ffPPf^jfMg;^^ 0:: ' '&$ffl fei> .FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1895. . .A. TALK OF THE-TOWN Btoye wpod wanted in exchange for n new fanning mill. flj. J. AVl^le A Co. RT. and Mra. Fleming ntortuinod h number of the members f their oougre gation lant Friilny evening. A vory. plenH- ftnl time ia raportod. . -' iVfr. and Mm. O. H. BHolctr milortaincid about twautjr-ftvo younu ntupla on Friday igbi. Theevoniutf vrua vry pluimautly L*pent with gvmta and muuio. "* Now is the time to buy your idiotm ohoup jlnaith <& Co. Th Ladin' Aid of tlio Elford Uulho., let Obaroh bold a oyittur wuppor, follow- hy-u.li riiortainniHl1_^i^VodnoaLi|iiy vouin, and UeapUo the atorm. an on joy ablo tim.o win Imd. Th Liboralrt of Bouth Emu* will open ithoir elsotion oumpaifjn next wouk. Win, Wtorwon, M. I*, of Brunt,, will npoik on Tuesday ovoninu at Luuiuin^top, and Sir Richard Citrtwrllit id expected to apeak au AwlujMJ^urt; on WudnoHday uvomu^. ' MrftflPffr*. flhaii.' Hannau mourn Lin.' lous JrTb*iir infant inn, which oocurod last Tuesday afternoon, at tho imo of nearly five months. Death wan ouuuod by an at* fcaok of hi gripps. Tho fuimrul wan hold. ou Woduaiday afternoon., interment tak ing plttoo at North *Rid^u comolry. ' l^or ijreat bi^ lmrtfainn; no to M, J. Wi^lo tt Co. Turi IOvhs'ino, Meuhanio'n I unt.tute ontertainmont in tho iCaudintt Itoom, oom- toencint'lat 8:30. A imi.siaal and literary pro^tamm** liau hcou arranged, including n abort lecture by tho Mayor, Dr. Dowar- Subject, "Tho udliiQiica of tho mind upon |j . tli*- body." J. S. Laird, Kkj., Korv*. will > pronido. An enjoyable thru iwuy ho lcoU(-'fl for. Mr. Louox Quick, of Ed^ar MilK ban lftid hoforo Jlagiatrato Uunrnan a charjjo of UBMuult and battery a^aioHt Mr. Harry Poiiroe, uohool teacbor at Edgar MiIIh. Mr. Quick oliimi that tbe toaohor unduly mid Bovervly bent Iiih youn* (ton at tho uchoul 'y .on Monday. Hcuon tho charge. Tho qnuo is to bo board at. Enaox on Saturday, Wo how tho host valuati in Socto. droil4 goods 'inEmcx, G. E. S. ife Co. Bay I Hayo you hooii thona boy'o capo- o^eroquU at $2,05.- Whro J^Vhy at M, J. Wigl A Co'ti. oE-coumo. Th Best \ltft. Co., of Hamilton, Ohio, :#riaultral itnpK>mtitu, want to locfttn iu Canada and have offort-d to go to Loarti- J iuKton if the cotinoil will allow tharo ; ex. // omptionfrom'titxation, fro (*ao, froo water yk froo eito, freo buildiofi a.ud thoy ahio mti. ' ; niatod that a bouuu would not intuilt them. If tliord iianvtbiiui olno iu flight tins com pany Bhaold aHk for it. MiftQ Dochfltador hat heouconfined to tlio homo for tho pnafc woek with a novtro frac ture of tho anlih', Whilo ont driviup ono ovouiil(4 loot week, with a company ot laditm and Ufaiitlouou, tho uleitjh wuh overturned, honoo the accident., 'Fred Gttboo^hroujjWt "l6""tho Fiuib Piiiioh tho Othor day a fluo apacimen of tho horned owl Bpeeiea. Tho bird wua cupturod by Ol iver Noble tho othr muht by tviu^ a trup to tho top of a litfili p^le, ori which hmowl. nhip alijjbtfcd. Tlio bud mcasurod four ftut four incho.-* from tip to lip. Many farmers in thm Beotion havo biiftcr. od tho loaa of rob#n, bhiukctn, etc., lutoly, whilo thoif rifiH have beon h-ft in tlm IMoili- odmt church shod, Ono day laatw^'Ita Goofield man had a blanket u'.olon off Inn 'boroe, anda rubber takeu from bio i'w. . Bomu cleteotivti work rui^ht bci doiio huru. M. J. Wiglo & Co'h iuI. iu intoroitinir, road it. Choico now prints at Smith'it, boo thorn ladie, no trouble .to bIiow goodu. > Hliakebpfti'lun Club. Tho K^kcx Hhalct'Hperian Clublian hud a flerieo ui very profitable and iritoreatiut; mootiL^w Uu'riun tho pant three mouth a The Htudy hua beau Kui'j* liear, '. nuvoral Vory vutnublo paparti hnvo beeu ^iven on tho more protuiuejit charactcru of the ply. The noxt piny to bo otudied iu "A Mid- summer Nipht'a Dn-ata." Each merabor of tho Club iu iffquustod to rad oarefully, f Aote 1'iuid II for thu next mostiutf .which will b* bold oo Wednesday evening, fith March. W. A. HBuuLifrwiurn, 1'roauluot. . . . Marietta M. Chohoh, Sooretary. New will! paper from -Jo, par roll up, at May's Bazar. \GentB, wa offer now ntylo tweed units mido to orderYor ^'is'liOV-Hae-thoiM, G. E. BtcMh & Co. Would you Hko a tuco^pftploc ciook. or XVouah plato mirror. M.J. Wi^lo A'Co'fi. oiiiitonncro yot them frc. TMHBI3SHBX MINSTRELS* TUvlr Plmt P'rfo^niKnoaCo b Olven H*,xt Vrtamy NUht. ------ Do yu rmrab*r tha flnt "NltfKr" Minntrol nhow you ovor mttandod 7 Tbo boo down .st your physical uervo a-tint:- lini;, kiid th jk<9U of tha pnd-mih (tb'n nw tvn* fronh) Hharponod your wiU for the rem Hindu r of tha outortaiimmnt . jutit bogun. k pftthetio iketoh, with an umlur- lona of divluo religion ol^iuiiiyorial hum anity running through it, broajjbt taar to your oya, which wero quickly tmmed to btadg of laUfjhtar at tha humor 'of (the R>lliakltifC tionu which hwiftly followod, A rattle of the bouoa, a malody of pathou, "the quaint noaturcu of tho burnt-oork art iBtn, aad tho profound wUdom wt thu iutur- loautor yavtj you no time for a WoariuonH of oalior thu ilonh or tho iiplrit. Why ? n- uauna every trihtf of fooling wftH plajud upon, and tha Mourning diycruity of iuUr- tttitrf wor"Uuitod"by tbe hnmaw tie -which,- after all, rutii through all tkim^M winch ooonpy tlis intolhunt attniin of Lho men and women who play thoir little parti upon this muudano uphoro. 'J'lmn go uud hear tb Kshcx MiuKtrol Club in thoir nrt pnrformanco to bo fjivon in Pook'ii Hall, on tho evening of Friday next, March 1st. The boy a havo buon undorjjoin^ - a cQiiruo of uyntomatio training for tho puut three months,'and bovidou ha\o mniio a lar^o outlay for con tutu h, munio, otc. Thy are not aniline tha bupporb of Eihcx pnoplo on thouo groundii, howovor, hut ontiroly on tho mm-itf) of their ontortuiu- ment, They ara takinti mant puma to produco mi avouin^'a performaVico that, tho people hern will bo proud tf, tuid \vu lmv,k not. nlitilitt'ht doubt of their ability u> BUCUttod, Tl:e plan of tho hall will be ripen at Mr, Thornn'ii dnitf utoro" and no tinio nhould be lew', in st'curin^ Mputn. The plan v.ill bo cpi-n (irlyon Ssiturday morning, -'lird inst. The liliow i* to oomnvsncj at 8;1<3, ulmrp. THE BSSlSX iH'kJK.fv'-i^ivivai -------------- tw^**' ~~ M NOHTU RIDGE. ' Hri. Lilly Noblantartud for the lime- koaa oily ona day laaC waak. . Mi Floraiioa CoUuutt.of Windaor, oall- d on rolatlrea harajlaabSnnaar aftaraoaa. Una Eva Aim GaWnafct, dfWlnriaor, was ihotfu'efltof luir Krandmothar and uncle Ham Lhi wank. Mr. John Liukmau, of MaidHtocn. wan tho.(JU**t ot...hor". ai;el.graudinothur and unolaHam luat fiunduy aftarnoon. It In rumored that Jaramy .Tohuflon, who want to Florida, tho la-'d of floworo, laht fall. i goioc ta return to Kuuoi, au Ua iu lirod of that frat bitten -country. Baiuuel'Ualtxsr killed a uix ujouth old 1' B. Farmer Nowbnry, Affpfl 7t>, Sliot Ilia Wlfot NIcco and Suicided. THE FORMER DIES INSTANTLY IU* MJoce, It U Tlioliiiht, 'Thoiitrli llntlly WunaMl, Will KfiPovor-Ill-Ht.Mth mttl MitluktohoUu tho U<uuiiii AmalWHui titr th Muit'd' TerrUi 1 Dootlrf ToTTliNiUM, Out, Fob. ia HobcrfcNow- bmry, arotlrod farmer, on Baturday idiot hU wlfoandhor nleeo and thun blow out pulll OuoiKy Uiit woolt which aoutaiutd i hi own brahiH. Tho wlfo Ih dead, bub tbo a Vry larj{o Uvar, meaaurinU notan inuh#B "'<;o will recovor.' In airumurorunoa, Hi uiulioa in length and Newbury wiw a man of 7. The nmr- , J dored woman wiwlibiHucond wlfo,and4ilB weired bj ounocB. j1(ll|w hy ti,[rty yUYHt yov mmu t|nM) Public SeUool-N<tteNr Principal'ii mom, oonlor Hlr, tnark-i poa- Bib'lo 110. Obtained . E. JlainoH, 70; J. Dulmoro, 7-1: L. Wiglo, G8; J. Edfjar, Oi; E, Riuhardaon, fll; E,.Laiug,' 67;'M. Ellitiou, r>l; G..Lubar. fii; N. Cotton, fi:j; S. Brown, 52; C Bawuhwau, iJO; fi. Stone, -IB: B. Thomiif, 40; L. Ililli'ar, *H'; B. Wdnon,.-ll; P. Gourlay, 3U; h. Roe( 85; F. Adarnnr^iViWmr*Pornir90;-------r- Junior -itli; marka poeaible 75. Ohtain- ed by highuht ton :~L. Hiclw, -i'J; 11. Mc- DouBnll, -17; -M. Millar, -11; K.-Lninc, Ji; L. Brown, -11; E..Nayinr, iJB; \Z. Bouman, 31; J. Ddwar, 111; B. EIIikou, 'JO. Minn Wilhamu' room; luarlcapoKoiblu, (10. Obtained by hi'tfh'aBt ten , Ncunia Aloxau- "dor, 51; tiBtha Wiu'crH; Mary Brown, -17", l-jthol Biiughmmi, i'r, Arthur Gourlay. lf; Arthur Bruuer, -l'J; Lyla Locke, -llJ; WiUiu Thurue, 41; Haiold Fuller, 40; Florenco Lt-fler, 38. Misw Edjiar'a room; marka poHmblo 10(1 Obtained hy hiuhent toa of senior unzovd cla:-M. Thonitmi, HO; U. Beverly, 97; A. Wymu.li, 34; 11. Aloxandur, 7rt; E. .loliu- nop, 77; L, Look*. 70; .T. Walker. 7t; D. McTijwaii, 7(1; A.. Kiibinnon, 7!1; G. Croon, 7:1. Mikh Shaw'ii room, marks puHsiblf, 70. Obtained by hinhmt ton : Her bert I'dutibtnaii, i;i; Ida Di,vifi, Hi); Etni'y Bf-acoy, IW; Myrtlo Thornton, iiC;. Alfrotta Cory, 35; Louiua Trowin, .'ll; Mark Dol- ujoro, 917-ThonsaHFialdH, 27. Mihh CraMHWi^U-r'e room, penior part Hccond. inarku poHiiiblo fiO. Obtained by hiRhuHt. ten . M. BjokeiiMon -17; G. Lapoint, 47; A.JNay]or, 45; G. Cox -1-'!; A, :-itn.t:i*y, 1L'; (>. Baylor, 1'2; .1. Brown, 42; E. Phillip", I'J; M. iCush, 40.. Minh Buaklcy'n room, part I.; marks ptni- hiIjIb SO. Obtained hy lnuhe.it ton; Senior: -B. Elford, 4fi; V. IIicIch, 41; F. Youu, 41; G. Loo, 40; W. BhyndroHn, 37; U. Lamarah, lift; J. Siimon, 35; S. May, cli; F. Cart, ,'J3; A. RhyadroBa, 83/ Junior :- P. Oliver, 47; K. Buck, 43; E. Bcuman, 40; T. Clay, 3D;"0. Evann. 37; A. Backhaul.MI; E. Gardner, 20; S- Greou, 24. Ludicii wo show tho latent flpij>UH in fanoy duuliaaud zophcra for nprmy. See tbem. G. E. S & Co. ^JSS^^y AUiWOUTH At KinKBViBfl on Wadnd*y, Fob, 13th. the wifo of "Jan. E. Allworth. of a dimc'itcr Wir-Hosr. At Cottam. on Monday, Fob IU. 1 Si!5, the wife of Mr. I>. A. Wilnon,'(f a daunhtor. wiiti. xiivnU' .Y*n I with invalids tho appetite is cupri- .ciooBand /needs eou-xim,', that j& jutfc the ifeaHon lhy improvo' so vapidly under goott'M.EmuIuion, which ia au palutablo us cream. , fleatt Bledaao Bohoved; lu. HO Minute All ottflfla of or^anio or symyiathotio hoart ;/tHi*i3fleo'raliavod In B0 tninbtoHarld quickly ourad by !>*. A^iow'u Cure for tho ^Hoatt, Ona doae conviuoeH. Bold by J.'Thoruo:. ' Tho Civcnt XCikKllNlt Kennedy. Ste'faohaarti Guaranteetl to promptly, mul pormauently euro nil formii of AViroi/a Weaknnui'.EmL'iatonnfivenli- otorrhea, Inwotmcyniul alt effect* of Abxing or Exnenaan, iUntal yi'orrv, t$odDntvo iifld jsijorvana Ajtor. Unit n<hloh $[}0tvk(tat0u. flrmitVt Jnvtnilv, Catutiwjilfon anOrtin t<tv}y Q*<iyh Una hooii pruflm-lbotl avut Upyhum lu thouBawlmof, flOHCHj Is tho only peitahlo' mul JIotuM lifotllotnti X-aniP.n AiikflrucgtLitfurWDoaM-l.b-plioJliiBltf luion*M>aatD wortbloafl hioMlclno la plane of tlitn, Inclose Mirlcio In lottor, and .we will mnd by Mturu wall. TrlQo, one paokuuo, *1| Mxjiatt,.' One <ctll pUit*et *Uo UilU ourJ. PamphloU Crno ib nn^afldrosM^ ,': /."j.'.-Xto.WomliCiui:jwiL>', .' -^ij(/J^-/i^,'Wlii<SorVOnli.,,,Oa4o4B.' :"., Hold in iJB*-x by ihiartoKftlaHt;'-'-'" A liumber of tho rolativeii of Hut;h Mc- Croeiy and wifa of Cottam Hurpriiiud tlu-m lKHfc Hnturday mtiht, ami a vor-y pUjuH.'ini ovoninj.' was up&ut. A mimical pru^nirn waH'diHpoHHd oT, with Al IwV Bulfovd ui'tliP piano. Sidney and Norman JnhuHnn hud a po ouljar I'xpmiencf) one nij;ht hmt week Thyy wuh i>ovi ral iiUikm wore ^oiiiL1 '0 Gonto, when they wito all upnut imo a" duop ditch, and all inoru or Iohh battorod and broiHoiJ. Fortunately no ona wan kill ed. Sleigh riditjg undir flinioultiea boyn ? Tho Mutho'littu < f thin place had an oyfi- tor Hiipper.on Thnrnday nipdit of .hint week; tau wfatbor wnn very lino und a laix< numlior oume and had a fwai-t of thu hi- valvon. After pioro than justice wo. 4 do mo to tho uyutoni, piutiioakuu, tna, eto. provid od by tha ladiun, a publjo.meotinT!* wavhefV iu tboohnjcb, wiiri-4 u pru^rarn of- rnu^ 0 up- 1 eln '.1. iiiiiitanon-1 nti;., vjhh cairi(.-i],fiii' Tin.- ^cniloiiMti (?) wiio fviornt a horn* blankoi. lint K.ttuhJay niht in tint- MctliodiHt uln.'d; Ewx, would do a fjood thin hy returning ic, to tho . owjhh- at Nurth ltid^o, and wu would udviHo I'iui not to-iiini iinytiuiij; furthor fur tiinutU until it iii it'ct. A1 ui my, don't iai] to iidverliM- ..i.vbif ,;,^.;.'.>-. Goods ARRIVI3STG DAILY. - t in till: J"lt!-.i: I'ui-,:!-. t'.at from the inniio narU . rnl>h< iohi OlUMlOf '&-lnviilcst. Sir. and Mrn.'ChnH. Jlituttao doniru tf> thauTc tliir frioude in the To.wn of Eanox, for tho rnauy kiudnoiiHufl bhowu tliotn duriuK tho tllueHV of thtir infant uon, and tor tho KHuinlauoj rutidurwd HubhOijtinjit,. ly in many way a, ItoHpuutfuUy' (Jn.vn. JJasna^. Eaf,FoD; 2113'.).). WENT DOWN WITH HIS "SHIPS. Tim Ofucn* Who Comniaiidod tlin I1U J'atod KUmi fttr Throo Ycarrf. , Kurt von GooshoI, captain of the found ered North German LloydKUmmhip Kibe, was born in Hatihor, Prussian Silesia, where his mot.lu:r';>t,ill livon. ^ ThoVon OopsseW aro connected with many of the nmst aristocratic familioH in Germany. Capt- von OocshcI'h only bro ther is a general in the German army, and under Emperor William I. wits a member of tho general staff. Von Gocssel ran away to (tea when be was fifteen yearn old. Ho became an en thusiastic sailor, and eventually com manded a flue aniline ship. Mora than twenty years aRO ho passed the examina tions required by the Lloyds, and entered their 'service oa a fourth officer. .'Ho took CAriY KURT VOtf GOJt9S12f*. cnmmimdof the Elbe about throe years n^o. For three years previous to that time he was captain of ono of tho com- pany'a vessoht that went from Bremen to Singapore, through tho Suez Canal, lle- . foreihat thno he comniaiuleda'LlOyd boat thatKailcd from Bremen to Hindu Jnnuiro, and from that port to JhilUmoro. -.. Capt. von Guossel's family consistH of his wife and three children a girl, flovon- tuoii years old, and two nous, one twelve, tlm other tbroo years old. Thoy llvo in Jlreruerhaven. They .formerly lived in Hanover, but-moved north to boneurortho Captain when ho was in'port. The Captain was forty-four years old, niie-lonkinfj and stood G feot 3 inchoH In his ntockiiiK feet. Ho vvn.s broad-rthoul- dornd, well-built. IIo hud bright blue cyeti, and wore a full flaxen hoard.: Among the Lloyd's vessels Kurt von Gnewol wan noeoml officer of thu Moiiel,, whleli was blown to plucks by dynamite at its ' " tl past he lnui been lu ill-health, and ab times luolanohollc. On Saturday hoaoeinod ab Horbod and doprossod, and followed bin wlfo around as uho wont* about hoi- hrtnso- hold diitios. AIi-H. Newbury was arranp;* itip; cl-jtlioM-tn-a bedroom bureau whoa Kowbury'ontorud the room and took doll- l)erato aim and Khothor. Tlio ball outored tho back of the boad, ploughed through tlio bruin, pnssed out of the forehead and embedded lfcelf in tho wall. The woman nnuit havo dropped to tho floor dead iu- HUiutly. . Ilia niece, alarmed at tho whot, wont to hi3 what wiw tlio matter. Xewbury mot her, and mooIuu the rovnlvor Iu bis baud, tho (*irl ran Into tho garden, Nowbury followed; tho girl turned and pitconsly pleaded with the now thoroughly crazed mini Hot to kill her. Tears and plaintive ontreath'ii had no cfVoot, and tho wifa-mur- derer put a ball into bis nieeo'Hbody, The shot took effect In the lip, embedding itself against tho jaw. bono. Nowbury then r'e-ont.ereiVtho hoUHn.eloH- od tbo dnor, tlnm plantm^ the rovol vol" to,' hiM'Vemple, blew out his brains. Ho wuh found a minute biter by, niMj^bbors, who had hoard Lho shootiiifr; lit; was then ullvo, but expired within half .in hour. Tho tratcedy wasovideiitly premeditated, for on Friday evening Nowbury hud ytvon bin watch to a frinnd, with hlstructloiiR to keep it until' he would call for it. Tho minder would havo b.i:n committed at an earlier hour hud not n neighbor called on Mrs. N'rwbitry nftor hrcakfast, and re mained until a few minutes prior to the shouting. * - U'ho nioco ..was attondod hy l)v%. Wrlfljht find CnmplKjll, and unless blood poisoning nets in no fears of her life are entertained. Our Stock will soon.be re plete- with" all the latest goods for spring trade- To make room, .we have re duced the balance of our Winter Goods to **-- '*-* * THE HYAMS CASE. l*nul-:U or torn KxiUiiliiiUimi I>i fll ml t Owing to tho CiiiKilt.lou-of thu Itomalnu. 'J'(U:(nto, Feb. 18. Tho postmortem exapiiuation on tbo body o William C. \Volls, who Ih supposed to havo boon mur- derod by the Ilyams brothers, wan held ou Saturday, but.owing to the.length of tlmo which has elapsed aiucu tbo young man'a doath tho rotmtiuH aro in fmch a condition, that an examination is difficult. Nothing developed from thu preliminary operation to show what'iujuries tho you g man re ceived. A thorough investigation will thorot'oro tako soino timo. In tbo mean time thu authorities are working steadily ou the en so and gathering together all tho clues possible that may throw some light on what Is aow generally conceded to bo ab least a decidedly suspicious cn.se. Constable Hissouetto, of Montreal, Is In tlio city with a warrant for tlio arrest ot Harry P. Ilyams on'a charge of forgery. .This will be served on him iu tho event of the brother* being acquitted of tho charge of murder. A suit against Uullus T. Jlyams for S700, balance duo ,on a pair of diamond earrings, has been instituted by J. F. Ellis & Co. We mean what we say, we WILL not be Lindersold. To arrive in a few days : 250 Beautiful Art Pictures and Frames, which we give free to our customers. We don't want all the profit, so divide. .WHITNEY BLOCK, ESSEX ALMOST A TRAGEDY, KHoaiiliiK G1111 Notnly Kml tho IJvoii of n. Couplo In Montri'ul. MoNTltEAL-, Feb. IS.-Mr. and Mrs. Coady on Friday night arrived from To ronto and drove to lho lleutty house. Tho woman was tired and alter partaking of a light aiippor tho guests retired to their room. At an early hour next morning tho proprietor .was alarmed at the strong smell of gan that pervaded thu house. Ho called tho help and a soared buinir marie Ifc was found the gas-came from tho Toronto peopled room. Tho door was hurst open and a shocking spoctaelu grouted the oyos of tlio ilr.st to enter tho apartment. At the back of tho bod lay lho woman and across lho loot, with Ids bond hanging out until 'it tow-hr'd 'the ibmr, toy 1,1 iu man, both soiiiieless and ;l 11 111.1 y th-ad. M-odi- oal aid was summoned'and uho couple were removed to tbo hospital, where thoy are now in a precarious condition. Coady Jk toimnercial traVuilur with a Montreal firm. AtiiHt ltiivo 11 1'roliihlt ion Cnnillilatt*. liuiniii'-.TOWN, X.S., F'-'b. 1H. At a meet ing 01: representative tehipi:r:iiu-e men of thecouiiiy ot: Anhapolis, bob 1 at Luwronco- tuivn on Hutuwliiy, it was agro'eil that tho. next representative of this county in rho federal House inns'", bo a pledged proliihl- tiouist.uniUhe following plodge was sign ed by B of the most prnmmuni. men of Lho county, of botli political partius, and is to bo circulated throiigh the county for nlg- nature of the electors. The following in the pledge: u\Vu, the undersigned electors of the eoun.ty of A'nn'apolia, pledgu our- ftcdvoK to support such, candidates and uuch candidates only as will openly pledgo themselvca both on the bustiugy and through the press of this county.tojglvo,.. in cuiiu thoy aro elected, thulr .hearty niid unreserved support to tho htfinndtn^e on- aetmeut of a_ prohibitory liquor law for* tho Dominion*and who will proiniao to do tiiis Irraspuctlvc of party, A Hamilton J.ady'H Hitdden Udath, Hamilton,'Fob. ih. Mrs. Voung, widow of the J lev. T. A. .Vouug, while) 'walking on Upper James jitroofc with hor daUKlitor on Saturday, was taken sudduuly ill mul *. .;i'av|*', Alc4ul in Op mm u Ouimxt. MoNTUR.V^, Feb. 38! At iL.iaiiivjuntloii of i&m -V4 ^ I .1.. . * ' V y m I Tt BHt down 011 a doorstep m-ar Ly. where alio Sa Si'110! waaflwtofficopof; M ,Illni0Hfc imi)lu(iial,ly. Ueceanod Tlw. u." n'lA w SchKon. i-htiHuirewatoriiomu time Irom fatty do- theS ) iii^b"1 Wa Piml'.a* -m PtSw.k " f"="eratiou of tho heart and death wan no au win Zi^i ^ T l" A K!b-' doubtcautiuU bybettrt faU.uu ,\Iw.,Yomia. ata r y weeks ago, and ho Hpont quite 11 little tlmo ^"'i^w_________________ when bo was hmt nt New. York at. the. ttederlcmii:s Society Club-Houtie. He wiw au ocouoinleuH \vo\i as a popular captain,,' the'i'jlb'eraUoC Laval Couur-y hold ou tin- und timo and uguhi received promiuma fcnrday, Mr- .1. I. Tune, M, i\. tor I/Islot, from IdK company for tho economical ad-' wiw noininated 11s tho .Liberal eamlhhuo m uiHtruUon ofthe- uttalva of h Ik boat. . , ugalniit.I, N. Ouiiuut, 'Mini^uif. ot IMhlic Ihoroughly jolly, good-natured niau, ho Worku.. M f. Tuvto iwked tor a delay oU ton always bud npleauant wordforovorybody. jltyH t0 .dvodiln answer. . . In looks' mul boarhiK ho was thojuat typo i ,-: '-hy of tho Teuton. ^ . c'hm lidhiuiHuixi. ' Tho bribery . with lotfcof'iiorvtf urKhptoAfry of'^ood coin- oasfl oC Leou)u>l v. M(;t\irhmo I>i '.'vyb.lon ; montietnio. Ho was a mau-who never lout;1.' -h'^ .iiui*W^i^>if Ida Iicud, one who could be dep la uu onierKoncy, .* , AUKETJ l_^ ~------. o. Wheat rod por buohel .. ..0 fJO Wheat; whito .... 00 Corn ./.. -12 OatH . .... 28 to 28 Timothy Seod .... 2 25 Clovor Sbod ------ 5 5 to 5 85 .\laiko . ...'. 5 00 Hay per ton............ if>01o.r00 lieof per cwt............ 5 00 to 5 50 Pork ..........:. -I 75to-l 7S Mutton _t........... 5 00 to ; 000 Hides............ " ' 2 00 uhiokonn per lb.......... G 7 (hitter.......... 15 1 Lard , .......... ft 10 JilitcSi por doz .......... ]0 Pntutooa, por buohel .... 15 to II Onionu .... 7r.to HO Applon .... -10 to (10 Turni^a ____ 20 Oarrota ____ lift Deoto : .... 2o LJitnmipa .... 30 Turkeyti por lb..........', ..... bto fl Diicku.......... 7 (Jetery por do/, ....;.,... 100 Oiibbugo . .......... 23 HI 1 am Wnlkov SonMlWarlcol KSoiioi-t No. I llyo, per bhflhel .... '15 1.1 Oatn .... 20 Tho abovo price* nre paid by, II, Walker Sonu, Wulkorvillo, Ont. nowo^t Corn. BH-clicro,, -i Blsucsol Hardware, Essex. 1-4- OFF Of Staple Dry Goods, Under' Olcth iiiR, Boots and Sho^s, HaLn and .Cups. Croolcovy, oto. .Tbe [subsoribor wiflhing to go out of tho abovo liuos will soll.'tho'siiiao ufc 1-4 off. FOR CASH or ut a rato on* tft'o $ toy tlio lot, Storo and Dwelling 'foraale or to ronfc. Pont oliko ih counootioa.' TAMKb NAVliOIl- *uoh till h opporihuitj Ot annouiHUn , -c* tnopuoplo r,f tun'J'owu dud. AMKb NAVLOB annouiHun , -01....,, County of Khhox, tbutbo ImnrePiodelwd thefita- HoxItoHor Millfl aocorilinii to plans vroparedby It. N.' ?rleo, 8t. Thoiuan, ami Ims'alBO Booored' tbo iiorvlcou o( uomcnT StuAouav. an oap*ri- BnooaiinillliorouublyoonipiitentniUler. . '. , Tba-iikinu the poopla of tlio town and dounty for tlm patroilitpo bentowou .upon ldm la tha puut, will ciuirantoo Batinfuotlou In tho fntnm. Gristing and. Chopping a SD6CiaUv 1'HR IIKPT GltADT-lH OV VriOYlIt, VMBp ANl> COKMAU'lAXi KlflVT IN BTOOIC AMD Mht> ATKIOHT PUIOKB. Gash P&idfor Whnat sndOatsi- . ,' ': MM :M , Edgar MiUs P. OJ ^bf18, 181)5, '.' Ladle* fdr f 1,00 ycu oari *et ttom hb a pair o^i>A#>v<W;'qLOta,Ito- aw^ ofTtir*^ by; G.( r.w Qwith-.* Giiamois SMiLS, phamois Vests, ||g Lung Prptectors; 'MMf Sponge' Bags/-"^ : -^$m " ^.'^.'ExqelJont'Talne^r;^]^ ;W- 120676