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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 18, 1895, p. 7

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BfP^Wp^ "\A tfho tyovv York Sun Advocates, tlio Annexation of Hawaii. -, 'THE PRESIDENT CRITICIZED mm To Tost tho CoimHtutU/nallty of th Income. Tax. A SUIT IN THE U. S." COURTS Cliurjfml With llolnir ])ur, Olxluruto uiid InUfixililo lor Not Complying IVItli tho Unnmlluu l'otltion taj A- i>*utl<>n-~TIia Key to tho North l'linlUc .New YOKK,-tfnn. 115, Tho lending edi torial in JroHfcorday'H Sun In a-BcorohliiK .criticism of Prufdduiit 01ovolntid* recom- melidatlon Ihut Neckar Itd/md l>o per liintltutud A^ulnH! tho Oontlumitul Trait . Co. 1>V ' Numhnr of Corpoi-ntlontf nt Imllvhltiitl* AfToatail by tho Xnooiiii Tux An Xti- / Junuttoii Hon^lit. rfflS ESSEX ygtBIS PRESS. FRANCE MUST SEND TROOPS TO THE ISLAND AT ONCE. Ni^w Youk, Jan. 19. LuwIh M. Hyde* who resides at OnmKo, N, J., common cod a suit yesterday in tho United iStatos CIr cult court against tho Continental Trust Homo Intercut I iiy: (-'hut A hunt Qmum Uihii- 'vnlona mid lllitr l*rtm MlnUt-flr -Oiioo n Y?r tho lWixky Monarch Tuhm i l*uMI Itiitl.. Tho tndiHlon of M, My re do. Vilora, to Madagascar liaviuK faiiod, nothing romalnn for'Fnuioo but to vottt a tiar budget and wiiuUoMlorH and Hullom to bring tho queen and her advlherH at Tananarive to terms, A vnodcHt owtlmiito places the' cost ot thin ontorprlso at fully one hundred and fifty . million franc*, and a numlwr of llVes do- pimdolit iri'purt upon tho accuracy of tho Mada^iiHuar warriors, but' chlotly on tho *mehuaiion mat WecKar iHitinu itu yi-, - - * , . , t . y, * * *, MauawiHcar warriors, nut, c i y on t&o . SittedtoboleaihMl to llrHMi caulo com-; Co., of wh ch h a rtmrohonier, to tost UirrIblo road* and the deadly climate o ' JST Tl^Z^^=^ ' Jh. WlMionallty of the Income ta, " of Hawaii, and thou It nay* * British cor- It In Uhdortood that a number of corpora, Deration can bo aftf,!y permitted to land a, on and Individual* lately affected by ponitlou can bo Ha My perm cabin upon.Nf!ckat' Island, which fchnnco- forth, and n^uiiist all eotmmi, wmild bo protoutud by Lhu ritniM and Strlpon. Tho Sun alao miy : "So long o tho only uppoul to Mr. . Cluvolnud'H. HonsibinticH camo from tho American people, who withoutcilntlnctlon if party, liavo dciilrod compliance with ie Hawaiian -petition for annexation, ho imulnod doaf, ohdnrato, lufloxiblo. Hut Rio moment an opportunity ht offered of plowtlng tho British government, of fur- thorinK British coiumiiixial IntoroHtH and , a-winting a llritlnli. corporation, . ho h traiififormod into an utruwlvu, rtforon- tlal," Nupplo, " uaofnl tool. Ho din- covem Biiddonly that ho hai ulway felt a solemn null absorbing intm-ont in tlio welfare of tho Hawaiian Inlands and tholr Government; and with his hand upon lilu waiatuoat and his tunguu in hlHcboulchu proLcutH 'that his painful anxiety on tholr account will continue un relieved , until he hl'oh an Kngli.sh company acquire a lieu on'their territory. Tlio fact that a French company ban al ready completed a cablo to Now Caliulonia and looks forward to extondlnpt it to Hono lulu and tho United States, only deepens Mr. Clevoland'ti solicitude for Hawaiian interests, und intennilles hia conviction that the ground slimild bo pre-occupicd as Bpocdlly^JLH possible, by British subjetd." A Hint on Civilization, r Auckland, N. Z. .Tan. 13. Premior-Il. J. Kcddun spoke at length n-t-Kokitita yen. terday cuncernlnj; Samoa, New Zealand, ami the three interested powers. Ho said; "Now Zealand's oiler to administer Samoa '-la unanimously approved by all the Aus- _ fcralian colnnies. It was made in a friend ly spirit to tho powers concerned, tho. United States, who were iudilVereiit in tlio uiattur, beiiig cognizant of it. The Gcir. minis Iiavu niit.de in) |UYi;,'!'<-<:i in culoni'/m'j; Bamna, 'i'l.'-ir iiiV.n-TiMs uve wjui'ihl; year ly and the fif-nniiu-i in Austrainsiado not Object to our proposal. Tho sij^ht of -tU'o great lOurapnan powers using warships to ftetilo the iruuiperydt.spui.es of t lie S:'.n.^(ui nation Is a blot tin civilization. All the iiglitin;: could bo sttijjped by a few polire- 3iL-.il. 'Vreijile/Seiblon coinp!ai::ed of Lord Mo^.-Li-ry's at.tituit"' t" Xeiv- /./abt:wl iind bi:j a-.liiiiK i'iS. flu' ;>.' , v.-.,l.'.'i .-^iMpI-y n- iresoutedan olllffia^regularoirur." "If we rjnlSit bo (iiibjectod to ridioulu," ho con. th income tax have combined to protoot tiudr interests and to contest tho constitu tionality of tho ayt. Section 11234 of tlio rev hied statutes of the United States provide that "No tmnV for the purpose of retraining tho aHsotmmont or collection of any tut shall bo maintain ed In any court," and It wtut to obviate the dinlculty presented by this seotlon that an amendment was introduced in tho United States Senate by Senator Mill yesterday. Tho Supremo Court of tho United States has decidod thafcii milt could not bo brought to restrain tho collection of a tax moroly on tho ground that It was* unconstitutional but It has alio held hi several casou of Htato tax lawH that wliore there existed Homo ground for equitable jurisdiction, a court of equity could properly Intorforo and grant an Injunction restraining tho enforcement of- an unconstitutional tux law. It is evidently upon this theory that Mr. Ilydo is now proceeding. THE M1DDLEMARCH -MU'RDER.' Th Wutch rrlftmiiir \V<lti-r Had JIl(mctl to tlm 1)<dh1 Man. St. Thomas, Jan. 1'^, Three sessions were held yesterday to investigate further In the Middltriunrch murder. At the afternoon session, David llender- sbott, father of the deceased, N, W. Moore, jailer, W. H. Jncksnn, Jeweler, and T. Jjangan, turnkey lOlgin jail, ;'avo ovidenco proving ciinclusively that the watch worn hythe prisouur Welter was tlio property, n'f the murdered man, and tho one glvon to ilie father of the deceased 'as that of this son, was tlio property of prisonor Welter. Whi-n Welter was questioned in the jail by County Crown' Attorney Donahue, lio said the watch was his own, that 'bo had got it six or oiwht wecksJiniWe-in a trade with a Htranger he cuiihl nut- denerilH*, at Ilie ]Jenw:ii-'l.':i )>.<>. Xi io'.vn wateli and i',| Lo-Lim: d u1 ii.___________ Mr. and Mrs. K.-Icliidiaw, of Bayhahi, to-W of reoiiviug the i.dfgrniii announcing the death of d.'ee:is!'il ainl the tliscusslon as to whether.lb- was flu* um.de or nephew. I'risrjrirr Hendcr-J'io;.!, c,\|j:v- icd the opin ion that it wji.i hi. p.ej.ii.-u'.'MbU that per- ha'p-i a tree 1'l'II n.i.o'. :.iwi ,____.,, ". ' -'.i^Ji. "flden, ei'iihl that lIelliliT^!.ii! I It*;-! .. the Inland, As a ytartor Franco will Bond a main body of 13,000 troops under Ideat. Oon. Borgnes-Desbordes a eampnlgudf tanned by tho sun and sands nf the 'Soiuhm and a supplementary corps of about fi.OOO marlnns, inorttof whom have liad plenty of previous foreign service. Them is no reason to doubt, of course, that in tho end France will win thu light. In tliatevoufc the republic will bo richer by an bdnnd grenUsr In aroa than Franco ItsoU", and by Coughing: For nil the ailment** .o^.T^roat and Lungs there is n<M0lXfifiO quick tyiui nermaijpm. nT^Scottifi Emtibiou ot Co(JaWvcr-Oilr- It i5 palatable, ca:iy^n the most deli cate stomach a":id effective ..i<.i . iiii: Jus tn'jitiu'.v had probably, been kiUcd'by a tree falling , ,, , , . ,,. upon him. Ho had beiight a new watch tinuod, "with a vlow to concllitating in tho faM mvill Hendrshott, and probably. Gormany, it will not strengthen the bonds vvbilo running for his clothes and watch"' between the colonies and tlio Mother ull(l b(.nll fitruck by a falling tree and Country. New Zealand and tho other kilUul When going to lied in " Eden that colonies da not wish to interfere wlth-Im- Friday night a policy fell from Uendor- porial interests, but it is ot great impor- Hhott's pockot, and prisoner produced tho tanco tothecolomes that the Pacillc la- t0ther policy ftud Orttrauder read tUom lands, bo peopled with British coloniatn both and not made the dumping ground of Hendershott sworo at tlio innuest that lairopoan criminals as is New Cndodonia Will Not Accept tho Oovevumeiit's Turiti. St. Tohst3, Nfld., Jan. 13. Important correspondence between the Imperial and Colonial Governments was presented to the Legislature last night'. The local exe- cutive in a despatch to f^in-l Kipon, tho Imperial Colonial Secretary, admitted that Newfoundland was in a deplorable condi tion and asked what assistance England was willing to give if the colony accepted a royal commission to investigate colonial alTiiirs. Lord Kipon replied that the Eng lish'Government was willing to appoint a commission but could nut pledge itself be forehand as to the course it would take upon receiving the commissioner's report. The Local Government will commission on these U;rm mimt has started a war upon thu corres pondents of foreign newspapers, alleging that their messages concerning tlio finan cial situation are damaging tu tho colony's int crest. he never carried tho policies with him. Miss Welter, the young lady to whom tho murdered mim was engaged, detailed a conversation which took place between, prisoner Welter and herself while driving to this city noon after the murder, hut nothing of much importance was elicited. Shu know that ileueuied bad $11,000 insur ance on -his life, but did not know who was tho beneficiary. Edwin .Fnwt swore that ho met tho Hendershott's driving towards tho city from tho west at- 1I.I10 on tho morning of -the tragedy. Dr. Lawrence, who mado the postmortem examination, read his report, showing a total of nineteen wounds and Hears on Head and body, and that they might havo ill not accept a : ueen caused by an axe or similar instru- s. The fiovern. ; mo t.. ] FINANCE AND COMMERCE Toronto, Jan. 13, 181)5. At Knat Buffalo there wore only two' cars of Canada lambs on the market, and they brought 1.00 tu Ui,">, Market closed fitttady 'with about M cars unsold. Next week's pn/upccts for .Canada good. The markets were sluggiidi again yeater 'day and business continues quiet. In pro duce, provisions and vegetables there Is little if any change in prices. Oysters have dropped back again to tho price of two wholes ago, $i.:;5 per gallon for stand ards. This is due to tho disappearance of the cold wave whio'h struck the Haltimoro beds recently. ' ....... In tho'vogetablii'ni'iricet potatoes',by tlio loud Hold ut 50c; by car lots 'IfSc., and re tail Cue. to "5c. Applies, fall. #.75 a barrel; wlntpr, *$3 to $^.~i>, good sale; parsnips, buets und carrots, "Scaling; turnipB, 40c to 00c u bag; onions, 75c to 00c a bag; Siiauish onions, 1 to f.l.^o acaso ; onions, Spanish, largo cases, W.W, small, ,7r>c. Thc*spring wheat market in Buffalo ; weakened near the close. No. 1 hard .-offered at tilAc and old lc Northern 5o over New Yorlc, May. Closing, No.' 1 hard fW !l-8c; old' 1, Northern 7 7-8c; sales: L ,1,000 b., ,' .'.. n.;: . Aortrcr'n *, 1-.'c ; 1 iI, ma 1 Nortiievn 'Dnliitb C-^c; winter wheat flrm:; Kaleatwo -No, 1 Bra. Gustin and Smith gave corrobora tive evidence. Dr. Duneombo, for tho defence, HftidU tho ground was soft the deceased's bead might have been Under the tree aud.not have been crushed, but said the wounds might havo been caused by an axe. Court resumes to-day at UMO.____________ Kovcmiio r'alrlnc Oft', - Ottawa, Jan.-12. The annual report of the Inland Revenue Department on tho in- upuetion of weights, measures and gas for the fiscal year ending June 30th last, waa distributed yesterday. Tho total revenuo during the year for the inspection of weights and measures was $.'18,0111, com pared with ?;ifl,4U for the previous year, or a deereaso of $780, ' The total expenditure for tho year was 8711,398, or an increase of 51,7-11. Tho total revenue collected during tho year for tho inspection of gas" and ga meters was $10,558 as -compared with $13,'J05 collected during the previous year. Tho expenses were 31,775 against $10,2-11 for the year ending-June 30th, WXi. ' Mr. Miall expects that before long tho revenuo from Ran inspection will cover tho expenditure. With tho exception of the year ending Juno.it0th, 1803, last year's re ceipts were $7,8U5 higher than anyprevious year. ^_______.___________^_________ Milk Can Cuutruvurny. BUFFALO, Jan. 12. The News yesterday commouted on an article in the Chatham Banner uu Urn milk din controversy, ad vising the formers to use Canadiau cans, and see if the United Stntea Customs oHl- cers will admit them .freo. To this tho . ;. , . ;," ' itv^ r\-.:^-.\i nil /V* UlUS,. l'blio\-' i -e uLtwT Ol' CUL* JLuW iia closely as tho Cunudiau oftlcera. Wo havo many times if. Mrnrsxtts vn^Eiia, about live million' subjects. From all accounts, however, these latter will not prove a very valuable possession. They are lazy, no more honest than tho people of hHjro civilized communities and atro ciously poor. Tho Hovas, the strongest, most enter prising and best-equipped of the tribes with whom the Kreuch soldiers will havo to try conclusions, have their capital at Tananarive, where the, prime minister, Itninilainrlvonv /rules supreme. .There Is a queen of il.udagnsenY; but apparently she does not count for much. The gentle man with the el a horn tn rurnamn is the r.jjil vuii-i'ol" Uu: ^j|; int. jlit fii-iiiscsaiid- <!e"-id'e-ovrj'rhfnr*-- I'm' her majesty. lnT df-il, by a peculiar law of that country ; hf- prime minister is also obliged to serve ns husband- to 1 ht* sovorcirrm* Tin hits already occupied this complicated position inr three ()tiiji.'ii.-. In point of i'act tho prime minister names tire succession to "' i.tliy-' I'lu'laTiwii \-i Id:; :'..: t .'td hi choice -i.'iuld line til" Andiiau;rnipouiiie, stimulaLiij the uppctiLc, aidu the; digestion of other foods, curcti Ctjuf;'hs and Cold:;, -fioro Ttiroiit, Bronchitis.atul givca vital litrcngtli befii<lo!i. It ban no equal as nour ishment for Babies and Cliildrn who do not; thrive,-nr.'i vvr ,s Ayr/ Crii"i*!nrj of W ' '/V:. Srif f f" f:ii,:'<hi;! o\ y.(,< .' - &=aU .""- Zvn.uu Oollevjlto. All nai;i;jl..:-. EOc'Dil. ARE8T[L^T0THlMm0iST And When You Went "OSS% XrasaLber, > 'BbiagXa &<xmhm Moulciiia.gs,,' Woo* Call and get- Prices mid you w i 11 he Mire to Buy. BOWUA'rJVILL&'d CENTENNIAL T':e ! i:i fj;i,-, I ;n.!'.'. 'I'll V 11.". bciuii^ to the the founder of tho Mnlgacho monarchy. He generally soleetH .noma ono whom ho will have no difficulty in controlling. Ilanavalona HI., tho present ^uecn, camo to her royal dignities rather unex pectedly. Although of nohlo origin nhe lived at the time of her jjtcesalnn to tho throne iu verymodeHt7>*tjcmnstanceH, one of lior uncles, her guardian, keeping, a butcher shop in the"" Hova capital.. Now, however, she surrounds herself with much outer show of majesty; .no ono dares ap proach her. .She lives like a recluse in her palace at Tananarive, occasionally going abroad with her prime minister in a sedan chair| but showing herself to tho populace only ou very rare occasions. Such an occasion presents itself regular ly once a year, in thu last days of Xovemb- ur, on the celebration of the-natioual feast of the bath. Ou this day the queen re ceive.-} at her palace, extended upon a couch of red velvet. She then suddenly disappears bidiind a curtwin where for some minutes she refreshes herself in a perfumed bath. When this has been com pleted a salvo of artillery announces to the people that the royal purification has-been effected.. After that alio makes a tour of the palace and from a silver ewer, car ried by a gorgeously-appareled serv ant, who sprinkles water upon all the troops who stand in lino In the courtyard with presented arms.. Tho official account of the French envoy, M. de Vilors, would indicate that the queen, is nut a, beauty; but with characteristic gallantry ho adds that she has certain feminine coquetries 'and loves handsome gowns rather for the pleasurij-oX possessing them' than of wear ing them. The climate of Madagascar ia not conducive to elaborate toilettes or needless clothing of any description. About two years ago her majesty'tired of tho idleness and frivolity of licrmodo of 'existence and undertook to emancipate herself from the domlnnnco of the prime minister. With tho assistance of ono of the sons.of this olucial by a former wife, the queen plotted to secure real aawoll as. nominal control ot the government. But Itaiuilaiarivony nipped tho project in the bud by beheading tho queen's chief ad visers. Tlio Old "New Woman," Vl'ho old "new woman" is old ccnturleu old. In April, 1710, sho was ndvorthdng herself thus: "This Is to give notice to all*my honored masters and ladles, ami the rest of my lov ing friends that my lady, Butterfleld givoa a challenge to ride a horse, to leap a horse, or run ou foot, or halloo', with any woman In England seven years younger, but not a day older, beeauno I won't undervalue my self, being now so verity-four years of age. My feast will be ' tho bust Wednesday of this'mouth (April), whoro there will he good entertainment for that day and all tho year after In Wanstead In *' ' A'milvnrrtiiry ot tlio H6ttl*mifmt ot IV nm Uiirlmm tiololtrut'id With FnthtiMluum. BowuANViLLui'Out., ,r? y%~~Tho lira.' day of tho' centennial colouration in con miction with tlio Unit uetthimout of Went Durham by tlio Burka, Trullu und Con* ftntiU in 1704 wan a dooldod uuoeona. Tho old uottlertj now living luivo out trod with grout xoat Into tho spirit ot the movement and tho interest in heightened by tho ex hibition of old rolit'fi, tho history of many of which wan nasociatod with tho doruetaio llfo and oharaoter of tho'flrt uottlorn, This country was Hcttledchiouy by omi- Cjrantn from Devon and Cornwall, In Eng land, tlio Highlands of Scotland and fch'> north of Ireland. Among Jho vary old roiddoriU talcing part in this ovant, some of whom.wore tlio original oconpants of the" foront far inn, aro tho following: Moasni, Jnmou MeClollan, David JHnhor, George Halmm, P.M., Jameu and Samuel Meal, William MoGill, W. Puthick, Jonathan Htophonn, Colonel F, Cubitt, Abram V"onng,_. W. Law, Mark Prcut, ChftH. Honey, Levi Vancainn, II.W, Uil'iJi, ex-M. P., Kiohard Windatt, S. Washington, Jacob No/ids, Samuel Van- utono, John Frank, t^alvin Tyler, K. O. Power, Jeaso Trull. W. Howman, Oyiua Muuhoii, Jolui Alliu, John Chaplin, W. Foley, S. Snowdon, Hector Bulth and many othora. Tho prcBonco of Hon. Edward Itlako, who roprodon'ed .Weat Durham go many years, gives an added 'interest to tho pro cvtidiilg. Mrs. Ijbike aecniunani^H him. After i_hy formal optming of tli<- e.xuibi- tion, the ci'lebr/ttiuii tiring, hold in counee tion with tho Went Durluun Agricultural Society's fall fair, the citizens and visitors repaired to thu iu*w music, hall, where a first-clans muHJcal pro^ramrnn wan render ed by Home of thy defendants of the old famiiieH uiul wry h.vporior local taiont it proved. ._' A li:^' speech 'in tlu) early wf-ttTern was made uy Mr. Jan. McFuutors, tho lust mayor of Bowmanvillo,nndon tho history of Bow- manvillo and vicinity by Mr. J. 3. Fnir- bairn, aon of tho firot poBtmnotpr and pro-- cont occupant of that office Thin addreua wan rich in local inoidunts and well opriuk- lod with mirthful pantime of old uottloro, Hon. E. Blako responded to loud calls with a very happy ton minuted' upoooh on hia rocollootioiiB of pioneer life Colouol Cubitt, llkowiuo by roquoot, made abrlof IlpQOcl.1. Tho programmo will bo continuod to- day, when the Lieut. GovoViior, Hon. John Dry den, Dr. Jnlm Ilonkiu and other prouji tiu'iit ni on \viHtn):<' an nciivu part. For the hunafit of every ono who wiahna to invent in il tew aharea of . , . . A rvno Permanent T^an Building^! Stock, J. R. Oliver, ^m,' i;il nyjent, will be in town Invji few/wi-kiOitnl will"- be-- |)]eits(-d to expluin ilit*^workings of ibis_ As-ociftlion. A \u-tl cart] or kitlc r maiU-t] io ttsHftx i>, 0,..will i"e<Mrivci pri-mjit iilfntiiin. 3. R, .OI.i.^.;a, AGtENTT. 3. &^ **t*f*~r mr-1- f" Y 8l SOWS, F.SSEX ONT. *** I'opnlar !f5vei y wlicr**. Be^iliUiiiti wi'.l: a roil nil local ah'k-. in r<>- tail rh'iig H'.ori;, the bu-in'Cf-h of Hood's S <r- aaparilhi hii8,sti*arli]y ,it:croaHod until there IS scarcely a vilbigjor hamlot in the United JfiJ*^ StattiK whore it hi iitiUuo'Vn. To-day llooihi SartiiLparUla standi af the head ir. tin; mt'dielne woild, admired it- prosperity and envied lu merit hy thou- ^.nde of would-be compotitoro. II has a larger hule than any other modieino before the Amorioan public, and proit'i-bly greater than all other HP.raapnriihia and blood pur- idorti combined. Such uuucomi provofi m^rit. If you are uick, ii it not the medicine for yoa'totry? HooiVh SarnHpanilla Cnrea. ar>ia^c3^^3;aFri?xc>]Lsr- Ttiis Macbino consists of it liorizu i<- l) o.ist cylinder,, with wruigbt irott ItUB, with fueel Leoth baited Ut tho iy!:-:'^i r.i us in be rovorfliblu when tho'J 'eoi.li i eooiiio wi i*n On the Iront uid.-, ] (.King io n pi'rl'uri'ud cuuiavo iiwt r-iiL*iI( wliicli llie Hliullod.cnim puH.-i'-i 'thrjiugli i to a sheer, iron cji^wi^lia fan i r ele nor utticlied but- w, wbicli tiht-i* a:l the dut't bum tint grain. Tho' uliL"Li'(:t-,t, bo.'-r, lii-'Ht Himpla and clnrable-l'owcr Co; ti Ma-llor tn use; hIioIIb cov" |ibrl'et!t:y clean in any io clitic n- bulling and i-l'.-uuHig from ono to two thnuyand buelieU of ear.H p.u' day. according io ]>uwor; PiMKNsroNs. PuIUiy, In in. diara-' etcr, < WoMit, 550 lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. COU^LAYBfc SONS. 3 ^OXFORD WOOD and... COAL ALL SIZES OF .FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS.. Gapaciiu from .10,000 to 80,00 gitbic .^eef >- Rui-'UMATiMt Gunnit, in a Day. South Amorioan Xlhflumutiuiu Curo, for Khcumat.- am Nourul'jia, nidicallv emeu in 1 tn 3 day1?. ItR action upon the B-yHtcm ie- re- miirknblo and mynteviouB. It rcihovon at' onco tho oauHo and thedif-eoaoimmediately diH'ippearH. The flrut dowi jxr.*..'ly bene- flt. 75 oontn, SeJ.d by ,1. Thome, drnj!- Kint. .."All run down" from" weakerimu' tffeo'K ot warm woathur, yon iiead n cood tonic and blood purifier like Uood'HSuraaparilln. Try it., Plnco in the world for youim mnii und .woman tnnncuro n llunluei'ii Gilncatinrj.Hliorthand.ot'fl., in thn Detroit Unniiioiifl Unlvemltv, Du- Irolt, Mich Illutra.todaiitii1oiiKt I'roa. luderenorn: All Detroit. \V. F. JKWETjIj, Pwh. P. . BPENCKIt, fii-o'y - "CYCLONU STEEL, RAU1ATOK" OXPOUO WOOD IPURNACH WOOD FUnHACE HEAVV ORATn, espoolally *tf adapted for wood buriiinK "*'*t*" Heavy SWiel [>lutc Fire Box Domu "**<$ and Radiator, which he.it ~**2* qnloltorand aru nioro dumblo Z",jK- RADIATORofModnmOmiwtnlo.-./-|i tlon and Groat iluutmc l,owcr-...-i;j LARGE ASHPIT "*v>> Lai'&e CombiistJon Gltnmboirl^^ "' . Loit'ff Flro Trnui,oiiolrctlii;rrntlIatcr-^uH ,- Lurffc lleotlnrc SiirJoco -**5l(- LtiJ'Efo Pood Ooor -^ Sootlonal f I/O Pot 7^ Rototlittr Bar Dumplnsr Crate .^^K ' DEEP ASH PIT *^S2 *f&. .Full Guaranteed Capacity : oATAuouk ondTESTiMOHiAL dook.^^ ....Manufactured by.... seift S^The CURMEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO- ^ ^^ He*. V &JS& TE33 HtdoHinon to himulu I .nr Il'i'idy Oannuimi '^iowii Nmmu-y fitouh. Wo uiiantrtoo Biitliittiction to reprcHontutlvoii ini'i tiuK.tttmorH.- Cur imnuirit ii uurthu Ian-ent. in Uif Dominion, ovoV V'Di) nertm. No iniliBtitviMnn in onloni. Kxchndv" titrrit*ry und liburul tiinnH , towljoio or part tinm nKct'tn. Wrlt mi. Tho ocean, flea white One future ; (^000 buahols N"o. 3 red iu ' *1J;> I'lloiidw, in th .more here' wM .old to an exporter, nt U < Z^M&M follow tho itt.t^ I tioim of the Govemi>wiut. Th* ordy w^ay oCwater.' r.The-rlviii-H ot the Viut.i-hre \_oh- tlmtited to havo a flow mtlllcloht. [,(> cover sxpqrtei over Ghieiiuo May. At Bntlfulo there wa%& tydrly itotlvalj^r- loy trndo and tlio quoted' pricia" realized thowsHlvo"'condition, of themarkefctob . hualthy, Canada loM.by Kample sold ll),000 biwholBnitCUCaiid 8,000liiishela at 631-flc. _____ ..............,.___o_ Tjoth lota will grado about No. 2 fulrto ' ductlonH have been miulo'ln tho ataflf'of; ' coursd, thoy could oot without ocean 6od, 2*1,000 Vu^belH. ehbicafewetttam iiboub ; the Cumidlnn PiicHio employes liaro. l|U6 evaporation), It would tako 35,000 years td ^o.J.Kntde Bold 01 'i-Sc, UVid 12.KO0buidipU biidge and huildina dopurtmetits stiffaM'-' au tliti biiHin. _f)f chevuller at 03 l-2g. Thvm^Malw-coyer ...--._ about tho only, (rrades oiyr<wl txwpt it ""li/leNo. 1 Cnnuda wjiioh in bold *t osa to I; and nmlNtor* think it a UttU too bljrh. to remedy the matter In .controvu^^^ Uy w^v have the obnoxious regulation changed.' ' thi?^ , v - ?* n '*ith '*Wn r------^LT.-....."...------- ** jencliday. Now, it nil tho ouuimh were Thn c. i*. it. Htili KoonmuftfiuK. Biiddduly dried,' and the rlvurn juould ke,op Toronto.Tunotioir, Jan. lI).v-liurgG t^"! UP fc>**^ P^fc rato ot-llow) whlch,:o i*4 itiMn'stw* on powiiinnttmctiiiow 1:/: tlm most und hwurlyuir the bind* w.-ro rw tJii^i11* wm ' laid oft.. Thftntoii.nlohKjha lltmwhpk. ep : A ^ j Kuglaud bna'founa'a uMy tu* duced iml ouchmotion Wettucod. to *f o l J.J( ^Q Bfcreofc With apfircel hi mm hand, m.u. ThoMwho^rt fortunitj enoufcb,' ^umbrella in the other, and an IiU to b kept on ^^^OT^K.^bo ira, UtTl*Kho\L* the traU pt hot dreka In lib i-i'U*' orennirdfi.) I ', ::w W^-r^-^: |Mt ^c^Unrn. tod. prQgre'iiil'va "for cfttalofftto or Information wtIW to 'PR=4#|5J3L t rg^j^^g^y^^ v Hlgtijs! Honors at the World's Colptlm Eipojltloa. Stad two-ctut duif tor our a4-l 'Cmtfiqgi~\ wo* l Art. -, Alon^rcii Cycle Company, Retail Salwrooa, >8< -Wbati Av*. '..Htm Haven, Conn. "V.'>... 't""* o-W'S"" : .. .'.' i," >.lrf\ ?(, -fiiii 7 'I.' -^fl 06

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