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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), February 8, 1895, p. 1

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'.. :,' ;;-" ' " ' i^!/Oto :.#$#/ ->-[ *-4. **wi,..- VOL XL No 6. ESSEX, O^T.vBittI)A:YV FEBRUARY 8. I8g6. WHOIjIT No. 628 Forsythe, Anderson & Go. NOTHING- FOR NOTHINGS tflHIS MEANS that we To I not give anything for noth- * ing at tins store, as some dealers claim to do. Oar method is the modem, up-to- date plan of buying merchan dise as cheap as skill and cap ital can procure them and sell ing them on their merits at the closest possible advance on cost. Hence~hx~buying dry- goods or groceries from us you are not compelled to buy jew elry, knick knacks, etc.,which perhaps you do not want. This is just one of the. reasons why there is a little saving in-. trading here.- is THIS WINTER' ? ttlA-IDHTONa. Torn Jobib Bpot Buuday at 'The Farm,' bo Kufitnf MiBuIrno. Mr. John BUnohard, of the Puce, wan the gueit of alius Jotne O'Uonuoll on Sun day lint, Mianc Birdio Uoutts, Jomiie X'uri'ia anil Ur. Silai PnrvlB, of Puo, visited Mr. and Mrs. I. Halford recently. A wlotghlng party fr*m Detroit upont Sat- unlay ni({bt at Mr.. O'Cotiriell'n; an enjoy able evening was up tint by nil.' JtfiHHim Agjiie O'Brien and Siuia Shaua- han, of Windnor. apout Sunday with thu lattar'u paruata horn. Mf. Will Barmtt ih the proud father of another girl. Mian Jounio Doohtin in spoudini; a fort night with hor parontu, and i'eto and Put aro both ptoiiHod. Mr. Ji'mtnk Conroy, uf Glaaco, Montana, in home on u viwit. Minn Irene fl&lford han returned from a waoIi'H viuit with friendii on Baltimore n,vo- nue, Detroit, J(LUk HogUl Watt tho L'tieat of Mina Kuto Barry lust wook. OharlioX^r-titlH, of Puoo, spent Sunday with Minn Ada G., of 'Four Gate.' Mru. D. 'Nobl* and M Diluu, of Ehhox, arfl wpHtlii)p a fw d'tiyn with Minn Mary Moonoy. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'ConnoIl, of Detroit* liavu taUou up thoir abodo iu tho country on Mr. Ferry'h farm-. Minn Ilnttio Coylo io the ^u;nt of her niuter, Miaa Lizzie, of Ht. Mary'a Pretby. fce**y- Tho many frionde of Franklu MoOloakey will bo grieved to leuru that, ho luutanother rjhipno of rheumatism. Mi*. Leonard Alc.VuIiffcj Hpunc Sunday in Teaumifdi. MiflH Pum:i(j Snllivao, of Oucllutto aVo.',1 Windsor, is tho guest of bur brother,'Tod Sullivan-, KJNGSVILIjE. Mr. Joyoe, father of Mra, G, W. Gieen,, li strlouily 111. Miaa Florence Hartley ii visiting with Dr. Andrew Wlgle au*l family. Mru. Peter H. Middough, of Thorold, in visiting her many friends la town. Gharlui Logatt is a full ttedtfod aiictlou- icr. Ol'iarlie can tulk and uoll too. MUb Mabol Biiuulau^b iu vihUid^ rob ativnti and friondi in Eoohentwr, N. V. Mr. Dolour luu moved into tba Iioubo latoly vacnttd by Principal Hvndiiraon, Several of owt promihont yotin^rnen ar* taltiui; a aotima of tbd tobuoco habi( oiiro, Mibh KobbhiH, of London South, i H-pond- iiu; a few dayn with br Bikter Mrs, Sheldon at tho Exohauga. Mru. J. Coopor, linnex and Mr. Waltor JumttH, Cottaiu, spout VV<iduosday with Editor I-Iolloins nttd family.' Hide your dojjH and put on a lontf and peor faoo. Godflald' South aancHHor. will ho on your tiail M Jiuliiy next. J. ll. Bmart returned Tridny from BrownHViUo whom liu lind boon attondtnj); tho fuuoral of bin docoPiRed fiilimr. Iho outortainraent wliich wan bold in the Town Hall Wedueuduy evanniK uudar thu liutipioeii of llio Church of the Epiphany wiiuaj-rund micotCH. .Too Henry, Mm. Dw:nina and her two children, of Lium- in^ton oimnut bo boa ton in thoir Kpooialtu'fi. At-Lbo iipooial mcctiiifj Tucnduy ovonintf of tho School Board, Misa Jean Strathore, of Toronto, wad eufjagod at a salary of 8300, to touch tho room now taught by ICih* Loo. JtidH Strutherw anuamod control on Monday latit. Miiii Ijoo will tako tho next room whicli Intra been croufod for tho Junior fourth cliuu. Tho now aeata will bo placed m position on Saturday, MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. -<; KUBX TOWN. CAMP PALMER. Mru. .L Hunter iu improving favorably. II. M. Miuonor ima dourly ntook onough nt llrin mil). JoHcph WT^giOH in tho happy itnothor tiirl, born Fob. 2. \^Ui^i^4oad^L3Wui^l)'iop[o took a Bur- futber of It is the "dead of winter,*' and a very pevere one, hut in buBinesa 'merchandise spring' is almost upon us. Already spring shipments are coming rapidly to hand. Our new Caum's Prints are in stock and the patterns are the admira tion of all. To-day we opened a large importation of spring laces, etc ^Tomorrow our new Wall Papers go into stock and every day brings its quota of new things. To make-room. for these, we must hurry out all remains of winter goods Space needs are forcing us and prices are out down to the bone toiceep quick sales; rowB of figures will not explain values. Come ih and look, if you are needing anything and we will'convince you. iHflfUHWVflffifWllW'IftUl'MIJB, EAT WELL Ifyou buy your Groceries here, what* you get you can rely, is good. Newness, fresh ness and cheapness are found combined. Special choice . British Columbia Salmon 10c a pound. NORTH RIDGE.' Win. Hiclui lfb midden I y hint wonk. Miim Lottie Johnnou called on frieuJu bora inat TuentUy. A. W. Bridfiooy wifo and furuily called on friondn iu Young Ireland laafi Sunday. Prof. Chan. H. Clarence, wlfo and far*. ily loft our villao rathor euddeuly laat Tuenday. Itisuaidtboy went to Dottoit. .lohn Kichardson'B horo got awuy from hira [ant Saturday night,, when ho waa op- potnto J". J. Fuliuor'ti, and etimo as far au Nortli Hidgo at a hvoly canter. B. Sloto oauglit her hore and Johnny wun tiooti on hand and took hor hack to Ehbox. Tho Hha'taud cromi-bar woro broken. 'pj;ins party'io Mr. "Ford'u, of UarroW, laet Saturday night. A good nleigh loud of youog people, of Goato, attended prnyor sorviou horo on Exj- day ovening laat. ... .*,, Mibh M, White, acoompiiiiod by Mina B* Forrin, of Harrow, woro vitiiting rolativon and frioudn in town last Sunday. . Rtv. Mr. Grey, of Maidntono, accompani ed Mr. F. Leek, of Eanex, conducted sor- vica horo on Sunday hint. OLINDA. J. II. Stpwart h;tr. on Monday for Florida Tho P. of I. ludd opon Incite horo on Friday evening lust. Mr. Clnpp, Patron Candidate, addreuaed tlio mooting. A doulde woilding took place hero IuhI. wouk. Alfrud Whittlo to Mian Jonnio lty ull and Win. Whittlo to Mimh Floruuco Upoott. _. _ . ./J^wofunoralfl took place from tho M. Ji- oituToh hnro recently, tho httlodiuighter of Peter Ilutchina uud tho infant ecu of 0_ Orion. Hi (Knell Philip* and Wm. Copoland uro spending tho- week wit.li relatives unci friendH in Colchester South and Alahlen.' Andrew Orton ih ahlo'+O'-boahput ugain, Mra. ThoH. Noble ih very ill with dropny> douhtH are outcrtained of hor recovery. Ol 'p & Co., ESSEX, ONT. COUNERVIIiljE. Ban Welsh, of tho secttou, GoHileld South, in working in thio vicinity. Mr. ncndorHon in hniiy framing a mill oaHt of Cottam, for Mr. Lqwio, of-Eaaojc. People of thm place aro looking and hop ing'for mora unow ao there is lotH of winter work horo. _ _. Mra. Beechflm Steed-hud tho niiafortmio ot (jotting a needle in- hor rijjbt urm ubovo Iho oMiow, whlsh had to be cut out by tho doc:tor. It in doing nioely' now. COTTAM. * ' . C. G. Fov, reova of GohUgUI South, and A. II. (Jlurho Iicq., County Solinitor, met GnifisM N'trthoonncil in behalf of tho Standard Oil und Gau Co. for tho purpono of pmumnc tho pfTvilouo oflaym^ Ran pipes through tho munioipiility. Tho noooHsary 1'v-luwwttn piiBBod, and it. in expoctoil that tho laviiiM'o^ tho p[pen will soon be pro- tiooded with; B. S. NO. G, COLCHESTER NORTH. Mra. Gwo. Colenutt who han boou ill for "omo time paut in able to he around ncnin. Mr, Wra. Allen has divpon d of bin farm to Mr. Tiuk of Cottam, and will take up hia abodojh Ebbox. Mr. Tink t a Ice a pen- sesiion the lnt of February. On Monduy lust iih Mauler Willie Griffin wim driving bovna his horee ho bocame mi- roauafteablw, throwing him out and .injur ing hih buck utivoroly. Ho will bo luid up far (iovery.1 dnyn. On Wcdnendiiy evening a party of youu people fri.ni E-.t-ex joined the yount peoplo of thin iieinhborhood in a fiurprino party at tiia renidoncn of IJr. E. J. RuhhoII. All rd- poit un enjoyable cloning. Ou Now Yfiur.a venin( a Inr^p number of tho pupilii and friends of Mr. A. C. At. Itiu^on unva.lum a .v.C.ry plonBant BurpriBe hy preHL-ntiuR him with un iiddrene and a haudneiTio writing caKe. Mr. Atkinson who haH beou toucher liara siiico the ucbool wan opened in lSB'J, taken eliargo of Gcnto publio Bohool for 1905. Durinj* bin etiiy hero he Iulh mudo iitiity friends who reuret loaiun him 110 ateuoh'oi', but arm pleased to know that ho wiil utill reHide amongst uu. He ih Hiiocoedod an teacher by Miua Clura Rodd. That Koy Jim. i, K RBBX,-Fxrti fi, lBtli. Conuoil mot itl regular Nriiiod, Mayor in tho chair. All tho iromborB pronont. Minute* of tho metitt^0f .Tauiary2lit woro road awd adopUuh ^ , IteproiiatitntlvMiof Hie-W. C. T. tlS^d- elreaaed tho oounoil uiit|i rcforuaco to lltu- ititiL' the number of Iicohb^h in the 'own for thu *nla of iiitoxioiitlnii Uquora. Movd by Mr. Ijnird, ueuonded by Mr. Moftiuigrill, that tho request of tho W. 0. T. U. bo referred to tho oomwittoe on II- onia aad ohurity, with thu Ufayor aided *h#fto. -. " Mr. Stone n(ldro*iod tho oounoil re water- rutt-H of MY. Whitmor*. Moved by Dr. Potts, Haaonded by Mr. MoDniii-all, that tho mnttwr of Mr. Wlnt- m jro'u water ratoa 1>h rofurred to tho Pirn, Water and Liuht CommitUe. -Carried. A deputation from th M^chnnisn' Im.ti- tuto, confuting of tho I'reaidont, Mr. C, Crfciinwolh-r, ami Mr Riddiok, ono of tho chrt!utorH, uddreHHod the council, unking that a t,ta.ut ho made ftr the bunent of tho Inittitutc. Movod by Mr. .1. A. HiL-kti, Hocouded by Mr. Barth, that S7 3 ho granted for tho hud of tbe MachinlcV Inutituto. Carried. . Moved by Mr, Thomnti, aocondedby Mr. .1. A. Tlioxn. that lUy. \V. M. F|orain. C. M. JohnHon and Chairloa Bwoot be up- pointed a Board ot lloulth for the your 1805, Carried. Communicationn woro received from Mrs. Nenl, Mru. Younfi und Mra, Adarhn, awkilig for robato in taxow, J_Mn.yj?d___by_ Mr. MoDnu^'ull, neo?udoU by Mr. Roue, that tho communications of Mm. Noal, Ynuiiji and Adamu be laid over- till next moating of council. Carried. A communication was rend from tht On tario G jod Itoudu HtiHociation, alno one from the Biuglo Tax aHPociatioxii wjiio'a on mo tiop w*ro lil'jd for futuio rtforonoo, - A oommuiuoation waa received from Mr. Wm. SiHson.ltoiidflrtn^ for the pOHition of Chief Con*Ublo. ^^Mo^QdJjy-Mr. .Ti'iird, HfiCJinded by Mr HickB, tbii,t the oomm'UHicatiau frota Mr.; Sinuou bo rofarrod to tho committee on. po li'oo and pounda. Carried. Aooramunioation from. Mr. MoEwu* re tho collootion of ta^en and wator rat on was ?n metiou of-Mr. J, A. HiakH, aocondod by Mr. Laird, referred to the Fire, Water and Lie lit Committee, Moved by Mr. Laird, seconded by Mr( J. M. Hicka, that tho aMaeaBor bo rquooted to aoooBft all property m tko town that ih cxonipt by law from taxation, inohaing town proporty and church property, boVb to enable the clerk to givo statement, aw tho law requirou, to tbe Bnroau of Indun- trieR, of the amount of proparty exqmit from taxation undtoouabte him aho to tix tho rateD forloci.1 improvemouta where thuy properly belong. Carried. Movod by Mr. Laird, Beoended bv. Mr. Barth, that the clerk be authorized to com- municato with tlio Provmcial Scoratary to fludout an to tho legality of allowinchuild- ingn to bo removedoutaido tho corporation. Tlio Board of Worltn to whom waa rofer. e iavt clam to Nots from the Northwest.- " Aw*k, UiH., Jin. 19, 180S. realtor yn*u v*v,*h -,~ Djuu Sm. Having reid your papat for a long time, and saldom eeeing any latterit from this fair land, I thought a few UeM* ujight b* of mtereht to your many rtuderi in Eiae*. We have at the prcHetit time about el^ht inabea of nhow, and more falling. We baye-JjJ^ ,ary fln* weather thoa fur; no blbtf!ardSBil ofc very cold. The old ftonR of "hard timoV I -uppowe ii on every- body'e totiRrte, thAotttry over. I eee by theFineKPitBHatUatVj^w18" Hlre lt*ne lew pricoB, and I think^J*1 ia about tinifl they raiid tholfVoioed od%the uhjeat, al though they are generally t have a chaaoo... ..Everything out hm*e hi's te noti'U"v*ry low iu prioe.aud on thu other band, we hav* to pay a nice rouurl Himi for thn ncccunarit'i. of life. For 1 nstunro hiilt id io]d hero nt 911 00 por bar- rol;curiantn and raiHinn lOo^mtB per pouad, and wo think 20 pouudu of brown ungar for 81.00 In a big bargain, and all other tbingH in proportion, Th*w we have to1 turn around and toll our wheat at from .18 to 45 ceHts por buHhcl. Botai* poople arc fond of tollinc of tbn qreat thinga in this count-y, but after a few yearn' oxporicueo, thnj fail to toll it alt. The mau with a omall furm, who liau not ttucb outlny for machinery in the nafoHt. Many .farmoro cariib horo with money onoiigh to got a ^ood uttirt, but wore not atihfied until tboy had invoatad" their all in largo tracts of land, expecting a bij; raiao in price Bomo dHy, but that day ban nover como. -They uow realise tho truth of the old naying. "Nothing ia mire iu thin world except taxea and denth." Tho tux on farmtrBTioroluLH rntdo mauy o^ thew poor, aB they have high ratoi, and tho dchool iax 1b continually on tho raiHc. I have hacTtho oppbrtuuity of icoing a considerable portion of Manitoba, aud oan any.ib iu a fine country to'livo in, iu torn* ratipeotH. TUero are Homo "beautiful brce- /0B"-aud iliie braauiff winde, tho ronulb of which oftouBhow themnelvea in froztnears and none*, but that ia .uet mindod.. very ranch. The young folkn hayo plonnant timoB Bkattag-nu the old AaniDibpineBiver, howover, in apite of the fronty .woathor. Tboraina distriob not many huudred railoi from Glon Souris, called Two Uivora, and Kometirnoti tho "Land f Peace," but it it not at ull timca poaoefnl, au war baa been m program over nokool taattera for some timo, and I do nob know where it will end. Tbo trusteca diaa^reed over a toachor and tbo fun began. Mr. J. WcManuBBunv monodMr.Alox. Muir ta appear biforo Mr- Jamen Claik, J. )\t on a ohargo of neglect- iug hie duty an chairman of tho auunnl rat-eting, in failing to Hand a report of said mooting to tbo Inspector. Mr. Mair up- poured but tlio oano war adjourned to next Monday (Jan, 21) lor furtbor bearing. In the monntitno Mr, Joniah Martin, trustor, haa MenurH. JamoK MoMauun and Fred Calvary, remaining trcuUflo onminooed to appear before Mr. Peroy Crittlo, J. P., tho euo charged with having tranaljreaBod tho Bohool law, aud tbo other charged sh an accomplice Noluon Clark iu alao aum- monod as a witnesu to the court of Awemo. While all this U going on, tbo Kohool is PECK'S GREAT Mid - SALE W ON Every Overcoat, every Suit and every pair of\ pants in our Men's anJd Boys1 Clothing Department Ib included in this Sale. You can now save from one-third to onehalf from reg ular prices. A chance you* cannot afford to miss. Windsor's Loading ciothior. FIRE AT ICINOSVIXJUE. A niock ofriik-ee vink'e;iMiok>e'rotully destroyed. rod.the mutter of drainage comfilairod_.pt ______ by John Uicliar.lHou 'reported that the ! cloaeu and.the teacfior ih stopping at her d'iu-hoH were ho tillu.t up with snow aud ice I'lioaidhig bcune, aiwiiling iidniiuniou. The that it, whh miroHMblo to uay anything I atctiun in very Aarm, despite tho cold aoa- MiflM.TolmBon irihorito irom a lowg lino of gifted Hnguinta and olaqncmfc orators the eloontionary uowprH eho ho thoroughly im- dorotaudB and dolightyd her audiouce with. $4.. Ho wan a "devil" Couldn't do anything good with him: Bough and ragged, for mischief ripe, HuuuingforrandH, distributing typo; Pelting tbo nuifjliborii on thoir hoadn With bran-uo^ "furnitujfo," "quada,, and "loadH," PrOm early morn to *" Tho prwitur'fl "devil" that boy Jim! . Kditor whaled him all no good. , Ileail as hard au a utiok of wood; 'JiHt burnt out iu a loud "Hoornyl" And wctit ntraight on in hia don't-caro way. ( lint oMce, when the train waa punning by, And tho cditor'ti ohiU ou the track 0 my! ' , Jim~ho ruuhed with bin oamo don't-care lti^lit in front of tho onglne tborcl Child wan,navod, but where wan Jim? !WUh fliiminc lantm^uu thev lookedfor him, Wlnl* tho puoplo tromble'l apd hold their breath; "Under tbo oiisino/omnlia^ to doallir Thore lii the dust and gi'lroo ho lay Jiml ho had given bin life awayl Not muoh need of thoir tears for liim, VHe .waa an augel that boy JimlM ubont thn inattt*r, hut that iih aoon an the weather wan favorable they would look iu- to it carefullv. .[ The Finance Committee roportod rooom- mendiug payment.of the following aoc'ta. Tiinw. PhillipH, wood for waterworks 100 UO A. W. Ourdnor, tialary for .Ian.... '10 00 Wra. Laiug, electric liglit for Jan 83 H C>. CraHswi-liur, grant for Men luat. 75 00 J. M. HieUw, poodH to charity com. -I 20 On nirttiou oi Mr. Lttird, neconded by Mr. MoDougull, tliu report of tho Finance Com mittee waa adopted. Moved by Mr. McDougall, seconded by Mr. J. M. UioltH, that tho watertax collect or bo authorized to tako ull necewaary htcpji to,collect the water rates that are in aivonr. Carried...." On motion of Mr. Hiclcti, utconded by Mr. Btirth, tho oollontor'n time wan extend oil to next regular meeting. Tuohday> March '5th,. 'Ou motion oonncil adjourned to noxb regular mooting, March 5th, X05. Joim WALTKnfl, Clerk. hon, and it may be thn means of causing an early Hprin^. Mr. Robert Little, formerly of Maidstone townel ip, Out. ih now Bettled on hia liomo- ateud in Aweme, -und iu performing hia settling du'tit'h. Mow Mr. Editor, I do not wihh to tiro you with loo hngthy a lottorlhiu timo and ub I mu u grtiin hand. X. will jifik you to coiivnt all orrorf* and oblige. Youvu for bettor tiracn. 1 A SkTTl'wi OF 1III5 Pli'AINB; lllirh School JNotes, Ao our veportar ih siok this wook a friend in reporting for hot. Minn Sinclair has returned to Hohobl affcor ah uboonoi) of one , week. Tho HChool onUrtainmcnt next Monday night. Tbo ontertainusout of tho year. Come una;' Como all; AU tirq_ .welcome. J3nturtairjmnt.tu comtueno? ut 8:fl6 o'cloelc tickot25 conta, rPHjrvod uoa'tn 115 otii, Tholitbrary Hooiety will hol'X a rogular mant'iir; on Friday at 3;,10 o'clock, tlio. fol lowing programme will be ronlerwd: Quar- tettOj arrunged by Miu Lennox arid ,Mr. A.'liijOuqbiii.'; rradlngt. Miss $,. Jarmiuj eolo,.Mi'. M.'A^iixw !1i rooitatiou, Mies, 8, Wortloy; Iuatrurboita,l, Mlas L. Millar; flpoeob, 3tfr. Oraaswo'lor, sr; argup. Editor; J'God SftV6 the Qweu. ItOUN. U.\aniM^. At Camp Palraor, on Friday. Feb. Int. the wifo of.Joa. Hagginn, of a daughter. - Tubxku. At Khhox, on Thnrnday, Jan. Ill, tbe wifo of Guo. Turnor, of a aaughtar. Co\vTN,~At Cottam, on Tlnirnday,.Tan. 111,, tho wifo of Goo, Cowan, of a daughter. liAnTUviT. At Bandwiph South, on Simdny, Jan. 27th, tlio wifo of Wm. lUrrott,, of a daughter.- GnvAVi'.H, At Sandwich Sonth, on Monday Feb.'lth. tho wifo of Charlou aroaven, of a daughter. HnsTisn. M Camp Palmor, ou Thurflday, Jam 24th, tho wifo of the lato J. Hunttr. of a com Drnuaunn, At McGrepor, on Saturday, Ftd). 2nd,-the wifo Of Miotiaol Drouilhard of a duuiibtor. WIUi KuvaUtl*** r yul wlth'invuiidu th.oappotito i^oapri- omiiHund noode coaxing, tlmt-ifl-jwst* tbo Mason- they improve no' rapidly undjr Bqo'H'h'KmulBioa.JWiiiob. i at* palatublo ns creu*n- . 't ' ..'." Heart Piaeatjo Believed in HO Miuutefl All banes' of organic or eympathetiohoart dUauae relieved in 80 minutes and quiokly ourad.by Dr, Aguow'aiCnro for the HHearfc. 0no,doB8obuvinoeH. Sold by J, Tberne, DraRgi8t..::; W; Our neighboring village of Kingovillo &t Like Krio waH visited by a diuaHtroutf fire Tuonday, and tho Having of a large part of thobutnuonu section of tho place ia due to. the bow waterworks lately placed there. Tbo fiie originated iu Bhuin's dry t>ood0 store about noon, und as there was a heavy wiad blowing at the timo, tha place- wafl hoou in flames. Tku atoro it part of, & briok block, tbe otbor atoio being occupied by J. Wigle ns a grocery maro, and tbo uppor Htory au a dwblling, Mr. Shaia had. gone to hip dinner and looked up the atore ThcfiroB'ion upraad to the Wigle building a largo framo iitruoture on tho aornar of Djvioion and Main stu., and it wan wiped out of exiitanco. In this building was Wrido'u barbor i.hop, Mi^a Xhoruton'ii rail- inor ahop, and Alex. Browo'H jewelry store, while tlio.aouond story waa ocoopiod by Dr. A. Wigle, deDtim, and Dr. F. A. Wtglev phyinciftti. " A building owned by W. Kennedy aud occupied by W. Kirk au a groenry atora waa the uoxt ono to lull a victim to the flames. - Tho next building whh a largo brick, oc cupied by B. L. McKay an a lj^rdware'^< Htore, and'upatuirB by the' Mechanics' Ins- : titute. Tho building whh a brick one, and after heroic fighting the firetnaii man aged to Htop tbo flro tboro, Tbo buildiiig ououpiud by Shaiu and Wiglo wuii owned by Qoorga Gro*ivillo,aud thoothur blodktt hy Or. A. Wifild and W. : Kenuedy. In overy oubj both tbe baild- mg and oontentu were a total loss. Tbe building occupied by McKay and the ^j; MflohaHicH1 Iunti'tu'to m owned by D.'Ooo k- ^v iin, aud'tho touanU-Iohq couaidcrably by ramoval and Hiribko and wator, Tho total loaa ia tHtimated ut 800,000. With an iumranco 'of 98,000, Tina ia the aocoud bad flro the village baa had in jut ono your, aud tho oituionH foul gloomy oyer Tufluday's qonilugfation. , . ,- Hew the tiro utarted tea-myutory, but"; it in supposed to have come from a natural . gun Hfovo in Mi;.' Shain'Mfltoro. ... A womatj vuitinc Mr. Jambe Wiglo,','is roportod tohave I'owt SafiCl'.U*JjiilB',iu the- are. '," i J am to Wiglo in a brother to M. J. aui;;; K* P. Wiglo of Eauex. ; ;,'1; Tiny.firemen believe they could have- : couflnod tho blazo to f bane's store but on,, attt/mptiwg'to attaoh tho hoae, it was ' found that nevaral of the mnin Btreet hy-, drantrt ,wro frozn up, and the two com- pamoa had to make an attachment to one ', hydrant on abufk.etrfieb;.;Ife;is supposed' ;> also that aomo. of the Iro?iari : bydrant*^<gj must have burst duriug tbo fire,- \'as -the1;"\$ft KresBure waa: not' sbffloi^at .'to. throyt:.:'*;':^ Btreaptt Jweofey tet h)jh.; , * ,,:.'-'.^ ' .....il --!' ':--^:^ ^M^ ' 'i:,- ^M^M v.y--<:Al*>^Wr-,-\-\^ 61

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