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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 8, 1895, p. 6

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V U tr?: / r TFT .V -M ' W'i -A., ,<V r- V *- ^ 3B a* '^; JpSK^VWI*^ ^ /^^ ^ ^Siffijffa* To U^OontUuW. *'Y.our coutiin Kate," hho wrote, "hivi injf Hlmsult behind a miiHHivo'oalc. It was a curioiui duel which followed, where neither combatant could nee tho other. Every tlmu a leaf on the hill moved a bullet Hped from tho rill of one of the Kharpahooteru to tho Kpot, talwn pity on my loiiellnobH, iinrt, as her ftn(lovpry limc that tho mnallCKt. piece' father hut) married iiffaln, hrui consent cd to remain witli me until your return. Grace and she ureboi.om frlond'i, wlinhe afteuthmah: j.ympnthlou arc more Keen ly pronouueed heeiuiMJ each of them Iiiih ii holdiur-hiddlu for an Ideal "*liero. Now, who m thin MnjorT^pVmh, whose nanus ho often anpej^Tln >yunr lrttoi'ti, and who fajjfefflirntly so^ijJtLb1i*. a ui to^you'f* t ask because I once know utfontu-num <>i tniiL name, who I hoard tho other day was serving in Ten nessee. ' If lib. first name is -John ask bimiC he lomemherK Mary Carter, for WO were fast friends in my younger dayn, and though lie may have for^ntten me I retain a very pleasant remem- brunco of him and hhouM be irhid to Iiear nioro about him. And now, my dear boy, Ihave some strange and start ling news to tell you concerning .Tunics XjawBon, about whom you^ire so pernLsl-" _ cntly silent in your letters." Do you re member that uncommonly pretty girl, Jauo Murchison, who wan for nearly a year in my servico and who afterwards lived with the Riohardsons? Weil, nearly twelve months iir-o ho secretly married her, and on enlisting1 left her perfectly destitute her and her little baby-boy and if it had not been for Mrs. Burrows and myself they really must have p*onc to the poor-house. You xmihtscp this man and insist on his re mitting them money. But I have something; even more startling to announce to you concerning him. Last week a Rtranper came to the vil lage who declares (hat ho is tho person who ko many years ago left the infant Law Ron 'on tho farmer's door-fitep v/hen he wan on bin way out West to seclc his fortune. lie wad crossing tho country hi an emigrant wngon, and, as his wife laid died on the journey, when he reached Meltoijlmrg the temptation^, tu ^tv7id -of the child was so strong that he enT-Td not resist it He hit; s that he lu.s been vimj prosperous and that lie is niu^t .ia>.i(jus to refain his lost boy, I ha\e had an interview with him and found him a simple and apparently good-hearted man. I hope to interest him in James' wife and child, tiivc my kind regards to Captain Henderson, if you sec him, and tell him that every fe male heart in Melton lung* except Grace's is beating for his return. The news of your piumution lias pist ar rived, which would be grand indeed if I did ant fear it would lead ,\im into further danger. Does a Major go bo* fore or behind his regiment in battle? Grace and I hold different opinions on this important (piestion. Do satisfy our . doubts." > of a soldier's uniform displayed itself beyond the wooden harrier, it was1 the target for a half .score of shots. Now and then, tn a spirit of bravado, some man would stick his cap out at the end ofhir, gun-barrel, and in an instant it | waa'riildled with bullets. /"U'e can't goon at thi.slittle game all 'day, hays," Ilesant said to the men nearest to him. "I've half a mind to charge the skulking scoundrels.',"It would be certain death, but we are ready, sir, if you give the word," was Wrgusim'K renb' - .last then a ihiging fusillade sounded in t!a* distance, answered by a volley of rille-.shot^. "Captain Fulton has slruck tho main body of them," Frank said, guessing at the Mtimliim of affairs, which after wards proved lie was right, "and these fellows ure hut the outposts. Captain Gregory must have heard our firing be fore tiiis, and if there is any way across that rugged hill he will soon be with us -then we shall have thera front and rear." A pistol-shot from the man who had been left in ehargo of the horses warned them that there was danger theie, too. It was now ncaring six o'clock, and though night in that Hummer season waii not due for three long lioura, It was quite durlr, for a fearful storm was hanging over tho-wood. It had been gathering the whole afternoon, but now it wan come. Fierce clouds, black and purple, rolled over tho heavens, massing in smoko-lilco density. Then a blinding sheet of flame, followed by a crash of thunder bo terrific that tho puny reports of tho rifles seemed but a mockery of tho warring elements. Then a deep, sullen roar that appeared ^Urshakc.tke earth itself. Tho screams of birds and cries of beasts, and the crash of falling timber were the only sounds beard now besides tho artillery of Heaven, for friend and foe alike had crept to the shelter of tho neighboring rocks. Tall trcoa were torn up by tho roots and hurled to the earth like leaves in an autumn breeze, and all tho while the deafening thundei* never ceased to roll, and not one drop of rain. But now tho clouds hurst and tho deluge was upon them, not in fierce splashes, but in sheets of water, that crushed to tho earth all living things they reached. And when tho fury of tho tornado was spent it seemed quite natural to Frank that tho half-dozen figures of &.& CHAPTER XVII JAMrS I.AWKON ONCK AGAIN. When Kosecrans was in command at Nashville nearly a year ago he had de termined to establish in the Fourth, and indeed in several other infantry regi ments, a corpi if elite of mounted men, armed with Henry rifles, and collected from the different companies for their marksmanship and steadiness in ac tion; but, although tho men were supplied with tho rifles chiefly at their own expense, tho authorities- at Washington had refused to give them horses and tho ad mirable project had fallen through. Now Colonel Hopkins had never been -flatisih'd with this arbitrary judgment, itptl asked General Thomas to approve of his trying the experiment at his own expenbe, and an assent, being readily accorded, a little bund of ten "mounted sharpshooters" formed an effective arm of the regiment's usefulness. One summer's day Major llesant found himself in command of two companies supported by the corps (V c'itt\ on a march through a rugged country in pursuit of a band of guerrillas whose attacks on detachments On foraging and other expeditions bad been peculiarly annoying. His guide was a stalwart- young negro, who pro fessed to be familiar with the mountain fastnesses, among wUoroVucobscs these- irregular combatants made theifTuumts. The afternoon was wdft*tf&vancecMvhau they reached a apot where the road, branched in three directions one to tho righirone to the left, and one immedi ately across a dense wood and as the guide declared that theso three paths concentered again into one main thor oughfare some live miles further on, and that the forest was a very likely covert in which to find tho human game they were hunting, Frank resolved to divide his force into three parties; bo ho dispatched Charlie and his men on the right, Gregory and his on the left, while he rode with the sharpshooters on the middle road. For a time nothing distracted thoir attention, but suddenly tho Major's oar caught the sound of a cry that might have been made by some forest bird or beast, but which, under tho cireum- ntancos, was, to say the least, suspicious. It came from tho right, tho dir^-' '-m that k niton ana ms company aarttaken. ' Dismount your men and let them follow me, Ferguson," Frank ordered the ofilccr of the KhM-nahootcra, as ho throw himself from his horso anil dashed up the wooded incline. "Itwasnothiugbut a hawk or wild- oat, *' Ferguson cried, as he gained Mb^ "Uufc as he spoke a rlnVbullot whistled. hf hi* head and burled itecW in the trrmk of a hemlock- , V " ckt boy* to,the .*^N|W#E. IT WAS A CUTtlOUS PUKL. men he knew were enemies, who had been crouching by bis side, should glide away into the forest without a parting shot. It was a dlfllcult task to make their way over the fallen trees to the spot where they had left their horses, but they reached it at last, to find the snort ing, trembling beasts unharmed, save one that lay struck dead by lightning. " "Push on, men," Frank cried. "Let us get out of this infernal wood before the last glimmer of daylight fails us." Luckily the sharpshooters wore prac ticed horsemen, for tho debris of the storm made their ride too much like a stocple-ehasc to be practicable to men whose seats in their saddles wore not firm. As it was, Lieutenant Ferguson* got an ugly fall which broke his collar-bone, and Frank's charger blundered over tho trunk of a tree, landing its rider in tho mud, with no other damage, however, than a torn coat and some very Rti*ong language, which Rev. Lilian's- ma would not have approved of hud she been near to hear it. They reached tho rendezvous at last. Fulton and Ida men wore already strug gling up as they arrived, and Frank noticed with pain that tho ambulance wagon horo Its load of misery. "One man killed and four wounded,'1' Charlie reported, briefly. , **And what of tho enemy?" "Heaven knows. They arc in force, thougl.1, at least two hundred strong. ' If it had not boon for that precious storm breaking on us tho'y would have ,wlpcd ua out without a doubt. But, have yotl hoard nothing of Gregory, [ Major?" "Nothing whatever, Charllo. I am [ afraid he must have retreated to os- J capo tho tornado. It camo his way, 1 you know, and ho would see it long bo- * fore we.djUL*' " mmi mi 1 can uoy is iiuil wu arc m Quecrstreot, for as soon as those bciustly brlgandH have got thoir breath they'll be dowu on uh like the wolves on tho fold." "Like enough, Charlie. Well, wo can but do our host. that wo shall ho able to jyivo a ftnr ac count of ourselves." "Does this thing that Imagines itself a road lead anywjiere, I wonder?" Char- He mused. **tiuy, whoro'n your guide, Major?" Hut that was a question that Frank could not aimwer, for the last he hail seen of him Was when he was .howling in an agony of fear behind a rock while the storm was sweeping over them. "He'sliere nil right, sir,1'-interposed a sergeant who had heard lite inquiry "his old mule scrambled along after ir homehow; but I'm afraid you won'l get much out of him, as that little shower shook him up considerable." The guide could not tell them much. Only that about three miles further on there was a deserted tobacco fietory, and that, if order . could reach him, Cap tain Gregory might make a detour two miles north and get there without re- erostfing the wood. Frank jumped to a conclusion at once. Turning to his sharpshooters lie said: "I want a man to ride to Captain Gregory who volunteers'.'" Every right hand wan raised and every tonguo cried: "J, sir!" (L1 will choose the man with tho best horse," the iMajor said, well pleased with the result. To hear thoso gallant fellows expa tiate on the merits of their mounts yon would have thought that Uncle Sam had ofmipped them all with thoroughlneds, but Frank had a good'eye for a nag and quickly selected a strong, well- ribbed black marc that took his fancy. "That's mine, sir:" cucu a young sol dier, as joyfully as though he'd won a lottery prize. Frank first fed tho lad and his horse, and then started him on his dangoroiis ride, giving him instructions to tetl" Captain Gregory, ii he could find him, tomako his way to the factory, whither without delay, ho too, started with his little force. able. A horso, too,- mtuUiojnod by th,e smell of fire, hud broken looso, and they wore obliged to shoot him to prcvont his trampling on tho wounded. "Shall wo make an. assault. Major?'* Charlie asked, as cool as though ho was on parade. ( "How can we?" Bepant groaned, for the thought of his gallant inert perish ing like rats in a trap cut him to tho quick. "That narrow door, tho only egroKH, would only permit us in rii'ih out in a line so thin that tho hoys would he slaughtered like sheep In a pen." "Hut \vo should die lighting, and not 1)0 choked to death* by this Infernal atmosphere." "^ , 'A Unix of truce and surrender Is all I see for it, Cliarllo," was the doleful answer. "Tliaro Is ono chance hi a thousand they might respect it." "Then, let mo bear It. Quick, or I shall stiilc." Thuro was no alternative, "You'll UjII tho old man I did my duty to the last," Fulton said, as he grasped "Frank's .hand. "I am aa little likely to see your father again as yon arc," was tho sad reply. Quick as a flash the door is opened and l"ulron advances wltllawhile hand kerchief waving in tho :ih*. Do those rough hordes stay their" hands ut the lluttering symbol of peace? iiut so; with a yell of derision the^ "Aro you there, i>runk'/" ho attlced in such weak tones that Ilosant had to stoop to catch tho accent*. "Yes, I am hero, dim; what is it?" "Tell Jane I'm sorry I didn't treat her -Jwtte_t'_m'd, if tho time had only to come over again I would What was 1 saying " -x_^ lie was dead. , ' t -TTT-. ^ u Tin: MAJoa ui:i*u a. can qit yrx'tvM to his birs, -rush-upon him, and even. as Frank ga/i > in indignation, he sees a rope llmig r-'imd the neck of his ^unhappy friend. With a cry of rage he tm-jiy to his men: "Prepare to charge Ki'< bayo nets!" in tones of maddenco fury. Hut what i> that? The thundering beat of horses' hoofs upon the turf and a squadron of Union cavalry dashes like a whirlwind on the astounded be siegers, riding them down and trnmp- "Ting tlTcih" to death like dust beneath their feet. Not a dozen of tho hapless wretches reached the woods to toH tho tale of their misfortunes. "Mark Henderson! By all that's "Not a bad place tomako a Btand in," \ glorious!" Frank cried, aa he grasped ho said, as ho rode up to the big, square, empty wooden building, whoso few nar row windows seemed mere slits in its weather-beaten sides. "If they don't burn tho shanty over our heads," Fulton added, with a shrug of the shoulders. There was moreover the additional pro tection of a strong board-fence running round it, which Frank eyed with satis faction. Tho guards wore set, the men 'flung themselves with arms beside them on the floor, to snatch what little rest they could, and silence settled on the grim old edifice. Nature in changing mood,had swept the clouds from tho slcy, and a young moon silvered tho tiny stream that meandered across the little plain that separated them from the woods. Threo weary hours passed and no signs of tho enemy. Then tho sharp crack of a musket from tho outer-picket, and the garrison was on tho alert. Like wolves rushing on sheep, tho dar ing crowd of guerrillas dashed to the as sault, knowing well that they had noarlv throe men to every one of the hatod Yanlca. It was a motley troop, composed of irregulars, with some fifty soldiers who'hacl escaped from Morgan's command, when they had been routed after his raid in Northern Kentucky, and who now had joined their fortunes with these reckless Free-Lances. A shower of bullets, from the barri cade of tho fonco checked their first at tack. They had never met the men of the Fighting Fourth before, and hardly anticipated so warm a welcome. So, roeuviMing from their surprise, they form 'd iu better order, and once more essu'ed tosoalo the slight obstruction whi 'h this time yielded to their fury, and the Union men, with- little loss, were driven within the building. Hero Frank's sli irpshooters did noble work, picking off the-leaders of thoir assail ants with deadening accuracy of aim. "Keep cool, men, and don't waste your lead," the young Major cried. "Let every bullet have its billet." "I can't make swell speeches like the Major can," shouted. Charlie, "hut I can tell you, boys, that If you don't kill thorn why, darn it, they'll kill you1" A gleam 6f fire from tho narrow win dows answered the a.pneal. Hut the rear side of tho bulldlmy hod no windows, and save tho. cracks the men had found in the boards, no loop holes thremgh which a musket-barrel could bo thrust Hero Frank antici pated his worst danger, nor was ho de ceived. "Major, thoy aro gatherings brush at tho back and tiring tho building!" a private cried. Alas, it was too true. Even as tho man spolto -a stifling aloud of smoke filled tho plao'o, more domus, perhaps, 'hecaufio tho wood was wet from tho storm and refused to burn, freely. As ill-luck would have it, too, tho light night broozo camo fr'om this vory quar ter. It was n doBporuta strait. With out woro raging thota bloodthirsty fiends, who, unlike tho chivalrous Houthorn Boldlers, seldom gave ttn ,6nomy quarter; within tho air each in stant became more and more unbreath- tho hand of that sturdy warrior whon the rush of tho charge was over. "Frank Bosantl nurrah, -^'vo paid you bitclc tho debt I owed at last." "You have, indeed, with Interest." "I little thought when I met that fel low of yours pounding along tho road, that it was for you ho sought such urgent help from my gallant troopers." "And, where on earth did you spring from?" "Oh, wo were on our way down South to join Sherman's forco tinder Killpatrlck. We've had a rambling time of It of late but, we must not stand hero talking. Let us first get your wounded out of this burning rattle-trap." Hut they found that by tearing away the sfnoldering boards the building might yet be habitable, and it did not take them long to accomplish this littlo work, to tho gratification of the ' poor fellows, who dreaded moving worse than any tiling. Not only did they make-their own helpless ones as ( comfortable as circumstances would permit, but thoy tenderly cared for all of the poor bleeding guerrillas, whose wounds were not fatal. As tho men were moving one.of those latter, his slouched hat fell back, and disclosed to tho astounded Major tho drawn feat ures of .Tames Lawson. None rccog- -nized him but Frank, whose compas sion was stronger than his indignation, so when they had laid him on the floor and gone for another ghastly burden, ho knelt down by thosuiVercr's side and whispered: "Lawson, can I do any thing for you?" "Who is it?" was the feeble question. "Frank Besant do you not know fl OITAI'TKU XVI.II. " Once more \o Nushvillo. ""* , (ilorlon*. news from Atlanta * Sherman ami .fnlmsfrm hud been fight- big tooth and nail over it hundred miles of mountains and wood i; and the words Dalto:i, Ut'saci, Diilhia and Lost rind Kene ,:nv muni'Lims had been written in letters of blood on the page of his tory. Johnston had retired behind the in- tvcnchmonU of Atlanta, when Davis, dl. sati,,lied with hi t Fabian policy, had deposed him, and put Hood in bis place. Sherman advanced on the Georgian city, when Ilond attacked the Union army Unve times with iremendous e.iergy, but was repulsed with great slaughter. Sh Tin in thereupj.t re-en acted hisfavorit (1 mk niovem-nt, filled his wagons wilh hi'lei-n days' rations, de\(( ronsly shifted his whole army on hi, opponent-,1 lino of supplies, and compelled the maeuutinn of the Vity. !>t the virion* was dearly bought; for eih"i uiiiu'., Lieuti-n.Liit, the g.illant Mr- I'liT/i:] who, with the brave Log;ui, had chidly su .1.lined (lie front of the b.iit'e, *>\ a i kill- d in a -tmn. L heiman now 1< nged to sweep through the Atlantic St..tt s, but Iloofl s army, Lhouj'h driven auay, was how-r ing near him, ai'd n nilercl sueh a move- mi nt imp" . ihi gl.ul Lidings was h: ought to the I\i!<m 1 camp, that the Southern (leueral V. a . sett ingout to invndi Tt nue' \ r. "If Mood will only gn there." Sher man declared, "I will give him rations for the jurit-ney." And Hood vwMit; and Sherman started on that grand!;,* pict^ii-stpie expedition, "The Miu-di to 11m Sea." Hood moved rapidly devastating the country he p-i-, ,.-d through; and critical old gentleman a thousand miles away, reading t heir m nming papers, growled over Thomas1 delay, and declared, that if they were in command of the Federal troops they vwmld order; affairs on a very different plan; and their convic tions were sustained, wjicn news came that the "Hock of Chickamauga" was being shut up at Nashville, just as he and U tsccrans bad been at Chattanoo ga. Why, th<;st'Weiicrablestay-at-homes said such conduct was simply outrage ous. Oh, if (hoy could only hold the reins!- Hven (Jrant eaughtrtho contagion of this popular discontent, and actually set out to take charge of hia troops in- person, when the North was electrified with the report that Thomas in two- days' bloody battle had driven the Con federates out of their entrenchments into headlong flight, and dissolved them into a rabble of demoralized fugitives! And this battle, so far as an/ great military movements wcro concerned, finished tho war in tho West. jGrant's advance on Richmond, Sher man's march to the sea, Thomas' de struction of an army, were complements of each other each necessities of tho others and combined, were the forces that broke the oaek of tho Confederacy. Five dates now stand out lurid in the completion of that long calendar of carnage. On April tho Oth Leo surrendered to Grant at Appomattox court-house. On the ttoth of tho samo month John ston yielded to Sherman. On tho 10th of May Jefferson Davis was captured at Ir'winsviUe, in South ern Georgia. On tho 14th of May all Confederate troops cast of tho Mississippi laid down their" arms. On tho 25th of May all west of tho "Father of Waters" followed their ex ample, and the Confederacy,.with its high hopes and jp-eat ambitions, waa ft thing of tho past. me The prostrate figure shuddered. "Yes, I know you now. You can give mo a drop of water and die" Tho Major not only hold a can of water to his lips,, but bathed his face with tho cooling liquid. m"4uin a-coii o} pnp9 m*rt tm %((*jC3imu 3ofl iou ppioa x xaov q^ijAt otnoa qui opuax uom aooqj, *w8(n .o-} i[JtoAv 3i.mp Hpft uf wvd' on amo*^ I rmiw no n^jora *t *G1t oi flf %] ojoj" -oq. 'JlOtWta; A">K JooS hj ym\% *ny "But, oh, I've boon a bad man -bad to the minister, Miss Itnth, Grace, and all who over showed me kindness." "And your wife and child, Jim? Ilavo you no thought of them? - If you should die now " ,__, "I can not will not dtol 0h, Frank, for Clod's sako get mo help," tho poorwretch'moancd. "I am not tit to moot my Maker yet! In pity, got mo help." "Wo have only ono assistant surgeon with us, anil you must take your turn with tho others." "But tho others aro not like 1 am with a hell of remorse* raging in thoir breasts, with dark Bocrets on thoir souls, Which But tho blood ohokod him and tho sen tence was never finished Presently ho revived a little. Jif-w U I -TOT i |Jjw V-v-, There wcro no more bivouacs by tho camp-fires now, no weary marches, no gory scenes of battle, no more hunger and thirst4n beleaguered cities for tho Fighting Fourth, fdr tho regiment was on its way to Columbus to bo mustered out of service. Iti beloved Colonel had tuddenly and mysteriously resigned, ami had preceded them somo weeks bo- forc. leaving tho delightful task of con ducting the jubilant follows homo to Fiank Itcsant, who had in vain sought tho reason of his superior's desortion of his mon at so interesting a moment, but hod attributed it to soma Important business calls, for ho knew that lion- kins was a man of largo property, and consequently would ho glad to got back ' to his affairs. It was not till thoy wcro well into Ohio and a dispatch from hia friend reached him at a roadside, station that the real object of Hopkins.1 mission was rovcaled^to him. "Your commission was signed to-day, my boy. Though.. your houra of com- m }......' ' l ^"'y iUi,<.i<<tlfuov melyfor' \\,.Vj i-h. m, n I . '< omitrJi .ni'l Livfi-TuHiM.*, tiirb *C iiwt [i 'fit, Hrnldli-, }>yn>fiMibtt ItuJiceiitUm-l Inii.uru Hindi, " . tu-'u l/i/ci^fi aro j"leawi,( ami tiimi.lMt, . i.L I'.KU^Ii )*.W--rMl tn promote ft liaiUuyaut'ji.<-! i .<. m.i1-, *>.iiia v.<.,itarilllccyilla. If your towem* Uctm\>-it ytiiimri] them. rr.vc k-ioreh. "Body lU-NUrt, MliMl :it Kuno," '1 hat iu what it in when travi Hindoo th| friHt triiiiiH of tl)o Chiofiun. Milwaukee A Hi l*nul Hailway; bngirJoo ihern in no ehuuj to kick," for thii aecnniniii'hitioiw aro tn dute thii iniitiH luiep moving riuht al< imd got there on lime. TI.u.io' limit il outjhly cover tho territory botwoim Cluouj fjii (JronHH, ht. Paul, MinuuapoliH, Aberl deou, Mrehijll, Hionx I-'ullu, tiinux Giti Yuulunn, Council llluffu, 'Jrmilm iintl N( thorn Michigan, All Urn pnucipid citn mid t'iWriH m thut-remtaiy urn rr>unhed by tho "St. I'uul" liumi, i' mieetiim at St. Vunl. Council Illuhu uml Ornuha with nil hn<n fur puiniH m tho fur wi-m*. Wnfcn to A. ,1. Titylor, Cuiuidmu i*uns'r Agent, 87 Voik Hi reel Toronto, Ost , for aim of thoir nc-w (imp tmiL- tuhh'n ami aMjrociuirr, giving il d.wniiption of tho Comp-irtmout Bh'pinu C*iM. 'j'lckctv) fiirtiishod hv uny .coupon ti ! el u^fitt in the UiiliniL.lUiitrn utl Can-" uibi. 'lle^finent dinin;; c-'.rn in llu- wprl :ue run on tltii Jqjj^ve^tibukd, elutiS lighted mid qtfam lioittud trainn of ibM^hr tft',", Milwiinkrc A' Ht. 1'mil IbuhvKV. TIr*l, Wulct Nvrvniu, MtaiiH impure blood, tin 1 ourwoi It or too iii'ich htr-iin o*i brum and body. Tlio only w i> m curu in to hod tho nerves on nnra h'ood. '1 lioiimitidti of people ct-rtify thiib tho r oh' I loud purifier, tho bnct nc'rvfltouio and HtroQfith bmhW iu tlood'n WarHiipar- ilia. Whut it hiiti diiuo for utbers it will nho do for you Hood'u Ciircn. llood'n IJnlu cure conntipation by rcator- iii(4 peiii-taltia action of tliu uhmoutary ciinal. 'B'liey-do not Mfwpiilr. An utter loan of hofo \n not cbaractor- latic of GonHumptivHU, though no othor forrn of diacaqti \n ho fatal, uiiIchh itn |jro- croi.fi u arrested by uwa of Rcott'H Ernul which ib Cod Liver Oil mudo im" pultitabj ilu croum. Michigan CgFrggT. " Xht Niagara Fall* Routt," QOINO U1HT CulmnjflfToct Nov.lSti), 18&4. F.RBCX. Wootlu liu... Comber . . HidratoH'o. Bt. Thotiiiin I2xp. am. 7.21 Eboox ........ XUiJhtoUD C'rucu Polion ............ W jmluor .........., Mat! u,ni. 8.13 H2: mo 0.SO 11.45 noma webt, Kxp, a.m. 11.01 !(.fi5 KOUTII a to. p.nr 13.20 Xjeaiiilii&fou sua WinUuor. BOOTH Exp. P. in. 10.H3 .iSil 11.55 1,05 Mail n.m. OL'O 6.110 il.JO 7.00 n.m 8 20 510 Wlndnnr 8 35 0(0 A 52 Polton Xlnc S.5I l.hl 4.4a Maldutono Orona 0 01 7-17 4.:i i Kuttox 010 7.')0 4 2.1 Woodiiloo D2L 7 27 4 K> KiiHconib 0 40 7iir 4.00 ... Oouibor..., 10.00 (1 *>5 nco 1010 I] CO :t is..... .., Htaplod .....*OiLK]uml..... 10 10 tl.-tl :t :iu ... -10.31 0 40 jim .,. .i.IUythoBwooa . .... 10.23 nai a.20 WU1I0 ...... 10.D1 ,, Lako HAD H'y 26 3 30 ..... I/oatnington, . .. 10.40 H"Ui(j htntiou. Amfeok-utbuk-g l4i>a] Trulnw. WKHT WA8T )>,rii. ft.Ul n.m. (1.2.1 0,15 JjHflOX 7.ie (lllft o.a t, ia a d 11 xiiiK 7.00 (M3 0 82 O.CO 1141 1)85 MaGrouor Ainborntbuv^ I1.4H 705 10.00 via p.m 5. 5.113 5.45 5 54 0.01} Q as o.ao 0 4D 6.4S 0 51 5.53 7,01 p.m. 4.23 4,10 400 S.4( "YOUB 00MM16BION WAS BIONKD TO-DAY."' toanii Rre few. It will bo ao littlo boast for- your children and your children's children to say you once were Colonel of tho Fighting Fourth." ^5 *{*. ' ' ' - ' i, All trains aro *un on oontral standard th which In sixty mluuton Blower than !} < tlmo. For information and tatoa to oolol lota movlUff wost ipply t John G. Ijuvod, P| aouKor Auotit, Bt, Tbouias. O. W. Buggies, G( ovitX PftBaunpror uud Ticket Atfont, OhlooKo, rA.O. Btimorn, Aueufc.BBBox. ' Lm E, & l>, R. Ry. TIU^TAULKNO.U.takhiK ettoat on Monday, Nov. 1, IBM, Trains rati by Eauteru Stabd- %ti Time. Dally excftj.it 8 a belay , ^4 0:30 fl.S7 e.ss 0.44 11.40 6 SI 11.55 0 b 13.0S 7.(13 12.2S 7.10 9 0511.00 0 tumi.m tl 81) 11 25 9 4S.H.!10 0 60 0.67 10 1)2 10 00 lft.10 10,17 10.87 10.45 10.*5 U.H U.liO 11.35 11.35 11.43 11.60 11.55 13 04 13.11 11.18 12 24 irss O B* 'A 12.48 1.01 1.B0 1.45 S.20 9.4SI819 K.05 SMI 7.17 7.28 7.38 7.40 7.56 8.30 8 52 4.16 4.40 4.43 5.C5 6.15 5.40 8.10 6.S0 B.aa Mi 8 01 8.M O06 0.13 .17 .35 OH F.W, Htitiohh. IDepWalknrv'leAr Wilkorvillo Juuo. ,,.......Pelton......... ,.>,..t Oldottatlo...... .,.,..4 Paquotte...... ......MoGreo*...... ...1 New Canaan... ... + Mumhaeld ... ,.. Harrow ...... ... ...f Aroor......... ...... KltlRBVillO...... ...... Bnthvon ...... ... Iioamlngton ... ...... Wheatley ...... ......i BoDWlok...... ......Ooataworth ... ......t GltD*tfood...... .........Martin......... ......t Boxtoa ... >., Sandluti ..1... ...tOada? Springs Blenheim Junot'n ... BlttToboltn..... .....(...tWUkl*......... ArBldgstpwnDen w i 0 10 9 04 B 67 B3 H 47 0 43 RB6 8C9 833 8 11 8 01 7 51 7 40 7 at 7 J8 7 ID 7 00 6 5-2 54A 5 40 0 SI 0 94 030 6.10 SOD A.M. o 55 x u 6,00 4.46 4,84 4,28 4.10 4.11 4.01 3.48 B41 823 8.11 8.60 3.40 1.60 1.88 tit? 1.00 13.86 11.W 111* 10.16 10.00 ID i P K 7,00 0.54 6.47 0.45 6.37 ti.saj 0.30 0.19; 6.12 6.01 0.61! 6.41, 6.80 fi.14! 'D.0S 0.60 4. W 4.48 sr tiFlag BtaUom. Tr*ini atop oIy wbi ankpMStageri ft* or for thss sUtlonf. tMt.ru* ar* at al Umii aobjeotl to ba 1 ^^-^SbSfr4^/

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