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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 15, 1895, p. 2

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l?Vv.".; fyww^l$$ tv- >4\vr>, i-*T^ r4 " * , , ibllsrvd Every Prldey Morning Nrom fclio cflioo In tho XtuluHtrJul Worltn THACK Or' 1 Ht~ STORM. Building, TulbotHt. |;8pooial ittt.ontiou iu (.'aid to tlio pubM-m. Ipu of luuttur or local inipnruuee, ueeiir- lie and ratable rupnrtii o( Town, niiij'.hlmr. jg Towut'-Uip and County donned proceed lav, Isoal vtut uotnily market reportn, etc, .So ourvfu and joilbdmiu niitmi<.!timniit ut [HE Piikk Pui-Jttii, with pmp<<at tn those ui'd thor current maUotrf of. local importune, aa given H a widunproiul prtvtij(n in tho jjntrn of Khhox uoimiy.whieli in ri:ti[4in-:(l la'ouuof iho bout u^nmilturul <vtPoU hi nturh. Tin-: Finn; VniiHti hi thm only jcdium uirouUiin^ 'thoroughly m Ui- Wtrul portion of tho GnuntVi'W i'1 un,r jquoully,without douht,t!iuonly thoroii:'h Hvoi'tiHtu|^" intjiIiuVii for biiu.n-jiiH pwiph' rirfhni^ :o ro:u:h tlut elawi of custom*.'* *. COuftliWl'OtnJHNCK. , --. |:.Our columim are idwa>ii open for the teaoojhlu di*miHiiion of nmtterH pertainimj t)4u public wdl'urn. AW<orniMpoiuliiijnj^^^MjlCTIin:r<)iiri(r\, ig louitlitioH furnhOi^^^^Ko repm"tn nJ, /ntn of '" |,fHV lifrdBBI^^B their "tfudtho., pnolTidu^WH at all timo fleaau'f to receive iriturmdintf itomn nt lewa riVnn ally dianoitod to forward cuntri Wtioriii. ' , Ml ooiumiinicaUniin of a private iui . nndential nature, uhould ho .10 mailed thooiUHidu of thu envelope. iiuii.Hcnn'TiuN riucK. 31.00 p.ir annum, uti-iuUy in n.Wanne, 1.50 pnr annum if not ho pail; ami all ^rroar" charged ut that rate. ADVICHl'lhKMKNT.'). 'IVuiiiiiiint h'jral and iiiuuicipul iuU'('r linemen K " notices, etc., charged M. fho r^t-t'of ton cMitn pur Iui-;, tor- Una (nBortioa, and fivo eontti pa* line for ouch fmotiecpjotit innnriion. All aueh idvortiHomontnard moiiHurod by a Hualo of fwolvo lmoH to tlio inch, Xiooal readies; and other notion pub ..Hhod among local uhwh matter charged x [be ratu of too oonn por running line for aaoh mnertinn. AHjiptionHof church or Ho->ty outer bainmonta of any description, at which an "lUiniHeion foe lit ohar^eil, are retarded <- ^JvorUMHiuotitti, and full udvonUiiiu; mtu shoruod in all nuch canon. Notices of ^nth- uriujX'j or moL'tin^K not for pecuniary none- lb or aid; .'ivItTlni"pli-iitnrfuTlyi"ji^'rtiIftiTail !..'*"- J'oharpjo, ... ' Bpooial contract ratoti made for dioplny jr Htiinding ndvU. All le^m or profcnaion- \\ oariln undor ono inoh, 95 por annum. JO OH COMMKllCIAL VIlINTIN'a. Job Printing Da- mrtmont in undor. tho ouporviidoii it "thoroughly oom"pl3tent mtohanicH, ind snooial attontion ia paid to thm -jranoh" of tho trade. Our facilition Ifor tho ojtocution of all kinad of lloolt and |l1ino.Toh Printiun aro unoKcollnd. Stoani Ipowor proHaus.., A. cud I uolioitod,... -. '0aiNKB9 IU:OUriATI0NH. All Job Printing "nd Trapnieiit lAflvorfciHinc; acoounte, Htrioily osish. jAdvorfeiainc' aoobuutn with roguhir IpatrouH arp ' sottlod quarterly. Sob- [Boriytiona duo m advanoo. No uubacriptton to tho Puke Piiebb, or advortifiomont publmhod in it? colummi Will ho diBCDQtiuuod until all arreurn aro [paid in full. I ChanfjeH for adyortiHomentH, to oocurO [inaortiou in tlio currout ibhuo, muHt bv [banded in_uot later than noon of tho Tiio*-- day proo'odih'Hi 'Hid notice of hucIi intoud- !cd olmugii i'i required on tho.Moudny pro- coding. Notica of diticontmuiuco of adveitifle- jjnentH must ba Rivon ut loaat one woik in iftovancoof tlio intmu in which thoy tiro' duBlrud to lavit appear. aovehtiqiiiid, ifiubfloribera and pattons qenorally aro ntequontod to read tho abovo rotialationo parofully, in ordor that confusion may 80 avoided, uo they will in all oauoa bo adhered to. AddroHB all cooamuuioatiouQ to IS. J. VjOVKXA-CMC. Puhliahor tho Knsux'Fuun Pnieiin, Kunox. Out can x nnrrAYN a patent ? ror a Krompt ansvrnf-ond un bonunt opinion, wrlto to li; NN A: OO.. who have limi nearly ilfty yuura' cxporlenoolntlio r>atont bualnnas. Cmnmuntca- tlonn Btrlctly conflUontln!. a Handbook of \n- fonniaion cononrnlnji I*ntpniH and how to ob- 1*1.1 tboraBomrrot). Aluoa mtalouuoof ctocIiuh- IcjiI nnd BOlontfilo tmoka wont lriic. PutnntH tukon thronali Munn h Co. receive Muciul nollcolutha hidmitldc Amoricnu. nnd tlnitf aro brouaht wldoly Oornro tho public y/U!i- outcont to tho Invontor. Thin uiilotidUl niipi-p, JwUOd weekly, oleaantly HIuhi ratof). hnn by ir tho yf. lartfOflt ntrouliitlftu of any aeionttilQ work in thu t> trorld. S n ynr. Umii|>lo conit-a ocnt. Jren. Building JSdltlon, moiiihly. fi.'Ma, year. Hlnjlo copies, tiJf emits* Kvory immbi-r cotitulna buau.. ttful 0lttto, in oolorB, and nbotoffruphn or m:\v jhoucs with plana, onubllnu oulW^-,y. to nlio\7 tho an HWAV latHt-i3'*iil*rn(ianil miouroonntrao'i'. A(ld^R^ i&UKiJ ic CO.. Misw Youif. at tlltOAin Proaidnnt Lincoln said, "You cannot \ fool the people a uaooad timo." Thoy aro ['ioo quiok to recoKui/,0 real merit; or Jack Tpf it, and cling only to thoao thiugn wbioh thoy find to bo whut in claimed for thorn. p^ Xb iu QMpoalally (pfctiifying tuab tfl 0(lI foi Hood's- Barutiparilla incroaaoa. moot [rapidly in thoao aootiona whoro^it h host known. "* Tho inforonoo is plain. Ilood'y SarHap- t.. aril la has pro von that it pouROQQOB genuine ,1* raaintaiDOB a high ofcaudard, which otborfl oannot ovor approaoh. It 1a tho people's fayoritof blood-parifymtf nnd building medloitio, and is mora popular f; tbis year tkan ov boforo. All tliio bo [auso.dlood'a euros. . t>':. __1---------------^----------_---------, ^tfeljay'B Ltvwr Loiiuyta or* ploaBant^ "harmlass and effeotivo. 26 oeuts1. Few rmadio fot bilioaaneaa ar at till ftRraeftblo. A pleasant and ps&footJy harm- leas medicino for all liver atatf atomacb iirodblia ia Eoljay' Liver 1La&migMm IfijAity. on-aotuftlly ro({ali.io^ th* digoativo ; jrgana and purify tho blood. 3f> oonts 11 Ql-KOKf, 1'Vb. tl.-'l'ho torrlhlo Hlorm which pniMilh'd he .< ycnterduy wa!wnn<of tho 111 ost'nTo-ioTin li'inpi-HlH :diic(t yt'arn uo. Chlmnoy potn, nlj.:'nK~Miid WIcUk- -hhav aboiU-; only fow vi'iiUircsoine pi-iUutirluiis worn H)Mn about llu!...iiU'c<'f4. The wal.nr roue oljilit foot above the mean Hprlntc-t ide lu.vcl.___Govern I sloin-;' wnni Inn nihil od. Mi'Miou Klrniinn, .!. U. Keiiiind, Win. f: r-- rier, Leclnrc and I-it*-lllt?r, Win. Wtdmlor, y. 'V. Thomas, A. R N'allenmd and nthm'ii mitlVred (lainaj.'t'H utiicli hit vnliicd at about ^JO.nno. Tim (lood extendud tn I[t>d- leyville, xvlmro several hour's,\v*m*o Hooded and lots of ^oodrt d.'HMM^i'd in r.hnpn. News ri'oni I/'Ni-' i-> mImo very . bad. Several ntores won* inundated ami timber and bnard't Ij'iliK on r. iui. :r ipimlcrs were oanluil *dl* w\\\\ if;1 line :, the lii;;b 'Liilc: vciiirhiiii; the nutliile of t he main ' road. Tint keeper of the ('m.toiu irnuseatQuehec bad to run for hht life, tin.- walei- ro-o four fiM't in the Imminent wbiM-e he lived wil hin hall' an hour. . ^N'.lAfiAliA, Out., Keb. ).--Tlio slonn thai, -IljJts bct'ii to general nil over I lie. en nil I ry .struck here on Tuesday and is- the wnr;>l, ever' kuowii here. The Ninj-'ara'rlvr-r ut. Ibhi point, is blocked with ice, forming a bridge between this and the American nbore. TlTe mail st.i^e hnl.ween here, and St. Catharines was tmahle to ^et iliniu^h on account of tin- M!0\v. Tin- Michigan Centi-al t rain, whieh left, 11 .*i-*? in I lie lnnrn- dnj*, had to r.j/nrn, heini; unabli! to i;el, "t1;roli^h tht/driltson the Queens Km moun tain. Niaoai:,v Fai-I.4, l-'eh. (l. regular, noi'tbwtist blizzard struck this place yes terday. Tho thermometer fell to H below zero and with a lurious. nortInvent, j^alo niude things howl nroiind the frontier all day, completely demoralizing railway Lrafllc on the I'iik'.h. Ottawa, Feh. 0. stoviii r>f the sea^op struck Ottawa and hit it pretty hard. The trains were Into nn all the lines of railway. All the availnblo forces of snow shovellers ami all the snow plows wove out ahuiu Mm Iine^. The To ronto train on the OriVlt., flue here at-(I o'clock in the morn in tf, did not arrive un til, 1:2.tt) at ni^hr. At 11.r>~> tho Piv-entt train, i\\\a here. at. 0,,'i'i had only reached Os^oode station. It. arrived in Ottawa at 1 p.U|. The Winnipeg train is ninny bourn, late. 'The C. I*. H. and C, A. II. trains from Mortrival were several hours late. Mui'.N'Vn.I.K. (Ju<*., l'Vii.',). Twelve Indies full of miuw ben-, lbiads all blocked up. Mercurv ri^iuj: .since moraine;. -Oa-HIjK-ToN The snow fall is about leu hiches, drifted into roads. All the trains more or less late. Ab(Hr.lsni'i:i;, On: . l-\;h. (I. About two feet of ,-iioh- (ell here. terrildy,.alrLlU'tlr,' Heads almost inij^e-sable. Trains bloe'lvtju ami all very late. -BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW." rrori>(Mlhit;rt of the WtMioitd Pay of thii Anniuil <'oiivenf,lmt. Woodstock. 1'eb. $. At the convention of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew yester day, the .Lord liishop of Huron, iu a inos>f eloquent address, welcomed the convention to his diocese. Mayor Colo, on behalf of tlio municipal corporation, and Kev. J. O. Farthing, on behalf of tho el orgy of the town, welcomed the delegates'. The president was elected permanont chairman nnd Messrs. J. A. Catto, Toron to, and .A. Mc.Morine, Kingston, secre taries. Greetings from North Sydney C. B., Truro, N. S., Chatham, Ont. and Chleaaawero received. In the iifturnoou a ttuinhcr of Rubjcctu were taken tip for consideration nnd n general discussion closed the conforenc?. In tho evening an open meeting wna hold, Judge Sonkler, 1'urth, presiding. Tho subject of tho addresses wero "The Brotherhood Idea," The upeakers of tho evening wero tho Lord Bishop of Niagara, \V. Aikmnn, Detroit; and Kev. \V. J. MucUlostiu, Perth. The severe Btonn which hns been nigiriR since yesturday has almost completely tied up all railroads. Numerous delegates are snowbound on the way, including tlio American party, General Secretary AVood, New York ; and Rev. A. S, Lloyd, Norfolk, Va. '__________________________________ A FAMILY'S NARROW ESCAPE. ' WILL TEAR t)OWN,"AU;.0 REEKIE." Aimlmit I'ot'tloim ut I jlhitinr^ii .lltiMt 0\vt< Wnyio ^lodern I in in'ovoinnnt. "The town eoitiu-ll have In /contempla tion uehemos involving tho re *i >v'al of id- miihi every v(istlgi of tho u'r.- smth '.Uid funeiiU'cntb eentlirius" lit p..rt of ICdlu- burgh, anil, if Rillli- Miinphc.-xoit luw hlu wIU. tlmy hilaiid tnniibulltiil'i "torrnceHof nioddl working cIums boa ie.,." Ko Mr. Held suys in his "Kuw LIkIiU on Old Kd- TiiburKh." Tho annitary 1 i'ornier nifty ri-joh-i!, hut the mil binary Ivliuburgli, says I lie (-on mill many pictuicM[ue u tuiarlers; Ihn sights partial', smell, and old coals of 11 run old name.s can Hot be ; siidi. .nnwever, i! is t c.palri Old .1 N'ov.'H, ban t di!i-','iisting atone for the , old t arrets, li:iudo:ied wit limit n m iill'airof the Kdln- bui'Ldi punpbt, who have the right, to decide wlie 1 her I hey will inv.ervo a t'elle, or n1 li st roy a rrmliery. The (dever fellow 'who would be "none the w;Hir o1 a hanging" is nn old friend. Unlii'i-L ChaiabeiM cid- l.-'ile.I ino-t of whnl. wus worlli reineinber- lr,". Mhs Wais-end'-r. Dr. Wilson, Miss piininp, .Mrs. Olipb.'int, larni's Grant; and ui.licrs have gle;iimrl_ ip,Jiis truck. Tho large histm-ica! si^oT<7':.'r*,r(;tV!ar the Cause way;" rheiiiVuirsTrr OVer^tJM'j.aH^y.'t)! LATEST IN BICYCLKS. THE RECENTLY IMVENTED AND PER FECTLY UNIQUE BICYCLE CAB. ;Mm the oft.lur Cnve- proclnimlng Cross, with "desired by iler; the (dipping of the royal bed at Ifolyrnnd by a lady more feud nulil.llie I.'orfcolls no of K ing Jinncs ul, I'Minbiindi (mi the ",Vi,Of;fl foot ami hurst the .sun;; curtains obrelics Umn careful of her reputation; the insult by Taul Jones; the house, of Major Weir; t he hh.'h ;}i|i1:s of" t L:o lawyers; the arrival of I bin is; \ he manners and cus toms of David Hume ami the lit'rati; the revoN of Christopher N'orth are familiar to everybody. The tourist in JOiliiilmruh perhap-, eoaflm^s himsidf to Ilolyvoud, the casile nnd Vriiuvs sirret. The foolish young fellow wlunLeeU'ed the iiiteili^eiit Amei-ii-an had an ea-^y victim. Ueiii;,' asked, "Wliich was M'mis Meg';'" With h Ht<iermnaii lit I'rimt mid u Vootnun Working I'mliilu It.-litnO It Cuti 'l'uk(.Y,iu 'Atiywli>m ISolMwlMMNly nott kCx|>4Mlltl<tnH- ly~A <lritt All t<* X^Vftrtt. Tho bicycle la canting Its dolicatu iihndpw over IHeratiire, art, the drama. It linn af fected Hoieneu and religion and revolution ized MOulal and hidiihU'lal life. Sardou la writing a play In which 11 bicycle is the litrlkiiig novelty. The Jiipauosii lire using bicyolos, while tho Chinese regard them with a suipei'Htb tioita dread. This is not, tho reason why tho Japanese are wiping up the Moor with the Chinese, but it, isHif-inillcant of the dif ference between the two peoples. Tho bicycles typlili:.'i the higher intelligence; It is tho emblem of up-to-date civilization. Walking 'along a lonely country road you need never ho afraid of a man you meet on a bicycle. But look out for a dark, swarthy man who rides a hovso, or a rqUJid^illXAUldercd Individual with furtive looks who may be, like yourself, a pedes trian. The man who ildcn a, bicyclo will get, thoroevery timo unless the pneumatic tiro oxplodcs. -KulUau.s and igudraiuL (new word) never ride bicycles. The auti-hicyelo (lend is one of tho most dangerous cranks at large;. lie is stand ing in 111'ont of civilization waving his hut. Tlio world, iu its ponderous onward roll of progress, will not. leave tho track for this individual. Never try to slop 11 bicyclo which you may. sen coming down a hill, but sit on the 1'eiJee and watch it go by. Hardly a diiy pusses but Homebody in vents a now kind of a bicycle. There aro Saved Her Life Qurglcal Operations and Best Medical Treatment Failod An Almo3t WUracuIoUD euro by HootPa Sijrcn pur Ilia, c %$p m^^ -v. i:L V--V,-' V'f Y^ V-;V V *.. * , . \ / \? \: men who,knew jnore about bicycles than ,u I1(1 hl! pointed t.'M juiything else hv this world. Then thero Arthur's Heat. "There it. UT 'Tlio nn our is ile rived from Mans, a mountitin, nnd means big." l'nib;rbly fev.-e.\iilerers divi- into the un'"L*.si,-y Cio>e:s, when; peers. ' (*v, wliere Jacob- ! i!i"% ',i,ie.n!ri'ed Ii:eir hair" before failing I ' I tiH.'ib: 1 lie e < -.1 ie, "ringing .linimy I Sal- : lour,'1 interests ihem :i.tt, nor do they love | ill is the .seat of one I of Ile.ritV lea ; rnmi.i;;iir love aH'airs. VJiif. 1 lie infreijinii!. antiquary loves to prowl about, ps'opliug ! he clo-es with ladies in, powder. Iliimpbicy ('linker on bis trav el-;, judo's, wiis, sniugLflors, poets and all tin: ina^(|ueradeof many insanitary cen turies. Here Kllle Deans lay hidden; here ("atiiona peeped from the casement at David JJalfour; in this house Wnverley "majored before the looking-glass," wear- ing,^i#twaud tartans; down this wynd (in fact iih In fiction) [James Mohr MeCregor was led to fico Prestongrange, under the eyes of tlio advocates three bonny daugh ters. Allan Hanisay'H Goddesses Throe. Not being hi the secrets of tho town coun cil anil Hid lie !UaophorHon,wo can't say how niucli will ho taken and how much left. ! in dragchU .) Numiy Moot Diuith In I'ltdr Hunting I\vollliC A rtrtiinan Hurt. Conotrna, Fob. 0. Firo lust evening completely dostroyed the frame dwelling occupied by Pat Cashion, of this town. With the high wind which was blowing it waa impossible to Have any of the con- touts. The occupnnta were unaware of the house being on fire until tho roof foil in and they baroly escaped with their lives. Loss about $0,000; partly insured. In going to tho fire Driver John Ituse, of No. 1 truck; foil off, itud tho truck passed over him, sorlofl'sly hurting him internally. Pound lifluil on u Toronto Stntot, 'XOHONTO, Feb. 9. -Two Grand Trunk Railway employes found a woman lying Insensible on .Wellington HtL'cot, opposite Parliament buUdinga Thoy had her re moved to Dr. Hiordan'u surgery, Kinglind Petor streets, nnd as the doctor was out Dr. JPepler wns called. He pronounced her dead, and In a hurried examination was of opinion thnc heart disease, super induced by "exposure, had caused death. The womivn'wiiH about thirty-five years of ngo nnd apparently worked for a living. In her pocket was found a purse on which wns printed Anna Cable, and tho police were informed that alio lived at C9 John street. An Inquest will behold ou Monday night, Cliurcocl With KlUlnc Ilia Sou, . B.vttlk Crueic, Mich., Ifob. 0. A novloa of aoimatlonal douolopmonta In tho case of Gcorgo Arnold, who disappeared from homo on December. 10, and whoso body was found lu tho river last Ifrlday; culmi nated when his father, Adam C. Arnold, a pioneer of this city nnd worth about $100,- 000, was .arrested for his murder. It is aid tho father and fion hud had frequent quarrels, and ou tho night the buii disap peared they hud a personal encounter. Tho prisoner declines to talk. IMautn Admit*) Ilia ommao. Kx-Poiico Ma- glhtrato Joseph P. Plarita la now an ih- nmto of tho provinolal ..jail and awaiting trial, charged with tho misappropriation of $1,299, funds bolonging to tho estate of tho lato FrouV JIumkoy, of which ho won ofllciivl administrator. Planta admits ills oi't'enco. Several other chargca of a almilar naturo, involving largo amounts, will bo proceeded'with later. Cuticlit lu U Ut\\li\i tVlmuI. * A norloim nccl- dent'occur rod hero hint evening, Xttohard Lund, bhickijmith, employed at tho CroHon Cur Worka won caught In tho shafting of tho main drive wheel and hod hla lioft foot nearly Bovoroil from tho log and amputa tion wna nuceftary, Tho right foot 1s badlycifushed, KDveratrUw broken and lie U othtMrwl.a seriously injured. . ~* ai*-^ W*w*, THE NEW ARMENIAN PATRIARCH. Izmlrllna u llravo mul 'i:Htriital_Maii Popular With tiltfi Poopbi. Mgr. M. I/.mi rllau was elected to the chair of Armenian patrhirehato nf Con stantinople just a few weeks aijo, after tho resignation of Mgr. Ashikian, who wan compelled to leave his high office, as ho had neither tho necessary courage to satis fy the needs of tho nation In a fow critical occasions nor to fulfil faithfully tho ilutica. devolving upon him. as patriarch. The Miltun, on the contrary, in spite of paying attention to tho periodical demonstration of dissatisfaction pf tho Armenians from tlie^naladministrntToiu^oT' Lbo national affairs, kept, the patriarch in his nITlen, Tint accepting his repeated resignations, for he expected to utilize him as an organ. After the resignation of Mgr, Ashikian Armenians asked from the Turkish author ities tlio usual permission to .convone the national assembly for tho election of it new patriarch, but thm permission was not granted by tho ~gbv"eTVrh"u:'ut. ^'his criminal negligence of tho Turkish authof- lties threw the Armenian national mut ters into a chaotic state for nearly six months, Hut, thanks tn libs'imperial majesty the sultan, the Armenians wero is the man who knows the history of tho bicycle, and who can tell where and when every new Uink and curvu of the maohino was invented. His whole life. Is wrapped up in the bicycle and all his thoughts ro- volve around the ball bearings, ' Another queer product of Lliif-i modern invention is tho man who thinks bicyclo, dreams bicycle, talks bicyclo and who would like to be carried on a bicyclo to his grave. Poems have been written to tho bicycle and men have* iiiailo love on the bicyclo and gone off on a bicycle tour for their wedding journey. Hut one of tho disad vantages of this is that tho girl is_too far off. .:"~ Xow along conies 11 man to remedy this defect. Hi; has inveuted^a bicycle cab. .The driver in front works the pedals and steers, while a footman,-mounted behind, assists the propulsion. Thin would delight the soul of John Jacob Astor, who in his book looks hopefully to tlio future when JIIB TIOLIXKSS MUll. .MATIIEW IZMIIU.LAN. allowed at last their patriarch, whlcli re sulted in a very Hiitiafactory election. It was this newly elected. pntrHrtm-Vi.- i\Tfv^ Mat-hew I/.mirllan, who wont-to the palace oi tho Sultan Jan. 10 last to present his roHpecta to tho ruler of his country In ac cordance with traditional custom, hut In stead of expressing bin utmost satisfaction with tho present administration of Ar menian affairs the monsignbvogavoan un expected surpyiHo to tho sultan by uttor- lng tho following daring words, which.aro ot a unique character in their nature, as tho patriarchs aro supposed to Ignore tho real condition of Armenians and thank the autocrat: "By the goodness of God and tho choico of tho Armenian nation, I have become patriarch .of,, tho Armenians,, and your majesty has confirme'd my olectlou. I bog to express thanks for tho confirma tion and tho audience granted me. Ac cording to my free conscionco I will fulfill t the duties devolving .upon mo toward my ' church nnd untion. 1 pray God preserve you unshaken upon tho glorious throne of your ancestors." Mgr. Izmirllan.wnii tho second candidate jr nominee for tho., Armenian catholicato 1 n 1803. Ho used to bo tho pastor of St. John's (Garabed) Church iu Scutari (Con stantinople) and many yenra ago he acted us private counsellor to tho patriarch of,; Constantinople, and latoly, was the arch-: bbihop of Armenians In the Egyptian kho- divlatu. Ho is quite well known for his knowlodgo of vho Armenian ecclesiastical riglitu and laws, and has rendered very up- 'proelnhlc sorvlcosto tho Armenian Oath- aliens of KtchmhidKlu and Coleola. -With his -exemplary past and sincere and modost nature, Mgr. Jzmlrllan Is'a mun of great Authority anient; the Armenian clergy. Hy lrl tntlueuce, enthusiasm and prompt presence lui was the central figure or spirit horses will ho done away with and every thing happens when you" touch a button. The bicyclo cab Is especially adapted to lovers, who hitherto havo regarded the bicycle with disfavor, even for tholonolleat -wmrt* u <s 11, sort of sodan chair -big enough for two. You may pull up a blind behind so that the fnotman may not gratify his curiosity, mid thero Is 110 horse to kick in the dash board at the most interesting point of tho conversation, while your arms are not on. gag-ed in 'driving and aro available for other purposes. Tho -bicyclo cab will bo valuable for in valids who go out to take tho air. You can get more air on a bicyclo In a given time than anything else. By the way, ono of tho results of tho bicyclo cab will bo that men will coaso to vide " on" a bicycle. They will proceed to rldo "In" a bicyclo, just as naval etiqutto requires tho officers to say they wore "in" a certain ship. A man can bop into his bicycle cab and be tooled uptown from business. If tho weather is cold ho can put foot-warmers in, or he mi^bt even have a small stovo. Many .sedate bankers of middle lifo would rido a bicycle, but think it undigni fied. The bicycle cab is just tho thing for them, having nil tho advantages of tho bicycle, but with uo losis of dignity from ESSEy Has Just Received lb-tflfi?st and Best Assortment of oofs and Shces in Essex,. Groat Value isr - - Men's Shoos and Oxfords. Shoes Tli (i Ladies' nnd Children's and Oxfords. CliejincHt. in tlio Land. Cull nnd Ectntnlna and bo Con vinced for yourselves* &S- Douglas, Ul.: . 1, a:-. 1 . - :i 1 ll'! 1 ir> :',: ! '.li" ,P.M '; I :!i- h,:. :l la i'iy h: fl 1) ,jj; .. ill. bril.iy' ; d;iy. abi.Sr ..-; ., ]\: r !:uu',!l t- cvi-r . 'j"!t :ti' >'" I." fl ll ;::( >. .' n' \voi"!v ;.:i I MY I-lIj'Il'.:" : W *- ilUI' ^s^,aw ; :i^n -1.-/ v..aij I :iot tlibi!-: 1 i*v.ir h,i:l 11 <!:i>':t : : .,m;. I'.vlii the iloctors nro - siirprl-en ;r hi:c.:ss itl tiootlM t- :r. apn ilia In i:y. m ..lother and toyaoll oontlnuoto take ilio u.. clno ropfulnrly and we. oarneslly recommcoa Hi-i-'i's^argapavllla." Mi::i. Moij.ik W;-::-i' -WT-^tnH^E|g|,t,;eiitIi Street, Chicane1, ldiiu . Corrohoratos tho Above. C. I. Hood & Co., Lowisll, STr.sa.j " Dear Sirs: I '-im a drujj clerk and ha*. 0 f oM Mrs 1101110 Wf It ninny tmitlcn of IIood':i (Jar niiarlllaiMi'* .^1 Jerilfv thatslio was cured,hy Lijshteenll - _____________________ WcotTs PHIS euro liver Ills, jaundice, hlh ioiisnesii, Kiv-kb^'lnr'-n.-inc'. constipation. 'S,a. Whitnov Block - Ess^* 1831 UK Cultivator - AND - S Buy Your Harness . .OF . . South Woothlee, -000 NONK HUT TUK THE DICVCLIi OAK. knee-breeches and precipitate spilla into tho gutter: You cap wear your silk hat in tho bicycle cab, which will not oven destroy tho crease in your trousers. ., Ladies can stop into tho bicycle cab and bo taken to ball or theatre. It wIU bo like a reversion to tho'iMnio of Popy.s, when tho bucks and beaux of London wore carried in their cbnlrs to.thfc gambling-houses and garden parties of tho day. While you may not bo ablo to afford a private carriage, tho bicyclo cab ib within tho roach of all. You need only got a ouplo of mon to do tho leg work aud ro you are. Best Stock Used ! And raado up ia tho beat inanuer. His stock of Team ancHJLlgbL HarnessiH n6w oo.mpietov "ONE PRICE TO ALL Wright G*. Smith. Country Gentleman ! TIIR IlKflT OP THK ACRICULYURALWEEKLI DKVOTKOTO Farm Crops and Processes. Horticulture & Fruit-growing Live-Stock and Dairying. While it \t\an imduden idl minor deoiirt* mciitH of rural inteivt, nuch an I'oultry ,Vnrd, ];intorm)loi.'>, lb:o ltfjcpin^, Gn.'eu- housc nnd Gru^ery, Vetcri-jnr-, Kept ion, Km 1 in Qncfuinnn nnd Arihwc-iv, IVirewido Kuidiuy, UonieMtiii ICtioiioiiiy. and a mini, rnary of the new* <f tho w*-,c-I(. ItH mar. U* t rcportB are nr.if-iimlly coinpU-Lu und much utteiit inn in puid tn the proiipectH of tho oropn, an throwine; liyVt ujou onu of tho mo t important of ah quniitioiih u'hon to buy and when to dtll. It ib liberally il- Inatrated and coLtau'B mora roadinp mat. tor than over before. Tlio Jtuhncription prioQ in 82.CO per year, but wo offer a apec. iat reduction in.our CLUB BATES FOR 1895. Two BUhnonptiono, (in ono remittance-) 8 -.4 Six fuibnariptiowR . " lo Ton fmbaoriptiionu '* 15 KSFTci all now BubtiDrihora foi'~T8U5, pay- incr in ddvanoo now, wowillnodd tho paper weekly, from our receipt of the rouiittanoo to Jan. 1, 1805, without oliaro, Bpeoimeu copion free. ArldretiH LUTHER, TUCRER Be SON, Albnnv Nut Yolk ,. XKT A IWIWf^ Tj0C111 ftU(i Travollnn W J^LXV AyCiJ-r Hultiiinnja to Hamlin our JIuiuy (Janauiuii (jiowu Nuiuury Htoolc, Wo ({UariLutuu uutiohioiion to rt'iirt'Boiitiittvou.and cuhtomoifi. Cur iuirHuriuH uio the lart'oet in tho Dominion, ovor 7U0 ucrou. No imbntitntion in ortiuru. i'Jximmtvu territory und liborultormu to wliolu or purt tium aflttuU. AVrito uh. _ " HT.UNl'i & WELUNQTON, (UuuflolllouVforontOtOnt (The only uuruury in Caruuln. unvluy tuiitiuu orelntrUtt.) H am aaosgc X. vJoaoo, Tint llrlrluli Kioplro. Tho British Empire in a political oroa- tlon unparalleled In tho world'H history, not only by itHoxtont and population, in both which re-Hpecta it is ulightly aurpaa.q* cd by China, hut hecauHe, wjth an area of more than 10,000,000 aquaro mites and with flr.2,000,000 Inhabttantfl, it la ncattered over the whole globe. It embraces'all zones from tho ioy wlldonioHH of Hudaons Bay to tlio tropical jungloa of India and tho jMahopjany /orcnts of Honduras; there 1.4 Hcarcoly a pro'duct which a Brltinb prov ince- ifooH not bring ^6srth in excellent quality, and not Io.sa various aro tho dd- greea of civilization of ituinhabltanta from the Kaflh'H of tho ct\Qa to tho highly culti vated citizona of Toronto or Sydney. "We find with ChrlHtinns of all confotiftlona2QOr 000,000 .Hindooli, about TO,0O0,0O0.Moham- medann, and 8,000,000 BudtUiifits; and the Biblo ia prlutodin iftOdnnguagca and din- lectHvepreuontod in the-Empire, yet, not- wltluitandlho; audi promlacuouH olomonu, tho Government, .with raro oxc'eptlonn, malutahiH ordor and no algn of diaaolutlon is vlalblo. Forum.* _______ fjammi-aliil Koiuuoluture. Tho flrat value of ii coda of "conimorolal nomenclature".waa Indued from tho bureau of American ropubllca- recently. Ita 84B pagea prowmt more than 100,000 buBines* terma, extending from A tomachltieain- olwfl.ve, such om aro apt to. apnoar in com* merclal correHpondence on the American continent, and udlghborlng lalaudy, and tho ouBtoms tiirlffv and. repidatlons of American countries, The terms are'given la three columns;-fallowing the EugUah, NUBSEKYMAN, RUTHVEN, ESSEX COUNTY Poach, Poar, Plum, Applo and Quince Trooa, Roboo, Evorfjroonn, Borry Buobea, Raapborry, Blaokborry and Current Bunhos. All' firot-olaaa . Btoolt. Savo aeontn' BIG.-PROFITS ! and writo for priooo. Wo will ohoor. -fully anawcr; you by return-mail. Splendid. Apple Trees, Al iu every rcupcot, Mont Modern and profiireaiJlvo I-'tir tiitiilojiuo or Information wrlto to ; :H A1ARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., , . Now Iliivon.'Cniin. ^ FOR TWENTY-FIVE Y^ARS 'ft s BAKING THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SAUK IN .CANADA. Western Advertiser lC-Pnno Wocldy-pfl OohimiiJ. pNXiY$l.QO Kow to Docoraborttl,180.1. - balance of the Year Free ! Leading Weekly of llie West I NothlnK Better. Fow as Good. LARGE PRIZE LIST, HANDSOME PREMIUM, GOOD INDUCEMENTS TO .AGENNS. For Asonti" TarmB, etc., atldrM ' Advertiser Printing Go., '". - a $12 ^PHI100 - $12. itUie'eonWailou'of^org^lulm^"*" 8panUhaad,Va^ugue8a^uWleDU. ; .;-,. . ' ' V"..'( ('- , |ij 46846

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