli'i<luy innrnliifjf ill, tlio round Iuhim! of tho Wab ash railway. Throe imm lo*! their lives, two holm* instantly killed. Nino olhern woro morn or lenn Injimxl, ono of them it 1m thought fatally. All tlio dojul oxcopt Ion. A number of wealthy Americana, and Canadians are interested in the com-, puny, no of tlio Iargont slinroholuera being K. M. Fulton, the well-known Now York millionaire. HI* Hon, K. M. Fulton, Jr., wiiH 1ho ono of tho directum mid In the hoard un ii!m W. Whltloek; New York, and X F, Hlnhn, M.l\, Halifax. Tho niannul"K dimeter wan A. W, Morris, a prominent young Mouiroalor, who In addltlon.to tho lntoroafc ho hold In tho concern uwlvwl a wilury of |10,<)OO a year fur Mm i.orvlujH iih iniumglnn: dhoHor. Tho company ln controlled tlio cordiigo bimlliohs of tho Dmuliilon and U wiw Ken- orally helluu'd that thy pro(ltn worn oiiormouH. A different coiulltlon ofatValrw wan rovealed at thuannual mtiutlntf which hii4 Jn*,t beon held lioro in tho utmoHt pilvary. A MroiiK otYort wiw iimdo to ono woro oiuployeos of tlio Wabash vail- . lawip tho fnoth M'ci-et but they hiivo hulked Address and Presentation. Tht many fricndii of Miua Lizzie McCloi;- ky, of Maiditono Grono, will bo ploiiiod to xt%d the following : On Monday limb Mr John GilkitiHon, IIr. Ezra, Malott and __;jdu,uahtor, Minn Miua, and Mr. W. A. Greu villa, of ICiii^HvilIo, pratontad Midb McGloa- koy with a bb&uliful addratta, liandBOtuoly _. iruuiod, and-yi^ded by one hundred hhJ fifty-two of Kirjguvilhi'a raoat proiuinont ladiOH [:2ntl_uiti0n,_alo[] with a beautiful riutf, sot with fubioa and puarla. Tho addrouu wan an lollowu: "A TOJCHN 01 ADMUIATION AND CfiTKKM " Disxu Mihu McCr.oHkKY; Your noble act to John Gilkinoon baa ksiado you many friuudu, Tho list of uamos bol'iw aro tho truo and booa-fido flicuaturea of roaidtinta of tho villifjo of KiHcaville, who deairo to oxprcsu thotr groat admiration for your bravery and loving kindnous, aud all poiniblo bolp Riven to Mr. Johq Gilkmuon, who mot his doath by a runaway and fall lug loforo a train, wao wounded uuto to death, at Maidstone, on Fob. 27th, 1805, And who uoou uftor died. Tiiu uol lo fjirj who o a mo to tha help of tli ih ntntugor and ramiatored unto him, with all the ooncorn und ut/oation of a daughter, wo hopo and tru>)t hor dayu on ourth may bo full of siiki. ehinc; the pain ef auoidant may never come to hor. That the olioicoat blea^iu^'i of our "^"uthtir in Heaven may How like a river Upon the llfo ef Muh Li*i/,ie McGloalcsy, in the truo wink of all whuno nam on aro hr*r. Wt aluo ht'C ot you to acoopt thia rin^, in nlod^u of oar truo fueudahip, nnd may tin- comfort of your laith comu bountifully uul * yeu ih our every wish. Thu addruHH watt nigned by MrH. Jultn GilkiuHQn, W. J. Gilkidson, and 150 others [Tho Fiike Frkhii rourotH thai lack i pacu proventu the publiaatioa of aigutitur* g of tho romutning 150 loading ladieu uu<i ^entlotnen. appearing in tho addroan.] At tlio sumo tiiuio Mr, Lowih JaHptrnoii preiiontoil Miuu alcGlonkoy with a iiuuutif ul bruouli and the following addruHH . "A memento of oataom to Mhitt Li/^ie MoCloGkoy for horoic oouduot aud kind ansihtKUce to dyiu^ John Uilkumon, from injuries rucQivcd by him at M C. It. K Croumti^;, Mitid-tont (>ioun With ooiupn tneuta of Li:\VI4 i) WI'HHBOS, KingHvillo. Our, Mlrtl Mrd.OBKlH ill 1'IJKH To MrH. Juhu Oilkuihon, W J GiUuuhou LewiH Jiiapertjon, aud uthoru: Dian Fbikmib, To you and the 150 laditiH and enilomm of Kuifjuvilla I wihh to a JdroHw a fow v.jf[jHol thauUfuluouu for -tho gifts and for tho written leutimouiuR with winch you aud they have praiguten me. Iu dm g no I am oonaoioua bow iuadequutfllv I bball convoy to you by thi -modi'.nil my heartfelt appreciation of tho ^jooduefl^, tho loving kiudnoHn thua diBplay- -ed iu my reiiard, Hat wlulo I oannot hopo <to itucoeod id exprousiog all that I fool, I may at leant aMiuru you that as regardu the -oblation of btkt wihhuw for tho future, tho tlhermhiag ofreHuout und affootlou iu the jm'uent, I eau uitin a lro<uy of truly "uu- ceBtriotod rouprooit" with my friend* of Kiniinvillo, foolniE how dooply they have lion-tfud me, how they have magnified in Ahoir guneroabry tho little aotu of cbnriiy> which it wet* my pr yik>t>o to exoromo to- wardii j.)uor Mr, Gillunnon, on tho uignt of -*b.'.7th.'fl6. Jfutrymg to comfOL-tMrailkimiou m hhlaet awomBUtM, I only Jul mv duty, and for any .little Horvlo>i ^errormod by me, I havo been anero than re ward o I ' y tho k aud bo ma ^yroaentH and tender worda, that aoeompauy r*bon , which I wi 1 tieaanro, if spared, for yearn to aa<ne,.uu thu glfts-of myfrleude of Kintovil.c I will not truafc niy*etf to nay junto bu , tv m the fulness-of<my heart, tvuib you tvry ooipohitlon, and lou^yoare iu lui-Hh and huppinoBU. Liii'afl McUlohkhy. way. Tliey const ItuU'd tho company'Hilro depnrtmont for tho protection of tho nhopn and woro onp;ap;od In lighting tho flumoH when the uccldont occurred, that jrediiltod f.o illmifitroiiKly to them. Tho round houno Ih locjited at tho foot, of South utroet. It wan a (iubnljLii(hil brick Htruoturo with n tyipnoity of twenty enfjlnoH nnd contained ulx loeomotlvoH when tho fire broke out- Tho llumea woro flrtit wum in tlio cupola that miriuoimtod the roof uliortly ntitiv 10 o'clock. An alarm wan telephoned to tlio city fire department and in the meant Imo tlio yard company got ono atream playing on tho bhuo, which noon nwulo its way to tlio roof. Tho wallH of tho building woro believed to ho nocuro, nnd tho flromon prcBsed clostdy in toward*) tlio building. It wan hoon that tho roof would oon fall, but no dniifior wan apprehended from that fioureo until tho Houlljwent wall,woakoni]d by tho dflhtruetlon of tho frame juipportH that connoetod'lt with tho roof, wa4 ob- Mrvcd to tromhlo and Niuldonly fall out on tho volunteer flrcmon. Before tho majority of tho men could realize their peril the heavy wall wan down on top of thorn,burying them undorahoap of Hmok- lng dobrlH. All but Uowon, Prenton and Bolilman woro quickly takon out, Bowon and Proftton wore dead whon found. Bolilman was found unconhcloun and auc- cumbed to IiIb injurloH hhortly after bolng taken homo. When "the flrHb_of_tho city flromon an- nwerod tho alarm thero was imminent danger of tho fire upremllng to tho Wabarm olovator and tho repair fihopq which stood close by Tho oil hoiiho wuh uIho monacod, but I he ihimt'H were held in cheok. and tho llremen finally succoodod In wiving tho Buruiundin^ pioperty. Tho round houso wiw completely wrecked, nnd tho nlxon- BTlnefl Btored there wero rendered ukoIohh. Tho 1o<ih Ih omhnated at from $75,000 to $100,000 and it Ih bnllovod to bo fully In sured. SIGNS OF SPRING. Stnimmlilp Mim I.intklutr Out for tito Com- Int; Gannon's HiifllnoHH. WindHor, March IH. It. O. and A. B. Mackay, the Montreal htoamahipmon, aro toiiKiderlng tho advisability of running tho htenmers Acadia and St. Magnuo be tween \\ mdsor and 'Montreal inntoad of from Toledo. It all dopendri Upon tho amount of tloitr transportation to bo had. Suppllofi aro wanted for Toronto, Hamil ton, PreHcott and Montreal. ) O'Dotto & McWhorry nro Investigating tho f]cldnq to the proHpoctn of adequate nlilpplng and wllO'all on both Windsor and Dotrolt milleri for figures. Tho two vohbdIh havo been rebuilt and relit ted during tho win- tor. Ono of the Carrierw, oi' Carrier & Sonn, of Levis, was in town looking after tho flour supply. His {inn ships from Windsor about ten thousand bag^ a month during tho summer but ho can't got all they need. Ho wiyi if thoro wim a big mill in Windsor they would talco tho ontlre output. i ~*^ ' " ~~~ Undi Hiriihlo Imiulurnntn. Halifax, Marcli 18. Martin and Vornet Vondlvitz are prisoners on the Allan Lino steamer Numidlan, which sailed Saturday for Liverpool. They Immigrated to Amer ica dn tho last trip of tho Nuinidhm hut were prevented from landing at Portland by tho United Staton immigration author ities on the ground that they woro likely to become clmrgoH on tho place Whllo tho Numidian lay at hor pier in Portland tho men wore confined to a, Htato room under lock and key. One night tl.oy brcko tho lock, opened tho door and escaped, Dotecthcfl wcro put on tho track of tho men, who arc HebroWH, and they woro re captured and returned on hoard tho day beforo tho Num.dian left Portland for Halifax. The brothers made another at tempt to get^to Hhore at Halifax but woro pro\cnted ' , 1\\ii Ton IiiHpoctorHlil]), Montreal, March IH There are a hirgo number of applications lor thu proposed Government tea Inspectorship but. the Government lias no intention of creating finch olllecb. Controller Wallace hud de- olded that the analytical tost is not nwitlB- factory ono and he will instead apply the1, ordinary tnulo methods of testing thn purity and quality hy drawing the wim ples. This work will bo dono by experi enced testors now on the stulf of tho department at Ottawa and without any inciensed cost to tho public. With regard to tho inferior teas which havo been already brought in bo will exercise hii discretion ary power and permit tho pwnerH to re export them. Ili'mit Comity ICoi^Uf riir Dtutcl. Brunt ford, March IH. T S Shonatou* roglutrar for tho County of Hrant, pasRed away suddenly at midnight Friday night. lie had been 111 for a couplo of weeks past but wan supposed to bo much improved and was down stairs during tlio day. Ho totlred to hla bod Hhortly uftor ten o'clock and noon aftor pushed away quiotly from heart failure. Mr. Shenston was appointed registrar for tho County of Hrant in 18fiU, which position he hold until tho time of bis death The funeral will tako place to-morrow afternoon. ., out and have caused a decided Hensathm In financial circles. It Ih claimed that the annual report, which was not printed, rovealed a very bad condition of affalrri, showing a lofi of over *2flO,00(> on tho year'H operations. Ono Item of $170,000, representing an overdraft by ono of tlio directors, provoked an angry discussion, somo of thu shareholders claiming that tho money hud been used for speculative pur- posoM. After a groat deid of wrangling a spot lul (onunitteo was appointed to Inalco a full nnd complete Investigation regard ing the eompaoyHi position, and further action wan deferred until tho committee presents Itn report Tho election of direc tors resulted In Mr. Morris and K. M. Pulton, sr., being omitted from tho boaul. Criminal proceedings nro threatened by Roino of tho shareholders against certain of tho directors. A SESSION FIRST. rarllimit-iH IJUnly to bu Culltwl t Me*t oil t)l IHth ot April. Ottnwa, March 10. ThQ~roport is cur rent In tho city that Parliament will meet on the IHth of April. Tills Informa tion comes from what Is usually consid ered reliable quarters, but until aftor tho meeting of tho Cabinet it in very doubtful if one can speak with authority on the subject Tlio likelihood, howovnr, is that thero will lie a sesHlon before ah election. The reason given for this la tho Manitoba School question. It, Ih now considered good politics to havo tho matter discussed by tho House, thereby getting all tho party into line on the subject, as woll aa getting tHi"policy of tho Opposition beforo tho country, instead of-lonvlng tho ques tion to bo debated and disposed of in tho mldbt of a general election. Whllo thin idea Ik likely rn-rmwtrlHtft tho members of Parliament, being nnxlonafora session, some of tho members of tho CJovornmont are still in /a\orofa general election first. In this connection they point to tho state of tlio finances, which will require addi tional taxation to meet tho decreased revenue. Be*Iden this thero aro throe vacancies in the House which should bo filled beforo Parlhuuerttttt^tfi: *Thotto-aro- Qui'bec West, Vureheres and An^Igonish, which have no representatives at present. Should tin-so constituencies go against the Government on tlio evo of a general election tho fact would bo injurious to tho. administration. Quebec WoM, Antlgonlah, N.S., wero held by the Conservatives and Vorcliores by the Liberals, All theso mutton* v\lll bo token into consideration beforo a decision is nrrlved at. FAItaiEKS SHOULD APPJL.Y. DUtrlbul!*n of naap1cn at rl imriu t Otuwi. Emtok EiBEX Fkkb PnEBK. DuriDKtbo pantol^tiL voavB sinaploB of thoie varifttjeM of sraiu whlob h&vo Huooeed- d beit ou tb Kxpcrlmonta.1 FurmH have boon dmtribvted on Mpphcution In 11 lb. bu^f (o farmuru In all parts of'tho Dominion fieo tbroUKti the tuall^ 'Tho objoot iu vioW in thie dutributloti ha boon to improve thu quulitv and character of thoHO im portant aftncuUiirul products throughout thecoimtiy. This work ban mot with mueli il( pn ciittion and a considerable de- KWo Of HU0C0HH, LiiHt your I wan inutmotod by tho Hon onrublo Ministor ol Agnculiuro to forward, iu far us pructioablo, two sumplon t each apphoiiut, bub tho applications received were so numerouH that on thin burnt) of distribution all thouvailubln ntuok bud boon promisod by the middle of Pobruary, nnd all Utor applicants could not bo ituppliod. TIhh yur my itiutructions aro _ to at-nil one butupla only to euoh upplidunt, with the hopo tint with this hmi'ution uvory farmer jo the Dominion who uo doairuh may ahmio in tlio honcflts of thin useful branch of work of thu Jixpenmontul Far ma. Tho distribution now in progreHH conuimH of fioaio of tbomout promising sorto of OaU, Barley, Spring Wheat, Poaao, Field Corn and Petutoou. Alroadv wioro than 7,000 appllcatiouu huvo heou flllod. ill farmors dooirin^ to participate in tliui dmtribution hould send in thoir applioutious oarly,aud ntuto which of the above* named (tampion thuy would perfor, aud thoir wishoH will bo met iitt far hh pruotiuablu, until the available ntouk is cxhaiiHted. The tit am oan be nent oarly, but tho potutotiH will not bo disturbfjd until tho danger of baing in- ]Uit>d in transit by froutiaover. Letters ud- jrouiied to the Central Experimental Farm muy bo Hoot fru of poatiLUO. Wm, Saundkiih, Director Experimental Farm. Ottawa, Match Uth, 1895. NeM Spring Dress Goods ? Diebel & Bricker AUK NOW KXIIIMTJNG EXOLXTSIVE DESIGNS IN HIG-H GLASS ^ARIS DRESS GOODS..... The assortment includes the newest effects in-Tweed Dress Goods, Oheviots, Satin Cloth, Silk and Wool Novelties, Venetian Mixtures, Black and Colored Sdliels, Shepherd Plaid Checks, etc. 0,000 Feet Above tlio Clourifl. J$x-l>tootiv<> FlVim (Juilty, Montreal, March la Tho jury, after bointf looked up all night, returnod a vordict Saturday morning of "Guilty, with a recommendation of mercy," against Flyno, tho ex-Grand Trunk de tective, accused of perjury. Tho maxi mum penalty is 11 years' penal servitude, Tho police magistrate** sentenced Maggie Cojwoll, Flynn's noconudlco, i^> ono piontl^H imprisonment. Hho Iiuh already servtd two months in jail for wigraAcy. Hmtllltoii unci llruiitrnrd <>'oiilit>ota, ilainllUnh March IH. Tlui-> Toronto,- Tlaniilton and Dulfalo railway has its rotjfi laid to tho wna|ern limits of tho city lind eonstrtietlon trains nrv tiovviU'mlng between Ilumiltop and Brant foul. It Ih not likely that work will bo started ou WIl! Apppul to Ottun u. Toronto, March lfi. T^iwycr T. C. Robinotto left for Ottawa hist, night to appeal to tho Minister of Justieo on behalf of tlio following four convicts: Patrick Lyon, sentenced to four years for perjury. John B. Butchlnson, Rontencod to sovon years and III) lashes for indecent assault. Michael King, who is serving flvo years in tho Central prison for highway robbery. Donald Morrison, who got four yearn for burglary. Mr. Roljinotto will bee Minister of Justice this morning at 11 o'clock and prcsont largely signed petitions in onok caso. niluu llocln Acquitted, Shorbroolco, M'arch 15. J"osophlno Begin w/iq acquitted of tlio charge of murdering Ilarbort, tho man whoso mlstre-HK rIjo had boon for domo years. Tho evidence that oho shot him was clear as noonday, but tho jury evidently thought who hod suffi cient provocation. Ynipnrlul Penny I'nutneo, London, March 10. In tho House of Commons yesterday Bight Hon. Arnold Morloy, tho Postmaster-General, informed Mr. Hennikor Hoaton, M P., that tho Govommont had taken no steiis to obtain tho assent of tho Canadian and Australian Governments to tho Imperial penny post age scheme. Tho Govornmont, Mr. Arnold continued, was woll aware that many of tho Important -colonies woro opposed to the scheme Mr. ITonnlkor Ilcuton denies this statement and says that Canada and tho Australian colonies would wolcomo the immediate institution of a penny rato from Knghind, as a first .stop, if only properly approached. ThoPrlneeof Wales and Lord Kosebery warmly support Mr. Beaton's plans, but Mr. Arnold Morley, tho Postmaster-General, and tho otflolals will not budgo in this direction, Futnl Nltro-GlyrorlriH Kxploslon. Houghton, Tax,, March 10. Three thousand pounds of nltro-glycerlno ex ploded at tho Hancock chomjcal works near Dollar Bay yesterday. All the bulld- trjgs of tho company woro wrecked. Tho employees* wero at dinner and only ono man was killed. Several wero Injured by Hying debris but not soriously. In a magazine adjacont woro stored fi.000 pounds of dynamite but It did not oxplodo though tho building* wore wrecked. Tho property damaged is valued at $(i,000. Windows wore broken In buildings at Lake Linden, six miles away. Waiita to Itecnvor tlio Klhu'n Mulls. Detroit, MIoh., March 10. Capt. James Held, tho noted wrecker of Bay City, has made a proposition to the Govornmont to recover the mull lost with tho Atlantic steamer Klbo on January IK). Ho asks for his services in recovering tho mail nnd as a wrecker 120,000, which is considered by exports to bo vovy reasonable whon tho groat danger of tlio undertaking lo taken into oonoldomtloki. Flftann Million Dollum Involvm). San Franolsco.Mnroh 10. ,Tudgo L. K. MeKislck, acting as special counsel for tho Government, has filed a claim involv ing $15,000,000 in tho owe of tho United States against Jane Tj. . Stanford, oxocu- trlx of the will of tho lato Senator Loland Stanford, to rooovor tho Stanford estate's pro rata of taxes duo ' the TJniiod f3fcatea NjarJy throe nniea abovo tho sou, nud 0,000 foot nbovo the white, silent clonds Hull ho in sweeping plain boneath you, is HomothinK to think'about time and time "gdn afterwards, isn't it ? In tho summer of 1891, tho PasHon^or Department of the Noitbcrh Pacific Bail- road ntUd out an expedition to ehmb tlm hi^heot mountain Kouih of the Canadian boundary on tho North Puciflo Const, dud tha tjruodf t peak in tho United 'Btaton Mount Kaiuiw* or Tiicoroa. Tho pmrty reached tho biyheat point of the mountain, af or a long uud duugrous climb over rocks and unow aud yluciora that were gusbod by crovusuoH, and returned in safety. To in magmhicont peak :s botwcod 14,000 aud 15,000 foot high, aud indood may bo found in tho future to bo over 15,000 foot, or nearly thre miles in height. In a beautifully illustrated book, just publiubcd, thu Htory of this undent iu given ingreat^dotail, toaothor with many facts abjuc this old mountain that was onoo a suething vccuikj Tho YollowBtouc Purk and othor parts of tho ^rcat North-Wont are a ho illustrated and wnttou about. In a very r on poet thia hook la new, and oouUiua nothing this Bailroud Company has heretofore pubhahfid. ' lis name iu "Bketohts of Wonderland" and by bonding three two-cont stamps six conta tho Gen- oral Passenger Agent of tho Company at So, Paul, Minu., you will receive the book iu return. A protty woman may increase hor oharraa by clearing litrtkinof unllowueau and disQgurlui! eruptionu. Esoljay's luver Ln/oupen, 2fio. PRINTS, PRINTS, PRINTS! In this department business is boom ing. We are showing new and exquis ite colorings from 5c yard and upwards. Fancy Crepons, warranted fast col ors, worth regular 25c yard selling for lS^c yard. The Great Corner Store, DIEBEL & BRICKER. Have you seen the Solid Oak Fold ing Furniture we are giving away. CALL AT 's Bazaar, FOR ALL KINDS OF * Window Blinds away down Chinaware, Bvic-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 2 cents up, - To Smokers MONEY For the benefit of every, one who wishes to invest in a few shares of..... Ontario Permanent Building" and Loan Stock, J. R. Oliver, preneral agent, will be in town for a few weeks and will be pleased to explain the workings of this Acsociation. *,. l , A post card or letter mailed to Essex P, O. will receive prompt attention. J. B. OIiIVER, AGENT In IVIomorlam. To moot the winheo of thoir customers, Thp Goo. E. Tuokett & Bon Co.. Ltd., Hamilton, Ont, havo plnood upon the markot A ^nmbmation Plug of - "'.';..'- SMEaKS "T & B." SMOKING TOBACCO Tnifl supplied n long folt want, giv- mir tho consumer ono 20 confc plug:, or ft 10 coi t piece, Or a C cent pioco of il:e famous f*1* & 33w: brand of pttro Virgiijiia'.Tcbncco. , (i The tin tag j"T & B'r is-on every piece. .1 A Dilid, Maroh 3rd, 1805, Martha, oldost und belovoi'l duughtor f Mr. and Mrn. Thonma Kenntdy, a god 15 yara and 7 montlui. Tho remaiua woro iutefrcd iu tho North Ilidge comotory, on Monday nfternoon, Maroh 1th. Tho funeral aorvioe waoconduotod by Rov. A. L, Beverly. When flret wo know that thou rauat dm, How bittrtr wuh tho oup; So younc, iiodoar, mo boautiful, How oeuld we give thoo up Into tho cold ouubraoo of death, And h*o thoo laid away *> No words that mortal lips oao framo Our sorrow cun oonvoy* And now wo aau jbat nay ^arowoll Fire well balovod dead; Tins tributo from thy parents' hoart, Upon thy narrow bod. Now *ho lant cold kinfl in Rivon, A-ad hor last fiood-jiye 1b o'or; Now thy Martha livea In hoavan, Jjivm now bright t dio no aaoro. Father, whou do you ikiIbh thy Jaughtor ? la it when thy daily toilti aro o'or ? U it on God'n Sabbath day, or night, That you mluBMio^no ao bright ? Oh. dour mother, do not woep,. For tli} daughter in but aaloop, And m a fow phort ilajfi more, You -will moot her on that bnautif ul Hhore. A Hohcolmata. V. J. Nuy. "Myiohildrou hav b^ea. treated with Boott'H lilmulaion trom their earHaftt yaarii! OurphjaJoian flrat ri*commoDd,ed it arid now whomever a ohiU tabes nold'"my wife iwmaaiaUly veiorta.to thiawmedy, which lwaya f ffeota a oW l Teuuyaiou ou tt|>rlug, V- e havo cno word of Alfred Tounynou for it that in spring the young mau'o fanoioa lightly Luruifd to thotiL'htii of love. lb ih Hiugulur that the groat laurate omitted to mention the fact that it iti in the spring that a oonsldorible pbrfcionf-tvf the human racoturnHto taking Hood's Samaparilla. Probably nothing but the dfficultv of find- lug a coad rliymo for that invaluable re medy dotorrod him. Certain it is that tl old-timo domofltio romodioi aro gaaerall disoardod in fuvorof the Htandard blo< purifier, Hoad SarHttpanlla, which has attained the groatest popularity all over tho oountry aa tho favorite spring medl- oiuo. lb purines the blood aud givo* norvo,montal bodily and digoative strength. ..... ^ A woman, whoue frown eutisod tha house hold to bhiver, Is now the most peaceful with whom you could dwell; Hor orankiuoBB cams from complaints of tho livor, And Kuoljay'a Lozongas made her quite well. Heart Dlaoaeo Behoved in 80 Minute*. All oasoa of organfo or eyrapathetio heart diMoimo rolievod in SO miuutoa and qaiokly ourod by Dr. AgneW'a Oure for the Heatfcj One dose oouvio98. Sold by J. Thoro* Druggist. _ A Wood Appetite Always acaompatiieB good hoalth, and an abatiooe of appetite is an indication ofy Bomi'thnig wror^g. The univarial teaiifX1 mouy given by tboao who have naed Hood's gareapanlla, as to itn metUn m restoring^ tho appetite, abd an a purifier of the bloodU constitutes the'etroogeat reoommendatio* that can be urgeel for any modioiuo. l&M Hood'b Pills dure all liver ills. bihouflnflMSJ jaundice, indigeitien, sick hnadaobe." "*" "feo-p- j*.tS->** Jnu J J 'v .Vj 99999

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