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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), March 1, 1895, p. 10

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Jbiiiii'it:iir'; ^'^iSSr' *P' K: ^fe^fe; .'*w Y^;7'. ^TISHt YOIT A r ;'f '; .andla ifo'i- S&.&0, re^ultir price $4,00. m twelve patt/ens, Tweed. d 'Oe S3.25, ragulArpnce $4.60, in twelve putfartH, filaolc. i$13.00, regular price $10.00, Tweed, f Sid.60;?regiirar priiJe $17.00, Tweed, j lfc**w;rip;"(;Bgalar ilnoo $18*00, Tweed. " trough the entire^took of Tweeds, te good9|they are worth every cent LtdoWn to c^dt^uey coihe for ,.^-'-v ' .....--. m' a$s. to be a And at thename time Wiab" to draw yourdtteat'wn Xb oiv li ia Raisins, Ourrauts, ^\%aes, ^y^^pr^^F^^ os, I) it w. lA ;i Lemons, Coooanubaad'po^,gqfcffi%onaU- kiqttiv 'Que (iiu > ' quite extensive. We.have an abundance'ot Dinner W.gh, l? * v BettB, fruit Sotta and Water Setta. vVo hive aU> pi I imu.w I i, of fancy^Uflpa and^Sanoors And a nice a^ortme >fc of V n.^.' -V a nioe assortment of Knives; forks au:spp'ma an 1 a iiioj sol ' i We have a nice ussorfcmout ot silverware andO a^wir* n-j v call your attention to the faot f-tant vte bavo axct>ii ;i> t n* V. >- >. ., i 1 now qnite an expanflive plaoe of business. Co no in an t -i-jo >t ., . nothing to call and boo our/goods and get our pnoon. >vi win i our priceH. Oomo an 1 got fchem for yourdolf. < <r .' L > ll' I i .( / ' I " ' I .' 1 ' I I ' WILKIMSON For Groceries and Crockery. SALE m'ti be the .last to place your order, but place it etock is fresh. Our H'iiiJ e^ X*AlJLmTLm GOODS Are a m. it mi ion. ; , 'V But ovfl-y wonlulw! .ilno hail ukiimad over.. jut.' l'<',liH'i eoen . ili*;.'/^^ vt;t'iirrni upon tho Wjp ____ v'mImiv hiifr curling'fropi" under',lhe^ bj't,,nd looked Into the hm\."fyn.-\vfl)l#h f'-v frffTotiw v\v"rrrrviho'"i'oli inr"vvR*frror,*""Trii>uJ yi.l vihi, ohnll'-iigiiig'twiiikU'. !) . Jttul f'Ft' lui driti'i't{o diit. ttt.lior, iii'nl li 1 lovtiiKbdr' 11511*" m ro von ft lifl lfiv**i| ln-r o-i' ' i r ' llr-t nitfin. wh:ri iio Inwi1 pHglttod IiU.u-iil.ii. im licr iiffur the . a*trrinn hall ut'P 3<L 5 J \. lock. y / l. WE tho trado in all kinds 6E' Building Material, Woodwork for houses, (plain and ornamental), Barn Lumber, Shingles of all grades, Doors, Sash, Chestnut Coal. WINDMILLS ;'j\\o nre^SolO Affonte ia tlio County\Ux0(JOhioLgot whioh took Hit;lioa6 Awardn[at tho Wotld'H Fair. Can furnish either Pumping or Powei; Outfits at lowest prices. A. wfritLttOU^Kotfttntoo with ovory OutAt>, Laing aEflhiOTOfti J. GOURLAY & SONS, ESSEX, ONT *$$! 7,: TH13 triUOMPH CORN SHELIiKR f Thin Machine, consista of a;horii2ontal oaat cylinder*, Avitb wrought irot btaflj-'with Biool teeth bo'Tto-i to thccyltidet1 e.i as to bo reyoraiblo when .iIh tf/oili liobbmo vyoro-onVth'a iron't'^Rido, running iti a porfprated ooncuvo.iroi .4)011, whiuh the flholled com paases throu^ir into a sheot iron ciao, with t> ^.an,'r ol^nnor, uttuobed below, which take? ail tbo^uBtr^.Ti the ^riii...-Tli* jhoapgat boHj,, iriost) amiple and durable iJowoi-Cdai holler in usp; shellB. , iorn' ntirfiiatiy clean ut an ~' 1'i" '""'-------1:-*~---~::-^ ~l~l~.~ J^ous.and bush'qlR of ears '^ter/'^ih. iitoe;,Mdtiony 800;to^O9^^ nyvRO'Aditiqn^rtheUing^nd oleabjng from one to two . per (lay'.aocordiiig to poWr. ' ' V ,,/ i|3 It. 4 in.) XjQhV^tb^^lG^B'iti'^-PiiUeyvlo.in. diani- EVE|?Y 8HELLER ij*tni oaBiiftt'Oii tangled lie hoard Jaoynth mtiUDr tindor hrw brortth, "Poor chlKU" Btu ihu cIotiij*nhuvoH, firmly molded jaw inokivl not. and ^riui whon \u) yUiitiOil nl it; iinil u (ihimUmnljco Us^b ' oxpri'Hujvif' <>f utiy V!()inp'uiHdin.uh'vi^itingHM ot uinii_c_i.hiLii . t lio cauntfiiiaiu'iiof Oiiclirrint .liicyriTFi, Iiiii- i int-M-ut-tiinvau-itajiptiartid iu rliut liiuuiunt it vvrxril Ihi dfllcttli. to nnn^iin>. "fjuly FtiiutiiH nmdii onu j.iL^lui liiggt'Bt ::(!ti>.Vit.ioii I <;uu,r*jinitiubVr when 1h-' li't/nii to jjnEliitt. fcl/o'*i\yi'>1'ij',o*f " Londoh Hnoiitiy. iSit-bttd"hoi'n"|)i',f>trM)(l on hr 'nutiriayit iff (Niiirw. Hill, tlw'ii ('runic lim) mrilud her oir t.6 tlio coini^i- iii Sin my/and lln< wund lmt(Hfit'inii mni" i>r ii"*, ho that now *-ta 'd tin u novelty,; And who in \r<!(, you lcnou' whul i;i Li .iuiinii'tij-Jidiiili iiiacnu-LM. t till'. lilll l|l<!>" lu Houiciliiii-j fn'i'!i:iit{ HliOllL lutlltjIllL tllilt. I nuVi:!' fclUV i (jlt.t iJml,'" And thnn 1 lu* old'yuiuti hffgah iiijiiu., VvU loUH W<T<: tilllll illiout ll'it' iliiil-.iiu> Hit'tud III i ho wildi^b u'Jiy, "Tim Rihimjij-iumI Jtili.it puKtfinit Imvinfj [nciuiu/iiitodiod u uhiiuhI dn(.li?' hhii! .Jt- 0i-),l,t'f>,t|,Rri'iK*,"'"l'y)ft I't-fnii' linn. "Oil. I Hiipiiiidi! j>ri. 'J'liu fuel is, "hIju is u bntii'illy ki(id nf ciiMiinrc tli.-H ihj tu..n tju^iii. tivut* to 1ml*o i i-l; it hi.ri-'iisiy. " "And tin?; luml-.'Liid " "Frank waM u'-'tl, (.lie frict. is, Frank :i(!H'd liltd ft fold Hi' W*i"w VCi v ym:ii(,'. i..,' y u kiMtw. 'I'Ih'V won; iii;j a r-11:1!- nf uiiiidinDiogiHlic'i-, aiiii tisd Lo i:qii 11 illir-, d kifjy, and muk<- up liku rlniili-'ii, ,'imiHc n^vm1 litid tlui Ica-tt niapa-hMi <>i Ji'iiJUuhv about Iipi, tlimijjli, Novcr un- ui . "Kxiiotly l" I'Xalitimml Jacyiith, with <u IK'd Of lll(J )|l)Ild. "Woll, wlmthor hift mint, ohl L<u\y (lei'/.i!, pin it into liin bead, or whi'ilinr In- . ;i<v i.imu!' bintj fur hiniMilf thai \\n .iid-i'i. It; ----UlU f.H'f, IH, Kdlllk IllJUld II SL'INi'* "ll ii ._-11t u'lM'ii ihi y.uiuiiL1 Ikiiiio fnun i-. I-'1I -ic 'mi Austiiaii JCinbaiity, imd IViud^i-- - i i.Iki I'ni'tiir'a own itnuyiit-i-r u'iu n- hji'.-'h ( iirti'iV I can udl-ynii, dyiiiuiiiU' iiin'r. in it ! < (l'in\l up tromondoiiHly. anil tliorii n':tf, in b'.rt. F^iii d'jvil tn pay. Fomtllu, it j,i,niH, ,.iid bcnri witurotly .'totLlinjj up h litijo pij. . tin ji'al'MHiy on Ihu* own pari, 'I'hrro ^'iim u but' nuinu. do'i't (iiutn:r : .iiid - film h'Ui 'rutiirnoij to Mniif^nli.i or ulimuvoi* u)yts ciimu frttm biny- n^o r* Miu u'uinaii. pi'iiti.y near old t;nonf,di . io bn I'Vfi'uk'H mntlior, but a fnjinutnij; nort ot lii*rn ' b.it, H<t:iunn. And J',oimlbi turin'd fotnul tiiid doulavcd that I^-Jinlc hud hunk niakitu' fi"i'inirt^rabli* by his goingfeon \vitli ili;it' vilu Wdit") "AH IilV fooliah fnnoy, of cuur.si.-;" nid J iiiutl.li, aiNddunly looking ut tlio <>'licr :i.an with it piijinjirating gazo from bi-ui:;iib i>:s froivninn V&aijlc brows. iy L'1 runic bad,_to miuVo oxluiit, bnon iihi kiitu a;i -t^H-nr'hhnaolf. It^ftt, of couibu, elm uiihc. lVitn totally difloruiti "Oh, of cimi'HO." V } Kijiuj'Iii talkdd liko\ wild Indian, ymi know. It unuldn't bo Sauppmifd that he- :/iuu Lord I'VanelB Oiib1o\ kickud up bis ii. o.n iiitlii*r inoro than iviuiN^xutHlj*- prtii'tv, Luiy KiiniciB Ouolow waft i Mow uuii. Ho bud tnlcun'vXuep .ffiain inun -miliiary attaclin to 0110 of thti Kii'ili.-iHHitJH and forbmlu Ironoila to .iliincit nh liiiii or rotudvo him in licr dniuiiiL'- r- inn. NfodloHirtoijiiy thai Fuiiidl.i nimiiV u jut of waltzing with bim tlm in'sct. ' 'ivlr.'ftnd of triviiig.him^ii niamliiifj iuvlta- u t'> Hvo o'olook tua. Mora rowy,' :'. iuiiv <jonmiltutioiiH. Aunt (iiizol V"diiii. < I think tlmt wan In" bidt. Htrnu'. Fi'iin.i'ii /. ...-ii". on a ,' plinilinn; ;i|it; Wiit* ji.-i ulMmti. .im jlOHKili**'. .-'In' u'diil.l taki* bi'-i i<- y .*nd lemvis itiin- A ;n tho iiuiiki.\ , Ini nupit uyy\i it. uli. And I'l'llt. tiin.^t ()f Wild IIIJlHt'llHI'." "litlt hlin cuiiii.-ii bur poi.nt? SIkj loft it in? . Mow'wuti it pubKiblo ihut bo 1"'. hoi' "My diwl frimiil, tlio idia of. milting of "I'liiiiif'oi* not icitiii-j Fimclli Oniilow i\u iin.ytbinji h)i) bail m-t in;r willou in **ufrosb- (iuul,v naif.' She .ilin-utuuiid tho in that if 'nioy' did not bnu.siiiit, U> an iiinicahlo lix-. MriTuotniMir, rthn Woulii' bring lugul |,r(ioi't'<l*:. injjii (on uci'.Hilit oi' ihu .MbngoliAii fusohia- tor:) mill muter a ullufiil."~' Wolb tho; Oiiwlnwh hittn tlit* nuiiiH of-ii Bouiidui an w iii-.td du^-liti'tttti wiit,u:." "Or itti a hu:iii liitilddroudo thy liro." pu in diioyiitb. : ,;, "At any faio, ainnu^ ihemthny . iot up :iht' iduud nf m-paiaiinn ; and uhori* iiMor Ly'iiiik jvitli' a. lyifu/aud'! no yi/tytfiid u.u bpy devotud, to th .lii.llfchap ; - iiikun away t'tom 'Jjim.'iat.any ,Vuty for .finiiii yours," ',. ' .- AmLtWp is Uidy'Kruncia OiwJa^v with . a liiNbiiinl and .no liutiljutid," ^r ."Upon ,imy soul .I'/iioliflVo^ahe'fl ImpploT /Without him, upon my Houl/do,!,, ,'AJF filte Viifri'SV'fordii ,lifa is,,to., fllrtf to'deooy some ':\t*rtohe^wHpw"*niio>F^*l^ft^^ . ' I...'. WENT^t6ui^\UTHO-RS. .;.;,iiiin n'wit , mm-nt* nothing.' TVopIfl unit, i ii r wim inoru in tiiut alfair of tint.military ui'auhu, tliun bur umial (,-oquutiie'-. But I don't knou', I don't heliovo hJio has it in hut; p'iwi.*r to uariifor any mutiy .However, vi*i'y fitw id \\ioHn who hhW the little dr*ma l/uini,' ivctotl bc^rtrthctP'ftyea iSJcW1* Iftnhmt viitw*.of jrnollu,*d conduct.' I folfhound to oppn yoiirtiy(iFr/"Juoynth. Tlyi womui) ttt tin daof;urnus hb a latblotinukc. Of o our mi nhu's gopo and made a hiduotia hush of vh(-r oiirii life; lint nhohaa done worau than ;'tllnt Uioilmr pooyluV lives, and ahnMl go on doing it I uaw hm' juat now. sitting up on thu hoxnotit of tho couo'b baido lior liuaband and-----" "lloiiido wliomV' i "Honida hue huslmnd, Frank Ouuluw. ouco it they rc'h igh for! ' *lt wouui -----------. ..J. Vxubtlj*- pron.y/ io\bu nIlowt.'d to I '-xuepiioii to a tiiiougn lor! it wouiiin't.BurpiiatJiiio i were to aoiuo togothor again "And that," auid Jucynth, walking away by'hinwolf, "iH-whaL Vdi>ilolot\ callH tullinu tno'all about that wotnuii!' I don't kimw whom uhu lovos, nor who thai* hIil- InveB.any-; one ab tho p.r^Bout momoiit. ' that thore mo depths of fooling in that girl of whioh old Oautloton in about as woll nbla to judgo ua a niolo of tho Hol;ir HyBtom hut wlnit tho 'good of it! I havo playod iny Htnko and lout it, J 1 must got out of this place if I'm to koop any hold over myaolf at all. How cmild u raw bid likoI-Vaiik Oimlow- valiii) hor oil. undonilnin] hor! Of coitrflo, ho wiiu ituliish and iinroauonablu aiwl dull to alt tho finor part of hor nature, like a hoy bo ia or wan, at any rata, when bo inurriou1 her!' Ho wont to hia mom and dragaud out a part- mrtntenu. Ho muut got away. Thuro wan no uhu [n-pnrl<*yiii r delay. Flight, iiiBtant flight, wau tho only tiling for him. But wboii bo had oponod tho poriiuuntuatt, and dragged out a low clothoH from tho choub of clrawore, ho Bat down hy thu bodHide and buried bin fuco in tho pillow. "I lovo hot- ! I lov'o hor!" ho inoiiin;d. And, then lUi bated liitnriolf for bin folly. At tliin moinont a littlo eluldmh fooutop Wns board .tramping up tho Htaira , tup . tap- olirnning up with much ex-, ortion, but with nutoli eagur buuto,ond tbun a awoot littjo ohildiuh voice said,-"Air. Jncyinf, Mr. Jacymf, are you thoro t" Jacyntli oponod tlio door with u wildly boating Iionrt. Could uhu havo sunt him a moRHiigfl V. "What in it, Honny, .my-mini ?" bo aaid, looking down upon thu ohijd'u curly, tawny hair and bright, inuocoot, lia/fd oyoa that-woro bo liko hin.iuothor'H,, . "Hnlloa !" oriod Honnyf aurvovuig tlio portmantoaii and tho I'ttur of cfotbea on the floor, "aro you going away ?" "V(;a, old boy." "In GrandiHou gning too J." . "No ; not firaiulirion. What do. you \want, Konny !" " . ' '"' Nj*I'winit you not io go away !u- **Xm'tbiiig oIho i" ."Veal Why caii't you oomo with you aro going away V" "CiJino with you V Whore ?".' "With mo and Mummy. Mummy miyH wo. dball go to a' nf our placo than thia. And I may play erieltot, I want you to oomo and play with u\o and Grandinon. ', But I 'poHo you oau't if you'ro packing .your olotliuu.' Alnt they in a jolly mean?" Juoyutli Uftud tho child, up in Ids arms anil kisttod him. , ."Good-by, XtpnuyV' ho Haul.-' i u- nuotir choking voioo; 'and then lio BOt tho little follow ouuido tho door and shut it. lionny prepared trt uiako "the deapent of tho stairoaai', holding tight to tho bani- BtorH, .Ho putono littlo chubby ftngor up to hinohook and looked at it. "Hullpaf' aid lie vry gravoly, "my fact) in all wot 1" ( vbily.nr upbraided him f(,r hi* conduot. ilion iiidi'ol ln iniitht havo Imd hopes.' A ipotrrol rn'giu load to n reconciliatinii, lint. . t iiai jih'ii Hhotild treat, him tm an flverydny iic(]nujntntido, uoHnlp with him 'ibout rrivinl tiiiii,(<ti'H,,Kud break, small je-iiH with libn, tlmr u at* indeed inlolufable. In vain, tiirmigh t|jo (ong drive, ho Htrovo to pau thu-harrior,, At every nlluriion to th';!r married life, -or to their quarrel, she oitner ,r--tin'd bt'o /bi/>lufo Kiloip'o otin wni Iplltik tV'iulii'ix* t)i"t I ill leu I li. t tutli lillo ii ii- i1 rhaiuii' n, ' l'( |.<j liud "!' u'^'t'tt I vi i In io wan ini big n thai uhu in I ill i> hud, t'nnilwii birp. ' Aii'l ulio wim . thmiJ 'wlin knw hut.tm 'Inin liiiriwi-lf i Hat t|iTt ""a- inn'di (o foriri v! I' imt itiitiH- had bcou t'l'lii'ii.'i utdi tllai i.i tiiM C'ntitit do jMurgnr. Imd not. U\n luup fi|Mni|y mid I'Vi-n Tpdi'i' op-nlv nrttiooiiit<'ii' wtrh rim noriinoiiii Muni. Lituillu d Vtgny" , lb.* might Iikvm ihmliid an mi I'iii' wifi'*p- IJ'iili. iiiir. In< cni)d Imvu hoihi hh to bin own. It hi'.inti) liicu utihji'otod f" the ih'grud'Ltinu oi rb*' pity / bis f.ilov-nicii, Imd not ii|u nudiugune iim inut'li *<r iiiuinV Ho lonii-iu- litTod now.wii h gtii'f and coniritiuotion how 'lny nft*r d'ty, and cvoning aftnr oveniny, hr Jimt ili-hul Lud lila vi ilu in f.tVut' of tin n'lfMi'i.v- iif tho fimoiiidtbig Fr'-iiuliwokinui (Id rcnieinhtired, too, how pationt hI'ioi b.n'. b-Tii u, .liiHt Tticn, how livr pitiii'iicu had crHdim'ly chanuod tn Hurprjvo/Hurpriuo to Ptrpiiiion, HiBpio'on to ting' r, i'"d titigi'i' in invtoii/.' in tdo tdiapo of.lIi lljt'TJiI-oii wbion 11nd bt'onght iibiitit iho itu-iani'inn. \\'h'i \i tu liu, l.o blaoid bur*! Ihi li:id liimimlf bi-on htlio (iiKt to Hiu, Now he wim the firnt to f'irgivt'. \yould ahti f'-Uowbim in tin- on" uw in.th.i otlicr? Alas! it rit'diiied that kIh.' wiiiild not that lb" brnurh wau too broad to ho over again brhijrod oVr. Turmtyh'. tho bright hUniiiKi- iiiMiniugy an they lutibd past rim linoH of bene) troes, anil through tln |il<*liB;Lti[ YiM'kuhu'u liiiffl, ho uliafud and fivtti:d, bulbil vam. . ][ti sin bud Ixten too -jei'P.to bo forgiven, Asi iio "hunded. *inj down, when tin')" urrivod once morn at' llty I'lV.'ft'Kor Hotfil.ho pre*cd.her ,littlo hinido n bin fevorinh graup and looked appunlinglv into hur Imaid eyu. There wan no aiinwur- inj; >;i)ftiiiiH in *fhoir gbmoe nothing bin auitiHi'incnl and Boinotliinc akin to con- t ft nipt. Mo turned away ,\vith a High, hiim wiiudored ulowlyolf in tho'direotioii of thr tfaideim, -walkhig . wjth bom bend and, the. liuilcHH Htop of a midai^oboly man, Had bin **y*'n not bo downoaut ho, ml^bt I, have notici'il'ihat bo Wau not alone on lIu< gmvfdi'd, lu'dgO'linoiI, walk which curved ijoivn through tho pleasant Harrog.ni' woman was Walking toward him, uiovin*? (ov\'ly iii.ro.ngti Utp rjcri hiiUH.hinG, .and ghtneing from right io b-fi with the air of one who in a visitor and a utglit-Boor. Her light oro.mi. droiia*,, br dainty pink nhudi% and her byroad nhndy bat, ( -.ytvi'iili itu curling hiiow-h hire fi'aidHir, tn-'do a IhiH~y(17!Il,mf, pidturo tn the eye, whioh uuh In' no iiit'itnn diminished hy tier upproiich, tm win- wiih a wonniii of riiu^uiar buauty. Titntigh' pant her fir*t youth tho linen of bet fitjnrt) wiii'u.tui graei-ful and .perfect oa. ai- arnot could douiro, white her face, with it* iltik SnluluMii be.iiity, iu clear cut, doll- u.itu fi'iiiurcsand impenniiii oyou.H|ok of_u pt>>i-'ioi.iui' and iiupi'MioiiK natiiro, miclj aa it- u:U\ <ju to lie .found uuinnij our oold andui-if- io itaiii'-d Northern.mo<'H. ApprKiicbing. ftoni di lie tout ends of i h< thu walk Urn two bud iilinoHt paanud ein:li oihui' ln-Ht!1'- Lerd FriLiicin hnikf! up, aim their eyn mot. Ho nprangbuclt with a cry nf MiirpriiM.', it ml of rtometliing appro-iobinv" to ilinuiay, while, alio atood rjuito looking at liim out of Homber, dooply-ipiOHiioiiiii-i oyea. ' "Lucjllol" bo gimpod." "Vou am tho last pernnn wlmm I expected (o boo in IFairu- fi,ito." - ' "Hut J am not aurprinod," hIio aimwered, Hjieiikiu^ uuji a nlight Fronch lisp, whieh iiddfd .i charm to Imr rici', dei-p voicu, "J kiii-w t.lint. yon woro in Harrogate, That ia Wliy 1 I'llUU).'*: ' lint why do you winli to follow mo, Lu* ellle V What (/end can come of it 1" "Whut good? All u'nod.'In not. lovo gofidr And do I not lovo yon 'i Ah, Franfc, you tatiudit mo Lo lovi! you, and how cin I un- leiO'ii iii" It in"happiiu-KH to hco ynu and tn p-iik to yim." "Hut nod the inidoiy tiiat it has cauai."i. W'u iiiuiit pail, Lucille. If 'yon trulv lov<* inn ynii'Wiil help mo to rotrievo my lift),and not tn wtock it further.". "Ab!" orii-dttbin with a i|tiiek-flanh In lnt 'iai:lc eyua. "Vou have noon bui", Vou have liicn ispeaking 'with your wiio ugaiu." **\*eH. I n;iw hot" to'day." - 'V*-*, by chance." "And .\ mi are frinmla ao;aiir';" ' Nli, III.I. frl'.-llllH." "Ah, yon wiidted it, hut alio .would not luivo it. I unn." c(": it in your fuoi<. 0 Frank, how conld you humbitt $ounujIf tn Btioii a-woman? How could ynliV Tu hold :.'.-&M&U\ktoiV?-'. -.,-. 7^-r.,. .-v,- "Talking and l^ughlnu.". i4^^tm'. MHy Im-ium.,!-. T will b.'o' ilMitOcIlfiaJSte .(MmBPr. T tvj I nb/i.,1 iim. MlcHl^; .Xt '. not our cun u.i, in J2e;!iiiid 'tit^ddtil-ii' Hii bB-M-i* forfigntsrr TTe will riiiti tnti.} ... l,rr nfier the garrUon hall at.' J'.*w pftVB wlB,lm, ^i'oUX a'^Mtdal"%l\ Ffth'^l n.nit.b^ I; n.adde nMhi... now to fbui th.il ;:&nrt^ why Should I 8PWthVmriilfl# " til. all tfm fire of hiu lov.-, Im could* n i / V - ' *' * W iin.^HnymweringHparkin b-r. Hud .-ye,, M|<1 just when all th world Mjf . i,:^n^' there..1 "Heavens ! it i- maddening.1' Ho bu his fco in his hands und grnanftd alo.u'd, .# "And what mnttorj after all V* saii^ ab laying.ono delicately glovod hand upori ti wifst; - -'Why ahn.iM you troubl6t Wh in Bho-to yoq nowr Mho is unworUi7,,aj that is,an end. Tout est fini. Vou are J free mut, and may 1st her go her way wh ura, Whieh wuy will bo JfturJ, J'ou go yt?i i'ronk Y* * Tho blood O'-'ohb-rd iy bltt In-ad. Wo fo! hr warm, iiingnotlo baud tiglit**n upon l|j wrist. Her oft,' Ijflping volco, and delieute perfume which eatno from . ll' dross koeuiod to lull the misery whl had torn dun- Already, in h^r, pr .otien,, the fi'ir<(' longing for his^ir, which hud ' poHJicfi^U. bim. W** 8K<>&' more faint. Hero was a WOw ful and lender, uho did iadoiirf^ him. VVby flboiihi Ilia lioftrtutill dwell1, that other one* who bud brought dphjiB*! neaN nnd disgrace tn him T '"' .!i "Whioh way will 1)^ yours, FranUJJ'i^j "The aamo as yours, Lu-jilR','? :^" A VAh, at Ut I" Hhe cried, throwibj^h armH nhoiit him. "Did I not koow: toil ithouM win you back?" .' A imrp cry, a cry an if from ;ti hrart, nu<| a dark dliudow fell botweerif pair, fiord FriHicia otarfscf to; lila"^ Feiiolla waa Mlanding in front of tliqmy;i hand* thrown out, her .oyer blacljigifrli ungor. :'-'J"Yen villain I" hIio gasped. "Yu fahj villain !" .Mho put her hr-iida to herth'frnij and Htruggled with her own words like; choking woman. Lord Francis .Ofwloji m tlwij*iS'.',^-,; i'__ ji 'n^ilt^-JI^Vj utf, if CHAPTFR IV.-11Y A. C. DOiVLE. .: \ "iiKTwiiK*; ru*o ni/KH." *' ', IInpj4er In la) wlionidiidolh boU'lvt tiioilro ami Urn flood. 1.1 tun hn whu liadi liiuloittf- woman tin plUmr Kldo orilhii The Hiihflvi.abort drive on ' the "Harrogate con.oh luiff rcuwiiuoiiod nil Fntnk (IuhIoiv'h (loiiuiu/f, pafKiiin f.'r tho c*ipri(iioun nnil liMititLrnl \voin'an whom f\w had made hia wlfeVlli-i wiMik^aiul'pHaiit nature wint nno wh-t/i 1'iuld rt-uhily bo forgot, rind nfter " foiv 'ttc'kji of dull pain hiu separation hail rjjVu'd I" lie a fji'lofjo him, and he liadd.;., filiril^iijiio'elf io. the turf mid llir gh n i' :, . Moulder from.liib initid. ', it il- ii"i<ii tho ,t(tjut been indiiioroot '" '.)-" i>f i in* Count do Murgorwits hoyopd id w-tnv-iioii. Fitrth'or/shehiad'allbwed lior. linliMMoljoiiIn Ihj known and1 coniiiiontml '.upuii. dJi'in-atiifl'tiuhftppiqetW" iav:'i|l tn'. hear, but / worse BtiH ;is- it," l', Hoe* . Bociotyju re|id annppyUbUbtwp-eHgad.pai-u-" graphs ih go^ipplng papeira, or to ,a olub sitiokingrodm'.to'*.oo;^ .h^ada^noHno'towfcWl ouch other \vbiJe d.BwiftrqaHclouB whisper pusses from mnh toman. All this is bml VO0 FA^SK VIlAAIJC, looked down, while tho blood floi .. &)d^B5i|ae,l her hands folded acrnas each oclILflE^ lbok of defiance and anoer upori hfll^|3 "I came out horo to tell you tb*w.1;^ forgiven you. l)o youlliear ?.' : Th forgiven you. And this is^hort^ITS'u Oh, I shall never forgive yon;now-^B_ hover nover ! Why were *yan,^Bo: nido mo this morning, if you meant to : treat "Onfr word, Fonolla," 'cried/.Onsl "Anawor mo bno ouoation,; an4",';&Jt b wrongodyou I will go down 6nin>y,;ben knties to ytiu^-- TellmB truthfully; 'a^i' yout*.honor, worn you in tho company b Mnrgor last week?" , .'-'. ^A "Were vou or wore you not!", '-\-,*.*<;".;t| 4,Iwa." ry,^:M "You were with him in thoPark?"/^ .1'Iwaa." ' -"> "Thon that is enough. I havo nomt to Bay. Madiuno, lot moToffo'ivyouinyirnir Ho walked past his wife with her rival, arid tho dreaaofl of the two women would' hike ,TS NOT MY (.ilWl'ftM TO MAY 'HVHAT TH KOT .TKl-K." '.'. ."." out your bund to her rind to^ bo re fused ! Quelle degradation! Hoe how nI'u bus treat* ed you who is not Worthy tobo tho wife of any honest man. ' \ ', p The .' color pVang : to Onulow's pale checks,' It waa one tudng o know hi" wife's faults, and .it .Wus Vnother to hear' ahiitiu thorn. . * /.',.. ,; i( 4*'l'hi i im old. story," die said'ourtly. ."Wtnnar lot that drop." . [ ,' . \,uAii ohl'Btoryf . \Vliy, bIio waa with pu , , "'i thqm ,wi.th'py. oiVtt eyos riding together^ in.tbe lBow,i " ; *Lo.rd EYanoK started:ita/':tf;'|U.i,' ;u'ad; bben-; Btung; "VComp.herp^hoy!*!^^ .-__(LJ)_-.'i^.-^,-i.v '.j .:>,'.,.ni^i BMO' SIIO touched ha,d FcVell a.cry of diHgust, as a potHoiio'tiu tbiiic. ., M and her; proud spar triumph, which.filled Fcnella Onslow "s the middle, of th riglifc hand'clinch turned' toward'tijf peir^uit'i a ftuddMu/lt^'id'tihougtfB., mind, .atvA alio alertedW^ could j,' in ' tha.-,.rtir()b^ip| stiiiiojj. Ulitimrd^^jiw^ loave for ten mini)teaAm| of'.tli'Q houhofMjp3 '.waB'etkndiiiJg^afli'if^^ r the plnjtfo'rmpu'liiij^ upon his ahouldcr, V fl ushfld li ttle womo looking upVt him* .FeeUV: he'-eft ^mrvmK^ll- " yv ^6ii;muai> MmMrn^ 3 BKi T*T"------1 ' ' "'"!"^ '""' J,'.'. Jt Kk""U'|Jar'"'|i'*if ... v . > 7

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