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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 25, 1895, p. 4

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!;* : s*:*.; ' *>tr> \'t- vw. r>-K-i Mi..' ,'j..-*'i ^JEiiS ESSEX FREE PRESS Wm. GOSNEXX Doairea to announce to tlio pooplo of Khmgx und Yiohnty Unit ho baa purohaied tlio Qrosary and Or oakery Stock of iSerson Bros. And mill piuoo a. new ntoaU aud oou- tinf to keep on baud FINE CROCKERY nrt GlasHWiro,' FRESHtRcCERIES ' hi ni TEAS, SUGARS, oi<i., otc. Which-will bi hi 11 at . B'Orj'OM'lVUIOKH I-'OH GAHII. Hlghost Market Pr-lco fof Butter, and Eggs. .-D.EATH-AT A CROSSING. JOHN ' McUUGH, OV maid- stone, gprri^^yxoTiMr. Wtt# Contractor and Fa The old fnondtf and putrtma uf tbi otoro, aud ull otlieru aro oorijiully inyitod to oa.ll iinJ huh uu. Tha haw* of tut* fatal auoldunt wlnoli lt. full Mr, John Moilu^h, oat of tha bauf. known maidfliitt f lYUidat-m* tnwubif, on Woiu)ay evaiiiuy, aanno with fu.rfti) uuUumiaHn to thotia of the oitizoiu who hud tnnt Mr. MaUutfb lu Kunai ou the day of kid doalh. Mr. MoUuj{Ii had rlrlvuu from hiq homo to Kiiuox ilni-it)^ Mm day, Htoppiu^ at, tliw Royal l7)tel. IIo upuut tho uftern'ooiiat- tn i id Inn In nnrn htilo 1ju-iii.hu matter* about town, having beun in novaral niutta ilnrny the day, About half pant nix o'clock In tho ovuning, ;>lr. AInIIu^li }rtt to- Inn Immu on tho" AlidJIa ltorut in rvUuMoiie, ijoinii wftHt on tin Tn;ot roU. l'liu "rciiiu ho (ividnutly iiittmrlul taking wan along Talbot road, to tho Wbitnoy yldtiroad, thaiion on tho r<mr roalf wont to tliq Kvwl- rick roud, andjon to tho aIiddlurou(I,tobU ham* east arc oouuaHMun (Wo. . Owi^Au tho alarmy utatn of tbu wuith'- on Monday vHtiititf, Mr. MuQu^h bad apparently wrap^uU liimuolf heavily in Lhu blaitkoU which ha .had, together with a heavy Htorw coat, and trusted to tho horn* arjuiot oun -to tafco him homo oyer tha uauiil route. When ho reached tho-ruar road at tho nod ef tho Whitooy uiduroad, tho homo t.iok tho wron^ diraotioa, and turned oiiHt towards tho railroad, half a tnilo dintuiit, lb in iiuppohcd that owiuf* to tho high wind "blow ft it* -irt tlio tiino, aud alnu to tlio blcw iitorm, that the dozaaaod m;yr huard thn anproauhiu^ LfrHiniugton accommodation train, wlnoli wan jusbloav. injj Esafix, if hu iii(ioiid_ivan nofcobhvoua to tlio route bis horuu had takou. Ths oujdpBtjr did not ue tho iloigh, and Bncourayod by tho tmccauu uttandinp; tUiyj-wobld not bava kuowu b had etruok it Wm. Gosneir, Darrlator,^ H^yy to lc tTsSOX^ !x Free Press. "JANUARY 18'jr. ANOTHEIfUlt/WKL rtOAl> ritOJKCT. .1i:ild(.luiif, Suiulultb souIt9f;oHllnJ(l Nok-tli, ColoheMtor Nortb, hik! gravelling of tbo Colchuitor and Gooflolrf townbuo, a movoraunt la on foot to gravel tb* Maidtopo sonthera townlino from tho WalW railway in Sandwich South,oast to tho Caraoron road in'Gouflold North, about uia milori. A doUgatiou compoood of Dr. I3awur, AIyor, and G. E. Naylor, T..U. DeCow, Jehu WortUy, of Ebbox, Eli Tinlin aud D. Keuuody, of Uolchciitor North, uttundu'M the county council ou WodnHduy, to Rolioit Mib oo-ofjoratioi) ufibat body, Which, howovei*, was not in BOtinion, owni| to a Muconiu l*athoriu,' A. reproncn :.uon oornprimni: ibis rooyeH and ii^ptity rcovoa of tho muni cipalities intorctUed, nistthodeletjationaiid ,*alk:d nuitcra 6vcr, vVarion B.irULt ojcu^illJ Lht: chair, ai.d Dr. Dow&r uoted uu uooratary. Mr. DeCow win called on and detailed tha.objfobaf tho delegation, th fjraat nocd of improvement iu tho roadand of tho auo. ceH akiondiuji tho cauvau already mtulu for privaU.hUbfloriptious. A montiuti had bosD bold at Edgur'a Mills ou Monday vofliugi and alroady 8700 was Bubncribod, and b* bolioved 8100 could be eamly gut. Mr. DaGaw aaid tho managor of Walk- or'a railway had prQiuincd to mipply ^raybl at IB pfir car at FaqueUp oroyBiuc.tboiido wbioh an aero of cood gravel had b*en promiiod for 0125 with tha o'ption of four mora aoroa at nmu fi^uro.half a mile from thy town lino. Tho propoal wns to gravel uiuc mho* at a cost of 5-1U0 pur tuilo. Mr. G. E. Naylor nnolcu of tho bunefit to . tooiuo to the county from od roft la which would incroaQo the yuIuu of piop^rty, and oauso an influx of farnuui\. Ho ntroogjy urgfd lhu luemberii pr&aout, to uupport the raatter. AddroBseu wore also giyon, by Mr. Barrot Mr. Wortloy an well tin by Mayor Dowar, who thoa^bt tho miwiuQuu man of Einox would rcapond libortilly to a cull for sub scription!; Mr. Tiulin upoko of tho bad condifcion of tlio roada; Hoove Cole, 'Winto- Mnto Laird and Brown, also opoko eucour- afjin'fjly of tho matter and promiHod to do wbat[tboy could to carry forward tho pro- ...... TbdraeotinK thou adjournod and ooyoral members' of the datamation- attended tho county council acain onThurudav, to luy tho matt'or boforo tho ontiro bodyi Tbn ."I/'hsk IkiEis will oudouvor to clvo a .morn extonoivoriiport of thoirsaccoan, m ita next iBftue, jdOt. JLordBandolphGburobilldicd at London, ig yoatorday (Tbu^sday) morninti,-iu ^|Si6fifiy.'flftb'yqarrof his auo. Lard Church ill watf one of tbo nblont leadoro of tho Eng lish oopBoryativo party, and a qIobo ally of {' %oYci riaHiibury. For tbo paBt yoar hio Jienltb has boen poor, and ho had juut re iarnod from a health toarar'ound tho woi'Id, to die eu bis native soil but tbreo dayo after his return. - "Wo havo received a notification from the " Ontario Good Boadu Abb*u that a oouvon- tiuii of all interested in the imprownnint or Ontario biybwa/w * i I oo iiyjil i, t'V.i 'X'.IVI.O.A. Bijllujiitf, Yongo atroot, Toronto, ou Feb. 7th and 8ch. It ia expoated that number of valuable papore on thin im. portaut lubjoat will be read by well known men* HoproieutativeB are invifcad from all parts of Ontario. Good roada area ruont important factor hi tho protipority of & country, oven in these daye of railways and atreot oars. A farmincj. oouutry, fiuoh a* Oniarid, needs the very boot kind of roads, in order that the country reeldoiats maybe able to bring thoir produce easily to the best market. Good road. >ill iuoroae greatly; the valde of. the land tb*y iujer. wot, auawo hope the coming oonvenbion iu Xoro&to mtty do fooct sorvlce iu oatht [I in(t the provlnoo to obtain these noooflaitlea. bad it not boon that sumo tratfmurit of the wruok cautMtd" tho lurninfi ou of tlio air pronouro, Htoppi-ijf tho train. Thv aleinh inuat have buuu fairly ou tbo track, as both aUaftH woro uhuttored off at tbo croaabar, and Lho Jnrao oocuped wilhoufc a mark. Mr. McHujjh'n bc'd'y wan fouud about foriy- ilvo yardu from tho croHuiny, and frau- mentu of tbo Hldich weru auattered m all uirtutioua.- About, t^outy nunutu^jelupuB.i afttiL' tho acoiJcnt hifnrn i,lu* ho:ly wan found, and when picked up lifo wan t;x- tiiicl. l^catJi v;iiti probably inotaLitanuourf. A lur^o "fiacturo of chu ukull, ami tbo ir.au^liiiti of tho h>fjb loj from thi^'h to foul, rtuiw tbu principal n:jurioi, aud oiihtr '.^Ol'i! prnnnnt f.ifjj^tft) >ii--|l :t> "V.|Ty.7 i/tiUutd iii.:iih. Tbo body wau fouad lying in tbo ditch ou tbo nortc mde of tho railway, aud wau placod on tbo iiuin, which wan backed to tlio utatlon, and tho acoideul reportud Ly Couduolor Butlor. The body wuh placed-in the baggnRo room, aud Dr. MoKtuixie, oorqnor, was no-. tiflod. Whan tlio Po arrived, ke duoided to Jthold an iuquciit on tbo following morning, and in Ike moantirae drove to tho reaidencu cf decijuaod, in ordar to notify thelfamily of tha sad occurence. On Tuoeday nioruiug, after tho arrival of invfral brochera, and nionubom of tuu family of dcoeaud, a aoroner'o jcry \va empanolud, and tlio niqaoHt proceeded with* Tho following-nawud contlomon woro duly sworn in tit u jury: C. E. Naylor, foreman; Me shim. John Wortley, Wm, Ed gar, J no. S. Burdiclt, Goo. Burdiok^Wm. GreeuWay, E. Caruabmi; Warreu Luu, Win. Wolfe, Jot). Towuneud, A. 1'arker and W..F, Mud^o. The Jury first viewed tho body, findiutf that tho loft log wan badly ummhed, from tho nnklo to kuoo hoin^ torn into uhiwln, an 1 broken in oeveral plaoos -above tho kujo. Tho ri^bt lei: w&a ulao iujurod about tho ankle, whilo on tlio back of tho head wan a largo scalp wound,.aud a fraa. turo of tho i.kulh Tbo jury thou adjouruod to meob in FocU'a Hall at 1:30 o'clock, p.m.. for the 'hearing of evidence. Tho first wituonu aallud wan 1-itEU. c. ih;tx,eh, * conductor of tho traiu, who toEtiliod on oath, that liin train lqft Esaex at 5;67 o'clock, p.m., (M.C.R. time) aud after loav* in^ began to colloot tiokotn, wbou ho felt tho air being turned suddenly .odi "the air bniuoo, and the train oame to a flherb Htop. no wont out and unkod the engineer what wm tho raattor, and the latter said be bad struck somothing. Tho train ctop- ped in about two leu^ths from tho oatit switch on tho north siding. They eiaui- inodthe pilot aud found splmtersand a oap, aud went back to search tbo ground nd tp aoe what was wrong. Mr. Butjor aid, **X- w/cnTon tbo south aide of tha track, and tho on'gitieer and brakoman wont on the north side. Wo found parta of a rig und a blanket,^ ad tho brakoman found tbo body of a man ou tho north tilde of tbo track near the switah. f notiaod that bin bond waa cut, asd that sue ]* was bndlv ^i' abyd, bi. uaw (to \gu.* t;t ,ii.v ;* tout d lho bJdyaVout'UO uiiuuHwii ufcar i. was Qtruak. We baokod the train, took I bo body on board and brought it to tbo depot at Essex, and reported the accident to the Agent* aud to the General Superinteudoufc, lho Asaiafcttut and Division .Rupinutau. dentit,"- The nexfc yrituess was JOBttl'H OOWIjKH, of Loaiuiutitou. the en^Iuoof on tbo train, who testiflod as followe : .: *'*I am engineer o* train No. lB3t due at Esaa* at 5:51 o/oiook, p.m. lieoelved or. dors from oonduotor, markup " at D:57, to run to Woodslee, meet No. 1 and takoBid. iu//( after wbioh w palled out, When the cntjue started U waseix o'clock. Bouuded wblotle for the firflt-rooil eronsinf, the fire man ringing the tell. K *ng alsD for seo- oiii and third road crossings, tbo whmtlo also being blown for eaob. When crosaiug ssooad roacl(.tko.air hone In back of tender ^oVntruo.ltTtud thrown ^>nt of the Vdummy heiJjj(liiwhloh nllbwed th'e^fcir to caoapo from the train pipe thus oiusing emergen cy aotlon ou tbn whole brain, wbioh broughb it to a Buddoii Ntop. Air still blew from main rueorvoir nntil 1 closod tH"'vlVe; this occupied but aslnxt time. I went down to examine pilot hack of the tondar to moo what wo bad I found Mplm- tora of wood and n cap. Went with con ductor Mid brakoman to oxahninn track up to ti^aond roud aronemu. Found piooei of woid mid two bln.nhg.tfi or parts of blanket ulong the track. Tho brakoman diauovored a man lying fhoo down'wafd on tlio north Midi! of the track," down off tho gr&dn. On tnniiutf him over wo found ho waa duud. Th.' conductor itrrlurul mo tu.back til* truiu to put tho body on board, which 1 did. Xh traita wan run ou the north ndu tmok to tlio went HWikoh, whorn I rnmalnod till I reaeivud further orders. I did not notice anything ou the trtck; the firnt luUm^tinu of anything being wroc(V- wan wbou tbo nir brake waa sot. The ttain watt runniug about JS milev an hour. Tho lights on the online woro tho uuuul lighu aud worn burn-- ikig properly." mciijikn piemiiu, dairyman, who lives iioar tho oaone of the accident, was neit callod. Mr. Ferkin'u toatimouy.waH as follows : ^ "While loaviug my siablo, wliiah is about 25 rods Bonfcb-oaab of 4ijie . crouuing where the acaidont'happoui;d, I board the whittle blow t'lu uauiil croHoiut! Highnls. Shortly aftcr,ward^I hcaid a noinu liko that of a wugon in pafising oy*>r lnno^boardn. Tho tram Htnppod after Koiug a abort aintanco. I wont on tho concoHHinn road and saw a horny partly harnoQuod, walking. I liod tho homo to tbo funou, and wont to .wbero tbo train watt standing. I walkod baok on .the track with the conductor, whore we found nemo uplmteru und two bluuketu. Oenof tho mou on the north aide of the truck found tho body of a man lying ou bio faco,,and on turning him over ho wan found to.be dead. The uondutcor ordered tho train brought backhand, tlio body pat on board. I-aBkod Mr. Tulley to tako care of the horno," "" . 'TIIK VKWDICT. Th" fnrft-j'ijng oaniprined nil f.bo ovidenco ( ivuri, and tha jury retired for dwiiboTa- ti on finally run luring tbo following vordiot: "Th'-ttlu waiil -Jubn McrJngh cuwu-to Ins (Uia'Lh oh the -i,lt day of January, 189/i" by bjmg n'.ruck with tbu i.*ugiiio of M.C.U train Nn. 13'J, eant-boniid at tho n-a.r rond lVr^v>:jj7;"V'.i';n^"Mr~r*fT>;ki:i's ho-iso, e-.ai of Ehhox, ut abuut G:0il p.m. central utaudard time, while the mid John Mo Hugh wui driving in a outtur; aud tho naid train whs goin^ at thi rate of about 18 miles a. rub our, and the engine running backward- with pi. lot and headlight ou the tender. It ap pear! from tho cvidonce that tbo neodusary sigualo bad boon gjveu for tho crossing and .that no nej;li|;puco on the part of tboao in oharco of faid traiu waB apparent.. Wo thoroforu ilud tke said Juo. Mctlugh in tbo manner and by thnm,eatitj uforeiaid, accidentally and^by misfortune, canoe to hi** cloath.and not othorwiHO." Tha Vordiot was tinned by tho foreman aud- all tbo jnrorw, without dissent; A Record t/S- m After the body had been viewed, it was turned over "to undertaker Hiokn, to make jcrpuriitiou for bur ml, Duceuned was nfiod about fifty years, and was for eoveral years extensively eugauod in dredcinjj operation!, in different couutisn, recoivinn largo con- tracts from the Dominion Government. Hawanatons time supposed to bo quite wealthy, but buB Buffered reverses in late yearn. Ho wan twice raurriodand leaves a la rue family. Ho bad sisters and brother!) among ;whom were: Jsd^a MoHngh, of Windsor; Frank aud Jamas MoHufib, of tfaidetono, and othera residing in various parts of tho United States. ---------------------------.& COTTAM PLAINS. Our neighbor Mr. Wra. Maoouit baa or- eetod a vry hand noma and commodious framo houso ou bin farm iu tbo nixth con. on the woat Hide of tbo west quarter road in the township of Goyfiold Nertb. Itecont* ly ho paid a throe woeka visit to hia friends ad rolativoa near Ottawa. Whoa bo ro. turned homo, ha surprised those who thought ho had gono Bast to ougago a fa- malo partnot for life, but they might have known such a worthy young man. au. bo is oonldeasily not a/helpmeet without going so far aftor one. Some small object in tho Plains fleeraa to exert aorcobhiug like a magnetia powor on a certain -ypung man of Maiden, but lob him not den pair, form the prcceus of timo ho may bo able to carry the dear little ob ject away with him. My bid .bmgliah nohoolmastor told me that ouco upon a timo, a Ghinaman visitod LM^land, and when ho returnod to his ^wti oonntrv be said: Tn IHnflund *v>*yr ,1. .n^, -0' (*' , L.'iii Wlcil, 'V'tl u .. ninu. HUii all kinds of battle, inuvi ul>i wo men old and young, The bog humid wau tho only ^entleuian in EiigUud," -apd I may add that bo iu of no uhb until hu bo killed* I waa reminded of that story when my neighbors* fiffossre. Burk and Wbitn'ey each proonrpd ,mill to brief1; up the wator by tbo wind. . Mr. R. Allan, auoM reeidont of New California died on the) 17th Inst. His fun eral took;, place on Saturday the lOlh. Mr. OefiolanJ who is trauhiug our eohool Is inticb hked by the ohildrou* I need-uot tell you anything about tbs variable condition of tbo weather, for you know as mtioh' about it as I do. We do not want to cahy over any winter goods and in- order to effect a speedy dearing our prices are . . . - CUT TO THE BONE: - In* many instances to 25 per cent, below cost <^f manu facture. This is a rare opportunity to secure season able goods AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES, am We name a f'ow of the linen which are being sacrificed: Ladies1 Fur Gapes, Colla MiiITh, Heavy Clo;tkin^f ,/iao. opera Shawls and heavy Wool Bhawhi Q-p ^-fc jujcjt JPrlce. Kingsville .Blankets and sheeting at Iohh than mill prices, Mena* and Overcoats at prices that are simply ridiculous. Men'w and Boya^ Underwear and Shirts all slaughtered- Mon'pi Water-proof Coats at exactly half price. Men's' long Boo1 and Overshoes all reduced. Twoeda at a reduction of 25 to 40 per cent., and many oth lines wliich we have not apace to enumerate. "" CUT PRICES ARE FOR SPOT CASH. Handsome Parlor Clocka and Mirrors Free.' / Yours for Bargains, DtrWSTANT BXjOOK:. ESSE2T. Going* Out of Business mEsma I3ST ESSEX Will dispose, of his entire ;Sto6fe-0f-^te*fe^am-d- Meif's Furnishing Goods at cost. We want to close out rapidly. It is our intention1 to leave Essex and the present prices asked for our goods will make them go. We welcome all comers. Don't wait till you need the/goods. You will not make money faster than lay- ing'in a supply for future use from our stock now. CASH ONLY CASH N -B.-All outstanding accounts must be seUledat once. W, J. BEWAE, Dunstaid Block, Essex, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTRAY. CAME INTO THE PHEMIBEH OF Tnl3 UN- ilorniduixl, lot liO, con. 10, Colclmattir North, ou Dec. 1, a niodinm nized rod cow Owuur la ronnontocl to iirovo pvonorty, pny clmruoH und tftlto htir nway. 64111 MNUH DOAN, Doc. 20. "M. Elford P.O. NOTICE. NOTICE IB HKHEUY OIVKN THAT I havo linpoiin<lncl on tho nortli oant quarter of lot No. IJ, in tho 7th con. af tlio Towuuhlp of Clo&ftnld. Norfch; In tho County of Eiinox, 4 ulioop. Two of tho eh a on (u-o auoil owon. with binok faoon, riRhtcnr Hplit and ajiiRrfne in nnllt oar. Odo owo In agnd, with whito faoo, rinc In rlRht our. Fourth In a ram lnmb with blnolc laoo, without othcvdifitinnuiHhlpg nmrlu. 3 SAMUEEi-ABH. SALE OP VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY UNDER AND BY VIBTUK Off A POWJ3R of hiiIu contained In a inortgaKo inudo by Wm. J. Plator. ofc \ix, dafnult luiviug haon made iftWymcut tliorcof, will bb sold by publjo auo- Hon ftt: tjlft 4lwidnMH *lnM. Mnuov ni*n1vf>, nr> iATUKDU, FEhhUAflV 2, E895, m 1 o'olnok p. m., ilip tuMiyviiau property: All and Blugulav that certain riarool or trnot of laud aud pmnaiau oltuatu, lyitucahd bulnirj tho T6wnnhlp(*f Colahnntur North, In tbo Comi ty of Kaitox, KUd UelH oomiioaed of; tot uuiubor 03, uu Hhown ou'a vlairof thu oouth-eutit quo tor of lot numhor 2B3, uouth BldA of Talbot road, lit tlio iiatd towiiBhii), mudo by Jawoa B. L*IH, IMj H.t and ir>c\ii,w\ on April 3,1681i ** k>lau ^33, and now bolnu In thtf VliUctt of Hwwx Oontro. -. ' This lot bafl a. fronttfnfl of */0 foot and u dpiu of 900 feet. Thara In kino a ouu aud ousWlf story frame d^ollluu liouuo !2'2xM, .with kitchen 10x2*1, ia flood htatd of repair, TKBMfl-Tl 10 par neat TKBMtf The purohaor sbaH pay a dopoitlt of it. at toe timo of Bale, th* balauoe of oiitt-tblrd of n&e pQrehaaP moaoy lutiwoo^weobi theraa-ft^r; tha reiusiuiiitf two-thirds in oaab, or Bflpurod by a tnortgugo payabU in, Woeiotii to flvo yars at tlio option ot the yuroliaaor. Ti*or further partloalam apply to ' CEICItAIi.ORIQJtAIl AU.VNiaiiH, .- 4 Vendora'SoHoitoni: Hamilton* nQiutlton.Jan. 15,1903, .... r OHN GORMIjEY. J lilCENBKD AUCTIONBEB Tor tho County of Eaflox. All kindR of farm Btoclc mileu, ota.; oouductod pvomptly and on abort notlco. Ptitoit roanonablo, Pflrflona desirable to arran[to salon may Jo na by calling at tho Fnuu Vimau oflloa or by applying to i j. GoiairjEY. . P. O. Box 135 " KRuax, Out. LOST OR STOLEN. IN DETROIT, AT OOKNEIl OP DEQUINDER and H'i Franklin nt, on tbo nijjht of Doo. 27, a prominory noto, niBnort by Thon. and Honry Fft^zpatrlok, and payablo to Tiiou. J. McDonald, at tho Bank of Gommdroo, Windaor, on Fob. 3, 1895, for thn Bum of $12, Parties aro wamod aguinBt nafiotiatlifli: tbinnoto, ___ . THOS. J. MCDONALD. Ennox, Jan 21,1 BOB. _ -1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ! In this Matteii of' XnoiiAs Bicita,. ov utia Town opEhahx, GitocER. NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE abovo namrn! Thomas Hiokn ban nmdo an asniunmant to mo uudoi tho provisloud or Chapter W. 11. 9. C, 18H7, and amondmontH tlior<to, oral! hiHOBtata ami Bfifoota in t runt for tbo'beueflfcof hlBoredltorB, .,,, A meetinc of thooroditora of tbo said Thnas Hlokfl la liowby eonvnnod and will bo bdld at the low olUou of E.A.WlaniB**, in tho Town of Kwx, in tho County or MHMflX.on a'uedday.the SOfch ilay Uu-u'd-j.; j.., ( ii ll a d iho(;ivlui. oi .;:.ir'.oi.ionii with ruf', jni. f> thA diamiHiil Oi tbti nuf<( ^uUt*. .... All oVoditow of tho said Thomau (Holes nro boroby required to fll* thoir elalmn wlfch m<, pt-oparly vorillad, a* dlivotad by tbo atatutaa In that babalf.oti oi beffi?n tha dav of suol> w*" inrf, aft^r Whinb dat^Iuball pyoood to <litrtb- uto thn naid ftfltato,. having Mfliurd "ly,to'iuoli nlaimB a 1 fthall bavo notlco of, und I ahall not bo MiivonBlbU lor th*. Huaota of the WLidoatato or any part thereof, to ttiiy praon or poraona whona nlalm or olalmu nil all uot hayo beun nlod Datod at Eiex thlilBtbday or January, 1800. W. D, UHAMAN, Aislitneo, KBOJt, Out. q CAW't BUST DAT IIAIUIE&J HDU0W. IT COME fftOU ADAMS HocxVtt rilla are hand made, aud perJVct in proportion and appoaranca. 26a, per bo*. Tha earlier Hymptona of dyapjBeia,hciart' barn and onoafcion.I HeacUohpif, ahpnld not M;w^if0^e^^.jTaJ|iiR^o^,|L be ouraiS. ".'"/,', ' X HAS PLACED PRICES AWAY DOWN - ON -" Farm Harness, Truck Harness * AND Heavy Harness OF EVERY DESC&lPTlON* V A lar/^o efcook and it wiuat go... .Gall nd boo tno " ,' .Wore buying fllBewhero Everything in the Horse Furnishing tlnei -V '^..<-. '" ^,',1IJ-.11- Two doora eait pt Bato'a Oarriaga Worki, SlH kM :.'0,;', :^^Mm^

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