'Jj. t!*. tM- .1 i ~ %T*& essrese pjsibis. RRjs^a. WINDSOR, JANUARY, 1895. DEAR FRIENDS . In bidding adieu to the old year, which ia gono, and gone for ever, we are not unmindful, of your .past confidence in our ability to thoroughly exocate'whatever we- undertake. In spite of hard times trade at Oak Hall last yoar was phenominally large. The "grcat"86Cret"of-oi^Buoce8S-ha^b"e~en"th"6"wmbining of * the greatest' elements of style, durability and attractiveness at the loweat pos sible cost for intrinsically good olothing. Terms cash, one price to all and no misrepresentation. . We Feel grateful for the confidence which the "community at large has placed in us, and in future shall do our utmost to retain fclua" honorable position.by strictly,adhering to those thorough busi ness principles which have actuated our efforts to please all. Yours truly, OAK HALL, 13 Sandwich st , Windsor. J. MOFFAT, Mgi>, V * ^ DR. F.B. POTTS, B.fl.,H.D. Imperial Bank Blocl^y (Ovor J. n. Allitm' Hard vara.) Night Galls at Office l^'niDAY, JANUARY IB, .1803, 52feM2& TALK ' O'FTHE TOWN? "zzsm?* Towm oounoil moeta on Monday next. Hon. J. C PatterRoh will appear in Windsor ou JFcuxJetv and: .WUl.^oJivjo; an acMrea*. _ ___ Three'rooms in tho public uchool 7/ero oloHed on Monday hut owing to trouble with gno oE'Jjho furnaaen'. It ia laid ehut.no aoqtier iJoah a nmu own a dog, n f>un and it tiidiiut* rpd^than hu be comes a prevaricator, 1.'JD pluih linfn rt^UccJ to OIUmiI Smitli'R. -TkaJliilM2L^S*tf?J_plub ih practicing . vary Monday abd Thursday evening in T*ck'u hull. The boy aro getting along aplendiclly >and prouino Eiik a great treat ehortly. Watoh for furkhor uotioe, KiMaflvnxK Bhpoutbii: Mr. G. E. Moad- evfion rawovod-with bin family to Eiuex on Monday. No family has |lt horo for yearn,v/1imo departure waaxnoro uiiiverpal- lyreuretteu."' Mr. Hehdoreon ia principal of tho Euiiox Public School. Job lot dhoos and Tdipporw 90q par pair at Smith')]. According to tho doaariptionfl jjivgh on tho ballot pupera used at tha electionn, tho - Ebbcx ,towu council thin year will comprise two tloctorn, one unrveyor, two liverymen, oub baker, ore undertaker, a carpoutor, a gardener, a oonveynncur, a drayman and only one "^pntloruan." ' s -' Wo nell eve-rcoutu iiudmiitH at Iuhh than cout, balunco of month. G. E, Smith & Co. Six woelia of Rpod Hlijjhitig w6uld bo tho baat National Policy that Canada could recoivo at tho preBont time, After all, it in to a bouofloont Providcnoe in th firnt place, and to our individual work and cnrofulncHfi in tho noxt, that wo'tuuflt look for hucoohb in thin northern laud, aayo tbo Loudon Advertiser. As n, party of our pleasuro-aoekflra w.ero oujoyipy a pleniiant drive tho othor night, ono of tho youug men unfortunately thS- driver -became ao taken p with' a'nothur member of tho party that he "mul notinie" for tho team and left them to chooao thoir own way. When the atteattqti of tho drivnr wan "again.'tumod'"'o the teum ho found thorn quietly fitandinfi in tho corner of-the foil CO. -~Ladie8 got a now mantle; balance of titook to at half price at Smith's. It iadmftetoui to fool with the lottery olause of tho now criminal codo, and some of our citizena would do well to baur that, fact in mind. Tho other day in Toronto, tho oopa Bwooped down on a number of por- fiotm Who wuro eQgauad in raHiii^& Watcli. The renalt was thatono wni uent to jail for thirty d'aya and anothor flnn.d S10 and coatu 'or thirty dayo. T. G. LeRalho, who for eighth-year* haa loow manigor of the BeU-TvUphonefCb, in Wimldar, has been notified that on Febru- ,v j,* u? i* ^n be 'rir'fmiy'r1 t^ pwrr-in ut.ii \vt, piuLO v.ill bo Lukcu by William Erkert, of Brantford. Mr,lJewHeeUviiry popular iu Windnor aud duritiu hi term of o(Kc btiy inoraMed the number f *1q. phonot* in uao f rem 84 to W2. .1 <. Ijut Monday, Jan. H. van the fiftieth muiver**ry of the WeVdlatf of Mr, auc) ^a.'vy.H.(tSquiw,v\> BI|liD, of Nortb ' Mn>. Both Mr. aad',.$*>* Blllioa' are tu hal<* aad t>atHy^ir>{iuiy the 'Squiro' o.aUpotiKb inhU78tb year, in fre^ iettt viitkoV to Kbix and in hiu :tnvfiiit- iaJ ofcpaoity, a terror to r^d^dewra- Their ny frtenii *i)l join the Trm Paaae in (DKMv.ajrtilCre.BiUiog many wore ^iifatotjthtr. ',..-: I've a secret In my hear't - Gwoot Marie, - - That to you I muat impart, SwoDfc Mario; If a paparyou should cIioohq That will.f{ivo-you all the nawa, The Ehhkx Eitsu Pin:uu 1m that one,. Bwosfc Marie., - *" It ii only about three weeksV#*niho the uhortoHt day, yit the day .in perceptibly lou^or ab both eodo. Court o( IvovHiion on the Dominion vot- tern' lint w*h hold iu town lat Friday, aud (bo link complekud. Ioaoutline; aud packing ih now goine; on aud thero nboald bo no dearth of the oooU iuif quantity noxt diimmor. It may ho in tho latter part of February or beainninK of March before the Ontario Leg Mature \yill . ihoet fox, bujiboKB thiM .yrur.: "' A. H. Clarkn, of Windnor, hai banded in biii refliKBiitiai] an locil mester in i:hancc.'],y> Tho appointment coi'nos from the Outario novormmont. Stock.talitno^nln hii.r<.':iii;H in all liners. Btjo ad; 0 R Smith A- Cm, , It h Lxpcu-irihaf tin: h. i'i. it U. U. Kv people will push the cxtonttion. of trsir road froVn'Rid^etown to St. Thomau during tho comiofaummor. ^ Taxeh. The nollector of Uxun will be in the office of Mr. Btono evory Saturday from 1 till 0 p. va. uutil further uotioe. J, R. McEwan. ** \V. Goiaell, lot 280,'N.-R,,R., Gonfield North, will noil bin farm otbok and. implo. mentii by public auction on Wednesday, Jan. 38. ' " 0. H. Ashdown, who Wan headmaetor of an Amherctbure noboo], from lflfiG to 187<r> hae been ajipointml Town.Clerk _and Diyi- oion Court Clerk for Sandwich Town, offi- aoo made vtcaut by tbo death of the late Jamuii A Stuart. , All mhnioipal couuciIh " uro re(iuiri*d . to hold thoir nrtit mectinqs on Monday, next, at ten o'alock, at which tho inumborn thoro- of are required to tako the oath of ofnbe. The eounty council will meet on the fol lowing day, Tuesday, 22nd. James flhankw, a Morioa fruit grower, ban boon very BiiconHufnl iu kooping crapeu to tho preiont. Thoy wero nimply packod in boxes anal placed in a dry anol collar, but are as fronh and nico as when picked. He liitondn fjoinc extenuiyoly into tho hu9i- iiPBi next year: % . Soma tirae apo Capt. Backott, of Ara- heiBtburtf! and Capt. AlaCormiok, o( Peloa Inland, went to law ilh to the ownoruhip o' tho eteam bur^o, Enoruy. While tbo caso wat) ponding the Bank of Montreal ueizrd the Uo'at tiudor mortg>to. and Ugfc wook it w*o eold to Colin Wiglu, of Amherotburg;, for^l.COl. Tbo Kinqsvillo Reporter says: "Any man who will introduoo politics inte a local election ehould bo taken to the Iako and ducked." To which tho Leamington Post addu*. If everybody wore dtioked wno tiHod all Bortflof'Bidtt iihuqb that had noth ing whatcvor to do with tho municipality, the lako opposite our town would have bean full of twitmnere.., Effort* aro .boinc raudo to nnseat the now couVpil of Sandwioh East. The grounds are that mo olnrk in preparing the pollbook took uhul'h from part thro In tho voteru' liat, whioli wovethone of peruona entiil-d t vote only for mom here cf IpfiUlativo au> J.0.J V.; awe j vthiul) vvUioh v.oib iiol on the fior>iflfd vat' tiru' list. It ib related that a certain man wa re cently very. Bad baoUHB hi^"wife~liiVir'Koue" oa a visit, which ah* would not eborten iu *pitof km up pa a la to hor to .ponie h(-me, ,He nwnlly hit upon a pKn toindwae h*-r lo return. 0e bent her a eopy of oueb of the lpoal papere with 0*0 item clipped ou>, and w'heaifai WMtetp'flnd.oufc.wfeat iiwaa> had olippei from tiie pEVVh# r.fdiei to tetl h*r. Xb fcoheme work** admirably. Iu Iee tliao a week ehe wm hgrae to Cud ut what is wai thek hud beau going dlT vbat Her hatbaei AOX not waat her ia.kaoW boatk Job lot ovurceatH it. Smith's. worth C to 50.00 for fta Hon. Colin E, McTheuo buy boen nom inated aw Libural cundidato for the vacan cy in Autitfonirth, N. S., in the Commotm, raadu by Sir John Thoiiipitqii'H deith. Rev. W. McDonajjh, nf Kin t(a villa, preHcbt'd minmnnriry Hermona hero en Sun day laut, in tho ahuonoe of Rev. Dr. ihcoo, who' preaohed annivoryary Hormoni" at KinuHvillo. If you wantcliuapdroBK i/oodtiHug Smith'w at 10c per vd worth 25c. Tbe local Salvation Array oorpH held nn oytor Hupper in the Dunn tan block on Thuriday tivonin^, whioh wat* qjiitu walj attended. Thia wan follovod by_a- jabilon in tho barmcku. ' It in'remnrkkhle that the-two moat sen- itticm:il jrnir'l'TH in Oitnrio in re-: nit year* - t.lio Williuirin murd'.r nour Port Crt-ilitAMMfl tbn IleiiderHiiott tnuidtvi* uoiir Si-. Thfjinan wore pr-rpntnatcd on T^eo. M. It iu'equally remarkably, thifci the ouly^tw^^ exnenlioriti whrdi have'"taUon pUo in On- tariri in tli punt two yeurn that, of Luolti-y :<,t lirncUvillf mid Trnilc-y al Sindwich . Kino occurred on Duo. 1-1. The-Godench Signal takta itn mu'd'oine with a'wry fao. It had boon Hdying some severe thinCH about Mayor Butler, ami the people flaw fit to return him on Monday by, a large Majority. Then tho Signal man turnu ronnd and hair the-lavt.word m thin form: "Tho next tirr^ tYiio . bleeminc town fits loaded up with immoralit^L^tlim journal of civilization will let tho Rood peo ple pray thoir Way out and yoto an thoy pray. Domino!" InntructionH have been inaacd by tho Pout Office Department that ow and after January lnt, 1305, private carda, prepaid by a ouo oent poBtaRo itanop afilxod therp- on, may be Rout by mutl within the Do- minion. Tha curdfl muit bo coinpoood of ordinary cardboard, not thioltor than tho material wnod in tbo offiaial postcard aud mifBt correHpond n nearly aw poHBiblo to thoHiiio of tho ordinary card. 'Tho miul- miim eizo mnat not be Icha thau H.} inohon hy.2J inohBB. Hon, Mr. AutforB ban anthorizod tlioia- BUe of au invitatiou "to tho loading photo-^ J grapborn of (he Domiuion, ankinR thoir ca. opQration ia au exhibition to bo hold thin year at tho Impnrial Inwtitnto in London, illuntrativo of photoRrapby in its applica tion to tbeecioHcoH. the arts und induHtriea. Tho circular sake photogmphoru whodocido toaq-oporato ia thin exhibition to atate what pliQt.ograpbio Hpeoimone thoydeiire' to uoud The Department of A(jrioulturo will defray tbo coat' of tranaport, oonae- quontl) tho Mini'eter renorvoB to himaolf the riyht to limit the nnmbor and aizo of. apaciruenB, Slt-ichinK rarttae are the ^opoler pat- time.1 . . ./ Tbo aiipw ia reported t a hi fourteen In ohoa 4oop in the wooda. _.. ."... The ood HloijrbMiK of tho past week baa had tho etfftot of enliveuinRJthe appearancw o( our i*trootB. dP" Mr, Thomau UloUii, ^rooer, line tnai aauignmeut to \V:BU, Be'aman for the beno fit of lua oreditpru.: ' .' JndRe Hoao will hold the Bpriu^ aeajzoa ou Uaroh 19 imth a jury, arid Juatioe Mo- Malion without a'jury eo Api'il Ifi. .North Eiaex lice Dae oommisaionerM thla year are W B Oamiuiford, Wooetxlee;. joe. Do Ouriiu and 6. MaoiiviHo, of Win dear. Houhkto RkMt. Ou Talbot St, with Hbable, hard aud uufo wuUr, wood lopa\iou. Apply at Stouo'a otlloe, NOTlCli. A limited qqaullly of (iood dry Btovowood will ha taken from nub Huribnrn to tho Finn', I'iiicbh who wUh to pay in that inannot'. * . - if uriwru. Dr Abbott, of Cotnnur; Jn Ao kew, of Leamington aud Judaun Put to a, Amhomtbur^, have boon appointei Ucauro comuiiiuionerti for South BmoX for 1896, - Tho tbmiKa of cliuruh-uouru are du to Mr. Jon. Rubmuou, who Hut out a homo and buow plow hut Sunday ,morniu^t an 1 had a path oU&red oil both uiden of T'nllx, St., from the weat end > of tha town to thu Mothodiat ohuroh. John Waruooki lately oouviuttid of maiiu .(daughter ut Tilbury and He'ntonoed to n' teeuyearu'lmpriaoiimentiu Kin^utonci pa. - ltontUry, ia Very ill of typhoid fever. Hh wife haa boon tele^raphod for, ae iimml bopcn are outortainod of hiti recovery. A younii man named McKinnoy, hvirn? in Colohuiitiir Nort^h. _ou^ tbo corner of th j Maiden road and eaet towlilmo, niflt with a aad duatb on thu 28th of December lant. Tho duueaaed, who bus bdou iiuhjout to opi- loptio IUh, injured mmuoK kojiuvoruly m a fall ub to uaUBO Uiu death, in twenty-four bourn, aftor much Buffering. lloohenuir twwuahipii appol a^tunst tho duoiaiou.of roforoo Brittou in the appodl of GotrUuld North and Muruua towuvbipH aaaiuet the aBHHhumeuta of Ku^iusor Tieruun in thu Uuuomb dram rueaire wau di&miauoi with contn i*-iun RoaUaular. Thu uilho hUH boon before tho court*, for rfbme timo and will coat Rocheater town- Mlup cnnaiderablo meiiey in coBtB.. J-bu Rily, o( RaletKh-'iuwiiuhipr-taatJiiB. lifo in a (ire that burnej his liou*o down early lartt Friday morning. Ho w<ih uloiie in \M-\ hoiiHtt-v.hon tho.iiro ,/a^ dincovorad. THIS MONTH we will givo the Greatest Bargains ever offered in EhuqX. Wo mean to Turn Our Stock Into Gash If cIohg prices will do it. We have cut prices to Costand Below ri a groat many linea. To appreciate the groat cuta we are giving you must .Bee the goods. Valuea.speak for themselves, .. All lines of DreeB Goods from 26c per.yd up, one-quarter off regular price*/As a Mpecial inducement we offer out ro^- ular SScSer^HnitU :c,olprs at 22Jc; also a job lot of heavy__./' treats goods, regular, price's XQc and 20c per yd, choice for 10c, Xa*adioQp Ooata Wo aro bound not to can ____^^ w-__t stock at about half pvico. fiogular $5 Coats for $2,50, S7 7o*r $3 75 $8forS4.2fi;$10foif$5.GOI$l3for$7i$lC.foir $8.25. Oar tock k . getting low in abavo, bat what wb havo aro tho latoat and oyory one'" now goods. FOU MEN AND B0Y3 Wo liavo had oxtra good'.BiiccoaB ih thoro Wo aro bound not to catrv ono over, and ofl'or tho balauco of our KOj) A. noinhhor fan over and found Hilcy lying uii tho Mup with thu flamea cIohu' to Iiib ti'.tjt. He was uartiud^toati - outl'.oiiv,(* but '.ir <\.in H. f'iW tuomoutfl. Et i.t h'UppoHiid L.liat whilti.e blunt tiio iiuu-iu o.iught Jiro andiTH-watr^u^oeated^ttBfr-aa ho -raaohod- tho dour. Mechanic's liiHtituto. Tho prtnoipal feature of tho entertain ment ax tbe Moohuiici' luHfcibuto laut Fri day nvemnjr, was tho talk ouVfipifcapliH," by Mr, A. Ii. Cla.iko, LL.B., of Windsor, jmd'formerly u, president of tho board of direotora of the InutiUitu. Mr. ClarUo hau au extousive ooll^ction of all oorts and odn- dmonii of epitaphs, which muBt.hR.vo re* quired conuiUarablo time to gather. Theao Mr. Clark iutorKporBOB with humoroua re- amrkfi and explanationo whioh rondom him quito ploauiuuttn an outortainL-r. :...,Other_miuiherB ou the proj*rnra wore an or^an nolo by AiuaXenuox, a nood humvr- M addrouu by tbo prcKidont nndclutirm&n, Mr. O. Cratowellor, a duct by tho Miaeo Koollr boIob by Mrs. M. DeCew, Miiui Bur- diok and Minn Botoono, and readings by Mri. E. A. Wintrier, Mirh PaBooe, and by MtHBrfl. G-. A. Bhorrin, C.H.Fullor aud E- tf. Lftvelaoo. Thoro waa a good attondanoo aud tbo program wub ovidoatly appreciated. portionate reductions. Boota and Shoo3 Theso wo also auori/ice on to niako room tor now apriug go'oda. ' Wo carry tho boat linos made. 25 per cent on all fino linoB of Ladioa' or . GontV 8hoos, from.$1.2n per pair up. Oar npocial lino' raon's. long Boots, guaranteed waterproof, seo tliom. -25 par sont. moann a 'pair of $-1 for $8. No troublo to show goods, don't ho afraid to aak to boo what you want, purchasing or not. Out prices spot cash. iHS'l M *1 Jl CI I'd a 'i i*> Ji tfl . 4 WHITHBY' BLOCK, ESSEX Tho wiron are boinfr pulled buaily for the wardonBhip, and tho ohoico will, it i Bald, ho araonu, Itoovo Colo, o( Sandwich Sontli, Keovo Mailloux, of Bandwioh East, and Doputy-Ileeve Ellia, of Uaidslono. It baa boon Raid that tho otlice Btiould not u to a deputy reeve,'but BUpportofi of Ellia will point to tho bito preoodent of JUliiha MoKoo. Gov Wataoo, of Saadwioh, is aluo f&vombly upoltou of by m&uy and will mtUto a warm run for tho position. "The Kucord Hbould aloo wontion Mr, Marwod Birrott of Golc.hentr Worth, who ii'aoan. dldate for tbo pomtiori and who will'wiaUe his pressnee in the lAiild felt bo fore bh fi^ht tn ovor, .'H>. Owfch*iriHHn Journal: A. Ko4 t'tory Ui ^*:-, u lib.....ttoil- iKi':* >i .jl. :. .(i-i'i- rflnn. 1c ap|)^a)B i:.'nt on O^riffbmaa uiir.n, iou, whon h* wku wvkp/jed in tlio.armn of. ^"^r^^Vgf^li^Vll nf Vff "Ht^***""**"1 ^ oanqe in front d{ hit* rtw!:ienoy and B^rriak up a pl**iuK- uir, whioh' awoke, him; Thinking it waa tbvdaVdeti Oity barnl he haatily ((Abinto hln olofchea aucl apeaimt" the door, iuvitedtHo Aiualoiank'.in,^\y.h'u- tky w*rfci all aeaUd bo kikBoy^bera hat> t^*jr,wuld have to drink, and vru hua- deratrtBok wbeh.told lbejwire all Umper- aoe popli, bctk tky youU pray fr hie aalVAtioH. "Well boy*/' said he; "b'r*'* W.Wnd bfc'ftr* to keep an praylvg till after - toVMk that leh*nk*v* good majority," : ARRETS Smallpox lu Detroit. "^Dptroit in a*v^apeciaJlJi;^p7.er^ittfeiaU?-. at prononb from ooutaKlodi ditjoaaea. Tho report of the .health department for tho pest week bIiowh thai there aro now hi ex istence 45 caoou of diptheria, of whioh 20 are new orbos.. Thoro wore fivo deaths from dipthoria during tho week. Of near- let fever there are 32 oxitticg, of whioh 11 are now'ouob roported during the week, Thoro woro uo doatbB .from ooarlut Tub reportH on therouro 27 oaaei now exiotinj,','. including fifteen caooB which developed during tho puiitwouli. Thoro wore five deaths from umallpox in the wook. Tho total uttmber of d oat hi for the week .wero 81, of whioh 18<otforo children less thtrn flvo years of o-Ho. ^ir^o.abovo.j^lwwapaid..hy.,.IJt Wallcor Souh, WalkorvifioTo'nt. fovor. imallpox- hIuowb that High 8cliool,iNoteH. . The BtuderitB nnd.ioaolier** tsudnr. a, voto of thanks to Mr, J. HobiiiBpii for tho uae of Uimiubw pjputih. '...' : ",/'". *', ':' Taking uta oxarnpH,.-.trow' >ha-.town v/^.'.'Vfi,. *Mn; oh'cMon tArrn the l)u'^.)1vA'er kito\vn>m\iii,- bnt tii'e> <atM ot :gbod fu&ling preyaih^'/ad^uo-TWSr^^ i'lke'd to'HaUo t^i^b'atH; '.T.h aaefle^ful dattdinfatea '**;/ , .lia'ntti .-Woa-'Prii., UlH*M*o* rtijltiBO^, D.^Uv Trimbl*; 8\)roURyt Miaa-K'. ^tbi^ifrlic, yf, U. Knie^r; Ho^v; MWb K. MilUi; QomDjiltea,' ttisii Honor, A. E. Lain).', B. TiiryilU. Owing ta the withdrawal pr both oandidates'ti Mew oloatioo for Xditor . will be mouasiiry. ,t Tho earlier avea^tana of dytpfia,heart- barn *ad oooa*iaul biadaoheB, ahould not bm negltoted. Tab* Hood*a 8araapari]la to b*oara4. , .. i"' Wheat rod per bunhel . Wheat, white .... Corn .... Ont ___ Timothy Bcod, .... Glover SetJd .... Aluiko ' .... Hay por ton.........,... lieof per owt...... .... l^ork ...x.r:...*. Mutton ...........i Hidt-B ............ Ohiekona per lb.'..-,...... Buttur .......... Lard.......... Et(iH, por1 doz .......,.. Potiktoeu, por bnubcl\,,.... Onionn * .... Applea Turnipn .. .. Garroto . -. Bootn , .... Partmipn .... Turkoya por lb.......... DucIch .......... Oelery por doss .......... Cabba^q.......... 25 to H 53 10 20 X 75 5 75 to GOO 5 75 4 fiO to 5 00 5 00 to S" HO 1 75 to -1 00 1 50 to 5 00 1-50 15 a. J 5 to 75 to, 20 to' 7 to 0 15 H 11 -15 80 10 20 30 25 30 8 7 00 2fi Vliram Walker Ac UosiN;iH(arlt Report No, 1 Kyo, por bushel 1 Com OlltH .15 45 20 Sleigh Bells A.ro Seasonable goods now and can be bought cheap at Tn XlolidayH uro over, but wo havo yet on hand - - - Some Rare Bargains In Colluloid, PIubIi, autl othor .KovultioH, Brio-a-brnc etc., >uita(|lo for woddirttf or , -.-, hirtbduy proBontu, aflwollafl Topfl, Dolla, oto. ' sWo aro hoaclouarromfor - - '- School Books and Supplied And koop all nuoh requinitca. '. Gall aud neo ub. Hardware, Essex. THE AMERICAN HOTEL - s8GX, - Ontario. EC. LUOK, PROPIUKTOR, HAH "lilEBN thoroughly, painted and roplonleliea with now lurnltijroby tho preoont proprietor. TiA.nOUXlA.nH IW CONN1COTIOH. FirBt'Clase Aodomodatlon Guaranteed, AUCTIONEER HENHY HEDRICK, Auotlouoor. Balo-o promptly uttondod &o. Addrofls Bouth Woodeloe, Oni Porsoim tlnetirlng to uoour* ,in may lonvo word at tho FniSK Piimob otilao. fcl H. BBDftlOK. ____ lftie BnJHblomodloln*W covqwoV XJewJiro oC ttnpriaelplod CJrasBlitM wbo orfor Inferior m*dlolne* la plwAjorihb. A**5f Cook's Cotloa Koet <lotajjoaW|. W* ai*r tutetcr Incloietland^JeenUln^oetne* ia ltt ttdwowmMtt^a^alod.fcrwtnnimaa. FaUaeaUd partloalan In plain envelope^ to ladtee onlr a Umi*. lAdxtm, Thv Coplc Cowpaay, yindnr,Oat,Oanida, Hold in BftWX by all dru^Ula, Bood'a 3Ma a*a tba beit attar Jianar pUlB.auiafc ai^oWpwk <WMtip*ti0D: -^ -V;.-t JAMKH.KAVLOH' *alt)B this opportunity of aanoonoln,. m \ae pjaojila cf the Towel' kd4 pouniror<Ktex, tbRthe.has remodelad thoEla* BoxttolIe^UlIla acdordlnitopIanBpropjiredbf lUidMo'/vleehot J^obkwj: H'rjiA^H^ui.-iio vypat*. fOod itud thoraajthhr eouiiidUUit vaUiv.:, - ' , Thankiny tho people of too towta *\id oounty fot',UinuJM9sa8e btoweu wpon him In the ' t$a*tr, VAljtkianntee atlBldotlon In the* Iataz* :-Q^tlnfi: and . Chopping & 7 8pecialtv.K * TH 11K8T GRADES OB-FLOnB, PEBDAN1> CQBNttEAL KKmN HTOOK AND BOLD AX BIGHT PBIOBIB. ; Dish] Paid for Wheat and 0&8+ ' X *. Hood'aPilUawhand ina^e, add p^rfaoa in aroporlwD and pear*&t*. Sftcpavba^ No mora naqatoaj pilla raqottact f: BM , jay'a titer Loaaojp* ar* ^Uaaeot to- takaa^i and batter tbao ailla. .-< . '.jl'. M- :<' , '.V :r ' 'i^M',^ W.fiiv-.A'.liJ"