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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 22, 1895, p. 3

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fls/jlgm^^ RK^ PRBbi. N.F. Tliat Iej What ii Iilfe-Loug- fNmnervft- Ive Declares It toTfp,' TARIFI FOR REVENUE ONLY Ilu la Oiilof Touoh witli'tliVVfio- plo Comr Nt<ww from tli*' *.ow- r 1'iovlmu** IVullf'tx May bn Unrinnmfld, THAT. MISSING LIST; Komo of the JMAIciiUIoh' un.l, Drtiw- bat'.kM of Urn Knuu'nlHo Act. THE OLD SYSTEM PREFERABLE | AJ1 OwimI lt.-ro.iuH Intro.liMi.Hl lluvt. ttttnll Thowo tJrcr.l for V.Hirn fVr>nt-Uu- Ululit l>y "tho' Mb.nuli.-A Mlnl<it<ir l^aoUliiti tor i Hunt. OMnwii, March h*. Tim ilrwt candidate to untor tho (lota In Ottawa in tho present campaign IhMt. A, irudwm, who Iihh Iwon nominated by tint Labor party. , IIo id a railway man employed on tho O. V. It. Tim Comorviitlviw hold ennvoution to wiluofc their <yindidnto next Tuesday. Thoro 1h n. decided Hjillt In tho party emiwd by tho indopmiriont wlaml of t+in loader of 0110 whitf, Mr. Taylor MaVoIty, who, although a Htronflf Coiiko.-'.^Ivo all hln IIfo time now declarer that tho National Policy Ik a vlohma nyntom and that a tariff for mvonuo in tho only proper policy. If tho numhr of convorU from protection to the doctrine of u tarln* for rovomio only In tho ritnUH of tho pcoplo ^morally in anything to-bo compared to tho kocokhIoi, . among tho prominent men, It imntt bo very largo. Tho Conservative Htamlnrd I hoaror for many yearn In InvorhfWH, N.S., ._^Ior_tho Local LuglHliituro. and alwayH a utrmip: supporter of tho N.IV, in now tho Liberal Ciuullduto for tlw Ilonno of Gom: mons in tho proKont campaign. His namo in Mr. McLennan, ami ho ban declared hlniKolf a Htraltfht follower of Mr. Ijiurler. Mr, Oalvln, M.l\ for l'Vontonai', elortnd una Conservative, dUuovorod tho rotlon- noHH of tho N. 1*. boforo ho wan in the Houbo vory lonpr, and votod affnln.it Iho Government on thoquoHtlon on one or two occjihIoiih and now refiiKOH to hour tholr ntandnrd any longer in Frontonae. Both Mr. McCarthy and Col. OMlrlon aro well- known convertH to tho doctrine of a tariff for rovomio only and Principal Grant haw ; also tJikon tho siirao nldo, alibougb in tho | piiHt alwayw u Kiipporlor of Sir John Mao-1 donuld and Sir 'CharloH Tuppur. It in u no to worthy fact that ono of tho Cnnnerva-1 tlvo .candidates for tho Houmiof Common^j at this Capital of tho Dominion lsa utronK opponent of protection. Uo has a largo j following and threatoiiH to capture tho regular nominal ion at tho ennvontlon. All thin room to hIiow that a Gmornnumt . led by a dyed-in-the^vnnl protectionist, iih Promtrr Bowell wan described by 1-Hr Hibhorb Topper to bo, doeu not represent ovnb" t ho-"'vlrtWH of ConKUYvatlvi'ti, wIiohr loatlorn tboy aro Hiippood to bo. Tho coin ing olncthm will glvo tho death blow In protection In tlilu country,whoro itnhould wovor bavo taUon root. Sir Donald .Smith haa at lufifc connontod to conic out an tho Government candidate in Montreal Wont, after intimating that ho would not ucoopb. thi\ ConwrvatH*cj nomination, hut would bo purely inde pendent. It was thought Btrange.tliat.tho Pro.ildont of tho IJanl; of Montreal, whieb If; tho Government bank and which has tho flnanclnl agency in Kngland for tho Govornmonir, fihould have any liesltatlon _ln coming out iik ft K-traight Government man, but according to a report which is . ourront here to-day tho explanatUm Hep In a visit paid to Premier Unwell three or four day iiffo by .Sir Donald .Smith. At . thlH Interview it in wild that Sir Donald p referred to tho published report of Gov-1 eminent railway, and as a strong C. P. H. director; lie iH oppofiort to the granting of any iiKsist- i aneo to tb is read. Therefore he told the ! Premier that unloKH ho got an assurance that no substantial iiKKistnnoo could bo If Won or promised to this enterprise, he would refn.so U> run again as a straight Conservative, ltuther tlian loso Sir Don ald's support tho Premier reudily gave the desired pledge, and thus matters were .arranged satisfactorily. Sir Donald Smith admits that if ho were' In Kngland ho would bo a free trader, bu't his party aro trying to make the Canadian, people be- [ liovo at the present thno that free trade Is ruining Kngland and her commerce. Sit I Donald Smith does not heliovo this, and ' sayfl so plainly, but adds that ho would like tho protection to Canadian induNtrie* continued. Sir Donald Ik many times a; mllllonalroand does not feel tho payment. Ottawa, Maroh lb It in reported that. Mr. Joseph Marshall,. M.P.- for West Mld- riioKox, Ih to rotlroin favor of tho Don, J. C. Patterson, Mr. Marshall to receive a Government position. This is Iho third. ov fourth sejifc oreaUwl for Mr. Patterson Hl'rifio tho hoKlimhiK of tho campaign, not'T*' withHtanding-that bo Is tho witting mem ber for Wont Huron. Tho number of seats placed at Mr. Patterson's dlsponal in Iho nownpuporn imwifc oxclto tho Htispleion that Homo Intimate political assishiut of Mr, ^Patterson's Is acfclvoly engaged lit creating tho impression that Mr. Patter son can have his choice of any number of seals. Tho fact Is that tho Minister of Militia is practically without a seat, and him nono In sight. If forced to contest Woflt Duron again it will simply menu that tho Government are desirous of drop ping Mr. Patterson, as ho cannot get into Parliament again by way of Wont Huron, which ho only captured In a bye- olectlnn'by a majority of 10. When Mr. Patterson was takon Into tho Cabinet he wan lookod upon ns a rising star, but ho has grovIouHly disappointed his friends, and bad an othenvlso amiablo deposition soured. Tim Klnfulr Fi-umiblU* Ant. Tho statement Is being made that owing to tho fact that tho revised voters' llt for West Huron was not forwarded within tho tlmo specified, Fubruary 2Btb, no gon-~ oral election oauld tuko pluco until a wis- fllOn of Parliament had boon hold and this ono llfit logallxod. This stjitonvont, how- over, has no foundation, boeauso there Is a special provision lit tho statute that where at tho tlmo of tlieeleotlon a revisnd list is not ready tho last revised list shall he used. For instance, if there was an election to-morrow In West Huron tho list of 1B01 would have to bo used, but if, tho rtivised list of 1895 comes In before there is an election it will thou l>o the last re vised list and Will of eourso lw used. It might bo prmlont at tho next session of Parliament,to pass a bill removing all doubt' at all that tho more technicality of tho list not coming within tho time speci fied will not bp allowed to stand In the way of Its being used; otherwise them would be a large number of voters in West Huron dlsfrnnchisod, and there in nobody who would wish ' to- yalso a technical ob jection, the result of .whloli would dis franchise a portion of tho Inhabitants of West Huron. It might be well, however, in such cases to provide a punishment for the revising barrister who wns ko negli gent of Itis duty as not to obey tho statute. The incident only cnnphalsim the dlfll- cultles and drawbacks of tho Franchlsu Act, which the Liberals aro pledged tn repeal .the moment they return to power. The hiiherals'hnvo boon advocating a re turn to (be former system, which worked ull right from 1807 to 18WS, of using tho Provincial lists prepared by municipal ofllcors every year, and flo good a cuso had they and so persistently did they advocate it in Parliament that they converted Sir John Thompson to their views and that KUitesnum actually introduced a bill last session into Pari lament adopting the Provincial franchise as tho basis for tho Dominion franchise. Influences . were brought to bear, however, upon him ami ho afterwards withdrew that portion of the bill, but gave an oiliclal pledge that, ho would put. It through at the nnxfc sus- sion, never thinking that he would not. live to hl'u another session. All good re forms introduced by legislation have, been those urged for yearn in . Parliament h.v tho "Liberals, and steadfastly resisted by tho Conservatives, until public opinion became so strong in favor of the Liberal view that tho Government was forced to adopt it. Tho sugar duty is another ex- amplo of this. Mr. Patcrfiun, of Brant, In 18D3 moved for a reduction on refined sugar from 8-10th of a cent per pound to Atlantic- and-LAKte superior r;v; Tim Kfln-iiM, Will Not l><i ruMlK'd I'titil I'rcH.-iu Itiilluity (:ilMt*-1"iiliMl Awy London,'Min-idi Hi. 'i'liital tent ion of tbo llod.'.'Senator A. It. Thlbouudenn was drawn to a statement/ emanating from Monti-eal that a cablegram hud been re ceived til that vMy from'London Intima ting that Iho subscription for the first iihiim ut Atlantlo and Lake Superior Ibiil- way bonds to the amount of $J,W)O(()0u woiildehtso for elty^uhserlptloiiH on Wed: nosdny and thai, 'hueeoiw was aHHiired." Senator Thlbaudi'au, in reply to a query as to tho facts of (he case, staled that, tbo Atlantic and Luke Sii]iorlorsuheine would not bo pressed at; the present junoture,bu| would wait until tbo present erlsln In the affairs of Canadian railways had piutset" awny. asaea 9 ARE LEADING LI HUNG CHANG'S POSITION. Itf Niin! iiot Iti-Mbit l< (Mihia If I 1'itlli to Ki)eai IMiKMt wltli ifapuii. 'Shanghai, March IB, It is reported that Ll Hung Chang Is Instructed to consent to an indemnity; also If necessary to a cession Of territory. Tho Japanese will occupy Manchuria, Shan-Tung promon tory and Knnnosji. Tho Idemntty will lie guaranteed by the customs and will be paid ([uliKpie'imlally. China is also ready to surrender her southern squadron now hiding ut Nankin. Tho Kmperor and Dowager Kmpress warned Ll Hung Chang that, he need not return unless successful. They upbraided him for concealing from .them the deplorable condition of China which they said might easily have been victorious If properly prepared. HARCOUHT FOR SPEAKER. If ll* Acrtfptfi Mr. CitmpbffU-ltaiiiiflruiuu will lit! lU'ttilm' In tliM limine. London, March in, Tho Globe asserts that InrfniailnnH have been conveyed to certain members of tho Opposition that Sir William Harcourt, Chancellor of the IOxchequer, will accept the Speakership of tho Houso of Commons. Ills candidature Is not opposed. If this Is settled Right Hen. Air. H. Campbell-IJannorman' will Bucceed Sir William Harcourt as Govern ment leader In the House. CoiitfftlJdatltm of thn Kmplr**. London, March 15, Yesterday'H news papers comment on a speech delivered by Sir Charles Tupper, Canadian Commis sioner, at tho Article Chili on Maroh J}. Sir Charles said lie was convinced that ""'arliomentary federation was Impractic able. Tho consolidation or union of tho ICmpiro was the goal toward which hopoo should ho directed. Ho was suro that Newfoundland would soon join Canada, lie expected the Australian colonies and then South Africa to follow tho example hot/by the Canadian provinces. 11 razII un<l I'ortutfiil Ki'fiminUml. Lisbon, Maroh 15. Tho IJrltlsh Minlotor In Klo Janeiro has been successful in hlfi mediation between Bra/.ll and Portugal, that the entente lias been roncwod and that diplomatic relations will bo resumed koou. The coolness between the countries began when a Portuguese warship carried Admiral do G-ama and other conspicuous. Insurgents heymid the jurisdiction of-tho Brazilian Government.' .., '...-.._' tho trade in nil kiiidH of "" -----........ Huilrlinpr' Mutoriul, Woodwork R>r hounca, . (plain anirorniimenbil), B.-ni Lumber., Slunglon^oraU ghi/le.^ Doom, Snli, " Oiiofjtnut Coal. " : OHUROH DIRECTORY Mbtiioiubt. faator, ScrTiceJ 'VoryBunUayntUa. in, and 7. p, m; BabbM UboolatU:flp. m. O.K. Mjiylor, BapftriQlecU antof aohool. Rpwotth ba&Kttii pinjcrja tatiulay oviinluu atU o'olook. Guu&^iC iioetiDH on TbundayeveulDK. WINDMILLS. Vv nri l^olo Agontii in tho County ror Oi Clucugo, which took HighoHt Awanln nfc the WorM'H Fair. din iurnisli cither Purapingor Powers Outfits at lowest prices A wrj.ten guinintoo with every Outfit. Laing Bros M BY-LAW No Ounscir ov Kholihi) liuv, AJ,,ttovorly, in- ' J <mmO(mt, Ht. J'uiiln, Kn^i. Diviooflorrloa vry HQnday b 7 'olo<'k, p rn flniidw School at 10 a, ni. I'rlnity Oliuroh, North Hithja Dlvhio ni-vlo*.rt'iiv.ry Huhday ut li p, ux.i Hub- d&y Mahoul at l.^f.p. la. Tho public aro coi* Uully luvlUtl. t'lWKuy'risiiUH, W. W.VlornluK, ^uktor Sor- vlaoBon Hubbath ntll a.ui.uiid 7 ,30 V- ni Bah- ! iath Buhool at ii:tk) p. m. l'riLvnr liuetinn and ' "iwtor'H biblit olmd on Tuonday nt7.'J0 p. ;m ' H.toial Union on WodiiftHduvat ti.lfip. iui-tiht Oiioncn. Kov.M. I*. CntDpliolh To*-' tor. HorvIotiM oaoh Hubbtith nt 11 n, m. and 7 1. in. I'myf iniWithitf on WmbiflMtlay oyoaiaa uL H o'ctook, Boat a trou. All un' ourdiaUy wk- oomod, * MowAh Oathomo, Vt. I>. V. Mallenuain . I'ttutor, Kuwioi wvory other Kunduy nt8,B0 bi. Hundny Cahoot at ftp, in. RlLVATIOM Aioiv. T. ffalviitlou tiioiitlnuM on H, MdLood, Captain. ' Wodnowlny, TburBday' iiud Rimiluy tiV(tijiii(ii Ji'nie add Kuy, Huturdoys vonIuu and Up in, timidity; Jlolhuiim moottnga tor olirtiitiuiiHi't'ldiiy uvuinuiiuud 11 a. m. Buo- day; Kny Drill 7 u. m, ovary Hunday. All are . woluome, LEGAL. PKTjntH Barrlator, Hoi lot tor, Notajy Publio Motioy to Loan. Offloa .ovax; ItrutborH' lhtvik.Kadx 0tr. Ciiliim IJuMputolifH Milttt Itn limpatitfld. Madrid,' March la Tho Government has begun exorcising the strictest censor ship over despatches tn and from Cuba., Nothing unfavorable to the Government is permitted to pass. No cipher messages are sent unlaw Iho key bo given tho Gov ernment. I'lntlc*"! to M'mnuti Kun*rito. Sydney, N. S. W., March 15. Premier Hold, in 'replying to a deputation yester day, pledged hlmstdf to woman suffrage although declaring ltV/ould ho impossible, for a long time to introduce the bill. Cimiirilitn Homo Trurto %vlth in-I[;riiiu. Antwerp, March IB. A syndicate Is binning In Uelgium to import Canadian horses. Its ngeutu..will go to Canada--to open tho trade. A I1V-LAW to provide for rlruiunpn work in tint Tewiuilnp of Miiid*tono, in tho County of Kt.hKt, iiud for burrowimi on tbo orcditofthe n umcipiility tho sum of 9789,00, Miiidntoi'.c's portion of tho cost of constructing tho Ilyland drain. ProviHionully' adopted the KUh day of March, A. D., 1891. Wni'Hiuii, Win, Ildiuminii ami ntharii, * oinimuluu u majority an shown by tho last rovlned aii- n<*H<>niMit roll of tho Towunht]) >f Middotono. of tbo particm lui'-uiifrd for thu countriiotloij of tho TEylbiirl (Ttdn ntorniialt), poililnwd tli lmiiitolpal omuicli or the Tawiahlp of Mnldftonn to ooj. iitruct, undnrthii proviniood of th'J)ra,iiiHL'o Act of ifc'Jl, a drain to carry on* tho niirplun wiitor n( tbo nniit iloiiovllm 1 in tbo pnlitlnn. Awn WiimiKAit, thproiijioi) tho Raid council hou procured nn nxtiminatloii to bo mndo by .T.R Litlrd, P b.H liuinu a porsnn aompotout fo* tuiob put-ponn, of tlio aald* iiron propn^otl to bo endued mid Iho monnitaiincant'ul for tho draiiinijo thoroof, and of other lundii and roadn llablo u imqnnHino"t UMdnr thin act,"abd Iulh alno pvonurod plauM, nimoincatlonn nuil uutjinaton of tin rlriuK" wrU to ho madu by tho Hit Id .1. U, Lilrd. and an iiftfluniuniuit to bit mndo by htm of tuo iandH anil roudo to bo bqnnllttod bv mioli tli ah.ugu work, and of otlior lands and roadn Unblo for contribution tliornto, ntathiip ao uoarly itfl.h.ei.can, tbo proportion of buootH, on Hot liability mid .JaJuriiiB Mil llity, which, In bin oph*l<m,wili.bo donvedor Inourrod In cnuHuqutojco of nuah drain itfjo work by ovry road or lot.or portion of lot.tbc aald iiBniisumnut to ma.lo boinc tho nsHoimrnunt imrolnaftor by thlH by-law nnaotod to bo a8HHeod and lovlod upon tbo roadn Hnd lotH and nartn .it lotii liorflitrnftor in that bohalf onnoc'ally a. t forth and duaoHOnd, mid tbo ^tport of the Bald ./iib. H. Luird.ln roopoct. thoroof, and of tho Bald dialnaRo work, being au follows; To tbo Koevo, Uopnty-roovo and Counoillorp of tbo Townnhip of Maldntone in Gounod aimombled: Gkntijkmkh. In aocovdanco with lmitruct!onn from your honomldo boily, I havo tulion tbo petition nlRiuid by Win. Haunman and othoru. mid have oxamlnod tho locality doHoribo.l in aiUd l>u'itlon ami Ix.u to report ilioreon nu follo^ie I Hml that tho tiuld duoorlbod looality In vory iiuiob In non-1 or draluaffn. I would tboiefore rncommoud thai a ditoh bo <iu on tho north nido >f thn towiilhio hutweon Maldiituiio and Colohontor Nurth from tho wont nlilu of tho Mlahluaa Central Itulivuy, wont to tho tiant nldo ol tha towiillnq betw*iftn Maldstona and Bandwioh Booth, adidnof.m*oH thn oust alclo of tbo road allowance botweou. tho fltli ami lOMi conn, from tbo said tnwnllnnbntweGB Mui<lHtoii nnd OolcbOMtor North to tho Houtn Bido of tho rear road aouth of I'nlbot rond lota, tbonon wohtorly along tlio ditah ou tho-nouth nldo of mud roar road to tho ditoh mi tint ouiit Hido of tho towiillno botweon Maldfltono and Sandwich Boutb, tbonco"north alona tha lnt moutlouliil ditoh totlinentroof tlioranco of lots nouth of Talbot road, haviiiK th namo nt *nd bottom wldthn an nhowii on tho annoYoil proflloii and upooHlcationB. I And that tbo cost of tho aald drain, nil nxptniion inoludod, will bo {Kiu, of'tIda amount I bavo taxod tno Town- ubiuof MaidHtonp, for bnnollt f) roada with S^6!i;;tbo Townnhip of Colobimtar North, for boiioat wOni nouth tcwiiliuo with 887, and tho Township of Bandw;ob Konth for boiioflt to tb watt ownlino with 9UI- I-havo aBaaiiflod tbo laudn of Ualdstono for bonoflt with $il3. and tbo lam/e ef Maidstone for nutlet wlth^?co, ui hIidwii In tho annoiud uohodulmi of anuonnmontii, Aonom-, -"ntylnij )ou will ilnil pinna, nrofliou, npooifloations aud uenuflsniontit and all pupora uooonunry for ailduuoo in tlio aoputruotioti of tbo nald drain. I havo tho honor to bo, gontlomon Your obedient servant, riimox, Nov. 23, IhOi. JAS. 8 LAIRD.-P.L.B. - " ..AuDAV-jatajCAH-tho-flftid-Counoll If( of opinion that drainage of tho nronu daactibod 1b do- ^irable. Tbnroforo tbo naid municipal counoil of tho said Townnhip of MaidHtono, purnuant to tbo provlnlonaof tbo Orahiaifo Aot, 1804, onaots aa followa: lut, Tbo an id roport, plans, ttpwolfloationo, aHnoanrnonts and entlmaton aro horoby adoptod and bo drahiHRo work ao horein indfoatod and eotiorth shall bo made and conotractod in aocordanco tlurowitb. 2nd. Tho Roovo of tho Bftld Townnhip may borrow on tbo credit of the Corporation of the Raid Township of Maidntono tho oum'of 87fcl).00 bolng tho amount nooonaary to pay Maid- tono's portion of. tbo cOBt of tho naid drain, and may bono dobonturoa of tho Corpor- ition to that amount, in nuran of not lon than srooo caob, and payable within ilvo yourn from che date thereof, with intorrnt at tbo ratn of 0 prr cvnt. por aiHiiiin, that la to nay. In flvo equal uuititluinntn, euah dobonturun to bo nayablo ut tho Imperial I'anU at tho Town or Kancx ana to nave attaoliod to thonXcouponii for tbo payment ot iutcrt-Bt. . Hrd. For rtiiying thowim of QU^, tho 'nmotint churnid iiRninnt tbo naid Ian da and r^atln tat lionoflt, and tbo aura of SflO.CO, tho amount cburnod oaalnnt tho nuld lands rind ronda for outlet dablbty, aud tho sum of 8 , the itinount charnud agalniit tho aafd laudn and roads fo> Injuring nubility, apart from tbo lands and roads bolonchui to or controlled by th* munioipdity, aiid for lumrlnn intoron: thoroon for llvo yoarn at tliu rate, of Hlx i or tout, pur- milium,, tno total special raio, ovor and .above'all otlior ratcn iihull bo niinutinud, lovlod and oolleoted (in-tho antno iiinmior and attlio n.nno timoao taxes aro lovicd aud colleutud) upon and front tbo under- taoiitlonod Iota or parts of lots, and roadn, and the amount of tho aald total fipoolal ratun and LutortJiit ahall bo dlvidorl into flvo canal partii, and ono (inch part uliall bo nticoanoil and Invlnrl m aforonuid, in each yoai for Ave yoaro after tbo tlnal paaamt; ot this by-law,durin(j which tbo add (iLi-ont-i-oi, havo to run. r> A. WIHMJER, Barrlto>, BOH J^J riiblia&e. Money to loan. atan Block, up-dtairs, Mnaox. CLAUKK, IJAIITLKT & UAJlTtiKT, llarrfc 1 torn, oto. OUlaes, Mndbury lilonk^WlutnMii -l Private fuudu to Inmi, ,| A. II. GI.AHXR, L. h. U. N. A. lUfcTTiET, A. it, IUUTI.KT. 11. A. HKNItV O. WALTKItfl, L.b.D.. Attorney anrt Cominclor at law; with Atkinson & llalchft" Kb i In tl Oonnress st. wot, Dotrolt, Mich. (Canadian claims against pornona Uuiti'd Htaton cnlltK ted.) ItoforoiioL'di Jiupurial Bunk, Kbhox, Out. J. L. I'otora, \{Uq , HarrhUir, eto Khsox, Ol L.A, Wiumor, Kan., llarrttter, etc., Kbhx, Oi I MEDICAL. (It EN, M. D., t. It 0. P. A 8 WiMU Member Collojro of PhyHlehuis in. tl Uvr- c; o. Out. Graduate of Now York. VAntQxmO-' <*to Modloal Bchool. All calls promptlyt- Uudod to Also Npeolul attention givon by (llBOttBOH of the lunfifl, throat, uoso, eye xd mlt Oljlao over Ilrlon &. Co's. bra Htoro.andaH. calls, nluht or day, lort thor'o. Tolephone f aonneotlou.. N. B.-ConsultutloH roome wound iljor and tlrnt Hut above. JB8. DKVVAIl & MoKENZIE. iP,i..DiiWJin,M.D.O.M.,F.T.M, S. Grad nXo Trinity Uiilvoralty. Mombor ObJieeo Pbyg a* * * ttWBflony.Ont. Itosidoncc, TalbJ St. JHBt. M\int?^?m' u- D- - M- fallow Trinity Medical ColloKe. Graduate Trinity Unlvemlt/ Itnslduuco; Talbot fitroot, west of if; O. U, ., puicehoqrs-8to0a, m.(lt:ittBdto8p. m, ' . - -1 noxttoThorrin'fldruHHtoro. Tolanhono hi oonuoctlon with 'office and real- donon. Orders loft at Tborno's. axnte Htoro will be ', promptly attended to. DENTAL. of taxoH, and in in fnct abovo all tho or- l\l0t]'1' thnt ilw ('"vernmont and cvoiy ono dinary conslderiitionH which ffovorn tha ! ,f t]\c\* ""Pporterw votod it down. In iuajorltvofpnoploin thin cmmirv In wm-! tho 'ollowIn SfiSsIon lhfi hovorunwnt domnlng protootion. During this Kt'Hslon of ltf)I-\Slr Uoiialil. Smith only lifted up bin voico on ono occasion, and what do you think that wijsr" To ad vocal o an in- t'ronw) in tho Riilary of tbo iUjih CommiH- Hionor In London from *10,{XX) to $20,000. In all mattoru, tboroforo, wlibdi conoorn tho tnxfition of tho pooplo, Sir Donald Smith l.TcnliTely out of ,tout;li with thu pooplo. Ilolmn ffrcnt Irirtuonco with thu Governmont of tlio day, and is a far mora powerful man In Camubt.tban tbo Prima Mlnistor. Tho only saftity-for tho pooplo is to pluco mon in ofllco.. In Ottawa who aro not (jjovornod by Montreal millionaires or fielflnh nionopolltitHJ Thu Cabiiuit moetlng to-morrow aftor- noon in expected to bo ono of tho most important, in tho history of Confederation bocavifi(1 Iho conrfio of tho Government on tbo Manltuba School question will tlion ho decided. -Whofchor tbo result will bo known to-morrow, oveninfr or whether another Council meeting "willbonecewmry ia uncertain, but tho chances aro that tlio general public will .hot bo Informed of- their dodnlon boforo Monday. It isuudor- Hfcood- that Premlur BoWoII, Haffgurt, puttoHion, Daly, Foster and Montaguo uro strongly opposed to any lntorforonco with Manitoba. That Ih tholr powonnl view, but ivhother tboy will glvo way to tlio other vlow a a matter of policy is not deflnloly known.; All the niKna look as If tboy had decided on lnterforoiieo boforo tho nppeal wuh hoard. Tho political iiowh, from tho Lower Provinces la very cheering for tluvLlh- . craln, Tho St. Jo)in,-N. B., ratification shooting to ondorso tho Liberal candidalm was an immense affair, and aiiioiiK thu Hpeakbrn was Attornoy-Ciojioral Ulair, Premier of tho Province. In HiUi.ftu:: tlio LlboralH .bavo unanimously nominated tho two strongoHt inon In that city, ..MoflHrft, M. Dwyor and Win'. Rocho, both ;^buHlnoBH mon of tho hlghost nbindlnp;. turnfid about and reduced tho duty tit 0-10th of a cent or vary close to the amount mentlonod by Mr. PuterHon. Mr. Patorson also included in h\* ruso- lution that raw sugar up to number HI Dutch standard should bo freo, Instead of up to number 11, bub thin was voted down, only howover, to bo adoptod by the Govornmont at" the next session of Pariia- i ment. Tlio recent reforms in tho erlm- '. Inal law put through by Sir John Thomp- , son woro Inil-iatod by Mr. M. C. Cameron, .Qf ITnron,...wbon" Xliat^ f^ehtloman~was in tho Hmnio, It ifl tho oht story of Tory ro- slsfcanco to roformn In tlio interest of tho pcoplo until they can. no longer resist and then tboy glvo.in aud claim credit for theni. '(W.tlng Within tho Fortress, The Conservatives of Ottawa aro to hold a-noinlnatiiig convontlon-h'oxt Tuesday. Tbcro is Homo trouble among them owing to tho number of napirants and to . the nplittlng up of tho party into two wiii,K, one of which j led by. Mr. Taylor Mc- Veity, a young Conservjitivo lawyer, who declares that/bo is going to run "whether ho gets tlio nomination or not. Tho pros pects aVo good for. tho cleotion of one If r,ot two Liberals In this olty, na tho* Lib j,- orals are united and en thus las tic. Hisoltlnu u lEofui;*'* Mr. Cnrran, tho Solicitor-General, or eomoofhis frionds, aro persistently-cir culating n rumor to tho otTeofc that bo is going into tho Cabinet or on tho Ben eh. Kvon tlio Govornmont organ in thin city, tho Citizen, cannot resist this morning In publishing a Very sarcastic paragraph con cerning this rumor and pjvvh that; asho cannot get both positions at oncolt may j ho that ho will enter tbo Cabinet first and I then got tho judgeship afterwards, for which they way ho is eminently "fitted' by ; his high legal attainments. It Is well I known here and In Moiitroal that Sollol- U ill DUiard th Kloctllo Mght. Windsor, March IS. Walkorvlllo is to l>e lighted by natural gas as soon as tho weather will permit tho piping to ho do'no, The eloetrlo lighting Ih to bo dispensed with. Walkorvlllo uonnoll.liiivo beon ex perimenting with tho best burnors mado and propose having tho best kind of a plant The light committee of tho coun cil aro now dealing with the matter. Tho Walkor firm approve of the gas lighting system and urge tho council to adopt it although tho electric light plant,by which the town Is now lighted, .belongs to them. Preparing for Uponlng of Navigation. Ottawa, March 15. Tho niarino author ities on tho great hikes evidently expect an carl j- opening of navigation this spring. A communication has been re ceived at the department hero to tho effect that tho lights on the United States sldo of Lake Erie and tbo J3ot.roit river would bo put iiP operation to-day. Tlio Dom inion authorities were asked to co-operate by ordering tho lights- to bo started up on tho Canadian side. Tills will probaby bo dono. North Wtttorlon Ilcforuiom, ISlmira, March in. Tho Reform con vention for North Waterloo met hero yos- torday afternoon for.tho purposoof select ing a candidate to represent, them at tho coming elections for tho House of Com mons. A number of namoa wo;ro proposed, amongst them being I. IC. Bowman, tha present member, and It', W. B. Snider, ox-M.P.P. Mr. Bowman, on account of illOiealth and advancing jige, declined thd""nnmination, Mr. 10. W. B. Snider received tho "unanimous choice of tho convention, Wrtici(n|i Wushud Up* St. Joseph, Mieli., Mnrcb Ifi. Wreckage fwim the ill-fated steamer Ohleora is bo- ing washed up on tho lco at this point. Sobtdnlo of Laui a As son tied for the Hyland Drain. ____[__ _ ID , u "Vj u *- u + 3 S a 'u a . 5* lb *0 *-* 0. ji M *** Q u a, o 2 a . a Ine of Oatl ability. lue of Idj Liability en - 5 rf S J3 Cover In 5 years at t o w DO SStH a a tS 7> o o td Qj j o a'? o ^ S d 3 ' ^ <1 > > f n oo H -liftj 10 27 30 840 00 -io oo 17 00 9 9 r3 'Jrt n pt 51)3-5 78 00 78 00 M 80 92 80 18 GG 2H h pt it tfll 50 05 00 05 00 12 35 77 35 16 47 !t '2H n w pt ilOH-o 10 00 10 00 7 -GO, 17 00 9 52 a8 h w pt 1)011-5 10 00 10 00 7 CO 17 00 9 sa 28e-pt 30 .'{./j sr> oo ,-- !15 00 G 05 11 05 8 33 JO Ii:l 82 00 82 00 15 00 97 GO 10 52 STB 285 u hf 100 20 00 20 no 3 80 *3 80 . 4 70 28f) a hf 20 30 00 % 30 00 5 70 35 70 . 7 14 2S(i a oqr fiO 15 00 15 OO' 2 85 17 85 3 57 i*H) h w (ji* 50 7 50 7 50 1 -15 8 95 1 70 287 hf 100 15 00 15 00 2 85 17 85 3 57 '288 nwqr fiO 7 no 7 50 1 -15 8 95 1 79 28'J a o 1 8 2I> 3 75 3 75 70 4 45 89 2H*l.w hf n o qr 2/i 3 75 . 3 75 70 4 15 89 2B1I o hf n w qi 2fi - 75 " ft 75 70 4 45 ... 89 28'.) b w ft 25 fl 75 3 75 70 4 45 89 290o opt 25 3 7fi 3 75 7(J 4 45 80 200 a w pt Total on lands 02 10 25 10 25 1 95 12 20 2 44 415 00 511 00 501 00 05 75 599 75 119 95 Total ou roads Total on lands ct roado 285 00 285 00 51 15 339 15 07 83 730 00 59,00 789 00 149 90. 938 00 187 78 HP. MARTIN, D. D. GL, li. D. 8. OKadnot*:'""" , '" HarnconB, Ontario, and Uulvoi-ftlty of Toronto.' Ouarfioo,moderate. Ofllco, ovor Drlon A Cob' 3rnB Btoro. 18-ly VETERINARY. W1I. KIOHAltDHON, VetoHnary Buv- . coon, Graduato of tho Ontario Votov- luary Collt-jjo, Toronto, troatu all difloaaoH ot d o nu oatl cut od nnlniulB. To] op)) ono in connoo* tfon. Don tin try a npocinlty. lU'dldonco, four oooi-n nouth of Grlnt Mill Ofllco In-noataiUo* buildinRjIunrmarydirootly oppooito. BAKER. THK oldont buuInoHo id town, 1S76. FirBt-olaiJB broad and Gatablijauo oakos ot si Ufnun. Woddlng oakoo a opootaKfy. -Oiutoofiea ' provinions,flour, food, Halt and'pork, Conf*3<i- tfonory, arookery.KlaBowaro. Cannod fruits and veKotablon of all Idndo, Goodn promptly *l* livorodtoallpartnof tbo town. J^M, HIOKB. JOl-tl -^ IA tor-Goneml Cumin, Q a, M.P., LL.1X, .,o no laughing at Mr. Cnrran. ibuRUisni and carried by a stiindlng voto. Haljfai, with theso candidates and tho Liberal policy, will/without doubt bo i-odcomod. 'J']i)L'iai>lilo Itrlofn. Ll Hung Chang, Chlnu's peace envoy} Balloil for Japan last evening -with hlH huHo of forty persons. Tho Nohraska Honato yoHtowlay panned n bj|l to abollnh capital piiutahmorit. ' "' Hanryj,Cook,Ecijc-iw.u.ip^itf of the dofun:et. Coinrobrolal Bauk of Bfc. Jobua, Nfld*; %a0 ^rrofltod last.' Xiicuiiiiiiiry Mr Ht Umluay. Lindsay, March. 15. An Incendiary flro In Sylvester Bros', agricultural Imple ment factory yoHtorday eaufiod ija.OoO dnm- ngo. Tho loss will bo divided equally among tho Hoyal, British 'America, West ern, Phoenix, London and Lancashire, Millers and Manufacturers. !Kylvestor .BroRj.ttfiy that tbo delay in', gottlno; out their machines' will bo only temporary : Touonto. March 15J895, In tbo Toronto nmrkot yostoi'day thoro wns no ohango from quotations. Tho ntroofc prlco for wheat runs at 0-(c, oats 118o and rye SOp. All other quotations staind un- cliangedT '. , In Chicago thosponulntlvc grain mnrkot was active. Wheat closed hist overling 'at 50H"i and In tho af tornotm stood at 60^0 JofiOKc. ." . V . ' C. P. R. fltoclcwas quot^*t COM" yo- torday In Now-York, having doollnod n littlo. ICast Buffalo shoop and lambs mnrkot Is Arm for good stoolc; 'slow and lower on other kinds, tfat; mixed Rboop bHrig ftf.76 to>I.2fi,. Light to good !wothor,WMoto $175 with a. ftw:oxtra fancy ioU hlghor. Prjnio liumlrod pounds lambs to.85. . No, 1 Canada, liarloy Is quoted at 04 to Ofioj No. 13 at tlio; Noj tt extra Citbada at "CO to Olo iii Buffalo.'. 1'horo Itf not much ' ^miS Mii!. { it!. wnd.fchrtfc lUlpi^rW-win.W.as promptly "oOuKllo in Buffalo... 1'horo IA u 4tli. For paying tho mini of 92BB, tho amount OHnonnod nnalnut tho naid roads (and laudn) of tho municipality, and for covorlnR intoront thoroon for flvo yoaro at tho ruto or a\x por cowt. por annum, aapoolal rata on tho dollar, uDttiolont to produoo tho roouirod yoarly amount tharo/or, Hindi,ovor and abovo all otlinr ratoa,bo lovlod and colleotod (In tlio ndraomanner and'at the name timo an tax on aro lovlod and collootod.) upon and from tho wholo ratoalilo propartv of tbo enid L'owiinlilp of Muhlstipa In cuoh yoar for tho period of flvo yoara atfcor tho final ptmtlnn of thiu by law, during which tho said doboutnron havo to run, Stli. Tliut la lioroby apiiolutod eoinmiKsionot'tn Int tlin contraot for naid drain and wortn oonnootod thorewlth, by public to tho lowoot blddor (not oxooodlnR jhooutinuxlo); but ovory Biicl contraotor.with tw*eood and satisfactory o'jvotl*tr;ahtiirboroquirod forthwith tooutor intobouilo for tho dun porformawoo and' otimplotlon of contraot nooorduiR to naid piano and npaolflanttouii, and within tho tlmo montlencd .within euoli bond, unions othonvko nrdnrd by tlio oounoll; audit slialllio tho duty of Biioh commlflBiouor to oitiiQQ.sald drain and worlta connoohid thorowltli to bo mado and oouBtruotod in ocoordauca with euob plana and epoaiflaatioiin, not later than tho * A. D IB0 , (uu]cua otharwleo ordorod by tho coiinoll) and to orant oortlfloatotf to thwHaovo from time to tlmo to oaoh contraotor, looa por cent of tbo nmoun* dtm, unlIl,JJljo contract Is fully oomnlotod and duly acoontod; and for duo pnrfornmnoo of thoao (iiid lLpmttr.duci4if Jjot oorirjiiflBionor, tho said- commlBflfouor ihalLbo on-, tltlod toroooivoacomiimiKIbTior por oont on t-ho aetuul oost of tho work. Otli. Tliat thu Comtnlnsioner bo roqulrod forthwith to oritolr into bondu In tho sum of 3 foe the duo completion of tho woilc according to th plana aud Bpcclflcatlonfl, and within tho tlmo Hjioolflod in unabbnnd. .,.;,.. Uh. 'fhhi by-law (.hall ho puhllflhed onco in every woolc, for four ooneooutlva wookfl, in tho Kfinitx Fniuj IhiKBU, nowHpnnor, nubHihod In tli Town of Ksnoic, and nhalloomo Into fores upon and after tho flnal paBiiir.tl thoiflof, mid may ho ottod tho "Hyland Drain by-law." M. MoHUGH, Olorlt. GKO. A* WINTEMUTM, Iloevo. man I Tinman CnnvivY thnt tho forr coins Ib a tvuo copy of a By-law provlBlonally adoptod by tho nioitial oruuoil of tbo uald townBliip o* Maldntonu on 10th day of March A. . 1B00. If. WollUGH, TowuHhh) Clrk. -asrcMpyoaEtf...', K'OTTfOC ifl horoby givBii that a Cainrt of Revision hBldpurPUint to the provlBionir of tha praln- Aot, 18'.|i, for th* kiearluc dna trial ot appails* wada auainst thi. hov .aaMtaniaHt or ay part th' roof, Vl.l hold.lUi nretultth'iiu ut tlmTowu Hall, UTalditon*, go Saturday tho SOth 4-ay ot April, Iflflft, ut tho bour of 10 o'clock, fntba foronoon, and that any> poriou Intendlntf to apiat nfr'ihmt tho abovo oMneUmnout, or any part thni'ebf; muit, not lator than ton day* beforo tha time H\Btl for tho V'idbiBr of said Gciurt, sorv*> on tho Ol^k of this Municipality, a, written .notioo of wnoh tt|ipflhi.oro*liorwUok will he too 1at to be heard In that bhaif. ^- i .. '.' Auilfurtlior ihiM^o Is lirtcbyi/Wtin that any pamen IaUdin* to niaka tipplioation to hat* Baab by-law, or any part tharuof, nuBBhod, mnst, not later than Undaya after the Anal paUtf thoroof. irvc BCtfo in-writiugupon tho Keeva or otHcr>od UDoor,, ad apon the olerk of tli* Wnnlolpnnty of Mttirtitone, of biB,Int*ntiou to make appltc*Uan for tbU -pwpAa to tha High Court ii* Toronto, dHrlns tlia elx weeks luixtanauUig * I Dated at UoidKona tha !0khdayof Marc),.18tl .."'.'1 SOCIETIES 0. F.-ENTKRPBIGB Lodge No tllfl- racotnovory Thurnday, ovodIiib at 7.B0 In IddfollowH nall.lnthfrdMtoroyBnuBtau Block Vlfiltinjfmombom of othor lodfrouwUr rooolvo iratornal woloomo. J. .roilWBTON, N. G. OKNTKAL EHOAMPMKNT, No. 60, moetsiB Oddfellows'Hull, Dunytan'u Clock, ou the Oret *nd third Tueiday In oaoh mpnth. Vlaitore nor llally roooivod. Mora burn ot imbordui&to lodger In tli* Juylndlofclon,. invited to jolo. C). ' HANNAH. O. P., G. P. HILL, G. 8. ESSEX OENTIIE LOEGK.No. lfl,A.O.U.W 1 Mootaoocondand fourth Moudaye lu each :nonth,In the Odd/ollow'n Ball, at 8 p, m, ' Vlaltinsbrothronwillbecivou a fratorual vel- < come. JOHN LAINO, Manter Workman O. H. CULLER, Itocordor. >?IIIK BRIG-ADE.-Tho Flro BrlRado maeUj. Jr. nocond Wodufliiday ovoulnfl every month,. at8 p. in; in tbocounoil chamber. All fireman roquoflted to attend. J. MoMVRBAY. Chief J " F. McQUF.EN, Boorotary. (^OUUT UOYAL, NO: Q13, I. O. F. J Moots Booond and fourth Tuondav'eln each.' month in i.O. O. P. Hall at 8 o'clock p. m. Vitltirg brethorn will bo given a fraUrnal wol- corao. E MaOaunlnnd. O. Il.r W. O.Bhaw, Sooy.- M.J.WJsK 0,D. H, O.R. lANO and loan agents GEORGE J. THOMAS, Conveyancer, Ooka- miBHioner, In Hlf(h Conn of Justice; dealer in Roal Bfltato and Mortgage"' Money to loan at the lowest rata of iutorest* Karmi bought aud sold. I n bu ran oo takon lu tbo moBtrallabla oompanioH. Brawinff of deodw, mortgages and leaBoaa upeofalty. Cbarcue rooderata and all OUBlnosfl promptly ottonded to. Call Kt tho Central Tolenbono otlloo, KeflcxOontre. 60-2y MARRIAOE LICENSES, Xjrr D.BEJAMAN, lanuorofMarrlftKo LIcoiiboh. XuBurauco a 8pco- NlghtofiloeatOwellintf. ' - -. ', TALB Oy-BTKBBT,- BBflga. "bARBKTT. iflsuer of Manitge Llconwa, ConmaiflaIonorlrO.J..oto. Geato. Oat. MAKBIAGK LloennoBor Wedding Rings ca* . ' I bo pvocurod at M. Xj, Park'rt, tho old *- liable Juwoller, HeBex, Out; JAMKB 8. LAIRD. Provincial Land Bnrvoyor and County Engine or, Heaex Centre, Cab Ouloe.DunBtan Block, apBtaira. TOHN A. ARCHITECTS. MA^COOK AHOB4TEOT,,&o}, Room lOjandJl, ^r^jflfc^ 'PbenntUO. UNDCRTAJKINQ. ,'S m H' PLtJMMBR, Undertake/ and-Fnnitur Deajin\Ooffln,bomwdfMteryinf M'^ 3to S0. U'cOngor.Ont.; ',: com - -t L ?f'V t .'*; '." S: ' .'Ii". ,1,l! jyVf'-^S^JSl^^^

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