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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 15, 1895, p. 8

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fp^ HERHOOD OF8T. ANDREW. ** 'or tho Euiiuliii: V*^ioW o) til Ootivoiitlon. 3TOtJ,c,Pob. ll.-Tho convention WjaroUifjrliooa of Hf, Andruw ojummJ ^TOnluy-wHti corparnto cmnmuulou iCh.tho Lord Ulwhtipof Huron wm flelmint. Afterward* tho inonihon TO)lwlut tho town l iU Jor biwlHowj. ufc-quuHtions* of Iiuportwico to tho Wrwl wore taken up ami <llcuwtud *J-ltho (hial bnlnasn Reunion, It, V UOKerjt. Q.O., Kington, clmlrmnn of J^Qttimittou of-ko.solutioiiM, pnyumtud 0 commlttno'M u-poi-L Anions till) ro- lntloiijrnnHjuMl wart 0110 rooninmuwllnfi |oJiol(|in- of tho next iliiiiiiuI eonvoWllnn <I**B^ ESSEX KRE?IS gfrgBS! .'I'v.'/jrw KATE (iAKDNKITS CHATT GOWNS HEQUIRED TO COMPLETE A DEBUTANTE'S WARDROBE. yiCHldoM Mm iittwnti tar IIoiUm mid Kvunliiff Wrttrl'oiiifStl'Ki'l Kult* Al Hrrinlre<l HlylUli Th'utr<t 11<mIIdi mid Opnru Oupag 't'lio X'liiiiiitui.' ICmnilrod, [Hpaulul Loltol-.l ' Thu wunlrolio ol' a dohntnnto .ii n vovy HorloiiH lmitfcnr, tv\ ovry'ohuporon< IcnowH^iHHl rt!MTiinin mi much planning on?hV ^1 , 1 ."" mWt ,in<1 ah,a l WqmmUon n a wo.MIri tvoiwieuw oomiMiillnK,rovhio!iil uoimmllonM for or u lnvc-tto for koiiio vmv rn*imrlibla o ii| f1 ,,l 1">!rU0 < hQ\m} 10m lliaiiua oodstook, prowmwd tho nport o fcl 0 lml'-v- N in,ltt(!r Mother t '* (ommlUmi ml, i:,:l ,1 >po (hi Hopi'L'.^ntiitioii, Mhowin^ tf dulupiUw rupnwoiiMnf? B3 chapters lid boon pruHont.. 11 pri CI01 [J\ K. C]oiii,'liur, rJuitwmu of the N0111I- ptiUK Cominlr-Uut, pnjHontnd tli riiport "wamimmdhitftlm fullmvlntf foe tin- i:mm- I: N. Fm-nir Oavidnnii, C. B. Wutts, T. Olo 1 mh', It. Montgomery, Spminisj' 'a'Htfli, H. 1J. Struct, .J. C. Cnttoiuul Tj. Baldwin, Toronto; A. It. Wiswrll, ahfjix; H..C. Tllluy, St, John, K.1I. j \\r. ells, Monti-oul; John K Onlo, Uftawa ; UVntihon Hr^tM-H( Q.O., Kinttnri; W. P. ^eatnuui, Winnl|n";i; C. l'\Vnt.o.(, Van- tfjfl Wm. Hakur. Nlntcura _Kh1I;i ; and } .JioUhiNOM, Woodstock, ilikI they accordingly ulcctud at; tho int'i:!,in^ ojiou' council hidd Hiilisctua'tit.ly. N. IjVitslion KoK('i'hi. Q-^'i Is" vicL'-pivsi- 'H;A. It. Wiswtdl, Hud vicp-pritsiduiit; inom- Wimjj;!), M:ert!tary ; ami H. O. nit^omsH'y, troa-mrur. 1 tustorduy tho annual .sonnon win iiiolied by Tlisliop Baldwin, lie took ns tuxi. from ItoinaiiM: "A Hnr'vant of 1st JufiiiN." In tho afternoon fully thousand men fiKKumhlml in tln> Opurn ! iiunut UuimnHM iHGotiii;< for men. At q llnal-jKorvloo, llnv. (i, (1. MoIOmi/Jo, rantford'and Jtov. J. C Dnvidsoii diall- ered thocU)Hin;c Kormon.s. 'J'lio farnwoll orylcrj wan conducted by thu rontor, Uoy. "" C, li'arthinj^, and" was most soh-nin and prcKslvo. K.-iruwi'II addrussi.'.s war a on, at; tho cIoho of .which tho dulcgatcy artod. ' '10 convention, bnsidua belnpj more oly iiM,t?iuled than any other previous, :m!k:>,marked by {jreater cntlnisinsni id jiniirrtuality anions dule-Katim. An ii'fllerv* almost suftpctidi'd here the dole- itoH will not he able to j^ct home for .some tyu. FIRE AT PORT HOPE. haliMi tho bother jmd fusti iuoidontal to having hoi- (dotlien well cut and fittod, f.lio in obliged to ^0 ihroindi tho trying ordonl. Hho niu^t do |.hhi in ordor tliafc flho may look dainty and Hwoot whim t.lic nmlifts hor tirst.how to .society, and ulho-that ln.-r clotlionnuiy look frorfli and jieat through thn cntiro lioiwon. To Kfjouro 1hi -frtiHlinr^M ,an iiumniiBo amount of tronljlo in nccuMMiiry, and a 'fe>? '/'"! '," I"|:,-i',l.'.....' ?&/&'" frill I ty Coll<-<> Srlionl, ISitriMxl to thn (li'iiuiiil Fully JuKiirt'd. Ebw Hon:, l'Vli. ll. Fire bi-(-ke out in rljiity CoMuim bchoolut H.;iO 011 Saturday Hgltt.' Tho Jli-o originated in the room of COMINfl OUT fiO"\VN. lot of gowtm liavn to ho mado. It is not necessary that they be elaborate or of expensive material, but there mnat bo enough of them fur tho dtdmtanle never to wear a gown-in the street or ballroom tliat lookn the leant tumbled or musaod. Besides tho gowns for Iiouho and ovon- *pt, WatHon by a coal fulling from a jioyo. Mr. Wutaon luul left lift apart-1 jng wear at least four Htroet auits aro lent oujy ir> mlnutoH when \w way 1UjCeH9ary. and fanhion decree* that ono (armed by the Mnoll of Kniokuuud rush* jg back ho found hia room in a blaze. It ]i thought that tho lamp in tho room ex- lpdocl as booh aa the blaze reached it and 'jcroascd tlio volumo of the flames. Tho 0 had, gained uuch headway that tho ortti of the masters could not check tho esa of tho ilamca. The occapanttt, ngono hundred and fifty boya lind ty-fl\'0 mnatern and attendants wore ou aroused, and escaped with very littlo [JftothiiiK* Most of their trunks wero car ped out, but the loss to pergonal proporty 9 considerable. Mr. Watson lost Iiis por- 31111.I offectH on which there waQno inaur- nco. The hoys were taken to the hotels nd to tho residences of citizens. rXyhn ;llool was insured for $in,O0O. 'J'ho in- iranco was divided hetwuon the follow- i [jj companies:.Koyid,Fnyland, Liverpool mil London and Globe and Caledonian, irljflro was an insurance of $10,0(10 on'com* [Untu of building and chapel. Tho total jbas ia estimated at over ?S0,0OO. The work if ,tho school will ho continued without Jpterruptiou, the St. Lawrence hall liav- g boon secured for this purpose, :\nd tho hool building will be immediately ro- uilt. Thanks to tho efforts of firomon nd citizQiis Dr. Bethune's handsumo residence on tlio school grounds was bavod rom tho llamea, NEWFOUNDLAND AFFAIRS. .wnltlntf tho Itoturit o? tho ^IIhhIuu to Jscjjotliito Teriim if Union. St, A lull in lolitlcal matters is expected now in con- iequenco of the adjouriinient of the legis- [lature, Tho bye-eleetions will occur about Carch 20. There will probably bo no con- jut oxcept in the Harbor Grace district. On tho reassembliug of the ^egisLuturo J-cho tut Ions respecting confederation aro Jf'kely to ho introduced authorizing ade- r^/gation to bo sent to Canada to'discuss [fjeriiiH of union. On tho return of thu do- filegation, provided its mission 1ms been [feuceoastul, tho resolutions will hu subrnlt- [|tcd to a plebiKcite, and on the result of Which voto future ..action will bo taken, 'if favorable, a confederation union will bo brought'about as spuedily ivs possible, jbufc if against it then a crown colony is the only apparent alternative. ^Tho .Falca.ii relief fund, amounting to In cash, besides considerable clothing, attributed in the United States, haa fn distributed among tho relatives of fchd Fajcon's crew of 15. Tho families re- iteeive from S^O to $-10 each, according to their circumstances, besides large packagda of clothing, X I'unioiti* lllclttaud C)ilf I>ond. ,' LONDON, Feb, "ll. Norman MacLeod, Gblof of the Clan MacLeod, and indeed ono of'thola'stof tho great, highland chiuftains, died last weok in Paris, Mo was tho twenty-second chief of that name and for no less than sixty years lie administered, throuuh every variety of fortune,, ono of tbofew great highland proportion which still remain in tho possession of Um ancient highland families. lie lived in early Uf0 In JJunvugan Ciistlel Isle of Skye, and no man in Scotland was more beloved among tho follo-woi-H, who delighted to do 1dm boncSr in tho ancient Scotch fashion, Sir Atllplie Hlw>u Activity. QOKDKO, Fub. 11. Iti 14 statod on fiood authority that Sir A. P. 'Citron will return to Quebec in a few days, orders having ecn given to get ready Ida private apart- ,'intmtK in the milititi. ofllco opposite tho Court HoiiHo, Tho militia ofllco la Sir A. P. Caron'H hoiidquartora in election time. It hfKnid that bo will ho a candidate in tho county of Lovla at tho next elections >2idut Dr. Guay, tho proaont'member. ' A Wliftltt Family OrnDiuteil. IBDMOiiK,- Feb. It,, 11. About 18 ridloa smith t btire a Uowfo o6ouplod by a farmer nflWd Tuckur caught fire and owing to the blizzard which prevailed It burned ao ffuickly that Tucker, lihnvlfii and (dill(Iron /ere cremated in the burning building, _&tor It was lonrnid that ausplolon of foul Ejay exlstiitl-'^ w,lH thought purhnpa tho dlv.wa murdered and then robbed. of tlieso ahull ho tailor-made and moat severely phnn. The others, while qui to Klmplo in thcm.selves, have rather elab orately-trimmed jackets of tho aamo materials1 as the gown. , ... Much thoughtful consideration ia .given to tho coming-out gown, aa it ia considered the moat important of all. These gowns aro iii'ado with tho moat char ming simplicity and tho materials used are airy chiffons, gauzes, Bilk malls and tissues and nmteiials of that de scription. At ono plaeo where I wont to inquiro about these govyns I was shown tho en- tiro wardroho of a debutanto. Tho coining-out gown was mado ao that by an added garniture of laco it can bo uscd~uB' a ball gown. This gown, by tho way, was rather a surprise to mo, inasmuch' aa it was oolornd instead of tho regulation white; but JImo. Modisto explained this by saying that tho debu tante was an exceedingly dark brunette, who would not look at all pretty in dead white, so she had chosen yellow instead. It was a regular corn yellow, embroid ered in yellow daisies, and mado over a yellow silk lining. Tho low-cut corsngo was nnitriiod with a soft ruching of yel low gauze, and tho sleeves wero great puffs of tho irauzo shirred into a narrow puff like a bracelet at the olbow. Roset tes at tho waist finished tho ribbon that was used ns a belt, and hugo ribbon rosettes at tho shoulders gavo it a very jaunty air. With gloves, slippers and fan to match the entire gown will bo rt, perfect success on the brunette who can bo well.vi'jiur.tlijs color. Another creation, which will take tho town by storm, in this same wardrobe, THKATItE BODICIG. was a combination of palo blue and Bcnr* lot. Tho full akirt was fashioned . of liluo liberty silk, and the aliortnoBH of It revealed tho full rucliin^Tof scarlot underneath. Tho bodice was of taffeta plisso shading on the" bluo jind scarlet, with the square-cut neck filled in with soft folda of scarlet-chiffon. . Tho chif fon sleeves wore- very full, roaching only to tho elbow, and .tho waist was finished by abroad band of pusaornont-" *jrio. Scarlot flowers wero usod aa a. corsage cluster, and woro placed high on tho loft aido in tho oldfaabionod manner. Thoy woro so well .mado tboy could easily bo miatakon for natural blofisomH. All in all, it wcia tho moat unique gown I havo soon, rind was exquisite iu Its abnoluto Fronoby, air. The ulippera to be worn with it wore of bluo aatin, with tho high Fronch boola of scarlot- '. 'Another gown was made of cinnamon brown cloth and trimmod with royal purple- that is the neweut combination. The Velvet wus liaed very 8parlngly-ad the gotvnnvus a- fnaster-piece, ftojweU xum cue mouisto carried ont tno ncnome of combining these two colors. Mudamo also showed mo BevoraUlreaa- os to bo worn by members of the debu tante's family. A young married slater will wear a low, square-out corsngo of Nilo-greon miroir with a white satin abirt brocaded in Hilvor^ibo whole trlm- modw with the gloHsioat of gloaay ivy loaves, ' Tho mother's toilet; wan of satin, soft gray in color and trimmed with pearl and silver passementerie and fine old lace. It was tho gown pur exuolleneo for tho matron, with gloves and (dip pers of gray to complolo the toilet. , Thn fancy for waists of different ma terial'from that of the skirt is prettily carried out in tho decollate gowns mudo for coming bulls and smart social func tions, Miroir velvet of delicate hlmdn and exquisite luster in usod with hoautl- P11 bile School Notes, 'ir. tl. o. Koport of watltly examlnationH: Principal'** room, nomor -tth; mtitk* Hible, fib. No, marku ebtnldod : P. O )uy.'07i lr- Adwrm, .'15; 8. Drown, M Wilson. 8*2; E. lUlneu, JJ0; L. Wlftle, 2!) Irwitt, 2'J; J. >e)mor, 28; JJ. Itiolmrdion, 37; M.-Billion '27, K. Liui.h. M'.OMtonil 2; J.lCdgar, '23; h. fjytioh, '22\ G. Banjl/ninn, .i?0;_G..Ij*kittraU;-N^Gutton,40;-W.iJ:'oUi:. l'ljrj.ltoH-). 3(1; ,JF WtttUeo, 11; L. Hillior, li). llorthiv Thomtu, tihuont, mnrkn pOHUiblo, 71. No. marloi obUinad ; II. M1111- r*. 'i; l.u iliokh, li); Ji, Naylor, 10; B. M eu ro.'CJ; B. Uemimn, 7[ .T. Uuwar, !lfi; M. Miliar, UI; L. Kobinson, ;ty; II. Kohinuou, LAING BROS. ... AUK CTILL TO'THR I'ROiNT And When You. Wsnt Ml; K.'ljiuiig, JO; Ji. MuOoujidl], 2(1; Maud fid effect for corsages to L<i worn with Torry, 1(1. white satin skirts. Flower and loaf j Mlm( ^Vllll| trimmings aroused very effectively cm Call and get Trices wml yoti will bo.Sure to Buy, tamu' vooiri, swnior third cUhnj 11 iiiiim 11 juu- Hit t very l'iiulu vuij uh . -, , rn M i , , . , . '; , J , , J . . miiruu poNhihlti n(). No. nauikn obturned hy thesowaisls, and lust at the-present ; ,, J , hylu momentlncoisomitted. . |. ,, * , ,.. ' , . A love of a waist that excited iny '^ko, -I I; Wnhr Cr.u^uller, .10; fctl nl deepest admiration was of rose puik'KHmtt,- H; Arthur Teaman, ?iH;'Kihl velvet, cutsquaro'in the neck, back and Bauhmau,a7; Wilho 5ueo,nr,; Mary Brown, front, with Idack chiffon drawn aoftly ;i'2; Ntssio Alexurnler', .'11; Hewurd (Jant- _aj; one side through a paste buckle. Tho , U0Vt no, . . ' sleeves wero largo puffs with frills of UiiiH ltdgar'a room, jinnior uccond; rmrkH fiim black laco. It was very pleasing, poil;lil)i0 Ji Markn nbtainrd by hlghoMfc indeed, and just suited to wear at homo t(m ,_lu Tbofutou, R(l, J. Walker, Ui; h. Sassaa B m ^ in tlm evenings with tho old black skirt we tiro nil supposed to possess, I have seen some lovely littlo tbcatro blouses lately, Tho latest, like overy* things elso tliat hails from Paris, aro spangled. A charming" little affair in coral color cropo do chine had the front arranged in box plaits with looso side phuts between, with the box plaits spangled. Tho Upper purt of tho half decollete corsage was laco with wido black velvet bands, finished with choux going over the shouldors. .Tho fdoovos were inimonso, and softly veiled unrtor. a drapery of laco. Another now model is of petunia, sat in with a cape of black satin edged with a frill. A black chiffon cravat and a wido b'nx plait down the front and but toned with diamonds completo it. I inight.udd in passing that box plaits appear to be tho inevitable accompani ments lo nil the now bodices, whether of velvet, cloth or nil!;. Capes have not lost one iota of their popularity; and some of tho. newest ones are enough to tempt the most ros- , olnte woman into bankruptcy. Tho most dressy ones aro of velvoK eif her colored or black, embroidered in jet cahochousand colored soquins. -edged "with the inevitable sablo and lined-jvlth white satin. Tho white or tinted satin lining, by,the way, is seen in all of tho handsomest wraps. All tho darkest f ura Jlntji-r, 81; II. Alexander, HO; It. Iliokn, 7(1; It. Udvorly, 72; B. Johnnoki, 72; K Wilncm, HM; C. Ghana, (Ui; L. Locko, (ifi. Minn Shave's room, junior uecoud; marks pOiiMiblo fiO. Obtuuiud bj hijduut let; ; Idu Davitl, AH; Ilorhio Allmi, 10; Dorn FAul, Coed Pullur, 3M; Lmura Dibhlgy, IJ7; Lena Allon, 30; Myrtlu Thornton, JJ.'J; AlfrtiLta Cory, Iia."' MiuH GrumwoUer'g room, aonior part moc- ond; raarlu pomiiblo (JO. Ohtniued by hii;h- owt tn in cbisu : N. O-rcou, 10; A. Staoay, -10; Viva Hicks, 30; Millie Hush, ilfj; Aibflrt Wolfe, iJ(J; Gortrudo (".ox, irj; Winnie Siovourioii. 132; (jjrirudo Nay. lor, *->rt; D.AVinhtiniLO, '21. Mian Buckloy'H room, wer.ior prt >oaoud; imirkH poHt-iblo 00, Otitainud by hi^hont ten : M. Will uhur, 5B; J. Hmson, "58; l1. Hicks, u-J; I-\ Clurka, ID; F. I3rown, 18; lYoung,.17; .W. KbyndrMi, 4i\. flUMAH FOR DIAMOND" DYES. Am. 'IIuimAi^ron Canada. Hurrah ! hurrah t for Diamond Dyou, Ko honoMt, fast and puro ! Hurrah for dyes tho ladiet) prizo ! (irund-oolorK that endure. No othor roaka with thm compare, None used with no much on.no ; Thtiy work with wondora everywhere, They never fail to pie an*. Hurrah ! hurrah ! for Diamond Dyea, - A million voioou yiug; The "Diamond" brand, no say the wiac, TobousowivB ploawrea,bring. Lcnjf may tho t,DiamoudBM ]iv6 to bleas With r-oreatiofi powers; Eon (j may thoy aliovv their usofuIui:B3 In tiiiu Canada of ouru. For U10 l)uiu.:fit of cvi'ry ono wlio wishes to invuHt in. a low HhareH of ...- .' ' Ontario Permanent .. *" Bniklmg^ndTJ Stock, J. i;-.'0;ivt.'i,^eiM:riil>iio-oiit, will 1)0 in Irnvn for n'few weeks and will be pleased to exjihiin-ihu workings'of this Assoeintioii. A pt-st card or letter mailed t<> Iiltisox l\ O, w-ill receive prompt attention. I ,' AGENT. J. GOITRE,AY & SONS, ES'SEX, OOT. OPKTIA CAPIS. which would in former fionbons hav< bueudeeuiod absolutely unfit for euoh distinction aro given thifl luxurious lin ing. Something entiroly now in an oporn cloak i of croain-tinted cloth mado vory loose and faced down tho front with aablo. It ia lined with surah to match tho cloth and boasts monstrous sloovos terminating at tho wrist with a turn- back cuu? of sablo. Tho fur collar it fastened at either sido by a satin rosette and a pasto bucklo, while tho hood is ombroidorod and spanglod regardless of oxponso and is ede;od with a plaited chiffon rnflle which forms a bocominp; frame to tlio face., Tho pelisse which mado its appear anco i\t the bofrinnincf of tho Benson is marching riffht along toward popular ity. Some vory bandaomo ones aro in bright bluo cloth with tho capo collar ontlinod with -mink. Still more olo- gant ones are mado of black miroir vol- vot and trimmod with fur and jot. The latter ia an ideal garmont, but it is a garmont whoso charms you cannot ex ploit by Bitting down. You must walk to show it to good advantage, and you must walk well. Decidedly now and a distinct change from the nianytailod aablo boa which clasps"tho nock of the .woman fashion- nblo and unfashionable is a boa I Haw tho other mornhigipncircling the throat of a well-dressed woman*; It was n band of sable lined with croam-tintod eatm, fastened at tho throat with a satin res- etto and a bunch of violets from which hung; a plaited laco bib. Tho foic boa is a novelty and' n very pretty ono.. It:ia much longer Chan any to which wo havo boon accuatomod, some falling quito to the waiat. It is "said theroiano fur more comfortablo to wear it ia ao soft and warm, mid very becoming, too. Kate Gardnor. . Tho latest thing in tmggnry on tho streets' ia a copartnership! Two men -start out togdtbor and openly and auda ciously stop tho podestvian, man or wo man, it makes no-difference, .with this proposition: "Mo and niy frioud havo had nothing to oat, and wo aide .you, etc. Ono of thoBO solicitors was asked why his kidnoy was traveling in pairs this aoaaon, and ho ropliod: **ItTB a fad," Why tho Skull 1m ltouml. Tho skull is globular in form' bucauso this shapo givos not only tho greatest atrongth with tho least amount .of uia- teriab but also is beat; cabuilUted to ro slst violent blows. . Is a man's, skull wero; square he. would bo in continual dauber oflcnooking off one of tho cor ners. 8 -^&ti.< -^.^^^M^H and all mothers who tire nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strengtli to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. jmsmmmgztz O Hfl-Mtfnsy' is a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy tissue and boner "It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, General Debility, Throat and Lung Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Anaomja, Scrofula and Wasting Dlfioasos of Children. Sent!fcrPamphlet ott Scott's Emulsion. Fret, Scott &Bowo, Oollovlllo. All Druggists. GOc. $1. - - ,-. THE THIUiVIPH CORN SHELLR , . . X3ESJS03Ftir*riO3Sr- -^_ ThiM Maohino consists of a horizontal oasTcyiindor, with "wrought iron bars, with stool tooth bolted to the cylinder s.i as to be reversible wlnyy'tho teolh hcconio worn on the IVont Ride, running in a perforated conclfvo iron shell, which the shelled corn passes through into a sheet iron caso, with fan or cleaner attached bch-w, which takes aij tho duafcfiom tho grain. The okeapeat.'boHt, uiftfct simple and durable Power Corn 'Sholler in uso; sliolln corn perfectly clean in any ro> diticn .-helling and cleaning from 0110 to two thousand bushels of cars per day. according to power. Dimensions, Pulley, 10 in. diam eter, n* in, face; Moiion, 060 to BOO revolutions per minute; Weight, 550 lbs, EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOUWLAYlBc SONS. . OXFORD 32 FURNACE WOOD and.,, COAL ..FOR AU SIZES OF BUILDINGS.. Gapacttg from 10,00.0 fo 80,00 "(Jttblc Teel VCYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR" AUCTIONEER H13NBY nEDUtCIC, Auotlonoor, Bnloo promptly attondod to. Audroon floutb Woodaluo, One. PoruonH dfldirintf to naouro m cany lonvo word at tUo Fiikk Pnimfi oillno, _.tf H. HEDIUOK, JOHN GOItMLKY. LICENSED AUCTIONKKIl tot tuo County of Eenox. All kindn of farm Btoclt Bales, oto,, oonauotoa promptly aud ou ihort notioo, Itatoa ronnonablo., Pomona dirablo to urrauKo saloa culUMfiat tho Fnicw I'Hutiu'ollloo may do b by or by applying to P. 0. Box 165 .T. GOUMTjEY, . Kmiox, Out. FltANIC McOLOBIUflY, Ma|dntono, tblrtyr do von yoavtj' oxporlonoo as aa auotlonoor fu tboCounty f Ebbox. Baloe oonduotod promptly, and ou roaoonablo torms. Pairtlea doHiiin,! to flic tbo Onto for a hilIo mm unvo tbomanlvov it. drivo by oallliiff at tbo It'juan Vftiiuu olboo. Wo havo aacort with Mr. MoOloiilfoy aud will lit tliodatoH forBttlonby toloBrapb,ontloly froo of .l11 obavtio 1 ci tbo norson boldiac tbb Halo. Ad- arosBFruukMoOloBkov.MaldutuuoCi'Ofin.Ont*. 105 THE AMERICAN HOTEL Eoaosff'r**' Ontario. EO. LUCK, PIlOPIUBrOU, HAS' DBKN w thoroughly painted uiul roplnnlahtid with now funiltiiro by tbo pranobt proprietor. XiAUOH 1HH IN CONNECTION. Flrat-OlnBB Aooomodatlon Guaruutood. ESTRAY, . CAMK INTO TUB PBKMI6EH OF THM UK- <tnrBlRUed, lot iiO, ooa. 10, Ooloboatur North, on Poo.I.h. medium slisod rod cow. Owtinr 1h i'itf)U^id to provo prouofty, pay. nbaifios und take bor aWay. 64 HI LINU8DOAN. oo. ai),'04. : . Biforar.o. WOOD FURNACE ^ HEAVY ORATE, ospo daily-^<j ,adaptoil f or wood burnirip: ' *-^g? Heavy Steel Plnle Fire Box Dome "^> and Radiator, which '""it^^S* qnickorandnromoroduniblo ~^g RADIATOR of Modorn Constnio-1^1 Hon and Great Hoating Powor <$>y LARGE ASH PIT ~*& COAL FURNACE =35 Largo Combustion Chamber! Loni^lroTravol.Dttolrollitg radiator. Uirice lleatlntf'SurfucG Lar-g^O Food Door* 8ootlonal ring Pot, Rotating Bar Dumping Grute DEEP ASH PIT ^Pull Guaranteed Capacity : oeATALocueauTfi8riMOMiAL dook. 5fc ....Manufacturott by.,.. g^The SUBNEY F0UHDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO. \ji %SSS2S5S5g^*^^^^^ SfS '+' i V V V V +" 5 y ^ r< King of til Bicycles. Ught Weight and Rigidity. Every Ma- chinefully warranted Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Eiposlflon Sondtwo-ccat BUmp for our xi-pg Catalogue-A work of Art Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Sdwtoom, aBoWabwh Av Lake M4 HiUted Sts,, CHICAQO, ILL. * ,(i : ^-1 ' si " ^ ^W^;^W4&s^^^^^^ ' A" ' 't ~A.\l: 'SMki^M^^^Miii:^. i:'.".r

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