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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 22, 1895, p. 4

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v t$! This alioula be the donire of wary one. ..Tour lioipe in jaur. kingdom aud ehosM bo jaet as coraforbablo artd beautiful ae your id itatia will allow. Lit tin expense in neces sary to decorato your rooms with our 1 Wall Papers Bans' for turn plea .ad pointers ou X'aper Hanging. Consumers' Wall Paper Co. Windsor, Out The Essex Free Press. FRIDAY, UAUOQ. aa, 189fi ^i*i_ Tffl! VHEft E^lfe* PkEE^gESft 99 CORRESPONDENCE ltt>. DoCw Wrltort Again. My Daun Fiuknd Cobtk : Yout kind favor of February 2:i, address- ed to mn through the columns of tho Eb^m* Fbek Fidcui, lies not ouly been cure- lally wad. ovor by ma, but I am suru by many otherH, with muoli intwraut mid ^ruti- Aos*tion. And. an umuy of yourargumoiita bavo boon no fully and ably uuHwored by Mr." Soymour, I need not take * up much o< your time iu reply. -However, 1 think you aro vary unfair iu imputing the very liboral douatora with cnly a uoKUIi motive, aH mny of them own no laudHalong or near tho road, but aro anxious to aauist in thin good work. As for mo, nearly all at my Colohoster proper* ty in on the extt-ermi Hout-bond of tlm town; hip. And I.notn youaay >ou aro oppod to special grauta to local roads. I oontitud wo have nob asked any tffant to local roads, ai this road if a townliua road and a main thoroughfare ruuniu^ through the very heart of tbu oouuty from one business ceutre to another, and if there iu auy road entitled to, and riauly deserving, oauaty help, it is this one above all other*. BuHiiJef. that, we are not asking you for tho whole 4,000, hut only to assist us t tho extent of 01,000, mer.ly one fourth of the required amount. Your aext argument ia that you have no riht te make a grant to this road baoause ik is not a county road. Why is it not a county road ? Way did our oouuty oouuoil commit no grayd an error an to rid itiialf of uoh a freat respouBibility aH that of ai- au&mna thai* roads, and leave them to their fate, "to be virtually starved by the wuaicipaliUes for so many y*ar 1 I un derstand it waa aacauaa the nounty waa aakod to pay for an old horse thai tot hurt ou a defective bridge ou one of these tow*- lines, then oeuuty roads. Csrtaialy uot a yery creditable reason. Now we oosue to the very gratifying per* tion of your letter, wherein yo say, "I am and have been lu favor of aaaumiag a num ber of really leading roads through*** the ecuuty. Roads leadlua; from ends te the centres of business," [Barely that will m elude this road, will it not?]. "And of raising a sufficient sum te make and main* tarn said roads." New this is the key to tho whole situation, and my dear sir I am delighted, as that * juss the uosition I hoped you would take; and now that you havo spoken with no unoertaiu aouud; and aa you claim to bo bo more backward than any other publio-asirited uiaa iu thecoaucv council; and that you. have so plainly de. fined your position an to teal county roads; aud you know sir that action* speak loud- d*Y than words, has not the time come to act? Methiaks I hear oouaina from every ratepaver iu tho county, answer, yeil That bsluif tho oase, why not got right down to business and aot on this most important matter aft the next June session of our county oouuoil. Can you not fiveue, Mr. Gout**, that asuurauao of the sincerity of your assertion*, by being the prime mover ia a motion asking your liou- orable body to again assume these folding er tewahne roadw, aud to ralue a sufiloiwut um to make and maiulain them t I am t-ure, air, you wall bavomany sooonders, and the yrojeob will be carried oy au over whelming majority, especially after you have fully placed the matter'hefore tlism m your nsusl masterly way. And ay so noiriK you will win laurels for yourself atfd >our fellow councillors, and our oouuty will iMaeiv* the ftreatasl boon in its history. 'I'aau X think I can safely s*y that no more a'lefjatio .M will trouble you by asking for -oeeial ciauta for tawaline roads. I aw, daav air, Very ulnoarely yowri. T. a. DhOuw. P.B. PitiB Sin, As yu say ybuhaveau aatipntby to stewapaperoeutrovarsy, arid I natioo you did uob anewer Ur.BeyMottr'a Uk. tttr yiwt probaVy do nob want to answer mine, but as w ratepayers want some' (iirojj definite oa this matter'ia rderto row how to g over n ourselves; piobakly -. 'i weald not ebjeot to wrltine; me a pri- a 1-itter elprsilng yeur Ideas or frteu* v> ne aboufc this matter. Yours sluoeraly, - T.H. O. 'imith aboWs a floe aaaorteneut of prints ^udfaucy duoka for dreaoei. See them, toey are pw. . '.r. Where Is tlio "Professor? There is mourning to-oertain oiroles in town at the erololitfed abeenoo f kka laie Prof/' Miller, an erutwhlld loekraotor of violia aeoempliahments. MllUr dreppea into towu a few weeks ago.nobodv knowing whouoe he oacae4 and apparently nobody cared. Me effeoted ((lassea^ an nnmlntake- able limp, aud vral other accomplish-, mant* which uoni hut a professor "to the manor bora" is sufpoiod to poasens, aud ItumaiHately bin ordit wan unlimited1. He was iu great d*m*ud and condonaeuded to appear. t sworal danoin^ parties, when sleighing parties wt^re in voyue, aud could bo his admirers Bald, But one day latib wek. bo anuounotd that he was oommissloned to appear iti the Windsor Opera Hocua, and borrowed sundry artioles ef flret-olass wuarui^ apputol with whiait to muke hiH dlMtiuguluhed parson "blonnam as tho rosa," huJ depVrtud, Now his beuefaoloru are mo^'riiing in sacik cloth and aahas, and his landlord Ik armed with a repeating rifle. Will he oyer return? Koh > ,-is were, 'Will h?" Ultfh School Kotoa. The reuulk of the rocent examinakioas are now complete aa regards Forms 2, I, aud 1. I'apori wore no I in all subjeoU aud tbti raarkd of all who have taken uot lets tUau -IQ% nn tho total aro giveu hlow: Farm IV.. Senior Lotving Work; max. 1.C00. D. B. Gillies, 918; U. M. Allworth, 911; O. Barnes, 739; U.H. Barrett, 7*27. Maximum U00 A. T. Gushing, GIB. Form III.. Junior Loaviiig avd Matrioii- latiou; niax. 1500. G. ^oICoo, 1010, Ju- nie MilU, 005; Hattio Artold, 647; F. A Loat.W; Ellen Rsid, 738. Maximum 1300 W. H. Knister, CJi), Form II., Primary (omitting aummoroul work), mast. 1350. J. J Beerann 851, h Milla B12, K DOrsett B'ib, 8 UeLauahlin 813, W VYightman 770. O A Jones 697, N Clifton 67i, B Youw? 634, J Lounbury 631, A Ouellette 633, A T> Pot ter 633, B Tnrvillo 622, M U Maxwell 621, Hiehnrdson G19, J J Tully 611, K Sin- olair 910, B McQueen 550, L Griffith 6fl5, A H Beeman 585, U Wightmiw G80, Belle KiugfiaS.'F u^rmibftttJ Maximum (omiUiag eueUd) 1175 N B Slater, 508. Cemraarclal subjects, maximum 200. M HJaokeoc7i79; SRusaell, 175; BYeutig. 1AU; S Wightman, l; N B Rlater, 117; J Lpunskerry, 135; Leda Russell; IrjOr'AD Fotter, 131; A B Oualleue, 118; O E Rus> ssl, 111; J. Batten, 111; W I". Potter,. 110; A E Ling, 98; F Jarntin, 07; 8 J vVorthy, h Millar, 86. Form I tatal, omitting oommeroial sub* jeots and options. Max. 750; obfcaiuod : M. CCr'Jaokso'n, fi92; Flossie Arnold, 620'. Leda ltasiell, 483, B. WJgntmau. 469; J. Batren, 463; Rnhy -Trimble, 430; H. M. Cooke, 418; R. Wigle, 418; 3 Ru**U,408. K. Irwin, 389; E. Howe, 888; Sybil CunamC- ham, SBt; Maud MaRse, 375; Laura Ktane, 068;' Horah DeLong, 360; Sarah Wortley, 357; C.H. Russell, 353; K. Ropfiood. 380; fif. Barlow. 311; H. Coll, 310. =3= MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. HAISVMXO^SI. Town IIaUj, Maidbtdwb, MAnon, IOtii, -05- Oouuoil met this day ^aretiaat to ad. jaarnnaept In Coart of Itovi.ion oa the Fnoe or No. 16 Tap Drain Hy-law. All Ue membsri, exoept the reere, prrs er.t, tho' latter being abceut on aooonnt of the deputy-roiVer, Mr. Ww.ICllis, took his plaoe. Eaoh of the membors of thaaoaeoil pro*. iit made and subscribed his dolaratin of office as member of the said ooarl of rivl- elon on Puco or No. Hi Tap Drain repairs bylaw aud took hie Heat nt the council board. .______ On Motion *f MeiHra. l'Unt and Pride. Mr. Ellin w&n appoiatcd obairuuan. The dork ruportud that ho had rccelvod no appauU a^nlnab auy of the asBesiimeuts for tlm aaid drain; daman Nttylor wua preaent and etatod to tho oouuoil that he considered hie auseaS- ment ou the west halves of loU 27 and 28 (u 5th oouoeialou out of proportleu to the beuetlb they would derive from tho repairs of the aald drain aud requested, that they bo reduced. The ourfinear who made the aiseBsaaent was present and was consulted regarding Mr. Naylor'saMHUaumants ou these two lots. Ho stated that ho thought tho uruwut.mc.-nU ou tliouo lots wore a little hiul), and tha- ss tho vstimatfl of the costa of the drain would boar a slight reduction ho thought Jhat thouo two lotx uhould haVi tho bono fit of it. Ho accordingly roduaoel the ssaessmsntEi on 27 w| and 28 w in Gth couconnioM for outlot liability to 531 and yil roapeotivoly. Tho olork was ordered to amend tho by law tu keeping with the engineer'** ohango in tho uHNDHHineut for tho drain. It was then moved by Mr. Plant, sscond' d by Mr. Price that the asieusment for tho Puao or No. 1G Tap Druid repairs, as amended bo confirmed. On motion of Messrs. Plant and Price, the court of reviHion then roue and the couuod sat for general buuiuosft,__________ 1895 New Sring Goods During the past tea days we have been very biisy receiving a,nd passing into stock large consignment of new Staple and Fane, Dry Goods, G-ents' Furnishings and Shoes. Other lines wf follow in a few days. ia tii and Better Value than Ever. io vodi< t of those who have bocu our now Print.1, New Ginghams, Now.Ohambrays, New SatooriH; new Grey Whito Uottonn, now 3hirtinH, now Cottonados, stow Laco Curtains, how Lacos, now Voiliuga, now Moso, otc. Our Men's Shirts at Twenty-five Cents are very Cheap. Wo alno havo extra values at UOo, at C0a, at 7fio. at 81. Wo aro allowing a largo range of GontaUPine Silk Nook-wour, in tho newest mmkoH of Knots, Dorbya and Bows. At Twenty-five Cents Each. Our now stylos in Ladies' Oxford and Congress Hhoos tiro Nout, SfcyKah, Good aud Cheap. What more is nocosai*y ? Extia valuoa in Men's Strong and Fino Shoes and Long Boots. We are the Clothiers of Essex. If yon want good Styliuh Clpthing at low pricpa, como to us. Wo do tho Grocory trudo vory ftno aa our host of patrons know. , .v . ' BCajadsoaacio IPoorlor Olooiks scrad Bix^d S^*ttolx Mirrora Fxog. Yours for Bargains, THE BROOKEKt CAME. SCHOOL The Xilon mud (he Kjmb baye Agreed to Lie dawu ( etreilier. The Gottam town hall was puked hat Friday morning to hear Inspector Mix- well's trial of the charges preferred against teacher Wilson of the Brooker Settlement soheol. 1'or a few dayu prior te the trial, however, at the -Aujfgeitiou of the Inspector, yerturas for au amiaable settleaaent betweea the parties to the trouble had beau made. Tke result was that the oane was aot precceded with, and the following papers were signed by solicitors for the op. posing factions. The agreements explain themselves. Fafkii No. 1. Gottam, March 15, 1805. In view of the publicity that has been iveu to the matters of this investigation aud the faet that snoh has had A tendency to prejudicially affeot the teacher, truste*s and the eoheol-seotiou at large and arouse aorimosious feelings, we,the parties hereto have, at the fjn^'eaiiou of the iaspeotor agreed to express regret that any oiroum- stauees a'hsuld have brought ahoufc such a condition of affaire, to drep all charges,aiid dlaoentlnne turthnr procesdines. E. A. WlHMKU fer complainants, II. SdYHHXlttiNP for D. A. Wilson FiPBa No. 3. Gottam, Marsh 15,1835. We th* unlersiuid ea behalf of our re- speotiv* oheuts undertake that no proeesd- Ugs in the cenrk or otherwise nhaJLlaa. takon by tlieu or oither of them in respect to any matter arising mnt of the charges made tothe inepeoter etfainsl ilr. D. A. Wilson aud we farther Agree that iu future neither parky shall resort to any actions er prooeadiMK* that shall have a leadenoy to draa.1 hiUsr feelings between them. It. S0T*l!tLiHD for D. A. Wilson. E.A. Wiouait for complains tits. I'rof. Oathoart, optioian, will remaia with % Xj. Vavk, jeweler, .Essex, until Sat- urday. Call and bavoyoar eyea examined free of ohar^e. Kew sprint; caps forVeys aud girle In endless variety st'twen'fynve to fifty cents eaeb, at U. J. Wiyle -t <> '". Wallpaper 3o. nil i*toj . %*&* Moved by Mr. Plant, Hooonded by Mr. Priort, that deputy.roave Ellis occupy the rtiovo'fl obair. Carried. The mlnutea of .tlieJaat rouuUr and special moetiufs were then read, and ou motion ef Messrs. Price and Datum adopt ed as read aud siguad. The committee appointed ly oouuoil te i'jtorview the owners of lauds to be affect ed by tIn*-opening-Qf-the-ree-d hotweeu lots 13 and 14 aoroua tho 0th and 10;h eonois- hIouh, reported to council that having seen the sail owners they were in a pouition to say that they would dispose of the laada use canary for the openi"** of the said road at the rate of 140 per acre, and that eaoh of the aaid owners would remove from tho land sold by him for said, road allowance all ttmbor and fenced thereon, and throw the said lauds open for pnblio travel, and that for |5 additional to each he waalcTro- move from hm portion all brush aud rub* biub. Moved by Mr. Price and Mr. Damtu that the report of the committee be udoptod, and that the olork he instructed to notify the engineer to report n the matter of the eaid road opaaiun to the council at next moetiag. Carried. On motieu of Messrs. Price and Datum, P. Major was given two road receipts, fer '1 aud 7 days respectively, the fornaer ou the portion of lot C en the west bide of rivor Puce, owned by Jarues Hourke and the latter on lot 17 in tho 3rd con. for '04. On motion of Messrs. Pluat and Price, a by-law autuorteiug tho Standard Oil and Gas Ce. (Inaited)to Jay, oa certain stipulat ed oonditiona, pipos along the roads of thi'j muniaipajlty for the conveyance of gas or oil, was read a drat time. On motion of Messrs. Plant and Price, tho onunoil wont into a committee of the whole for tho ssoond reading of the said by-law, Mr. Ellis in the chair. Said by-law waa read olauae by olanse, and on motion adopted. Ou motion of Messrs. Plant aud Price, tho oounoil resumed and said br-law was road a third tlmo and pansed. D. G. Oouttit preeentcd a bill of (3.03 fer oods furnished Ha^enty, on charity ao oonnt. On motion of Messrs. Plant and Pricey Mr. Ooutte' hill was paid. On motioa of Messrs. Price and Datum, Wm. Bogga was paid H.4G for ropairo to the floor of town hall. -- J. S. Aubfeia's bill of 08.00. for gooda fur nished Harifcant, Betsey, andltomj, indigent) persons, was, ou motion ot IZessss, Damm and Price paid. On Motion of Messrs.'Plans and Price, P. Donovan was givou a refuHd of atatute labor on lot 10 n 17 for 189-1. On motion of Mesars. Prloo and PUnb Peter Leaperanoe was paid 910 for repair ing Pace bridge on tke road but wean lota 1G and 17. On moliou of Messrs. Plant and Pries* Maruhall, an iudijient person, reoeivad 03 charity. Oa motion of Messrs. Price and Damns, D. Marti* was given slatuts labor receipt fer 10 day* work done for 1891. Oa motion of Messrs. Price and Damssr Mr. Lexparanoe was graated a release of atatuto labor on lot 18 in the) 1th concession for 1805, for work don*. ' D. MaHlu reported to oouuoil thas h had three aheap killed by unknown doiio. and presented valuator Wallace's estimate Orbisloas, llB.50.~On motion of Meaars; Plant and Price, Mr. Martin was paid $ of Said loie in fall eatieractloa of claim. On motioa of Meoru. Mant ana Price, W. J. Johsiton was paid II for aervioe aa sheen valuator. : Oa motion of Me ears, PUos and Price,. DXT1TSTAIT BLOCK, ESSESL Thou. Robiusou way granted a refund of Btatnle labor en lot VI iu 7th concesDiou far yeara 1803 aud 91, 020. T. Matfuire made application te council for-payment-of-board-aud-lodin|j-ol C. Powell, au indigent person, for a period extendingovar several weeka. On motion of Messrs. Price and tUmra, Mr. llauuira was paid 810. Joha Soott preiented a bill of 011.80, for goods furnished Mrs. Luous, indigent. On metloa of Msasra, Price and Damm, Mr. Scott's bill was paid. The clerk preseutad bill of 0Ui.53 from Maaars, WilaouTltankiu, MelCeoush \ Kerr. birrutere., of Ghatham, for profeasioual saryices iu suits of Messrs. Moran aud MaPbarlfu vs. Ma id atone. On motion -of Messrs. Plaut and Price paid. On motion of Messrs. Plaat and Price, Mr. Garter was paid 05 for one month's board of barguanfc, a pauper, to aate. On motion of Mei&rs; Plant and Vrioe, the coaneil went into a com. of whole for the second reading of tho Pnee or Ne. 10 Tap Drain repairs by-law, Mr. Price in the chair. Said by-law wau read olauae by olauset aud on aaotion adopted. Cotau-oil resumea and said Puce or No. 1G Tap Drain repairu by-law was read a third time and passed. The clerk presented a bill of 012.50 made upas follow* for extra sorviees : Copying Puce or No. 1G Tap Drain repair* by-law and serving oopy"on"0baneld North and Town of Khsox, 03.75; serving Hylaad draiu papers on Sandwich South. 01.50; serving Hylaad drain papers on Colohooter Nortli, 01.50; aud for services and disburiementa at municipal election, 80.75. Oa motion of MeaBrs. Plant aud Price) the clerk's bill was paid. The clerk introduced a by-law to provide fer the oonatruottou of the Hyland drain, Said by-law was read, and on motion of Messrs. Plank and Prise provisionally adopted, andtboolcrk inetruutad to have the said by-law published for four wooks in the Easnx Fnus: Puuas newspaper, and that a court of revision bo held at the Town Uall, Maidstone, on Saturday, April 20feb, 1891, at teu o'clock in the forenoon, for tke hearing &d diapoaing of appeals a^ainat the assessment for the said Hyland drainer any part thereof. On motion coaueil adjourned to meet ugaiu on Saturday, March BOth, 189S. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. } TOWN or ESSEX TO WIT. WinetnuH, by virtue of a warrant itiaudd by the Mayor of tho Town of Ehbox, in the Ceunty of Ehhbx, and autheuticBted by the corporate Boal of the mud Town, boaring date the 25th day of January. 1895, and to ma directed, oommanding mo to levy upon the following lots or paraela of land for arrears of taxes duo thereon, with costs, I hero by give notice that unless the said taxes and coats are sooner paid. I ehall on Saturday, (he.Ifith day of May, 1895, at the hour of 10 o'clock iu tho foronoon, at Peck's Hall,.in tho Town of Esiox, proceed to eell by publio auction tho said lauds, or as much thereof as may be suffloinnt to pay such arrears of taxoa and all lawful costs incurred: > Plan. m 23-1 217 807 223 230 23G 307 277 177 207 277 179 23G 170 285 300 235 288 288 Lots. 30 67 30 25 20 27 28 20 70 8 9 38 17 4 1 4' VJ 30. 54 56 50 57 58 28 29 30 32 0 2 3 35 7 8 0 10 Tbxo-i. Costa.; 52 11 3 90 Total. 30 01 *} 176 Q00 247 72 300 230 207 176 S07 *xn S85 300 292' 200 .263 MORTGAGE SALE ! OF VALUABLE TOWN PROPLETY, IN TnE TOWN OF EBSBX, rN THK COUN* tyof KflHei, there will bo sold on Friday, April 5th 1893, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Royal Hotel, le ttie Town of Kiaen.by virtue o! power* of tale contained In a oertalu mortuiflo. which will be vroduoed at the sale, the followiatf pro- porty: i LotsC7 and {SO, on the east side of Cameron avo., In the said Town of Kksax, havinu a front- uca of 100 foet by a tleutb of 1D0 feet, aa nhowu en plan No. 170. Ttiu following bulldluft la aiM to be ereoted oa the nreuerty: a two-itory brlokclad dwellltiK> TKHIIB. IS per oeat. of the purehas* money to b<* paid ilown on the day of sale, tfor ba)auo tarms will be, mane known at the sale. Yor furtbm pavtloulars anply ta JO^KH, MAOKBNZiK 4 LKONAltD. Bolielton. Tormto et,. Tureube. 11-31 or to GEO, J. TUOMiH.Hasex. 28 20 30 31 23 25 20 33wt park 14 ------ 40 01 la 9 0 7 8 9 23 34 25 22 ) 27 28 29 35 36 57 38 89 40 43 4.1 44 45-4(1 47 48 40 Block 122 ; BloHkOa Bloak 08 ttteoks45 40 47 50 flfl) Lot 2, plan 267 Y Block 109, .5 38 21 02 40 U0 71 33 11 81 10 41 3fi 22 30 14 44 Gfl 59 18 35 85 19 fi7 83 85 43 81 30 93 21 21 24 21 30 Hi 15 15 15 CO 23 01- 42 02 aa oi 23 73 23 05 20 42 6 41 41 OU 371 91 127 09 103 00 10 47 1 B5 4 23 2 80 3 67 1 55 1.71 2 17 3 00 5 71 7 97 2 78 2 :i9 2 20 4 29 2 30 3 20 3 20 2 20 1 08 0 48 -JL87- 3,05 S'ol " 1 88 2 00 1 81 1 fifi 0 26 20 40 4 49 C 12 1 55 189 13 0 72 40 3.6 2 45 W. D. Biuirii*, Treasurer, Town of Ekwx. 0 OS 25 25 43 20 75 00 13 Mi 18 IS 37 30 32 14 49 39 07 H 38 13 22 26 41 13 43 11 43 23 27 41 27 41 '89 3G 16 8S 19 03 -34 83 45 67 93 13 25 61 27 91 22 21 6 96 49 32 292,40 132 IB 199 19 12 01 198 84 48 81 CAWr MUST oav < ~~~^ fcuautas RflUOW. WcCttttrnu* F 81xJ\mUoo< QuttvaHt t4 to promptly, and pormauently euro all forms ot KeriMi tUotthta, Xin&oUntiytxndaU ttftctt of JtntBe oraXHM*eM, llefn+Attnrt A Ha+ of2****""** Optumor wjow ana After. u*httt>hiohBooti,uadhi*- jtmUy, ituaHUy, CotunM^Hhn Md a* eaWy prat*. Has been prescribed ovar &Weart In thouaande of ciij li ttio OHli/ lUHabU and Sloutit Jfedtoia* irtotw*. AikdmsslitrforvVeoe'aPfaoephoelfieitf ha offers some Worthless medlol&e la, place, at thu, laoloee price In letter, and we wlU send tT retwtn malU Priee, one pookafo. SlT all, V P* ** f>l40M,*lxviUcur+. PamphJetafrtxttoanjaddrciea. \ , TIa "Wooa Coair ' V. wiadaer.Oat.Canada, M* <> 2Uee ay alUtqviiiaU. S. ADAMS Harness Emporium. TRUNKS, VALISES, A largo stock, all now goods and latest Novoltioa. I tako no back Boat on prices. SCHOOL BABS, I have. & largo stock, cought at bottom prices, trid can beat them ail for prioo and quality. Call and boo thorn. PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON - Farm Harness, Truck Harness Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESORIPTIOM. A large stock and it must g<. Call tmd see me beforo baying elsewhere. W. H. EVANS, Baker, ConfecJioner, etc. Fresh-made Oan'diei^ Bread and Cakes, Pastries on Saturday a Spec ialty, All Goods delivorud promptly. Opposite Buck & Frauds' Meat; Shop, Base*, WOODSLEE ooo ng in the Horse Furnishing Una. F. S. Adaxas. Two docn mM fHittOttUm W^U. ^mn. W. G. SMITH, WILL NOT BK UNDERSOLD. . The W#ab ef Leather and flrsl-olaas Work- nianabip. All hand work. . Bvery Harness sold brine made in W^ef- alee. My Stock of LJcbt and Heavy Hs^ueis is dow complete, aud a splen did teok' of all Horae Qooda. Repairing- doao protnpUy aad oheap. .. WMCHT C: SMITH, South Woodsloo* O. (or the i LICENSED AUOnOMMesV antyofEaaex. Rmliffof HUbak BINCLAirt Got ..... prompwy aad tarnltbed on anplloatfoa. QQolretS; pMsloft Court. A^fkl'nTdTf ?Mm""SdSB'^^ Baiea oonduoted promptty. Hates roanaa*5i Vifl b^lAK*!',!* i'^>^.iaJ^iKrsMBamlnw^ '>(\ ill1 ^TiltigMissssssssssymliiTlBBsssssBlM

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