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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 25, 1895, p. 5

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TL^HB BQSiBX F&'grtSr-;PRBSSl _- >-- h r~ / ^ WINDSOR, JANUARY, 1895. DEAR FRIENDS : ' In bidding adieu to the old-year, which is gone, and gone ibr-_ ever, we are not unmindful of your past confidence in our ability to thoroughly execute whatover we undertake In spite of hard tynes, trade at Oak Hall last year was pheiiominally large. The great'secret of our success has been the combining of the greatest- elements of style, durability and attractiveness at the lowest pos sible cost for intrinsically good clothing tfemis cash, ono npiec to all and no misrepresentation. /^ We foel grateful for- the confidence which tho community at largo has placed in us, and in future shall do onr utmost to retain tlnflf honorable position by strictly adhering to tho^e thorough busi ness principles* which have actuated our efforts topleu'HOall. Yours truly, O.A.K HALL) J. MOFFAT, Mgr., 13 Sandwich st., Windsor. o >AY, JANUARY 25, 180B, ,n>f TALK g^ OF THE TOWN/ Smallpox liao brokon-aut^iU Guelph and * nfc Aylmitr. "Au vordouo of aoombility" id tho la tout apology fvrdrunkoaiNq. Tharo aro 22 Llboruhj anjl 11 Conner- vativon in tho couuty oouooil thin your. Mir. ECttrnQon Tbcraton oontinnsn Hon- ooily dlathiu homu noar Ehhcx, and but alight hopCH of bm reoovtsry' aro cntortaiu. d/ , Joliu Qiwan had two finfcern of liitj left hand ud badly fire, anln'cl on Monday whilo Io.iiliutf tion, that amputation wiib nocoH. Towh or Ebflisi To all whom it muy oouaom.^ Ta.xcB aro now piiHt duo, and muit bn paid bofure tho Is' day of Fob. .1. H. Mrlfiwjr, rolIrtw.iJ1^':i2i-uLS^^^ Tho Moutitaal WitnfaQH nay*; "The trowiuft oi the Rick polltd brood of oattle mimea to lx profitable for tho robn made from th hideu. Tlieiio bring good priooB and aro in great domaad." Tho first oolipto thin year will be a total eoiipHG of tho moou on Muroh 10th. It will bo vmibl* in North aad South Am dried. A partial ohpni of tht Bira, visible in East ern Canada, will iaka plaoo on Maroii 2th. M. J. Wigla tft-Co. makaa speciality of flno rocsnen. Farm to Kent.jU. E. Smith & Co. Knex- Itev, Dr. Paicoa, of Lmox, precoutod tho claims of tho mibuiqnarv flociflty in tho WalkerviIloMothftdiut church last Bunduy. ColluotionH and nubcenptioue were uhked on behalf of tho Miaaion fund. Rev. W Godw.in occupiod tho pulpit bora. Tbo North Easier Hoenno couimiHuioturi met iu WiudHor hint Saturday for organ ization. McaarH. DuGuruu, Ollvor Mamou- villo and W. S. Cummiford. Mr. DoGaroe witBolflotod chairman. Tho advisability of regulating tho houra of hotel closing waHdincuijRQd but dooisign ou tho question waa poatponsd. Meanwhile Intip&ctor lJoonnd will look up tho wholo HubjVoL und oall a raootiDC if ho thinlw it naoeiaary. No other bnaineuM waa before tho board. Over eoatff & nuitti of o!othoa<at lona than oohg ut Smith's. M, J. Witjle A Co. lead tho trade in boot's & ihscn. A naeotinjj of tho executive committoo of the JLibaral Gonnervativo purty of South Esuex waa held at KinRavilJo on Motiday, for tbo ptirpoaa of mulcim* arrancamnts neoosiary for tho reception of tho Gabinot [intuitu 'who uro uxpuctd to visit Eaaox r .n"Cy ou Jan. 31 and^ob. lut. Ucuufw. . 0. PattorHon, Dr Monta^uo.brll/'l'iip- ir and probably Mr. Qui met, aib oxpootad, Mooting9 will be hold in Wmdaon, Loam- inKt0i Arahorotbnrg and Ktngayill*. . iftauM, G. J. Thomas aud T. B. DoOow, of ^Gnex, worn prunont. / ^aat wflk Mr. Alborc Sinesaa, tbo b'auk- |r at Harrow, oatthod a noto for 97A baar. ing tho si(jnfttur6 of Mr. ltaub*m Wright /wade iq favor of TheoJnro Goodhwe. Hap- 'yeniu^ to wnt Mr. Wncrht ha mfrutionsd that be had oauhud hiit nettj, whtu Mr. Wright domed* til uotu ontiroly. Th* ro- buH wub thftt Godhum wan ftrreuted f ir I I V. rti tlx, tludknU dr^u op th notiA for him Ah ha worku' ut odd John und ban boon out of work for Horn* Umcm*, U pr*numod that hv took thin pfjLutoi*uio u a oiled raon*y. In for^Iu^ th aignature. *ltt*:Ubn' wan hpolled 'Ilnl^n' which inakca oht a moru oleiir erttu. It. in Cftid that Goodim* bait rituraed 917 of tbo mon*y to Jfe. Ulnaiao, M. 3. Wigte A Go. Imvrt fluihhod ittiook. iati aad are Dow/cUunn^ out the bat- ua of iliolr Wmtr yooda ab priori thw* boDldJi**ko thorn uo quiok. \ Toor \%%\ oh*uoo to get draft* UA*d* *t 10a yard worth BOo, only ou* weak tuor* at Taxkh. Tbo collector of taxua will bo in tho oflico of Mr. Stono every Saturday fitom 1 till 5 p. ta. yutil forthor notico. J. It. Mc-EVa-4. Wmduor counaillory aro u^itating il piop. omtiou to oroot a joint lnnlding for tha uh of tho oonnty and Windnor in tho place of tho proHOnt utructura now at Sandwich. . Tha wooldy oxamiuatiouii at tho publio Hohool are bold oh Friday afternoon of one h wet It. Toaoh*ra requsnt parontrt to vie that thoiu ohildrou are not abnont -fro f>chool*durit) Oicho oxaminatiou^. Jno. Gormloy, of this* town ban takou out an auctioneer'*! liceuso for the oouuty Ehuox, and in now prepared to perforin at any and evury opportunity, tho~oulyf_ojf^f*- itiinal ono act play, *'Goin^, Gmni^, Gone.' Free admioaion to everybody and -only a oloas nbavo aakod on all artioles sold in Mr, Gnrmley'B praotioo. Tho ofliotra of tho local Halviti"ii army corpu wiiih to thanlc their frioadn for rh patronu|fo fiivoti at tho o>rttot* , mippor, on Thnruday oveninn, foi their DnuofH. .Tho total auiout of tho receipts waa SIJO.GO, which nftor paying all esponoca, b-fc a Al&JpERSOMAL Vt * - .0>.i 'J w * ' c viIIaK, Ho had Mi. X * Vht anion tig not l;ii'^ but t1 o orti'ii i'<. an novortbpIoHH jjratoful b>thoir frioadii. The Miobigiu CeHtral in introducing au nnovation in the way of H^rvi^ Iunchou oa traina. The now ayntem ^oed into of- feob ou tha train from Detroit to Chicago. A dinner cur is attaohod to tha oar and m takon off aftor breakfaot ban boeu BRrvod. When lunob t<oa approuohee}* Junok card a distributed, giving tho paaaeB^eri tho choice of three Iancho at "~> cunti.TtO centn and 3i deutn. When tho 'paasonfiero have ^ndicatod tho kind o( lunch wanted, tho at tendant tole^rapbo tho order to Nile*, whoro the lanch*a are nuatly put up und )]aca on board the traiu. The new town council hold itn fimk btioi- nosH maetin^ on Monday evening, with a ful! attendance. Ifbuq been decided to hold regular businuas inaotin^s but onoo a month thia year inutoud of twico, ai for merly. Tho next entertainment of the lioobanicu IuHtitufee, will bo held on Eriday, ovoaini;, FuW. lat. Dr. BaraaoiB.of Windior will do- liver a leofeure, takiat; for bio nubjoot, "Tho Sun." This lecturomgivon in tho plaoo of tho ono prorainod by Dr. Dewar, which will probably ooiuo lator. Good homos aio cheaper in noma partu of the wont now than do0u aro in Iho oaat, for thoro aro fuw do^H not owned by eorae oho, whiJo the horaeR oannoc Uo|(ivn away. AI] ovor tho wt borioa hav boon'au- toundju^ly cheap for ho mo titno, aud $2 or 83 huB boon a good prioe for a good animal, A hundred head of ranch konea sturdy, unbroken broncoa from Wyoming' wcto nold iti Donver for 8f)0 and tho froigbt re cently. It it ropdrtod that a big utock farm in Idaho bun turued more than 220 ponies adrift uo shift for tboraaolves during tbo wintor, ao it was oheapor to do thin than to providu food for them. Tn trm could not uot oven a delbir a pitcu for tbem. If yon aro in need of anV-thiatf in the lino of warm coodu it will pay you to call on If. J. WirIo A Co. 2 pair of all wool aox for 26o at South**; Mm. (Dr.) Bricn wa "At nomo" to a hiri*e number of invitoiL^nesta, at her roui donco, "Dnfforin ljodge," on Wodnoiialay evoning. About ieventy younR puople wore prent to participant* in the enjoy- raeut of ono of Itho moat plea^ng "At Homon" of the loauou. The boat and ft Wi I l i'M I' L'0 I .lit , Ji. ii' >iu (Hint- in nwurt Tor iliuui pit,nut .in . veninfl of ciljovmont. EufrinhfuoHiii wwru uor^cd about 12:30, aftor wbiob a uuwbor of toaatu wore propONr.d and ro- pemdea to in a obacrful manner. A toast wan propoiid to tbo ho*t apd hoiteia, which wuu roepondod to, tho Dr. favoring the cueutu with ts buof up^eoh aud ttfra. Brieu with a aolo. At about 2:30 a. m. tbo party dlnpi*rkeij, *fkfiruiui;inff -Q<n\ Have the Qiloun," all Well plottuad with tlie eventiif 'fl ODjoymout. 0av# you booh thnir haadaom* Parlor ulooku aud mirrors whi^h M. J V(igt- Sf Co. are ^iviuc away, they are nno. Bhouaat % per cB off rtiJar rr!oes at Biaith'a.Vog.dudTt, Jan. Obvor, of Windsor wan in town Ihin week. Editor J. E. Jobnnou, of thcLoaminjitcn Poet, wa in town on Tuoaday. Mr. C. K. Naylor nponb a law day a in .Detroit last wook,"yimtinR frlond*.'- Mr. E. C. Luok of tho Amorican, upent Saturday aud Sunday in Leamington. Mr. and Mm. Jolm Wifi'o. of ICiiifiHyillo, jyiSifbd Mr, G. E. Houdomou on Friday of laufwoolc. Miaa A^gio Dotcono apetif Sunday atld Mouday in Rid^etowo, tho Ruent of bor brothor, Mr. A. Betoono, Mrc, .7, A, Francis roUirur*! ou Monday from au extended viuit to Seaforth, whoro Mr. Exancni buni nucurjd a pouition. Mr. A. iCriagbolf, of Ck-voland, Ohm. ban . b*oo in town tin's wf-ok, -visifinp; liii bro* I tljor,'Mr. C. KrioKhi<ff,"nnd nther rolativ'yn. ! V TIT JFfli Will Take a Hand in Mr. Gladstoitc Having it Abolished- MO PROSPECT OF DISSOLUTION y Nona of the Important (lovrnm<*tit Mmi- ures Will be Al>iuif1<kne<l, nixl limy Will ITobmblr ho il^rrled- .Yoltn liiirim' Vlult to i Amnrlflu. Stock - T aking Sale. Tildi>e OloiJuKhi of \V*i ifluor, vrnv in fowt on Tueaday, buiu^ uuiurnuiitd li^ro o'i " c death of hm brother, tho lato Jno. McLIu^li. MiuH Jnuie Wallaoo, who has boon top- piu with bor aidtor, Mrs. A, Wiatuur, in Loudon, for ddmo titao paHt, ruturned homo I a at weak. Public Scliool Board. Tho morauera of the public nohoo) board met in Peck's Hall ou Woduooday ovoninR, 16th inat., for tho purpono of or^auinfttion. Thoro wore ptoaont, Madsrs, Jno. Laiog, chairman for 1801, Mr. W. D. Bouman, hoc. troaa. lfiOl, and MoHHrB. Jno. Hop^ood, E. J. Lovclaoo, W. H. Ruaacll and Oeorge Wyraan, Mr. Lnin^ waa ro okctod ohairman, Mr. Wymaii neoratary, and Mr. Kumell, treaa. uror, tbo romamin^ moinborM of tho Board being conatitntoi a nupply ooianaitfceo.with Mr. Ooptjood ohairmau. It wan aho dooidod to hold tbo regular mooting of tho Board on the evening of tbo luflt Friday in each month at 8 o'clock, Tho matter of appointing a Hij;h nohool truotoo wan vpokon of, but an a questiou wan raised ao to the locality of such pro ceeding at thin meetiug, a motion to ad journ waa rando and carriod. CoUllutlH! Iltead, And How To (Jure It.- Ono of tho cnoHt unploanant and dauRer- ouh| maladies 'that nflhet Canadiano at thiff oeaiou is cold m tho head. "Unpleas ant, bocauao of tho tlnll, heavy hsadnche, iuilamod nontnls and other disagreeable nymptonia accompamug it; anddanjjerouo, beounno if noglocted, it dovolopoa into cat- nrrah. with itH didiigrsoale hawking and pitting, Uoul broafch, fro-iaentloaa of tonto and BtneUt ad in wany caueu nltimatoly developing into couauraption. Nanal Balm is tbo only romody ybt dmcovord that will iuataMtly telievo cold in tbo head and onro iu u few application", while ita faithful uro will effectually eradicate the worse caso of oatarrab. Oapb D. II. Lyoua, pruHident of tho 0. P. It. Oar Farry, Pr*noott, Ont., naya: "I used Namt Balm for a prolonged oano olColi in tho head. Two applications offootitd a euro iu Iohh th'un twenty-four bouru. I would not talco $100 for my bottlu of NuBalBalra if I aould not roplace it." Sold by (ill dealers or ont by mail poat- .,! .', i mO db -i I t 1 , I ,' ' Ui M f 0. T. Fuhord A Ou., Uroi^vilio, O^'. Lonnos, Jan. 21. Mr. Glndfltoutj haw recontly written lottora to wvurnl of hi former coIIoh^uoh and followorw in PurUit- iiifint informing them Unit It i^ hit inten tion to muko bin rouppciu'nuro In tint Houhc of CommoiiH and take part In ltn proceeding/*. According *> thuHQ cont- municutloiiH tbo ex-l'i'cinloi* will eifchor VOtH Of HjlLMllC UflOIl DlO CjlUHliOll'l of till! fir-it, inipnrtHiui', hut, will otberw^o r' main pusHivo,- Thht nown 1ms bppii hm KratlfyiuK uh 11, hiiH boon (iiirprlMin^ to tho MlniHturlal purty,biit Ifcinnofcknown wlnit particular meiumruu will call him tu bin beat In thn IIouw. Tho mont reaionalilo Burmie, however, Ih baaed upon Mi. GbulHtone'H annwerti to lottorH to him piir- ftuinft n Kenoral lino of Inquiry uu to what In? may l^reliod upon to do In mippoi t of tho MinlHtry. While ho hi dlnpoHud to I >i non-committal nn to hii Intontlona ho 1m /ntiniatoil that tho Iri ill hind bill, tlx> Armenian iitrocltieft and tho * anti-Lord > rneimuru are the quoHtlomi In whoaa din- cu^hIoh ho moans to actively take pirt. If tho plans already formulated by th<* Government aro curried out during tl < HeHfiion tho proccodinKH will culminate i.i the passage of u hill depriving tho U|)[ r Houso of tho power to voto. Mr. Gliu.- Htone'n open ndbcHion to thin principi^ will he a tower of htroiiKth to tbo Libuif. h and r heir all it s, j ai ricularly on tbo nvn m' a ^M'lierul clccl ion and it wilt also coin in it.. Mr. Gbulstoiic to tho re-nssiniipiion of hi-, phiro in the liont rank and cm it mo him to lu-suine the guidance off tiio party in tho direr turn in turning tho oleetiony towardti the ducisiou of questions afTcctina; yreut constitutiorml reforms. The IMHKolutimi. Tho fact that Lord UoHobery, in Ida cir cular to i lie Liberal election agents, In fo noimI them I hat there wnjj no immediate pro-.pi/ct of a dissolution of Parliament, .conill iu i tlie statements veceutly cabled In regard to I lie lutiire situation and givoa assurance that none of the muasurc.s, upon 4\luch the Govei nmeiil base staked their existence, will he ab-vidoned. Tho pro- Tiabiiifv how increases Unit those mens urea will all be carried and iii a consequence the leaders of the Opposition appear to \,i\\t ih indoiHil hop .' able lo ac- i'(ii>iph-14-l)te-'nvejUii'ow of I lie _M i n W^i;y, eitli'T npun tlie vo'eontbi uddmss in icph tn t he Spi er h from tli" Tb i one or upon any subsi queiit me.isiiu . l)\ eb'iico ol t In - is t ii :n-!led by I be in -l t b.it,, as lb has tianspired, hord Sah^hurj, Mr. Llul- fimr, Mi' Cli.uiiberl.iin and otiii r 'I'orv mil UiiinMi >i lender^ recenily Fn Id .i i i.'ili'n'iicu ..it Ihitibhl 7Iou"-.e, LorTS.li^l .iv^.iesl- di i i , i a. i i li ji'iiii1- \* i i' 411 u s'-d de- bignuil to hiiui u aiisuIiuKJii. Sir VUIlium IfartMiurt'ii Jlmlijet. Ko parlhimoutary do\elopmont is tbo" fiour'ee of so miiuh public speculation as Sir \\rilliaui Ilarcomt'n budget, but it Is pjonerullj aucuptetf as a certainty that tho Cabinet intends to Hpring a Honsation by making proposals to tbrow oil1 the taxes from ti-.i, lofVee, and cocoa, and reduce tho duty on tobnero. The nurplui being thus swept olT, nothing wjll remain to meet tho admitred financial requirements of tho navy, const qnen'ly tbo Government have decided upon .i bold court>o, contemplatinp; tho raising of a lo m of 25,000,000, payahlo In aniiuil instalments. This work will be employed in part in orcctiupc permanent fort works in Gibraltar aud Portsmouth and Htreiigthening tho oxlstlna coaling Ktationw and creating; now oiidu. Tho-resi- 'due will he devoted to Increasing the num ber of warships Mr. Laboucboro and Sir Charles Ddke are in favor of thi measuro anil their support of it ensures tho adhe sion of the Kailieal.s to tbo plan. llurmi' VIow f th Sttitea. Tho vhms of John Hums and John Wm. Bonn upon the subjaot of municipal cor ruption In tho United Statoi iu f^ratofully received ou a basia of common* upon American institutions by tho Conserva tive prcs4r which uroasslduousily minlstor- ing to tho wldeHproad fooling of jealousy of republican progress and prosperity. The Spuctntor protests that tho Knelluh world takes no plousmo lu tho rerohitlona mado by thesa nieinhoni of Parliament. IC tho Knf.'linb race is rosponsibla forcitiou like Cblcago, thu fcipoctator uayw,- that calamity is offset by its buccouhoa olno- whero. Tho paper exproniioji tha hopo that thu Hungarians, Italians aud Iriuh who rule American citioa may yot bo oonipollod. to give proof of their ability and honeaty before they aro untrusted with power. Mr. Burns, in answer to questions an to the remedy for tht oviU ho discovered in American municipal administrations, wald that if tho latent energies of tbo race woro once directed towards purification they would quickly mulea ICuglttm cities look to thoir laurojs. If tha Amorican poli ticians woro ouco urousod they would hit quickly and knock tho onemy out in "ono round. THIS MONTH we will giVQ the Greatest Bargains ever offered.in BsaeX. . We mean to j Turn Our Stock Into Gash ff cIoho prices will <\o ifc. Wo have cut priocs to Costand. JSeloW on n* great many linoH, To appreciate" the great cuta wo aro giving you must Hee the gooda. Valuea speak for themselves, ' All lines of Dreau Goods from 25c par yd up, one-quarter off regular.price. As a ppenal inducement wo offer our"reg ular 35c Serge in all colors vat 'S^te^ll^o Po^oh lot of heavy drees goods, regular prices 15c and^W^JJbbbJS^^o. if1 jado0r Ooata "At l. to Wo aro bound not to cairy ono ovor, and oiler tho balanco ol aloclc at about half nrico. l'toguhir $5 Ooafca for $2,50, 7 for $8.fl, 88 for 91.25, ?L0 for $5.50, $13 for 7, $10 for $8.2fi. Our stock ia getting low in abovo, but what wo havo aro tbo lafcoafc and ovory ono now goods. Oveffooats axid Buits FOH MEN AND BOY3 Wo havo bad oxtva ^ood auccosu if. tbo^o linos. S Si portionate raductions. _ ~. * * to Boots aad SKoea Tltoao wo alao saoriiico on to malic room lor now spring goods. Wo carry tbo boat lines made. 25 percent on all fine linos of Ladioa' or . Gents' Sboos, from 1.25 por pair up. Our npocial lino men's long BootH, guaranteed waterproof, see them. 25 por sent.' moans a pair of $4 for $3. No ti-oublo to show goods, don't be afraid to ask to soo what you want, purchasing or not. Cut prices spot cash. tl JS&2J * WHITEEY BLOCK, ESSEX SI nUKETJ Wlioat rod por buabel.,,.8 Wlieat, wluto .... Com .... OatH .... Timothy Socd .... Clover Seed .#.. Alaike ^-^,, .,.. , IIay por tou............ Iieef per owt............ Pork ............ Mutton ............ tottf------...r.r...... 25 to tjbickonH por lb..... Butter ..... Lntd ..... 13(,'b, por do/ ..... Potatooo, por buflhol Onion a A'pploa Turnifft < Ciirrotu Booto Paronipa TurkoyB nor lb..... DucUb ..... Colery por doz ..... Caubu^o ..... CI 03 40 30 2 00 5 lo to 5 75 fi 25 4 fiO to fi 00 5 00 to 5 GO 1 75to 4 75 4 fiOtofi 00 1 CO 7 15 8 11 15 to 45 75 to 80 40 to 00 20 30 25 30 8 7 00 25 fi 15 8 7 to THE WAR IN THE ORIENT. -Ap- Pri^oipul nnd*UJOU hUUn ihut thbt* r altoj^uVlur too many _ "lat)on" *vry ruoruiua- at nohool iXa hope piucouiu will flee than thoir ohildrou reach ^l\i>Dl-bi>fof6 ibtt timo for opouin^, an Into uriival* pir#duu c*iifuwluu aud lou of timo in tho cUbhsm. Eiioljay'a tiivov Lozou^oa are uot briug- iog tho (loud to lifo or porformiu^ uufceard of miration, bul thvy aro brin^int; hoaltb and iUoabiuH to loany a homo pr<ivIouf.]y, cloutfed with trouhlnfl renultujg from blliouilmm aud torpid !iv^ 35 Ola. a box at ulldratf itoren Tltu Tiir-C!iow-Foo Fortti Hllnncotl- pronahlucf IVol-Hiil-WoI. London, Jaij. 21. The1 Central Nows lourns from Cheo-Foo fclmb tbroo Japnnoao wamhipn carrying tvoopa havo hIIdiicihI tho forte at ToiiK-Chow-l'qo. More tlum 25,000 Japiiuu.so bavo bn landed at Yun-Chinp[, near tho {(rout fortroBH of Wol-Ilal-Wol, did fifty Tupanoiia transports uro oil the .oast at that point. A t Ity I>atroy<d by un KarLliqualta. IjON'jjon, Jan. 01. 'pho Timo corroapon- 'I'-l P.,,. 1Pf.rq1/i. tftlp"-*-""'.....Tho I'h^i-yei, tourtuoii montlia u^i, m I <-\ i.ich was humedmtuly ro-bullt, waa n\,un do- Mtrovcd ou January 17, Many wre killed. A ii'undrotl womoa wuro cruahod iu.ouo bnrcb. Tho extbnt of fchti (lunmi;o aud tbo uumbor of doathi aro unknown U4yt. The blttoroit cold iuoroaHoa tho tuifTCerluK. I'^our diatinct ahookij wero folb in Aluuliud lo tho laHt throo dayu but; nodamatfo wna done. ^__________________, CKLiUlkt Dk-oyruu Mnl>1*tHl. PAitia. .Tau. 91. Captntti Droyfua r-* ttvad mi Saturday ut tho soitport of Ia Uouhullu, on hirt way to the Island of ,Ho. Au;'inorili6Ua crowd hootwlutblm. Tbo guarfj wim unablo to kuop tjiu people back from thoir prluonor. Mon and womou fought to net at him and several struck him on tho bead. A ript threatened,'but eventually the people were driven off by Htflram Wnl!cob'drSo3iu;itKurIcetUrvort No. 1 Ryo, por baahol .... 45 _ 1 Corn ____ 45 OatH ..... 20 Tho abovo pncoH nro paid by, II, Walltor Souh, Wallcervillo, One. * ; 5K3T6S Sleigh Bells Gervers m gases Carpet Sweepers Fancy hm Are seasonable goods now and can bo bought chejip at t Tno HolidayH aro over, but wo havo yot ou baud - - - Some- Rare Bargains 'In Clilluloid, l?luflh, find other Noveltiufl, Brio-u-brao otc, Huitaqlo for wedding or hirthdnv proBonta, unwell no Tope, Bolls; oto.,* Wo aro htmdauartorf) for - - - School Books and Supplies And koop all finch rtquinitoti. Call and ct'o ub. 5MCir^w &&,&* aiacjety WOOD'S X*I3fO!-3T][IOOllSrX3. Tito (irent fimrllMlt Ileuivdy. Slco PaoUaQea QuarmxtMA to pi'ompHv *ti I * ->-i > - " 'Miri* . i . . -. \V<!n}:w**\, J jjii a in, i.^i ih a/oi*Wj*rt, Jm}>otatiCif find vU nffnolac^f AlnlXA of XiinfiHie it JUVa/ui Worry, eaMat ivi ut* litter* n fl VI *>*.v<V3Vi^">. OjUumor RUuiu. flrmititi JitMunUut CfonmlaijtUon and an early yraw. Hun budii pf CMt-ttMid ovor Sfiyonrs In thotisandtf ut ruicii is tlid onln r.eltabla and Honest itritUhio hnown, AskdruinflntforWood'aFho-photJlucjlf liu offora ojjj(j worthlnui modlciuo In place of thin, Inclcmo price In lottor, and Wo wJH tend by rottim Vnnll, Wloo, oho ^wjtage, 1; slx,fj0. Ono lull! pledtbt uh toitt oure. Pamphlets tt'oe to anj^ o-Jdrt^ti. - Tho Wortd Cnmprtwy'," Whidftor, Out., CWiuift- Hardware, Essex. THE AMERICAN HOTEL Essox, . - Ontario. EC. LUCK, FROPJUKraH, ILYB DEEN thorau[{h]y naintod nnd rofiloniahod with now furnituro by tho pmiont proprlotor. LAHOI8 UAHN IN OONNUCTION. l FirBt-OliLim Accomodation Guarantoud.- AUCTIONEER HISNItY HKDUICK. Auotlouoor. BoloB promptly attondod to. Audrosa Boothv.. Woodaloo, Ont. Pomona deBirlug to nooure m UliLT Iohvo word attlo PllKH I'ltKBH oUloo. tr n. ukdiuok. '"**,'ttolrf hi Ityex by all <*rufeKi*lB. prlla, MHiet^JgeBtiou, pr*Tttt oonBUpation. JAMi'Jh J^AYLOIt *auon this opportunity of itmif>UHoiiu .u liuo peoplo cl tho Town Aiut l\,rMlf f t )-V).|,Y. fllflf )jfl hftHliii ' "( Mft- , > j ! : hy v >. lldl'.lU '-. li,' it ))if tli" bi rviu it "OitHlLi hriAUl. ___ jlTi- oijiuid >JU' U D/on^lily oomputiU'w -n*t< Tliititkiiis tho [Hioplii ct thetiwu m * <'ouuty fov thopatvuao bcfltowoti upon hi i iu tho piLat, will liiinruntoo (latinfaction in it i /utur " Gristing and /Chopping a 'I mi) BJffiSYnitADMS.OFirl.OWH, i'KKDAHI> OOHNMKAIi KKPT IN 8TOOK AK1> aOLl> AT KIOHT X'BIOUia C&s'h Paid for Wheat and Oats* Wbil" P'i'H n^d otherpurga.tiYf^ouIy co- hnv*ibiliooMieflB aud- reaot, laaylnR ,thi:- viotitns raorfl prone to ilaggiBhWui^ of th*"*^' am the bat ttHor.dinner live);, Ewljiiy'a tiivor Lozsngta euro pci- jilvfeiy*6lJ p*tnSn.neu 1/. *.wi.i-., *t<r+*m*M' t* i'-

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