PI" *- h'"' jii; i- ,v.. . -V-,.-... y;/!^':'^::^;.-^;'::*:.' ^ '.';-. , r^j'^M K-- fHB B3SB5M I The Essex JFree Press. =r ,,.^"u" HIW FEBHUAKY 16, 1H05. MIl.COSTK'S LETTISH. In another columu wilt be found' a letter om~Mr.N." A. Costi*, llseveof Maldon. in reply "u tho-artiolt'roapuating tho (iravrl- ling of tho townline roiui, wliicli appeurod in lust week's ' Fiikk Pukm, Thk I'hmk Pukso is pleased to havo ivlr. Coito take Up this roatter, and while ho doen not like to 'enter into newspaper* coutrovorny," ho ahoukl not heaitute to throw wliut Jijjlit hu can upon affairs of a public nature, or t) ' lend whatever asanttuiiuu ho is al)!o, to the .improvement of tho county tho lutarosts of which ho him ubly uKtiifitou* to (jnutd for bo many yuufH. Mr. Couto in oo of the ablest repreucutulivcu of thu County Council, unci it ih hoped ho will lului up moro favorably tho question of usHurnini;- ajjumborof tho niaiu thin'oiig/jfuruH uh county rondn. II** can do a grout* nt-ryico to his comity by bo dointf, Mr. Cowto could not obumpiou u more populur cimKa, mid his reward tnlghLSl^i^jMiJ^Kt^^^tCow- monH aorno day, M-r. Gipmil&tMh'ouiiiH "thus many of the [eTfiottled tlintriutu havo hud their roads grayollod yoiira'Atio with county money," etc. Mr. Couto ih Iiibbrfuf' under a mistake. inc Vmvm Puxbh did not make tinoh or uny of tho HUUmonty Mr. Couto cbjootu to. Tho 'atatotnsut made wan that in muny in stanced the oldor fiottUmbiitii. hud "ru- coived oounty aHHifitanau." Thin Mr. OoBto willhurdly deny, uh wo doubt \t n y.aar'haH panned, durim* tho lust fow yours, in whl'ii'U'jjruuLu havo uotbu*n rundo' from the county treasury. Tuk Fhisk Phksei is aware tlmttlm county treasury ih Oiled from tho Iooal raumui- palitiosv and if those are not to reccivo Bomo tan^iblo benefit in return for thoir county contributions, tho county lagiulut- are might about an-*flll bir aboliuhod, and thoHO matora loft to tho local municipulitioa. Mr. Ooato'H contention that tho road for which the grunt waa anlted, in "an old road'.' oan hardly bu accapfcott. Whilo tho road!'may havo boon nurvoy.od "forty y^arH a^o," aa Mr*. Goato aayH, 3t ia but yot in a Btute of priHtino CJory, vast traotH of. iln- Bottiod land lylufi oa botifuTdod of It, dot; tod hero and there with the homouteada of a faw hardy ottlorw,_who in tho Hprin^'and fall aro well nigh deprived of tbo tooioty of their moro for tuna ttr-rfolfow mortaU; while m-th hotelry ummoy__tbo. road-bod U mado up of tto my hole* that it IK un- aafe to travel at more thau a walk. Tho diytdot- ifljust boin^ settled up, and tho diBgruoeful condition of its road i its only drawback. If Mr. Oqflto oalla that an "old" road, than it i* high time ho io letting tho oounty o'ounoil grant Homeanuifltanoe for a "new" one. Mr. Coito pruotioallj admits that the road in now and in a very nndemiablo condition, wheu h aayH: "Wheu tho Btnuapu aro all out of aaid road, whon tho bush is chopped on each nulo, when tho ditoh.es are wado on both aides and oublotu rt carry tho water away and tho road properly graded, then it will bo timo to t&Ikof gravolliug it/' Mr. Goate naod not -be afraid of the ntumpa and while the ditahea aro not an largo as. they may bo whon tho land ia vettlod, they are Urge enough nearly all along tho road to drain it, aod there ia praotioally uo each ground* fcr dolay. Anotlier Blaze at Harrow. About V2 o'clock last Monday uight a fire broke out in tho building ocoupiod by E. Wobatar an a tailor ehop, and by F, Kosebrough as a harnoaa shop, iu tho vill age of Harrow, Tho fire upreud ko rapidly that tho .family of Mr. IloHobrugh who livod np- Btaini, only had timo to throw blankota from tbo beds over thoir ahonldere and make their way^pat. It thon aproad to Burwell Wri^ht'a shop and dwolling in tho east atid Mr. and Mre. Wright were able only to got; a very few things out. Nearly every tiling iu tho houso waa lost. From *he ah(*p Mr. Wright got out hie chair and f box of razora, Tho next building worn a high, two otory frame, oooupicd by F. Manning, as a rcni* [, deuce overhead, and aa a general etoro bo- low. An attempt waa mado to aavo thin, bat the mon wero forced by the boat to leave it to Us fate. Mr. Manning was un able to remove anything but a fow olothos as the flro mado saoh rapid -headway. Meant Ira o the fire had apread in the west sldo to the meat ehop of J. S. Wright, which was destroyed and also km ' brick dwelling. On the oast a determined effort was made at the Allan A Adams' buildings tooheck the ilre. Oarpots and blankot Were Boakeil audaproad over the odgo of the bnllding and a strong brigade of mou stood with pailo and water, continually wetting it down. After a loug, hot and hardfiRhtthoy nuoeoodod in kooping tbo fire fieud back. The loflHOB aro aa follows with tho oimountn of Inuuranoo on oaoh : Jos. 8; Wright, lous ^2,000, inaorod for 91,000. . .; : . F.ltoaobrougb, loes, ?fl,000, insured for 11,600. I';.' B; Wobator, baa, tfSOO, partly msurod " B, Wright, Joaa 81,0OOr maurod /or JCOO, " IT.Manfirng, loan *19,00O, iuBured for Hooo. ' T. B. Adama, ftooda and furnituro, dam- 'ged in removal, Aa.t loBfl 8200, fully Ja. !;iiired4\ ' .', ,,,1B. yiood, damage to building, $top; tJfpJly insured. , 1 CdXRESFONpENCE ^tc.-> Mr. Oosto KeplKSH. Editor or Uunux Vuim 1'ih;kh: ' AhWZBgBgfr Kin, 1 notion in tlij litMt JMaiio oPyout- paper an editorial article hfiadud "The Gouuty Council" in whiuli yon nay "Unit Ihuro in much, indignation foil, luiumg tho mtopayoi'u along tho lino wl tliat townline road niniiing httweon GolohoHter Nortli and Go*Hold Nortli on tho one (tide, and Baiidwiuli Boulh hihI MuidHtnmi on th other, owing io tliortifiiHul of the County Council to make a grant au putitioiiod for by tlio body o! dologatoa who attended to proNt-nt tho griovancfju of thomi poopl'o lo our county legbtlutorn hud it in not pi'opoiied to allow the mutter to rn:t there," Then you fjo oti und writu of thu vwry I'tilfljili idoui! of noino o( the inunihorH who compjUH tho Gouuty 'JoiihoiI, bi3oauu tliey refimo to yoto for ipocial griutn to gravol cdi'tatii rotidh; that if tliiiy litivn no bettur idea of their dutiua, thoy should bo taught a ffrtt IcHHOiin, <"to, .The onjy urjjuuioiit that you uue iu "that muny of the oldcr-k'-ttlud diuLriotM havu had thiir roada gruvolled yearn ago when the county wan Itt-in^ auttled up, and m alinowt all iiiHtaueoi havo rncoived oounty aRuititunuri, now whnu tho uowor dmtriotu aro being nettled by farmera whoaru labor ing st a diaadvautago and who waat only their juut- dueu in uuking aHHintanco for putting thrjtfo new raniin in a utatofof travel thry are npponed by thu ropronoiitativea of tluino towiitdiipH tliut w.t'i'o placed iu repair in iho previous mitaucoa." Although I have nevor liked to Renter into sowHpapcr controverHy, I fuel [iu thu CfiBo that, aH thu oldont morhbar of tho County Council, having boon nixteen tiraou liofivo of Malaeu, it bocomoo my duty to rectify tho mihtakV-you no doubt "iuvolun- turily make and to deknd the acMon of the great mujurity of tho Gouuty Council who voted witli mo miainHt uruiit'.njy mouey from tho county fundi) to gravel tho townlino morjtioncd. Kirnt, I deny that many of the older ; ho tiled (Vint riots havo had thoir roadu travelled yeara ugo with county monoy. Tlioro* hau novr baen a fund raiued by tho . County Council of Enuoi "on 'the i_whqlei,0onnty!L.to holp 'gruyol any road in thu old-tiultUd diitriota. It ia truo that until a tow years ago cer< tain towHliMCfl_ajid-Othar looal roada woro, for a time, assumed ky the County Ceuncll for the purpoie of expending upon tkom certain moneys raioed upon tho municipal- itiia, oach mwnioipality,. or rathor tbo Keovo or Deputy-Uoovo_ thoreot deoiding what portion of tho money *o raisei m-his muuioipality was to go-to a partioular road- and whethor it waa to be put iu gruvol ditohiog or othorwiao. I am aware that thouo Ro-called oounty grauta, raisod iu uaob muuioipality and ro turuad to oacli muuioipality without rebate or addition, except 4% to tho ltaeve and Deputy aa County Goramisaloncrfl, wuro uned ia many Townahipu to put gravel eu roada, vory often long before the roada had been drained and gradod properly and thereforo fit to be gravelled, until it was at last found that tbo by-law of the Connty Council aasuming thoaa roada far the purpone only to onable the Itoeve and Deputy lienve to upend tho money -rautid iu thoir muaieipality, aud uone other, waa abunrd oud illegal, and tho parody of oounty roada wau done away with, leaving each muuioipality free to ruiao what monoy they likod, to apply it to what road or roada they pleaded, and in any maimer thoir council dooidaJ. Tho township of Maiden that I havo reproaontod ao long in tho County .Council, haa - apout ovary year while the ayatem deaoribed haa been in foroe, Borne of tho monoy it had to rajao te pay thO oouhly, and to receive haak, in gravelling carta iu roada and opeain^ up otbora, ditohiug, grading, oto,, but.ia doiHg ae, reoelved no oouuty aaatatanee, aud only received the money paid by the ratepayer! of MaldoH; therofore, Maiden baa no right te pay anything towarda gravelling any roada in Sandwioli South, ColoheoterNorth Maidatoueor Qoafleld North, or any other municipality, beoauae tho ratepayer* of thoeeuiuuioipahtiea never had to pay owe oont to gravel Mulden-tGftdB, While the ao-oallod county road avatem waa in force money waa raiaad by Golahoa- tor North every year, the whole of tUo rate- pay era of that townaliip paying towarda it (non-raaidoat lands arid all) and exysudeal by the Hoove aa he thought beat, aome go ing on the went, north and eaab townliuea, and more, aa far aa I cab remember, in gravellngthe main or Maldeuroadator near Oeato. In Sandwich East (Saadwioh South did not exist then) the same thing waa dene, thoKeayo and Deputy Reovo da- otdiug where tho moner paid by the town ship ratepayers was to bo expended., Borne went in gravelling, no doubt, ia the older- settled dlotriots of tho townahip. Tho same thing happened in Maidstouo, Goufifld North and olaowhere. '_.!-.. - Mow.it amounta to--tlr*: That if the people' liviMR on tho toWnhno botweon Handwinh South, Maidatone aud Colehootor North have any gnevaudeu, and I daroaay they haye, their gnevanoo ia not with tbo Couaty Council, but with the uouuoils of tho municipalities who own and aheuld and must improve that townliuo. That road is uofc a county road, tho county at large is nofc interested or benefited and oaunofc di- tlnguiah or discriminate in favor of any partiaular road. I hold that Goloheeter North bavittg apeut the kiaoneya paid by the laada on tbal townline to gravel and improve other roada in that township, that Saudwioh having dona the same, that Muidntono having aluo rpuiii Inrgu amoiiuta to improve tho ToouiohoIi roud, the Middle road, thu Hollo ltlvrr road und otherH, to whiuh the people"on'Tthe townlino in qaoo. tins oontributed, must now 'ot* raottey to opoii up and repair Maid rowidlua Hlmilar to Qthr mm In, tniiat ruako it aa good an the averiu.M of olhpf roadu. 3uoh ie tho law of 6ntMnot~an7rif tliGM^ mutiioipalitieB iuttireHt'id do not abate jftie I'liinnnoo, or do juaiiof) to the pi-nphj living u uaid townlino tho mnuioipal ]ii\v of Oittn io had providod by iiiiotiouw Siifi, r,Mt Cflfl, l,\), fiffl) und fifil, .how tho County Counuit <m receiving the putltion of tho .ratepayers reuidnhfc on tlmt or any othnr townlino, h)A.it unyone of tho munioip:ilition intcrouted, uhould not to liuvo tUn.Huid tNwnliue jut au guod aa any other road. That \n tho only Juriadiotion the County Crmnoil haH, tho road iu not a county road, but it ia n townlino ahd if any one iu aggrieved or ill-treated by thu muni- oipjilitieir, let, them apply to tlid County Council-and tho ovi) will be romudiod at th 3tpunrni of Gululuulof North, fiar-d* wleh, Soutlj, jUaidHlone, etc., not at thtf oxpetiuo of fcliouu wti'i would he madrt to pay to improve ioa.dj in other uunioi- ( alitioH bacauu'o thny have already paid orit, of their own pookota for improving their own roa(U, I would itrougly advinu you, Mr. Jiditor, to road earffully tho Haatiouu of tho Con solidated Muniuipal Act, that I havti quot- ud.ehap. 19, 85 vict., puge47S,,and I>wouId *1ho ad vino tlie pnrtioua living on the towu" lino to ruad them, and alwn the Raoven *nd GouncUloiH of tho townulupu iukereatud. A great many people iu thin county are under a miflapprriiienjuon aH to county granta or county rom:n. Th^ro are no county roada and there can not' be any oounty grautn ft.r roada, except au aid to a municipality by loan or othorwiao for any new road (not for old' roads) in oiirteu whare tho County Council diema the oouuty at larr> bufliuienty intet-afited to jueitfy euoh aauiutnnce. Now tho roid in (juoaLiun ia an old road (I fitirvyod it aivl i.aw it begun, forty yuara ago); thu county at l"rfVgo \h nut HuflieietiJy iutorwhtod to warranL any aid 'oHinfigivon to any of the municipulkiuii intoretitt'd; it ia not legally poauirdo to graufc any county money1 to gravel that road, and tki mom- born of thu Oounty Council who voted against a opcoiul grunt, iuuteftd of allowing Hetutih iduan and being held to account nhmild ho eornmended for knowing thoir duty to thoir conetrituoutu aad doing it with out fear, favor r affcctlou. Tho indignation folt amoiignt 111 rats- payera of that towalinq, |ihitoad of being turned towards tho momberaof the.Couaiy Gounoilehould be turnod, ifthoy---aie ag grieved and havo a bud road, towurdo tho councils, of Handwich Bouth, Colohoetor North, Maidatono and Goatiold North, That wonld bo justice, I know that oach of thaao oouuoilo may claim that thoy havo dono their share, but that tho others or sorno of tho othora havo not. J wonld nay, gontloraon, that iu very eaaily uettlod. Come before tbo County Oouucil, ask to enforce joint aotiou, if thoro ib any nogloct or refusal from any rnnnioi- pality, .and oach towuuhip will bo mado to pay its propor eharo towardo oponiug up and repairing uaid townliue in a manuor oimilar to the other local roado. Whon tho fitumpa aro all out of oaid road, when the buali is chopped ou oaob sido, when tho ditchos aro madn on both aidoa and outlots to carry tho wator away and tho road proporly graded, then it will be time to talk of gravelling it, aud ia that case partvo- intorootod, municipalities, laudownora and inhabitants may contri- huts, but that cannot bo enforce j, I have good frionds who want that roa^ gravollod, I would libo to uoo it done, but aa Hoove of Maldon, I oaunot legally nor oonaoiontiously voto any oounty mouoj to that end, ao a favor or through affeotfou, Youra truly, N. A. COSTE, Maldon, February 0th, 1805. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOST OR STOLEN. IN DBTIIOIT, ATOORNEU OF DKQUINDEIt aud 82 Franklin ut., on the night of Doe. 57, a nrotnittory uoto, elguod by Thoa. and Hoiiry Fitspatrlokt and payablo to Thou. J, MoDonuhf, at tho Bank of Com moro e, Windsor, ou Feb, 1, 1805. for tho sum of ft 12). Parties arc warned acainot neROtiatlBC thin uoto. TnOB. J-MoDOHAIiD. Emiox, Jan.21,ieoB.. 4 - TENDERS FOR WOOD. TENDMKB WILIi BE BKOHIVKD BV THK snderttlaned up to February lt>fch for thirty oorda of good body hiekory wood, 2t Inohea iM lenj/th, BttWoJ Ondu. Wood must be delivered afKBBex High Bohool grquude on or before July 1 16WJ. , H.A.-WZBUBR, 8 floe. IQaaax Biuh Seheol Hoard. Plabo In the worM for young men end women to soeuroa Buslneaa Education, Shorthand,eto., lathe Dotroit Buulnoaa University, Do- troit, Mleh, Illuatratod catalogue' Fi-oo. ItofortmecM: All Detroit. W. P. JBWBI/L, Prou. P. B, SPEKCMK, Seo'y Best to Loan at On good prodaotivo Fsrm Property >. 6}, & G per oont. otraight. No Valuation Feds. K$- Convoyanomg Done up in Noat Stylo Fire' and Life nsurance. A.E.LOVELACE,' E8BEX, OUT 'Office: Whitney Block, upHtaira -.Ml ..a A Record Breaker! Wa do not want to carry over any winter goods and in order to effect a speedy clearing our prices are . ... . CUT TO THE BONE. . ^ In many instances to 25 per cent, below cost of manu facture. This is a rare opportunity to secure season able goods AT RIDICULOUSLy LOW PKIGES, Wo name a fow of the linen which are being sacrificed: Ladies* Fur Gapcfl, Collars and Muffs,." Heiiv^ Cloakinge, fine opera Shawls and heavy Wool Shawls^Gro at just Half Office. Kihgsvillo JBlankotannd Hheeting at;Jeas than mill prices, Mona* and Boys1 Ovorooats at-pricea that...a're'..simply .ridiculous......JVIen'aJ.and JB-oys,.-Ujiderwcar and Top Shirts all slaughtered. Men's Water-proof CoafcB at exactly half price. Men's long Boots and Overshoes all reduced. Tweeds at a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent., arid many other linos which wo have not epane to. enumerate CUT PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH. Handsome Parlor Clocks and Mirrors Freo. Yours for Bargains, XJtr^BTAlT BriOCJK, BSPE2T- Going' Out of Business DEWAR, - THE - I Will dispose of Ms entire Stock of Cloths and Men's Furnishing, Goods at cost. vVe want to close out rapidly, It is our intention to leave Essex and the present prices asked for our goods will make them go. We welcome all comers. Don't wait till you need the goods. You will not make money faster than lay ing in a supply for future use from our stock now. . CASH ONLY CASH N; B.-All outstanding accounts must be settled at once. W, J. DEWAR, Dimstaii Block, Essex. MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY! In Goslleld and Mhidstono. TTNJ>BK AKD Y VIBTUB OV TIIH -POW- L ' orfl ol (iftlo eontainocl lu two inflontums of raoHcftKe, wbloh will bo produo^d at the timo of sale, niem will beotfowd foveele by mibllo auo^tou.OM Wednesday* Feb. 20th, 95 %t l o'olook In tbe aftoyuoou, at tbo Aberdoon Hotel, in tbo Town of M8k, tb^ following veyv ViiluiblB Urm pvMirtli. peuelr lTiaGT TUo west half of the Houth h*lf M lot No. 371, Boutb of 'Jfeluofftfareet, Is *h* Towbhip of Qofl*ld, lu th County ol buax, /.onUluii* -by admefteuMraent SO aoroa, mifre o* ! . Thoro ti uald to be a good small Itamo houHe and atabla in *ood order on thla proporty; It U all oleaMd and tUera U a ytnnfi orohard on (t. Thl> lo on exoellanb property, lu a eboloa aitna^ tioar about one mile from Oottam and ftvo troin thoTownofKiiBox. BKCOND-Tb easterly 100 aore of lofcKo. 24. In thBMond.oon. of the tfownahip of Mald- Ibne, In tho fSomtyot Buex. oxoopt ?" "M Holdofffora*ol]OolhouBO. Tnoiol* at^d to bo a cood framo bouio and fmmo barn ou tblt* prdnerty. It ia nearly all ckared. There, la a. uooh orchard oh It- ft ia *Id.te be well fenced anil in coed order,ln an flxoellent uolehborlioftd, aboutoneend one half miles'from Woodnlfcu, and feuv froth tbo Town of Hbhox. ' TKHMB OV BAXiM anClo- lent to make tip one-third of tho purohiuio monoy within iwo.weoii from day of aalo, aud the biilauoo to be agroofl upon nt time of Bale. Theao term* may be varied on day of Bale jo oult tin roll OBr. iiL*-: - , .' VH . For ell further particulars apply to Iu. A. Whrnior, Bbq.; liarniiter, Msaox, Out., or to a.21 Vondora'SoKoltpira, Hamilton. Bon't forgot: U. J.AVigle A Co. aro of fering.the balttude of tboir ovorcoittH, over* Hhooa, blahkots, shootings, flue fur, paramo lumb and Mealette oapa, ttt groat teduatioua 2aa aoro farm for salo, lOoon. Gosfiilcl North; 'will'.sell in lots of fit) orH or full amount. G. K. Smith J; Co., IZbaex, Maple syrsip at Vance's. . Ifin need of booU and. shoe*, be enre and call on jM. J. VYifiU & Co. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES. IN THE TOWN OF ESSEX. TOWN OF ESSEX) TO WIT. wnKBttAB, by virUe of a warrant i as aod by tbe Mayor o! ihe Town of Ebhoi, in tbe Oennty of Ebbs*, and authenticated by tho oorpomto soal of tho said Town, bearing date tbe 25th day of January, 1895, and to mo direotod, oommanjin^ two to Joyy upon the following lots or parcel* of land for arroavs of taxes due theroon, with oasts. I hereby give uotioo that unless the said taxes and ooats aro noonur paid, t nhall ou Saturday, the X8th day of May, 1805, at the hour of 10 o'olook in tho forenoon, at Peck's Hall, in the Town of Esse*, proceed to soil by public auction tho.said hnde, of as much thereof au may be sufficient to pay euoh arrears o( taxos and all lawful oduta incurred: ..... Plan. Lots. 1SL 86V C7 2G 25 26 37 28 29 70 , 9 294 347 S07 223 286 236. 307 277 177 207 277 170 9Bfl 170 286 BOO 2H5 2R8 298 17fi 847 BOO 2B0 207 170 207 2Bi 285 BOO 202 200 203 Tax ob. 62 11 CobU. 3 90 Total. 56 01 6 31 10 71 11 1G 86 1)8 03 90 03 81 41 23 aa 30 67 71 17 00 48 88 4 -20 8 83 17 44 . 41 30 14 29 80 44 08 B 71 64 66 66 67 68 50 18 . 7 07 28 29 06 85 2 78 B0 32 10 87 2 39- 88 8(1 3 20 2 R) 3 f flfi 09 03 3 30 7 8 . 21 31 3 20 0 10 24 21 3 20 200: 80 id '-a-ao-' 72 ........ lfi 15 1 08 28 2'J 00 31 IS 00 3 48. 23 -.-.., 33 oi I 87 26 20 V ... 42 02 S 65 East part 14 88 01 3 51 40 ' "' 23 73 X 88 91 . - 25 85 2 00 '12 20 42 1 81 9 . I ' .IS 41 1.56 0 7 8 9 41 90 , 6 26 .23 34 26 22 27 28 29 36 00 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 40,47 48 40 Blook'123 ' !. V,.V,F -Blookoa,' -A Bloke45 40 47 50 f6^ - < Lot 2, plan 267 Bloofc 109 w-m../,. :-^L -v:J>-""*-. 271 01 SO- .49 127 09 4 49. 103 00 6 12 .10 47 1 55 . "46..ao-. V45' D. Bvavam, Treaiatar, Town of 6 93 25 25 43 20 75 00 13 30 18 15 37 39 32 14i 48 39J 67 38 '22 41 48 '42 27 27 88 36 16 83 19 08 24 88 45 6? 92 12 25 61 27 91 25! 23 6 90 4B 22 292 40 132 18 199 18 W 02 iiM^^i^^^^ M^kMJiMiii^^ltii^ 15