-' 'V1 ##s THB"TESSEX;' FREE- PRBSfa. Br, iV *WH M. BARRKTT IS WARDEN, WORTH OOJUOHESTBIfc'^ -^ j#r REKVE CAPTURES THE HOJSOK. Air. Barrett bad m. close atttsv for Position. X alio 'faff The Essex Gouaty GounoII Is holding Its -^ninety-second session at Sandwich thin meek. The meeting convened on Tuesday *ftoroon, with every member in hia place. When tbe roll was called eaob and avery mora bar responded aa follows: Anderdon O. Kaniai, J Borrowman. Amberitburg-~John Auld, W- T. Wilk Inson. Belle Kiver M. L. Mouard, ' TUbary West J. A. Itaobauan. . Emm J. S. Laird, J. MoDoue>ll. Oolobeetsr South A. K. Ferris, Miles Fatten. OolohoBlor North M, Barrotfc. . Sandwich West -J. Durochor, J. I'a- geau. Sandwioh Eityfc It Maillaux, Alex, tte- aamo. Sandwich South Abram Colo. Maidstone Goo. A. Wintomu .Ellia. KoohBter--J^^||0Pf^ John Wilcox. Ii04jfl^^f_vV. F. MpKonzlo, W. M Toan. Sandwich Towu-Gow Watson. ICingBVilIe Hubort-^V'mlo- Gosflold Noith-^-J. Brown, CliaS: Hol- -Uio, GoBfiold South Chan. G. Fox, It. Shanks. ... ' Tilbury North Samuel MiitboVfl. Morsoa E. Scratch. It Manary. The oouiity clerk, Mr. Thou. Matte*, pre sided and announced that tho limt bUHi- ijohh beforo the oonuoil was Iho election of Wurden, ' Mr, N. A. Coste moved, and Mr. Laird ueooudod the motion, to adjourn to the onnuitteo room, and sslaot a Wardon in caaous, the uncial mods. The motion won carried, and the members fllsd out to taake their solootion. During the early-part of the day, aftor iha members had began to arrive, a.vigor- oue aanvans hud boon going on. The amos prominently before' the members -wore tboiu of Air. Mar wood Barrett, rei'V* ' of ColnWtur North; Mr. H. Matiloux, xe<<vo of.. t-vtmJtficb KiiHt; . Mr.. Wm. Bib-*, and Mr. Abraip Ct ii rf-evrt of Hundwioh h'outli. M'h*i>, Ellis mil C!t"'ti fluull/ dothled to withdraw, and Iravo tbi-field to Mown*. Uarrott urd I'ht) iirMt ballot ronViiteu n. "loliuwn : Barrett, 16; Maillonx, IS; Ellis, 2. The .second ballot stood tho oamo with tho ex" coption of ono of the ballots to Mr. Ellis, whinh was not polled. The third ballot avo MV. Barrett 17. and Mr. Maillonx IC, . "and decided the cootuflt. Tho membsrB then returned to their plaooR, when it was moved by Mr. Mall- loux; Qcoouded by Mr. Ellio, that Mr. Marwood Barrott bo Warden for 180C. The motiou, of oonrno, waa curried an- animouily. - ~ ,..... Mr. Barrett, after making the neeoBBary dealuvaticn, took the Wardon'o chair, and in a neat little Hpeooh thanked the council Tfor the honor they tiadconforred upon bimi and hoped thu buBiueai of the ytmr junt ^ntoriid on would bo conducted in o. raau- -nor both ploasiiiR aad profitable to all ooiir cernod. Hh would ondosivor to do hia wboto'duty, aril to preeido i iTTiiflt und impartial raaaucr. The next buninoflD was tUe appointmant .of standing oommitteoH for ' the year, vision wae proceeded with. Mr. Coeto moved, eooondod by Mr. Auld that Meanre. Auld. Baohanaii, Costo, Fox, Xiaird, Muilloux, Wutson, WinUmuteani ^bo wardou he a. committee to utnko the O&rriiad. The oouuoit adjourned for, half an hour to allow the committee to report, TJio fol lowing are TUE BTANWHO COUUYTTisMt.. IFmauoo and Equalization Menore. Reia- iame, Auld, Menard, Forris. BttrrottMLaird. ' JEJrown, Fox, WIgte, MoKeDzie, Winte- -->juute, Bdratoh, Duroohor, M-ulloux, Colo, '"Watson,'Buehiinati, Doziel, Coiito, and tho warden ohai**nmn. J?-4.Hi -t'.id .T^rif^H' t! 3By i'Aturn, IJuuliaaan, Oaht-o. JKl.iot. n'-^k'i:, Hood, OVfimiry, IMn- aDo-:UaJ, Ml-I-wcoh, Menard, I'tttnau, i- Ktaume. Kolvjrt Hhuuks. Watson, \Vij;uf. WiJcuX, WifUinsou, Buehiinan djimnixn. .. Coai and Cti.auty Property Burrt-tt, JBUi. Hood, Monury, MuDrtucuU, MaeUcn- -*ie, Meca'd, Paucau, A. Itoaumo, Wittaon. WiRlo. WatBou obairmkn. . Xjeinlatiou aud i'etitionb -Auld, Bach- ADHU, Couto, Fox, Laird, Mailloux, 0, .... Heaurao, Wintamuto. LtairJ ohaimjaD. Eduoation Borrowtnan, Brown, Dezxel* Cole, UatliQW, MoSwoqo, Shaiika, Mc- -fiw'eeu ohairmau. . - . Priuting Duroohrr. Foma. Helhio, Boratah, Wlloox, Wllbineon. l^omBohailf- snau. C0H0NXiIAT10NH, -"-Tho Good Koada Aaeodlation invited the <iounty council to *eud orio or more dole- , -catos'to thu Good Roada Aaaooiatioa root- . .Jbgin Toronto Feb. 7. .'TU^Haen roform ausooiaiiou laid thoir clairaH before tho council. From ratopayera of Bohobl nootiouB 1 aud ' .Sin HoohoBter and Maidstone. They auk ' iiho oounty council t* appoiut tb*ir bi- Hmtorttae provided by aeotion 87 of Bobool ot^hoBhalKooropoM aboard and make .such roarraaKemoiitand alteration e! all 4hefle^tlon involved no will hou% yrjmote .-the intoreatfl of oduoation, . H. J. Hill, aeoretary, Toronto exhibition wrote regardiufc a Do*hinion exl-ibitipn propeaed to be beld In Toronto in tn of thie year. Thefi^aad jary preiootmont made to Juetice*Bobiifci(n^tt sent to the county coanojyjB eaveral altiratioua and ImproYQ- m^otalot&e jaitanoTooar* BTouie Were rev oomm ended, -4 Tbeie ooramnnfoaiiona were refarrad to their rfipeotivecoramitteee. BKC0NO DAY. Sndw^p_h, Jan, 93. Tho counoll met at 10 o'clock, all tho membere bem present. The mipuUfl were read aud adopted. Fox Ferrie, that the treasurer bo re quested to aubmit to the oouuoil a itat#- moot of aocounte bat ween tho muniolpali. ties and the county. Carried. Mathers Iteaume.tbat Tilbery North be Ktaated 1800 to purceaee gravel for the (5 h and 7th IdolinoH- Duroobor Fwgenu, that a f mut of 5200 b f lvn to build a brldo ovor Turkey Creok bridge aud the front road. . Both ol tlua* reeolutiona were referrid to tho ltoad aud Bridge committee. Laird to the public libraries EhHftX, A~mberntburtf, Luamin^t^n and Kin^avillo, bo referred to tho vdlioational committcte. Oirlnotiow of McHHra. Auld and CoBto.the of^fimitto* on leyulatiou and pokitionu were iuHtruolod to prepara auuitablu mem orial touohiiiK th'o denUi of the lato Sir John 'ThompHon. Mr. Cobto naid liu waH pluauod that whilo they differed .in pulltiou tiey could all ro- codiiixo'morit in our public men .of all partloH. All political animoni:ioii dmap- peared in tlio prcueuco of death. Mr. ContH drew attention to the loono way in which thoruleaof tho council were treated, lie thought an improveuiont in that' respect was needed. Acoordiug to the rult'H tho flnanco commiPleo uhould report ou Tliurnduy, and ^o tho jail oonnhittoouhotild vimt tho Jail., Applictttionu for tho pouition of county auditor weto roooivod from J E Jpbuiou, Leamington, aud J A Kiobmond, 0arrw* Thuy were roforrod to the eomraittno f the wholo council. The ^poHttl'Ctovernmont Roftises to ;i# Remove the Dlfiabilitleft, CONFEDERATION A PARTY ISSUE. Intt> rrnt Oriel* Their Will AbU to ba Atlmltud Into th Canadian fJoia- raJvrntlnn Minos Oluan Dntrn, Throw I ii if KOO ,Un Oiit of ' IGniiiluyinuiit. ^ ^"Vr Public School NotcH. Frincipnl'e room ; senior -jth anirke pop- niMo 75. obtained : Lillio Wmlo fi5. J. Dnlmorc 60 E Richardson, 50, K. Lainq 55, K UdiiitfS r>2, S. Brown fil, G.Irwm flOV L: Linh 18, J Bd^ar -17 V. Gourlay 10^ N. Ontl'jn !(}, B. TUo'fjRfj 4t. 0. BiURhrrmT KS.S. Wilaon an, L. llillicr !17, L. ltcao U5, F. Ad.uiiM 27, C Rtbue M. M. 33iliH.in '^.'i, W. Foi:z 3iJ, (1. Lrttmr, L. Ltnch, aosai1,. Mijg WiIlutin'M room; -Senior Third; V' .,;u jfjiaiiuiio GO; ujurkn .u;^ii.nijf;] by hitihcHt tun: L. Wi^jlo 33,' A. GourUy 53, B. Hainan 52, W. CraeBwellor B2, N. Aloxandor 10, H. Fuller ^0. F. Lefler 45, H. Gardner 14, K.^iloo 13, M. Ilowson 12.. iUna Edjjar'u room I Soniot- Sooond olaus marbn obtainable 100; obtained by the. hinlio-t *ui at.uiiLTiuctu ea,...T. uomaif 80, L. Butlor 80, A. ItobinBon 91, L*. Loeke 80, B. Aloxandor -80, A. Wymah 70. E. LmcIc 77, G. Goanoll 73, E. Wilfion 73. Mih CraBflwolIor'H room. Senior Part 2 marks poambl 60; obtained by highest ten: G. Lapoini4J. V. Hiokfl 40, M. Dioitiu- aoii 39, A. Naylor 38, M, Robinmw 37, A Wolfe H7. O. Cox 35, A. Stacoy 35, It. B. Hill K5, E. PhillipH 35. AUhr Shaw's room, Junior 2; rnarku poH sihlo GO obtained by highest ten : E Stieey 49, L. Allou 40, U. Buuflbmau 18 C. fuller -18, M. Thornton 45. T. FieldH 38, A. riownou'38, A Cory 37,-L Davie 31, M. Delmoro 34, L. Trewin 30, H. Allen GO L. Dibbley 28, D. Faul 28. Mihh BnolUey'a room Part 1; marka pot- eible 250; obtained by .tiighecit teu. M. Willehor 233, F. Clarke 220, F. Young 212, ,T. HiMon 202, A. Loo 195, M. Wyiuan 220, B. May 217/E. Irwin 207, G.Lo 200, F. Brown 190. St, JoHNB, NflU, Jan. 21. The House of Assembly Saturday passed a resolntloa with o1oho<1 AtifiTH rc(niutliify tbo ^oyeruor to telegraph tbo linperlnl Kovornment Ur^ln^ that HHBtmt bu glvon at once to a bill removing tho dhuibllltleH from tho un- snatod momhoru of tho Whitewny party aa thy-*nro needod to' rondtiot the public affairs In tbo preaeut crisk The roaolu- tlon wau forced through at one nlttintf without notice or time for dlacuaMlon. The OppoHltlon will make a utrontf protest. Tbo loKlala-turo wiU to-day luljourn"^' month to^lvo time for maturing measures to moot tlio preKimt cHhIh. It lu oxpeuttid that they wlllducldeon confederation with Cjintida ilh tlio colony cannot uuatuin Its indepuiideuce. T Tho Government party, Itl.i undorHtbo*!, isprupnrhiK tn face the country on ttye' quoMtlon of thu confederation iwmo. They nlso wantiuc-Pnunler White way and hia UksoclritoH to lend in the con teat hollovin^ that thoir prentice would, bo auillclunt to carry with Cuniuln. It 1m uIho bintod that; they are cndoaveoi'lut; to nhliilu a promiau from tho Caiuidiiui Govcrnmout- that Whltwuy bo iiuido tlio ilrat Llbutonftiit- Govemor of Nu\Vfoimdlnd under tlio con federation... Governor O'Jlrlon in promb;- Inpf to forward iho Govrnmont*H resolu tion on tbo dlahility bill to the Imperial iiuthorltioH declined to recommond It for Irnporiul asHont. **^ Govornor O'Brien ban received a des patch from tho Imperial Government- rc- fiiKiiiK to iiHHeiit to the hill for thu removal of the ditabilitieHof.Sir William Whiteway and bin eolIeaKUcj. TIiIh rofuaal will pro- bnblycoinpull tho Government to uccopt n royal commlaHion to invostlRatu the colony'H afTalia as in tho resolutloiiH ask ing tho pnatmfio of tlilH bill the 'Govern- ment admitted it incapacity to continue to conduct affairs, Tho creditors of several of tho firms nro opposing tho ratification of the cotnpro- mlKus ofTcrcd holding that tbo ilrms arc ahlu to pay moro than thoy are oflforingpr Tho creditors have filed -objections iwith tho Supreme Court urging that the triwtees be appointed to carry on tho business of .Duma flrm until ultimately wound up. This in objected to by tho general public bof)uuHo_it_would completely rufn: tho colony'.s trade in a year pr two. The copper mTnes at LltMu B/ly have Kliut down, tin: owners of a wealthy I'Jn/i- UhIi linn having docidml to abandon mill- ling In NiiW (iiuiidlanil altogo:.her, Tho NORTH ESSEX AOR1C0L- TU|tAli SUOIETY. Annual Baalneea RItlno: or Ofllcer* and lHrera- Booth Woodslee, Jan. 16tb, 1605. The annual-meeting of the North Eaaax Axriooltural Sooioty_ .was. heldtai-e thie d*y puraoant to notioo published^ in the Esbx Fima f bbu>, and by posters.. The President, A. W. Cohoe, Etq,, called the meeting to ordor at one o'clock, p. ra. and the Secretaty -read the following annual report of the offioera and directors for the year 1691* to the memdera; Gentlxmkk, Your diroctors in retiring from office muit Bay that on account of holding a|unlon exhibition, tbeybaVegok scarcely any grounds on wbloh to bate an annual report; as under .the present law the officers of the union board have to make and return an aanual report of their proceedings during tbe year, besides in a steadily progressing county like North Km- sex tliers cannot be much changes looked for in Bgrtoultnral Booiati*s' reports. Your diroctors In preientiug their report for the pait year take this opportunity to thank the friedda and ' patrons of, Ufa* ao- o:oty for their nupport and .co-operation. Ag#oultural Hooleties httvo beuu the mou.na of briu^im; farmers toyothpr and tlmiv DxhihitHhave iiflforded opportpnities for obuorvation and have proved to demon- titration what tbo county i capublo of pro- duaiug, and creiitail a wpirit of omulation attien{fst.agriouIturlBtH that would uovor hnvo oxined had It not been for thono iji toreutiu^ ^atbonugH, The oiraumstauoeu of tbo oauiitry and the iucreaiini'lburdons on the landed into, roots call for inarva&cd exertions on tbo part of tlioso auffsged in ugriafiltural pur- snitBj.how con thoy better moot thoir do. mandd than by uniting ana contiultin^ ouch other on tbe. LuBiutnH iu which they are CBiiagtuT. " " ....."^" Your directors aluo douire to thank those iubucribcra who aro not directly aonncoted with agriculture. Your diroatord are plsaned. to .ht* nblo to roport that a very large number of drafts- .ui3_tild-bave.bceu-placed -.during the. past yoar, and^that oxtonnivo preparations ur bilog mado'for plaoinc a reEtor bsmber during tho pronunt year. There is another onttrprme Hpokcn of ameuffst the fiirmers of tun Norlh Hiding ol Eutiox and ono, whiah if staulislied ou n >>,ood sound basis, would bo proftrablo it> t tt- furr'nem and dairymen of North ISsuux, Uaau-ly, a cheoDo fnctory. AT THE m '7J Great Special Bargains IN High School No toy. The first lycoum of tho litorary society will be held in tho nebool this (Friday) aftornoon at 3:30 o'clook. The following programme will bo ron- dsrdp*; Mixed chorus arrujj^d by Wins Arnold aud V. B. Gillioe. " Speech by the retirina president. G. Mo- Keo. Rnlo hy Mr. A. T. Cnnhint'. j{.;>utn.iion by MisHlliipgood, nfLriuonic riulebtiot' by J. Tully. j-r.-'Miatinii by Min*. Hone. - lu it-am^utal by IV/isb Cunningham. ' \<" g by ,T. Button. Duiit by Mimni KiuhoII. . .\rgiin h\ thn Editor. . TUe following is. tho result of tlie botanj examination held ou Wednesday IGt-h : B,' B. WoMulIon, V^S^Wfoii&ughllu, 07; L. MiiHeV'G^f B. Youn. 51. . force of men are now engaged diKtnanllh'K We huve great reason to bo grateful to a tMe^vorkssua^'ft^^iM4iy^iepi^tfo>r-tor}T^^ f.:!- the shipping ic fvum Liiu co'unuy. The .'iiiit- ,_ ._-,._,,.'......_, .,,,.. ....._,. 1 down throw* about five hundred mouout SOUTH WOODSLEE, Mr.A.'Walker but) jmt opened up a large ind well eiBorted stoak of furniture iu tt* Hoginn'e old ntand. Hia friendn wish him duocefifl in bin now enterprise. " . Mre. G. VV. Lozar and Mrs. -T. G. Looke, of Ridflotowu, aud'.Mrs. C. Underbill, of Windsor,'wors the fp'psta of Mrs. H. C. Rous luot week. '." * Kutmor huu it tjmt we aro about to lose ono, of our mo At estimable young la lies. Thr.t our yQung men should fall in tho on- doay *r to nt*aurti, aud phoul 1, allow a pri^ ofV.ic^.-true'aterlinit.wortb to escape their powers of fuHoinutian, is to ba regretted. Wo are pleased to '.Irani tht Mr, A. Hedriok.our vil'aRa b'ftokemitb, who was taken'to fit, ;Mary'i Hospital, Detroit, where ho underwent a sncoeBsful opera tion, is rncoveriiiL' Bn rapidly tbut he will be able to return to hi*-hcnn in a few daya.-"": 'S. " of employment. Tho newspapers are filled with dununcia- tionM of tho management of tho suspended. banks hero. Ono firm alone, it la fthdwn, overdrew'Its accounts of $25,000 lastyper for tbo (creator part of which no ass'iity***'- irriH.t.i, . i-um iirm uxecuteu a mortgage for J70,6pO;'biit tbo mortgage was not roglatcr- ed. Another firm purchased steamers with the money obtained 'from-the banlcs;- Tho Hteamors'nre now.mortgaged to repay the money. ' . Kstimatca of charitable associations show that about 0,000 pojsoiis iu thin city are receiving relief daily. A number of persons'implicated in the bank scandals aro likoly to ho arrested to-day. Among thorn will probably bo flomo of tiic directors. . - London, Jau. 21. rTlio Times says edi torially: "Canada la not likoly to welcome Newfoundland while tho latter Is a bank rupt colony with a French shore difficulty. If Newfoundland becomeya crown colony, po.sfiibiy an Kngllsli bank will bo willing to open a branch thorc. In viow of tho hardy maritime population wo would sug gest also a navy recruiting station." TRUE BILL FOR MURDER. Clara Ford Will ho Tried Now on tlio Chargd of AKurddr. Toronto,*Jan, 31. The'grand jury iu tho cane of Clara Ford, charged with the murdor of Frank West wood, brought in a true bill on Saturday. Clara wa< arraigned In court and pleaded not guilty. Mr. Murdoch, who is defend ing tho girl, moved for n postponement *> tho trial until March. Ho filed an affidavit made by the prisoner, in which she pleaded that- a.falf'trial was impossible In the pre- sont statu of public feeling, as anunproju diced jury could not bo had. The affidavit also Huts forth that many wltnesnos, whose ovidenco would toll of tho prisoner's move ments on tho night of tho murdor, had not yet been procured owing to alack of fund-*. Justice Street could not seo that tho affl- d-.vK wiu: 'juffirifiit i::'.uh for i{.a'.p:r mu-ii'. and rom.-ed tlij ri'fpiOHt, r;>iy* fluently (.he trial will tfo on .'X the pr.j./..; assizett.______________________ Mnyov ^tt'ivnit I.iikoh a fined 1'iiwllioii. llAMIM'OX, Ji'.ii..*JI. Sray-li* A. U. ^iev.'- artu who has held the i>u7ikiOii.oi!.,cii.o; game warden for tbo past thrue years, h-tv received a letter from Hon. J. M. tj|-'):.oo af-king him 10 resign tho position. . l"n roasoii given for tills action by Air. Gibson Is that It is desired to have tho chief game wardenisofllce Jpjjatod in the Parliament buildings, Toronto, and tho holder of tho post must give his tlmo oxoluslvely to the work in connection thorowith. A salary of $1,000 a year lu paid tho . chief gamo. warden an'd siivoral 'names nro already montlonod in connection with Mayor Stewart's' successor, among them being 1 Kdward Tlnaley and Andrew Murdoch, both of Hamilton. beautiful harvcet of tho past season; for,' although it ban not bae tho moat prosper- oub for tbo farmioK community, on account eftheyory low prices of farm product?, gonerally, still wo have cuu^o to be tbauk .-.a_ ^i,^ country for both man and bust, An you are all aware tho annual ihibi. ilou of tho Hocieby was held on tlio second, third Hud fourth days dt October last, iu tho Town of EbhoXi-united with tho South Ridirg Society aud ,tho Oolohoator North Township Aurionltural Society, and again proved satisfactory. ' On tho second day of tho fair thoro win juiteaboavy rain ia tho morning which Ip doubt caused many intending visitors to ibmaia away. | There was a greater number of entries J ado than dt any former fair in the county JSinex, and in nearly every oasq tue dhinitn wore thoro to fill'the ontrios. jTho number of entries made in 180-1 \4s 3801 or 4711 more than in 1803*. The youuc horBBS wore fairly numerous nd ef good qualiiy. The low price of horocii is dmcouraiiint tfarmers. snd mares with foals at their Hie were not numerous. Tho young animals shown wore vary fine jecioaonu. It only pays to raise first-clans animals idfarmors should make-a note of this. |The bestolais, bewever, was the single overs, and a great mimbor of voryoxce] jit animals wore shown in thai olavs. The farmers of this section seom to run flight enrriace hoi'tes. The live stock exhibit was about aa usual, (t not in quite as good condition as in DS.ou account of the drought upon the ft "' fm shep tluro veh a lurge exhibit which a- * credit t the couniy, hutm uesriy |ji; caso iho itimiliur namcuof the old lih.-MH and'-thuai) ot this j:our wore the tno- u uwine tho nambor shown was small the quUity y*rjfeed. 'oe exhibit iu poultiy was yury exton- tatid varied, and carried off well-merit- raise and many prizes, [atwithstanding tbooxtrmely dry year display of giain and roots was very d. .' uly two samples of spring wheat were wn, but the other grains were well reicntod. ho roots wer a surprise to all forth* ion. The carrots, tarnips, mangolds cabbages were very gooi. anued fruits aud jellies were shown nftively and added greatly .(o setting heahoWiu that'de^hrtltiafi*"i?;.""i:i",',';" u r. Moved by Mr, Wm. Klliu, leeonded by Mr. Thos.'Philips, that the report of tho officers just read be adopted. Carried. They tkon rend the list of morabere for 1801 and the auditors road their report of tho treasurer'* acoounta. .Moved by J. F. Itustou, aaconded by W. Ellin, that the auditor's report bo adoptod. Carried. ~" -- ' - The treasuries statameut for the yoar 1891, showed as follows: IlKOUirTS. To halanoo on hand as per lapt an* naflri* report..................3 lfi5 90 Legislative grant....'............ 800 00 Merobam' subiicriptions........ . 80 00 Surplus from Cheat Southwestern Exhibition.................... CO 00 Total receipts..............91085 90 KXPKWMTUmE. . By portion o! legislative grant paid to township societies..........& 120 00 Grant to union exhibition........ 4G0 00 Working ex pen (job, including ser vices of secretary, treasurer aud auAutants.................... 29 10 Miscellaneous minor expensett-.... US 00 u- '----------M Total bxpeadlture..........$043 10^ Ualancs iu band.,...........91 in 80 A. W. Cohok, President. T. F. Kink, Secretary. The annual meeting thou closed and the president called, a-meeting of the new board, at which were present, J. E. Ruatou, prsaidont, iu tho ahair; William Ellis, 1st vloopresideut; John Ureayes, 2nd vice- president; aud A. W. Cohoe, John Murray, Bdwin Plant, J anion Mott, J. J. Bewhirot, George Leak, X>jnaau MeAlHster, Thomas Philips and T. F. Kano. Moved by Geo. Leak, seconded "by Thos, Philips, that T F Kano bo S3orotary Car ried.' Movod by A. W, Cohoo, soaousUf} by John Murray that Edwin Plant be treamir- cr. Carried, Moved by William Ellis, seconded by J. J, Dewbirat, that Wm. Guthery bo paid SI for the ur of his hall at the annual meet,, ing in 1896. Carried. . Moved by Mr, Ellis. Becouded by Mr< Bewhirst, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet at the call of the president. Car. * T. F. Kane, Secretary. .----------*^-------. , OolclieHtcr North Society. The annual meeting of the C'olobeotor North Agricultural Society was held at Ensex Towsi, oa Thursday, Jan. 101b, Tbo following statemetit of receipts .and, expenses for 1904 was prsRotitad and read: RfcOEXPTS. Ualanoofrom 1893..............8 124 6 Examined asd certified this 10th day of 1 L^iaUtivo Grant.............. -HO 00 } Auditors. Nmmlmo'ri IkUhnuext I*ollee MuirUtrntt*. N ANA.IMO.ll. C, Jan. 21. Pol Ice* Magis trate Plan in left. town Friday flftonruop, bi'it amujl HHitiKmt with bis yaU^oWSonr: 'The boat was need.later in tho day hoiuilhg for tho Amerlgan Hldo. Planta's ^^ t^ uM^^^tni^^thBtm was tbe was well.timed. A hurried Investigations^ , ,;;, , /,, >lt _ r. . . .- of hls.aft'alrs shows that for years ho has been In tbe lmblt of converting public money iumI trust iumls to ..his .own'use.' Phuita (supposed to bo making for Sau FranulFieo whence he can proceed to Hawaii. Itr. Huxter In l1dHi.rtn<l, CAYUOA Jan. 31, At a large meeting of the Keformers of Haldlmaud, held oh Saturday, Dr.. jiaxter was the only name '-presonted-to the mooting as;tt candidate to contest the riding;In the bye-election.for the local house, roudcreel necessary by the J retirement of-Mr. Seim..' The' dootoTs> uomlnatlou was thus onanitona. ,' , . :,:L:|gj|^iis4^ iiTYf"bsB ill Iiiiritf^^ Mil^M&dMMMM^di^i it display of tUe fair and we doubt if e was any superior to it in Canada, be dairy department was woll-fiUod i products whioh received well taerifcecl 8er' ' the department of ladies' werk there arery large diiplay. of very superior dea which reoeivecVsrell merited praiie; a was keen competition in this olaaaV ' of which la reipootfqMy aubrojttcd. __ . A. Wi Cono, pireeldew:, ' nui/r, 1,80". M icnAyii Mo\xjIvIbvk, Wiuuuu Uwinnny, l':;e meeting thr,n proceeded to eloot of* fljurii lor tbe next enH'iiny year na follows: Moved by 1^1 win Plaut, ueuoudud by Thos. Philips, that J. F*. Bustoh "be pireni- dpnt. Moved by James Mott, seconded by George lieak tbut William Ellis be 1st vice- jfresideni.^Carried, [ Moved by [J. J. Dewhirsfc, seconded by William Ellis, that John Murray b' 2ad Vioo-preiddenfc, ' ; Moved in |smedment by Ed. Plant, seoendsd by John Murrey, that Jobu Greaves be 2nd Vioe-pMflideafc. Amend ment carried. Mf.moin'U1 ^ubpxripfions.......... Share prououds Uniou Fair...... no 00 OA'oO." .......-^. -i $864 56 EXPENlOTtmES. ^ Paid on grand eund.,;.,,,4.,..$ 110 00 GruntB to Union Exhibitors.-,..'.-. 100 00 Working expotinw.............. 22 Op Balance on baud,.,.............. 42 56 Lewis McLaughlin, JS. J. Kwsil.Wm. Pae. Moved %y MIohael MoAuhffe, ..^ODttdedJ giugham, Geo. MoKensu*. John Thomaa," , John Walters and W. H. BubpsI. ^.-r Auditors John Vf alters and J, E. Stonle, . '!,J by William Gutbery, that the following named persons be direotore: A. W. Co- boe, John Murray, Edwin Plant, James Molt, John J. Pewhirst, George Leak, Thbs,.Philips and T. p. KanectrJCartiea unanfmouBly. . Moved by J. P Huston, seconded by George Leak, that Michael McAuliffe and William Gatbery be auditors, Carried. The retiring president yaoated hie seat and the newlv-eleoted president. wfs_oalJed to the ohatr, " On motion a vote of thanks of fhe meet*. iuf was tendered.. tbo retiring pr)iidet. and he returned the oompIIpaeDt in a very, appropriate Bpeebh.: .' < : ', > ISS4 B$, The following offiesrfl were elected for 1805 :n~ ^^President-^W. H. Richardson. vlae-President John Laiu^, . , Seoretary.Treasurer W- H. |KuBselI. PireotOrs Wm', Catnpball, M. Barrett, . :tv/J .;-fe? He turned, when preparing to die, [hina. To tbe company that Would have insured Bpt now the bi goat won't apply, Beoaus Eteljsy'a tozenges onrett bim. Insurance Item. Whatdojou Ube medioine for? Be- .caaes'.yo'q are sick and wact to get;'well; of i"*"';^ eonicie. Thett remembsr, Hood's Saraap-'-;i! arill^O^a^^'^ ;:. ,:^ :;/ No more oaQHeons pilla .req^i^ 1.y;^l'iS jay'e Liver Lozengee are: pleaaeh^"*.' ' and better tbau pille. mm rt 5698