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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 4

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W-V: s?p^ >- ^^^^B^;i;::;':""-^fP^p t ,.....mmi.,:\i..jt"Vkj HE B8AEI PRBE PHE8P The Essex: Free Press. rf. UAKOB. 1, 1895 V-'-JMJ&JSAkFOUR AS KirKAKKlt He U Paid fluiiorliiir <*oi>i|IMu*n.cS ............by Uoih PufdiiP'. Wheu tho Clark of tho Ontario IjouihU- tare bad oalled tba House to bkfi'r"o Thursday last, the day of tho oponiug of the present session, tho flrst amiounoonion t mads waa that tho election of sonm mum- bar to fill the Spanker's chair wan necessary. Sir Oliver Mowat thou spoke, addrossiug tho Clerk *of tho HoUfhj. Thoy found it necessary to oleot a.Spoaker, hn said, and h waa about to wove that tho member for Hon. Wm. D. Balvohh, M. P.P. for South Es*x, i d Speaker of tho Ontiiriu Lotiilaturo. South Ehscx (Mr. Balfom) Ulio tho ohair. The choice, ho nuid, ho wun aure, would bo agreoablo to both partion. Tho member for South Ehucx wun ono of tho oldest mono bo re in tho Houso, ulthough not tho oldeit. That diatinctiois tht Attomoy- Gonoral iiaid, waa enjoyed by tlio member _jWj^HBlJInroir(Mr. Gibnon), who was the father of tho House, and whom bo "would" Htylo "veuorablo," werb it not lhat ho him self watt flvo yearn that gcntUman'a Heritor '* in*point oj! yearn. Outsidu of tho member for EaRt Huron and somo Tiemhors of tho Government, there vvora in tho House only three goublotaeu who had eorvod in it long or than tho inombor for South Essox tho member* for Bouth Wontworth (Mr. Aw- ray), for East Potorboro' (Mr. Blczajd) HJadJoj^Koyth-Lanark (Dr. Fronton), All who had boon iu tho House with the mem ber for South Ebbwx know him by many vears' experience to do an aativo aud uaofu' member, oxooedingly useful io tho business of tho House Thoy had learned how much iutegnty, how muob industry, how much clone application, how much ability what uound judgment hu possessed. IIo had also muob pleasure in thuu propooiug hitu, Sir Oliver went ou, because by inn uergy ho bad soimpairod Mb health that tho rost and qjiot of the Spoakeruhip. might ba oxpoctod to havo a boneflcial offoot upon him. Ho.wad glad he had tho opportunity ofproponing him an Speaker, and wan mire ho would discharge bin dutiott mbly and with dignity, impartiality and aocoptanco, IIo moved that William Douglas Balfour tako tho chair. Mr, Awroy. member for Bouth Wont- worth, seconded this, oaying that bo did so as ono of tho member's sranioruin thu IIqubo though not in yearn, It afforded him much pleasure to second tlio -nomination .. of his loader, he uaid. Ho had hud mucii ploasuro in being a colluajjuo of tho mom- her fer South Esaux over since he had boon eleotod, aud ho, as well as all tho othar mom hern of tho Legislature, hud noen tho wondsrful amount of labor which ho gave -to'his duties. Ho had a thorough know ledqeofthu ruled of tho House, Mr. Aw- toy wont on, and ho waa coniiden-t woulu boontiroly impartial in hia deoiHioua, aud . Wheu ho mado a ruling it would be boouuao of his thorough knowledge of those rules. The member for South Essex had devoted a groat doal of bin time- and onorgv to pub- Ixo buiinesBB, and hia heulth waa by no moans ho good as it should bo. It was with reluotanco that he bud beon induced to tako tho duty of preuiding over tho do* batefl, thUH luaviii(J tho active li-dd of polit ical endoavor. Ho .wan Hiiro, Mr. Awroy concluded, that ho w*s e^preatnug tho con- BflD8U of opiaiob of the lloaso, and that tha now Bpeakor would disolwir^o hiudutieti to tho Hatiiifaotiou of nil. UIl. MAIlTEa BNDOUBEfl Mr. G. F. Slartar^fonowod with a few words in ondorsation of tho nomination. , Ho waja ploanod to support tho dame of Mr* Balfour for tlio (Spoakernhip, bfl aaid, In him they ^oaid have p, Kpoakoc who would btiau nr')jurtiftl ofneor, Ho had basn umio- oiatod with Mr. Balfour in a few Parlia* tdentH. ntid had-ohuorvod tia habits, .aud l hard work went for anything Mr, BtU- fourd- ttorvod the honor. IIo bad" boon a faithful mamber, aud ho and thoMblTsrioci- atod with him on tluit *ido of .thd'Hauac , vouiil wloorao hiuTfcb tho position, Thoy waruiorry he wan in poar health, and hop ed ho would Boon be resiorod. Ho hoped Mr. Balfour would have a pi o an nut timo in hifl Hpoakorahip, , Tho xaotioa was then .oarriod, aud the new Spoakor, now the Hon. Mr. Balfour, -. took the ohufr aud inado a briof Bpcoch aoknowloclgirig (ho hpnor.conferred upou hira by tbeHouHoitanhoosiyk'hipo 8p*o.kar. Tbostwhphad been assooiaUd.with hitu to the Hougfor twelve years know that he wenld try faarUaaly and impartially t^.dia- ehvgo (lie dutiaa of io honorablo au cfliee. [; .". Ho trUBtfid that ha would bavo tho advice aid couniel of the leaders of both aides of 'tile House, and not only th?ir adyioe but ^ their atisiHtanoft, and that of all tho honor able uiumberB in maintalnutM the marabra* ritfbta und.tho dignity oTttrrH*fr}onfc_. JIi thauknd tho mnmbara for their kiodiiem- aUd'Uoped tbat-Uurinf tho time In whioh bo hold the priHltlon hn would do nothing to forfeit tholr o*-nlld:-iiu*. Hrrforrihg to Mr, JUlfonv'H appnintmetit, the Toronto Globe m.yn :-""Mr. Balfour Imu thoroughly "earned tho honor boatownd upou him by thn ummimoua voice of the LagiHlaturo. Fliu curonr in the Asnoinbly h au bBaH honorable, uttful, and prograaiiVn. Ii has not boon the hired tnau of auy party organimtion, nor hia ha hIiowii any foolinh ooutempt for party dioiplhio, . nor HU*y want of appreciation of the groat and splendid obj^oU that may be achieved by party combiuution. Mr, Balfour'a iudo- punduueoiiatt boun that wliloh impronHOM itelf upon tho policy of the party to tlio purty'u ^rcat ailvantiifjo, not that whioh u.uroly linuriK at thobeclnof a party Under, Ho in a winn of uuuuitivo houotity, per* hapHfond of politi'ji, buti^iugiil publio powition only for thu publio good. A fair tMtiti and a CrttopMiionablu ono, ho ih MUed by frionda ujuloiitoomtidby opponontK,. Aa au or^aniy.cr in tlio uonutituencieu ho hatt iwitiimnl tact and capacity, Cupturinf; SfUth Ehhcx from tho OouHurvativHi h ]p>Wde it into a Liboral prHurve, aud ha mora than uuy other man, hue buiU up Libmalifltn in all tho oonitituonoi*^ of lie- no*, and JCont, Uin policy on all (juoutionu in progroiiaivf, an wituetiU tho favor iu whioh ho \h held by Liburala and Patrona uhko, und, noccmmrily, the party that ho Uadit in Kuhhx dittrict waxes Btror.^. The Liborala of tho Province in conitid- eration of tho work ho haudona, will havo np^oial iiatiufiiotion in bin elevation to the pipcakondiip,-with, lot uh hopo, higher lion- ore later oiu And all of uu; irretipectivo of j,arty afliliationu, may 'well futl that a worthy citizen pniHidea over, a worthy A.anembly. PROPOSED REFORM. Io tho opeeuh dolivorod at tho opening -tiHhe-fccRialaturo laat weok, tho Govern ment of Ontario makea evoral import ant* aunpuncomonta. Chief umony those is the "tatoroont that the.ayntoni of registration of votora, on tho eve of an oleotion, having tforkadno'weJJJn tlio oitiofl', tb will in all f uturp elootionn be appltod to.townn as woll au oitieri. Auyouo who ban had experience of tho Dorhiniou Franobmo Act motbodn, aud of tho Provincial ayfitom/muHt rcuah tho oonclumou that regidtrution on t4io eve of an election eivee ovary qualified voter a bettor chance of exorcitiing hie franchise. The Ontario Government will alao tako auoihop-step in tho direction of law reform. Ono DQonoiira to-We'iutroduced will proyido for tower opportunition to apppalMind for tlio Bimpliflaation of ^rooted hi fin iu the oourt rroformn that arc much unodod. Thon it m proposed to amondtho Jaw with regard to jurtee ho as to' ouublo ten jnrors out of a panel of twolvo to bring in a ver dict. This recognition of tho principle that tlio daoidod majority should not be Bwampocl by one or two lecalcitrauty will bo popular. Too often havo juries beon preyontod from roodoriug juat vordiot.ii bo- cauno ono raan'a croohotty or inturonted oppoaition provonted unanimity. But in future* tho juror who iu alwaya roady to ro turn a verdict if tho other eiovon will think his way will not bo porraiited to thw,art tho administration of jaatieo. An i^iprovanjent in the Factory Act iu promihod, alpug with tho cennolidution and umtudmeut of the laws relating to mochuuicH' iiiHtitutefl and froo hbrarieo Both of thtao propositions will bo of special intorcnf to "Adverrmor" roadorn at tho preaout tinae, ! Thia Proviuco baa valuahlo agricultural and minerul landa, yot nudovplopod. And and tho AdminiHtrution, knowing the bono- iita that wll-ncoruo from their propar not tUmont, anuouneciR that atopn hayo been taken with that object in view. It ic ro- aoauring to hear that tho proapectH of gold mining at lUiny Rivor aro tfood. Tliasuc- ccflsful development of tho geld mines would cauue a boom in NoVthwoatorn On tario whioh would not only result in tho Bettlomant of our vacant landH, but add to tho tr.atlo and oommcrce of the older not- iled norlionn of the Province. 'H'lio EdcarMUls School Cases. Tho char'goB aaina H.C. Poarce.toaaber of the school at Edgar mflls, woro heard laat baturday . . The teacher. was charged by Lenox Quick, with chagrining his eon too Hevoroly, aqd by a man ,-namod GWilt with ntrilcing bin littlo daughter on tho forehead with a rnlor. Tho ovidouco iuduood tho magistrate to dismioti both oanoa. Kvidonco waogivoii to ohow that young.Quiok waa not ohaBtioed laoro than ho doaorvod, and that tho din coloring on hio arm might bo oauoed by ordinary whipping. Iu the .Qwilt 01HD lt wao shown that tho abnkiiig was purely accidental. Tho toaoherhas u somewhat curoloBH habit of throwing things at tho deaks of children to draw their attention and in thin aaue the ruler glauoad from tho doak, striking the littlo girl, Each pavty will pay thou- own oostii. Mr. l'otora for plaintiffa, and Mr, Wiumer for defoudant. Tho danghtor of a welbtodo farwor uoartowii, in Sandwich Wont; wen* to Windsor one day lant wookttnd did.iaot ro- turu In tho oyonirig. Next Morning her folke goV a loiter1 from her Haying that she had married the man of her heart and wonld reside in Pdn'iu'*, TWir'iM in future. It wm a bolt frcm k . y. THE LUMiiEUIAG INDUSTRY The retrn of the present mild weather, with ihebretkuig up of the Bplexdld winter we havo been favored with, brlngo to a oIoho, prsotioally, the ni-rketlag of log*, oiiu of tho athiple indtiiitrloti of UiIh seotioti. Onriiig Vho ruceiit.eold t))ioll, a brink bum. ursa way don* in lumbering oporn.tioun,aud nuiiiy a penny turned t]nvt might otherwise have beon lying idle in tho banks, A Fiuca PnKiu repreHeutatlve V nited th> ofhera of thu Urge millu in thia vioiuity tho other day, and was givun veiy encoragtng re- portH of the lumboritig indMatry for the uomiag Hoauon, Mr. t>Oow, pruprUtor of the Miuilan aaw and htuve will*, haH op- wardu of two million feat of logu at Essex, while at Colchester and Hunoouib he has fully two millionu, making la kII a otok of about four milliou for the summer'h work, A large peroeutiif^o of the stock has btn boUaht from farrmora in thia vioiuity, and about 320,000 Iuh beou put in olronli-tiou among thorn thereby. Some of thu stock comoti from adiHtauce of six or seVeti miles, Ur. DoCtiw roportu salon and itiqnfrios ne quite lively already, having rooontly cloned a Urge contract with an cistern fire* with tlio option of iuoroaHiug it if be can gat tho Htook, while he has alHO cloaod a contraob for uix million atayca for 1895 delivery. Judging from tha nuraoroUH imiuirou that aro coming iu from Mew York and other. American markets, an well aw from Can adian control), Mr. DeCaw tliiuka this j oar will be a vary brink ono in the lumbering eusinosH. Tho many tailoring men and" others who depond greatly on this industry for a livelihood, un wall as. tho meruhautH Of liiiHUX, will be pleased to learn of the bright prospects for trade during tlio lona; fiummcr monthii. Political JSfotcH. Tho now wbipn in the Ontario Lp^is- lature aro. Liberal Wood (South Braul), Dana (Brookville). ConHryativo~Will oughby (East Northnmborland), aud St. John (West York). Ptitrou Curry (West Biniurie.) M. Montpotit, ono of [hu tiiiiinlaieni of ilio Dominion IIounoof Commonu, uaa put- in a bill for &27.000 for traimlating. the re- rc^ort"orr"tho'. royal commiauiou on the liqubr traflio fro^i Engliah lo Freiioh. The yocount la disputod. ^_. Tljoro was a oauous ef tho fourth party in the Legislature tha other day. Potcr McCallum, president, and A. T. Gurd the rairk after-iilo Was preflout. It wai de- oi'dod to do nothing iu the way of introdue. ing legislation until tho higgor Jiviuiona have been heard from. Oopotition Lond.ur Martor, with hisliey- tonaut Whitney, and other membero of the oppoeitrou had a meeting on Saturday at whioh the plan of campaign was cone over. It in almost Hottled that the Oppo sition wilt bring forward a motion calling for a radical change in the proaont method of Bocuring oolonisto. It in uow (jonarally coucudod that Hon. J, C. Patterson will not bo a candidate ' for Parliamentary honors in West Huron. Mr, M. C.Cameron, the Liberal nommeo, will return homo for tho fray thin wosk. Mr. Tarte. M. P., gives a moot emphatic denial to tho ntatomont of Hon. J.. A. Oui- wot, that ho had gone to ono of the arch- binhopu of Quoboo on Mr. Laurior's behalf with a wntton proraiso from Praraior Green wy that tho nchool quoetion would bo at auco (ifttlod by Manitoba if the Lib orala wore returned. Tho story Iulh now been denied by all conoeruod except the arohbiahop. A OILOSK CAIjIL. tov. I>. il. Hind Wcnrly Kjoues Uttu lAto In tlie Itlyof. Tho ltev. D. H. Hind, tho gonial rector of St. .lohn'a, Sandwich, had a rinrrow OHcapa from drowning in Iho river last Friday. He wont out to got a pail of water, but finding tho penstock at hia hoaao fronon, lis pasBod to tho river at Taylor'n pojut where ho know thero had been t-orao bolon in tho ico. Thoro also he fouacl himwolf frozen out and ntarted to walk over tlio ico in order to roach tho opon water, Buforo ho got thoro, however, ho broke through and found himself struggling for lifo iu tho cold, sullen stream of tho Detioit river; whioh has novor boon a rospeotsr of per- eons. Mr. Hind is nn o!d-timo afchloto, numbering tho art of swimming among hii aooonapliahraonta, and so managed to keep bimal! afloat until by almoat superhuman effort [J ho ugaiu gained a footing on tho ice. . -W-hon ha renohed^hia homo- ou tlio bauk ho was oompletolv exhausted with hia Btrugc'0" nd tho cold, but Saturday ho wao out aud ovidontly none thi worse for bin immimiioii. It waa a oloao oall, School Itoport. February report of Uuiou.B. B. No.'7, Goafleld North. 3Mtimes are given according' ts etandine, and only thote ' tho four higheot in tho olaRH. OlaaslV. Fito.V, Hooper, M.Moovo. III. Br. 0. Hiokmolt, x. Phillips, M. Go well, JP, Howo. - III. Jr. G. Moor H. UoLaod, T. Stookweli, It. Hoopor. II. Br.-G. Cowan, E. Cowau, L. l*hil llpe,}?. bridKOObabo. II. Jr. -D, Cewan, G. Boho, L. Stock- well, It. Hagglhs. JPart II. -M. Queen, O. Graham, J. Btookwell,)?. Btookweli.. DBINOtiAXU, JJtOKBBD AUCT10NMBH . for the Oounty of Eiiox, tlaiUffofliifwh t>> Division Doort, All kin da of Farm arid other Htlas o on emoted promptly. linto rett'oQable and tumlBbed on aopUoatfon. JSnquirora mnv apply at W\D, Desman's oflloo, or au the oflloa A Uly^ou Ooort Oltrk, Mr. Joliu Mlluu. J.f .;,__. ins ... Extraordinary! FOR TEN DATS WE OFFER FOB CASH: Bojs* extra fine Gape Overcoats afc $2.95/ Young Men's'Overcoats, (velvet collar) at $2 95 Men's Blue Sergo Overcoats (tweed linod) at .$3,50 Men's Suits to ordor at a saving of $3 to $5 Special- Value in Men^s and Boys' Ready-mado Suits. FINE PARLOB CLOCKS 1TBBE. Mon's Cloth Overahoos, (Granby) 85c j Persian Lamb, Fur and Scalette Caps at coat, / Boys' 2 piece suits at $1,.$1.25, $1.60, $1.75 : Special Bargains in RemnantB of all kinds, FINE FRENCH PLATE MIRROBS FREE. Kingsville Blankets at lecf&tlianmill prices. Ladies' Pine Opera Shavvlflat $1, worth double. Ladies' Fur Muffs at 50c, (ffij, 75c, worth double Ladies' Fur Storm Collarfijf$l to $3, worth,double Lndies' Fur Capes at exajfily half price. Yours for Ba/gainSj i^rriTST-A.xT BijoaK:. esse^c- UNDBK TttTE CAUS. i TREASURER'S SALE OF LAIN! FOR TAXES. Joint 4J(Utlkon, of KliiUHVlMe, Itlecte I i. 'jt-arrlMa VIoiUH. John Gilkinson, of Kingsville, waH-lnUefd^ at Uaidutouo luut Tuom)ay,niuht_- An arm and a \t wera coirplololy sov- orod-aud he died within au hour and a.half,' Mr. Gilkiuxoir,** acojinpauiod by a Mr.' Frod Ronton,-Were driving l,omei from Windsor with a npiritod young teuui whioh ho took to tho city for tho purposo o! mak ing a salo. The Httlo, however, did not take place and thoy started on their return journoy. When arriving at the Cross, tho team took the railway. Mr. Gilkinson was drivmc aud mana^od to koop tho horses on thn traok. Before thoy had (jono very far, howovtr, tbo terriDed ocoupant. of tbp bu^gy ptr-, coivod a west bound oxproBM approaching. Tho borsea were uncontrollable a^nd tho ouly moans of eBcapin^ a-torriblo death wus to pull them off the traok,down the baak, but in tbo act tho bM^'fiy w* upflot and Mr. Gilkinson was thrown out forcibly on tho traok. . Tbo tram waw coming at a tliuudontf speod and unfortunately tho poor rann x#no unable to crawl out of its way. It ran over his arm ani lo^( terribly mangling him. Miraoulously, it wonld appear, Ponton wsi) thrown iiuo tho ditch and encapod un hurt. TUe team took tho roadat tho next oross- ing and wore capturod at Rsn^x without infliotiuL; any damatfe. John Gilkinson wan a liveryman of Kingsville, about flliy yoara of age. He leaves a wifo and a grown up hou.' His body waa taliou homo on Wodujjaday. . IN T&E TOWN, OF ESSEX.^*-^^ Kobbory at Kshox. Mr. W. J. DQwaf^enti' furnuhin^ aud tuiloriu^ store wan entered on Wednesday night, and a quantity of prderod olothmg, pant olotWfl, gonts' furnishings, etc., oarriod sway, in all probably worth S1C0, En- tranoa wae Rained by boring a panel out of the back door, making a hoi* hardly lartfe enough for a cood sized boy to crawl through. Thoro was iu tho ntor* abdut $3fi in oaah, which wan miflood by tho thieves. From the natur*of tho goods taken and from the traaks formed m the soft mud in tho morning aunpiciouo .. poiut to loottl thievosr altbongh no cluo is anyetobtainod. Tho Htora occupied by Mr. Dewar was ontorflu aboat two yearB ago when occupied by Mr, Park, and a quantity of jewalory eta., wan taken. TOWNOFES6EXI------------------ TO WIT. f . 'WimiiKAH, by-virtue of a warrant issued by tbo Mayor of tlio Town of Ehkox, in tho County of Khhox, and authenticated by tho corporate Hoal of the mud Tortm, bearing dato the 25th day of January', 1895, and to mo dirsoted, commanjinp; mo to lovy u^ou tbo following; lotH or paraots of land for arroara of taxes duo tboroon, with ooate. I ho't'oby fjive notioo that unlose tho naid tamos and costs are noonor paid, X shall on Saturday, tho 18th day of May, 1895, at tho hour of 10"o'olook iu tho forenoon, at PccIi'h Hall, in tho Town of Essex, prooeod to soil by public auotiou tbo uaid laudn, or as much thereof uu may bo tmflloie.nli to pay such arrears of taxou aud all lawful costs incurred: Plan. Lots. 181 801 C7 j" -. . 20 " 25 2fi 27 '28 20 70 . 8 0 m * 17 n '54 55 00 7 58 231 217 307 223 230 2IJC 307 277 177 207 277 179 ao 170 285 300 23;~> 288 288 Taxes. 52 U S3 29 30 H2 (i 2 3 35 7 D ;t io 170 200 2-17 72 fi 38 21 02 10 00 71 33 11 81 10 U 35 22 30 M 14 m 59 18 35 35 19 87 38 80 43 83 30 93 24 21 24 21 30 1 15 15 15 00 23 01 42 02 88 fit 23 73 25 85 20 42. 5 41 41 90 2 30 3 20 3 20 2 20 1 68 3 48 1 87 3 65 3 51 1 88 2 00 1 81 1 55 0 20 300 23 29 30 31 230 23 207 25 2(1 170 Bant part 14 207 40 . 234 91 28a 12 300 0 292 (J 7 8 9 200 23. 24 25 22 203 27 28 29 35 30 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 4G 47 48 49 Block 122 . ' , Bloclc92 Elook 98 Blocks 45 4G 47 50 CG| Lot 2, plan 207 J " Block 109 ;,- ... - *Vv*. D. Bbxiun, Treaourr, Town of Ehiox. - ___________________ 43 23 27 41 27 41 39 36 10 83 19 08 24 88 45 67 92 12 25 61 27 91 22 23 0 90 48 22 271 91 20 49- 292 40 127 09 193 00 10 47 199 12 40 SO 4 49 0 12 1 Co 9 72 9 45 132 18 199 12 12 02 108 84 48 81 Public School Notc. A Voliseeo Compttuy'H Cenoreeity. . pyw.Gooro E. Tuakekt & Sons Tobacco Co., Ltd. of Hamilton, nino yoarrt ago iu- atitntod theaommondablQ idoa of present^ ing a deod of a building lot oaeb Chriutmnn to thoir oldest aotivo employee. Thin year it wan tho pood fotuno of Mr. Thoraua Mil- lir^an to eiiocood to tho flrm'H genoronity, ho having bsen with them for 21 yearu. Tr. addition to tbo let he received a AiibiiUiK tiul olmquH from tho same source. Tho wbolo stuff of the oonaorn alsftcame in fer a fiift, tho day hands receiving an extra week's ttttlary and tho picoo bands a good bIkolI turkoy. Bomo timo ago the Ueiore. Tuokotb turned their factory into a joint stock oompany, admitting many of the more important omulojoea iuto partner* hhip, end lliia udditioual u\idunon of a de- .-Hive teTebaVo witv their"ii*h Iho 'prosperity '-oT J.luiT^nytuftcfe'jAaViirr*t> UVK. bV b#air-frul I" inoreuHfd onorgy aud good-will among all wlio pre,'fortunate enough to be oouncotod w i tbi enterprising oondora, The Olerk of iho Orowo in Ohaiooory ipccived.^ Jnet Wae)cv th& finally rryiaed Dominion vctereVbetf for a number of eou- rliiiancwH, -monthorabeinaSouth^Poii ** eut, 03oUwoU*ad ^Veel iJlgiii^ Prinoipal's room, Bonior4tli; marks pos- aiblo, 60; obtained: E. Raiuoe, 44; E. Richardnou, 3D: C. Baugh- man, 38; E. Laing, 35; L. Hillior, 31; L. Wigle, 31; Ww. I'oltz, 30; G. Irwin, 29; G. Labur, ; J. Wallace, 25; S, Wilnon, 35; S. Brown, 23; J. Edgar, 22; O. Stone; 21; M. Ellison, lfi; P. Gourlay, 11; L. Lynch, 9; F. Adome and N. Cotton, ubsoht. Junior 4th; msrkn ponaiblo 75. Obtain ed by highest ten :~M. Millar, 48; L. Hioks, 47; E. Naylor, 4; J. Bowar, 41; K. Laing, 30; E. Munro, 39. E. Beoman; 38; B. McDouRQ.ll, 34; E. Ilobinseu, 27; H. Munro,24. Miss Williams' ropm; marks possihlo, 4d. Obtained by highest ten , Eliza Trewin, 40; I-'anuia Brown, 39; Gertha Young,. 30; .Brodla Groou, 36; Eloreuoo Rtacoy, 35; Annie Laing, 35; Kollio Hall, 32; Aylmor Clarko,. 32; Elsie McCoft'rey, 31; Godwin Wiglo, 3p. , Miss ttdgir'fi roam; marko poialblo "90, Obtamed by highest ioa of jauior. eooud olaes: .T,..TazuaD...60; M. Ilobinsob. C6; IMr- vi<io,.07; G, BeWinson, 67; .3?. Burdiolr, 5i; V. Burdiek, 52; B. Ooll, 61; G/White, 43; X)f Ni.ylor,40. Miss Biisw'h room, Sr. pt. sooouol olaea; iuark poHHible, 00, Obtaiuod by highoat ten :~Itey Boars, fi8; Willie Kliugbile, 68; George Hall, 6C; Minnie Baughman, 49; Cherd Viokeru, 48; Coepor Bobioson, 40; nubert Knusoll, 40; George Dibbley, 39; LuiiiH Xioulie, 38; Willie Obattorton, 35, MJss Grasswyller'a room, jiinior part ffoood. mnrlw- pomnble 00,- i Obtained by hiuhwib t**n .-rJIS. Hopbtirn. 47; N. Leo. 43; U. Davie, 37; E, Evans, 85; J, McCaffrey, 32;i'.Laitig,30;J, MoMumtf, 38;M. stun- ro, 28; L. Bbyndrew, 27; B. Davis, 27. ' ' Miss IJiuktoy'd room, pari I.; marnapoR. ttihlu 50. ObUmoil by biglnst ton: Senior !r-M. WVioau, ' S. ^sy|38;,M. Wi|li^arf,,8&i VVGU^, 8?; A. RhyndroiH, 32; P. Yonutf, 30; P. Hick 29; J. Siflson, 28; E. ifwiu, 27. Junior: H. Greon, 30; T. Olay, 36; A. Packham, 32; 0. Evans, 23; E. Garduor, 20. ' - A U <\ rcsa and l^rosentati on. To Kbv. G, D. Gbay, AribiiiTANT Paotor qv Maii)6tosk;Mktuopi(jt Cnuuon : . Dijaii But and Bno. We.tho united mem. born of tho congregation, and of tho Ep- woVth Loaguo, of Maidstono Mothodist ohurab, tako thifi opportunity of pjesnting you with Homo tolcon of tho estimation iu' which you are hold by uo, end to also con- vinoo you of our ainooro and hoavty appr. ci&tiou of tho arduouu laboru you havo ren dered in behalf of ourselves, and of tho ahnroh, oince you hayo beon with as, and especially during tho recent revival eeif- vicea, whioh havo beon brought t euoh a suocobbEuI close uuder the miniufcratiouB ot ou* beloved pastor, so ablvaasiBted by ymirisolf. .',.^M ; - ' "Wo ask yoM to accept from ua thia pwrso not by any means, as a reward for your sorvioos, ati we feel, we cannot Buffioieutly reward you, bub as a mark of our osteon* aud of the good will wo bear you and pray,' that you will aooept it id the epirit in which life Given. Truatioit that your rninfeterial career, . jest beginning, we hopo under bright,'prpV' psotrt, may be a ldn^ and useful ouejv-aud \ih>i yce may be instrumental in'doing; .much good.Heryiua in the'Maatefr'H vine- ymd, und UBsnrlni; you of ur prayera for yoiir-auaaoiM." We hops' yon will evur look , back io your oonueotion with yhe Mtid- stone uircuit, as ooo ot'tho hrtght pedod* \(i of your life1' . '"'* '"', \-f Sigufd on Ivehalf of it thoeongiegation aud Epwonh Loauue of Maidktobe Methodist Obottsh, afatd*tbuu,'Fbb^21, ISOG.1' '^f;^y{M ..... '-Jkil * Atneiix Hi land Wm. Hiwnu, , , A. Cnuacnu,L/'i,^ sSs^

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