-i-. T ;nrJ m;^ /^ THE fe^BSfcSX i<K;g,J.v "Pixj^a4. FKIDAY, JfEBRUABY 15. 1805, S&fcaa&j OF THE TOWN Did you got * valentine? 'Don'ticavo off your flannels yet. Tbo Detroit Sunday Sun has huou ro 'hibited from puskiutf through tho tunUs of Canada. A proclamation has been mmicd by tlio Dominion OuutoniH (DeUjirtm<mi)' placing hinnl.'H ou tile froo'llnt. Good Friday fallfl oh April 12th thin yoar, jaDd Easter Sunday on the llLli. Lent Sgiua on tho 27th of February. The Outurio LoiblEiiur will inct fcr [hedenuutoh of biminobs on Thurniliiy, February 21 t Iohh than olio tunrk (una to-day Tbo tolopliotio cahlo botwocn Vuleo Iwhind Ifhdil Ijg/uiington wtni hrokon by the utotm k"i-^luk trul H uttnnot ho ropuuad until To ice brculm up. It ih not probablo that any of tbo parties who word buruod out in tho lire in Kim^h- VJllulaut wook will rubuild. Tbo loan in a wry uovoro uiui to tho village. North K*mx LiboralH will hold a con vention ufc Windsor on Saturday noxt, for the pnrpowe (if selootinjj a candioiato to content tho riding for tho Common*. Tho uHHik'ued #rocory stoalc aud fixturca of Mr. Thou. IlioltH woro Hold bj auction on Saturday afternoon hut. Mr. DoCow was tho buyer at di\ty eenla on tho dollar. ' IVo lead tho trado with a 23a tea, Smith, fc Co, ..ll^ord: "Reamur'Wifdo, of the Blind I^vor Lumber Co., carao to town tin* morning to arrange a contract for tho cut. ting of a lar^'o upply of Io{[b for tho Thompson Lumber Co. Mr. J. A. Buobunau has received tho contract for iurninliiug tlio pile* noeaRHitry for tho oouHtruotiou of the Amhorutburg oxtomiou of the M. C. It , tlio nam6 to he ou tbo spot by April lot. Air. Jno. Laiufi nvuh attaching a circular eaw to h shaft a tow days ago, when tbo bait ellppod from the looao |pu]loy to tho tight one, and otartod the Haw m an Instant. Mr. Laing'B right hand wan very >adly out, but in recovering uiaoly. MoBsrfl. I/aing Bros, have socurod tho 1 oounfcy rifibt^or^eUtnirfchirialBouTdhTcaKO ^Aermotorfor power or for wator purapieg, A good guarantoo is given with oaob lohiuo, and tho firm ahonld bo *blo to iposo of a quantity in the next few years. Great bargainn in larliou', gents' aud children'* flno shoen at Smith's. Only a fow loft; We refer to thom) ladios' fur capoH, collari aud nauffs at half price, at M. J. Wifile tfc (Vs. A apooial mooting of tho town oounoil was bold on Wednesday afternoon. Moshmi. A. H. Olarko, of Windsor, and O. G. Fox, of Kinfinvillo. reprofonting tbo Standard Gas and Oil Co., of Bases;, woro present and bad a by-law passed giving thoir Go. the- privilege of laying pipes along tbo atrflotn, alloys, etc., in town. They expeoc to have gaa in Ebbox early noxt suminor. Biff barKninx in mantlo cloths, twoeda^ ovr coating, tnon'n and boy's an dor woar. etc. at M. J. Wiftla & Co'n. Oysters, oystor biscuit, etx at Vano'. Mro. II. A. Ohatterton dioa on Saturday ||taftornoon last, after a brmf iIIuoob, in tho fiOtli yonr of hor a^e. Doooasvd had not enjoyed food Iioalth for somo tlms, but did not become aoriouely ill until but a fow days prior to hor doabh. Tho faneral w*8 held ou Monday aftornoou, Eov. W. M. Flocoing ofTioiating. The dccsaiiod Is&vob & husband, and a largo family of sons and d&ugbtora, raoet of whom are married, to mourn hordoatb. 'X'he Patron, Bitader Twine Co. bavo no tilled the different lo^gas that they bava 'oompUted the wanon's work and their boakM ars made up, and aooordiag to their rale of perosntagt, theri is CO csuts por 100 lb*., of an over profit, which tbay are rs- ktnrmat! to tho farmers. Tha farraors are iwd in thoir praise of thin oorapanio'u ex iple; and olaius that if all business coo- *rua would deal with the farmers on such /principle, that tbt old time prosperity would return to the farmers in a great measure. TO Hi: lUtOTKSTCIX Tlio t,offulliy of Br. Oowur'a Klcotlou urn Jriuymr Im to ba Q.ueaiIoiied. There has been muoh activity In seme oirclau thiu week, preparatory to protuating tlio felaotiou ef Dr. Dowar, as Mayor of J'iBHex, __Xiuc jFekb l>JiKUB_JmaL_uot_glA)if d full partioulure but it is aaid tbu una a I ohargoa of bribery etc are being made. H*v- oral loading memborii of Dr. Dowar'a opposition woro queiitiontd m th inattor but dluolulm any uotioti. It in oxpuotod Dr. Dowar will ho Horvod with a copy of the charges thiu weuk, possibly to-day. Vvhon a morahant) uuffleuly advurtiuing le negleots liis own itit^roat in making hia biivineau a paying ouu. It in iuturuHtiug just now to ho informed that a dump Hpoui/u worn uiHidu tbu bat will provuitt EiuiiHtiolttt. ~~M!r,-"vV. Drlirumnn paid a~vmit to tho county tiouHuier, at Sandwich, on TiioHduy, for tho puipoHu of paying tho town'h counly contiibution which in Ulfll.Ofi Tho pulpit in t|io Mothoduit oliurch wan iillod by Itov. K. Soott, (Hiiparannuatd) of tliiH town, lat Bu ml ay. Dr. Puhcoo proaoh- ed miiifuonary uermonii at Kmgflvillo. ' I ^air wool nox for 25c. at Smtth'ii. FroHh frozon finh at yauccH. WANTED, Tlio subacuber wuutfl any quautity of soft maplo wiu logu 1(J incbs aud over in diamotor for which lie will pay 91,00 por thouwund de)ivord atr'hifi uaw mills. T. U, DECEW. Mr. 0. StanAlUn, who bus been con nected with th& Windsor ltucord for uov- bnil yoarH paut, ImH noyerod luu oonueotlon with thut paper, and hurt taken a pomtion with tbu buaiDQBi Btaff of tho St, Tboinau Jonrnul, BuBiniun ih booming on tho M. C. II. st pronent. Tharu in a ruuli of froijht traffic and Traiumastor Scott Ima not up three moro freight crawH, and a number of spare biakoracn, who havo boon of/duty for some tunc, bavo been not baolc nt work. At tbo annual Mooting of Evuox County Patroun of Iuduntry held in Esaox Tuesday Fsb. 5, tlio following wer* elected officer* lor 3805: Preoicleut, John Burns, Yico- president, O. A. Wintomuto; Soo troas., P. I u in an ; Auditors, Mobutu. II. Atkin and Bakom. Broad pr.nu aivou freo at Smith's. The Efltiex Miustrol Club havo dtcidtd to give tliolr flrat performance on Friday, March 1st. For. further particulars noo prograumoa lalor. They havo also do- ojded to go to Kiucvillo the following week. Any.ohaugo to the abovo will bo duly announced. J- - A grout doal of timber f.toaling has baen going on lataly, This weak HummouitaB have besu inuued for Joy. Mulder, luaso Mulder aud W. Thornton, all of Colobouter, and they mil appear Monday to answor to tho oharge of stealing timber off tho Cam.- oron ostate. The Dundas street Methodist church, London, valued at 826,000, waa totally do- Htroyod by fire oarly Wednosday morning, Tbo baildiug was luaorod for 81G.OO0. In cendiarism is auipooted. The Queen's Ave. MetliodiBt church wan burned oaly about ten days before Cider as fiwootau tbo day it was made at Vanoe'fl G. E. M. J. WifiU A Co. are the acknowledged cloth lorn of Essex. Leamington Post: "About two weeks go a fakir, kind a scoundrel, travelling nader tho nande of Whitooy,^victimized' several of tbo bualusas mou of Whcatley. He produced a letter, purporting to have been written by ub, autborietkig hit* to write up tbs buaiueas men of tlio town, aolleot tho money for so doing, and [!nnr- [^anUoiug in The Leamington Pot. It is leedlosu to nay he had no such authority an, and any letter to that effect waa ry. Ho snooeadee1 howovoi in dt- [about titteun dollarn, and than loft fr east. Any information as to his whoro- tbouta will bo thankfully received by un, and wo will oudoavor to plaoo him whore he can't do rauah barm for the noxt few 'years. Whitney stood about five feet nine |' juabeu high, black hair slightly tinned dfcbi/roy, fleshy, full face and tjtfhot mt. "~He~woro spnotaolfla, boiug a little ir ai^hted. Ho olain-a to" bo a praotfoal swepaper uaii. Will our eastern ex- Bhaogefl kindly look out for him, and Ire ue when he makes bis appearanoe," lualoees men will do well to be ou tbeir br4 against suohsoonudrela. kta at'about half price at Smith'o, ISO acre farm for aalo or rent. Smith d' Co,, Essex. The new Kansas ballot taw requires that "the lowor limbs f the voters as high up a tha knoa shall be visible from the out side while tho voter is in the booth pre. parUg his tiokot, the lowor part of the booth having bosn left open for the pur pose." Is this auothor unhomu ef the onemios of Woman uutirage ? In 1806 there will he five chp<s.A total sohyso of the nsoon, March 10, 11, visible hero, a partial clips* of the sun, March 25, invisible in the United States and Canada, a partial eclipse of the sun, August 20, not visible here, a total aclipno of the moon, Sept. i), 4, visible here, and a partial eclipaa of tha snn, Sept. 18, is. vmible here. When yon spoak of a "sixo," what do you understand by it ? This was asked of a olothiar the other day, and the annwer was that a size in a coat is oue mob ; in underwear, two mollis ; in a nook, an inch; a oollar, half an inob ; in shoes, onesixth of an inch; in trouseru, one iuoh ; in gloves one quartor inob, and in hats, one-eighth. Paste this In your scrap book. Lots of bargains at Smith's for a wosk. Call and boo thorn. The Coagrovo Conoort Co., gave one oi thoir musical eutortaiumenU in Peek's Hall last Friday evening tindor tbo auspiocn of tbo 1. O. O. F. The hall was not aa largely filled an wan oxpeotnd, probably ow ing to othor attractions' near at hand. Tho Coogroven havo lost uono of tbeir old-time ability to ontottumrnnd the audionoe was apparently woll-ploasad with tho program providod. Tho arbitrators appointed by tho County Council to adjuot tho diBaolution and altera- tion of Union S. S. Nos. 1 and 2, in the Townohipn of Maidatouo and Eochoator, mot at South Woodnloo on Tuesday morn ing, tho 13th inet., and are going ovor tho territory and bearing ovidenoo. Tbo urbi- tratoi9 ara_John T. Brown, Uoove of Gop. v0oia"Tirbrth( Eobt. \V. Shankn, Doputy Roovo p! Gosflold South, and J. A. Auld, Rooyo of AmhorHtburg, When health la far gone m consumption, then sometime only cnt>e and comfort ouu Ln nuoured from the Ubo of Scott's Kmul- hiou. What ih mnch better la to tako this la tioio to save your health. " iNibllo School Notes CeMUD Iteport of week y tnamiuutioo* : t*\ at w.iok'a report will bo found en 7th pae. MiBfl'Willi'im^' room, juni"r Hrd "l*wn Marks poHvible f>0; obtained hy hitjheHt ti'i ; Godwin Wigle, 17; Fiprciicte Kfariny, -17; ElaloMcGalTrey, 17, Kili-b Coi\, -Hi; VAU Trewiu, 15; Jawon Jlioltk, it; I'll hi 1 wiu'o 4'U Arnv Campht'Il, II, Aylmm Glurku, A'2x\v\n\Ui Blriichhi), It). M]hh KdgnVn fixtin, junior uucond; imiltH ponuiblo I0JJ Murk- ohtaint'd b\ h'gh^l tun : A. Tl. Hu k. Hit, Ail-i Wjghtmau, 70; O. WiuIh, 77; V. Kobiimo-, 77; K. Laird, 77. ^. Hallan.', 7'<; T. T//a man, 71; M. riarlm, fid, 11 UumH.llS, d White, 8 Miou Shaw'n loom, lunuui' minnn]; inml u porfidhlu 0. Ohtaiitnil bj hi^li< m lur ,- Cooper Knlutmnii, 17, GmirgH Dibhl' v !*, ChruliP Vickorti, [U U .y ^t-aiu, 11; Mn mo Bttiigliwau. 117; Gom^.- Hull, HI3, Hulcit Uniurdl, .'10; David WulUfr. '27, Anni-i Kloiino, 2.i; Willie ClmittiLnn, 21, Minn Crat-HWidlcr'ti mom junior \m\ I n< . ontl; marku poumhlo (l). Ohriuued bv 11ii li- odt ten in olanu : J. Mt- Muirrty, U), It D'wai,:iJ, L. IthyndrLHf, :t3; F. Laiua, IVM -T. MoCuifi.-v.:il; M K. d dick, 28; U Congdon, S8: W. Bato,'J; II. CraauwoUor, *-i"i. Ktittu Bncklny's room, ueriioi part strond; murks pohPiblo j0. Obtained by highest t->n: S. May, Mr, E. Iiwin, 11, M. WillHl.or, 10, ,7. Sihhou, ;i0; M. W\- man, :iH, F. Halt, .'13, F. Clarke, 33; F. Young 32, A. Rhyndros, 30 Junior, It. Iluruin, IB. P. Oliver, 47, P. Brcman. Jli, W. Sain| lol 10; T. Clay, 3H meily the old NlpIsHlnjj railway. IfcAvaq then narrow gaugo and porluipif tboffafj)o)c. odunt railway In Cuuaihi. Whiiov(ftLiLM ocour, mid tlm deopi'Mt of them niwu jnHt whuro tho nccUlunt happened, tkiy nro uurrowor than on tbo ordhuiry rlRlwuy. Tho rcHiilt lb that notwlthutundl,^ tho effort, to keep 11m lln open by Jhun<t of storm K'ltcH and othor appliances^thuro Ih suro to bo troublo wlumovor t/ioro in iv hoavy full of snow or u hli(b wind in whiter, Tho unfortunate trn,!n that llyiired In Friday nl^bt'ti riluimtnr mulctiH iiji at. I'm t llapu, und runt to Toronto hy way to PoLurboimij{h and Lind'iay, uirlviiiK In TnrouLu at \ii\$. Two mail tialna rilu dully ou tho divl- hIoii STILL ANOTHCR WRCCK. IIIltU School Notes. In planning tbo Puulinn Johnston entor- taiumout it wan not expected thutauy pro- iH of connequenco would Ijo midu, the tat- isfaotion of placing ouch ai utiriiRtmn ho- foro tho pcoplo of Ehhox, being of itRo'f a Hufliciowt inducement Tbn liberal aup[ ort of the oiti/eijH, however, Iiiih luft lln> com forlablo aurpluH of SU7.91 in tho trciinury of the Iligh School Litcraiy Scoirty, Al ready the atudeiits havo } aid for the organ now in use and for the handsotaicly framed photographs which adorn tho walln, U sides contributing liborully to the equip ment of tho gymnasium. Vaiioua x-laos for the future arc fermouting in bufy braius.but nothing definite bus yet beon dr - oided upon. The bout plana proposed so far require a jjreat doal moro money than i* at prenont at the diuposu] of the uooiety, do perhaps it will be better to wait a little. Z43&^; BIRTHS McDohiTjD. AtEflfiox on Wodrifaday, Fob 13, tho wife of Mr. Peter McDonuld, of a son, otill-bom. At Ettinx on Wodnofiday Fub. 18, tho wife of Mr. W. F. Jodch, of u son, Htill-boru. Card of Tlwmku. To Rev. Dr. Pasooe and msmbers of the Trustee Board of the Methodist church : The mombora of the Essex ITiih School Literary Socioty wish to oxtond to you a vote of thank* for your kiudnotm and gen erosity in allowing us to havs tho uso of the Methodist Church for tbo couaert giveu by Miss Paulino Johnson aud Mr. Emily. Signed Ju behalf of tha abr<ve society. Emu Smith, See. Essex, Feb. 11, .95. Mil 111 The Port IIopo Express Crashed Into a Snow Plough Special. ENGINEER RIGG WAS KILLED Pour Trainman out! a Tassengev Injured h llody or tho VJufortuuate Urlvek1 ThUbii From tlie Debris of the WrooU In u Iludly Mutl- Ittttfil Coudltlokt. A tjfliiiii A<i<il(ltmt ltit|K)i lo^JI to iiiwp Oo- ruiiud Niiill' lt<<))<ivllIo Poi:i Hon., Fob. 11- ft, is iiipnrUd hero thai, a tu'i'Ioii'i uccldont OLciinrd on Sutiii- day iiIthtoii tho Griuid Trunk at. Ahiriity Illll, jl hhori (H.lunco west ol Hi'lli'wll", by wliii h t lie on;<ino driwr und liixiiifiu of X.tm'_i'u^ u Pi.11!^^!?"!- tH'in, dm< to pas j bc-io al ILIo-p. in , weiu bully injtimland tho oiiKini1 ivij i'UimI. Ilut l>il\(tr Wan fii|uii'il. POUT Hoit, lu\). II The i\nt-l>ouud tnnn on vvhitli umoSli MuUlcii/.mj Jhinell ilnd his uolleii^iuw, wnt hide Iracked for about, twelve hour) on Nit unlay ni^ht owlnt; to nn accident cast at Tn-nton. Jt iippi'ais tbu Hnnwplouirh special >ent- west wind f i out Jlclli'i lib' in tliiu^i' of Diiver Ormond went olV tlio truck m-m- Mm my Hill, liuvhiK oucounLcied a n-iy hciiiy hiiow bank. Onnoiui bud his lollnr bone broken and was badly hurt mtciiiiilly, the engluu Him complutcly snipped and tin* lino blocked. A wrecking train wnshcnt ont from Bollovilk) t'i nalm aa nuwa of tlu ncUdont \\jui received, but the trade wiu not cleared until >1 p.m. icstcrduy. Tin*' train from Alontrc'il dun hi Toronto Sun day muriihiu; was HUrcii houis Into on uc- contit of tho accnleiiL and the e it nundin al y (iL-ptli of ui!Oiv m tho cuttings. THE WESTON VICTIMS. JoiM'pb'M lliidy I oiiimI In tlio Itrtlim 11m inj uroc] '11 .ihiriimi. ToitOKTO, Feb. 11 . Joseph, who waa missing after tho wieck near Weston, was found on tSatiuduy morning after a lon^ wuirch among the rums Tiio charred remains were ioinul undor tho marble slab-, w hicli weio nil that was loft of tbu huutury of the I'ullman car All that wan loft of the unfortunate man.could havo been placed in a email basket. The remains woro taken to Wes ton. Chnrloa Mannciintf, the diiver on tbo mail train, waa not taken homo to StraU ford au at ilrut reported, as hlu condition wan found to be too Horloun, lie \mf brought down to Torontonfc 13 o'clock, and taken to tbo General Hospital. lie Is ter ribly injured about tho head and body, and It In oxtromoly doubtful if ho will over 10- covor, as bo hi ovectK) yeura old. Fireman Hoys was brought to tho city at the" Hiimo time, but Jiifrtnjnriimrcro not he sorloua und lie won taken home to Strat ford. ____________________________ All N1L'tit.In th Hllwiird. Quedko, Feb. 1L During Frlday'n blia- aard an old man named Bussioro, a milk man, from Littlo River, was found almost frozen to death undor his horse, noar Lorotto, alx miles from this city. Tho old man ia 70 years of ago. Hlu boras waa blinded by tho blizzard, and unablo to proceed ou its way. Tho animal broke away from tho fdeigh, but had only pro- coeded a short distance when it becarao stuck hard and fast in a anow bank. Busaior reached tlio horse and fdioltorod himself undor It. When found tho un fortunate old man was In nn almost dying condition. Hb will probably die. Nortb Gtoy Conservatives. Owkn Sound, Feb. lli^Tho adjourned ConHorvative convnntion of north riding of Grey met hero Saturday to aulcct a candidate for tbo noxt election to the Ilouao of Commons. Mr. Jamos Masson wasdoclared tho choice of the convention over Mr. W. A. McXoun On motion ol the Iattor the nomination was made unani mous. ___________ Wnt Down With All Uanils. HA.MFAX, Fob. II. A despatch recoivod from Liverpool state* that an American Hchooner, supposed to bo the Clara T. Friend, waa totally wrockod near there and hor entire crow drowned, Alroady iiuven bodies havo Lvjim washed ashore. No more oarticulara i.ro available. ilS^^Hcw^ycow^' Toronto, Fob. 11. Another fatnl rail way collision occurred on tho Grand Trunk railway on Friday ovoning. This tlmo tho accident occurred on tho Midland division, a milo and a half eaafc of Agin- eourt, A apooial train with a snow plough at tached had got stuck in a snow drift. Tho Port Hope express from the eaafc camo along and plunged Into tho roar of tho spoclnlj Tho scrapor-nnd van woro behind tho engine and both woro completely wrecked. The crew of tho snow plough consisted of Engineer Bigg und Fireman Cullon, of Toronto; Georgo W. Riloy, con ductor; ChoH, Moore and Frank Burton, brakesman, and E. J. Davis, of Stouttvillo,, a soctiou man. Englneor Itlgg was burled beneath the ruins and It was not until Saturday after noon that his body was recovered. Tbu body was terribly mutilated, almost be- yon I recognition. Conductor Riloy recoivod several sorloxis injuries, lie waa taken to tho Gonoral Hospital bore. Brakosinan Cullon was only nIlp:hMy_In j n red. Brakesman Moore recoivod soveral bad cuts on tho bond. Ho was taken to tho Gonoral Hospital. E, J. Davis,- tho section man, waa hurt about tlio faco and buck. Besides thoso Injured wore Conductor Boundy, of tho Port Hope train, who Vo- eolrod a sllirht scalp wound, and Alfred Kennedy* nn Agincouvt young man, who had his shoulder dislocated. There were about twenty-live passonpfors on tho Port Hope train, but, saving one poraou who had bis brow scratched, all escaped with n alia lit shaking up. __ Tho accident occurred on what was fo F. S. ADAMS HAS PLACED PRICES AWAY DOWN ON Farm Harness, Truck Harness AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A largo stock and it muRfc - go. Call mid poo irfo boforo buying ^ olsowlioro Everything in the Horse 7 Furnishing Line. F. S. Adams, Two doovp e*a* ef Bite's Qexviiflf Works, Kss+k. Spring* G-oods ARRIVING DAILY. Our Stpck will soon be re plete with, all the latest goads foi*"spring"trade. "To make room, we have re duced the balancfe- of our Winter Groods to Mk Cost god Under *^^t&*i<x<*Ji*^4**k&h!*hin+*^27x^pw j \~ We mean vehat>we say, we WiiL Fot be undersold. To arrive in,^ few days : 250 Beautiful Art Pictures and Frames, which we give free to our customers. We don't want all the profit, so divide. & WHITjXEY BLOCK, ESSEX nUKETJ Whoatrodpor bushel....8 55 Whedt&ywhito ------ K3 Corn .... 10 Oats .... 3li to 27 Timothy Sood .... 2 2fi Clovor Sood .... 5 5 to 5 85 Alsike .... 5 00 Hay por ton............ 4 f>01 o fi 00 Hoof por cwt............ 5 00 to 5 B0 Pork ............ 1 7Btot 75 Mutton ............ 5 00 to flOO Uidea ............ 2 00 OhiokonH por lb.......... 0 7 Bottor .......... 16 10 Lard .......... 8 10 Eo0, par doz .......... 18 Potatoes, per bushel ... 15 to 45 Oniona .... 75 to 80 Apploa .... 40 to 00 Turnip .... 30 Corrota .... . SO BootH .... 25 Parsnips .... B0 Turkoye por lb.......... bto 8 Ducka .......... 7 Celery por doz .......... 1 00 Cabbago .......... 25 HI ram Walker A SoiuIitfurkAt Uepori No. 1 ftyo, par buohol .... 15 1 Coru .... 4fi Oatft ------ 2G The abovo priooa aro paid by, II, WBlkoi* Bona, Walkorvillo, Ont. Prices Reduced Nowoisr Corn gfeollera, 02a.tLras Hardware, Essex^(/'V/ CALL AT May's Bazaar, roa ALL KINDS OP Ghinawnre, Bric-a-Brac, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Books and Stationery, School Supplien, Toys of all kinds, Berlin Wools and Fingering Yarns, Wall Paper from i cents up. TAMHbNAYLOB '-afcos till a opportunity of annouMcnij uu ttrn people ct tlio Town ^ muA- Couuty of Keftoi, that he bos remodelod thB- plaus prepared br K. N. ?rloe, St. Thomas, sud has aJao seearea ty oil not Honor Mills aooordlna to plans the KArrloon of Woukht HthAouin, kn experi- naed sntj thoroughly competent muler. Tluuklnji the people of the tOwn and eeoBtjr toy the patroaafio bestowed upon him la tb* past, xtUl guarantee satisfaction (n the latmre. Gristing and . Chopping a Specialty. THB UK9T OIIADES OFJrrjOTJn, tfBEDAN COKNM13A1J KKPT IN 8TOOK AND BOLD AT KIGHT PUIOEH. Gash Paid for Wheat and Oats. COMPOUND. Arooent dIooTOry by euold phyBlclnti, JSowwwuVHV ** monthly by thousands Of Xxidiea. Is the only perfectly ___ BafonndrelUblemedlcIiiedlS' ooverod. Bowaxe of trapriuAtpIid druggUU who offop inferior medicines la place of this. Ask for Cook'e Cotton ~Roa% tfompoirad. tat* no wW- tutt op inclose tl and 6 cents la posUg* In letter nud we wlUsend. sealed, by return xnaJL rullaenlod particulars In, plain envelope, to ladle* only,, 9 etamps. Addrcea Tlie Coolc Company* Windsor, ont, Canada- * Bold in tfjiws >y all armffUt^ ^ row Chamois Skins, Chamois Vests, 0 Lung Protectors, Sponge Bags. Excellent Value; W QL A. S^BSJBSlf, "i ^i y *'<T"*4 .' \> .Km k\ ri'..->* i* :--- '^M^,;-::^i^^ 824626 65