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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 22, 1895, p. 5

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, .X ,.*... ...'ZAii; |i,-(^Vi-v-?tt;:yTi < IV I ./ * v I e I? The Chatham loan and Savings Company; -^ capital - $1300,000 Money to Lend on Mortgage* Ofprodaotlre real estate. * erasers wen ting to borrow money at best rates, lut ixponi* and no delay should apply personally to Ths Ohat-* bam Loan and Barings Co., Chatham. Sr^ OABD^HK, Manager. * -,^MW . ;va jPttftSfe*- J^AOSrOtifc FRIDAY, MABOH 23, IBs*. TALK OF"THE TOWN-. Head Smith's advt. for oho up uutfar. The South EseeX LioeiiBe Commissioners rill bold tbeir ttoxt meeting April. 17. Two tie* milah oowa for sain. Ajpply to Isaac Cnrmau, lot 5, oou. 0 Tilbnry VTeife. Milliners' apprentice wanted. Apply W kMiss Btraohan, millinery department of Hbe Groat Corner Btere, - -^ TAXES All taxes remtUing unpaid after the last day of Uaroh will be coll ant ed by Bailiff's coots, J, R, IIoISwan, col- lector. Prof. Cathoatt, optician, will remsiu with 15. L. P&ik, jeweler, UiioX, tintil Battir- day. Gall au<l havo your oyeu examined free of okarge. Dr. Bailor, Liberal candidate for the Ontario Jbegudatura was elooteal iu Haldi- tntiid on Tuesday, by a majtrity of 282 over John Bonn, Patron. Mr. Edward Ed^e Hyiu^ io Celahestor Boutb.near Harrow, has a very prolifio ewa that recently tfave birth to four Iambi, three of whiou are stilt IiviK. Who, or whose ewo, can beat thin ? Mr. James May entertained a large uwra- r of his gentleman friends to a banquet on the eveniujl of March 7. A * umber of toasts wero proposed and responded to, aud a very enjoyable eveniug upeut by all prevent. Me. Geo1. Churoh and family who havo been living iu the township of Sandwich South for some years, moved l&at woes' t* ibe J no. Kohitaso:) farm, adjoining and __partly in, the town of Essex which Mr. Church has rented for a terra of years. .Scotch tweed suits made to order 815 60 It Smith's. t. J. Wigle & Co.'b large fctoro is full .of spring good-i [jEbbkx Mhthodiu-x Lionm' Aid. A fauoy bX"r will be hold on Tuesday and Wod* rB(1fty, tbs 0th and 10th April, at tho residence*! Mrs. J. It. MoEwan, Talbot at. FullvpartiOHlara Jator on. Mrs. J. It, aloft wan. The regular meetings of tbs XV. C. T. TJ. Of tbla town will bo lield at the homos of the members on tha fourth Monday of tacb anonth, until otheiwieo anueunotd. The Members of tho W. C. T. U. are aaUod to kindly rom-mber the dutes of meetings. Mhh C. E. Nivlou, Secretary. The town council held a npootal roeetiug oU Weducaday night to disjuno the -mettion of an aOditioual boiler at the waterworks bnildibfl. While the Council realize that a reserve boiler is required, thuy are inoliued to get ulon with the ouo now in' nse, by giving it a thorough overhauling tthortly. Heady made clothing; at extra low prices at BasithV, Hew hats, oorreot styles, faohiorablo colors, fine quality, lar<:e acHortraobt, mod- orate prioei, at M. J. Wie*le d Co.'u. Bazau and Dinnkh. The Ladiou' Aid of the Buptiat ohurah, Bosox, will occupj tho vacant store in the pnnetau blo6k, next door to WikIo'b atoro pn Wodnonday, April 3rd, 1805. Sale openn at 3 p. m.; dinner from 6 to 8 ; aalmtssiou 2fio. Tickets good for entrance during the entire afternoon and evuing. The Sabbath school oobventiou to be held at tho Presbyterian churoh, Kiboi.oii -Monday, April 8th, pramnina to bo of an interetiu({ oharaotor, No pains will bo Opare'l to furnish an instructive and at tractive programme, ttverybody is invited 4a attend, and further particulars will bs 'announced later. The evanttelistic servicos held in Trin ity churoh, North Ridtfe. are being wall at- tended and a groat deal of ltitorcnk is biting bown in thsm. Rev. F. G. Nswton will prch at St. Paul's ohurab, Eusex noxt Sunday at 11 a. m. aud 7 p. m., and at North Ridge at 3 p. m. The special Bervioes will contluue next wk at Korth Ridfto at 7;30 o'clock eaokovenine. THoEkksx Fire Brlad have scoured tfce services of the Uinses Webhtiti, cf Lon don, Knfi., and will |;ive a sjrandevenmK's btertainment on WedntiJay of next week, 37th ibst. TheMio Wtblin^ aro anoeiaU isis in obaraotetr itienoa, s1hqh, Uhakes. petian eeleotions, dramatic and' htiraorena veoitals, ete., and haye been very highly aeVea ot whorover ihey Wave appeared in Canada. TWo firemen ohoulJI be liberally patroniKttd on tbeir snierprlit. Wanted; atone*, a, good girl to do houie- work, apply at- tho atoro of M, J. Wight A .. Ladies' fine button boots $1 por pair; geutia' flue laoad or Riitet stiooa $l,Q5 per pair at Smith's. !'^ M. J. WittUA Co., bav Junt reciivea, T*nd pftsM into stock uiuoty-six boxen of 11 Uew bats and oann, iBolndiuj! nil the noweet I",'^nd bfit shapes in stiff and fedoran,- , liiuen 'roller bllnd B ft. wid^e 6 ft. lon WnUd. 2flo:*cb; StaUh A Go, (> ' WOMEN SHOULD VOTE; THAT 18 THE DECISION Att- BlVED AT IN DEBATK. The. Tnwi Clerk Should Prepare Hie Voters* liMa AeeardlHCly. [The foliowiug report of the debate held In the Mechaaica' Inatitnte reading rooms ]&h Friday bight, Was written for the Tnxu Punic by a ^nbleman appointed by the Pro o id out of the XubtituW* HourJ of Dlreotore,] ' The MoohaiiioB' luititute had a vary fUoooimtul ontertatnjneut on Friday ovu- ilitf of laut weak. Mr. 0. B. Naylor pre- sided as chairman in his onetomarV happy manner, and after a violin solo by *rof. Millar, wkloh wae duly appreciated and encored by thn audience, the main feaUre of the programme of the oveuinf was .pro ceeded with. Tliie was a debate on the important aubjoot, "lteolved that the Frauahlae should ha sxtobded to Women," and the ohairneau, in order to escape the poeibititY of baltt obliged to decide against the ladies, and ^o thruuith tho remuiudor of his lif^i bald headed, empanelled a jury composed of Uoir, W. H. Iluesell, G. K, WiRktman and K. A. WUmer to hear tho arpjuuents and pass judgment upon thorn. The sneakers on the affirmative were Miasm. 1. J. Lovelace and G. 32. Honder- non, abd ou the noyative Messrfl. J. F. Mo- Quoeu and 0. U. Fuller. Mr. Naylor, bo- fore dulling on tho debateru of the evouintf, made a few robaarkti in the courueoC wblob he rttferrfld to that unfortunate Incident in the earlisr Lintory of our race wlisn Eve porsuadod Adam to p&rtaue of the tor. hidden apple, and BilCfontad thut tho (adieu had improved since then and that the apeakorson tho negative, ha hoped, would not make uao of that aa an argument. Mr. Lnvalaoe.aa leader of theaflirmakivo, opened the discuislon in a oleur aud fora lhlo wanner and advaueed some yery fitron^ (tryumtmte. He dwelt upon the fuct that womoii at the present day had OHoaped Jrom tho condition of aervitudo and tutelage they wore ke"pt!"'ttj(ftr_. Ib-tho dark ages and had bocome as Wpll educated as men, were a iritollti;out and aVoapahle of uuderitandtu^ public questions and were a great deal, more independent than mu and not so strongly bound by party tioe. Ee aluo alluded to the faot that woman now occupy many prominent publia pouihon, that the various profosiions were oponed to them and tho tendency of the age was towards giving women rights and privileged fcke same au men enjoy, and that in various StaUn thoy u.'ijoy the franohise. Mr. '......~-....... * Lovleac* alro argued that aa women were the sharers of public burdona imposed on the poaple, they should have a voioo in the regulation of those burdens. He oiUd authority to shew that iu WyomiuK thp, best women exoroise tho franohiee, that thorn was no diarospsot hIiowd them at the polU and that thoy were not in any way [ degraded by usin^ tho bftllot. lie pomtsd ont that tha aaloon IuUrsU abd the Up- portora of all nodal evili were oppoisd to women having tho right to vote, and a Ghi. cago Urow&rV Ansociation bad passed a roBolntion agaiuut the extenuion of tho frunohino to worn on. Mr. McQueon, tho Icador of thoHfltfatlve, was than iotroduaod. He replied to a part of Mr." Lavulace'a argument by saying that the treatment of women in oldsu days bad nothing to do with tho question. He stated that in Colorado and New Zoalnnd, where they exeroiHo tho franchise, the majority of women voted Bgainut piohibitibu and the oxporionao in Colorado web that tbo refined women would not vote but the coarser onss would. We aro dependent on woman to til ovate the human raoo and in his opinion if alio oamo in contact with the evil thingu in politics sho would bocome impuro, and .nor standard and that of humanity at large would bo lowered,. Ho argued that mon and women woreaonntitutpd different* ly, and that woman was croatod aa a help meet for man and that sho had her partio. ular upbore to live in and that man had his spuolal dutiea to attand to. Ho thought woman as liabio to err as man and that one result of tho vote bein% givou to women would be to doable the bad and good votes. Ho advanced tho argument that if a law were passed by the votes of wamon, thoy should bo prepared to aot hb ioldien and take ou arms, If neaesbary, to enforce it. Hequotod the opimone of Bright, Glad. stone, Viuoont aH^l some prominent women af aibat tho privilogOi and stated that the experience iu New Jersey was that it was a complete failure aud in Wyoming twenty pt-r cent, of tho voters were women and only, one half if them voted. Although the speaker is unmarried, mush ao ho would like to be otherwise, ho ventured un opinion that if husband and wife wereeaeh allowed to vote, tha strain on the matrimonial re- latibaship oaussd by a possible ditfsrtboe would bo terrific Mr. Henderson then took up the debate on behalf of the affirmative. Ho contend ed that the ncripturo* aftkmed that Moan and woman were created equal aud that they should have equal privileies.. He denied that polities would dafradu women, bn< boliovod that the influence ATTwowen, if allowed to vote, would We to parify poli ties. Ho wan informed" that m Wyoming aud Colorado most all.tho wowed did ex ercise the right of voting and in tH>t rs- p4ct be differed fnm tho presiding speak er. Mr. Elenderflfcn iid not nee wnoH force" In the argument-.th^t if women voters paused a law they shouldlbo bound to n. forco it with arm* it oaJUJ upon to do so. Ho thought there wan no danger iu these days of it boing necessary to onforee any laws 0! thin country by reiort to.nrnje? If there) were men opposed to theextenijbnVbf tbs frauchiso, there were many men and women in favor of it,and ha thought women higher morally than meu. and had ths right answer* able to form oplnione on du Ja. tlon and an to tb* best plan's to adopt, for tbo prevention of orimfl and tomdVaaoe tho welfare ol oooi^ty, and they ohottld have the.rigkk to oast their ballots for the pur pose of orystahzioe; these ep in I one into law. Women are govorued by, and have to obey the laws of tb* onoutry, and many of them haYe in pay taxes ad it-woqld enly sSene fair to allow her.to vote on qneo tlono that effect her ao materially. This has been reoogniswd to eoene extent iu On tario where thoy yote in mameipal a- tlons. They are allowed to votoin _mny- ooantrlea and da no with atisfaotion, and if they can Vote in churoh atfairs in our sosntry thoy are capable of doing so In worldly matters. Aa an Illustration *f the nufairnoeoof the present eyetetn be pic tured a case like this] A man named Jones had a wifo aud seven daughters, all ulovvr educated intelligent poreona, and thero wia only one Vote for the whole family sud when Jones died that would be taken away; while eU the haud his neighbor Smith had eveu none, all drunkeu, nuin- telligout ignorant mon, but each had a vote. Thero eight bad mou had eight votes while eight good women had uot even one. The advancement of the causa of liberty aid freedom, demandsd the extension of tho ballot to women. Mr. Fuller then took the platform on be half of the negative. He contended that women had not been franehlsed and conse quently they had Uot been disfranohlBed, and that while it might bo proper and uooeaHary for them to have prominent po sitions ua the heads of publie institutions, still .it did not follow that' thoy should bo allowed to vote, They enjoyed most all tho privileges thst mon havo and ho did not think it would be their advantsgo to have the right of voting aud perhspH as a uatufal oonflcquenoo the privilege of at tending on jurioa. Woraon can fall very low, much lower than men over do, aud there ore unintelligent an wall aa intelligent women, and as a result of womon voting tho umntolligeut vote would he inoreasod, Womon can do mora by using- their in- flaonco and by lobbying, towards tho en- aatmont - of deoirablo laws without the right to voto than with it, and if she were allowed to vote iho laoka the physical now. ur to eunu*-e the enforcement of tho laws her voto may pann( _Woranni should not leave the home oiro?o to go into politiou. Sho will bo go mo contaminated thereby. Xt would oauuo btrifo and bitterness in the family and marriages would diminish and divorces iuoroapo, and tho .place whore she shoiild borwhero hor influence is greatest for good, tbo homo, with htr family, would be neglected. . Mr. Lovelaos then mad* a short reply and olossd tho donate after which the jury returned a verdict iu favor of the support ers of the affirmative. Ur. Naylor then brought the meeting to a close by asking the audience to rung tho national anthobt. Tho funeral of tho Into Wm. Potter, of Maidfttone, was held in tho Methodist Church heroou Wednesday and wan very largely attended. The Dominion Cabinet has wasssd an order to the Manitoba Government grant ing rouaedioal legislation Io tha Cathoho minority iu their appeal agaiuut the school laws of iba provmoa. Tho terras of the order, which wad signed by lbs GoVAfbor General, on Wednesday, have not yet bsen made public. What might have resulted in a serious mishap occurred on Talbot at., on Monday* Rev. W. H, Hhawof Cotttm, was driving m town, and a tsatsi belonging to Mr. Mo- Dongall's Hyery was going out, whan the latter becoming frightened collided with Mr. Shaw's buggy, turo-wins; tho driver oat on tho hard road, fortunately no serious injuria* were sustained, although escape therofrom was almost miraoulous. A reoeut roforence of the question as to the power of local nsunioipnUtiiei to plare rctitriatieno on the hours for keeping op.u bar roome wau nado to the Provinoia' Tressnrert and elicited tho opinion that munioipalities havo . no power therein* This matter will bo of intereit to Ensex peoplo, as tho Council but recently passed a by-law te elone all bar rooms in town at nine o'clock in tho evening. This il seems they htivo uo power to do, A letter address ed to the Council, from the Lloeuse Depart- sebt of Ontario, on this matterrwas roud attheoouncil meeting on Woduesday oven- ibg, a report of which is unavoidably held over. Head Smith's adyt for ohetp^ugar. - Farmer*. Got iteadyl Farmers and otuora havlngoorn plaut#rs requiring repairs, aro reqaouSod to brirjf them in early, ao tho rush will soon oou.. ineuce. I will bo in a position to hand! a Jot of repairing, during.tho next few weeka,; and will afto bayo some flno now' planters for sale, wo havo promises of an early spring, so don't delay. Fbmd Hobiwboh Talbot st opposite Dr. MoKeDaio's resi dence, Essex. tf HWrk's Powders, each paakage of which contains two preparations, ons in a round wooden box, the cover of whiah forms a measure for ouo doso, an lraeaeJiate relief for oostivohe*srSiok Uetdaeho an* Btom- son, also Keartlgia and all kinds *f uerv- ous pains, and aDo'itiar ih oapsulis, (from I to J of one is an ordinary dose) which acts on the bowels, Livsr and stomach, forming an*vr failing perfect try at went for all Head and SfoMSaoh oomplaitits. Thoy slo nob, as most pills and so many flther medicines do| lour their efeot, or produoe'after oonetipatioa, thoy. aru nioe to take. Sfid a box at all met lioine dealers ADOUBLE HANGINO, TAo Klein County RIurdorereMflirt*nr *d Co fce tmnged June 18. 7-After a lougaud exbaaitive trial John Uenderehott &ad Wm. D. Welter, ef Elgin County, have beeo con rioted of the murder of Win. Hetidorshott, a nephew of the for. mer and oouain of Welter. The evidence wav purely oiroumetautial, but the Hake in the chain were rio olewly woven about tho prisoners that eiaape has proved iin- pouible. The Judge'* cbarg* to the jury wae stronuly iu favor of the elder prisoner, ileiidershott, who had endeavored to prove an Hlibi. The jury were exactly four bourn anal fifteen minutes in deliberating an to their vurdiat, but they were nnaniarioas when ih-*y left tho jury box. They returnud a verdict of purity against both prmonora. Chief Jiietice, Utuly Hon. W, R , Mr- dith, wes much affected in seutoncing thtitn, ud it could b* plainly e*>en that he wai trembling greatly. Th* pneonera look ihir sentence in a cool, indifferent man- ur wliioh has charaatorisol their every iiotjott niiiao thoir arrat, hut slightly hung their beads. They wore un to the Isst moment- hopoful of beim! acquitted, and when For^m>tn MarlnH anunuuood tho word "guilly" it could b scon that thoy weru much surprised. Xt was indeed a painful v-i^ht to \>y? the .ugoj father, mother and tinti*ra fat tho younuer pruoner when the i-ontence was aunounesd ; also nnticlfmhott's twociau^ht- ers. Tht Hobs wero beurtrandurintf- Thfi arime of which they have bono con victed -wfin one of the raont cold blooded nvor ritaatt'd in the Dominion, and of tho maoy murdera committed, thin io tho nrwt lime thut death ueiilonce linu ever baen psoNd iii l*)lgin. Borne daily papers claim that proB*>cufc(ng attorouy Ul(>r is iu pouHSHsion of a oonfes. Hinn from Wslter, covsring full detailu of tim horrible ufliur and implicating Hondur- short with himself m the Retiirtf Uillinj;. a Sugrar! "Sour oboloe, of , TboadtHLj/'pIctttros froo with * v*ry a5o, worth of sop at Smitb'o Sugrar! 1 '*w' A ordor-iu Counml Int't h^ion pufiaJ do olarint: thttt tho booms cnitiiiiLing of ntiak and uhanisv when impartud into Canada fr-m ihu Uuitdd Bta,tea for the purpose of conUniuK ortowii-g to tho Uuitod Htutos 1 vH or Limber of Cauadiau growth, aro to nt frer from duty an long as tho Canadian be imu uro admitied into the United dMty fruu. First qualities Granulated Sugar, price / guaranteed not to exceed 3%c per pound in. / lots of one barrel or more, spot cash, on re^ ceipt of same. ThisSugar will be in stocfc early in April. To secure at-the above price all orders must be placed with us on or be fore March 31, as prices are advancing ancL will not guarantee price after that date. Don't delay, but order at once. ) & GO.. Hi8 Doctor Dccliujea a, Six Months . .Best Absolutely Eagential. HE WILL HAVE TO RESIGN Ho Suffers Still From Insomnia and Deep ly Vwelfl tlie Treutinent Aeeordetl Him by Ills Colleagues In tlie Comiuoits-IIaveourt WlirHueeeed Him. London, Maroh 16. Post priatf* tmdor Bonibtibnal hoadllnos to-dny; Lord lloaohory'N health is tho euhjoct nfUhe gravest anxiety. Ho suffom still from insomnia and his tlootor wiys thnf. h\x months rant in nbfiolutp.ly caRcntlul. Tho Premier will have torndgn, which Is all tho mora ptobahlo oh ho fools deeply his inolatlojijindthofiict that ho Is l'gnorod %y bid collftARUrfl in the Commons. If ho rotirea Slr'Willlnm Hnrcourt will fluocoed him, oslcing; the prcsont ministers to romnluln oftico." IVoapeets ef Gladitauo's Botuvu. Tjondon, March.JIB. Tho ruraot about Lord RoBohory'B lmpendlnp; rcalBuntlon found Its way to tho public hero nnd en joyed n brlof though exciting run. It lo now treated an qulto devoid of foundation, but It is ns woll not to ho too euro of that. Thoflo who aro mot ponltlyo that Lord Uoeobory novor had tho ldea\ of retiring wear nn abstracted, fnr nway look whon tho Hubjcct of GlndHtono'fl VtitUrn from tho Rlvlorn Ih. bronchod. It would nocd llttlo more to btart a torrlflod whlnpor oourulng tlirough oHlolnldom that ho In- tondH coming back, bmahlng Lord Rofto- bory .Qu|i,..of tho way, and seizing the Promlerrthip again, with Armenia an an electrical fighting cry to go to the country, with. Hla health and wplrlta aro excel lent, and ho can bco aa well as over ho could. ..... .._...... The Hpeakerslilp, Tho Spenkorflhlp Hucoosslon has devel oped into a deeporatoly Involved muddle, Tho obvious man for tho placo was Court; uoy, who 1b a quoor sorb of combination of lonrnod profoRor nnd incorruptible haysood politician. All Aldrm admit from oxporlonce of him aa ohalnnan of com mits a that, bo far an personal quulHlcn- tlontj go, ho Is altogothor tho fittest man' to ho Spoakor, but ho has doollnod to Btand. But thoro tho troublo only Iwglua. Haroourt and hlft. - group of syiupatli Ikok* In tho Cjiblnet have been In favor of Courtney; what may bo dnsorlbod as tho Rogobory faction In tho Ministry want to put Campboll-Bannormaii, tho pWHont Soorotivry of War, into tho place, arid ho for Homo reason hardly obvloun, la hot candidate for tho ofiloo. Tho Torlon havO a civndldato of thoir own, but they aro BUHplcloiiRly willing to drop him and make Cttinphttll-llannorman',B olootlon unani mous If tho Cabinet! will adopt him as tho official cnndldato. Th* MritUh XmvsI rlley. Tho odlor o* tho wook's l*arllaMfionto\ry debates ha bticn chiefly nolnbln for tho reinmrkarblo unanimity with which tho mon now In oflleo have accepted tho policy of thoir prodocosflow in regard to tho' ?avy. Tho attltudo /.of Lord ItoRobery'rt Jnblnofc 1b In fitvlklng eontrunt rwlth'tho lino adopted by Mr. GladHtono nnd "Sir William Harcourt, wlion tho lattor woro in thp Opposition. Ifor this reason tho ConBorvtttWo of to-day havo, pardoned tho luconBlsto.nby of thoir opponents: nnd loot woek liny witnessed many oxproaslona of warm approval of the ministerial policy from tho Opposition oonchosj ovon tho oritloisma oftho ConBorvatlvo loadoro woro dollvorod in a aympiithotlo spirit, and tho. groat 'suhj**06 of naval do fence was c ' nletoly lifted out of tho- arena o*" Issue* . WHITNEY BLOCK; ESSEX UKETJ Wheat rod por bnBhol....9 flO Wheat, white ___ 58 Onrn .... 17 OfttB t : 04 Timoihv &W mi 2 76 Clover Soud .... 8 7G id 0 75 A. I dike .-.. 6 00 Hay por. ton,... .*.......____5 00 to 5 AO JH-ef per owt .,.......... S 00 to 5 GO Pork ............ 5 35to5 25 Alattou ............ 5 00to 000 Uidca ............ 2 00 <;biokoUB per lb....-...... 7 8 Butter .......... 12 12 Lard .......... 8 10 Ekkb. per doa .......... 10 Potatoes, por bushel .... GO to CO Onions .... 75 to 80 Apples .... CO to CO Turnirs ' .... 20 Carrots .... SO Boots .... 25 ParHnipn .... BO Turkeys por lb.......... bto 9 Dnckti .......... 8 flo I pry por doz .......... 1 00 Cubba^o ........;. 25 niram WulU^r A-NonelftfurU** lt*rort No. 1 Rye, per huehol .... 45 1 Corn .... -15 O&tH .... 2(1 Tho above pricoo aro paid by, H, "Walker Sonfl, Wslkervillo. One. 1-4 OFF Clearing Sale. Of Slaplo Dry Goods, Undo* Olc Ui ing, Boots and Shoos, Hats and Caps, Occicltory, etc. The eubsoribor wishing to go out o( tho ubovo liuos will soil the sumo at 1-4 oi FOR GASH or nt a rata on tho $ for iho lot, Btoro and Dwelling for sale or to rout. Pond oftico in connection. Cheese Factory milk Cans -wtA Dairy Utensils! Vou ess Ret tho right tiling from winnit Hardware, Essex. JAHKHNAYLOK *Jtkes tbls opportunity, annoukoin, <aj cue people tf the Town si County of Essex, that be has remodel*! tbo Ba ser Holler Mills according1 to plans prepare^|Hr H, 4. ?rloe, Bt. Thomas, add baa also aeenl*eT the tervloes of Uobsia'T Stoiobam. ab exper*- enoed and thoroughly eompetenS tnUler^ ThankldC the uonpleof thetown eaiJ for the patron UR* bestowed tipon blm in___ past, will Busrsntes satlsfaotlon In the Jator*.. Gristing and 4 Chopping a TUB BEST flBADKH OVfft^OVft. VKET>A1S- COnNUIGAb HKPT IN HTOOK AND BOLD AT1UGHT PBIOBa Cash Paid for Wheat sndOaU* I'm i Edgar Mills P. O. l-'uh 18 lew Vraatd pioir. Ir. with BJT POI^J Of k.kt.f fowdw Bib>. > B tktt., | "Frosli arrival of Oream ofWitoh-haat- el,, theIpopular rem edy for Chapped, Hands and all Bdiijghiiess of ;:,vvv,^e;;Bkin,::.;;':;.;: *->b i'x.4 : l!*H*lV T:-,'.1 -iM "V'..\' '"' V'1. "-. '-

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