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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 13

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|5i!||5iPiP^?|f^^ r ' 'wjfa ... '.i.. 'J . ' ' ' "iJ0L v&m fe3E5x -'i..f F**' Many of- Them to' bo. Deported <>" .I\irol<. . LATEST NEWS FROM HONOLULU Wlint l'roaldnut Il Snyw-'lrliil- **<* Conviction* of Mi*ny Unvnliitnti'hdM Military rrtituiuthtim Out' <*' ' tlin Uiiuiin'ti f.u(<) Mini*-1 ^i Sam VitANcrHco, Knh. Ji.-ComiKpon- doinif l:riti-ii)iH!r (hudl'ii fn>m Honolulu Hays: Thu following por^m-'i under armd, hiivu accepted tliu pi'lviluKO f Imvlnp: thu country fit prcformi^' to wtnndlnK trial bu- foro the military commission and hnvn hcon released on thejr pfrnnnnl n:cn:;nU- anco In ovdor to.'.ctlhi their ulVaii'M: V. Wmiderbur^, Ilrltfsli, business; man; John C. White, Ui'Ili.'il), niiuddnlsl; (Jeo. Kltt- inaii, JJr'ilnh, nuicliiiiist; Jol.m. Ihulln, llrltiKli, hiiclcmnn; .Tanu-s Hrown, liriiish, IiacUnuiu; 1". H. Itudwurd, I'rlt.l.sh, biulder; l<Yed Harrison, British, builder; John l)o- frlcH, halt'while; A, P. J'uttur.snn, Amori- eaii. lawer; Chiut. Cirjditon, Uritish, law yer; T-'rhnund Norrie, a Dane, editor of' .Uoluiuu; Lew in '1'. Levy, Ilrlthdi auc tioneer. -M. C, liuili'j;, iderk for Levy; Capt. A. (.'. McDowell,' Arthur White and two (J reeks named Cumunno and Camar illas. V. V. Afdifnrd, a Canadian, wan ' (leiitcnced on the. Kith tr> ono ye:p\M im prisonment and ijd.OOO- fine. On account of ill-health l.lio hard labor was remitted. John S. Bonier,. an Irish-Amurieun, wan mmtenced on, Iho 10th to Ilvu years im- prisonmc;nfc nud$*i,uUO line. Bonier under took for Nowlem to lake possession of tho telephone station. "So ntdier leading re- voliuinni.^u huve yet received their final Hcnteuees. All btutcmcnl s to the con- trary have been erroneniu. A bun tsu verify natives anil half whites have been tried, tho majority for treason and a few for misprison, H i.s certain that nearly nil have ln-en conviet(M.l. 'i\v(>i11y-Uirint only of Uioko have been publicly sentenced, four for ten years, two for eiybt, one for seven mid Hlxreeu fur live. 1*went,y-onc natives were ,arraiKned ye,s'crdny. -^Jhhn'K. Culbu'ni, of Lil'Tiokulini'rf lust* ^ Cabinet, has written to .Mr. Thurston to the ell'eet Unit ho is (li^^nsted with tho Queen's euiir.se and is workinijJ.(.'ll'iUyi|Ji.. the natives for auucxat ion. He ur^es Thur.slun to forward it by every prjssihlo means. Tiie disclosures from the (^ueen'.H diary', published in San Franei.seo and re published here, about Kudnlph .Sjn-eckuls Avero uiiwa-to the .Honolulu people. They are genuine uxtrnel.M. All the Hon'toncua of luiprisannu'nt for the insurgents, an is welt inidurHtood, ere open to much reduc tion in thu future and may even be subject to a general uinne.ay whenever the con dition, of thu republic shall bo favorable, olttoyv-nKTthe-rtwul-t-of aimejcation or other- wise/"" , ir - In an Interview, with, tlio United Press . reporter Preside nt Dole stated.that United J SUtey.Miiiister >niiTrjiiid'Uritish Cbnv jnissioner Jlawes had;':l6(,;on- /{ivon in con- fldoueu the sentences prtMeijJJy the mili tary coininiss,U)u upon citi/.cniH ,of their re- Hpitc'tivo counlries.. .Mr. Willis reported -that the communication to his govern ment of tlio death be'litonces^upon Guliclc and Seward was a correct statement. Those- sentences have jiot been reviewed by the coinmaueer-in-cbief. It i.s the Pre sident's intention next week to summon the advisory council for the purpose of ud- visin^ upon tliese .sentences. Action has been postponed until all lund- ing ca^es.havo bcL-n tried.that the senten ces could bo revised together and Kuitablo judgment bo meted out. It was the desire of the government :.o indict no heavier 1 penalty than was iibsuhiicly neccssa.iy to public security. A further reason for tlio delay was to await- tiie:C'X{}i:i;^^.Uni of pub- lie sentiment abroajl. In reply to tlio su'-'^esUons that Ameri can Senators and 'others fail lo apprehend the e;reut diitereiiei'.i bei-wceu tiie present hit.uation in Hawaii and Lhnt in America at the (dose of iwv. cn'jr'U'ar, JJresident Dole replied that it was impassible for them io understauil it, adiiK-niH existing there bcl'ttru renewal of ih'r rebtdliim liad been eoinpii:ltdy cnisht'l, \. hudi was uny- thin^ but tlio casj'i in Hawaii. Tueir war had ceaned to exi^t; Hawaii's was only HUsiityidud^by the-.strung force winch iho government wna able in exert, Tlio J1 res ident decliuetl to iutiinuie wliat course would lie taken with tl:e t,jiieen. Volunteer military companies are keep ing up their drill and equipment t.j the highest, jvjifit. Oitizon ^u:tr.ls in-.t eitn- stantly improving their or;ani/.ation. There Is no .-eiise of pernmi.ont ."ccuru,y. Ah is natural under tlu-;-e ciniditions, tiie general voice of tlio citizens slioui.s for flonie example of severity upon iho men who have conned this, insecurity. W. C. 1\ IT. ritisoNicits li*nld b nl^do l* Support tholr Fanilllea WblU In jTall. At a recent h4itt^ of, the llcntr#ul Mm- iotttriwl- Anuooiaticin, Itciv. Dr. Bhiytb, of Oalvln-l*rl>yUriiui Church, in thu omirio of 'tu addrees ou u'X\xm Condition of the Poor," ipolto very Htronfjly b'tfutriNb many iibuHon, and mudu Homo vnry. praotioul Kutf- (^estiou* tU'si^ntid to reliavo th distrotiai'd condition of,.tho poor, llu natd : I have loarnod thut tb(i iindnitnrvuu; ['"t hunnry mid imkod uh well iiHthodeiinrviii^ God htiH no Hvorut way of feeding tlio child- run of undoHarviMK parautH, Dnmltard'H wjvos uud helpleim childron f(t lmuurv thrtm Liuiufi a day and it \u a erimo ou tlio part of Ood'n jiodplu to withh Id fronrtlia e hiuunna of their fu.tli*r'n itin. One practical tiling Mutt our uiiHocuition run do in to make an appeal to thin n*^liT i^oiit city to do iin duty lot ho poor. Pubho workn ou^lib to bo oMtahlndiod ut thin time, and our uasociation ou^ht to innistou that, rather Limn tlm dualiu^ out of aliun. AIuh an; only intondnd for thu hsIplHu, not for tboHtrotij,', but whu Llm trn^ urn (Irmu-rt work thu uphei'rt of klmn.j.<iviii^ in dintortod, Today miiuy good, lioneHt and induatrioiiB lumihoH bio out of umploymont. Art to tlio men who will not work whuii thny bav tho opportmiity^.tlio utato abould compel thnm' to. Any man who will not provido for bin fmriily nhould bo whipped in the public square; that is, if work in to bo had. Our lawn will hbu'1 a man down to jail who un- )4leetR to proyido for bin fmdy, but wlmt ifj'the roHtilt ? In not tlio family ntill un provided for ? If a wan drinks idl ha earuu uud bin wife and family are in starvation, iho ifiw will iucurc-ratu him and conciabui him for hix moutliH or more, but dooa that reliovo thu family ? Hunt not. the Christian I'Uibho provide for them a before V Our povcrument r**eeiveH a revenuo Uy the nmnufucturo of di^tillod npiriU, nho ITS HOPE IN CANADA". NEWFOUNDLAND'S MISERY ONLY RE LIEVED BY THIS PROSPECT. of > Uhoi toon --I'olli it'ii AL'^"*Vttt*til tlio MltiiittUtu Muiiy lMjl Starviiitr. .(Sl'KGtAIi St, Johm'h, N.K., r^T'nca Cor.) Newfoundlatid t o-day In n country with out banka, without*currency, withmit cro- dit. Itn coniiiiorco and trade aro hIihUoi*- ed. 1U population \h reduced to liopolcHH mincry. '.I1hu country-wan devastated.by n flnnn- *Th llul ut tht Mrcliuiit, ..Ortiwliitf <>* .ori>4iutilIut';MlltliHlMdi innKimiiPiil paid at, the riding rato uud" bhi account vaBflol^ for-ho can cat thenypodr'-build th craft, launch nnd rlK, nor, then Hall her hlmHulf with n HuindoiG crow and uho her In Ids onturprltut. ITIh outUt obtained, lio ondonvorH to Bccuru ii full car^o of flab, which U "put off" at tho morchunt'a wharf lu Wt. Juhii'u,'- uud, tho priced having bemi prtivloiifily , wittlo'd by,the murcantllu body horo, ho 1h nquareil. Hut, lie In'umially In Mu> mr- vhant'udobt, and that 'cute_ imivhoii gemrr- ully.contriveM to keep him then). Tho condition of tho dHherimm In little hotter than one of norvltude. lie hi under thomerehaut'H control, and Is compelled loobny lilnmurent whim. I"reneh bounty-fed competition forced down thi) prl^ ol' lltih abroad, and render- cdtlie Industry unproductive. Thin nee cbd cyclone in December, and themhiohiof; l"'^'1!"'! ni,,lllC(K! m'ta. lV)1'. tllG l"-duct then denu! eaunot be repaired for thu no.yit ten years. AVords fail to do ju.'iUcn to Urn appalling ciuidiLious of ntaKiiation and destitution (hat exlat and every day tlio colony iuitthmduupur'Iii th'n" quji^niire of connnereial and national disaster. Not often does one innn'u'death brinjj; about such fearful eonscquencea as- tho- paiiiierlzalion for that is what it virtu ally means--of a wliolu country. Yet the immediate visible cause of Newfound- lund'adl^aster was the death of a London merchant, Mr, Hall, who acted as "finan cial a^eut for most of tlio Ash exporting #i ^ LAING BRS . .1 ,.-,L ^?i ARE BTIECTOTHrrimONT And When You Want ,^23CZ^' MA' :%smm ioi"i-inported spirith; and our city in (inrich- i"d by a licengb tax for tbu wliolertidu-* aud retail wide of tho name 'material. Than v;h'.n a man iudtllcfi..loo frenly in ht'roi:fl dritdt, uo that liu iti unfit i,o firovido for hii family, bo in nent to ja'l, ad tho |jovera meiit HV.IH all the henofitH of bin labor"' while the four wife and f/unily are loff'To" iiturvc, neitUer government or city uiitlio*!- ties caring what fato bofidly them. Till! STATU 111 A TIJICt'. Here, therefore, in noinethin^ practical. Lcit uu Book rjueh I^fjifilatioii in our province- asjihall brine tlio proiltn ol an unpriaonod man'o labor to hiB needy wifo and children instead of to the Htato, Th'a Htato ia not healthy which drawn the lifo.blood out of dt-fousolofiH women y,nd children. The state nhonld nevor bo enriched in tho HinolltSHtViej^rao by.orimo. But as the law uo\y iH.'tbo utatb and mumcipidlt-y'^ri tho i:rt$edy vulturH that take all they can u,tb from tb<* hetpIeiJH. Tho ntnte which appro- priutoH tho oarniri^a which should tfo to n. rniiu's wifo mid children ia a thiof, Tho Miiitotbut takes tbo profitu of a married tnau'w labor, under imprirtoumant, iun. ,ldo- vonrorof widows* boufieH*' and a robber o!' cbildren's brenil. i'iusoki:kh' i.aunini'.h uiioumj oo to tiikiu rAMii.n;a. These thin^K, howovur, must be kapL Bt-piirato from the main quoation of the hour, that o[ providim; lor the present, dm- trt'SR. I would recommend it deuoinina* tioiu'd provision, io airani;od tlntt thestroi'i* wonld bolp tbu weak, and that those Chnn- . iau 'jon^'ruKaiioiiH having much moimy uud few peer utioiild approach nucl offer their help to tha cougrcgatioini whe have UKii;y roor uud little, money. I would rucoinmond that Christian iiumi of fovtunato eircuiu. Htaucira be eiijoimil t.o wend of their ahund- anco to tho-io dihtricts whom tbo need i: the j;reatcat, in their own denoininritioriH; LAXDINCJ FIHII rilf)>t A KKtlT. ' houses. In Newfoundland. They Hliipped cargoes of ilsh and drew exchanges on ijiw flrin to cover tho pVoeeeds o.f Males. When he dled-tha triiK- tees of tin; estate decided to accept no more exchange Until bis utVatrs _were arraimed and they familiarized themselves with tho Newfoundland branch of tho huninesM, wbirh Mr, Hall had control of. When, therefore, they refused the ex- cIhui^h, tin; liohhn'.s deinaudiMl paymViit of the banks here which indorsed the paper, ami t heso and l,heir cii.toim rs nor having 1 lie funds to meet the denia::d had to clfjj-.it llit-ir dooi-ji, whirli, in many cmm'S will nnver rMUK-n. Hut the real opera; inf.; cause.-; were, far more":serious, complex and far reaching. Newfoundland is England's oldest col ony. The extensive ii]u\ valuable fidieric.s. of the island attracted the barely, daring "mariners M Western Kurope in tiie six- teent h century and do>vn lo i-t'eent, year.s. .When Knc;]aml annexed Xewfoiinillaiid in lfWl si io found her mastery fdsputed by rivals. France and Kntflaud stru^'led for control for many yea'rs, for both roco^ni^- ed in thecod-iiHhery an unequalled nursery for their seamen. Kne;land succeeded, hut -*'lost by diplomacy what she gained by tho sword." ' Tho Treaty of Utrecht in X71*J yave ITrencli /Isliermen a concurrent rifdit to catch and dry fish u-luni; 1,500 miles of the west and northeast coasts of this '.nlnnd, and this is the.keystone of Newfoundland's present decadence. France was also given possession of.ab^j^aJ.l^lrttjMioiiJrHt^ I.Jierre and Miquclon, south of St. John's, ait*H made them the base of a commercial war l.oji Kngland and her unfortunate colony. "The phrase "concurrent, ri^ht" in the treaty is the kernel of the whole dillieully. The French contend it yives them a jnVn* riyht and obliges tho Ilrithslier Lo-refrain from interfering with them. Tins contention is repudiated by Kuin land; but the French contention never theless works to tho disadvantage of iho Newfoundland fisherman. Should the lat ter be meeting with success in the fishery in a ccrt.'du harbor and a ! Yen chimin outers and desires the place, lie simply takes it. .Newfoundland liein;.; small and having only ::'().(:00 inhabitants, is powerless to re'-i'-i. neb out ra^'es. and, though fi'<-(juent at te>.ipts liavu been made to hi:11 le the fjoi-^i ion, they have' been invariably frus trated. 'I n- ()iily hope of the colony which is wmi li ronxidering is joining the Canadian Conies-ration, and accessions to the nuni- lier wlio sn bitliiiVit an; jollied to the ranks of those working ! hai. way every dny. The condition of -the country is very .serious. The French boiintysys! em and thediinuige it oeea-ioned'abroad sowed Hie hcimIh ilmt here, hut when the merchants came to i-o <UifA.i t hoy found H not ho easy. 1'olitlclann, to K'dii popular favor, de claimed agabmt n reduction, declaring tho morehants were robbing the fishermen of ' their just due and auinnning fortunes fot themselyitM. Meyehants were painted w; robbitrs, oxtortioiiers; glowiiJU' speeches wiu'it lnade, of their couspirardes againfit the peo[il', and soon "Down with the Mer- ; chants" became a powerful political battle ' cry. But the merchants controlled the hanks and used their opportunities to carry* on their own business, obtaining us (ouishinp; overdrafts. When the condition of the two banks [ was iuvi.'.sti^al.i-.d an.exiiosure of rottenne^n and mismanagement was niadn that 1 is rarely, if'ttver, lieen equalled. The over drafts in each bank amounted to abo^'. W.tWJO.WJO, and of this tins directors lu eae case overdrew more than half. The overdrawn accounts of the Unit':' Bank were ?*J,l.*il,(XlO; of this the dirccto: obtained $1,18:1,1)00. One director overdr'1 .* f-IKi/Kif); another hail ^i."S,tK)(), i In the (,'ommercial tint overdrawn :. - counts wcre^J'i'l.OfHK Tho directors tm,!; out f 1,2-11),000, (joe director alone gottio:^, $tlTi7,0(Jl). The capital stock of tho Union Tt.-.nk j was only ;-'55(',()t)0, and of the Commercial ' biiL&ii'l'.fH]'). . I Ibwl the crash of Dec, 10 been delayed two months later, two million dollani worth of fihli products, now stored in St. John's, would have been marketed. X'olilics also helped to tiring about tbu downfall and accent nal.e the bitterness of tin; present sit .nation. The merchants formed a political party,and were at time?* successful in oblainiiij..; e'ouU'id. ... Of work there is none, and no prospect".^ of any. It, is the hone!er,-,ne^s of future employment, that makes the situation so distressing. Fully a third of the popula tion of St. John's must he pinched with" hunger. ' -jf In the outposts, or fishing settlement.1*, the conditions are similar. Confederation. appe.a\;.: the most prob-. able and fitting conclusion to a hopeless, enervating struggle.- Newfoundland Is'. tlio only Ilrltish depttndency in'NfU'tli America not. included in the Canadian Federation, and it has been the dream of every .Canadian Premier to "round oil'.the Dominion" by thendmission of Newfound land, thus forming a United Canada from the Atlantic to-t-hTrl^rrnitlir: I"fc-*ee*n*-'uu if_ NewfouiHllantl will'accept confederation as tho only remedy for a desperate dis- , ease. !U\xxxxhoT:r Lta&fc? @b.i&glQ@, Hoots, Saab.* Mlouldlingsi.! Sto.r Call and getPHccfismd you will be Sure to Buy, u For Liu; bono fit' of oVory ono who avisIios to invest in a few BharoH of . . . . . V Ontario Permanent. -Building-" anu ^ fJT Kii Stock, J. It. Oliver, <-em:nil iigtuit, wijl'v IW' in town for it few woolen and will ' be plonked to l*xplain tlio workings of this Association. " A. puHt card or loiter mailed to Essex 1\ C), will rcceivo prompt attention. ?^ C:'ilt;ihi Howcate A^qnil I t;il. WAsiiiMiToN*, Feb. y."i. Captain How- gate was aetjuitUid Saturd/.y of the charge of emhezzl i u^ ^'11,800 from the govern meiit while holding the position of disbur.sinf; oilicer of the United States signal service and of for^i'ui a voucher for that amount to cover up.his alle^ fl wr.mi; doine:, 'J'ho verdict was rendored ;d'Oiit. noon Satur- 'day,.whoa thu jury had been locked up nearly two hour.-.. Capt, lluwe,a"c received tho announcement without emotion, but after he bad been taken io h:s cell beneath the .court room ho dancisl tor jjy, In tho realization that part of the burden and anxiety of fifteen years had been lifted from bis shopldurs. M ' . Clover Coiintor/idthrrt Arrvutmi. !. ST. liQUlS.Feb. 25. The police arrested 1 Francisco Itomera, Frank Nicolas and 1 . Jo.m. Stnmbohi, supposud to be western ilis- : ti'ibators of a counterfLdti.nK ^"'K located in New York, known as the Adams sunt;. i Consiuoraljlu counterfeit, money was found i on tho prisoners, 'iho police say the '.' Italians are ajjuiUa fti! ii- ganf? rt-'ifoi'ted to . Jiave coined from pure silver at, least $1,- 000,000 In dollars .andMoallur denomina tions, eirculatiiiK in tins country, Canada ' and Furopo, thereby making a profit of . j ___ * Sj>ln<Hil-V' Writ lull. PiuiiMiru.' A (jondou cablo i- 8iiy: LbrdBudelcjy (bids himself compulled J. "-.to will both his country, estates. In .tlieso /' 6 day* <>' "nilendld paupers" this ia by no 3i ' iiicanM li nu'u event, hut it is not every day .' ". that amap o|Jurain'tho marketsometldiiK , that hit* family owned -rMit(,Ju-.boforj',thu. Norman iconqhest. ills Glottiontersliiro iv'^'estate at. X'oddiiiKtou urns the dowery oT'a" ^'.'"Bft'xp^'PrlnceHH lu tbo oUn'elitli 'century Sl""',<wli'o'vrii8')l8 HHcCHtrwM, and lias been hit ho P,VC;Jajjta6t lAuttt-.i.luv 0f.hU family for 6ver;,V00 ^ that thikiistijaiiLtioti, in a wuit-ihlo \Hinv to . frneiified in our recent financial collapse, tbu c;ty c.iuucil, proHH rho OhtahliijljinHNt of; The eod-Ii.^hery in this country is enn- pubbc work;.-, in order that employment i tr"1U;,! b-v ,l ,i,won '"' !ifl:,i,in. 1"i^^';"^, ,.,.*, , ,. ; , - ; who practically own nod manipulate if, .i.iiybolK.dnytlmrin.v/ho.caii had notlu..- T|ul. ,v,;t,nM.nder which it is pursued is to do eNuwhore; nucl that such change:, he , ft ^.y^ ()( ancient tim-s, us in this and made in our criminal-cede uh would turn j other respucts Newfoundland is a hundred the earnings of an irnpriHonad man towards, yom^ behind tbeaj^e. It is known as tbo ,, -,. , - ,, , , r. supply or "truck" system.. 1 lie men bant .-.,.-.,,,. T, r h ihci-iof hi-,o-.va houaolifild. instead of to- j f J^uul (:ll(Ul,H lho Sherman and litr-**^* >. Fel^mm. - 1 er father was a MME. JONIAUX. JCIlntory of thu AVomaii Who Huh U<nn Ciiii- victod nful'rlpltt tinnier. . Acccmlfn^ to Ilele;ian lawt altliouf^h. aontenced to death,. Mine. Joniaux will have the opportiiYiity of living the term of her natural life in solitary confinement, and tho probabilities are she will either ' Tils ESSEX, OWT. tr to *r . - . THE TRJUBttS?-W C-ifti'i SHGLLEH . . - 33KSOS^dtE3-t8rOCi'K]^- TIhh Machine consists of a horizontal cast cylinder,-with wrmighfc iron" biii'H^p?rttf;Hie"cKcctlf-balted to" tho cylinder no ns to bo rovnrBiblo when thG tootli hccniuo worn on. tlio trout fiido, running in it perforated concave- iron -hell, which the shelled corn jxls.^gk through into a sheet iron wiso,' with a Ian or cleaner attached bcb.w, which takes ml tho dust from tho gndn. Tho cheapest, best, most simple and dnrablo I'owor Corn hlielltn- in- use; shollB V- corn norfcctiy clean in any coi diticn sholling and cleaning front ono to two thousand bui-hola of curs per day. according lo power. JhsnsNsiONs. Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, h' in. face; Moiion, o(J( la 800 revolutions v^' minute; Woh'lifcv 50 lbs. EVERY SMELLER WARRArJTED. J. GOURLAY & SOWS- 1 ft* ^Wyfff^Wf^n^Wt?WfWWWWW t*i WOOD nml... COAL FOtl ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS Capacity from 10,000 io 80,00 Qxibic 'Tcca TO 3 . M.MK. ,)'i.'IA[;X. Slcotehed in tlio .Antwerp eeurt during hj.n- trial. ' wurdB thoenriuhmuufc of the st-Ue or city,,; family ami takes tho fruitn of Ids labor in It v/oultt b.i a yroat revoluljon, I affirm, | return. but a nQLulcd reform, to lmvo iho dititrobtiod and disgraoud wife approach tho stato or civin authorities evory-watdc for the uarn- .iuijs of hor huubaud, iudtaad of haying tliq dtato lay it hand upon, tho property of her wonkeiit eiti/.en and elaiiu it aa ita mvn. MOHN.J5UHSNS'VIEWS. Bio 8clai'f>H fllrlinlciiiuiX'iaoiiiociMii'y H>i vorgimt miemotitw. John Burufl, tho Enfclinh labor n^itator df.elaren Ilia potation upon tbo temjicrunco queatlou an follows ; "I lmvo beon a (ifelong ubutainor from alcoholic drink, and tobfioco as wull. I fael nutinfiud that tho bulk of th_ tiiuU-union men in our coimtry'aro temporanoa m.ou. Thero is a rnpid change ii\^U *>" that direction, However much trudo uniomni umy differ on 'othnr poin'ti, they are all uitreod iu opphvinc the hiduori Iteepum. 'I'bero in a i>va\vh\% tt'nder.cy' to hold'their mfutinjjn upurt froVii'iiuloonfl, and to mult This pernicious system is ingrained into the business or the wliole country audits overthrow now lias paralyzed every hraneli of trade. It had its origin a ciiuxdu of centuries ago, when vessels nailoil: out here from Kilobaud every spring, Hshetl all siiiunjer and returned in the fall. It was AT "penal offence for a shipmaster to leave a man behind on the island when returning. In those days the firbt captain entering a harbor was admiral for this Keasou, tho .second vice-admiral, and the third, rear- bt. john'k, catitai. of nicwkoundlaxo, admiral. They administered ;jusliro in summary fashion always-to their own ad vantage. A favorite pastime was to burii d .wji t he lumse of an imfortunafe nettler wh > had evaded tho ahovo-meiitioned 'hi- faiuous etiaetnient.* The merchant' provided the .fishermen mooting 'placed in town bulla, municipal ' with everything esnntial to the'prosoeu- charcoerH, and tho like. "X~-fw jMira no tiou nC ."l"'Jlsbery, and when rjio season III tho labor leniferit eHpiwiJiii v tlVvro'Va a trone H11'U? * (ovJhH fisherman, aiu\ traded on .eMtiment for ' tcmponu/c. riiu bulu of '. [t wltl'0"t-nUowinp the owner, h cent of th Koel'tliatio labor lotuloru and looturur- . rVpAOially..aro.toutotalrU, In EnalunU wol -ThlH pwictico^with lmfc allKht ohar,KoH, umbmhimnK uv'-vbh\\z* than boer and ohtaiiiH all oyor JSowioundland to thi.s bruinnwlou't jio together. Wh, have d6ro '"biy. The flslionuan, a Imrdy, bnivo.iu-' to tbooouohnnnn.tliat drink arid dcmoutouV .'<Uiftrlu fellow, vohoIvom on ntjqillriuK a oradivurffunt olemen'tu." . . . ooiii]ofcon<ju,rois himself and family.,, IIo ;. ... ' coiiien to^t. .Johu.'tt. arraiiBe.H with amor-,! ' '.'\ eiiaut, and, obLnliiH an outfit lu the ftprlng.' . , . .'/..'NolLwnfrcquo'ntly bebuUdeMsbwnflHhloijf ^row insane or die hi-fore Ibnat j'enr.s aro over. At least no prisoner t hus :;i:ni enced to death and who.se sentence bas been conimated basso far uscajjed the fate. The triple murderer belongs in one of the best general in thu army and her husband is a civil engineer. She was accused of the murder of her sister, Mile. Leonie Ablay; her uncle M. Jacques Van Den Kerolrovo, and her brother, .M. Alfred Ablay, whom she poisoned- her brother and sister in order to secure the heavy insurance she. had nlaced on their lives, and her urcdo for the purpose of pi-eventing him makim; a wilt that would have debarred her lruiu inheriting the whole of bis property. The principal evidence againsli her was secured by an examinatioii of the body of tho brat hor, which was disinterred ai: tho insfMucetil' the iiiHUrancoTompauj'. l(,roni the fu-M. and rhron^htuu. her-trial the- 'ae-r. cased protested her iniiocem;e. and tho severest kind of a ernws-ex'nminulion failed to entrap hor Into making "danuuringjad- missions, Thecase caused, a reat sensa tion In JloUdiun, and has attracted wide- spread attention both in Europe "and tliia country. ' ' . A -llean Trlf.lt. Patriek was one of tlioso wlt*ty /ions of the Celtic isle whose amusing saying liad entertained many ' transatlantic tra-, ; vide rs. ' . J One day, when the steamer was about leaving port, .Patrick received the order to haulin aluiiKcahlo that draped imt-ww^ Par.rick jumpiid to tho tak cheerfully eiiohe;!), and hauled away coivteutedly. 33nt tho eocecHslvQ leuLtth of tho cable taxed his patience. ,al wondeV whfit'H hfieomo or tho end of thin onld cable, ruiybowy" -And fiuallyv growing'-, impatient, ho growlod out; "ITivlbh, lt'ii no iiwo luauHng away at tho Iwmto uv it cahlb. Somo divil'a outthoond oil iiv It.'V ____________ In TIhjho lVayu. 1 Miss'Fan do Syelclo Who Was lb Bald "tlio hniuithat roakn tho cradlo is tho hand , thHt.r.uloHtliO^vovldp"^ ; , MrHvStroiiijpnj^d-Trl don't know. But, any wily, no one paya any attention to any- ..------Qf> WOOD FamiAQE HUAVY (IRATE, r.^pi:^.-:; ailnpted for wood buruin,! ,^ Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box l)i)ie",,J and kadiafor, wlileli lie.n "-':*? qnlolccr and aro move durable " '/{ RADIATORofniOileraCfiir'tr.M^^vj tloa and (U*oat'Jleatitij; I'ov.\.-i -^..'-- fc . LARaCASHlMT --/' - -: * COAL FliiSt2ACE. :--^ LonffFiroTra'at.oncIrollnc'rartlat or--..;:>> Larco llenttiif; Surlaco *-",* Lnrero Feotl Ooos" ""'^ SootionnI FIfO'Pot -"* Rotntlni; Bur Dumplnff (Irnic 'J -J* DEEP ASH PIT. ^Z Pull Guaranteed Capacity : oftTMoaubm^TcoTiMOHiunc^:.^ t!i>- ....IMannfacturod by..,; tho . GURREY . F0UHDBV COMPANY Ltd.. TOROMm ::^ ig^ggg?!^^^^ Bicycles. Llftlit Weight and Uigldity. Every Ma- chlncfully warranted Absolutely the Best. Superior ilaterlal TE! '- di 5 Styles Highest Honors at the World's Colyfflilan Exposition. Send two-cent Btamp tar our a4-paipo Catalbgue A work or Art. , iyionarch Cycle Company Retail Satftsroom. oSo Wabash Ave. .' ' |^|fe and Hfllstcd ^tS. CHICAQO, ILL ft V ? :+: W V V * v 5 1 r. ' -",fd am ' _ . "- .j,' v

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