W:w?wm^mw *' ^JlPiPfe ; W^y- ., "' ' , ' .., ii-" ",'4y>H "", . -W'ifl VOL Xt-No 4. ESSEX, ONT FRIDAY. JANUARY 25rl896. WHOLE No. 52G Forsythe, Anderson & Co. This week wo givo you a risw I (HIRES Tho things you want may not be named here, but these prices are illustrative, of many, others.all through our stocks : Pure Linen Scotch Crash Towolirigs,' , bordered, at ; <*i%PurQ Liiion '.renvois, Dam a a Ic unci Hack regular prico. 1 !2Jo, oluiiring out at So daoh UA.KUOW. Mre. Joa.S. Wrinht returned from Oxley ob Thursday, where abo had boeti epond- iug about a week viaitiug frieude and ac quaintances. The,Rev. P. J. UaelU, Pmabfceriau min ister her*, hat* boau under tbu weather tblti wnell, with a, vory severe cold, but ie improviai* now, mid hopaa to be aula to take hiu work Sunday. Mr. Shoabotham,- of London, tho dru*> iHt, who haa b*0H diaponuhig,. during the .month'u abaction of Mr. l)arby, baa j!on hamo aa Mr. D. haw returned to hiu pout, Tho village ice houtie* are nearly itll (Ill- id with good purolako ion. A fcw'retuaiu yet to 111 In* the cutter.* wore pruyuutod from ooutinneing thoirwork owing to tho water overflowing tho iae, Spuoial HorviooH in tlie? MluUiodiat church are being hold nightly by tho paotor. Tha interent ifj inoreaeiuf!, and it lu hopod 'much goad will bo done. About udoxon ho fur havo mauifoatitd a doture to-lend a hotter life. C. N. Tofiljaairo buy hwsn ill for norao time. lie does not iraprovo, and although not court: od to hit bond in tiuabla lu do anything. Ho ia ^ruatly miaied in tbo Ox- ; loyS. S. and ohuroh, whare ho in S. S. Supt., and clatw loador respectively. _____ LEAMINGTON. All tftxou for tha town ah ip of Merge* unlet bo paid by 1'ob. Int. John Bennett roportn having aolleatecl $4,000, a beat b&lf of the town itiXcn, Mun Jjottin Fuller Imn rsturned from London tfter apondiu^ it fow weeim with friondit. Tha M. C. It. bridge iml otilvart gtittQ utu burn ^ivm^ oulvartu on Mttu hrHtich ati ovorhiLuIIn^. Wliilfl leaving tbo MothodiHt ohuroh Inst Riindny evening J a a. Harri alipipoil oti the Htupa, Kuvoroly jnjuritijf Iiih arm. Kara Wigle hauoloNod a oontract with Itobinaoij llroa., 8th con., Mvraua, for tha orootiou of a new.fmmn Iioubw. A iiav; mill ha been wrootud on Goo. Ir win'H furm, ltli con., Momea, wbioh will bo vry convenient for the pooplo of that vicinity. Aim, llubwL't Dummiug and children with ,Ioo Henry bnv* boon cu^ntiod to i^ivo Iwq concortii ia Northvillo and ono iti Tljmoath, Miubi^an. John McIr.toHh lilt Jaclc Waunor with a miow ball Thumday and foij doinj; so l,Old HUtnth" wiped nil tho nuow off tin; nidewalli in front of Bmith'n burbur'whop with him noyn, Jaok wan mad. . JIUNICIPA1 COUNCILS. The bcsinTnrrrOT^ii grey cotton ever; aold in J<jsbo'x at tliu pncua special valuo-^ 5od yetrd JJQ-in AprouCliocU Ginghams now lOo cl yeard Ladies* fine Paragon Kniitod Vosts, shaped, at f" Girla' Tweed Jackets clearing out at IjfidicB' Mantloa aro oolHngrapidly at , pr'oaont priiiOB all new styles a, iiico lino at White v\ool Blanlcote, good weight and size $l,75a pair Ladios! SGaraios^-blaclc W Hoao long and strong, at _ ISc et pair Men's grey vVool socks long legs and no aoamB, 3pr for 2So " Mon'n and Boy's warm winter Capo 25o eacJa Mon'B henvy all-wool Ulaters high Btf>rm collars not tho half cotton lino for $G oaolx Younp^Jcn'ri fine Ovorcoata $ 4 oaoia __cotta m. -----. On Saturday ovoninjj a larj,' load from Kna6x yis.itcd Mrs. Oa>acoyac and family. It id reported that Mr, Hobort finriiut; and family will return' to Cottam from UncluH'imV Uom*in in lihoutfivo xyHuku On iatintlH-y vonin(.' M-K- taenr^o Kt'wuiiui and family, and Mr, Albert Wmlo u'hfunuly, paid a viHii. to Mr. Hurw)l W;-,'1b and family at Rutbvon. Bh'iidi purlins htiva been the ordoc of th* rtr Ijiuly.' A'inaii Inini Cbu.-..m with Mr. Albort Wiglu's team, wdot to Mr. Geor^o LouBberry'd, near California, on Tuesday laufc. Mr. Johho White oomplaina of .boing uquuczod bo that it will ' take him a Ion;; time co not in uhapo again. * The Uv. A. E. Sauuderfi, from Ghloa^o preaohod a moBt oloojuent sermon lu tbo UflthoJiat church hero on Sunday evening laat. Ho will preach at tho North Ridgo cbktrch on Gunday noxt at 10 a. m. and in tbo uvemuftat Gottaru at 7 p. in. Mr. Baundera i* a ion lu-law of our pastor, llr. Shaw, whom ho io vinitinc. Hi Hormon la^t Sunday wiib in behalf miimiouary fund and liberal ronponno waa mado; tbo uuH- BcriptionHbfciuH lar^oly in juoreano of last yonr. Mr. Tyhiirnt lnu rccovurod the nilvorware Htolou from him noma time upjo. Tho thiof wamirroHted in Blouhuim by Chief Katcbum and upon boin^ quootiouod closely, dia- cloned tho hiding placo of tho atolon upoda. Mr. Kotcbum nt tbo 825 reward ouVod by Mr. Tynurnt for tho raturn of tho goodn. Tho uhurolioldern of tbu Citizens' Gad Co, root iu the town halU^pn Wednesday uijdtt todinuuHH tho adviaubility of putting dowa anothor well, to decida oh tho loca tion in oaite Biioh n proceeding was deair- abU, and to di'soiins tho bent way and mouuu of acconiphnliiift! it, It wasdocidod nfUr noimidnranli' talk, to m-tkemo furtliur tei-t.nat piuiiMiit,. (-oDiniitt-jijo wre'appoinU ed turoJJiol tli^Jmlanoo'tiio on aniiHvvu- ti.ni'. f-.-i lu- nri-ii-ofc wlliitid maJic uvri'iM- miv.L? !(ji 'l'i.iin;'". rin^ " tu tbn tt-wis. lat.'jiivirjLH:. Annio Malqtt has* roturn^l to BHOOKEIt. Mrx J. AnriK^ronc'rt' family are fiettiut; hotter, Jumoa Sourlot has uaovnd on hia farm on tbo 9ch con. Mr. Charley MacAfoo bao thrashed hia clover H*od\ Ho had 123 buBbelu. Mr. A. Smith, of Detroit, apont part of j 'rieudo. Misu Windflbr. MiHa NoraDolouy will atieud tbo Eaa^x Iliyli School. Geo. Oady and family, of XViadaor, movod to Kingttvillo, MrH. W. J. Shaia in upending a week with parents in Leamington. " Mro. Houry Cockerell in very low wilh that droad diieana oouHnuoptioo. Waltot Kolfadye, of tho 'bum, npent a day with brothers in town hero Itnt weok. Mian Braid*haa loft for a plrnlonjjod vihit to i'riondu and relarivou in Cbutbura, Mun Laura Green io npene!in^ it fow woeKfl'vith fnendu in Windhor imd Detroit. Harry Wijjle, Mr. Joul Wiyle's gon, left Friday for Toronto military ucbool. The ladico of the Ba'ptittt ohurch qailted nud prcionted a beautiful quilt to Mrs. Wiluou Moutroso. Geo. Scratch while loading ic on the lake Friday afternoon slipped, and foil iu tho wutor hut wan quickly ro&cuod by -} Tho greatest rnnge and value in Youth'w t id jMou.'s suitct shown auy- T/hoib in tho county, Wo will meot |-nnd heat cli crinprution in clothing. To Bbb'tUiun is (0 buy thorn; upocial lino of 'daubJ^-hrf-'iBtod suits worth "l $10 for : Our Mod's Yamaslca long Boots aro admitted equal to a shoemaker's $i.G0'boot. Our p ice ; $3 a pair \- Eubbors, Eubber boots', Rubbors and cooks and ovorihuos at roak-bottom pricoB. -Granby make, our spooialty. All Furs cloaving at cont. Groceries always fresh. hut wotik with hor Bister Urn. R. Brady. " - E<r. Mr. Buundera praachod a very tfaotiv rniaoionary aormoa in the Math- odiat oburch hint Sunday. Our advioe to tho pooplo of thio neijgh borhood who are being blundered by gousip moil corn woold bo to pay no attention to thorn, let their backbiting dio tb6 death of nugleot. Wbat'a the uno of |fttin into a worrj over fulngboods that have been not afloat by tooddloBomo nobodies, who have moro time than character. at NOr.TJI GOSF.IELD '> ivft i-.'niiiie Spinecbly opeut Sunday bom... wifa hrr partnta. "*V<j uri p]eued to hour that Mr. Arm HU'onfj's family ar- all improyinfi. Air. S. Church hi propariog to build a av him** on hit faroa on the roar road, Mrs. Smiin and family, of Detroik, bavo beanaueudim* afewdayn with her Biotor, Mra. |t. Brady. Eev. Mr. Howie it homo from the hos pital, lying vy low. Ha and his frionda have U10 aywpathy of all. Itov. Mr. Sauiidet'K, of Chiafico.preaohed a vory elequent miaiionitry eennon in tbo Mtuodiet church, Sunday morning. A aloijfh load of our youni; pooplo at- tendnd a hop uG lloury Grow'a ronidonoe uoar the 3rd con*., Thurnday evening, A very ploaflint eooial liop took placo Wodmaday ovouinj* at Groon'n pavilion No. 7, alwo at Mr. Allon'u^Tuouday ejvening. . Tho leveh o'clock closinR act wan a failure. All tho leading otcrea kept open as late as necodaaay to accommodate the public . Nowa reached town Friday morning of fcha'deatk of Kobort Allan, agd 08 and who ropidoa on tbo >itb oon., Goafiold. Can- '.*.r vs? \h< wiv^ 'it death. I'imji u.Hri .u'^.i v.Mirti iital'i on Suturduy. Liiaim.'i;!iou is trjini,' t-t ho* our * vapor- /.tiii'.' woili'-. ^yiif.u J.ii-an/tiii^tou uudar- calich t- ^o-'. Bon 1.jtbin^i, hh\t |"on;rttdy huo- cted, and wiu-n Kuigf*viKo i^tn a Rood grip of anything hIio nnver Ijovcdr. Now kow.ard bottingr,.-) tb^. rofcult ? KUttlKX TOWN, Urfimx, Jam. 21, 1895. X'urauatit to Sea. 22B. Hyviued Btatute{J of Ontario, the uouooil eleet for the yens lUiio inefc In Poclt'e Hall nt 11 a, in. and mil), aoribod to tho declaration inul qualification of oflicp. 'I1 lift following-aro the narneu of tho mem- bera eleob of the council for the Towi. of ffcriex for lHOfi. Mayor, P. A. Dewar, Af. D ; Ita<w, J. B. Laird, P. ,L. H.\ Boputy-Ito-VH, John Mo- Doucall, J5*q. Connoillora Ward No, 1 George Barth* Euq.j J. A. Hoko, Enq.; Dvld Whitney, Enq, Ward Nrt. 2--.I. A.-ilicK- J3oq.; B. B. Potts, M. 1).; A. ltaihew, Etq. Wrd No. ii Fiod Uobinnon, Esq.; G. J. ThorauH, Enq. AH'tho membcrM pronoun oxcupt Mi-EHrfi. J A. and J. Mi Uiokii. Moved by Mr. Thomua, aoubuded by Mr, Luird, that MifHura. John MoDuh^all, David' Whitney and Arthur Hainan bo a commit- ti-o to draft tlo Htundnifj comniitteen of this council for 169:", t-amod. ' Council then adjourned to 7 o'clock p.m. -------- __ John Waltkiib, Clerk___ Enawx, J'ah, 3i; 7 p.m., "95. Council met pursuant to adjournmont, tho Mayor in the chair. Present tho Mayor, Bcevo, Dopnty-Itecva and councillors Goo. Borth. J. A. Roso, David Whitney, J. A. Hioku, Dr. R. B. Fotta, A. Ruiuen, Fred Itobinaon, G. J. Thoraaa. Mr J A Ilioka nnado and aubacrlbod to thfl declaration of olJiae uud .qualification. Xho comraitteo uppintt[l_tD_draft-i,ho ntundiH^ comftjitteen of tbo council for 1895 repnrtod un.followu: Financu-CV. J. Tbomao, A. Ramea, Dr. Por. 1 u. ____............_____ BoM'.t i,:. WorKV-J ft Laird; J "Mc J.)o'ii ii|, D Whif.ney, CI B.iV',h, ) A'..Ruse, I'!/.., \\:t:i and I. -rut".-J A*nici(i-, ,TS L'iii I, A. B..HJBU J a l^'isrt, D Whi'-i! v.- J'r:i*:jr.t .^duoatii^i auti Iltahb- -.G 4^ Tl/.rimi, I).- r(.i,:ii1.j M )fi;:k, ;'.- "...... JjIUWumum ituu Lililiritiifl'n J ad. Ilioka, X), Whitnoy, G Barth, F Robmson. Public Property, Police and Ponndfl A Rajhoi, J MoDouuali, J S Laird, Geo BarU. * Tbo firat Haixed in ouoh committee to bo ohflirraau of said committee. All cf whiob-ia reapcotfully tubmitted. (Signed) John McDouoiu,, Chairman. A comrauuicatiou wai rocoivod from Mr John Richardcon ro tho drainage of hia lando. Moved by Mr Lai yd, Beoonded ny Mr .) A IIickn, that the communication of Mr Itichurufcon bo roforrod' to tbo Board of VVorkH. Carned, A uuiuoor of accounts woro prcaented aiid on motion of Mr. Laird, ooouded by and a Hat of all thoae m arrears und hand tho ao-txio in by next mooting of tho ooun- oil. Carried. On motion of Mr Laird, Beoonded by Mr Ilioka, tliu oelleotor'a tune waa extended till tha licit regular montiug, Feb. ij. On motion council adjourned to Tueaday oyeuin^i Fob. 6, at S, ; Johm WAtTantf, CUrk, Mr Hiuka, wore referred to tho Finance Committee, Tho Fmaiuco Committee rcpartod, ro- cpmoioudiu^ jjaymetit of tho following a^- oouuta: .-.-. Wm Button, boarding pauper......8 5 00 A VV Gardner, salary for Boo...... 40 00 E J Lovelace, printing.......,.... 47 95 VV D Bburfiau, olootion foea* ...... 8 00 W CI uroh " ...... 8 00 ./ Wultors " ...... 6 (JO J Goruiloy, percoutaizo on dog tax.. 12 85 J W Gibson, uulary na auditor...... 10 00 CIirb Sweet, aalary b auditor...... 10 00 A Cummiford .................... a 50 F Butler dicing ou wutermama.... 1 50 Moved by Mr Laird, apoonded by Mr Mo- Doucall, that the report of tho Finance Committee bo adopted. Carried. Movod by Mr Kainva, Hecondod by Dr Potts, that the aooount of Mr J McMurray be looaod into by the Fire, Water and Light Comraittoo. Carried. Movd by Mr ftloDoa^ull, that tho re port of tint apooial aommittea appointed to draft tho standing committed be adopted. (lu read. Carriod. Moyed by Mr Laird, lecondod by Mr VioDouRall, -tnut a vote of thanks bo ten- "OeaTS^tSAe, &Og.r ONT- NORTH RIDGE. Our January thaw was auddcnly over- taken with the grip or aotue othor oold last Monday evoning. ............ Gorden Morrio took a load of oorn^ to Walkorvillo laat weak; wbioh paniaod out one hundred huahela. That waa a large load for a nmall toam but tbey Rot thoro alLriRht. Pfctor Oowell out down a largo aim tree on hia farm, ono day lasfyMk,-attd ha nut flveaW-Iojpoff ot ft, John. Ea^ina' of Yotittf; Ireland hauled th log*;to 0eOow'a rnlll, EsijoX'. The lofie w*re toeaBiired and RUTHVEN. Mianea. May Cullou and Katie Molotyro, of Loarnine;ton.wero tho Ka^t" I WD Wfi^le Friday. Albert can give no definite reason why be dooe not go to the Leamington rink. Mr. tVm. Clarko took a trip to the eub- urbs of Olindu Monday evening. A large orowe1 from hero attended tha skating rink at Leamington Saturday it ie cur painful duty to record the death of Bbornsan, oldoafc son o^ Mr.- Wu. D, Wiglo, wbioh ooourodoa Monday at 11:40 p, ro. The funeral Bervicae were held in the Methediut ohuroh and eonduotad hy Rov. Mr. Modd, romaiue woro ittterrod in Rutbvon oenootery. Tho pall bearera were Stanley Bunn, Albort Gunnl'nif, A. Coatiwortb, .Augus MoCbarloe, Willie Gunning and AnRua'Cuaoaddan. JJaoiaead wHieiukoaly 5 daya|oiue of death ib- flammatioui of tho bowola. Tbo heroRVed family have the heartfeir"uympathy ol all. Dr. Hhorrlo and Ernie Moore toek a trip toDfltroit-Tuciday. Albert reieivad a letter from a Mertd in there waa fivo thouaand feet in tb.nj ; 6bat Teia. wfco'aayi theiroit waa ao wv'aw aa Waa a large tree. Keatfc. l Uo kill "ball" tha *Harliohokea- iored' to Mr" Jiirnen Naylor, the retiring May-"-, ft ! P AnderHtm. Huph J.-iiuut.-.*, C* J U ir in.-r md T ft Uontt, he- i1. ' liny rupmburr. U ih a>>urd, fur- thi- v.lof.'i.o ['.crviotr* I'ind'cod tttia council vnij Curried. Ou *iari-)&n by lnw '2'2l,,tu appoint..tflior.'rn foi led 1 oar ltt'jri, wmiMwla lirnt tn^ji. V-owl- by Mr Lumi, aeooudril by Mr Ilioku, that tbu appointintxit.of bffloGvu bo mi.-u-. hy.4m.U6t', Cu.rrhM, On the wecoud readiu^ of by-iuw i!21 u ballot wan- taken for tbo yariaua eflloora and reaultad in the appointment of: a ..Jolin Waltore, olerk; W D Beaman, tratarer; W H RubboII, naaoBaor; Oliaa Sweot, J W Gibaod, anditora; Cbaa White, Hikh Soheol trcatoe; Dr MoKouxio, modloal heaUh ofHcr;ThoB RobinHon, Thou Irwin, pound-kjiepore; John Gorraley,sanitary in- apeotor- By-law No 221 waa thon read a third timo aud panned, Coanoil ruauraod. . Movod-.kby Mr Hicke. Heoondod by Mr Partb, that tbo Meolmnioa' Institute do allowed tbo uao.of tho tnwu ball for their monthly entertainment on Fubruary lat. and that tbo olerk notify Mr Rioharduou aooordingly. Moved by Mr Laird, aaodxidad'by Mr Hioka, that this council meet ou tbu urat and tk-ird Tuesday in naoh month at 8 p.m. Moved in ameudmont by Mr MoDougall, Hoooiidod by OJ Tboman, that this coun- oil moot tho flrat Tuesday in aaoh month. Ouvrird. . Mevucl-by Mr Laird, seconded by Dr PottB, that thfc clerk be matr.uotod to get 2$ fitatementa piintod, showlnu the tneet- id^u of tlio CQUiiuIl. Imiiioa of ofllcern/oom- mittooB, oto. fla.rictd, Motod By. Mr Laird, aeabnded by Mr MaDoujtall that the oolleotor, of water ratou be reqneated to ive a atntement of the 1 total rates collected ainoo hie appeintaaot ' JBtAVASToNM. 'Towm Tli^h, MiinaioNK, Jjl. 2Ut, 1805. The niemheru oluat to conpoae the Mun- ioipal Council of tha Towtmbip of Maid* aton for the li-tttiloipal year. 1895, hold fiurauttnt to atacoto, thoir lirat ndootiug mre tliii day; pramm:, Geo, A. Wintorautv, rnevo; William Kllia, and MoHara, lildwin Plant, W'JJIam Price and Juliun Lamm, oounoillora.\Eaoh of tho aaid mciaburu, made, und au^aaj^hed hia declaration of qnalifloatinu and of enTco' and took hia acrtt at tho council board. Moved by Mr. Prico, aooondod by Mr. JotliH, ihut Au^iutiue Mni'tin ha nauiBor for tbo year 181)5 at a tmUry of 875. Car. Tho reuvo in tlio cx/rciiiu of hi privilrge namrd Thnmaa F. Kaud auonoof tho audi- torn of towiuhipueoountu, ' I Moved by Mr. BIIjh, a-jcouded by Mr, | Price that Frauclsi Fucrth bt, tho other auditor, and that Hie aalary of each of the Haul auditors ho S&i.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Ellii, aosouded by Afr. IJrieo that Robert F. Rnrka bo modioal health ollicor for tha ourrent year.-Carried Movoa by Mr. Phut, seconded hy Mr. Prico that Moaiirt. Ellin, Price and Daaim with tbo raovo and clfcrk, cnmpoaa .he Board of Hoalthof thia town'bii Tor tho current your' On motion of Monoru, Price and Plant Mm tender of tho Khhux Freb Piti-:nn to? townnhip priutin^ for 1695 waa accepted, Fjllia Plant, that Patrick Kano bo ivon .aroioaae of atatuto labor on h w 1 of lot No.'4,N U P, foriho ycara 18'Ji,'8, 6, *7, for work performed. Carriod. Plant Price, that Henry Rhodes he paid 11, Maidntoue.H portion of _ amount duo him for work done in cleariag the channel of Bolle River, Carried. MoVfld-by^M^ElUa,_Hbconded-by Mr. Plant, that Dolway Parvia be paid B12 for difigiufl -ditch from Rourke tino to Brown'M crook tn tho nouth aide of the Grand Trunk Railway. Carriod. * Plant Prico, that Naroifno Mounaoau he P'lirl 812 for Hervicen uu aheop valuator for 189-1. Carriod .-..... Plnnfc Prioo, that Narcmnn Moukncku bo paid S'29 for 14JAlftya ftt'iv;oaH ui drain in. MtBcu.rlor 169t J-'.uita.Uuye-i, jr. .reported ono hhejq Irilhd by anknowu-dt.yu, und pteiiomed Yf1. m.Unr .lobnaTon'B ei-r.inuttt of ].> , g:i On mi.'.iitnr7\tfT7Yuyea uan \ a.ld'J or .si/'fTulu- i iu in 1 Hfttihfsr'.iP 1 ot c:,i ,ir.. D. W. BoyJen, a geuikmau from tbo aouthers itataa, raqueated te be purmitttd to addfOHfl, for a few miuuten, tho council and people pronont, relativo to the diaabili- tiou under wluch the people of the African raoe labor iu hia country. The pormiaaio'n naked for waa granted, and the apeuker in a few.moments, in dear and forcible long. uuge Htated hia oaaa, after which a euifcahlo rtsolutlon wai paiaod by the counoil, >r On motion of Mr, Kllie, eeooudod by Mr. Plant. Marahall, an indigent peraoa, re ceived 82, chaiity. The enuineer'a plaiji), aqHoaamonta, Ao. for thopropoasd llyltnd irain, woro read aud couaidorod, and nti nsnaof the poti- tionerafor the aaid drain expreased a tin- niro to withdraw their namae from the pe tition, it waa rnnved by &lr. Kllia, HQeoudsd by Mr..Prioo, that-tho- on^iaeer'a report, plana, Ac, of the Hyland drain^ be adopted and that the clerk take the uecuaaary atepu to carry the anno into effoct, and the aaid olorkaervea copy ef laid plana,- aaasaa- monta, <&o, oa tho head of tbi municipal corporation of Sandwich South, actl nlfo anothor oopy on tho head of tho corpora, tiouof Colchofitor North. Carried, Narotfiso Moubhcuu, drain inepeotor for thoeaatoru portion of tbo townabip of Maidatono/reportod to council, that after due notice to tho ownern of the oaat halvou of lota 17 and 18 in the 5th conoenaiou, tlie eiibt part of lot 19 in the 5ih coucoRHion, the aonth part of lot M in tho 2nd conoeHaion, and tho uortb-weot quarter of lot, 21 aouth of the Middle road1 in tho townahip of Maidstone-, to rom.ovo obatruotiana formed in public draito on aaid landa, preventiuj* tho'froe flow of water iu aaid draine, they^ failfd to ronuoya tbein an directed by aaid notioea and that he was.obliged to caune tho aaid obatruotiona to. be removed at tbe~ expouua of the owners of said landu aa fol- Inwh : Owner of lot 17 o I in 5th con...,) nn " *'* -18 M- *' .... J ' " lie pt 2nd " .'i'.V.. 25 " " 19 0 '* 5th '* .... 50 " 21 bw JbM R........ 2 00 Aud that tho ownera of the aaid lauda did uot pay thn ooato of aid retnoVala wh.Hii completed. On motion tbo a boy* "tnouutt wore pr*id t.nt of M-.o j; moral fund of the towimhip to the p'trtiea certified bj " iHep'.otor (0 be untitled to tjj* Hiiino tor removing ai'd obatrq;tjntn, a* d clrrk (.rdre<l to oliar^o n thti colloJto'.;> roll tor 1805, tho umouhtu aa abovo wtti ten ;jOi* cant added to tho landu cf the ownera in default. , O^i motion of Milium, Plu'rit and Prior, Q..flickw wnu ^rauteda relenuu of statute la bor on tho w of lot l.ft in 7th ooncflaaion for the jeaw 1801 <b 6, fbr werki porforrn- od, R, F. Boymour complained to oounotl of oerUin drainage' matters in oounootion with hie lauda. On motion cow.no 11 ichoIv- ed itaolf into a committeo of the whole for tho consideration, at a future day named, of Ur. 8oywour'tB oomplaiut., On motion oouuoil adjourned to moot again on1 tho 10th day of February, 1305. M. MoHnan, Towuabip Clork. V _------^-----------.. PECK'S GREAT Mid - Winter .Ly* IS NO JA Every Ovcrc nt, hvery Suit and every .pnir at' pan is in our Men'* tu.d Jioye' Clothing Department i_s'included in this Sale. YmTcaniinw save from one^third to onivdihU from reg ular prices. A chance cannot nfFord to misH. you Windsor's Loodlnc; Clothier. W. C. T. U.- THI3 CANOIDATeTS BEP1.Y. Akiewera to auobttotiH Irn|iiinida by tlio <hi.iv w. C Y. r. , Hiirli Scliooi Enter tauiimout. Tlioae roapouaible for tba Johuttou- Srnily raital 'on Fehurary 11th have . baan aoraowhat puwelod where to hold it. Whorpv.flr theae dietin^aiahed and popular artiata bavo boon, tho andieneo laaa been very large, alma.it alwuy* tha largaut of tho a^aBou and it wan. feared that in the Town Hall.the)Wwdlng would be; too- aerl, oup, while many would protaVly be unabl* to obtain admlaalon. By tha kindness of At tho laat mooting of the Embox County W. C. T. U., held at Laammiiton. tho oor- reapondinR aierfltary, Mre, 0, B. Naylor, waa instructed to write th o'-udidatee for :he reapeotive political partica for tho South Ridinp of Esniy, for an fxprowwim of their yiowa, and th* iitund thry would take, if elected, on tbo tenipemuce qUfH'i^in. The following repliea have hy.iu received by Mra. Muylor and wpoak for themaolveH: DR. KING'S REPLY. \.:_ Kin^Hvillfi, Jan, Itii, J8S5. Mn. C. B. NxyLon, Etmtx,' Bear Madam, In rt'ply to your 1 otter of the 2nd iiint, I be^ io uuy that I alwayu kavo, and always will, support any movo- aacat for the advancement aud promotion of temperance and morality, whenever X havo balieved.tmd ahall believe, auob move ment to bo of a practicable character. "Vory Rospcotfnllv, B. A" Rtua.. FROM MR .COWAN. Windsor, Jan. 16th, 1805.. Mnu. O. E. Naylou, Cor. Sao. W. C. T. U. Dear Madam, Tour favor-of Jan, 2ad, in behalf of tho VV. C. T. U.-of the county of Eaiiox, to hand, in which you aak for a Htaiomenfc of mv position in regard (o tho tempor.tnja (piaitiau. In reply,./.^ v/ou'd acy that, if ciuc'od, my poaitiorj on ih". tempwauc'equiitticii would hetheaam** an 0 all othoi ijut'itiutm, namely to ourry out tho wiitheii of my 'jouatilunnto, and a '.ho electoru tt th Gcuth Bidlnj/ of- the Canity .of Ehbci:, 'u danuary 1804, declar ed by a. Jarao majority ibat thoy wor ia . favor of prohibition, I would fool myself in duty bouud to aupjiort a measure looking towarda total prohibition, no matter from what party it emanated; no lout; ao tbo uumo did uot'eomo ap in tho way of a mo tion for waut of confidence in the Reverji- mens. Your a faithfully, j\ 6i. K. Cowak, GESTO. M.rfl. Baker is vinitmn her bou at Iieara- |nnioo> .'*' '". Mra* Moero bin returned from visiting her alster.Mra. Austin, of Elmiitettd. Mra. Ij.4 MoLaoh.Hu has rotuiued from via Urn*: her parents at Bleaheim. Mr.^Niohcl, of Blenholm iHou Uia Way to,the Southern Btatea to buy a farm. . Mr. Pbket and Mr. Mayimrd ha*e eaoh of them loat acbild froia that.diro dlitaia, croup,' Qailo a lot of o-ir young OealpoieM/ foreeod a party to Burprisa- someone' eVt . Vy the truubeee of the Metbodfat cburob|tho difficulty baa been overcome andtho enter- Maldan laat Friday. They reached tome tainwent will bo held in that buildinJ. ' in time to ro to work in the morning* )M:, v:':-;:;^iM:n^