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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 22, 1895, p. 6

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*- kHB ' E88EX FFBE PRESS tfOH ALL KINpfl Ob* ^unaware, fTc-a-Brac,. Fancy Goods,] Novelties, . Books and Stationery, _____i Sohool Supplier, Toys of all kinda, Berlin Wools and Fingoring Yarns, ' Wail Paper from 4 cents up. ihdt'o right. Extra** y being hurried with you." "Of oourno, air rlknow w*U what your -failiiigfl munbo.' (Sniff; Miff)/ 'Why, yoa o.in miu'll Mr. HrettLon a-snloldng hia nlilttfl-bnhblo with that fttrangu tobo.000 rli/lit In horo, Au tint wmnnn^pako aha-wont utratuht run on* to tlin door on the htt. of tho hro- plutiti, '_______ ------ "Horn t whnu am yoa going f" crlod filmM.nM,. "Iliolt dircuily, "if," came In mnolhtirod tdiWi-i. iiucMii'|nutiu<l by tho pulling of n bath aliuin, rim gni'gling of wator, and tlm uoutid of hiitiiiig down it boavv ltd______________ - *M^>r*r"ir'w" Mtritng Mr. JhoUlnon <|o nmoll, nir. It's my nunnery's got, tlmt lm.1, err," Hiiid tlm wiimiii, ruappourimj mid euro- (iii)y HhiiMiiit; tlm door, "that I'm obli^u) to do ihinfVH wbiin I ndo Ihom want doing, nbe J foi-gniii. Xt wan only yuflUiduy tints Mr. ltrcMlinnil-------" MMrn. Uriido *r, who.'Vu'rhay :be/and 'what it your'ob jeut in coinVnfc*?'; Tho manfilhLtiotunawor for n, mrmiuiH, but lot hia oVo rnt again upon iho uolea.' "I B(iy, WhA to yu, sir?" ' --------- "I? Oh, .ilobmly .of-any huportWe," said iho man {iih mi fuvolnnr Uugli, 8'nutmi NpiW up, ami i|JO "vi-ltor til I ii hi Jiiu hniitl :l)n|ii)i(l him. _ "No iionHiiiiy.v. Mr. MjlIoo] tlll 11* .blJN! II tfttt. WitllOII ntuilioL uiurry Myi*a-H Tun old, this morning, '*! nay, who uro'you, tdr T" cried Ktrutton furiously. " nurroti, my dour air-thu Iady'a* "Good God !" . 1 V ,-t. Iii)___-I-tall you my (*(ni*f<m you laTou, formerly'Mym *Mi'n. Uradn, t:|io olmulr, plontu/." 'Of ooui'H'1, air," said the woman has Jiimi km t.ln'j'<! viin it littlo ' * trn:m lcnoi:l:or of tho outer d I'VllK XV thorn v K^y '"i^, "My, _______ ttlftHtT '/""' ' ring.ta|j; tinSOTTui; ting-tiuitt/ Malcolm BtrntTan, 1(,.# S naturalist, a handuome, darlc.oouipluxionod man of eight.und-twanty started liud iluiihod lileo a girl aw bo hurriedly thrust the photograph ho had boon upou^ropbiziug into lim brouM pocket, and ran to tho doop, dingy window of bin ohawber to look at tho clookovar tho oliball of litttiohdr'H Tun, Quarter to ton yot," bo muttorod.,'ITow slowly tho Lima gooH?" As bo spoke ho sniffad slightly and Hmiled, for a .peculiar aromaiio inconttn-Hko udor !um sropb into tho room through tbojsbinUn in a dooj. Ho atappod buck to wbero a now looking , portmanUau lay upcrn tba Tulkoy oarpnt, and otootl contomplatlng it for a few mo- meuta. "Now, havtt I for^otton anything !" Thin question wiln followed by a look -'.ak'ouud tho quaint, bandadmoly furmuhod old oakpanolod room. And au Mutnolm Strattott looked around hia oyen rnt-d on hid canal of valuable books and buafca of famoqa naturallHta, and a couplo of fumily portraits, both of which aoouiod to Htuiio at hina plaansmtly; ftud tlwn"on and oveV-ua~ taral history HpeoimtuiH, oiirioun atufffld birdo,a cublnut of ontoologtcal proparutiony, aud over and around tho heavy looking onrvinun and moulding*, about tho four door way, and continually frora oho lire- plttoa^up.. to_.tliB-16w_.cQiling But,' look ""wliiro ho wonld, ho oould hoo nothing but a boatitifnl faoo with largo, ponnive oys, gamine with loving trunt in hin an ho had toon tbam only a few haunt boforo whon ho had naid "good night." ., "Bah 1 I Hha.ll novor bo rnady,*' ho crigd, with an impntiont lauyb^an^cro^ijii^to- ouo of thai doonvnyff^T^drriTTi^oiirotl for a .raoraontor two, to return from bin bed room with a black big, which bo hastily" trapped, Hot down, piuno I to think fur a morooit, and tihon tnkiu< oii? hi koyn opouml tho tublo dHOwor, took out a ohuolc book ard tat down'to wriio. fc*y tt^ u-nfl liav Mougli/' he fiafd' kii-'frily. *Tvo wui il long enough for thii trip, uiifl ii 'Milii dou- nut gat rn.irnod every' day. Ono fifty. Sigimturft. llali! Don'l trohfl it, stupid !" Ho toro out. tho .:iitick, thrtj* back tho bncitc, mid lookod'th-i dntw*r, hofnro g'infl; to a ddr on tlm riglr.-hand idc of tlm firo* place, bunding forwitii and limniing. "Wond'-r hu lina n >t iioou in," liu mitt- totud. "Now lotii fti'." Anything dim;? How abrtiird ! Hav u't flniahedmy oidleo." Ho look the cup fi ni the Lab'e, draimul it, and, itftor anoih"! <m\i rouiuJ, turned to tho loft piilo f tlic in- jihico, wboro ho opi:n- d a dour corroHpoinli -u' to '.ho ono at whiah be bud liatoiiii'l, wmiii. im, ami roturnod di< rootly wi'b an ico uxi *;nd an alpenstock. "May aa wull take thorn," ho laid. "Myra can iiba you," Hv gave tlio alpi-n look a rub wiih tho tablo iiiipkiu boftro lacing it and bin old niountaincor[ng(i:oiTi'mnioii agaiimt tho bag. Then, bunding down, ho was btiaily 'strap* wing tho portinuutoxu wbou there wan a unook at tho door behind him, and he start- ed to hw foot, "Comfl in !" Tho anHwor wan a eeooud knock, and with un inip.uiont ejaculation tho occupnnt 'of-t-ho-oliJtifliL'raLthV'iw open tho fourth dour. "l_fnrg.it tlm bolt WHS faatnnod, Mrfc Brailn," Ii.: niid. ns li drow haul: to admit u plump 1'iukiiip, ufc'.ily drosno^l woman in cap and apron, mm corner of which sho tlly rut tat at tho nor, which alio upriii'fl. "Hero in Mi-. llretLlHOh, uir." and nhu drow lm:k tomliini, u np;iro-lnokiiig, iniu., d(H.M-d in dark iwr<-d. ",\|V duiir boy," honaid, hi a voion full of MiKitinn, "God hhi><M ynii 1 H ippiiioHH to yon! did bli'BH yim hnth |" ,______ _ "My.jhmr.. old fnund..1" _uriod-Siratton. "Thiink ynu ; for Myra, too. But oenno, VDirvrropoMlnil. Vou will join the wedding party lifter till 1" "1 ? Oh, no, no, my boy, I'm no wod- diiu' L'M' ' " ' "J jiiii uorty. I 'nbould bavu lilcad you to 1h- pri-t-t;til.;" iw4td Hu.' iii warmly, "I |;iiow it, my h \, 1 know it ; hut no ; ^fiii't prruM nif. I c nl.ln't bnar it. I'w>m to liiivi1 In i'ii iiuiTiuii,~tiTy* (loaf ln>y. I m,ih young, if not tin liiiiidt'ouiM n you. I'.ni" "dim died," ho iiMiifil in a wbi^pur. "x oould not Uonr w COIIH'. " 'Mr. Bn-tiiHon I" "Tlii'tv,"'.ci n-'i tho vinitor .with forced i,-;iviv, "jinit. what I Hiiid. N<>, my dour M ('i:..:iu. No, no, my boy. I'm butUr .r. y." Siiatuni wiw Kllonfc, bim2 bin uoighhor win' mi ban il-v: "I hi'iird ymi. packing, attd. knocking alinut, hut I wiiuldn't ilihturb you, mv ;lmir hnv. 1'tn ntlj too; a wcelc'u collecting in On' XiMi Fm-iiiu. Wriio to nio vory ho ii, and my dene Invo to yotir awoot wif an ang I, Malcolm a Mousing to you, 'my b'-y. T'-ll Ih.t to let you gatbor a, faw of the iiiountnin (li)worn to mtud tno.l AIc lior to p'clc it low lifnclf and I'll kins thorn ntt mining fi otn her." "I'll idl Iter, arr." .___ and, Malcolm, my boy, I'm mill" alono in Iho world, whom I bhoii'ifl not Imvu botjn now if you had not -bndii'ii'iit my dnor nnd camo~r.7ifl~riUrHurt~ mis hack to lifd, dying aH I Wao fronTThiit deadly fuvrr."......" . "My demr Mr. Hrotthfon, if ever you mention that trifle if 'neighborly Hurvion, ii gain wo are no loiigorfriotd*t"o'"ii)d Htrut- ton. "Tril1n of noigbborly tiorvico 1" Raid tho aid mini laying hit* hand nffucUona.<iiy upon iho othm'ii lilmul'ltua. You risked your lift!, luiv, to fiuvf! tlu.t of one who would fain linyo di'd. But Ho.ivon knows bunt, Mai- o!in, and I'vu boun a happier man tiiuco, fc1ri.ii.lnti ituijincd t.o mo ,nn . if I had a Dn'p, Now, ino word uioro and I am going. 'I'v a irin lo catch. Toll your dcaryoiing .wife that Edward Biottiwoii han wutcliod your ciii'orr that tlio man who wa* poor K.iid Hiruggiid ho hard to piaco himBclf in a ii.iiiiion to win bur will novor bo poor nguin ; for I havo made .you my hfir, Mal colm, and Goil bl*aa you, myjjbpy. Good* CHAH'KU It Malcolm Kiratton iiturtud Imolc with lii.i wild ami 111.4 f(, ghiihi.ly, jnafc aM wim tlio faint iioiuul ot at.ipi on tlm Mtoim Htaii-M, uiiil dirontlv aflur hoimimu, gave a long unutltiiutd douhlo kiuiok on tiw. outnr door. "Company, oh !" Maid tho man, rinluu. Gi't rid of hint. Pvti a lot to nay. fll go in hiU'rt, Mii wini, utrai^lit to thu dou-i/ay on tbn right, of tlm firrphn.'ii, "No. no," oriud Htratfou humbly; "thai "(ra-fiilati door." "KhIhm door V in id tlio man [ "in thla?" -H*^hftd hi irtiati ilnt pfurtlriHlt lior ~bii~llu>' ot thti.ili'oplaun, mid opmiud it. "All right.- hath room. I'll go in bur*." Ah tho man nIiir himHulf in Stratinn l^nulnd no if I in would bav'n fal!U, hut a Kecond rat-tat .upon tlio litilo bra.w kuocltor broiigh' birn to liimsalf, and, afim'a glance at. tho cloud, door, Im opcund tint of tlio entry, and thou tho outer door, to admit u gnod looking, fair-lmlrod* young follow of about fivo-and-twenty, tunrtt iicrupuloituly ditihHii], a creamy rono in bin buimtihnlo, and it look of vexation In bin merry face uh ho Blood looking at hia white kid l'Iovth. "I imy, old chap," lin cried, "I nhall kill your hoiiHukooper, Sho muut have black- loiidud tliat knocker. Morning. How aro you. -Pretty well ready !" "Itoady V eaid Stratton hurrioilly. "No, not ynt, I'm sine I "Why, hullo, old chap ; wlmt'u the mat- tor?" "Matter? Nothing, nothing." "Woll, yon look proa [mm ncfi]y. Wbito about the mlln, Wbyj hang it, Malcolm, don't take it liko tlmt. Fancy you being norvoiifl. What about? l\ickod up, I nee." "Winii it wan my turn," continued tlio unwcnnier. "Miglit a*> woll b mi been two -coiip'o-*: Mr, and Mm. Malcolm Ki rut ton; Mr. and .Mru. I'ntey Giiohl. Why, J ili| chap, you aro M say i ___'Jsn, im," cried Htrattoii hurriudjy; ami. a midden thought nLruck him. Caiohitigup tho teleirrarn from tho tablo, on..' gn af iHit vmiil'-i, but. in-'n io iai( inv (Mac'fttf iIm fu ni'i.' 'jVi.nim rf*iriin*'itjr' ,iif Hi'id'iib-il; -i nnlHi) \tlni> Ik tin;, lihidy ' ! b" hca d. >iVd I Mh.iuld pi'oO'Mid lo cXUiiuil- til'H H you t' III' 'I ni" " "Y'i.'i d'uc L-- llii'.Ml.-ii iti'i " "V<'u, f darn r.' tni'mieii ynut my dmii Mir. It.M ku-'p cool, I tull you. ] didn't <nt\i)u ho-c..1'i iputirnl, hut 'ii do a litth* biiHiiii<w-i, Mid yon exp'Mit mo? I mho you b;ivi tho iiiuiii'V ronily." Ho pointed t" tbn nntim tioic. lo dnfrav n l.lifw.itl li'uieyiii'ion trip unil. Suattmi hiul hard wink to HiippiiiKH a groan. "Tlii'i", I'm very norry lor you, my d*m> nlr," c-oillniii'd l-hn fijiniridrol, "and I wain to bo friendly, hoth to you and poor btili Myni -good litilo hoiiI ! Khe thought tnr dtNtiL; V'1" liiniif^ht mo dead and I dan. any yon l"\'e tuoh nihci- lilcu pigcouii, Wxt th'HL', .t.W.l.U!Jt'"tl bci, but. who inVcr cured a oo fur iiie. woll. r.nrip'iito I iy tliut J'li bi ilciul io ohljgit..y-uu both. VVhat do yon nay to i hit'/" Mahj-flm vvaa ib'iit, "I never wanted . tlm jioor littlo la>a Vraokly, f ivatiicd In-r viioin-y, and the ml miral'-*, Mi'i I Will I, lifty | Kill || i \h of MIC i hi I In i:(j|1* unit*. N"W, Mr, Malcolm Siniiton, tunn ju llvinij, ultd ilmhuiy .viil Hiinii Im ot iho diiiiri'ii, whfin you iliinit'hi- lirt. I tell you thin. I will fontieur to ktiop uoiler tliij tnnili'it'itie wlut'i'H tlm law and aouiu'y br.vo plucud inu. WlYiil~dii yU |iro|iflHe ?" -' "To lumd you ovnr to tbn police," uaid Rtnitton firmly, but with despair in Ida lone, *'N", ymi i!n not. Vou propiMii to giva irt'j the ui"ii!jy on *bo tabhi thi'ie, to uign an iigreeineni io p iy m ihn-u hn nlred u yoir nu long dm I keep dr*ui|, and ihoii to go ami wed yin (uetly widow, and bu off to tho con tin-., r. or obiewheri;." lligi.uiy. -Idaokw.ailed by-a Hcnimdrwl who would tuiiko Ilia lite a hell through, con- ptaut tlircitii to claim bi wife a m:rro of aiich thuiightH Ibif.'iiwl through Stratton'j brain an bo atooii_ tliore befuio tin- cool, caleiiluting villain watching him so kennly, M"iiey w.'.h *\f] object to liim. Mr.. IJivt- tinoii would let .him Imvc any itmuuiil, but it wim m-idnoMii to think of aiich a oourue. There uuHiirily ono other to fruc tho in- noociit. ni'irii woman liu idolizod-from the "irecuMou of Hiich a wrclon, and the mw would enable him to do that. Malcolm St rat ton's .niinil waa mudo up, and ho iiiood there gazing in bin visitor'*. oyen, " Wull," aaid tho man cooiiy, "time m on the wing, oh I mud before. How much in there uic'.nr that letter weight." "One hundred mid fiftv poun fJtrniinn fjtiiutly. "Write me ,i check for throe hundrod and fit'.y |)oundn ill en, and tb<> bargain in cfna-d." 'If; '. (V V'S unoritrj INTO THE. HIVtH- idn," uaid Im h d it to hin iriend. Nothing Korioua ? oried Stratton iu- fltlu W, $0 took up to hugin ndhiig between Imr fingers as aim nW.nd (imilinf; at tba odgo of tho oarpnt, 'Ve, mr," aJie uaid, "if I might inako to bold, umi I 'lo'i't wonder at it. Oh, my dour huw hi>nd* omo.\oii look thin morning !" **W hy, you willy old wonuiu !" ho cried, hulf laugliiug, half aiiuoyod. .'Ob, no, uxciifto me, oir, not a bit. Hand- aoin U an huiidcnnie doo, ihoy any, nnd i'ou ia and due* too, ur, aud happtncab and ov go with yo ai'r and your dear, nweut ally too, Bir. . "Oh, tlmnk yoa, thank you, Mr a. Bradc, but- " "1 nlwayo thought a* you would marry name day,.nir, hj aa only natural, but I never thought ua a widow would be your lot" "Mra__Brade 1" oriod Stratton iinpa- tioirt/ly, and with I ia brows contracting a little. "I am voty busy not a moment to poire." . "Of course, nir, aad uo wonder; but J do wisb it b*da^i hc4 woli a dull mora" ^w "Pull?* cried Stratton, rushing to the window; "X thought it won all sumdiiuo." "Cf oaursa you did, nir ; no'did I; *ud wull 1 leiuumber it, though It's forty yearn ago." ' "Mra. Brado, I told you I waa buey. I thank you for your oongr tuUtione, and I | gave you all your Instructions yeaterdny, io pray what do you want ?" "I bog your pardon, air, I'm sura, and of ooiirao it'n natural at iticb a time. 1 onmo bocauBo you dent word by tlio waiter that I wan to------" "O'-courae, y*n j fcbout ton. I'm no busy, I forgot/' oried Stratton hastily. "Look bnro, Mrf, llrad*, I want you to ce over to tho bauk it will be open by the time you get aoroai. 0**h thhv check fori mo ; bring all notes tetm nnd fives." . "A hundwd nnd.fifty pounds, nlr t* "Ym ; tnko a baud bag with you. Don't gt rcblwd." VOb, no, air. I know Urn kbuch of ih fftf* of Loadoo town," ' ' ' hvi*; w ite aoon. . ' "Mr, Brottiuon 1" uniay.*'. -UiirIi!" Thi; door opnned, nnd irr* Brndo ai'pei icd with a black rctiuulo in tuiud and a ruddy telegram onvolopo in th< othnr. **I aon, wanted abcnily," said tho old ii,an, lianiily catching up hat, uiick, and i!-.Ih L-tiiiL' box, mid hurrying out without nniiiln-1 word. "Te e^rairi, nir ; und thoro'a the chango, ii." "Kb! The nritfH? Tbimlc ymi,. Xrrn. Jbade," Hiiii Stratton -hurriedly, nnd talc- ing tlMi.|)'ickei, he laid them mi the tublo keep you, Mr*. Urudo. Tell your hiiHhaiid to fstoh my luggage, and meet mo at Charing Cross. He'll take a,cab, of course." "I nhatl be thoro, ftoo, air, never you fear," baid the porter's wife, with n nmilo, KB'iho lohV the- room, Stratton' hurriedly tearing open the onvolopo tlio while, aud radmg us tho door cloned: "Ko bride'a bouquet. What a uhnmo 1 Hen to it at onco, Kiuk." "Confound I" ojaculated Stiatton ; "and after all their proiniooa. Horo.Mrw, Brads, quick. Oouo 1" ...... ni and ]ibiU'(d a bronze letter weight Lo them down. "That will do, thank ______________*.L ~XTn tiliMta \m*>n kiiv uui bU UUM I fJU WO man itaou, nut ouioro no -joiaa open nm tips alio bad roturnei "A g'ln goutlemun to son you, air, on buniii^iH/' "Kngigcd, Catinot eoe anyone. Look burn, Mta. Brado." "Mr. Malcolm Stratton, I proRnmo," naid a heavy built man with a florid fucu,grayish hair. "My irn'mo, air, but I am particularly en- gugi-d'thitt umruing. If you havo bunincaa with in-j you muut write." Tuis at il dcurway,' with Mra. -Brado (.Utn.iing a littlu hack on the atone landing. "No time for writing," said tho utriuigor ntcrnly. "BuaineHU too important. Needn't wait, Mrs. what'a-your-nome," ho oontinu. pd, turning upon th** woman bo sharply tlint nhu began to hurry down iho Btalre. "I don't care bow imporaantyour mission ie, air," cried Stratton ; "I cannot give you an interview thin morning," "I know," said the man coolly ;- going to bn, married." Hi rat ton took a atep baak, and his visitor one forwurd into tho room, turned the outer door, and, before Stratton .oould reoovor from hia surpriio, the inner door, and pointed to a olmir. "Bit down," aaid tho man, and ho took another chair aud Hat busk in it. "Well of all tba audacious-------!" began, Stratton, with a half laugh'; but ho wu liitfiriupted. "Don't waste words, nir i no tim. The Udy will be waiting." "Now, air; you uy you bav butfaaa* with nie. Let mo hear it, iihioo I inimt at onoe.". '"Ah,"that'll busiuowilke. Wo-ahall Im able to deal." -------- "Way what you have to nay." "Whim you tit down.'1 8 VutLon let liiitiuelf fall back into a (diair. "Now i linn. Quiok !" "Vi u propoiB, buinir marriod thin morn*- *>': o "I do," aaid Stratum. / "Wall, then you oairtj'tha'a all." - "What I" oi hid Straiten flurely/ ".\Vb aayamoV1 ;-. ..... ......------ ...... "I do, But,k*op cool, younff muu. ThU- hjixuh.crfi." : I,.'., f- "Y j Ml bo, 6oI.rt Mid Straiten, tnai Urlnf biinaalf ajgalti. And adopting fcU vUl- Hr'*yoiffal a^iutr. "8o Wl MMUkf^; -'. nd "Hullo! Nothing eorinuH? I'oof! What a molehill mountain. You Rhoiihhi'r- let a thing liko thin ngitato your noblo ' norvoi. Blerw the dear.littlo woman. I'll run on to (Joinmon (Jiirden, Central Avenue, aa wn Hay in iwwjo fjiicklci), bully the boggai* for not .aoudinc it, start him, aud bo havik for you in it fly." "No, -io," oriod Stratton ox^ir^dly, "ilon'r. irtiut them, fiat tlm bourpict, ami -take it, yoiiraolf. Don't come back. I'll- ipeet you at ll;r ohurch." "All right, old chap. Your lavo oboyn. Only, I Bay, I would have a duor H. and B. before 1 nturted. Sorow np, and don't come with facu liko that." Tho umialtor wout to the door, ononed i^ . iiint looitmg rouno: laughingly : "freci'oui dull ; I'll toll 'cm to turn on the sun," ho said, and hurried nut. An tho oiucr door closed Miration" darted to tho inner and abut it, while, an ho lorn, ed hiH unwolcomo visitor utoppcd out of he bath room evidently formerly a pimnage loading into tho noxt chamber--and return ed to liia chuir. "Bent mini carringea waittnff weddiiig bruiikfanr," ho said laugliiiigly. "By Jove ! I could drink a tumbler of champagne,"' By tliiu time Stratton had grown firmer, and, pointing to the door, bn cried : "Look h*ro, air; I'll havo no more of tlifn. You arc on impostor. I don't know where you obtained your infoi iniitiou, hut. if you have coma to I vy blackmail on tho strength ot tuck a mad talo, you have fail ed ;"no go." "To my wife?" "To tho police station if you dn'ro to threaten mo, Look horo: James Barron, othorwiao Jamca Dale, died two yoara ago."^. "Then ho bau como to life again, that's' all," uaid the man coolly, "Now, look, horo, you ; I've not conic io quarrel. I call on you, and of coursa it mum- ho juit dampening afc auch a timo, but, you nee, I had no option. It wan not likly_that bo cool, will you ? Lot that pnkor rent !'* He ipoko .wv*gely, and took a mvolvbr from & hip pocket. "I say it waan't likoly.that you would bo pleawed to boo mo, and t'm not snrpried at your crying impnater, hocauso, ns i woll enough know, the paperu aaid I was dead, and tor tho pant two your* my beautiful lit tle wife has worn her widow's woods." Stralto/i made a g'-aturo to ntart forward, but the man aat back in his chair and raised tho pintol. "I'm a vory good ahrft," he said coolly, "Bu quiet nnd listen. I'm ah imposior, am I! I wiib imt married to Myra Jerrold, I fliippouo, directly, after tho old man had taken hor for a continental tour with pretty, merry littlo Edio Porrin. Blesi Iter awoot litilo girl! IM rather have had hor if sbchad poasensod MyiVn money. It-'u all right, my dear sir. I can givo you chapter and vorae, and eommas and full stops, too.if you want Hntisfying, But you do not know ; you know it'a all true, YVhy don't 1 put in my claims. Well, there ir that littlo unpleasantness with tho Go]ice, aud that is why," bo continued aa toyed with, the revolver. "I object, to your calling them in to interforo. No, Mr. Malcolm Stratton, I shall not lot you call them In for more reason* than onev Ah 1 you. begin-to believe me. Lot mo one noW, can X gtve.you a little corroborative evi dence T you don't wan't it, but I will. Did the admiral ever tell you what in ex cellent playur I web at piquet ?" Birattou started. "You, I *m ho did. And how 1 uaed to *L* oi d*r*nn ' with Myrs, aud played thi aooompanlmeut myielf f Yes, ha told Voh that, too. lly diar sir, ThavB a bun. dred litllcfaou of this kind to toll you. in* eluding my rao* after Myra'a horse wInhi it took fright aud alio was thrown. By the way, liaa tho tiny littlo red near faded from her whit* temple yot T" Strattoi>*M fucrt was ghastly now. * ! ee 1 uued any no more, sir. Yot are convinced Myra u my wff. 'There has 11*.i'ii un dIvorco, ywu ane, ao you aro ufc my niuioy." ', ,*Uat bIim [m not at yours," cried Stratton nttiooly, "You go 'bauk to your eel, air,' und uhe will never bo polluted by the touch of Mich a 'ioouiidrel again." - . ' "I'oiluurdt Strong language, young min, and you are losing your temper. Once more, b cool. Youiee I liavc tbU, *n4 Iam-trat' mau.to b trifled with. I "Not a penny," uaid Stratton quietly, -----'"ji'iii.L>-VJJi. The lady is waiting," y is waiting "So are'tirepii'lici)." . . "What !" cried the man, Fining idowly and M'ith a uiouiicing look in Iin counten- nnen, "No.fooling, ir. You nee thin, and yu know I filial! not, bo trilled wilh. Once ir.ore lei, nirt remit.d you that a noiaa here would r:nnlly hu beard ouliido. But you tiro uoi 4(iiioiiH. The prize for you is loo great, Poliei*? ITowconld you marry the lady then! Do you liiiuk-my proud, puidiah littlo Mj^ro..A'ould tako you, knowing nie to '-C^Tivu ? Stop, will ymi'?" he criet with a n ivago growl like beaut,- "or, by all thiU'a holy------. what are you going to do, fool ':" ".Summon tho police," criod Stratton, who waa'huU way to tlio door, an the man "A Vainl Wnwk'on tli'e "NwYorliCentWl-' Tlin iJrlvor ICllUxl. Ono of tlm worHt wrookH that has occurred on tho Mow York Ccntml'and IIwIhoii river mll- roiul hi Koinu time occurred about two hi 1 Ion north of Kbhudieclc yimtorduy morti- injr. Kutflnn 71/dniwliig train IW, known na tho Amorlcun i^cpniHK train, which 1h duo In thin city at 9.S27 n.iii,, Kiniirthod Into u freight, cur und diudiod Into the rlvor, carrying with Itlilugintnir Jiiiuiih IJonohuo, of New York, ami Kin,,nan JiVmik Orcou, of CnUkill. *___________ Tho Troy freight triilh, fu ohnrgo of Clinrlc.4 fjiirdnfir, loft thin city ut tho iifiual timo curly Kridny inornlii^ with two on- chiiiji, Tho' oxtriL engine wua put on on itccoutit of tho piii'tiiil (lhiHblllby of thu otbor engine. The train conalHtcd ot UO cni'K und loft Uhhtnbnck n few mlnutoHbo- foru Ii o'clock. When It roucliod about two- mllim north of Hhlhohoclc station, near OnrrUou'K tunnel, It emtio to.a.mid I den HLundHtlll. Upon mtikhift an Inviititi- gution It wan found thul. a frolgbb car hud loft tlio track and houndou over tho Hotfth- 1 bound truck. ' Tlio iioi*r|hlo thought JlnNliud through tho minds of the train crow fchnfc tho fiwb mull and uxproHH train muut ho iilongHOon and In fact_\viw nJre|uly_jd)outJ4_)0lt).t!t!.ii_ Tiito7~NoHoonor'luul tho traiaboon.thought of than Ifc.wun hooii thundcrhig ovor tlio vjlIIu mid a collision wuk Inuyltiiblu. Thoro wan it torriblo crasli. Tho onghiu uttucliod to tho fuat train loft tho track with two oxproOH earn, run uloug' tho hank of tho rivot* on tho tlu mid then toppled ovor upon tho loo. Tho crow on tho freight train licgan tho work of (ioarcbliig for tho pooplo In tho wrocka^o. Fironmn Clmrlofi Greon wn found on his bench in un unconsolou.i con dition. Ilift bond wtin badly cub und hia clothott covered with blood. When Conductor fhirdnor found Fire man Green aud carried Mm into tho car bo foundDonohuo thoro badly Injured. Ho and Green wore brought to this city an quickly uh possible mid romovfed to tho Vassal" Hospital whore Donohuo uMod about 10.HO last night. ^ Tho actual causo of tho accident is not known. Kngiueur. James Donohuo wtm considorcd tho most furtunato and norvlost engineer on the road. Ho manned tho en gine which crashed into tho passenger train at Huntings on a Chrlstinaa ovo tbroo yearu ago when so many were killed^. It wan his engine that ran half way through a pasHeiiKer couch a'l'arrytown and ho was al-so engineer of the engine which ran into the river at Scarborough n your ago. In norm of theso accidents waa ho in jured. GING MURDER TRIAL. -oc:,.y<r.'s-X ^/,^(i i . -,i ucrful discovery lathehestltnoiviiriniuiyrer... I . .nft-ium\ all Stomach and Liver Troutilcn, mu.1i - . Cjti-iin:iiion,- Headache, Dyipepsia, IntliifcMttai, , i:id lianalt**, uial iIiourIi powerful to pnimuto n iiudihy action of the bowels, do not wcaten like jiills, UV your tongue U coaid yoa toeU them W5CENTSAB0X^ AT ALt I>BI/ l STOlfF.S. FlJ^II'lJ^E We ai*e Right in H KINDLY cull and crit." vrlatn.' We w|M plemoil to pIiow ,v-mi through nin* axtonsli Witroromun,-wiiH llllad wh.h good l-'uruituro our own umnufaeiiire. . "JUSTTHINK! Pine Extension Table,, hard wood, 8 ft. Ions, $5. Good Bedsteads, i$l,75. Parlor Suites, lino plush, $28.' Ami everything hi tlwi Rhtipe of I'urulturo at prlceti cloRor tho 11 niiywliere elew, tor (jinility. Good Lumber tnkon In onchango. Alt Goods delivered Iron of charge. Undertaking and Embalming a Specially, Prlcon riflht down iu UdepJui; with tho timo*. J. K HICKS KBSEX, : & CO., ONT. Tcutlmoity Unmuijliiu; to Iluywurd'fl IVos- ]ieutn of I'rovllliy uilAllltl, Mixneapous, Feb. 10. In tho GIdr intirdor trial tlio Htato wa.s startled and the defence tftvcm a disnaroonblo aurprlso yehlenhiy, - It wairkiiowh "tliafc M. D. WU- koii, a llviiryniau, could give Bomo Impor tant testimony aoncornhip; tho chbo, and uh thuHtnrudl'd iioD call him tho defonco concluded to find out what bo know. All ................ iilouy ho has steadfastly refused to toll Ids that of a wil.il tory and when lie wjuncalled It vm* w "" "pcCtetTtliat ho woufd bo ahlo to'matorlally help tho defence. On tho' contrary, ha was a most dangorou.q witness. Ho said littlo, but thu burden of that testimony was that be mot tlio curriugo In which ilisa Gintc with- riding near the spot whoroDHxf clainiH to havo met tho woman imd Ilivy- ward on Kenwood boulovard and that Ilayward was with her. C. J. Bartloson, whoso daughter accom- . pnnlod Hay ward to tho theatre oft tlio ni^lit of the murdor, told of Hay ward's visit to his house, and his testimony ac-' counted for all but elovou minutes of the time for which it is intended to prove an alibi for the defendant. Mrs. C. 13. Naoglo, who hoard tho shot, Axes tho timo at bo- twoen 7.G0 and 8,10 In the evening, and Mr. Bartloson says that Ilayward was at his house at 7.55, Harry Hayward will go 0.1 tho stand In his own behalf next Wednesday or Thurs day and his lawyors attach a great daiil of importance to the story bo will toll. sprang at him with the activity of a pan ther. . a For tho next minute tftcio wan a denpor- ato Htrugglu, an tho/men 'wrnntlod hero and there, hnih'moved by one object pon- '/cHsion pf tho deadly wmiprin. A* Boon to Horsomcn. Ono bottle of Englif.li Spnvin Liniinont compietoly xo moved a curb from my horao. IJJtaho pIciLfiuro in recommondiuK thnrataafy, aa it nets with tnyntoriotifl promptnoas iu tho removal from boraoH of hard, Ho^t or oal- lotiKcd lurnnu.blood opavin, spliutH, ourba, sweeny, Mtifles and uprainos. Goo. Dobb arruer, Markbiim,,' Or t, Sold ^by Joha Thorno, Drufjeiat.- Tntliitr lil iloiioaty You?* dru^mt h hnnemt if-wheii you akv hittt for a bottle of Bcott'a Kmuliioti he l'ivoh you jutt what you aide for. He known thia in .th beat form in which to- -t*kr "IheNioQara MU JRouteJ* 1 dOIHQ JBAftf 1'alilnfl effect Nov. 18th, IBM. Mall . a.m. Exp. a.m. -EnHfijt........ Womifllco... Itide* town. St. Thoinao B.ffil S.40 0.50 11.45 7.21 HAS D.C5 OOINQ WBBT. JvBlH'T............. - Exp. a. ni. 11.0! nliurp repiirt of a pi.stol, nnd a pull' ot ill uinediiiK "moke p.irtially hid tho atni(iyliii(j; pair.* -^ Anottior shot with tho smoltomoro denne. A henrv lall, rhen ailonoo- doiitblike ana mraogo. Ouinide, on tho uiaircune a iloor higher, 11 door wait, epeneil ; thoro were Rtopa on thu etono landing, and a voice shouted down tlLA well: *'Anyihing the piatter?" After a moment another voice waa hoard: "Nonnonao nothing. Someone banged hia milt." There wrb tho sound of poople going back into the room above, and in thonuencu which followed, broken only by tlm faintly hoard strain of soino rilroot initio at a din- tune-, tho door bolow, on thu firat floor Uudiiij.% was oponod a littlo wuy, tho Angara . of a hand iippusrhig round tho edgu, and a fjortion of a Irian's houd aamo slowly out, us f ita owner was listening, The door was closed ono more as soltly as it was opeuerik and tho nun, which bad boon hidden all the morning by leaden olouilt, ssnt a bright alieaf of golden rays through tlio diiHt-Iuorustod atalroaxo win dow, straight on to tho drab-pain ted outer door, with the occupant's uatnn thereon iu bluok lottorai I MIL aULCOLU ATItATIOK. : SURRENDER OF WEI-HAI-WEI. yi Nflfrotlntloim Still Goln^ On Aclmitifl Tliur*H I>enth Confirmed.!y? London, Feb. 10. Tho Times correspon dent in Cheo Poo says that negotiations for tho surrender of Wel-Hal-Wcl havo been pending sinco the 12th, He confirms Then ono arm wis freed, them wuh the 1 the report of Admiral Ting's suicide. Tho " ' " ' ' '" "" Chen-Yuen ho says Is tho only cffoctlva Chinese warship left. Tho Shanghai correspondent of the Cen tral News says that tlio Japanese havo made great efforts _tojfavo_fho_JIfcof tbo- AmericaU Hurvlo who waa arrested by tho Chinese recently aboard tho passenger steamer Sydney hailing from Sydney, and was hold hy them on Llu-Kung-Tno In Wei-Hni-Wel harbor. It Is not known whether they have succeeded. CHAPTER. III. A HAW QUAllTBU OV AN IIOlTn. - "W1UM You rang, lr." "Noi confound you 1 I did not ring." "Bg pardon, pir, I'm sum, nir. ' 'Lstrlc L*ll's a littlo out <d order, sir. Talltalun ibow lvrong iiuinhora, ir." "I oagageflft iultt of prlvs.ii rooms In tliiu hotel, and there's not a bit of prWaey." "Very Sorry, air, ttideed." *'And look hero, wnlttjr.M "Ya, sir." "When you uddreai mo It ia to a.y Sir Mark." **0f course, Sir Mark ; my mlUk Mark: I'll mind in future/' ' ."Hu thtourlatfa arrived Y *'Notyt, Sir Mark." "Tbank you ; that will do. No j a mo- tusnt. The wedding breskfaat. Every thing is quite ready, T hope V* ' ft* htod waiter baa it. in 'and, Sir Mark, and ibaUblo lopki lovely/' , Amorlcun Trmlo Itoport, NiCW Yonic, Fob. lfl. Brndstroot's sayn: MUdor and pleasant weather, following the severe storms and ojftromely low tom- pomturc, liavt*, with fov oxcoptlons, failed to stimulate orders for "scftsonablo goods or tho distribution of improvoment gone i-nlly. At tho wosb there aro Improved Kalea by Chicago jobbers in dry goods, clothing, furnishings, shoos nnd nibbcm nnd Kansas City announces a lnrgor volume of Hpring huBlness. Domand for staplos has increased at Mllwaukco as at St. Paul, pointing to small'HtockB held by country dealers. Klsowhoro gonoral trade remains at a low obb. Tho total uumbor of business failures In tho United States this wook aggregates 03 as compared with 300 hub week. 10iiusual Weather In Georgia. Atlanta, Gn., Fob. io\ Tho most furl- oub anowsborm evor seen boro began yes terday. Tho ground is covered to a depth of nlno inches. Street cur linos suspended traffic early in tho afternoon. Specials 'from Thomasvlllo, Brunswick, Savannah, Columbus and other points state that tho enow in tho deepest evor known.. Albany had aleighlng for tho first timo In ita hU- tory. Mui.ihtono CroHii Pohon.............. Windsor.......... 13,20 Leamington sud Wnidaok'. BODTU EXP. p. m. 10.H3 lftM 11.85 1.03 Mail P.m. 8.80 G.HO O.-iO 7.00 Honru- a.m. p.m 8,25 0.10 WindHor H.UU -4.62 Polton Xlnc 7.5/ \A\\ Maidstono Orosa 7.47 4.SJ liBBOt 7,y0 4.2J Woodnloe 7.27 4.15 ItilHOOiub 7.on 4.00' , ...Oomhor.... 0.55 a.no ...... Itonnlyn ...... O.CO a............. HtaplOH CM !|U0 .........^Oakland...... 0.40 3.35 ......BlytUOHWOOU" ... (131 3.20 ...... WUde ...... ...........; ...... Lake 18 fc D It'y 0 25 y.90 ...... Loamingtou, .., a.m bm- S.Bt 0,01 y.10 n.ai 0 40 10.00 10.10 1010 10.21 lO.Sfi 10.U1 p.m S.GU K.4S B.tU 0.00 0!US o.ao 0.40 0.40 6.G1 G.SS 7.01 . JS'laa fetation. AktiJiGi-Ntliui'tf ajonl Trnliiu. 10.40 7.10 WHHT KABT p.m. a.m. it.m. ll<2fl 0,15 Emhox 7.IB .1W 0.25 Edoara 7.00 0.43 0.113. L K & 1> It Xing 6.M H44 0B5 MoGtrocor Ml 1.05 10.00 Amhorstburg U.U0 p.m. 4.25 4,10 4.0/J 4.00 8.40 All trains aro run on contro.1 etandarJ time, wbieh In slaty mluutoa elower than Essex time. For, haormatlon and rates to oolon- iBta woviu^Vost apply to Jobn G. I>aven, Paa- uatikor AQout, Bfc. Thomas, O. W. ItugploB, Gen- oral Passeuiror ana tioVot A Kent, 0hio8flo, IU or A, O. Btimors, A.en6,BflBex, L-E. & D.R.Ry, T1MPJ TABLM NO. 17, taking effect on Monday. Nov. 20,1B04. Trains run by Eastern Btoad- -' aralTima. Dally except Sunday / d o 25 U.00 customary Sir 0.89 0.30 S.43 0 50 8.67 1003 10.00 10.16 10.27 10,87 10.4ft 10.&C 11.11 11.20 U.2S 11.05 11.49 11.60 11.65 12 04 l'ill 1316 a^**r< :c A'lowlnc tl.e Jllar Petition. WashincStgk, Fob. 1(1. Four thousand people attended tho Grand Convocation of WliitoRlbbonorsheld hi Convention Hall in this city loft night. Tho Imll was draped with tlwmonstor polyglot petition/ MIbb Francos K. WUIard rtnd Lady Honry Bomorsot, who'wore to have been tho prin cipal apoaltors, wore unable to bo present j JJ^ A U'oinun llurned to Death. Mrs, Richard' Simpson, of Toronto,., died lost night from burns received veaterday. Her dneos caught fire from a grate and she ran Into the yard where ehe rolled in the enow, Neighbor* tried to extinguish the biasing !.^'^iy1^.lvr I :-& 6:20 0.27 8.86 0.44 11.13 11.25 li.sol 11-40 6.61 11.66 6.6 10.08 7.03 la^fl 7.10 12.46 7.17 Ml 7.28 IjBO 7^8 1.45 7.46 2.20 7.60 9.45 8.1 S 8.06 S.S1 3.30 8JS8 8.62 &86 4.16 &44 4,40 8.01 4.46 i.M fi.06 106 0.16 B.13 Uo :.n ci* r.sa 0:10 86 h.Ip.v.Ip.m, Stations. Dep Walkory'lo Kt Walkerrlllfl Jaoo. .........Peltan '......... ......t OldouUe,.,.;. ......+ Paquetta...... ......UoOresor ...... ...+ New Canaan... ... i Uarabfleld ,...,. Harrow . .*......t Amer.... ...... Klnnsville...... ......Bathvea .'..... ... I>atnington >. ...... WbeatlsT *.,... ......tEenwick...... ......Uoatawprth ... ......+Qlenwfood...... ....:....Merlin a..... . ,..t Buxton____.. ..... BondhMn ...... -,+OedarBprlngs... Blenheim Junctn iu Blenheim...... ......fWilWe......... Kt Bldgatovn Dep I 010 904 8 67 8 63 8 47 8 42 880 820 829 8 11 8 01 7 61 7 40 7 24 7 16 7 10 700 6 02 046 6 40 6 81 0*24 0 20 010 6 00 o It 4.84 4. 4.10 4.U 4.01 S.48 8 41 8.23 8J1 2.66 2.40 LM 1.B8 1.29 1.00, UL86 12.16 12,00 1U8 11.20 11.18 10,10 10.00 P.M. a . fl; to i p u 7.00 0.54 6.47 6.48 6.37 0-83 6.2A 649 6:12 oi 6JI -Ml 639 6.14 6.05 fi.00 ISA 4.42 4.8S '430 431 AM tiFIag BtaWeaa. Train* atop Only whsn thaWSJ ar.iPMBSLBert a* or for thetn ateSone, HtuJ' traftis are at Oi 1^tB srabjees to># eojeei5Sjrji $$j\tl:; <ff,^.V...:'..-A"

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