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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 25, 1895, p. 3

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ffgffift The Spirit of the North and Sonth Crops Up lu tlio U.8..H0UHP. A ROW OVER THE PENSION LIST B*Ir.i.Utlv 'We*' O^n Jtf<m"to 1' " poifid VwiwyvroclpUmlv an Out- brmk of >fa.|.>Uuic-l( * ..- S>pm ilia South- The Unemployed |u/fitrtitrcal Evident- ly.HontfOpon Mischief. Wasiiin(^.0Ki jim 10, TJioi'o was nn eX cltoniunt <mi Him0Ht r|0tou .dlaouHHlon ffowllnR0)it 0* proposat! paiwiou leglalri; tldnin the,HoUM of Koi>MHCntatlvoa. J^ant Jb rltlay nlfcht t|wro W|W n tumultuous out break pJ|p|Utotl byUhooppoMltlon of Mr. Jones, (hQm. Virginia) to the bill to grant -* P*nIftn to Mnjor-tteneral John A. Mc- ^'jfod; und tho 'procoedlnKB- laHt night lomowhut of jui outgrowth of that on, Tho fooling ran high and blttor a woro Hpokon. Tho immodlute cnuno Tho outbreak hub night was tho block- k of hi 11a to inoronso tho punalon of tho " low of Qon, Abudf Doubledny and to alon another widow who had porform- 8orvIcH im ii voluntary nurwo during war, by tho parliamentary opposition dr. .Tonoh. -. "' >. Cooper (Dom. Ind,,) took tno place Mr. Springer hiat Friday night, and conaldorablo temper ho charged Jonoa alack of chivalry In .thus' opposing urea for Uio beneltt of womon. , JonoH roapoudod with warmth that aa'not fighting women and* aborted t thoro waa no foundtitioii. for tho urge. "What I am lighting for," ho anlil, u'b equality hi-fnro thoJaw._.anil ngalnat tho granting nL largo pontdona to tbo rich, powerful ami Influential." "I rjiicntlon the moMvaaof the gontleraa.i from Virginia," ftlioutofl Mr. Cdopor. "Ilih opposition to thoyo pension bills I bollevo is actuated by tho aontlmont exproaaed by him huit Fridav night, when ho said he wan proud of tho cause he had fought for in tho trojtcheH. Although ho linn takon an oath now to Hupport the flag that floats above your head, Mr. Spcakor, ho displays toward it fciie same Hpirlt of oppoaitlon aa when I10 fought ago-mat It thirty yearn ago. I Kay only what ho himself soya." Mr. Klmpnon (Pop Kans.), Mr. Cox(Dcm Tonn.J and Mr. Mowa (Duiu. Georgia) took part in tho colloquy. Epltheta were bandied ahout and for a little tinio it look ed ua though a pergonal conflict might ensue. ( Mr, Talbot (Dom. South Carolina) mndo a violent, tpecch. He ranged up and down BLQODSHEO NEARLY RESULTED Crow<1f Around the Oily llnll Ilaoonto Vlul.lnfc In Tnlr llonionrttrutlou* Clubbed by tbe jPo11<i-~A Man- ~ .lier of tho Mor Turbu lent HplrlU Arretted. . MoNTltBAL, Jan, 10. Montreal narrowly escaped uerlous riot and bloodshed yonfcor- t' day after noon and bad lb not been for tho effective work of the polico the reaiiltu would have boon aerious. The mob of Idle men whleli had been surging around tho city ball nhiee early morning, towards onn o'clock grow turbulent. Whlln one of tho leadorHWuB aoMreeHlntf thorn a eurUr at tempted to pats through tho ranks and tills \vaa tbo algniil for tho dlaordur to commence- The police Were appealed to, and they began to pilot the fdeigha, but thoy could not go beyond tho outaktrta; tho crowd homhiad thorn in, thoao In tho roar crushing tho others upon tho oillcora*. and separating thorn from their charges. Pandemonium at thin point began to reign. Tho apoakora' voice waa loat in tho uproar and thu loadors could not bo heard; thoy could only bo hcoii gesticulating wildly. CrluH roao on every hand to those In tho Thousands in Dire Dis tress, MANY ARE NEAR DEATH The Sufferrrs Should be Di rected to PaiWs Celery Compound. Mrs/ Dunint.ib.'Cured.- Ac tho present tiiu* there are IhouHand* of valuable Hvn In jeopardy in our ootujtrv, and mou and woman are auxioimly noekin^ for lii;lp. Mitny uru oriiHlly Miffurin'i; nnd in deep dUtrpuLi. li.idi.ey and liver emu pltintH, hetrt trouhlt;n VJyrtprpaiii, uidiyeH HI sxrr. WOMEN OF ITALY WHO BEAR HEAVY BURDENS ON THEfR"HEAD8. > Hou.. UtMtlatloa of >tlio Witfbta Home by Them In TliU.Itifaiiiter p", Vliim Them PliyeloHlly A Type liurely Heeii. Tho oijly women who bnvo a truly ro- galpoBn nro.tho Italian women whom flu uncial HtriiiKonoy forcuk to carry groat loads of wood from building* in tho proct:nit of uruotiou or enonnoua heaps of clothing from tho sweaters Ah tho human una in not long enough to claap tho bundluH thoy havo to carry thoy havo learnod to utilize their howls for tho work, and have tiiuw acquired a car riage which no other chum of "women poHuoMHOB, For one cannot balance twolvo poundH of titiHewed wairttcoatH xipon tho apex of tho body unletm tho- "body in in aliKoluto uquiUhrlmn, tlio nuvk Hud-HhoulderH, the waiut, bip.'i and logo nil in thoir correct pouitionH. It in an art not to bo acquired in a day, thin of balancing woighlH.upon tho in5rFliS^^ |4** ;:" "> to all- middloof thoHtreot to nLop thu dlHturboru 1 .. . . and allow no pannage. Tlio oftlcerM con- tlon ttadrlit-umatinur huvo brouiiht mi.nj tinued to try tooH'octaii opening, but, toiho verbis of the.yr*.vo,' Mcntftl *itxiot\. the ft hoi:.. tim not/ wl. , . In; . the cirt 'i defi.it, " a-, I-.' ii gttstlculating and I .'(.1.'oil, lu; said, the eon- v rjou/il paKHicinu. but ho .' M.-iually eamo fruni 1 no^o -:ijH: In war and iuvmoibh* Iia vtid. "it, \b < . ',. ! under 'Uin pu'no Uri ; ," -^h^.^iug his II tts in (V !-.,: " Hi lilt Jtt'publii an shlfi), ..... it! r.i"ii u '.:t< fouj-,nc then would light again. You can like that or you can lump it. I lovo tho cause to day as'mu ch ay I did wlien n, boy I bared my bottom to your -bullotli on the battlufloklit of Virginia." Mr. Jouea wa accorded tho floor for n few minutea at tho clost'o of tho neBirion and denounced Mr. Coopor'fl lan guage towards him an being unworthy of a gentleman. Referring to the **Iot cauKQ," ho said ho would antiwar al ways and everywhere an he had then, that ho was proud of it. "And when a gentle man Haul I believed it to bo right, ho slandered me. I know ..It was right." ThlHbrougln tho IIouHe-to the hour of though thoy woro badly JoMtled and liruiftpil thoy refrained from imlng thoir but.onH. ThoKo'Who wOro on guard nt tho entrance of tho city ball left thoir poHtH to Inuttmi to tho iiHHiBtanco of their comradoH. Tficy could n6t pasfi through the crowd, but thoy emerged from tho wide of the city hall ami took the crowd In tlio rear and In tho Hank. Thoy wore noon- hemmed in and thoy wore thrtiub against thu walls. At one tlmo it looked nn if they wcro fairing ba'Uy. Sul>-Cliiof Lnpnlnto directed bin men and thoy acted well in concort. Finally Superintendent IIughoH appeared on tlio Bceno with reinforcement!!. All tho re- Horvo men of the Centrali-taUon wore call ed out and tho patrol wagon came dashing down the'atreot. Constublo Gratton wjia aerlouiily hurt at thin point; some Hay that tho patrol wagon paused over him. Ho waa carried into the atation. - Another young man was carried to tho atation, blood flowing from his.faco. Uo waa placed under arreot. Thu Chief addreascd tho crowd and told them that thoy would have to allow a paasago for voblcloj. He was Interrupted by howls and joer.t and .many liff-r/m to throw Ice and snow. Il wii.^'.litii i'ouihI necL'.-*.-ary to dirtpjr'ie flu croi.d, wbieh hecarne violent. Uut .1 wji.s no carty' mattoi-, for they refusal to move. The ni'hr. e.STi'.nble ipirr'i wlM'o pi up 'd under nn \\ li'/e aiTt -n'd. They pri.it-^t -d a;id B6iut' i( Ium d t'i Hc.-oinpany slic ](lW:oi*h quietly. Or? yttr.ii,; "id'o-v "'ii:> viiy jn.jt rli.-jniit tu\s U.-.U luu \JiiL'i ol I-'olic^, anu lu u\cn wanted to attack thu Chief,! hut bo waa calmed..' ' -r Tbo police used thoir- batoiiH only an a final resource; but when the crowd' saw ,thut tho oincera were in earueut thoy dirt- peraed^ iJurintJ-tho rest of tho afternoon thoy gathered in Bquada around tho city hall,.but they wora peaceful. The prlaon- cra wero Hubiioquently allowed out on bail. failnrou with doctors, ana the tlmuu,hfc of lonvirijf near and dearonen behind, adds *n the'woiyht of H^ony aiul phyaieul tortnriv. It in tht duty of alt who -Aire*. J'ainrj'f Oolory f'omi-onnd him done in tin; pmit. rc ui'i's vory Buffwror to give it a tri.t) ; it 01m not ftiil; ltd miftwion Jh to cure and wave. Mr ft. Goo. Durant, a ludy living in ]i!lmH, Dundjui Co., Ont., waa cur.-jd of livor and kidnoy troublou uflor the failure of aevorul ^hyaioiunn ; she writes nil followo: 'Permit rao tc record my toutimony in fi-vor of your excellent preparation, 1'uint'fl Colery Compound. For many yearn I have beou'a Hiiffcrer from liver and kidney trou bles, end burn doctored with, noveral phy- aioiatiH, but only found roliof for , very hhort tuno. Uv hunbuild advmod mo to try your Compocnd. I did t*o, and found ho much reliof from tho firit hottlo tUatJcon tittaod, and urn i.ow nsiticAhoJhird bottla. lour oomi'oiind ban douemoro for inn tlmr.7 anyphj Hieiati. For montliH- boforo 11^1 ? . tho Conr.pound I i.ovor'hail riue nig lie of oouttd fjlenyt; bat iqow I can go to bed a'.<' u]c<-p honnd'y and mutually, ajd /o,d like , now cr*atiiro in the m^rnin^." Diamond' Dyes Superior jpf&the Oolor hoar & relation to oapli otlmr thing liko that or the niHatouUnoteH,' and thar in a luntiouy of colors, apaloijoiiu to that of miiiioia! Bouudn. An ciquUIte tahto In the comhlnatiou of colara n*y hi tho result of u nico perception of tba relationh of mumoial noundi*. It U uuqnoBtlonbln that tbtire are Bomo combinatioitH of color wnloh tore uuiv<;v*lly planning, and others ua univorually dlbu^troeKblo, indepiidently of any aaiAolatioUH or acquired habit*. To tho couuoiiuu Mid lovAr o( -,coIorn( no mora lovely or baautiltil^i^bt cn bo pro- ^ntad, than the tittftil arraug(imnt of ovor forty ntundnrd colora of Diamond Dyaw, tiud the od6 hundrtdrlob ehudeaand tintM wkioh nr produced from them. Diamond Dyd color* ire acientifloally pr pared^hntl whn unod according to direo itonu in thu homo, ttto rOKulU aro pleniint! und truly griibd. It would r^qtitro a good Hive uoluuiu to dt<hcriho thoir uu und poa- liibiluiuH, uric to tell tho com for tr, -joy.and plodbtim they are oapahle of giving. Mothr r'u and dbtithterV divfucH arc made new by t httn ; thur wjttpn, jacUotH, uluuvN, rihbont* and ho:i are with little trouble re newed lor homo and litreut wour ' FaLher'H and lon'ttHuiUt aro.rnnfio to loi-k brand now; and aiiy cant off articlo of w*ariri(( appand can bo (nude lo IiIohhotd an the roue. Thin work of transformation, remember, can only nn.HUccfHitfully ao^oinplinhod by tha iuyino hie Diamond Dyea, MithoDibt . Dr. Fmcoa, tutor- 8triCMli ToryBnpa*yatil a. m. anil 7. p. m. Bnt)l .Mutot ohoOTr*Biwo th LcuBtlitiuayrmttUCf Tuttiday sveninsatH n'oM^Uuiie.tl Ptayr meeting on TburidayevenlDp. .'" p'lluv, A.Ij.Jidvorly, Id- Di<vi OnuncH ov EwofcANu- tw _ onmbent, Bt. Paula, linnet. Di'viiionoVvlA* evory bundiiy at 7 o'olo-'h, i> m Kuuday School at 10 a. m. i'rlnlty Churob.North Hide* Ban- ]6.y flaiiool at 1.4&p, ui. The public urn eor- llaJly Invltod. Pbkbbttbmam. W. M. VUming, I'm tor Bor- vIgaioh Babbatb at 11 a, m. and 7 .80 y:m Bat* lifttb Bobool B.t'2'.'M p. 111, lawyer minting and Poator'abiblo olaaa on Tueifay atXUO p. tm. -Boa111 Union on Weunamlav&t B.lfip. MAPxiaT CnuRott. Juiv.M. P. Campboll, Pa*- tor. Borvlood oaoh Uulibatb at 11 a, m. and 7 p. m, Prayur meotliia on WudmiHilay evonlnff ut H p'olook. Bantu free. All are cordially waf ooroud. JtouiN CA'rnor.ic irr. D. P. Mo&lonaroia Paiitok-. Huirvia* vel-y otlior BuuUuy atB.D0 m. Huuday Bcboolntfip. m. Hai.vatiom Aumv. T. U. WoLiKKb Captain. Hulvntlon moutlouu on WudtiuMilny,. Tbtirortay und Huuday ovoidn^u; Ftaa and Ktitty, Haiurday evoulnu und 3 jt.ni. Huuday; Helltioim muutlnei for olirlatiiiriH f'riduy evoiiMJH iiiid 11 a, ui. Huu' day;Knco IJrill 7 a. m, ovory Uunday. All aia wo I com o, ' LEGAL. T-Tj. PKl'Mttfl Barrlator, Bolloltor, Kotnjy rublto Money to Loan. Ofll -.....-. -------1 to Loan. Blifuthnru' ItauU.UHfloxOoMtro. 00 oVor That in what it 111 wbun truvolliu^ou tho DEATH IN AFIRE. An Ottawa Woman Nnfr<ioutitl \m IIot- llurnlni; Dwtdllnit;. ---------- - The homo of Joseph l.BOt at wldehMmo tho aeaaion closed under I Gormix, Rochester St., waa gutted by Hro tno ru(f^__________________' yesterday, and Alra. tieroux waa takon , _ . v, . from it dead. She apparently came to her \rv, ,..... r m n 1 i death auffocated from Hinolcu. Mrs, Guroux >.EW \ok.J.in. Hi.-Bradatreot'a aaya: f , , d { Hjui With few exceptions commercial, flrmn- the floor< A -, , Htood r, ^ clal and industrial feature. Indicate on y^^hUm her, but iibo apparently had not retention of Improvemen heretofore (m KittI ' on it, s J llul onl B,l00 ou pou-l. Leading ma ufacturingindutrl,. umlthe otfer WIW atheraldo. Fri.111 her atid larger who esalo houe at biulneii. 1 itiou ,t loolte(l Uf| t, h ho hlld beon centres report tl testae conservatlam fn tho act0f putting on her Hlioea, when in purclmseH wil mark bunlnoas during rtcilth Cftmo. iAHMZn UN diHCOvered, Mra. ff!,?^in?i thal!u^rlor h**m nollGoroux was carried out of tho burning ....... ~ er Her tioD havo -not Wvancod. Tho minfS m"jer *"? * in buHlnoB failuroa this woolt for tl.o United strong dnnk. bhtMvaa atypaw of age. EtntcH were 379 ngldn&t 405 hiat week and 40-1 In the week a year ago. ' 8iileld <>f a Pro 110Ii Dramatist, Hnoul Tocho killed him self yestorday. Ho waa mndo deapondent by loHaea at tho gambling table. M. Toche! wan a dramatiat and editor of consldorable ability. Ft. u ii. ^ Ui^'.i Li. l*uj d In no thi 1 recoip eban^'i brle: ui; -i .Wt'3". v- i'i- If.ii >mto, J/in. 1.', 1- -. uil. 1 III L':l t hor-j ,'i j, ... .';.S * I'l! ium.l'lli|.-i Chief Mcltlimon Mimt HeiilQ-n. Hamilton. Jan. Ii). The Hoard of Polico Coinmiuaionbrfi finally dealt with tho chargen nffainst tliu Chief of Police yoator- day. Tbo board waa unanimously of opinion that the fact that Chief McKlnnon had beon in various botela with another mau'a wifo for a week wn aufilcicut to forfeit tbo confldonco and roapect of those under him and could not bo overlooked. Th<v Mskfd for his rcniprnation. The* chief .:. 1 1:1h 1 ;:'.i in un OjJuii re i.\ ', viji.-Ji tin' ('fiminl.if..onoM. will m.iKu 1. t. .'.It'.i- in a (-jw ij.y-. a< f urtlio.4fc. "font trainB of tho Chicago, nfflwavkoeTttrBt. Paul IUilway; boiidou thoro in no chauco to "Uiak," for the accommodations ara up to data, tho trains koop moving right along and gal tbsre on time. Theni-HnV tbor- ougiily cover the territory betwoon Chmaco, ,% Cronse, Ht. Paul. MinueapoliH, Abcr- dou, Mircbell, Bioux FalU, Bioux City. Yaakton, Gounuil Bluffn, 'Jraab* and Nor thern Michigan. All the principal citiii and towno in that territory ar reached by the "St. Paul" Hnoi, onnnootiug at St. Paul. Council Bluffa and Omaha with ull hnei for pointu in tho far went. Write to A. J. Tnylor, Canadian PoroVr Agent, 87 York Stroot, Toronto. Out., for ona of thair nowmap tirno tabloi and a|bronliure,Kivin^ a d*crtptioH of the C*raprtraont Sleeping Cam; Tiolcota fnrninhed by any coupon lioket a^ent in tho Uuitud Statoa anil Can ada, The Gnerft dining cirs iu the world aro ran on tho aelid ventibulod, oUotric lichtod and utaam-heatod traiua of the Chi cago! Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Hailway. _IHE . ATTUACTIYE BA-HEIiY RTM-'N. head. C<>i;fc^p."j;tly..ripj; utnuiuont-'v * uro^horr h^tfiu o irly in tiain \..iir chil dren in ili* r.*jiy. trey wih havo to 1 0. Tho eix-yuiuoi'l cl ild is arnt t building fa' MU( b Hlic . 1 loot. She doc, ijir why;; 1. -. . -. her .'trine, but vi'nl vinon t.tfr >o . may bo a wry li^ht. lot '1 m , I*fact, tiirirr ono t i- 1-" blown ua but inn i*itlo inr. >ouu4 ic bear it other than aa hor mother would do. -. The aticlca aro laid upon hor bead, bor arum hold nkitnbo and hor handi kve placed jauntily on bor hips. Sh ieobi liko a blot on tho family 'ecutcboon A WISH WOMAN. SIh WuhWoulU, Notvoiikiiud X>lfj>IrlC- >d autl Fouml 110 Iloiieflt I'vam iHaic- tor Treutmtmt illio worn Iiiduceil to <Jlve IM11U IMltn a Trlul and U winiu linjoyiujv MXeuIth, From Ciiuudlan Evaogeliiit, Uamlltoa. Wo aro often edited. 4,Do you think Dr. Williarcu'Pink Pill aro any ^ood ? Do you 1 .. id to i.-j -silK. t'. I i.v :i,..- -.".. '.J" Ot 00": , -.70 tb ...i ihe Pinii Vi 1'nbllo Ao. . utan Ulnok, np-utaii flolloltor, Kotary kan. OfDooH, 1>uq- 4-1 y J torn, ota. OlIlucR, Afod^l Private Iuucjh to loan. A. 11. CLAItKK, Jj h. II. _ A. il. lUaixicr. Ill HKNJIY C. WAliTKIlfl, L.L.P., Attornoy and . Cominttloy ut l(iw; with AtlduHOu Si UalchfiS Conj;ruhft tit.*v/uiit. Detroit, Miuli. (Cunadlnn ahtfnm lUjaliint poruoim in tho UtiiUwl Htattirt collected.) Kefurouctifii Jniijorial Ilaak, KRimx.Ont, J. It. I'otoni. I"K| , JJarriKU'r, fcto., Khhok, Out K.A. Wimnor, Kt.o., Haniiiti-r, etc., Kboox, Ont: J MEDICAL. n EN, M. D KIiihhIoo, Mdmbftv Octllufio of PbyniclaiiB and H\ir-" (j o ,Ont. .(inidnnteof New Vorlt. I'aHtOrml- . uito Modical School. All calhi pvomt-tly ai- tjudud to. Ab,o iireciid attt-ntion i.dvan to dlnoatiOH of the lunp,H, tiiroat, nono, eye and oar. Olllco orr J3rjnii &'C'n. bruj[ Htoro.andall calld, nl([)it or day, lutt thoro. Tolftphouo in connoctioii. N. It. CoiiKultntion rooiuo groandl fl 5or und Hrnt IIfit abovo. id, uinb _ 11 .wo did 7 ij'.1 ilrni: 'i iriiO':*' l1 l M VC di;'. o <U: k 1 b' 'irr.pkvj 1 I ti- T\US. DEWAH A HoKISNZIH.. P,A. DKWAn.M.D.C. U.t P.T.M, 8. Gtradtf ato Trinity Univorulty." Mombor Oollogo Vhyt lolniio ana Burimonn, One. Uunldouoc, Talbcf FH. Kant. a. HoKkmxji!. M. t>. C. M., Follow Txlalty JEu'ii K-v.ci-- 'I'.il ot ? Irmit, v/i-ktat \f. ii, 11, O/'WielouiR"'c i'. i aijiliJtobisrWi" , uronnd iloor. '. ii.'ji liGp'iin t:if.t!(-t,ioii v/lth ofT.oA and redl- tll'JM.'i'. C'-iliOd liift i.*. Tiiorfio'n diiijn atoro will he i.-ii, 'Ay liivit.niiifi ti\. V uiiicaoy 01 borne obuup and nanty mudi- oiuM, Tho-Dr. WilliamH Meciicine Co. do not follow that diahomet practioo an tharo are few plaoon in kbe Dominion whore the __ marvelloun effloaoy of Piek Pilla lua not if an unsteady walk caiuoi ono of" the' DJUU proved. Thoir mothed; rh our rgador* lightly poiaed itieks.to fall. That in ( muy have obiervad, iBtopablinhiiitorviowH HP. MARTIN, D. D. 8., L. B. B. G in Dontiatry, Jtoygl .pplMgf of BnrcaonB, Ontario, and univowdty of 1 GraduaU ' f Deutal __________.____________, .ty of Toronto. -, Ohargoo,moderate. Ofnao, over ilrlon A Coa- druff store. lB*ly her first letmon. After nho hits onca ac quired tho principlo "her only advance conalats in the incronaod weight of the load she carriea, until finally alio gradu ates with all the honors and ut sixteen or so is ablo to lift aa heavy a load at her mother. According to iv doctor tbo weight of tbo load increasca from three or four 'which reprosontativoa of reputable and Wall known journals have had with poraonn who huvo been benefited by a course 0 Pink Pillii, thou giving aboolute ummranae that ovory cane published in onuine. baveral luoh cases have comeandor the notice of tlio Canadian EvaeHik, tho atant boiin^ that of Urn. T. Stepboim, of pounda in early childhood to about (21fl Hunter atrcet woot, Uarailton. Mra. giity in vigorous youth und middlri ago. Uunter in vuito outbuBiaatic in Hor praiao On gala occasiona, whon kind beartod j of Dr. WillUraV Pink Pills, and ia very builders allow tho carrying away oi peaitiva that thoy havo done her a Krnat old lumbor ia largo quantities, the; Blnount otfood. 'Her trouble wai mimca- women frequently atagger along undei 1 tion and g;oe i a-bility. por about a eighty or ninety pounds of firewood | , a h Of course tho heavy weights aro nol J r J ' A Boon to Horflomon, :Ono bottle of En^littb Spoviu Lmimont completely re moved a curb from .my home. Intake pleasure in recommondhijj the roraoJy, ae it acta with myateriouB promptnoHB m the romqval from horaoH of hard, ao't or cnl loused lumps, blood apavip, apliuca, curbs, aweony, utiflea and aprainoa. Geo. Dobh armor, Markham, Out. * Bold by, John Thorne, Drncgist. 'r, mi li.< (1 . \ Jieat jjrict'b ai'1 iu ..Tjd'.'vat* o'llorinsa. 'I'm- iov Oata aro o,uorirl 1 \> iov (jata j - j ,;..,. atfxud 27c vicea in met nro higher. . fc hiB Tho grain markota continued dnll In dedftfchia Chicago and a general docline of l-4c. to -luoivshM 1.2c. tookphice. . IS^11^0-' 1 1 i'i r,-. (I Imutti 1 o i.u'imor. i'o'joi.'j'-"), J an. IP. -ii ol morala U-d WililiMu ii. Duitiud to b--cuuio entunj{- b-d wit I-, i'. woman wi- *.';.-; not, i\\n wife, !..! ! h" s'.nh: on |[U pui'ae ol' keeping two iioiuen led him todihiionoaLy. lie tlo- hUBaw^inJt 7 fM1l,old nttf0ff,ex.;frrtudod the Mnssey-Uiurrla Company, pecting lower pricey in barley -wbleb eller. whoue collector he was .for Western Ont will not como on this crop. -Western ad-' ario ftI]tl ,otea-arrest, 'Hither than vicea in fact nro h.ghcr. m(jefc blg tro'ul)lo ho took morphino ftnd " * his home, UU3 Shaw street. Ilobad been looked upon as honest. Tho ** w-; iiMft-^t^ *i. 1 s. , , , firm docs not known tho full amount of o^JT^^cZtZroi K" bWUhoaU0. HI. wife deeply .iht^sed. were hold over; opened alow, cloaed dull 1 luirK^ra In tlje Itoyal city. and weak with at loiwc 25 cars still uiiauid GuklpiV, dan/ 10. Burglara entered Caandaa in Ilghtaupply, choice fat Canada Kbrn Dillon'b residence on Cork street lambs would sell at $5.10 to $5.25. Buckv by sniiuhing In aside duor while Mr. and stock not wanted and thin unfed Canada- UiH Dillon wcro visiting Mra. Dillon's lambs if they come in any quantity will mother in another part of the city. They break valuoa a feeders nro not purchasing ransacked everything and hold high carnl- and the demand almost wholly for export Vftit taking away with them a kog ot beer, grades. _ .'some whlakoy, four diamond and two tor- Speculation at tho New York stock ex- quoUorlnga, a gold watoh and other sun- change was strong although tho dealings drttn. werengaiu of a retail nature. The strength '---------^------~------- :--------- Of tho market was due in a large degree to 1 Mi*) ft nit withdrawn by Cmnumt the introduction of the Sherman financial Buantfoud, Ont., Jan. 10^ By consent bill, which iu generally considered the best the action for Hbel, Oles y. Preston,. has measure yet Introduced. The engagement been withdrawn. The plaintiff, C. Ole*, of $4,00,000 gold for shipment to'lOurppc^ paying $150 of tho |SMW deposited In court to-day did not dampen the ardor of tho towards tho cost of the.'defendon't, ^p. H. bulla aiid tho market ruled strong alnVbst Pruwton. from start to finish. ------r------- . The London stock ma*lt^koroNtrong ! Cnvlotd1 for Wuiitltitf Out r --. and uotlvo but closed undor the bet;t, on ' Kpfi.KAU, Ont,, Jan. 10. The following unconfirmed rumors of an iusnrrectlon in , porsons wore oaoh convicted and dywl $20 In CJr*eee. The eoiidttfbu of tho I3arls ! au(X costa yesterday by MagUtvate. Jas. 1 ;,Bourse is closely watched,. hj^oulatlfttt'1 WirHOnrorhuutlngdeeroutof seasontJ^.^ j^ber bingmg enithat 'quareef. ' Biahtoa. Wm. Evans awl John Gracl* FURNITURE! NOW ia tbo boht tirno in >our life to buy furniture, It will pay you to tt man led, young man, and o< rao and boo tho fii'O assortod stock of fur- nitai'O at... . . . . health-giving. The. top of Jhe head, though it may be hard and tough, ia nol adapted to bearing the burdens of 0 camel. The intense heat generated by heavy loads of woolon gooda to be made up for tho tailors is extremely un, healthy. Tho shape of the head if noticeably altered if the load-bearing begins early onough in life.- Tho top of the head ia diutinutly flatter than the normal typo. For the benefit of. those young women j who would like to obtain tbo good ro- suits of auch exercise, without ita evil ones, tho doctor rocommonda.walking with about two pounds resting upon tin hoad. The weight ehould be in auch s ahnpo that it will fall off unions thi hoad is hold correctly. without do riving any benefit therefrom. About three ye am ago she was induood by a friend to giva Pink Pills a trial, when aim be^an their une. aho nays, oho felb dread- fully tired all tho time, wus weak and uor- voun, had a. pain in her cheat and was very downhearted, Her father told her phn looked us though aho was going in "a decline." She replied that she felt that way, whether she looked it or Hot. It Waa not Ion it after ahe began to take the pills before bhe experienced an improvemeu in hor health and i-pirite. The tirotl feeling woro away and her ytromjth rrtumed, the extreme nervouRnasn vaniahed and hor upirituj reviyod. It in now about two years aiuca Mra. Stephona coreed^taking tho Pink Pills. She haa bad no return of her for mur troubles during all that time. She is uow atronc. henlthv *.nd obocrfnl and i VETERINARY* W* H. UlOHAltCHON, Vetarinary Bm- Coon, araduato ol the Ontario Veter inary Colln|;o, Toronto, treats all dluoaaoa of ilomoBtloatoit animals. Tolepbono in connec tion. Liontfstry a upoolalty. ItcBideuce, four doom ho nth or Grist MilL Ofllco In pootolflca buihllnfi; Intlrmury direotly opposite. TIIE oldont buainoBH Jn town. Kstablltfh* 1670.. First-claim broad and eakoK of al clndfi. Wodding calces a npoelfllity. Grr/aorifts provinionB,Dour,food, salt and pork. Ootafoe- tlonory, crockory.BlttBBware. Canned fruits &*d vofietabloo o( alt klndn. fiooJfi nrumptly *\* live rod to all parts of tho town. J, If. HIOKH. 101-tf SOCIETIES f 0. O. F.-ENTEllPHIEE Lodfie No m L* mootiiovory Tburnday,evening at 7.30 In Oddfellows Half, In third itoroy Dunn tan Block- VisitlQijxnombora of otbor lodaonwiH roaelv jraternal weleome, J. JODNBTON, N. a. OKNTIIAL ENCAMPMENT, No. fill. moAtstn Oddfellowa'Hall.Dunfltan'fl Block, ou the flint and third Tuoaday In each month, Visitors nor dlally roooived. Mombom of aubordinato lodged In thN jurisdiction, invited to join. C HANNAN, O. P., G. F. HILI/,. G. S. E8BKX OENTBB t-ODGK, No. 10, A.O.U.W Mflots Be con d and fourth Mondays in' each month, in the Oddfollow's Hall, it 8 n. in. ,_,.,_...------- ..... fratoraal waV VlsltlntE brethren will be glvan a como. JOHN TjAIKO, Uaotor O. H. ffULLKB, Recorder. Workman FIIUJ BltIOAl>K. Tho irir Brigade mea ' aeoond Wednesday evening nvct.y month* . at 8p. ra. In tbooounofl oliambor. A!) nr^makt ronnosUd to attend, J. MoMUKKAY, Chief i F. McQDKKN, fiooretary. How I'ortuprul Will Get n Nuvy, Pnrtm/:tl pronoHea to obtain a modem navy in a novel uuunar. First; ciasi *ciy imiTihi.tic in i-riotartvu that al*o owm Bhij'uad;n' are to be avkod ho*.v many u< tho fink Pills bor prcont aatktaotory .voH^elu ni ap^suifled typfa they will eup -cV.iia<)f hltb and b, teroforf ,110 benitr.. ply :i , v , for twenty yuars or Itisc, in . iUj1. in Vl.cinimei.dmp! ihm tetlibMnifdiar. cou^i^orauOA nt ,^50,000 a your unci * j Rfc ^^^ certiuu Uiuhopolien. Th< award xvlll ge * to the ilvra that will offor tho moat id j t " r*' the lenHt time and for theshortout period ! Ob*ervo. of monoply. The i^overnmontuhipyarda COCBT nOYAtj. NO. 913. J. O. F. Meats nocond and fourth Tuosdav'a lu etik--, month in i, O; O. *\ 'Hairat 8 o'clbok-p. id. . Viftitinflbretborn will be given a ffaUrflttf wl- 1 como. B MoCaunland. 0. R., W. 0. Bhaw, fleoy. ' ' M. J.Wifllo, O.I>. H. O.It. WfiREROOHS, ESSEX. Pricos lowor than imyvvbbjG plso, for quality. Nearly all made at ont own factory, audlino yfimshot). All goods dolivcrod free of charge. ' will be cloned and one yard established at Lisbon, to which all the existing nut' chinery and. operatives will be'aeni The plant, material, and fuel will be . froe from duty; all repairing work for , , """ ------TV ", tho jfovorumont, both in Europo and the ; 0eaially keeps tbe Throat clean and kaal, colonioB, will %o to the new eBtnblishr j thy, Doctors raoomraend It, became it ia mnni The cruiaera are to be of wood, a j?ua 1'Bodcct of Bulti of Fruit, Beds, and copper sheathed, and ot the pattern of' Potaab. For a daligntfully r*fr<nbinrjf beverage, and "a gulok cure for sick headache, and derangetuenta cf the Btomaah and Liver . JDuuu'* Fruit Ballne" i VKmvxuLtn. It UNDERTAKING AND CMBALMINC A Pricoa right down olpso inhoth }wty* Kindly call nd See for youreelf. J. A. HICKS & CO. Essex: the Japanese Yoahind, of '4,300 tons and twenty-three knota. - ' There are to be ten destroyers of the Havao typo, but with twenty-eight knots and a radius of 4,000 miles ut ten knota, and a large nuinbor.of torpedo boats and gunboat*. ki>r Advice, "I suppose/' observed tthe trauip; bit- torlyr^'you would like * to have mo get otf the earth. But I caimbt.!'; "Have you tried soft soap?" naked the woman,iu the blue' gingham dreaa, dia- passionately. . , g Krjtial ta tls* 6eeaalon::^..,r. 1 Bob -Wltat ^Lthe^ectnrer.BSy. when you threw tho'ee'cMbWgea at lilmt Dick Oh, ho said he had ho^ed tlw audience would be pleased.' but he really hadn't expected they would entirely low fcheir heada. ' ........... Through all chomiata and store*. . WiU.iataU.Ddun&Co., Works Croydon, tiondon. uAVJD AND LOAN AGENTS / 'fcOJtGE .r. TUOMA8, Oouv#yaoor, Co- Vj miuaioDor, iu High Court el .'natioo: daakv 'n Itunl ffifiDiitt and Movtii4e. Moeejr to loaajf at the lowest ratr at iujUirtmt. foriua boinefct and Bold,- Xnsnraneo taken lit tno mottrenaliW- nompanies. Drawing ol deode, tnoHtthgee, an*, laantisa h^*v*lally. Charges moderate aud '||,. huaiaeas proitiptly attended to. Call at -a# : Antral"TuUvbot'e otfee. KawJXC*n6r. 604y; MARRIAGE LICENSES. mr D. BMAMAM... Ishuov of-Uarriftfle Licenifh. lusuranoa aspa#- /< NlfihfcftflftoatWwallintf.-1 f"i TALKOT iSTttBET, BBSBXC. J &ABUBTTV'!mw ot Man j^s UoenMt>sjl ABItlAtiB Llconi.. or Wedding BinRi cV bo i>rotuirod at E- h. fajrk'fl, the old * llabl jeweller, Essex, Out. Belief in Bix Ho a re. Diatreaaiart Itid- pey and Bladder dtaeasea relieved in aix hourkby the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." Thia now.remedy is a ^reat surprint) and delight |to pbyaioiana on' ao- ount of It a exceeding prtmptnetp iu reliev ing puin >;n the bladder, kidneys* lack and very part.pt.tho orinary pasaaReain male or (enaa)e. Ii relicvee retention of .Vjaler and pain Jo paaaipg it almoat lmroedia^ly. If you want quiolif retlat anof cure thia is vour remedy. Hold by John Thome Prug giit. CAND SlIttVEVOki JAMEB 8. IjAIKD, Frovineial liand Bnrreyef, and Connty Hnplneor, Kisea Centre. Oat Ofllee, Danatan Block. ttrpsUbra. iJiainm ' ' WindMr.OuV ARCHITEOTS. ! YOBM A;" MATCOOK, . ' ABOH1TEOT, Ac, . Boom lOand 11, Fleming nUdiD 'rhone UO. u*'-i _^ UNDERTAKING. HPIiUMMEB. Dndertaker cand FnraUtita. UjQ3navbomaatt4Xaotory made, romistotw. jaoQresox. Out ft- .! 1 ,.. .3 -HBSW"->f* r'.'-^k!/.- \-wA}#$M&i*# ,' . v..- . ' ., Jr.^':Ci-/V"n;iA'^^'l^'!i.'i"-Jf\v-i:(' tB-.-;,.-,:^:r^^ ii^iiS^MiS^

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