"'HIWI' " -" * M- / ..) Y 0 SURELUS S TOG K SAL tGem "j^^ping^jIaBiiary 2jad, 1895. There is a time when paerchauts get over-stocked and that is the fix we find ourselves in. We have too many winter goods and must Jiave the cash for tliem. Prices have been, slashed and cut right and left. Everything must be clearedb; February 1st to make room i&r new spring goods. Don't miss getting y^our share of the plums. , Never again will such High Clar G-oods be slaugh^ejcl at sacrifice prices. , MEN'S OVERCOATS------- Goiitlomon,. now is your tmio to pjot a nobliy ovorcoat. rogulur piioo 0, 7, $9. Your.chojcs for %\. .' * Choice of our !J, Sltf and 811 Ovon-oata for $7,M). - ' Choice of our $12.50, $15.00 and, $10 OvcrccatA lor $10. _ __. ' " . '"'* Men's blade worsted CWfcH'and Vo;it-4 rogulur'prico $8, for S-kfiO DRESS G-OOD^ DEPARTMENT * E vory pioco in tho si#ro hafl boon ruOucod in prioo except ^nrliora colubrato.l Froncli sorgo. Thoy nro worth Hfic a yiird and tho prico, 23c a yard, in tlio boat wo eimdo.on them. Kxtnt hoavy all wool liixtamaino Hiro in Navy, Brown and Black, regular price $1, roducod to GOo a yard. 2fi piicoa fiOc and <lf)c nrosa G-ooild reduced U '^c a yard. SI.50 black Drone Bilk reduced to $r.i.'-5-it-yard. Bout 81.2,0 black Hcmrifitu oiotlm roducod to !)5c a yard 8r>cblnck dross Solid roducod to CSoii yard-; All nnr $1.25 5-i-m. Tweod Contuino Ciotlw ro.liicrd to 70c a yard Hoavy Amazon cloths, regular prico flue, for 20c a yard 25c Habit Twill* r-ducod to 17c a yard % OFF - LADIES' MANTLES * % OFF ' ' Pvor 100 lovely new Mantles to chooflo from %\ Mautlos for 2, $0 Mantles for .$.% $7.fl0 Mantlcn for $il.7ri, $10 ^.Mfftifcica/jor'lJS andovory Mantle in tho storo at half price. Call early and get fir.-t choice - ' ------- ^OFF ~ MILLINERY DEPT. .-' % OFF ; ' Orw-balf off on nil trimmed and untrimmod Hats anfl Bonnets, Toquou, Caps, etc. , ^ - \ 30 pieces of odds and ondu of-lOu and l2o print for fie a yard lfiOpiocos of dross goode remnants at halt prico ladies $1.50 Alpaca skirts for $1.00 Wo are very, much mistaken if wo have . ^ V. 75 moii'a Tweed Suits worth from $7.50 ta.$10a suit, your'choico for'85. ono suit left by Feb. 1, at thoBG price* Boys' and Children's Ovcrcoara and.Butts fit corresponding low prices MEN'S CLOTHINGS TO ORDER------ * During this Groat Salo wo offer our regular. $20 black wonted suits to Order, boefc of trimmings fit puaranteed- for $17'a suit. "*" .. " ' Our best 822 blaok worsted suits for $1!) a suit / **. . > _ {'Our best $2(1 suits for $22 a'smt Gontlornon, it will pay you to leave "yoCVirder now Buffalo Coats," Buffalo Robes, Fur Coats and Robes at leas tbarrw.holoeal Felt Boota, Felt Socks and llubbora nt reducod prices Io pTicea i^"f :;?)B--Beginiiiiig with, tlie new year we will continiie'giving, free of charge, with, every $30 purchase, 1 piece of solid Oak Folding Furniture.- ^ . V jr.- R# m: &PERS0HAL Jan May returned Monday from a buai- saosn trip oaut, -.' Mibh C Squire, Rathvan, in vieit'.nf* tho HiauuQ Robinebn .'--Miua'L. I-Iurdy, df Exotar; iiTtho-tiuouft-Qf MiuuEIma Naylor. . J r MoQueou rof-umed frooa hia oaatern hoiiduy iri/;Xhurtiday ' MVi Robort JS.v&na furraorly of Iiecx mow of IJotroit, wau in towa thin week. Mr,' Uenry Ilichardaon, of Dotroit, upont Wow Yeur'B day with Mr. W. H. Richard- sou. .Mobhth. H. and V. Waltors of Detroit called ou old frienda horo on Now Year's Day. Mr. \V. und Miftfl Emma McPhernon of Poplar Hill are viuitnif* their uiutor, Mm,. {X)r.) MoKonisia. Air,"R. Ooarlfcy, forruerly on tho High Bohool fitaff boro, ow of Toronto, vioitod jGJhbqx frisudn thi week. " > - Mibh Efthol Roi* rturud homo laut Wolt after a sojourn of p^veral naoiithn M hi Wii^'it.' vV".l.fu:ti wh')'-liiui hci.ii iijif (iJ 11.1.- ha i.^linitya .>'. horuu lu ro ruiuru '*):! . G*.u D'Wii, i-*> J'lyipcon, Lamb- ou (,' )., his ueep in town thiu week, tbi* fjueiU of I"J'M von I'.'r. Dawur. V.r,\an .Urn. 'W. J,- Tt-rliin, Ridtrito^, pont Uhrititnun with their purontii Mr. *nd Mr. 11.1'orkm, Eueox. ' MeHurfl. F. Sofioror, J. Ahbotbaad Arthur Soarff piokod tho bpnf n of a Loamingtou tarUuy oa Now Jear'n Day, Rev Dr. F^qcoq w&'n in Mitoholl laat Sun* lay and hid place wan taktn by Roy. Mr, Jtoyuoldii, of MaLlfltorio, who dtlivirod two *XCollotlt dlKCOl^HOU. -MoHnru. Jam en Luin^, of Grand Rapid*, M|oh,Ur:orfle Luin^ot London and A. T, JLaiag of Toronto, Hpnut Now Yaar'o*holi- days with relative* bore. . Mr, Xj, McCreory has romovad to Euuei again, after'liviug. in Windsor for soma ttiurtthu. Hn w&u in the employment of Mr. N. J.. Jon*n who has sold his mcut buuiuuau to llr. J. Hor^)6d St son. MrClE HandlerooD, public.tiohool princi pal for '05, moved herefrom Kiafldvillothifi, week ai^j has oomra'onoid bin 'duties. 'Tho BtftBtuui, . MisHoa. Will-nmu, Orasswellor Bnokley, Eilcaran.i^Bhaw, have returned torn their holiday trjrj((anct and have ctUtd down io wfcrk u^uin. TlOWN nominations. (oiiclud(id Iroiti VUut Vaxo. . other* nominated for tho Mayoralty.' iti additioo to thpao alraady hoard from, to ton minutes oaoli. Tho motion wan aocondod by Mr. DeCow.. . Mr. StoHO thoufihrt tho motion an at tempt to priivont tho other fjpon'Uartt from patting fair play, and moved that fair piety ho (jiven to cell.. Tho motion waB Bficondod and carried. Ab all tho rerryunihg epatkorH withdraw from the couteut, and as apuab will not permit an nxtenclid report of thoir. ad- dresuog, tho Fuhe ^nssa is obliuad to omit a further report. Several oh&rgnti and- oonnter ohar^oa woro mndo, utnl ranah made pnbho that had been qaiofcly talked >u aoaCdoaat, and u ebrt of ecoeml disor der preyailad for a timo. The irrapren aiblo E. O. Lowis ruado a aiatomeut that caused a sanRation,' bat which wau apeedily obaraotorized as a lie by tho pskbooh aa- cuu'.'J. E. (J. wau endeavoring to uhow that Dr. Dawar had been ouo of the conn- oillora who had tur-nod ovor the indsHtrial worka to Mr. John -Milne-, without Kottine full value thttr*for, und stated that lottoro ooniainiuj,'offorti*fdFa larger flflare than Mr Uilnc's had booo withhold, and challenged Mr. J. A. Hioli or Mr. James Oliver, now <'f WinnBfip, io don^ Jt. M', Uiokflton i,o mist* in den.'.U'icin^ tho wrt.lo'jiflry oh un unmitigated Ho, ho or. red xifi\ who waii tho author of'i'. A w.ordy w.n followed for a time und d,^nlior tiiphaln w#>ro iu tho fcjr| but E. 0. did uot prodnce any proef and the mtittoiv-dreppod,' with "Jimmy" ovidentjy on top. Tho mooting atoned amidot uon'o oxoito- ment at nearly 1 o'olook, a.'ta. DROOKEK. Mr, Albert Gunning paid friouda here a flyiuc visit lat wook. Mr. J^ D.^Tilliar and wifo are opendin^ holidava in theiif old jU>tno. Special raootinga bo^an in tbj Uothodint ekurohlast S mday ui^jht. Wa'ter MoEaddtm i.a. Bpotidi.i(j "I'fow YoijrH with bis friend* in Drrad'et', Out. ' -^*-*---------- Thoro haHjbebti nojnore importntit dis covery m th,Hcienoa diirrrig rec.ont yeara than the invantion of Eneljay'n Liysi* Loz. ena/es. Thoir diflcovcry is of IntoreBt aud benefit tojoeurl yVvery pornon living. It iH important tn keep the liver and kidcayn in giori condition. Flood'a Sarmu puril n in the roraorij for invi(;orat.irg theeo organs, . ' ' If y iu would be propnrcil for. choloia, take the h"ntf'poanib]u caro of }0iir ,#oneri>j health. If yotrf|tnnimo in enntvd uwo Ksol- Jay'e Livor Lozenge*. ', t * COXTAM. 'Tho'Ctttaiia Mttthodiet Sunday School hold thoir annual entertainroenTba Chriaf- mnii niylit before a crowdad house, Tho eiitortiiinmeiit ooosistodof readinRn, rpoitatiotia; dialq^aoH, aoiicH, okoraaou Bed the didtribntiou of a "boat" load of Xmas (n<Bt.-ntR. Tho ohildron did remarkably well and tmowed vory careful training. This ia alwaya a very pleatiing part of tuioh enter- taiumoritn: Tho ronditi(!fi bj Mra F, Awrey and MrH H. McCroery wore vory well rond- ored. aa wero alno tho uoloi randored by Flotohor Awray, Mibh Malott and Mibh Smjth of the Woodfdoe choir. Tho White broth era with thoir comic songs, moro than pleased th o ana ionoe. Thv aro au ever woloomo numher on the procrawtne, ^ Tho WoodDleo choir kindly lont thoir anaiutanao and deaeiv thu pruino of a]l for thoir woll exuoutod ohorunes. The eutortainmieht. olosod with tho dis tribution of the Ghristman prenentR. We did not wait Joo 11O0 wnethcr Tom Morriu i;ot tho world ho dinoovord or not. From it 'fimuiuial point ot viuw it waa qui.o ii[rio tbo mwrk. i - . _ ,. f GREENFIELD. Mr. and Mrs. N. Noblo and fnnoiLy npent ChriHttnitn-with Mrti N'oble'H father Mr. T. Ciiaitj,' Mius Gruoo Fairhairn ia spending alow, daye with her aiatar Mrs E Kendrick.. Mian Hannah Lee vuited at Mr. E* Wisiaar'n on Thuraday. Tjji) Rov, J. Konnedyforni^rly of "Ihw place ia here oulliuft on old fri'^pda, Mr. and Mro A. WUnon ap^iit their New Years with friends in.petroijL Mr. and Mro M. Kininer, of Loaraingtea aro spending their ChrlutmaH Uolidayo at Mra Itieiner'H parontn,-Mr. J. W.-W^Sfcttj Mr. Kooneth Wilson and'family ate Now Year dinner at Mr. R. WigloV Mist Josephine Irwin, of Dotroit Jb spondmg a few weiko vjaiting her ooueiu MioaEmmalSlHit. ' Mrs L. Goanfill neout Now Year with relation in D'*Vroit. Mr and Mra William Loe upeut Wod'fMis day at Mr. John Taylor's.. Mr. John DaWaen iu spending hie . holi days with friends end relatives in'Sarnla. Mix. Charles Ccatu aud two eiBtere Miuioa; Alma and Oynthia .spent 'H(*w Yeara with their Ibt.r Mm N, Wobla, OLINDA. Tho Christmas treo and eutortainanmt in the Mothodist Churah hero was a ^raat RUOOflBU. Mrs Leonard Lee ii apoudmR il fortnight with her nuter on Poipt Paloe. Androw Ortou is, wn regret to any, atill in vory poor-health. Mra. A. Bruner wai in Windsor last week oonaultinfj hor lawyer Mr. Cowan. Mi un Cora Corlett, who hai boon spond- ian tho past two moutha in Windoor, hai returned home. Mr. and lira. Potor 'Lamarsh apeut ChriBtnaaa with relatiyer horo. Mrs-E. Ruttan io in poor health this winter,^... - Mr. Uriah Philipps is not yet married, and tho question amon^ our comoly wid ows aud old muidn ia, who will be tho favorod one, ' , Tho funeral of Mr. Peto'r Stotts took pliico from tbo Motliodwt Church here ou 21fft ult. Deooaaed had reaidud m thio neighborhood about eight years. Wrn.lSarrowe and family from London spout the ChriftfcmaR holidays with Mr. J. C, Barrows, bin brother, of 'thin plaoo. BLYTHKSWOOD. - The aait of, Jeffrey vojbuh Jeffory provod a draw game. ~t One carload of pork waa Bhin^pod from Blytrioawood Htation lunt wuelc. Another our wilh'o forward lUis \\(k...................___ MrH Joseph Reid in lyiuj* in a critiaal con" dition, having burn suddenly utriokou, ,- Howard A-'inHtron^'a uw4ioue ia ap proaching completion, Calvin Cew.an visitid Xiucuvillo reeoiitly fochnn tbo politicalpulfieofthodommunily. The advont ef another non at the home of Nowton Tkoman cauood tho father to look more Hmiling than usual. Johtt Wightmau hasdiapoHodof his farm to Isaao Whittle, of Ruth Yen. , MrsGeo. Gascoyne hasbaon apandinp! a few days with her parents at Olitida. Bovoral wedditigi hare lately. Mr. C.W. Dainty and Kuky Arwstron; Chas.^Gha'MS' and Melinda June; Elmer Scratch aud Jen- uy Grlok.aro the lateao to omirato to tho atato of matrimony, . J. C. BarrowV sot up tho cigars ' for the boys on the avoning of the London election. J C hail* from that seotiots ;aud when the news of tiiboral victory flashed over tho wires, our friond Barrows* .ooantanaboe lighted up ae brightly as a noonday sua. Goorgo Selkirk, from Malone, Now York ntate, is yiaitin^ his brothors here. Mr. S. lived iu that state for thirty yearfl.hav. inOwont-from Canada whllo a mere ooy. Ho w overjoyed at the result of the eltfot. ioDB in that oonntry'aud put in a plumper for the lUpubliout) candidate prior to his departure for BlythsBWOod. NORTa GOBFIELD. HBLLE IUV.K11H0AD, J, F. Millen and wen' are homo for tho holidnyu from Tilbury waode. Onitrlofl Hillier had two*oown dio very euddonly from some unknown oauao. W Uopburn, Porryeburc Ohio paid his aunt Mro, BMillon a llyiug visit this week. ' Revival Horviccitt began Monday nigbtin the Motnodiat churah uader tbo leuderuhip of thtpantor Rev. W. II. Shaw. Rev. Howie who has been miff oritur for Romo.timo.with his foot left for Harper's hospital, Dotroit. iaat Wednesday. His many friends wore very glad to hear of-- a favorableTropdrt from tho hospital, The Methodist S. S. entertainmonb ou ChriBtmaa evo was succettsfull although the night wan to unfavorable. Tho pranenta wero hung on an arol; constructed of ovor( greens and beautifully trimmed. It was daoidod by thoao preient mnah finer .than a troe, GESTO","-'..^..,.' W." Home, of Windsor, apent Chriatiaaa with hia parent* here. '. Mr. WM.Bodd and family havo K.one to A!j;..ij]j. to j iln' tho fing Iv thj luulhor busiiocao. '.... Lawjwr uud Dr. Ridd ;ponL_.ChrintaiaB h^ra wuh'thfir psmnlu. Henry McGregor is eitgagud vwith th firm ol Wi^le, Rudd and Co m Alj;oma, Mr, Alfred B. Bakvr waw married to Miiiit Sarah Edith Blight, oldeut daughter of Mr. Wm. Blight, yooman, on the 20th Dooembor. . Mr. Thoa Crazier was marriod to Mlsa Zillah Rupert on the 24th Boo. /' Thoro was a surprise party at Mr. Mo. Lftwghlm's on tbo 1st inst. 1h honor of V(L. B.Chftord. * : * <. \. ^.Uti McGregor has moved into the nousa lately vacated by Mr. Wm. Rodd. j At tho pemmation on Monday Messrs, OSarrotttfe Campbell, as Reeve. andMelsiCB. Road, Uaya, Boylo, Thomas, Bmab, Jt^tes Kennody an couuoillors w<4ro:noinTbato^, I:' Tho Mothodiafc pulpit waa occupied, by Mr. Hillmau Ba.bbath morning and Mr, A. M. Wigle iu the ovoriirifi."' " MiiH Bolla MoCharloa is ipeudingaweek viriitinji'friondH at Charing Grain. Robt. Looming Bootion, was m town Wednoaday. A very euccoasfnl New Vaara ontortain- - ment waa bold in the town Ivall on Monday oveniug undor tho auflpicea of St. Jaraoa' Choir." Tho Hall waa filled, and an enjoy- | able timo had by all prsnout;. The pro- ' Kmirio wab one of tho bodt evor-rondarad- horo. "~Aii Open installation of offlcprs of Beaver - Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. 82, was heR.tTuesday evening, by D. D. G. U. Ryall and Graad Marshall Staros and staff: Eellowldg aro the oflioeru, N. G. Beo, GortLano; V; G- i Jeff Konyon; P. eoo. Z. Wijjlo; Condootor Tlios. Ntiruoai); Trees. Mark Whaloy; Sec. T. H. Wiglo Warden John Hutahiusou; R. 5. N. G. F. MoCharloa; L. 8. N. G. Theo. Bruner; P. G., W, D. Wigle; Ii. S. V. G., E , Bruoe Fox; Chaplain C. 0. Lyppa; R, B. V. G. B. Wigle; Guardians, C. R. Ga-sooyn aad A. J. Fox; R. B, S., Alex Dawaon, L 6. B. U Phillips. About 200 were present and an elegant repast wan -served at the olose of the ceremony. I ^RXJTHVBN. Mianaa Annie and Graoe Wifila werp;'the guests of J. E/UCooro this week/ | Mies Edna BouaBey,Uarro'wr'iu Visiting ber brother Lewis Bouaaey. L Mra. Marahajl and family, whohavT&een visitinii at J, E. Moore'a, returned home1 Monday. Mm. Harrison' Smith leaves for Florida Saturday, Jan. 5th, on a yialt to her eon Byron,' , NORTH RIDGE. * Good morning Mr. 1805, how are you? , I. 8. Biota and wi/o, A. W. Bridgen a wifo, and Calvin Davidson, attendud t Omng'i uppr aud ball at Cottam 1 Friday night. . iirft. T. Todd of.Detroit, tpent theXmas hoUduya hero with Mru. Q. M. Todd aud jkre. C, t flurtor. A. W. Brid^n moved his house to the tutm on 8th sou. an Monday. ' Mre. Mary Crow of WoodpUft diect Dec. 3, Dacaaiad was 80 years of age, at the time ther death; Sha was burned Jn North Itidga oomutery beside the English Churolil "Rev, Mr. Beverly praaohed an exoellent sermon on the eooasion. The* deoeased lady leaves betaiad twodatiuhtera Mra. Loyal Brown aud Mrs. William Blair, both of Goifield North, and one son' Henry Crew; baker in Kingiville,', 'Thore wt lively, contaet for publlo school^nstee here on Wedneiday Dae. 'JG, Wm. H. Billing 6r, and Thomas Mp' Creary wero she rival candidates far M* poiitlosv. A poll waa demanded ana ifav old faaliioaod open voting ayitem adopted. .: At the olose the poll stood 87 for UoCreary^ and Bi for Billing, Mr. MaCreery. waa alsttf appointed Saoretary-traaaurer; for ,i#t onsninKyear, Mihb iBabol.qiendanninp, ,of Wellaric ia.her.aapewaim^'th^ holidaye 'wlth'irei tives.V^-. ^"'V .., , ::^:/i9 -----------------:------^ " s i'M Are youaubjootto aiak h^daohe. vj Eaeljay'e Liver Lozenges. /They wj you. Ml { .'vr.'.'K