%r:!i^m^wmm ESSb/ >R PRK9t P^^^ ^Prof.^mith Dlscu3803 "English Models ' for Municipal,Govornmont," bN:;BEPLY TO DR. ALBERT'SHAW Wol-Hnl-Wel'Bombardfid ami Taken by tho Inva'dors. AN IMPORTANT NAVAL DEPOT Tthm l.ttr Hefrril to Toronto M * Striking Kxnmpln of tlio KnglUh ^ ItH J'rtxparlty Not l>u to tit* 8yutm of . Government. NEW Vouk, Fob. 4. Goldwln Smith contributes a Bltfiiod editorial to tho Sun orf " English Models for Municipal Oov- criimant," In which ho communta on i3r. Albort SIirw'h rocent book on municipal govemmtinb In Grout Ijritnhi. j)r. Smith 8ay: "In borrowing miy part ot tho Brltlih lnntltutlonu It in ni-coHsury to con sider tho ralittlou oC'^hut part to tho wholo and tho ctfuct of tlio wholo upon tho part. If you wmit muu to do hard work, you mutifc pay thom or thoy will pny thoni- boIvoh, Ho It will Iwj at luaut till tho Angul GabrUd \a mayor, with uolty coun cil of HL-rapha. Thu pay may bo olthor "liaonoy ordltfnHry......- -------------......-------....... "X municipality 1m now practically a commu'rlciil' ooncorn, its clilnf bufdneiin IWiitf tho mlaiuK ami oxpondlluro of (onoy. A coniuiorohd concern would jrdly Im wcl^ luunufted in which tlio iu- Idunco of expenditure viw Koparatod fi'om tho control. Tho quo'itiou .-will becomu xiioroHorlous it politicians improvo upon tlio loH.'ion which thoy hnvo now learned of . buying the votua of the ninny wit.li tho money of tho few. in uvery grout city, moreover, there in a body of elect or who, though inhiibltantn, aru.hardly permanent -cltUoiiK. If tho city wore ruined tho . mechanic would hnvo only to talco up his tooln'and go ulwowliero. "Dr. Shaw whs pointingMio othurdny to Toronto as 11 striking instanco of* tho buc- ct'HK.of tho English Hystmn. * But if hu'lms- aiul CJ'iniulinn papers sinco, ho will havo (eon that Toronto has tlio same troubles, lofch in tho way of maladndni.striiUon ami corruption, an lier Msl.erson tho Yankee oldo of tho line, ami t hut if hIic is prosper- on* and attractive, sho owes it tu natural advantages and tlio industry of hereltb 7.ntiH. not to a municipal government which alio is now Htruggling to reform." SOUTH PERTH PROTEST. The At-aonul In th Korti Im <ii of the ,Mnt Complete* lii Ohluu-Stk-oir:!/ ^ortlllcd uiul Ofllmirnd by |Kuropnuli All'tltc Ttilu- * graph Wires Cut, ', LONDON, tfab. ]. Tho Contral Kowacor- reKpondont in Shanghai tuiyn that tho Jupaim.Hohavo taken WuI-lIabWol, Tho l.'imea eorruHponduiit lit Tion-Trdil i;ayn that all the armthnru fori.n of Wl- Iml-Yv'td were captured on Wodnowluy and that the telegraph wlroa worn cut. Woi-Hal-Wel, Cliina'H principal naval depot,, in idtuated hi tlio province of Khan Tun!?, about fifty mllnu oast of tho treaty pot1!- of Ohou-Foo iliuI thirty miles went of Sluing Tung. It iu a ntrongly fni-t illed buy, idiollered on tjio north by ('apt* Cod and on tho norblnvcat, by the Island of hiu KunK-Tno. Wol-Uni-Wei wax up to iRiN^eN^er-HWi'-wEi^rTv^ THo Sooiinil lTllqn* Victories -'; Tho Central Now cop- roBpondont In Toklb tolop;raph tho fol lowing despatch from. Marshal Oyamato- colvod under yesterday'n dato from Tallon Wiiu:.MAU the land forts at Wol-Hal- Wol taken. Tho enemy rftttoutcd'boyond Kiinfflhidhl. Tho CnlncHo waVuhlpti'Woro not captured and aro hUII tiring ^t ua. I ant inquiring as to tho Iouhuh pu Iwth BldoS and am examining tho prlsonora and Bpoil.s, Two .laiiuiii'Ho toriiedo boathnvo Iwon nunk mid an Ironcbid- diaaWod., No fei-i-lKnor liitu.buim Jiurt. Wul-Uiii-WoL \a ' The corronpondont alao forwurdu the follow hip; dimptttcli . received from' tho third dapauo(U) army dated Tallon Wan, Kobriiary 1: On .raiinary .'10 thi) second (IIvIkIou captured an eminence at lAinedhiolum itnd bivouacked there. On Thui'Kday tho divi sion ht'^au an uK^aulb thereon from I*iil- Clil-Yaiio. Tho wurHhlpu n(,iuniltanooufdy bomhavdod tho Pjil-Chl-Yaso fortH. The nlxth divbilou IwtKau to advance at 13 In the morning and by U had taken possesion of moat of the enemy's lino of defoiieeti. Advancing behind Si. u it. Kit, thoy com- lilotud tho capUtro of hid Cortn. "lly 113.110 o'clock tho tiquadron id^nalled that they Thq incessant wasting of a'con- sitmptlve can only be overcome by a powerful concentrated nourish ment like Scott's Emulsion. If this wasting is checked and the t;ystcm is suppltedwith. strength to ! combat the disease there iil hope \' ui recovery. the hoKinnimrof tlio war tho principal re- . h(dd possefiHlon of the eauumi entrance, eruithitristatloirfortho'monol tlio North- The .ahliie:io. fleet, worn. Imddfi Llu-KnuK orn llei-fc. hieut, Iloiichiof, formerly oC Islnn'd and conjunctly with the YViuikTiio Four *'lUH'j;i'H t l* lli'iird An Adjourn- numt t'i Striitfonl. MiTc.maL, Out., Fl*1). -i. After .sitting uteatly for three dayM tho trial of tho elec tion putition a^ain.'tt .Tohn ,Mc Xi.'ill patron member elect for Buuth Perth was ad journed to Stratford on Thursday. On resuming' lioth the judges prunoitnced judgment dismissing the charges a^ain.st alien votersand thoHO persons non-resident In tlio rid in p; wiio wore char^od with liav- Ing-vuUid'kimivlHK thoy had nntthon^ht to vote. Tholr lordnbips held that tn con- Btltuto ,a corrupt practice it would bo nccenyary to show that the person.- ho vobinp; bad know led yo of tho fact, that ho was nob" ontltleil^to vnto and that tlio portion bo voting w;n uw7u*e, that in a counting of tho balloLs tlio veto would be thrown out. In deiToronco lo this judg ment counsel for the petitioner afterwards Jjaiidonod upwards of a hundred cl'mr^e.C rtlany of tho other charges which were entered into proved to bo of a trivial t liatuvo with littlo or no evidence to nup- ..port thom and thoy were either dismissed or abandoned by petitioner's counsel after Dvhlejico had been offered, Tho only J charge on which unythint; of impovtanco v was brought out was one hi wliieli' it was I shown that Jas. Dougherty, of Mitchell, had hired a horse and bu^gy to take a voter to the pull. It was argued by tho iprofiocutor that this was corrupt practice, nil a the question of np>:uey is tu he cou- iidei-L'd in connection with the charge ^hcir Jjordships reserved judgment until.. JTIiursday wh:ui tho (iiiestioii of agency /will 1)0 taken up it Stratford. Four charyes j ruiiiainod to bo hoard. f WHITEWAY'S DIFFICULTIES. \/ Two Many of Hln' r'nllmvoi'-* A id Aftor " I'lin-CH hi lln" l aliini't, ST. .ToHN\Kfld Sir-Win. White- way is cxpi-rieiioint; ^reat dillii;uliy in forming' n Cabinet uwiny iu ilic number dC aspirants for places. Over one half of bis i'ojlmvine; oi! twmiiy-two mem hers want seats. ThoSo who iiroTn a poiiiion to ejiuse trouble are demanding perman ent positions -which il/i^ impossible lo f^ivo .owing lo tho parLy-'s' annuiiiicemLMit in favor of ixtreuchaitVnt and lofonu. '. The Teh-urain, tlio (ioveniiiu-nt ore:au, announces that it would he prepared lo make publio tho ii:iintw of the new minis try. The latest issue fails to make e;ood- tbis ])roniise. It .simply ilenhv, i h ^taio- UH'Uts of die Opjiositlon press I hat trouble exists.in [be Governniont oainji. A r.-porc is still current that Harvey, late White- . ;^| wayite leader in the legislative Council, \v.iil not iv.sumo his position owinf; to his oppusition to confeileratiou. Klupfil With \W.v Tutor. The Meatnor MonRol- lan, which arrived vest(TTTayThad amouj; ,ht'r .u.ci^ra'-je interniudtritt* pa- limbers from J/iVfrjitiol a couplo vi'L/.i-te.red as man and wife. '1'hey. wer-i .John JJrown, a;.;ed 50, (intl Cb-rli'iide II-aLb-y, a^.'d is. 'i'liuy were iuiuu'diiit.dy nr.vst'*il by deiecr.ives on in- btruelioiii lr )in ilio K"i's '.at her, who is a. wi-,dtli.y luanufiicturer of Liverpool. Br 'Wn, whu left behind a wife, and flvo 'ChiUiren, w.'L.i Mi.ss (jcrtrudo's private . tutor mid is a graduate of Oxford. Ilo was rclouvod yubsyquontly and uh b'e ban meano ho employed lawyers who will endeavor to is.fl the ejhi out of possession of tho police. Tho couple will then proceed to- "Vancouver, for which pinei they aro booked,' The youn;,' Imly is attractive and welt educated and was much affected when HL'paiatwl.froiu IJro.wn. 'l"ne bit un-aiiuits ho is married and that he is eloping with Miss' lientley. V <:ol>iii't; <'ent4Niiu'iim. Mary Shrewsbury, reliet of Tliov. Shrcwabiiry, died here yoa- tordiiy.-'a^rud, 110 years. She catun from England over '75 years ago, mid settled in Coboiu-g.. I-'orwune time past sbii has been cared for by the Woman's Anxilary of St. Tetcr's Kn^llsb church.___________ An Inij'oi'iitiit < UHtdiii'ti l>t*dHnm. , Ottawa,'Kh. A. H Ik reporled that Controller WallucQ will decide, if ho has . not already done so, that electricity tioii- crated on tho Vnuiuicau.-tudo of the rivue at. Nlamii'a can, bo imported fro a of duty " Into Canada.'______;-______________ a pi-ivr c*<niin"n<'oiiioii, London, Feb.-i. Tim Privy Council ha diioiii'iKi:d with cost'* tlio appeal of Hamol- ln V< Banuurman. adlnniug tho jiulginont of the Court of Queen's Bench and con- Urudng tho amount of dumiijEUH (glvou by ttiatcourfc." , tho British navy, ban been In charge of tho recruiting and ipiunury department, and a Mr. Fleischer superintends, tho torpedo pracfioo-both afloat; and ashore. Tho Chinese forces were carefully train ed uiulor rules laid down by Captain hang, when bo was iho chief instructor o( tho Chinese- navy. Thoy wero reported not only thoroughly elnoient in bundling tholr guns and torpialos but. exo*-illeiifc marks* men. The arsenal at Wel-IIiii-Wol Isonu. of tho most eompletn in China, and tho batteries aoinnianding tho bay which havo been construct i:d under the. supervision of Kurnppuu engineers are heavily armed with Armstrong and Krupp guns. Tho sUaiiM of Peo Chili,..which aro about fifty miles across in the narrowest part, sopar- a'e the poniiiMihi of hiuug Tnng from tlio nor;li L-ast coast of irliang 'J'nng and form i hi' en! ninee tn t In; (.lulfs of Pee ('hili and I/uug Tung. Peking, Tieu-'J'sin and Talai tri' .-.it uated on the east coast of the for mer. The Daily \>ws ways that, the comman dant at Wiii-ilai-Wid Js l.*i'ti:r Neilsen, a Norwegian naval ollicer, 111 years old. ' YOUNG M'LEOD'S CASE. (!|nii'c;'(l \Vltli I'loi-iiriiic Nut niall/atlnn I'lip-rs llleii'illy. lU'l-'I'A l.'i, N. ^'., I'Yb. l. Tlie easo of IJ-.-rb-r: .Mel,rod, eh rged with illegally jr.-ocuriiiir n:inirali/at.i"iupn[.ers, was he- lol'e tin te.nl.iy. that Mcl.eod had io<l. lifcn cniitinuously a rosidciit of the United Matcufor live years pri'vimvi to .securitif^ linal papers, that for at leaspfwo yi-Jirs of tlial liuu; ho had been J an ei'miuei'K on t he Canadian atoamer City of Midland., Mchtrod tcslilied in his own behalf that during these two years his wife hud resided in petroit and that therefore lie had niuiiii.niiied a domicile in the Unhod States. fart wore filing at our ships nml troops. Our squadron in blockading both entrances and the Ibghtiog continues. At 1,!H> o'clock the second dlvhlon itpparautly oo- cupied tho important point of Wouchu- auto. 0"V082D TO CONFEDERATION. 1'niii-d Slut e-i Commissioner yes- 'i'he U'stimoiiy showed cli-aiiy Wlillinvnyiti'n I>. Not Kuvor the Sohomft Wliltewiiy to I'min u ('uliliit)t. ST. Johns, Ktld'., Fob, 2 Tho Xewfoiind- land provisional cabinet, headed by O. J, Greene, I'reniler, rosigm:d yostorday aftor being jii otlico but little more than a month.. It Is the third cabinet tho colony has had within a year. Sir "W'illiam Whitoway consented tore- sumo tho Preipiersbip and will undevtako to have his cabinet-ruudy to-day.' It Is understood that, ho will reinstall' in ollleo as many as possible of those who like him self sutTered political penalties at tho hands of tho courts. A majority of the Whitoway caucuses oppose Newfoundland entering the Cana dian Confederation, but Mr. Harvey threatens to decline membership in tho now Cabinet unless such action is favored. A royal commission is likely to ho accept ed. Tile House and the Assembly mob yesterday but adjourned for a week, as the Cabinet arrangements wore not completed. . ._____ It is announced* that the TniperialGov- oruuient, in view of the 'prevailing "desti tution" in the colony, oilers considerable financial assistance rn. the. local Ministry and will donate fcl.OOU weekly til tho relief fund. of Corl-livcr Oil, with Hypoplios- phites, does more to cure Con sumption than any other known remedy. It is for nil Affoctb*n of Throat and Lungs, Coughc, Colds, bV?n- chitls and Wastlnp-. V.uufJilttfrtt. 'ocolt h. Bowno, BulluvlllD, All Druggluts. GDc. h $1. ' i. e,1*-?' . was ft' '.* ?i : ::vAEKTILh T0THEVR0NT ~~ - -And- When You-Wsrrt------- Call and getPrices and yon will ho Sure to Bay. ^. AaCTIONEEP nKNIlY JIKUUICK, Anbtloiiflnr. H h 1 n r promptly iiltimil^d to. Audrumi Rout I Woodidoo, Out. INiriioiiu thuddiiff'to iliiiitiro nti- LiiiLy lonvo ward iitthtt I"ni',K t'liiam otlluti. tf It. HKnmnu H Ftu' the benefit ofevory ana,who wishea (o invent in a Jew HharcH of..... | OIIN OOTtMLKY. "I UUKNfllCD AUCTIONKKU for tlio Gouiitv of Kimuic, All kindti of fnrm iitiuilt bbIoh, otu, (soniluotod promptly und on uhort notice, Unt'-u roiiiioi'uhlo rowwiH ilrnlrnliln to iirrunjift h.Ooh may 3a'i; hy callinn fi-t tho l-'niui I'uiuni odhjn or by tLjmlyiiiff to 1 . ,1. GORMhKY, V, 0. ItOKlM KltHOX, Out. J,MtANK MaOLOSKKY, Miilddtono, thlity- V novonyimrn'oxporionci: uu an (iiiotloncorii; tho.Oountv of liHimx. Huloii Qoiiductod iiromptlv. md on ro.'annnul)lo torimi. rurticd flonlrlii|,' to 11 x tho ditto for a iialti cun novo tlitHiiiudvoF r. lrU Ijy callinj; nt tho I'liiir, ruKt+H oilier) \V.. Imvoiirnuifjoil with Mr, McClunhoy and v.ill u : tlio ilatoH for unluii by t(duf,'rajili,iii)tiridy Troo o! dl ohuri;n lo tho nornnu liohllni; tint iiulo. Ad- ilronti FrauU Mo01oiikov,.Malilutoiit' (h'onn.Ont, 10K Xfcn^' Ontario Permanent Buildiner and Loan THE AMERICAN HOTEL Essex, - Ontario. 1 ? V. LUCK, PKOI'IIIKTOH, JIAH HKKN J thoroughly painted and rnplcniiihuii with now lumitu'o lty tho pronout iirupriutor. LAllOH IUUN IN CajNNKCTION. Firiit-Chuiu Accomodation tiuiiruntofid. liudfi In tho Dominion, NewVohk, Keh. li. 11 radstreet's reports that in tlie province of Ontario snow block ades Inivl: checkeiU trade, and at Toronto, collections are slow but prices firm. Advices from New Jiruiiswlck are that tho ' "riu-n the lhw.^Jr*trr*odT^tho.dV^^ b.-terian ininistcr atliavi'h-, Unt^took tho i uml collo^Cmn^TnrtTRfiictory althouu'li do- .uu.d uud told a strun-u story to tho ; ninnd for goods for export is smaller than if**" his a(U>i Mufrt:" He test illed "ihat dte ' lioy-ivus 6^fy4 expected. Montreal reportu a fair request lis adopted-son, but, that the lad had never for yroe(>xiijlryp;oo<ls and hardware and from the United kingdom for Manitoba ilour,*! although ofTers do not meet juices been told the I'aot until about, a week ago, when the doctor cuine to UulTalo. The bov was driven to him when andnfant by a i usked. _ 'them* aro 5(1 business failures re- Mrs. Gildard. a Quaker i.reachor, and that ported from tho .Dominion ot Canada this he knew nothing wlnitever of tho boy's week aKaiust 118 last week, 4-1 in tho weeli a io; whatever ot too boy' parentage. Thu ih-leiicu made a strong caso and tho eoinmi^sioin.-r put over till to-day a do- ei.'iiou on the points made. HOLD-UP IN ARIZONA. A Sou Hi era Pm-Mle Tniin Uolln-d~A "T.nrmi -Aniuiini t.i' ltoo'.y Tukit], .San KuANfi-i-o, h'eb. L Ollicial-s of tho Southern I'ucitir. ilailwuj' (.'oinpany have Ipffij not itied oi' ill-* robltcry ot* the west hound overland train near AVilcox, Ari- z.uia. Tlio siit'i; whs hlown oi>e11 with dynamite by several marked men and tn'.UOO in Mexican silver was taken. l-'roni dcspai olios received it appears that live men were enua^ed in the rubbery, Tho actual work was done by' two men, who .boarded the ears at, WTlcox, and when two mi lew v.'rsi u"the. town suddenly appeared in the cab oi' t ho engine with drawn pistols and compelled the engineer to si op the l, rain. While one of I lie rob bers kept him ooWL;ed the nihor made the firemen and braki'snuai cut, the express and mail cars Ioom.- from the rest of tho train. 'The cnu'im-i-r was then niado to pul I t he two doi ached e;irs for about t.wo miles to a culvert, wlo-re two more of tho Kiim; were loutid holding lior.ses for tho party. Tlieri1 the safe was blown open. l.cMite-i the .:"10,i)Ut) in -Mexican money : her.; was wnisidevuble coin on tho train whic'h had been sent to jiay .railroad em ployes .ahaig tlie. line. TH COLOMBIAN REVOLT- IW'ImIh i>tf>utf<d und llm Cj-nonil Cap-, t nreil - 'J'ln Iti'Viilt t.osiiu; firoiiml. Panama, I'eh. 1.- -Tie; revolutionary forces have het-n routeil in Cuudiiiainarea an * Ceueral Aco-da, tiieir ooiuHia.nder-in- chiof. with all of their ammunition, has In-en eupUin-d. Tin: revolution is logins :/round in Tolirua. Cieuera-I Julio J.'engi'.'o, secretary of the Legation at J^^uildnfiton, has h'ft there for Cartlmgena to talto up arms in favor oi the (loverunient. 'J'^io Star and Herald says: -The river b: liits Colombia, Km-upm and Mont era, which havo boon equipped and armed, are now at Puerto Parrioun. A desjiatch from Bogota says that all thcrovolutiyiiurylead- oi'K have been imprisoned. An uriuy is hurrying to Glraedot and Honda. Presi dent Care, cnnnimnding' two urtillery bat talions, hail encounters with revolution ists in thostreetsof Bogota, und after a hot fight disperned thom. Many ro.volu- tlonistH wero kilted._________. 7lit)xii,bn>{3uul4>nntun !>I4puto. \VAslIi;hn'ON, , P'eb, l.--.>toxio.> and Gutiieiiiala, according to. the impression uf sta'to (iopiirtmcnt officials, aro progre: b- ioir saU'-ifuelorily toward an amicab]e sel- th'iuont of their dill'civnces, as a r.esiilt of tho conference between Ministers Homero and Arriago, brought about by Kccrctary Grushaiu and.bis Htif(gestious of lrutmd enncessions. Jt iu uhderstuod that (hiate- inula has practically conceded the main portion of tho boundary lino as laid down by Mexico. TIih Thtoitrt) Hut Nut u .ykt. Amjamv, Fob. 1. t'uoplo huighod when Ansomhlyinan Cutler iutryductsd a hill (timed at tlio custom of wearing bl hats lit .thonlroH. When first Introduced tho nuniHuro looked very much like a joko,but to-dny tho eominltteo. will voport tlio bill favorably to tho House. . / i-.>r,i' .,.*., year ago and 5-1 in the week two years ago. Bunk clearings at Winnipeg, Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal and Halifax aggregate $lH,Oi:i,0OO tliis week, a decrease of J3.5 per cent, from the preceding -week, but an in crease of i per cent, compared with tho week a year ago, T> i-'ichr. ti>> c. p. n. "Sa>T F KAN Cisco, Tob. 3. The Pacific M'uil and the Occidental Steamship Com panies have entered into an agreement wii.li tho Oceanic company by which it is expected to divert a eouHiderablo portion of the passenger business which lias lately been secured by' thu Canadian- 'Pacific- >3teainshi|) Company. Under .the now agroiMiuMit passengers for the Orient may proceed by way of Honolulu on the Ocmi'iic Hteumers, afterwards resuming their jour ney on rhed-^ttfillc Mull or tlio Occidental steamers. In roturu'buth' comjianies will take easthound tourists from the Orient to Honolulu uud leave them there to hu j)iekeil up b\- the Oceanic oomiiany. HiLiitiltmi'u Ohlet of lvdlce. Hamilton", Peb. 2. The police enntmis-t sioners met. yesterday' and apjfioiniY'IT Sergt.-Major Alexander Smith to the posi tion of chief of police, to succeed Hugh MeKinnou. Mayor A. 11. Stewart, who is chairman of the hoard of coniinisMniier.-., was one of the tweuty-ouc! applicants for the position, but on motion of Mug::;;rale Jelfs; seconded by Judge Mnir, Smit h was elected and Mayo, Stewart made it unan imous. The new chief ban been for eu':t year.; Korgt.-major, and has been coiine -. etl with tlie force for tlio past twenty-two years. A IE.ili I Way l>enl Cctusoio mat <mI. Ottawa, Feb. a, II, J. Beir.L-r, who is here, says that tho Pontine ami J'j.i-ilic Junction railway has purchased ilie Ayl- mer branch of thu Canadian Pacid--: rail way. This Will give the road nnio'l,- jioudent eutraiiee to this ciiyoiM-e i.neir bridge from Hull to Ottawa is bui;;. Thu length of tho road is ahoiu nine miles. T|io purchaso price is f.S-1,000. Thi.s is about' tho amount of tho subsidies wliich the Pontine road gets from the D.miihiou and tho Provinco of Quebec (or a road to" Ot- tawil. Frlt'htfully nfunclud. Sutton Falls, Quo.', Feb. .2^=-Mr-. Wm, Bates, a resident nf tlila place, after re turning hoiucvyesterday on the six o'clock C, P. K. oxprfcarf from tho south, earuleHs- ly started for. homo down tho railway track and was struck by tho train, which was backbiK up for water, and was man- Elcd frightfully, dying In "about an hour-. -Vlio Mall-Kiiiiilrft. A Toiionto, I'eh. 2. Tho deal whlch""lias been spoken of for somo tlmo between tho Mail and Kmijiru for tho amalgamation of those pajiers has gono into elfoot, the Em pire becoming merged into thu mail. hfuture, It is wild, tho organ of the Con- Korvntivo party will ho known aa tho Mail* Kinplre. T.lvnry fctable I>iii*n<l in coUohyk- CopouitG.Ont.,, Fob. 3, FIro dostroyod tho llvory utablo of D. Sinclair, or this town. Tho contuiity tocothor with o'no hortjoworo hunuul.' Cause of the fire!' liuknown. Losh *TO0. Contontn . wero lu- snved In British Amorlaan for $00Omi'd huiUUntr partly Insured.. EST RAY. f UMI'JNTO THK PHKMIKKR OV TMK UN- \ .' {if)HT|(iied, lot 'JO, con. 1", C'olcheitcr Nialli, on I>co. 1, it, nioiliuin HiKcd red cow Owno- In ri'ipiohttal tn prove prouerty, pny chiu*i;t rt nnrt tulio her uwiiy. MM TdNUH D0AN, Dec. sit), Ml. I-llfonir.O. On good productive Fsrru Property ut 54, & G por cont. straight. No "Valuation Fees. tic* Conveyancing Done up in No at Stylo Fire and Life nsurance. 4. E. LOVELACE, ESSEX, 0N3 t*Ofiicf: Whitnoy Block, uphtaira .Knt Jjitcrary NewH. General Loid Wolaeloy makes a moat important ei jUnbutipu to tlio literiituro of of tho China-Japan war. In an artiolo for the Feburuury Cosmopolitan, bo dinciiimow tho nituation aud doea not mioco mattora in saying, what Chum must do in this em ergency. Two othor noted ioroign authors contribute intureB;ing artioloH to thinnum hi;r. Korita Mauri, tho fmiioim Parinitin dtinseuuc, gives tho hiutory of tho bullet, uiul Einilo Ollivicr tolln tho utory o[ tho full of Louis Philippe. From . ovory purt of tho world, drawings -uiul-.pho.tcfiPHplifi have boon obtained of t|io inaVrnmontn ucd to torture poor humanity, and uppour in' illuhtrutioiifl for a olevor articlo, by Jul- iau Hawthorne, entitled, "Salvation via tho Hack." Aire. Itcginald do Koveu, Ana- tolo Franco, W. Clark RuhboII, Albion \V, Tour^ee, und William Dc-an Itowella are umoiiy tlio utory tollera Tor tho February number of Tho Cosmopblitun. Stock,-J. K/OMvc^Wvi^^gon.t-, wf __ lio in town lorn, l'(j\v wectcH und will be |)leacd't() explain the workings of this A.L"Ho<-iii.tion. A poHt curd or letter mailed to Ebhox P.. (), will rocuivo prompt attention. J. U, OUVSE, AGENT. J. GOITBLA^ & 'SONS, ESSEX ONT. ^Mi^.~-----:^ \ ' -A '-'A i^A v . . THE TRIUMPH CoVn SHELLSR , . . This Machine consists of a liorizontal cant oy'imlorT^vith wroughtTro^ .'" buiB, with steol tooth boltod to tho cylinder h-> as to bo rovorsible whan tho teeth become worn on the front Hide, miming in a performed conuuvo iron r-holl, wliich the idiolleil ciurn |hl.sh(;h through i"to n sheet iron ens;c, with fan <r cle.-mcr att.iobed beb-w, which tahetfud tho (hint from tho gr.iin. Tho cheapest,'bosl, m>^l snnplo and durable Power Corn 'HlielTcr ih use; sIioIIb corn perfectly clean in any ro diticn r-holling and cleaning from one to two thousand bushels of cars pL>r day. according lo power. IhMKNs10Ns.-4h.mth, 2 it. Pulley, In in. diam eter, il in. face; Aloiion, liOO lo BOO revolutions por minute; Wei"ht, TjoO lbs. EVERY SHELLtIR WARRANTED. J. GOURLAY<& SOWS. WOOD uiul... COAL . . FOR ALL SIZES OF Capacity from 10,000 io BUILDINGS .. 80,00 <?ul>ic ^ool Oojouhityo beudacho, dizaine^H, drow- I'liiew, lot'u of appetite and othur nymptonih of biliouf>noya V Ilood'u SiiuapMilla will cum you. Pluco hi tho world for youn nilui nud ivuiuon to ilooui'U a Jluuiiii'Uii KdivqaLinn,8horthuu(l,*ito., iiitlui Jiotroit Unninoiifi UnivnrHitr, Do- troit, Mich lilt)Btvutoil ontiiloRui) l/'roo. Koforonu{'fl.: All IJittrolt. W, F. JEWELL, Pron, V. It. BPEMCKK, Stc'j & ^- GJ** BIB "CVCLONE STliUL, RAUIAIOA" Ivood raas^cE OXFORD WOOD FURNACK mwm f ^,{""**,f",, "*<$> -& '-".Ti MEAV.Y GRATI:, osT.iic:ally-<5> udaiitotl for wood burr, lot; --^sA" Heavy Steel PlatuFlrcIiiiv Dor.ie:""-f* ond Ucilintor, , Which liu,- c ^f^* quicker aud. aro more durahl.i '^"Z RADIATOR of iVfMh'rn (IrnKtruo- -^'i tlon and Groat Uuatii4il'uwi>r T4j, LAROE ASH PIT - ?#* --.;'-JIi GOAL-FURNACE .."-^v Largo CombustlOM Ghaml35j*H!v!.J Lonff FIro Travel, cnolrclliiis raiJUitir -* -fot Lnriro Heating Surface -*.-v\% Largo Focil Dow* - "*v Sootlonnl Flro Pot "^"^ Rotating Hnr Dumping Qrat-j Z2?$L DEEP ASH PIT r^5 =^i. gtpull Guaranteed Capacity : ManufaotTirod ^The'-GUHNEY- FOUNDRY COMPANY .Ltd., TOROMTO Sunt* for... t .iy* 0ATAL0QUC nndTCSTIMONIAL HOOK. ^ bv.... '-< .." S^iUiUiUiUiUdiU&UWUi iiih. W J^LJ^I J. JUiJLr Balosmon to hautllo our Ilurdy Uaiiadluu Grown Niuiiory Stock, Wo Kuurautno nutiufaotlon to vnprqiinntiitiviin am) cuiitomoio. Cur nurnovlou nro tho hirwodt in tho Dominion, ovor 700 ucron. No imbutitulloii in ordiira, Kxciuuivo torrltory and UboriiltoriuH to wholo or part tiino anontq, Wrlto iin. B'l|ONl'i & WKUjINaTOK, (Dead oflloo)Toronto, Out UUo only mii-Bory In Canadii, uuviuil tmitiun orclinrdii.) ^i-i :im MoKt Modern land progreeitftvA . Tor cntftloiriio or Information wrllo to Nuw Havctt, Co:..i, I M V i V V V i V V I V ICing of nil Bicycles. <MD<*> LJglit WclK^it and Rigidity, Every Ma- chlncfutly warranted P.: Highest Honors at the World's Columbian Exposition Senil two-cent nUrop for oaf a^-paffo Cotflloguc A work ol Art* Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, b8o *Wab!.h Ave Lflko AD4 Halted 5tfl., CHICAGO^ ILL. .. .,,.,,,.. . ,_ _ _. ...,.. , , . fia | iV'l .: -,'./ . i . . ' . . i .if. .... iifiV.' &> '. v ' >v;"-vJil'*'i5rtijiiii,,v -', :,v-,^;yy \y :,r.