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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 18, 1895, p. 8

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- " :"\ " ^^P!^P^ vr-v KltBE IPRKSBS. (/ >' PATRONS OF IWDU8TBY. .Report Till* Dee ember RIeeiliiA If eld Mr*. Wn. Hatch returned" thli week after spending a weak with her daug bter Xi. J, P. Hall, Detroit Mr- J. L. Stewart, formerly -erinoipal *f the Comber pablio eohool, Is now attend ing the Detroit College of Law. Miss Brioker, of Waterloo, la the gnest of Mr. and Mra.O. XL Brioker bare. Mr. W. A. Gardner left) en WedaeHday far a trip through Eastern Canada. He Will be ahneat for about two weeks. .. Mr. J. M. Hick a has been visiting dur- g the paat week with hia alntor 1m Mil waukee, Wis.- Mies Stella Bobfnson returned on Satur day last after spabding a ootiple of weeks with friends iu Miabig&u, - Mr. A. ll.tCAa.rko, of Windsor, spent a few days of Inst Week in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Wismor. t. Dr. Jentier, of Kib^avillo, apeut Sunday in town, the guest of Dr. Dewar. lof^rou* IGmhox People. The following lottor was roaoived by tho JTukk PniwBWwodiiyH ago, but owing to promiuro of other matter, wa crowded-out juntil thin wouk. ' p FnjiM PaMnn : Dear Sir.r-Bofore leaving Ehmx I prom- ised to write a low of ray frienda an -ap- count of my journey to Algoina, and think ing you might spare apace enough iu your valuable papar to publish the saaao, I take tho liberty of writiug you. I left Detroit at XI.10 Saturday bight on a weat-bouad train, arriving m Grand Ra pids 0;30 Sunday morning and found that I could ijsfc no train worth till Monday - Morning. Bunday wan rather a lonesome day for wo, but I put in the time very well and attended cuarqh twice, UCouaay at 7:40 a. ra. I started north on a .G. It. ife I. train; fonad oonsidorabU snow about How- tyd City and along tho lino; iu noma place*- .lomh'onrKin wuri di Lwins loge:lo-the mills on 'jlflij.hu. A.t .Walton Junction, where tliii G. K. ft"Tr"bTiMT6lWFr-oif~foi---TraverHa- Olty, I met Wm. Wuite, of tho urea of W. Et.AVhitoit Oo. Mr! Whito in_ luo Prom-' dent and Q-).i3r.il'M'AD.gnr or the lioyuo Oity and South Eastern R. It. All tbo old vttMHT.ip of fC-cx wilLj-Qnipmbfi' tha Whito family woll, they loft Easox 'soine* law yeara'ago and engaged in the lumbor- iug biiHinoHH at Bovno City. Thov have a66hmulat('d considerable property during the past fow yoaru, and are tho moat exten sive ..manufacturers of hardwood lumber in Northern Michigan, and tho firm ovbj^)1 tho etoclc iu tho li. C. & S. E. R. R.r At Boyuo Fulls Mr. Whito mi :1 myself ohanfi- .d earn for Boyno City, whero my brother, 0. J..Wi(ilai* now locsatod. I found bim woll aud looking quite natural. I had the ploaaura of ridiug with' tho Prlfoidwibof'the B. C. rt S. E. m bia pri vate oitr out to thitir lumbar campi about ton mU#i*in thn woods. Wo fctayod thore '~"foTSttt*alS"\wjieuJJJOX0|! Tang'foraup- por th.o mun began to flook in. Thoir dining hall is quite lar^eand about 100 man sat down to the tablau. We had a ajilondid man], uh good an one fiots m an ordinary hotel. It win vary qniet during the meal. I thought it very strange that oo one hud anything to nay at ttio table, when they woro so jolly before and after 'the meal. I upoke to Boyoral but tboy woidtd not answer, I-was aftVrwards in formed that the men were not allowed to talk at thoir maaln. It omod to ba a" goad plan, a.% everything wan quiot and or derly in the dining room. We puBRod through some of tho fineat bardwood timber of tho North, which ii owned by Wm. II. Whito A Co.', they Uava over one million feet along their roud now, to ho haulad to thoir mill. Thy ox peat to start aawlug lumbor tho limt of next week and run all winter.- I aluo had the ploaHuro of maoting Mr. Matthow Cunningham, forrnarly ofBasex, on tho train runnig from lioyue Falle to Bo.i i <-' '"'i;y. \\ . O'.'ntiin^h.UG hiia half iuti/r/;Al \i\ tlin So J tii Hoy no L'umheriug KjO,, *u: i ho itm <" t'<r boainwan. I wai uter .nu-.jf. qb'c^ ruyal'^ a'. Boyne City, b} any brcii^v i o.' thv \V..ite: got aaquaiiit d w:ln wa.> of Uui tintrU yqung ludion ol ihe ooiuitv, Hud co tiVll che truth' wab norry that? h^i to UiVt-' *n a^oo, but all gooJ things mu-it couie to itu utidi " I lavfl Boyne City for Mackinaw Thursday afternoon, landed at Mackinaw at 7 p.m. Friday - -jboruiug 1 took D. S. S. & A., arriving in BaultSte, Marie at tbroo o'clock Friday -afternoon, and to-day at 10:1.') I tuko tbo tuam fot Blind ITivor. Yours lUupootfully, HabVit Wwwt. Sault Gta. Marie, Djo. Ofch, 1804. Id your tougue coated? It iBbiliounneif -~G#t EHoljuyV Liver LoKongan at once. 26; JDfon't wait till you are down flick. If yonr tongue if coated got a box of EasljayV . .Jjiyer fjoxengea afe^onoe. 2Cc. at druggltttu. A Grand Paaiitre Of Hood'u Sanaparllla iu that whlloiepun flei the blood and Honda It^jourainjj tbrouf h fcha VeiuN fall of >ldhut>a and lualtb.lfcalBo imparts now lifp and yigor to i-vaiy funo. fcibn of.'|ha.'b'o?y.. Honta tlin expreaaiob' o ofteo J^eard; "Hood.'a fUri*r'nr<]lemade Anew petHru of mu.'* It overoomea that, -tired fo*ling no common now. The following ia a WWanaed repo the county meeting of *be Patrona of In dustry held in the Town of Ebiox ou Tburp- day. Doc^th, 1804. , Afutr a few opening remarke by the president, Joba H. Bruner, tho queatlou of P. Inman's raaignatlon aa oanditUte for tkfl Comipoii in the Patron Intareat (whioli had boon previounly to u do red) waa lakea up, but on aooouut of a full delegation not baiug preaent. it'waa, on motion, laid over Hut It the afternoon. MBelon, and the time waa wboupiea in diaounaiug tlio ntartin^ of a county pupar to be run in the Patron intnraat. << After dinner the paper qdeatfon waa die- oiiiHed for atiaae, and thou Mr, latn&n'e reiignatiou was brohgbt up, aud on motion waa aoceptatV' Xftor ho mo dinoaiirtiou it wbh dioidod to place a candidate in iho n-ild. A. teloiphona meiuago wax read by our rur'eejdens to the offeot that J. . John oja, editor of the Loamlugtou Pout, would run aa au indepeiiulout, takiug Up prohibi tion and aUo beiuc in aympathy with the Patron movement, if nudorsad by thu Pa< tron oonvontion. Au informal ballot waa then Ukou mid tho nutuea of Johnnou, In- mmt, Latarn and Clapp wtirobroucht|bforo tbo meeting, Jnhnnou and lumnn liaving tho majority of votea ottHfc, no oheiiia could ho inailo, aud a uooond ballot buing takaii roaultcd in )ho. Clapp having tbo majority ovor all, he wnu on motion madu tbo unan imous ohoics. Thon tho North Hiding dolegaUH oallod to tho platform Olivor Uouunae, Heevoof Audurdou, theoarulidato for tho North Hiding of IOnuox iu the Pa. tron iHtoroat. Aftor (liHOUBhing'somo further buninoni! for tho good of th order, aud paRBing tho following rofiolutiaua unanimouuly, tho mooting adjournod, the boot of fooliug pre vailing throughout, RKBOLtmONIJ.. Moved by Oolin Boteford, aoconded by John J. Latam, that wo;thPatronn of In duatry, of South EoiioXt in-convention -hh- tomblad, declare: That tho pruaent unjuat tariff la Injuri- (iiin to tho grout ma-ma of tjin p*oplo and boar ooptjcially hard on tho farm era of tbo oonntryrfiittTiP bau not provided a bomu mnriiet and ii.croanod pricon for tbo pro ducts of our farms that waa prpmbied an ono loault of itu adoption; that it hi benofl- 'u'nl to a Mnuil c)uu, and should bo rudicul- }y rf f^r.'P*-)'; tbjUT_^_^he...i:o.iJQnac--ig-t<> kc ruTdetlby.a tariffit abould bo ono in which tho protection principle iu carefully eliiuin. atod; but wo feel that the bout and fuiruat method of raining the rovnnuin by adiroct tax leviod'on tho poople aoaording to tho wealth they have accumulate* jundor the .protootion of tho lawu of tho country; that tho oxpondituro iu excomivo, and should be curtailed by tho abpjjtion of tho ubgIgob fenate, the reduction of finlariei aod ox- |if iikoh of the Gavornment't eutubliehritout, by ooatiing to reward tho party proiwi with gayornTuont advortming, by at-eppiti(i the expondituro .for. emigration purpoaoa, by onrtailing tho oxpendittire for military Hchooli und North Wast mounted police, by -tttoppint: the_r^aotico Q^.briMllgJocalities with railway aubaidied and public worku, by ntricL houoaty in the mAnagomont of public work, by tho repeal of the Prunohiao Act voter'n liatu to be prepared by thb properly qualified voter registering beforn a muui- mpal officer; registration and veliug to bo compulsory; that the bout intercuts of thin country demaud the immediate cnaotmant of a law totally prohibiting the manufto tura, importation and sale of alcoholic li quor and condemn the liben ] policy of a Dominion plebinoito aa unocoeiary, booauua so utauy of the Province bavo declared lor prohibition by plobiRoitca; au exponBivo and calculated to cause dolay to the reform aud ia not important for good as no notion would bo taken union* a majority in favor of prohibition wore olocted to tho Ilonso. Wo condemn tho Connervativo govomment for tho wasto of public money on a Royal oo.romisHiou to invoatigoto tho working of a traffic, the terrible ovila of which uro ap- pa rent to ovoryone. Woa/ooI that the partnornhip exioting botwoon tho govern- id tljpr,* cngo^'d 'ii tb*j truffi-t is o ilioiii'KC) 'fin thm ooiintry that ahctiild, be- w'prd out no the* oarheat cpportui-ity. ------------a-av*------------ ^rr^ino'iN^ewi-'ouNuLANu. ^ Beatituto JTamtllea nlvi OoodrltTM'! I4abllUlea. St. Johns, Nfldl^Tan^KT-The offlcera of the matl ateamer- Virginia Lake, which has arrived hero, yeporjft intona* destitu tion along; the northern coast of New foundland. The aUuinTjr recently carried fiOO barrels of flour to the north for distri bution among the CocdyMamlUea, but aa this amount la totally lnadelquate to meet the widespread starvation existing there tho Government will despatch her again to-day with another supply. Tho Investigation directed against Mr. McGrath, editor of the Herald aval one of the foreign newapapur correspondents ao- cuaed of sending mefmngea detrimental to the colony'a credit, boa-apparently boon abandoned. Tho uowapapera condemn the Inveutlttatlou, aa Uh political object bo- comes mora nud moro apparent .The relief measuroH of tho public corn- in It toe aro lining continued, but aro far from MUfllolont to rolluvo tho exlHtlii^ dlfl- treflrt. Tho creditors of GoodrhlRe & Sons'met and hoard fitjitomentu of tho amietu and llnbllltloH of tho firm. The atatements allowed that a dividend of B2 cents on tho dollar iu available. A committee wiim ap pointed to examine -tho booko. After the examination tho quontlou of ncom- promise wuh dctidud. London, .Tan. U. The Timoa'will way: The roHponnibility*' of dealing with tbo Hltuatlon In Nowfoundlunil mii.st ovontual- ly rent on tho Imperial government, ono of wIioho first condltlotiH nuiHt be that tbo colony renounce tho responsible govern ment which it has HiTsuHed. Further bor rowing must bo dlHCoiirjigcd until after acomploto reform of tho existing Hystcm. A <;<)lort*(l IViiMnltVti* Iti Tk*olibl. St. Johns, N.IJ,, Jan. lL-Uov. TIiob. U. ITendfrson, pastor of the colored church in this city, whs yesterday arrested oa n charge of fibortlo'n, nt> the Instanco of New Jorsuy State dctectlva Joseph A. Hayes. It appears noma months ngo IIohdorHon was arroMted in Morristown, N.J.. on a charge of adultery and afterwards abor tion on ft married woman of that placo, alflo colored. Henderson was admitted to hail und skipped out in July Inst. From that time until last Monday tho authori ties hud lost rill duo to his wheroahoutfl. Ho was on that day located In thlsMty as pastor of^W;. PMllip's church and Detec tive Hayes, armed with thb .noccBaary paperH, arrived here on Friday. As ndnlt. cry .i.s not an extniditahlu offence, now papers had to bis secured and IlenderBon was not nrresred"'"iThTTTyeHrerday in qon- Hcquctice. Kxtnidition jxiperH have'boon applied for and are expected-from Wash* iugton in a hnv days. ' v THE KHEDIVE OF EGYPT ABBAS PACHA A PROGRESSIVE YOUNG MAN OF ABILITY. Mia ParaoueJ ChMraetrlatIoe Man ot Many Attalnraenta^ An Orl*ot*l Who Do* }(ot Smobs-UoBl, HonC m<I Yaelite Hie FTorita AmoMDt. As an Individual the Khedive of Egypt Is a young man of Ftreat ability and Intel ligence and a worthy scion of the line of rUUra founded by Mehcmob AIL He U courageous and untiring In his efforte to make bia relgn one of progress. He has aa gaeat a dcairo to elevate the people aa waa poflflOHsed by his father, Tewftk Pacha, and a far greater capacity for accompllahlng results. Ha ia tho devoted friend of that soot Ion of his people known . aa "Young Kgypt," which represent** in a largo tncaa- Uro tho benefits of popular education. The Khedive Is only in hla twenty-first year; but an Oriental of that ago In turn- ally as mature as a man of thirty In the Weatern World, Ho haa very definite IdiutM on the nubjoct of hUi duties and re- Bponsibllltleft. An an example to the youth of his country bo observes in the Uody Retted. MtttU at Ease " That is what it is ivhon fcravi?lliug on th'< fust traiua of the Ohicago, Milwaukee & Bt. Paul Hailway; boiidea thero ia no chance to ,lkiok," for the accommodations aro up to data, tho trains koop moving right along itod got there ou1 time. These lines thor oughly covor the territory between Ohioago, Xjh. Urosua, Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Abcr- dpoo, Mitchell, Bioux FallH, BionxOity. Yankton, Council Bluffs, Omaha und Npr. ihern Miobifan. All the principal oltiia Hid tciwna iu that territory ar* reuolied by lui ,lBt. Paul" lines, eonneotiuu ut Be. .'aui..Council Bluffs and Omaha, with all insa for poinra |iu the far went- Write to A. J. Taylor, Canadian Pans'? Ageut, 87 York Street, Toronto, Out., for"on of their new map timetables aud ajbronbure, giving h (inBdnptiou of the Oompartmoiit Slping Guru. Tickets furnished by any coupon ftichat- agent in the Xllnitdd Htatoa and Can ada, Tho flneiit dining cars in Hie world aro run ou tbo solid yeatibulad, oUutrio'.. lighted and tsam-beuted tmlss of th^Chl- oago; IViilwaukos & St. PanIHailway.' A I>y!iir; KtiriHiir'tt Quimr Not|n. CIIAUI.OTTKTOWN, P. E. I., Jan. 14.-7- Williarn Yeo. u well-to-do farmer, Travel- hir's Htst, nuur Summersido, who-.has been ill. lor .suniu time nud Is now in n dyiii.t,' cijidli.ku'i, u U\v days iie;o- Instructed a friend lo bjive made a cedar collin, covor- wl wir.h sheet. lead and madu perfectly air tlyht and .aft>/r his body lias been plaoed inside the collin Is to be liermoticully sealed. He al.su ordered that a vault bo buried In the ground merely large enough for the collin and to ho bricked lusldo and out and covered with largo stones. FAKED MIS CITIZENSHIP. A Cunaillun Chargm! 'U'lth' Fraudulently Ohtiilutnc Nuturnllzuttnii Tapers, Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. M. Herborb T. McLcud wiw arrested by tho United Stuton Marshal charged with fraudulently ob taining natunllization papers. McLcod was a former employe of tho Doty Engine Co. of Toronto, of tho Kerr Engine Works of Walkerville, and had been an engineer on the Midland Hallway for ten years. He "amo here In 188U, but tho employments mentioned have occurred since his -formal declurution-of intention to lie come a citizen and it Is shown that he "has not resided continuously for the statntary period in tho United States. He waa hold in $1,000 ball for furthor examina tion. Tho facts in the case developed through MeLeod's application to tho inspectors for u license as llrst assistant engineer. It la alleged that there are quite a number*of Canadian onghioors employed on Ameri can vessels In the great lakon whoso citi zenship is doubtful, rind therefore, tho outcome of thvpreHant.cane will bo watch ed with no little interest in marine circlefi;___________________________ Gortnuity'a Aiitl-Sorlullut 111]]. BEItLTN, Jtfn. U. Tho majority which referred tho anti-Socialist bill to the com mittee ou Saturday was largc-oiiough to delight the ministers. It consisted mainly of Llberalfl and Conservatives against whom worn arrayed the Socinl Domocratn,. South German Democrats, Radicals und a few Gnolphs and Independents. Tho ICm- peror wnj* much pleased with the result of tho first reading, although it given no guarantee of the futuru of tho hill. , l<yii<'li'(l, Yot Living, Lebanon, Mo., Jan. 14. Koubun Garner was hnii^ci' . mob near Celt pusiulfice, Dalits (.ou.).v, '. i.uit J.y. UaiVi.r usi/i uc:uj>e<i ul" i *! i i., - ill'*- s^uie of lh.j,i Hi Fowler at i. . '. l..s'. week.. Al.-i"inl(f Gariur i who ^ .- j.i .s'.-jit when tho party cnlhul Air ) ,!i l'i/.l -'.vid tli i l.vucheiy und no hocner ii.nl ttiuy. loi'f. thoiv vicl.nn than ho \va^ tiit-M t ru.- uuhim. Ho sueoucdud in rcM-ui.cil.ir.in.c Uamor who Inu uluca left the )o -;lih'.ih'j[Kl, Blood's Pills are purely vegetable, per fectly JmrrjiIeBS, always reIiHble's,ud bene- fiolal. A i. i"illili"'ril-*)auiur laiuU London, Jan. 1L Tho British stonmBhlp Prescott, from Sunderland for Marseilles, iuholieved to have gone down in the re cent storniu. No news of her has been ro- ceivud sincu Jaiiuury 4 and a llfobout filled .with wiut'i*aud markod "Prescott" waa Hcen ou.Tauiiary .s, floating about six ml lea btf Spurnhead, coast of Yorkshire. The Prescott was u 1,200 ton vessel and carded a crew of^Hi] nuin. Nw V<eur'a l>uy In UtisalH, St. PKTKitBiUiita, .Inn. 14. Yeatorday was New Ycai'd Hiiy uccording to the UuH.'ifun calcuduv and was noteworthy In pftlclal elrolus foi'thb ditftrlbutiuu of the usual New, Year's -honors. M. Burge, proftideht of tho committee of ministers, received tho decoration of the order 6f St. Vladimir ilrBt-cbiKfl, Gen. Vannowsky, war minister, received the decoration' of tho order of Sfc, Androw, *................ .-......... I..,,........I,-- A SldUluil Seclallat'a Victory. Palkumo, Jan. X4. Borico, it*conspicuous Socialist who ,waa sent to prison by the i!sourt.j^artial which tried tbo loaders of the revolutlbu lost winter, has been elected-to tho Chamber of Deputies in- Homo, ; Ho polled 400 more vottjs than bis monarchist rival. ' j , :'"' A Heal Katate -Uan'i Vmiul Fall. DuXUTH, Jan. 14. MoKensslo,# prominent real estate raau,i,fell sixty feet to the lobby, from the. stairway in the gpauldlng bouse. Ha lived only a few, minutes, He was a nephew of 81r Oeorc* THfi KTIltmVK OF KGYPT. strictest manner the. law of tho ICoran for bidding tho ubo of wines and spirits, and is iu* abstemious In prlvato life as at ft state banquet. .Ho never smokes, and this means much'in a land whore Pacha and peasant socm noVor to bis without a lighted clgarotto. TinrKhedlvo is an accomplished linguist. His Proncli and German nro perfect, and his English, while not fluent, is very good. He speaks Turkish grammatically, and hla Arabic is said to be itlio bust. This moans much when wo realize tho raarvcllouK voca bulary of a huigungo having nearly a thonB- aud synonyms for common words llko "horse," "flsli," or "Hon." Ht- known hoiuq Italian and modern Greek also.. Khedive Abbas is passionately fond of. hon;osand dog,-aiul devol.QH a largn mim yearly to tho iuiDruvt'inent <i.horse brood ing throughout Krvypt. He JPinteroUt:diu ogriwultiivci and has turned one of his-e.'*- tatos, near Cairo, into umodel farm,M|uip- ped with KugliHU miichiiit-ry, that.tho peiutantry may boo, tho benefits of tilling with modern appliances. Ho has four yachts. The' Mahrouaaa, tho official yacht, is said to bo tho lnrgest In the world, and looks as big as an Atlan tic liner. Its tonnage Is about 4,800. A now yacht, Just delivered oy a Scotch firm of shipbuilders, called "Joy of the Sfla," in its Arabic equivalent, is of 700 tona, and la to bo used for cruising in tho Mediter ranean. Ho is vory strict In dealing with mili tary offlcerH and palace functionarien; but, like other disciplinarians, is just and fair. He dislikes iiunccesHary deference and aliow, but would quickly mark hla disap proval of all who aocmed to forgot his po sition and rank. It is said Abbas Pacha is to marry in tho near future. If so, ho will follow tho ox- ample of hiafathor andJi&yjvhut one wife. Woman's position iu improving"in Kgypt; horom life la fast disappearing, and, not withstanding tho Mohammedan law per mitting four wives, itisulready bad form for a man to have more than one wife. Nubar Pacha, tho primo minister, is tho Grand Old Man of Egyptian polities, nnd under hla-guldanco things run smoothly. His career has bcon remarkable for ho has served In somo capacity seven rulers be ginning with Mchemot AU. To that extra ordinary man he acted as reader nnd prl vato secretary. Nubar was then sixteen. He has been Prime Minister many timoa, and has bold ovory potfollo In tho Egyptian Ministry. During tho Khedive's absence tills summer Nubar Pacha acted as Ito- gent. It was Nubar who originated and accomplished that great judicial reform, tho International Tribunal of Egypt, Hiaic Pacha, supplanted a few months ago by Nubar, ia a moro representative Egyptian, perhaps. IJo was born in tho country, rose from an Immblo position to the Premiership, and is a Mohammedan in fact, a man of tbo people. Nubar, as every one knows, Is Armenian by birth, aChristJrm.nnd a travelled nnd accomplished man of tho world a verlt- ablo cosmopolite. Ho has a beautiful itcji.se Sn 1\. -., itiid -*uii!i ho .c,'ii::.slo Cairo, leave:- Mmc. Nob;n- at Cannes TJo hicieui-rmott; wc.-lr.h, and is vitally Int<r- cwted in Iiwc'Umi t* in E;:ypt. !Niib>r di-l^ie- newspaper.-,. Whet; 'ie la*!. bi:exwh Prima Minister. The t'orn^ijftiidents of tho English and other . Etv^pean' Jounruila flockod to sue him to ascertain, if pjbr.iLio, whnthis-pollcy was to lie, * ...... "Genbiumoir," suid lia to /.ho g'mup,- "I like you all very much, and ahall ahvayu bo pleased to see you; but while I am pre sident of the Khedive's Council there will bo no news, nono whatever;" and ho has kept his word. For four months press de spatches from tho Egyptian capital hnvo been Yew and far botwoon and nowflleua* Egypt ia now very prosperous. Nine years ago Egypt waa considered to be hopelessly insolvent, and her bonds were regarded asnext to worthless. As a result ol'good government her securities are now looked upon af exceptionally desirable. During the post two years, with financial depression and doubt widespread, Egyptian securities have sold at a premium. . The position of tho fellah farmer Is con stantly Improving. Orlls taxes have been greatly reduced, and ho. is treated for the llrst tunor in many '; years aa a human being. .~vW': 1 Hgypt has but 7,000,000 Inhabitants, yet' growa-cereals enough for 0000,000., Ite cotton" crop brings nearly 50,000,000 la 'money.to the ootnitry/wnougb to meet tho interest on the ono ml oris foreign debt and pay oil bach year a part of Itsohligatlon^ .CalroV,winter population presents a polyglot aspect thai fa biiique::- JEuffllah sojourners uro .In ; tho,,!majority.!. "Then thero are! ltdsslans, Crouch, Germans, Aua- triads 4ind ropreseta,tlve of- every other " ./ ' ' iJou't Hother Theiu. .'..';:.;. Athletes, as a rule are little concerned about the nioatla* of speech. AT THE Grreat i Conner \ v Special Bargains IN y Every Department & ------------------. ^ Ontario Mayors. Hoaforth- W. M. Gray. Niafara Falla H. Paffard. Perth -"- Parry Souad Dr. J. B, Walton. Nowbridjfa W. Nioolaus*. Palmerston A. Stewart, -fltayuer W. B..Sanders.. Oranfaville W. T. Bailay. St. llary'i W .C. Mosorip. Wiaghara W. F. Brookenahire. Almonte W. Thoharn. Whitby Jamas Hutlad^o. TilaeSburg W. J. Wilkins. Reufrow James Craig. Godarioh J. Butler. Preaaott Joseph Steele. Forest V. Pickering. Alliston W, Fisher. Peterboro Jamas Keudry. Gabourg It. Wilson. Port Hopo H, A. Ward. Kincardine J. Tetmio. Lsanungfcon O. Cbamherlafn. Ctllingwood B. Callary- Gravenhurst C. Miekti. Braoebndge JLv Hunt. Walkerton H. BirsB.* Brookville J. Culbert. -Midland J. B. Horwll. Stratrord W. DaYidno. " 0. G. Marlr.tt. liavriuton Nf. Wait. HiaUon-r-I). M.. Jermyn. N-.yhn*n.i Cb^rios fiUovon-J^- Gf.lt"Dr. Vardon. Miwhflll -Hord. . ..London J. Lhtlo. Thjutou M. B. Morrison.. Gublpu J. A. Lamprey. Aylmor \J. U. Huff wan. Pidton J. Lair el. Thoreld A. WoLanohy. WelUMd Dr. G. H. Glasgow. Sirnboo T. R Atkinaen. Lindsay H. Walter*. Kingston Wrighi. ! Paaabrake-T. Fertm. Bramp^-E, O.' Munlattf- Clinton W. Bfolmaa. - Listowel A. W. JWharstood Norih Bay-J. B.-OwnruUwM. Barrle-J* M Bolhwell. Ntagar* Falls -G. H. Hanan. Berlin D. HlbnerV . pfiawf '"-"^ ^Amnenitbuirt: S. tfraser, Blenheim J. 8. Titus. fitrathro'y A. Smith, Kidgetown J* Wallaos. Drabdao D. V. Hioka. - Parkhill-J. Cluneal. Onllla vR. J..8aBDdarsoa.' Essex JDr, Dewar. : Petrolea -Danfiald,.:-.'"'. v Baraia W. J- Prbetiir. Mattawa O. Eankia. Chatham M. Canipboll. Duadaa-W. E. S. KuowUs. . St. Cathannoa J.C. Itykari. . Carletou Place D. Craw. Windsor-D.W.Mason. I AM DYEING- I am dyeing, Edith, dyoinn, Tints of crimson, bright and fast; Shades, too, dark aa Pluto's regions, And thoy cannot liolp but last. Let rao toll you how I do it, Lot in whisper iu your car, Diamond Dyes is all my secret; - You can do tho same, my doar. Though my clothts get worn and dingy. Aud with aUms aro npetted o'er, Thougk they look as fit for nothing, I can make tbem good onco moro. Though I have not many dollars To expend on garmonts uew, I can dreea as well as any, And I know that v<m can, too. Lot not fashiou's servile minions JBeorn the garments thus made o'er; 'Twas no dyer's haad that made them, I have dono the same before. I, who took my last year's dresses, " Washed, dyed, prousod and turned, Made (hem o'er for this year'* wearing Gowao for which tho heart hasyeart^ed] Yeu.-I'm dyuiuti, Edith.dyeing; Ho, you do uot nood to go; You've noli hiuUoy 1 me a moment; 'Tis cot hard to do you know. Now, no more one needs to wonder He n to make tfieir dresses do; WbaM with each w. littla trouble, "Diamond" makes them goed aa new. v '. \ " TSiey 4 aol Oaap|r,^- Au utter less el hope is sob oharaater istic of ConaUmptiVaB,- though, ao^othar form of disease is so fatal, unless) its pro gress, ia arreeied by use f Soott'a Emalslea whiob is God Liver Oil maple aa paUtabl aioream. I , . ' l'l: WHY COUGH.;? Compound Cherry Elixer ' "-" ;. - v/,"J aa....-:. a^i ..1 *, :W 8678 08

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