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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 14

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*r*l*4 - THE ESSEX FREE PRESS y J}|rttfIftiia'A Ultimatum to tho Khe dive of Egypt. HIS SUCCESSOR IN WAITING The Ujryptlan Question at an AonU Stags Floroa iriLlul u J,, Knit Africa Gormuny'ri Navy to be IitoroitMud, London, IToU 2S. Tho phenomenally cold wouMiur which hnu boon prevailing1 I" Great Britain hoouim to havo finally broken up. The mercury now stand a at about the fruoiiiK point in most parts of tlio coun try. Truffle on tho Thames which, buy been ut a Htundstlll owhip; to thu ((rent quantities of Hunting ico in being, Kiadtt- tlly romimud, . PAliifi, Fob. 25. Tho Bordeaux Chamber of Commumi has pctitlonod tlio Govern ment to pliioo Canadian petroleum under tho minimum turlit no nj to onublo tit to com polo with tho HuHslait mid United 8tatuHollH. / ttlcitMN, Feb. 25, Thu budget con/mtttoo of tho Hulehutng; voted thu upprnjirliitloni* 'for fonr new armored orulaouft. In tho dhoufwion of Uioho appropriation* vico iuI- nilral Ilollman, Hcoretary ofAlio ndmlral- ^y, and l'VoIjJJiyBjJrfKirHchiill, secretary- of *u1m~trs, havo represented tjio lovernment, Marshall HpuLo at length on to tho political lutpuctdf the propoHnl. Bo montionod tho frequency of tlio com plaint tfiat Gorman .subject abioad, most notably in Central and South American States, did not reeolvo adequate protection from tho homo Government. If thoro was any juaticc in nuch complaint, ho said, it will bo because tho German navy wan too wmall to moot tho domandi of tho vast uumborsof Germans who had tottled in tho civilized countries. Tho addition which tho Govorumont proposed to build could bo maul to guard German Interacts In colonial lands and to heighten tho ros- poct of foreign govornmontH for tho Ger- miui name. Without doubt Germany should havo warships on both tho eaHtand weHfc coasts of South America. A criilaer miiBt remain at Delagoa Bay. A dozen other phicoH might bo montlonod ohrequir ing tho pro ton co of a German naval force. A Capo Town mall received at Plymouth foara a" panic prevails at Loronzo omit Africa, In consequence of a dmnntor to tho Pottuguotto force. Kaffirs entered tho PortugucKo~cnmrr-At Dawn, pretending that thoy wore frlcnJa. Moat of tho nol- dier woro sleeping. Many of thorn wore HUft'ering from fever. The Kaffirs began killing them with assegais Lieut. Manuel, whilo holping a fellow officer was stabbed in the back. Kvontually tlio troops worn got out, were formed in a hollow aquftro and with tho aid of th ogmm thoy ropulacd the natlvoH, killing BOO. It Ih reported that 200 of the Portuguese and their allies were killed and idxty wounded. A later despatch ways: Tlio fight took placo" at Mnmqueen pn February 2. Another ac count wiy that the Portuguc* admit that 0 whltea and 20 Angolas were killed nnd many woundod. According to thlfj report only ISO Kaffirs were killed. Tho situa tion Is sorloiiH. The Transvaal artillery havo been ordered to be ready to proceed to tho frontier. Goo W Smalley cables from London : Tho last week has witnoajiod anothor out burst of Anglophohism in Paris respecting -tjjo British occupation of Egypt. For tho laM, three weeks French influence in Cairo lioa been vehemently worked to induce tho Khedive to dlMiiiws Nubar Pasha and lilo co-mlnlstera The old reason is alleged that Nubar'n government is too complais ant towuid British coutiol, and thia 1b tho more remarkable because Faith ry and Mnzloun Pnchas wore thniht upon Nubar by the Khedive- bncause of thoir supposed anti-BritlHh aympathies. A. further ac quaintance on their part with "Tho brutal Lord Cromer," as ho is called, and with tho advantages of British rule and of tlio undoubted approval by the Fellaheen of tho Brltinh administration have modified tho hatred these gentlemen were once sup posed to entertain toward Great Britain, Tlio IGredivo^s miserable tactics of in flpirlnga local newspaper to distort what pansed between Id in and Loul Cromer at thoir last interview Illustrates bow com- plotoly hi higlmofw reflects the littleness of mind by which ho is inspired by tho French cotorlo thai surrounds bim. 'While thof.0 latter havo boey putting pressure en tho Khedive at Cairo, tho Paris news papers havo boon spitting tho usual venom against England and Nubar, At length tho Times in an apparently inspired articlo, warned all and sundry that tho arrogant and foolish boy was exhausting British patience, and if ho did not act with grcate prudence he might find himself shipped out of Kgypt after his grandfather. Even tho National Gac.ctte and tho Cologne Gezetto have lately complained of French mothods of fomenting trouble in ICgypt, jind tho Austiaa press, which is umlerbtood to bo largely i cad by the KhedHo, who was educated in Vicuna, warns his higli- jtieas that Europe approves of England fltrengtheniug her position in Egypt and ju prepared to suppress any attempt at nbolinhing the existing order of tilings Tho truth is that this agitation is largely the work of tho Paris nowspaperH, whoso real charactor has just boon Illustrated by tho blackmailing trials, and who woro so cleverly belittled in Lord Dufforln'scheer- -ful speech last night. Evorybody, French At Gorman, who holds any interests In Kgypt Is quite awaro that tho British oc cupation has bcuti a blessing to tho coun try. Franco Is running about with abeam In her e>u In the shape of tho Bnrdo treaty s-especting Tunis. When she has pulled that out sho will be in flt condition to Moavth and soo if England is afflicted with am Egyptian note.-------- Tlio news from Cairo indicates that Lord Cromor la acting with his usual vigor. Though - aturday was an official holiday, lio Induced tho Khedive to create a special tribunal for dealing with tho rowdies who -anight coiuomplato attacking English soldiers and sailors during Ramadan, nnd JioJius ulito defeated tho dilatory tactics of tho legislative council by summoning thorn back to discuss certain roforms of administration which thoy had sought to ^uvoid by thoir rccont suddon adjourn ment. Harold Frederic cables: It has been de rided, I Jim given to understand, to coaso fooling in Egypt and to give tho young .Khedive tho peremptory alternative of submitting In all things to ftuirltah cou- --irol or getting out. His successor doslg- mate, Prlneei Haltm, stands ready at hund, ,-Kiudon the slightest further provocation 4ie will bo put on the throng, while Abbs* ' 2>auha is conducted to Alexandra and led __*>ti, board a ship betweon a fllp-of soldiers. JVfeanWhUo the machinery for a state of uartUl law has been created in tb form Won oyer cases of affront or violence offer* od to English soldiers, sailors, marines and other ofllclals, and tho mutinous native legislative council, which thought to dis able the Govornmout. by adjourning- till April, has boon sharply ordered to return 'it> Cairo and resume its Mission at once in order to posg measures suggested to It by the Knglish authorities. Considerable con fidence Is felt that those virile exhibition** will huMIcu to scare Abbas Pasha mid his advisors Into docility. If they fait England will take tho bull by tho horns and declare a protectorate and Franco will bo told to take whatever courao hIiu pluaaoa. That Franco would proceed to extremes no one bolliVruy seriously on either sldo'ol the channel. \Her title to interfere wan practically alLUuited in 1B&9. Her pri vilege to botllsiaareeablu has bcon exer cised with groat freedom for a do/en years, and tho English aro tied'of it. No doubt thoro will bo prodigious rtinrlrrtf and lash ing of talis on the bonlovards, and very likely, a majority will bo found In tho Chambor of Deputies for rash preliminar ies to adventure, but the Frouch foreign oftleo knows fur too Well what kind of n nut to crack England Is, and also what vast domestic pen Is would encompass any real distuibaiico of the republic's Interna tional i elations. EXTENSIVE LITIGATION. ^RRflS^NPENCEi An Ohio Man Huiis lor Iimimimo Dnui- niiti An IiiLnruMtlnif Cuxo. NiiwYonif, Feb G.K>.~-Edward M. McGll- lln, of Youngstown, Ohio, has bugim two jictlous in the couit of common picas against John C. Lafllu, Edward E.Kamos, Daniel Hohlnson, Horaco J. Fairohild aad Doxtor L. Foi co, who comprised tho firm of H, 71 Clafliu & Co., before It became a corporation. One action Is for (500.000 nUd tho other for fciflS.OOO, Tlio plaintiff, who is a well-known western drygoods dealer, states that in ltfsM ho was in tho drygoodu business in Cleveland, and was also inter ested in cattle lunches Ilosuyu that prior to Sept 1888 he wiu making t0O,00O a your from his business in Cleveland, lie alleges, that tho defendants gob him to sell his stores In Cleveland to II. P. Wnsuon [and Georgo N. Fischer, who ho has since learn ed woro *'dummies," and agroo tomanago for tho defendants their interests in tlio American cattlo trust, tho profits to bo di vided evenly. McGilIlu alleges thatTou January 1, 1081), tho defendants repu diated their agreement Ho charges that it was all a scheme to drivo him out of business. Mr. McGlllln says that after September 1, 1888, a million dollars could IirtVo been made out of tho cattlo trust stock. Of this $30,000 would h.ivo boou his share, and lie sues for that. Tho suit for $i&8,000 Is based on credits due him on tho books of Clafliu &: CJo., on his ranch, which-ho turned into tho trust and on a bond transaction. Out of tho boud transaction grows n third action, brought by Mary B. O'Neil, sistor of McGlllln, to recover $14,000. Tlio defendants say in thoir answer that Mc Glllln was only a purLner iu tho stores In Cleveland and that ho usod tho money of tho concern In various ranches and cattlo enterprises and brought tho dry goods business to tho vorgo of failuro. The de fendants alleges that ho asked them to take tho stores for the amount duo thorn, ho agreeing to give them a bill of salo to avoid futuro litigation. riC'litlnc on the Went Coast. London, Feb. 25. It is reported that there has boon severe fighting between tho British naval force .md tho natives at Brass Guinea, West Coast of Africa. A sailor who was on tho warship St. Goorgo telegraphed to his wife In Plymouth, England: "Dig light at Brass on Satur day. AVe aro all right." No details havo boon received, but it is known thnt the cruiser Barrossa and the gunboats Wid geon and Thrush with the St. Georgo, tho flagship of tho WoHt African station, were near thu Niger's mouth at the end of the week. It is tepoitcd at Plymouth that Sir Claude Macdonald, British agonfc in tho Nifior region, and tho officer command tug the British warship woro wounded soveioly. The natives, it is said, woio put to flight after suflei ing severe losses. To Decorato Journalists mid Authors, New Yohic, Fob. 25. A special London oablowiys: Fleet and Grub streets nro In a state of pleasurablo emotion on tho ap parently well founded announcement that tho Queen Is elaborating a scheme for establishing a literary order of merit for tho recognition of those who as journalists or writers of books havo done good work. There aro to bo throe gnulen, as in most other orders, tho flrstconslstingof twonty- four knights of the grand cross, the second of 100 knights commanders nnd tho third of-250 companions. British litoraturo and journalism aro protty poor just now in great men and ono shudders to think of tho mediocriotios who will get tho now do- corations If tho three classes aro oven half filled. ____________________________ The ttoud at Sea. Washington, Feb. 25. Tho President has signed tho joint resolution of Con gress postponing tlio now rulOH of tho road at sea which, according to Px*esldon- tial proclamation, should havo gone into effect March 1st A now proclamation ia expected Monday and every effort will bo made b> wide publicity to warn American fioamon that tho now regulations which havo boon generally circulated aro to be ignored. It will bo necessary for tho navy department to bend cablegrams to several warships to prevent them from putting the new code Into operation March 1st. Mr. DoOew Speaks. [Owiuk to a elifht iimoouruoy caused by thn printer, Ukfc waek* thin letter inoorroot- En. L'JItor FrooVroBi: Km. Having road with much interest your editorial entitled "The County Coun cil," also "Mr. CoHte'y Bciply," I eaimot- rofmm from nuking you for a nlit iinuso In your paper to ondoraa much you huvo Haul us to the Indignation jf tho mtop&y- om against our County Council, It Id a notable f*at, nnd one dooply to b rojnottrd, that o-ir Couaty Council (eltunVd and paid by the people to lo^isUtu for thu i.unoral good of the pcoplu) haw, throughout its nntits history, ho utterly neglected and diHi-agardsd this all important quosMon of maknit; uood roads, a mutter of huoIi vital importiiuuo to tha boat interoutn Htid welfura of tho County at luruo, and so necessary to tho advancement, progress and prosperity of tho people, that it should havo been first ami foremost of all projects to demand tho united aoMon of that body m assuming as a County tho control of at least all the townlino rou.ds, nnd hy an appropriation ot 5200,000 or whatever amount may bonoocs- uiiry to put thetto loading roitdu in Uist-elasH sbapo, and to isuua dobouturos for pay 20, H'), or 40 yaars, or whatever time may bo doomed advisable Tho bonds, issued suaiust a County free from debt like Fhhcx, would hoII iu amy market at a groat itdvau- tage to tho Couuty, in id by ho doing the onlmnoed valuo nlono would pay eff tho debt. Had tlun been done uftron, oven ten, yourn a^o, I doubt not that our asuonsed Value would rouch 20 or 25 millions instead of Hi millions, tho present valuation, and all our nomreuidont lundu would now bu roaident lands; the public bUsnod with good toads' uud tho ratopayer paying no higher rate on the dollar than he does at tho proflont tmnfl; and Emiex County uaado tho garden County of Cnuada.m reality a well as in tJaino, thereby encouraging our preDont population, iuHtoadof driving thorn tj tho far wost; and induomgtmuny thrifty oasteru farment of aur country to forget the west aud to make thoir homos with us. E cannot but hold my rHteouaod iriond, Mr. Oooto, largely responsible for the proaant deplorable stale of tlnn^H. no who boaatH of boing the oldest mombor iu the Council, the aoknowlodgod father an it woio, the loadiug ipiriti, thQ.ujo_uthpicco of tlio Counctl for 1(1 years (a quarter of lus life time m the service), why iias ho not onr worthy follower may know juet where w stand, as we are filug to do omethinjt in the way ol batter roads in ibis County, and that right away. We are vor ready aud wllliog to do oar psrt. whau wo gaarante* a private ub- crlption of 91.400, providing tho adjoining manleipalJEltffl will pay l,600, and th Connty 91,000, making tb -$ 1,000 required to put tan miles ef this thoroujthfare in first.class nhape, as under the existing fnvorublo olrournstanoea wo oau build it for 9400 a mile, while the townllue gravelled last year aost Hourly double that sum. Ask every intolligunt reader of thih paper if wo aro not worthy of tho mrni.il amount askod from our County, which is uo able (and I trust willing next June) to grant it, Now It ssems to me It must bo quite a hucihatlon to our rospoatod friend to tell uu through the public press that he survey ed that road -10 yoars ago, uud has to admit that that road running through fcho Town of Essex, through the Bhuel Bettlemant, into Andordon (Ins political stronghold), and directly ou to Windsor, and being tho dividing line of the two ridings, in the heart of this County gardeu of the wsst, is still full otstumou and brush, no ditohou to lot the water off, oto. No woutler tho writer cannot anil Lssox lands for more than 10 to 12 dollars per aaro. Thou let me auk have the rate payers uo oauso for just Jndtgnatiou ? It ill becomes Mr, Conte to show so little public opirib aud iuelioation to further tho vory bout niteroaU of this County, by flght- big tooth and nail, overy effort in tho di rection of hotter roads. If you ahum you ounnofa. legally grant this 91,000, then, for goodnosa sake,'get your council, ospooially your followers, to work aud give lissome legal legislation and hand the unmo of Costo down to posterity as having dono for the County of Eusex a grand and noblo work; for which th* op pressed ratepayer will bo ovor thankful. Yours BoBpcotfully, T. H.DkCuw. Essex, Feb. 20, 1895. Diebel & Bricker. New Spring Dress Goods! We arc selling them at low prices ,TO STIMULATE BUSINESS. Mr. N. A. Uoute A tram. Curloui News From Kuaala. London, Feb, 25. Some rather curious news comes from liussia. Tho fact that thctologruphiocensure, so strict in Russia, allows despatches announcing troubles In tho universities to pass proves that some thing very much more surious must be taking place In the political world. It is asserted that tho Czar has received threat ening letters fiom tho Nihilists. It Is nocessaiyto receive^ tho Jews with croat caution, but itappbara probable thiiM&ta truo. -^f new .tribunal, wish samnury lariMUa- A Cuk-e for Insanity. LONDON, Fob. 2K. The Bally Chronicle's Vienna correspondent says: Prof. Wagner, of Vienna University, expounded a euro for insanity to tho medical society. Ho Injected Koch's tuborculinu, causing a fever,after whloh tho insanity diminished. Ho repeated the treatment a fow times, each Injection lossoning tho Insanity until oveutuully It vanished. An Aiuorleuu General 1)V*hiI. * Tnov, N, YM li'eb. 26. The flags upon the city hall and the state armory in this city urn at half mast on account of the death of Mujoi-General Joseph B. Cair. Goner- al Curr died at his home on Fifth avenue at 10 o'clock on Saturday mornlngafUr aa Ulueas of long stand in it___ I made Homo oxtra efforts tu.thio important direction by opening up the Couuty with Koad loading rsads? Why has lie not naod his gceat abilities towardu this zi.uoh-noed ad reform? 8o ablo and yet so unwilling, whose abilities proporly appliod in tho right direction won It1 have boon such a boon to us us a peoplo, us this County above all othoro, with its very level laud aud rich olay soil, requires npeoul atteo lion to this all-absorbing question of good roads. But instond of giving us hia aid, mniienoe and support, wo find in him our oomraon onomy. Ou tho iloor of tin) pailiaraout of Essex, in the pubho press, snd elsowhtre, ho rcmudu ono of tho four- hour spoeoh made a number of years to- l>y an able man uf Illinois against tho first r ulroad that wont into Chicuuro. Now, Mr. Costo, lot mo ask you to take a glanco at the history of our late ohioftui n, Bit John A. McDonald, whoso memory you hold most dear, and do you not And in him a road "mekor from start to finish throughout his whole aotivo career start ing with loading plank and gravel roads into Kingston, and onding by biuding to gether this groat Contoderatiou of ours, from ocean tooooan, with that iron band, tho C. P. Ry., ono of the c^atott achieve, monts of tho oco. Can you not tako u lesson on road buildingfrora that illustrious hfo, and got yourself right about fnoL>; wheel into lino, and whon the next deputa tion of ratepayers waits on your honorable body in Juo next, to melt rodroHS'for ex isting wrongs, Ut them find in you an ardent advooato for this badly nsoded re form. Wo uhk you to do your duty to your County without fear, favor, or affco tiou, aud if thoro is no legislation existing to inoet tho griovauco complained of an you admit thoro is a griovanae thun promptly mtroduee some, and let this com. ing session bo one of tho -stepping stones for orforward movement in thin dirsotion* Now Mr. Coato, you'are there to legislate for tho County, not for Ualdsn sloue. MaMou is all right.A. kmdPfovideuos, hau dano conoidorable lor her, geographically, as (tho has but two townlino roads, uot au aoro of uou-residenc land, and on)y one tap clraiu, Surely she will not object, if vou ohoost to lay tlio matter (iquarely and | t i ly before^hor, to oontributo her mite to the general fund for tho general welfsrs Qf tho County. Again Friend Goate, you kicked against the $200 special graut givn by the County Council a year age to North Qofiflnld. You Rgain kicked, even harder. in tho following; session, when Mr. Barrett- Reovo of Colchester North, carried over your heal and through tho council another grant of 9200, uotwithstandlngyour threats to issue an injunction vgamst tho oouuutl. I prtaumethe same thing: will have to be raprated next June Bosiiou, or can you be convinced to aee the error of ydui way, that wo may have the pleasure of your assist. an co by tlio way. for I can assure you, my learned friend, thu time baa come when the ratepayers are fully aroused to the argmioy of the hour, and find the only way is to take the bull by the hortrn and fight To my Rood frlond, T. II, DoCew, Ehjux. Dicar Mn. JDkCkw: havo just read your lofctsr to the editor of tbs Eaniix- Frkk Fiiksk of tho 20th instant and I mustTsay that you ontiroly fail to aoswor my objoc- tioua to the spending of county moneys on local reads. You start from a correal contention, that the townlino between Colchester North and Sandwich South and Maidstono is in bud condition, but you como to a vory in correct or unfair oouolusion, that because tho said i'bwnTuia is m a bad ntato, and bo- oauno you and othoro, who own lands along side of it, aro willing to provide 81,400 of private subscriptions to anhaooo the valuo of your properties, the County Council must b* uaado to vote 91.000 of county money to oaablo you to improvo that road. Again I will repeat what I havo said in the County Council, aud iu my reply to tho oditorial of tho Ekakx Fukb 1'bsqh : "You address yourHolf to tho wrong partioa," the County Council has nothing to do with that tawuliue no mare than any other tewnhnn in the county. The towoshipa of SaMdwioh South aud Maidatono on tho north, uud Colohsstor North on the south, and tho Town of Easox aro the municipal ities interested (and bound by law) iu mauIc- ing tluttownlina as cood as any local road in these municipalities. They are tho parties to appl/ to for help, and If thoy don't givo you reasonable help you can compel them by onforoing joint aotion through tho Couuty Council. Tho Essux FniiB Finest ohjoots to the Echo speaking about, butioombo motions for special grants, saying that when it was learned that nucha grant as 01,000 was asked for your townlino othor membsrs Rimed for grants amounting to 87,000 wol! knowing thoy woro not ni-odod, and for the All the new creationa in- plain an.d fancy Dress Goods. - Ladies' New Spring Gapes. ------------------------------------------------------------- i Early inspection invited by DIEBEL & BRICKER. Do not forget to aee the Solid Oak Furniturfe wo are giving away. (L ti nV until viotory is achieved. 189 yon and j purpose of throwing out tho wholo thing. I will say here that I do nat believe in Wuc- eonibo motions for special grants, and I am not UHually found amount thoao whs make these motions. I did not move for ono aent out of Che 87,000 complained of, but I must admit that it was nothing but human and natural that many Hoove*, who havo towuliaoH aid local rondo needing ropuira and gravel jUHb as much tin the one you contend for, should endeavor to dofeud tho intorest of thoir ratepayers who sond thora to tho County Council, by obtaining a quid pro quo" in cash \it couuty ratos, to whioh their people sontribute, had to be spent on your tow a line whoro thoy have no lands and no intsre-t, I say that it is tuauifestly unfair that any local ro&d should receive spaoial couu ty r-rautu aud all tho others receive none, and that certain municipalities where tho people have taiod themselves eteaelily ovory year to improve their owu roads chould be called upon te pay towards im proving local roads in th*r municipalities. The whole agitati in is carried oa with out taking into aoeount tho powers and dutiea of a Couuty Council aud tho rolativt positions of the different municipalities to^ eaoh othor. Those like you who want a Bpoois.1 grant to uchieve a particular object to benefit yourself aud yeur neighborhood, are loo tnuoh inolinsd to ro to the County Council to auk for help which oanuot really be given, instead of applying to tho proper parties, the municipalities who own tho road, who are interested and would be benefitted by the improvement. The County Council Is Uot a Legislature or a Parliament; it can pssa do law; its functions* are to equalize the assessment rolls of the different municipalities hr or- dor that by direct taxation eaoh should pay its legitimate share of the administra tion of justice and othor matters Interest ing ibe county at large. Its fanotioaa ar very muoh restricted. The roada aro vest ed in the Joual municipalities and only be- 00 mo "county loaota when thoy aro assumed by the county as roads in the general inte rest, loading roads through the county m which the whelo couuty has an mtorest and after the municipalities interested have given their avsont. Byliove mo it ia high time that there should bo nothing more hoard ia tho County Council of rsquoatu from tho gon- oral fund for help to any local road. No municipality in Essex is a pauper and enti tled to bet; money contributed by the others by thrcot taxation to improve their local roads. Eaoh mumeipality ia fully ablo to tax their own psopls to improve gradually all their own roads. Maiden, that I repre sent, has a small population, only 20,700 acres of laud, of whioh 1,700 are marabou; it nan no lake front that oan bo approach ed. The ratepayers have steadily spent money at the rata ot 93,000 a year, for a groat many yearn, to improvo thfeir roads, all their roads, and to drain their township They have not aoked^ior begod from she County Couuail or othsrs. You say that Maiden is all ri^bt, that she has but two townlines andeuo tap drain ; that is true. Maiden is all right, thanks te the spirit of her ratopaysra who have boon willing to.bo taxud to booome all right, who have saved law oxpomos by having only ono tap druiu (which tkey oould not help), who have ditched the whole township at a minimum oest without ths drainage e'ot, and by mu tual forbearance and publto spirit. Yes, Maldon is all right I and all other town- uhipB oould be right like Mai don if tho people would follow Ifaldon's example. Nobody over gave Maiden anything.. She has paid in proportion more county rates thau othor townships, bomg equalized vory high; she has paid highly for criminal jus- tioe aud h&* hardly ever any case in the aourfcs; but It 1b not a flood reason because MaldoHJH allriiiht andbas improved her own roade that she ehould pay to improve roads iu other municipalities. "You ay she has only two towulmee. what advantage is that? On her twe other fronts instead of having a joint road with another muni, oipuhty towards whloh she wOuld only ay her share sue has to keep alone a river road aad a lake road away from tho lake on account of the marshse, : Towuliues are really tbo sanest roads to keep in a municipality because the muni cipality has only one half of the road to maintain. Now, to real county roads, you know my position on that. X am no more backward than any rublio spirited as an in the county. X am aMd'tave bean In the favor of assuro- lug~ a number of really leading roacU throughout the county, roads leading from the ends to the centres of bualnese, in whioh all the nmniolpahiiei oould be equally aud|fairly interested and of raiaiag a sufficient sum to make and" maintain uaid roads, bHt I am not iu favor of special grants to oirtam municipalities for loaal roads, and I nevor will be, because it is noither just nor proper, and because the Couuty Council has uo right to disorirauate in favor ef any particular local read even thovgh my boat friends snay bo interested in them. Yours sincerely, N. A. Cosik, Hoove of Maid on February, 23rd, 1895. With VuvHlldN' Yes 1 with invalids tho appetite is capri cious and naads coaxing, that is just tho reason they improvo so rapidly under Scott's Emulsion, whioh is as palatable as cream. CALL AT May's Bazaar, FOR ALL KINDS OP Chinaware, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods,' Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplies, _ Toys .of all kinds,' Berlin Wools and. Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from 4 cents up. To Smokers - ~^ To meet tho wishes of their ounfcomsrs, The Geo. E. Tuckotfc & Ben Co., lit*., Hamilton, Ont,, havo placed upon the market **"^ A Combination Plug of "T & B." SMOKING TdBACO. This supplies a long feltwaafc, giv ing tba oormumor one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent) pioco, or a 6 cent piooo of the famous Ib,T & Bw torftn4 of-i pare Virginia Tobaco. i <-

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