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Essex Free Press (Essex, ON), January 4, 1895, p. 7

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w'rJi" ^*^1" K **'MUiiWlW" c E ESSEX FREE PRESS. ..-/ I mm" ....... i m the je Now York's Polite Timpeetor Offered Him alJrllm. SOMEMOtfELEXOWSENSATIONS (ITS WORK IS DONE OIo.so ofrt|iQ Remarkable Iuvestlfjatiou "^TOToro tho fjdxow Conunlttco. IMMENSE VOLUMEOF EVIDENCE A <3roen-Oo><ln I'rlutnr Hvrouril t< Vitylnflf Sjl.000 to IfuVo Indlotiuoi.tg Agulintt ' Uliu IHhihIkpumI llo Wiu Il'- , Mf rim tori mill Atfulu I'nld Thnt Hum. NicwYomc/Woo. 20. Wlmn thii Loxnw committee mot yentnrday, Jnnnoctor Wil liams took tho Htitnll. IT.) dmiiod Unit hhi wifo hud nny money in Uu fled Shdeu bonds. Ho*Hidd Unit nil tho wltnnwujn who Bworo to blio rxlfltuuco of dinordrly houw'H on tho o/ufc lde lied. Morris HowmnVld uuxi took tho utiuid. Ho two-Hied Unit liu had vlUed Inspector WillinmH on Sept owner 7 licit, *'T wui Hlimdliii? by a hikU water st'i id when a jioliuoniim canui up and struck mo Lwlthout provocation. I went to heud- fartora to complain about the officer. I tot Iumpuotor William1* and ho iiHked mo my much monj'y I would nettlo tho cii4 I mild I came to i;ut justice and did it want mnuhy. Tho Innpi'Ptor said, Then you don't earn for money V I'I Hftiil I did not, and ho mll'd tmi n liar. Tho ShrenloH, mild hn, killed (A\v\at iforii tow ploec4 of silver. Ilotlnmordorod mo out oC iii1) room." "But Timpeetor WilliamV wild Mr. -Gail, "id that if you swore this, you "-would hutallinftra Ho." "I am not lying, fdr Inspector Wil liams Ik a liar if ho Mild no." Police Captain Timothy J. Croc-don. who WW the first police oillcmj to make a eon- fcHslon bufore tho Lexow Committee, put In hit application fnt retirement jit police* hoadquai'terH. It is not likely that, tho police hoard will grant Creedon's applica tion. It is more than probable Ihut, Cree- don will be InoiiLcht up on eliar^es next month and tried by the police board A most fceiisatlonnl \\ it ni'Hs ciiinn on the ntand. He was Louis S. Streep, nho once knpt a printing liouse in lleeknmn stieet lie was indicted in .Tune, lsvn, for pun Ling and rendiiH* out^reou-Koods chcular-.. lint dcclured that ho was innocent, as the Kid Ity man wui Kdvwird Hechtold, who hired a room from him. Mr G which hud Ton'J'IioiimuikI l'ujfoii of TtiwiluKiiiy l'ukn)l During iUn Invtmt (giitlm* -Hiiptirltt" itiiuluut llyrtmt* tlio l.nmt Muii i --i<-t>tnml i*Ii*i>--tl om- lIlmwtUtf 1'ikrkliiimt, DIRECTORSJN CUS TODY Kt-Proinler OoodrldR-e and Other Hank OIHcrrn Undof An't4t. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE Tint Ilnl.m Hj.uk Will Ho A>>1 to lkull Tliiwuij^li, t>iit tli C<n>mnrc)ul U llopitlfMH)y XiiMlvi)tit Tho An- tUiil ))lrT<lt<>r moIniirnl on HJff.oOO llwfl. Nkw Yoi:K Doe. 111. At thu Luxow Com mittee on Saturday after a, ltmtfthy .ex amination of Iiihpeolor MeTjaimhlln, Ku- perliitendont, IlyrneH was called. IIo Wiui nAMl'AX, N.H., Doc. Ii8. A deflpatch from Ht. .TolniH, Nlld., Hivya Mossrt*. Cook, "mhnaitcr; ev-I'mmlor CJoodridKe, (iowl- fcllow, Hutchitnyni mid Dubior, dlroctora made HUtiorlnUndent in March, 1WW, unci .E Ul(1 Cnmmurditl Ihmk, lately Htmpend- hud Imen :'J yearn In the force. )U owiw <', wnriirroHtodyvhiwb*y on Information property worth ^W.BOO and tentiflml that Iu"l by lion. Gcmrfti* Sknlton, a haro- it was all in bin wifo'n mun to wivu boldor. Thoy mo charnd with making a trouble. Tho money was nuulu in Wall 'u1mJ? wiltten ntatemeni and wmdorintf Htreetf.pecuhilioim tlirontrh tho Into -lay false itccountu to t.lio HlinrehoIdeM. Conk Gould, who the miperlntcimViit lestlfied will he arrested on another rhmim, nuch xvu-s his frit nd rathnrthan his broker. Hhi hs embe/zlenieiit and fniudulontly tukintf connection with Gould wiw explained, tlm fmuW of tho hank. Tho dlHcloMiru'i llio wltnesii wild lie arroi.tod a man by tho K'ilHt Cook nto very dumaln, 7./id coiv- mime of Col. IT. Wolls, who had written (Mumble oXclUmont was camifjd by tho thveatonlnK lottcra to Jay Goidd. Mr. arrenti, PIttfi, the director, *. j Jh In- Gould was vary nervou-t about the lottora olndod In the warrant; of nt-ront, h absent mid wanted tohavoWollM locked tip. The. 'm Ht. .Tohns, but will be urrentodlm- Miiperintendent pave a \ery Ioiik deiicxlp- mediately on 1K- return, and ifhodoeH tlon as to how h captured tho letter "^return ho will bo arretted in Canada. Writer. MAfter the man wns arrejited," Bail will b nccoptuil for tho prisoners at Hiddtho witnnHq, "Mr. Gould sent for mo. #*>,000 each. Ilo Wanted to make mo apreMmtof a largo Sr- 'Tohnh, Nfld., Doc, "8.-Tho extromn sum of money, which I declined. lie was wUrcncn of the Commercial Bank oftlcials very much iwLonishcd. A short, timo after i^didiiyiiiK tho report of the U.KlHliitlvo Mr. Croukl told me ho would buy Homo <Jmniltte on, tho condition of tho mis- Htock for me. I gave him $10,000 to Invest PL'"(k'd hunks. It In btuted, howuver, that for mo. Aftnr that money flowed in." thl,y w,W advise compoundlnK of tho Com- The concluding portion of the upor!n- wurc\ti\ Hank notes at m eontfi, ,ay- tendent'q testimony was InteretitinK : ! ,pnfc Ut h ' uuu^ nnt11 a tnU c,lH ^n those mado on i u- bank*9 hliareholdeW I tho "jNow, hav thero boon any of _.. . persons who have rendered you service In* endorsement of Union Hank nc , at 85 Htock investments had tins beneilt of your centson ihodollar, to runtwoyw \ before Hcrvlccs In ^ettiny lid of obuoxiouHpeople, ' redemption. , ctpecially femalcf* ?" asked Mr. GofT. , TI,f '<^>i' Ulunda brought an export " I think not .sir." KntfUsh bank syndicate lepre.sentntlvo il What have you dono ninco youwero'"ith ll tock r "peclo for thtt-Renoral .appointed superintemUnt to break up tho tl"l<1'" Holders of commercial notes find blackmail which was tentHled to by tho ihem of use. Thero Ih fearful destitution commiH.ston'v" - - in 1 hK t ity and peoplo frotn the coast with "I Issued orders to the captain of each ' absolutely nothing are pcatiieririK here If precinct should send me reports as to hi tlie closl- of navigation hoor no nioru food precinct. I Kent u similar one to tho In- bore than at jireauat many must bturvu HpectorH. The reports were made and havo I during tlio winter. ..................... been mado frpm then till now. The iennlt J ; Hail for the accuncd directors-wuh in- JolV jmiduced two indh tmen Jk^th-it a^ireat number of disorderly peoplo crrusi d to $,I,0W) each irftor consultntioif id been dismissed, and then canfli^ere arrested. Sineo I have bmn siiporln-! with Hie crown More wanants for tho tho hcnnnti( " I swear *ileninly before God and man' _tJjaJJ^pjmJ^Jr,fKKi to Anthony Comstock to_;_ havo tliesO indictmruts (lUuiis-,iy],~"iTiur~I 'had to burruw SJ'MJ from no lno|her, ho saw me pnv the nioiiej to ComsiiK I; " 'I he im'ii tment*> were let oinnifiidH1 }>; the DtHti'Mt Afiotncj lur diMinsiil .im.1 ilgiu'dby Hi conler Sm.s tli. * The nuiii then told a rambling story of heiiui usirre'.tcd on the same cii.ir^is in the United States Court, and that lie hud paid M 0<K*> to,As-u JMstrict Attorney Mott to haw tiie nuiii tment'i dismlssid. " In i>- wt4 a biiv,/ ut sup,)!,- '-ed cM.lt" mjii i'i t 'n : hoi i u h 'n i hi' Pi i'i h.id .TTtTiHi. ~il * blot In i iiubt 11 i ji lOhul id d pn as to the payment of (he money to tomstock. Tho committee will sit aj^.iin today Abhistant District Attorney-^rolin G. Mott, was Htxm-.nfter ail|ournment regard ing the htatement' of LouIk S. Stieep to tho effect that Streep and Heachtold luid nivhl I,l)0() each to \nthony (Ymistock And Mott to haveian indictment against them for dealing in giecn goodst (pi iilud. Mv. Mott indignantly denied th.it lie had ever boon paid tn (juusb nnj indictment and de nounced the w hole >>tory' ot St-ieip an a foul falsehood A PLAN FCn ARMENIA. Th TurliUli C'nbint t vilopli n U'licnin for (iu\ ot iilnu llii- Iimnrtd. Vir.XNA, Dee -".) A ile-.pateli from < un ytantinople viys that .it tin U-t meetingof the Turkish cabinet tin- ministers \ lriiiul- ly adopted a now pi.in f)l govci niiicuL for the distiicts uf Ki/ loiim, Van, Hit lis and Moosli. The plan i-i 1'liut rln1 fmu distiicts he joined in ,i Miiv'lf pio-, i.i e o\ < i \\ 1m Ii a Mii'-iitlmnn go\ ei i oi ,tp[ioitiled liy the Sultan shall rule live ji.ih The Mussulman would be sin Lvcdcd In the govunuisliip by Chnstnius who are not Arinei.ians Tin gendannery would ho recruited from the diMuels in w hicli it would ficrvu and wtmld be cnmuiundid by a geilernl mimed b> the Suit.in The local revenues would l)t> n'tmned by the pro vince excepting one annual conti ibulioii to tho Voi It Tho judges would be We<- tive and lond laiiiisLries of education ami public works piubably \\ould be iotmed. Giivo A nay tin* KilIWiu'h Si>cr!tH. TjOMjos, Dte *i'.l The Daily News cor- respondent m Jierlin sa>s that the Kni- peror was surpi ised nnil indignant w hen he learned that his oflf r to itn vi;\.-,i' J'nnce Hohenlohe's s.il.uy had beujme known. The news was trtn"\e\sd co inuueroiis poli ticians and newspapers through notes written in nn obviously feigned hand. Tho en\elope boic a noblt man's (icsl pav- itially effactd li is said that tin Kmperor 'has ordered that the sender be sought, by any and all means. Many think that the letters weie si ut by tho author ot the Kbtze Hcandals i.nle In the Irlnh Stm. '*t' IjOKDOS, l)t ( 'J*i A furious southenst gnlc inflowing in the Irish sea Jjnte'in the afternoon a sieaui-hip supposed lo he a trader plying lietween Cork and Liver pool was seen tlymg signals of distress oil Holyhead Two lifeboats at ' a tug wont to help her. In the south ' jreland the gale has been ox(eptioi> j violent and many accidents linve bee foiled Hint' way trains on f\po-./d ,^'kuii of track wore often hardly able to make progroh against the storm. In Cumin rl.ttnl, AV*iu- moreland and aiound London it luis blown hard-______________________________ An ItMovU'iiI llulliliiiK imomiNl. , " oP "In- . i j n ,e, in Wl ' 1. wlic i 'ii'U M,Os as ault was made on Societnr} Seward and hi - sou on tho nig Iit ot IJn s dent Jj'uicolnS a-ssa^HiTOHtjii, and m which .Ju'iies fJ. Blainb ami his hon an I daughter tikd, is to bo torn down and a haudHome Ibe-pioof steel opera liouso to cobt at leant JT0,IK)0 th to be erected on the ttltu by a Chicago syndicate, A ]tlii7i> at XAnt\nt\y. LiNBBAY, Out., Doc. SO. Firo HorloiiHly damap:ti(l the Simpson house, Hattei-hon's ,^rv goodH Htoio, and Kerr'n fancy gondii ,^4hment, and aljnOHt complettdv (JHiotvvo Htoeks. Sevof^^ooms u r,u house wevo gutted, tendent U.OOfJ dlsordorly persons have been | ollieiaK liave been issutd. ariested, which is three timesas much as i The legislative -committee reported on j]efi)re." tnfl '"'Hon and Commercial Hanks last ^j'he supcrmtoiwleuf said he knew when 'bt. The ['nion Hank was solvent and he wils promoted that corruption pravail- r*ble to pay every bond 100 cents on the ed in the police depaitment. " Nothing I dollar with timo and tho pas-age ofnti act went by mi'iit,' lid lie, "ewrithing was Mopping actions for t lie p lyim-nt of notes either by political mllueneo or tltrougli m uoM The Cummc-i lal It ink was paying money for piomotion. To Dr. found hopelessly insolvent, anil the utmost Paikhnrht is due piimipally tho tpdit of expeded of it, U a Mmall dividend Tho creating tho healthy feeling wo sou today. Government proposed to guarantee Cnldn No one man could bring this reform about. Hank paper to the amount of SO eeids on Imyflol/did a little towanK 1 hat end. I thedollar nniLComnurolnl Dank pjpur. drove the keepers of dif>ortlerIy bouses tn the amount* of 'JO cetith oil the dollar, from pl.if e to pi ice and k >pt tin in on the Nothing iv ill be dceuled nut il to darun. 1 mud' i; i o t .1 ' i >r t [\ -, < oiuni'i H"' o ., D c ', i - The l)uil\ Xi ws :n * tee ;o getevidrini li iiij,< d Ui^ police in- i I id' <m -tin ai-n ,1 ot t he bank ulii- \hti arrests seen? Scotts mulsio r- -Jh iu Cut Oft" bv a Train. r,Doc. 20,-7-Bevorley' Hpss, ut ^Falla Klcetrlo Hallway, lu\d ut oft by an expiew train btepplnl^oit tho train when t\iivm falMVlu' noi-nua tlo. full captaniH. Thedistiict attorney and judges on tho bench havo also-,a hand In helping this committee." There was load applause ai tho super intendent concluded. The superintendent naId ho never heard df tiiq levying of blackmail from members of the forco by the captains. The superintendent Haiti ho thought it was an outrage to have tho en- tiro department blamed for tho "faults of the few. Closing his testimony Hiieerlntendent Byrnes furnished Mr. GofT a letter which the superintendent Imd hent to Mayor- 'eloct Strong, December 13, placing in his hands his request, to he retired at the option of Jho Major-elect and tho reading of tho letter closed the liearing of evidence by the De\ow C umuiittoo. Mr. Gotf. then made a long addiess. He praised Mr. Moss and Mr. Travers Jerome for tho assistance they had given him in tho investigation. "I must now thank," saul Mr. GofI sar castically, "the gentlemen who have hiird detectives to watt h rue I can assure thorn that although these detectives caused n great deal of txoublo to my family, yet thoy never caused me to deviato from my duty. I ask those men who have been Bpymg on me to conu'forwaid now while I have a chance to defend myself and say whatever they have to say and not wait un(jl I will not bo able to defend myself from their attacks If there is a man, woman or cbild'who has anything to any against me I ask him to come forward now." Mr. GofC then said it was a wise provi sion in the resolution proposed by tho committee not to limit nny future investi gation .o tho ijolice department, but that, the police hunch and the cxciho bo owl should also bo inquire:! into.- ."Since the Investigation started,]' said Mr. Go IT, "we have always done our best and have not hesitated to call any man fruni whom wc coi\ld obtam information." Mr. Goll' received a great cheer as he concluded. Chairman Lexow then remrrked that the Loinmitteo would fittingly tliank Mr. iCJotf und his colleagues when they got to Albany. T'lie Senator made a speech re viewing the-ontnu pioceedings and con gratulating the t ity on tho good work that had been accomplished. Senator Hr.idley moved that) the witness .tiluiir he presented to Dr. Parlrtuirat as a memento of t lie investigation. " This can hiirdl, be done by us*," said Chairman Lexow. JIo then recommended that tho pollcu hoard"Miouh,! retire Captain Creeden and added. "Tips committee stands ad journed subject to the call of the chair." Thus ended the famous Desow com mittor 'Jioso inventigation have diakon the* ponce Jorce to its centra cers in Newfoundland : to'bnin the nature of an heroic remedy for the financial foubleH in the colony. Whatever the issue of tho prosecution be, It can hardly ytrongth'on the public confi dence on which tho poor remnant of tho colony's prosperity for the moment icstw. Newfoundland is in il piteous state. Sho (ins almost returned to first principles as a social organization, and who must now ro- i^ret her short-.sightod refusal to enter the Dominion. If nho had joined the fedora-, tion she would have a better chpm on the support ot her bister communities Her refusal never was lwiHed on any other rea sons than selflsh prudence." THE HENDERSHOTT CASE- rontliaiatiou i*f tlm Cnroiun'H Iiuiueut ut middlemiiri'li. 'St. Thomas, Dec. 2H. The inquest on the Heijdcrshott case opened afc-Middlc- mav.eh jesterday. The prisoners, "Welter tild Heiidei.shott, weie taken out, but w eit* not on the stand. Charles 1). Welter gave evidence in a very unsatisfactory manner and was threatened with commit tal several times. David Heudorshott, father of deceased, and Mary Heudershotb were ngmu on tho Htnnd, but nothing"?if much importance was elicited. Tho in quest adjourned until to-day. Destructive) Fire In Tliuilford. TllKpl'ORI), Out., Dec. 28, Ono of tho most destructive llreh that lias occurred iu our \ ill igo took place yestorday totally lestroying the largo and well-equipped roller Hour mill belonging to James Cal vert. The ciIusb of fire is unknown but In- .supposed to havo originated from hot boves in tho third story. Tho fird .spread to the frame house owned by the estate of the late Mr. Rose, and occupied by John Chester. The next building to full a prey to the devouring element was Mr. Dainey service's barn which was soon levelled to 'he ground. *A strong south-west wind was blowing and there was great danger if the many buddings m that direction in cluding D. Woir's ilax mill, but through the efToitsof our Citizens these Were saved. The losses were as follows : Jih. Calvert, iniU'insuied for $11,000, loss $7.000; Hose -sin**, in.surajiee f.i'H), Joss ^00, Barney r>urvice, insurance ^100 D. Weir had over 200 huhliels of ilax seed stored in the grist mill imported from Ifiugland last season nt a high price ar.d w,M ho a loosei' to tho extent ot about 07 llio UocklaiKl Ciiho \\ .11 l>n Inventigiitud. Oli rAu-A, Dee-'l'S An invcvtigation into the Uoeklnnd case of alleged murder is to be made. Ciowji prosroutor Fleming re- Ltdved a telegram -trom the Attorney- More than General of Quebec authorizing hint to 10,0)/) n iges of testimonj -iiuvo Ucn taken I ",,lt!r '"i mvestigatien. Mr. I-leimng during the investigation. Mr. Coll' wua communicated w ith the chief of the Hull warmly congratulated at tho close of the I police. A man is to be Hont down nnnie- ^cs :'n,-t>-i i.-nl' "a"ulng .uound an." illately, The etpeii'-es wi'lb> ' >'-> by .nffiikmg mm by lHu mind. l]u' (i'* [n'a S1,uw.ir"l ' ",u , ,, , . buspecied, will com'* tin on i * i on l>niiiiiM tho CliurtfoH. lit i i i ii ii i i i v,, ,, , ti ,, t t, Monday, when,ho will likul. 'u n.rthor remanded, pending fclu>Invosii it ion *>Ki:w Yohk, Doe. 31. Police Justice John It Vooihcey on Saturday went be fore Juslice Andrews in tho Supreme Court unci made a sweeping nlhdavit djiiying the. charges made against him by lti<)el\irit>'H Now Aehint. llnoc'KVlLbK, Ont., Dec. 'JV Tlie first, consignment of lunatic* fur Broi ki ill 4'.s Cupt. Timothy Creeden and others before , nuW asylum were transtou-etl v,--, ji-day theUa-xaw committee. Justice Voorheon fri)ri! Uiadcvilte imylurn, Miumbei mg lit. Honi tUiMillhlavlt to Chairman Lexow and i'j ,y U(M'e aceompariied by Dis. Uos-, and rooileutedthat it be included and In cor- i3Ul-ber and were met at tho Ktatnin hv imritdedwdth tho test bnoiiyaiid Khatenionts ijm.,ul. Baker, who hud covered j^-j iu ,irfftfte before tho committee in regard to readiness to drive them to44H*tTmva\j luiu, the promotion of Hergt. Cieudou to a cap- --------x--------------------------------- itulncy. i Vountr ^latia* lleinitui<leil. ' TIioh. .Slater, DlHuppeareil AVltU tho rumlu. the ,\oung man who ru.nfe.ssrd to Jiavhig St,J.UUL, Minn., Dee, l. CharhisIItwh- ntto'mptcd to \m-oi k n Crand Trunk ni.nl ntnodter, manifftw nt' tho United Ktntert train .ibnut five miles -west of Niagara clothing house of St. Paul and part owner Fallu .mj.hu nndii of Bocehib-r Uth, eiime '"of thollnb cloftiinghouHo of Milwaukee,' beio.e t!e uniit hero yestorday ,loi wii- both of which failed on Decembers*, buy tencu and was remanded until January rilu..w.>wti>w,4 %..{*!, /wn 4>mnnafo untwt j to^i. * f > ' " the cream of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphitcs, is for Coughs, Cotds* . Soro Throaty Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consumption, Loss of Flesh, Emaciation, Weak Babies, Growing Children, Poor Mothers' Milk, _ Scrofula, Anaemia; in fact, for all conditions call ing tor a quick and effective ilflUrhhtnettt. Sou!for Pamphlet. FRR9 ScolUBowno, tlollovlllo. All DruQoisti. fiOc. & !* AOhai>Sal<3 for FuruierH. A olevor oorroMpoudoui of tlio Perth Courier iioudu tlm following, which uppmN very btroh^ly to the fur morn o; the eoaut: " ab the prouotit time : ( MflrohantH nowadayn are raukiii^ a, hij. diiiplay over tho biirmiiim thoy are offer- iiit; "at or holow contw," "oloanne; nalon,' 'movini; ualed." "atock taking imh ii,' 'bargain dayn," "banlcrnpt oaloH," and u- tho yarioiiH doviaen IcnoWn to tho trado iu eiitch tho oyo of tho orednloim imhlio. I3u' for bar(|Iau that hut thorn nil ia tho uhadn tho farmer wearn tliu.halt. WitnoHooo the following.viduo which bo in forced to aucui't Wheat worth }>1 a bunhul, huIo pricn CO contM. Birloy worth fj.'i centfi a buohel, Hide price -Jfj con tii. J*oan woith 00 cents a buubol, ftnlo price H centi). iT Oatu worth 115 centii a bunhol, huIo price 2^ contn. Hay worth $12 a ton','n'-l price S7. Ilnlen worth U5 newt, r.alo price S1.7i Wool worth 25 contrt, tm]u price 15 oenttt. Lamb worth 1 conttt a pound, huIo price 2J ctnty. Beef worth'1 oeuta a pound, U!iIe-priee-2 cents. I j i \' Ik ( woi tli 7i I'll, ^ i le pi ice 'iX * nt<, Also a job Ion of tuiuipn, tliiH noauoii'H fp-o'wth, ut olearinp; piiceH; ,i puniplunn for a rjinirtei. Wo Qanuot tpioto lower pri'jeh, an anything bolow tin i :nee,m hunkrnpt funnels. __ ^^-^^-(f-L-ti^w-isi;,, A Lady Saves Fifty Dollars By Wisely Investing Seventy Five .Gents. A wine, careful and ihrifty wifo and mo- thor living ubout five milea from a Iniuo nud flouriHlnng Ontario towu,'tolU how dIio wan onublod to save, fifty dollarH by the ^ juditioua in vestment of roventy-flvo contn! Iter atory runa aa follown . J'Liuit autumn I fouud it wua necoHnary to provide now overcoats, rmita and druBBee for throo boyn and two LJrlH, Tho matorml for thuiio garments and tlio making and trimmiu^H would cout fi/tv dollarn. ThiB wan a largo Hiuu to oxpend juht at a time %hou wo wore making'grout offorta to build a now houne. "For two dnyii I thoughtthomatter over, and after carefully oxamimnp' my ohihlreiiH i;arraanto, tho qnoHtion titrougly proaonted itaolf to my mind, 'ouu I make oho of tho Diaraoud Dyou?' "I had unod tlio Diamoml Dycn before with great HUCCOHO in a smaller way, and- o I doterminod to sok what coald bo done, with tho view of saving ho largo a sum ub fifty dollarH. My childron'o ^armuutHwerut not toru or vory badly, worn : they were nimply faded, dingy and old looking. I commenced with an overcoat to test my hkill, and piiccoedod iu dying it a lovely lurk shade of brown. I prennod ani fin- inhed it in ouch a way that it looked like a now curmoiit from tho hands of a tailor "Mooting with nuch groat euccesn, I tried tho other garraentH and achiovod wonderful renultu, and the total coot of tho work tic- (jomplinhed wun only oovonty-fivo conto. ' My boyo and girla wore antonitihod, and were ijinto an well plcasod with tho renov atod gurraontfl kg thoy would havo( been with bran now onon. Very few pooplo around mo wero awu.ro of tlio fact that I hud unod Diamond DyeB *o renew my nlnldrotrH clothuu!, and tU it for uuothor wiuforV wear. Of oourao I told oomo of m> fnwndii how I had navod fifty dollarn and thoy are follownijr my example, and ure Freely liable tho Diamond Dyes. * "You will c^rly eo how any intelligent n .i ' 'lur v m certainly moiii y > unond .lt\Cll- '1'Ihi llewt Advertl8**iiicKiitH. Many tbouHaude of unuohcitod lettorH havo roaohod thu manurapturora of Boott'B KmulHion from thorn curortthroiiglutttURO' at oouuumptiion and a rofulouu diHuanoo Koun ouu apqalc ho cnnfuletly of itu merits HH tliooo wh havo tented it. "All rnn down" fro'n woakonmg tiffootH of warm woatlrtjr, io*i nood a good toma and blood purlftar liko Hood'HSurHaparUla. Try it t , Uood'w I'il'u un tho boit nlloMmnor pills, asa'atoieoatloi',, prount corBtijiatlob. LAING BROS. ARM SlU TO Till! 1'RONT And When You Want _ rdtfBfc, Bash* lotild3a.g0P H,to.r Call and &et Prices and you will be Sure to Buy, ra For tlio hen^rfli'of, every onc-who wishes to invebt in a^few 'flhartH oi' v*- Ontario Pet ^Building- and Ijoan Stock, J. fir. Oliver, "jeiUTiil a^ent, will bo in town ir a few uivkh and will bt* pleaKod-to explain the workings of this Association, r\ polit eiinl or letter mailed tofiasex P. 0, will receivo prumpt tttention. j. r: ouvjgk. AGENT. 'J. GOtTTRfT.AY & SOHS, ESSEXi' dN*. . . . THE TniUR/lPC'I CUuW GHELLEH , . . lOiESJStODFtllE^TIOIlNr. ThiH iMaclnno consists of a horizontal cast cylinder, with wrought iron buis, witb sieol teeth ho"tccJ_to ijje cylinder h. ai to ho rovdrpTbl*r*tt'bon tho toeLli bocoino wi-rn on tho Irout ^i(j-c, munin^ in-a perlbraied concavo iron nhfcll, "which the sludled corn pim^'.q through i' to i> sheet iron enso, with a ,n or cloi'iior atticbt'd bel^w, which tales nil tlio (bust t'loni tlio grin Tho fan i'i uiui'iu-i- niLiuut'u ih.*i"\v, wjucit mhos it11 iiit* <11usl noni tun gi..... .. cheapest, bo-t, ni'st sniiplo ivui durnbla Tower Coin Sbclier in iibo; sbolla corn porlocfciy clc m in any to< clitic n r-hnlling and cleaning Jrom ono to two thousand bunhidH of ears per day. according to power. Dimensions.- Depth, u it. -I in.; Length, 5 ft, 13 in.; Pulley, 111 in.dianv eter, it in. face; Motion, Ii00 to BU0 revolutions per minute; Woii'Jit, fifiO lbs. EVERY SHELLER WARRANTED. J. GOURLA^ & SONS, OXFORD , Fon WOOD and... COAL ALL SIZES OF FURNACE BUILDINGS . Capfacii? from 10,000 lo 80,00 gubic ^cci tt^ "CVCLONE STUUL RAOlATO(^,, OXFORD WOOD FURNACB WOOD FURNACE HEAVY QRATD, C^poclally y aiUptod for wood burnitipf' _ Heavy Steel PlnteFlrcBo\ OomiC^J and Rmllator. which hent"^,? qnloltur und arc more durablo ~^ai RADIATOR of Mortorn Cnnntrua- Z^ tton und Groat IluiithiK4-*ower-.V(^ LARdEASHPIT "-cl> COAL FURNACE ^ Largo CombiGstlon Chamborl^J Lonff Firo Travel, pn circling mdlntoi*-^^ Lurge Mcntln^ Siirfaco , <,^> Lari^o *4* Sootlonal Flro Pot -**JJJ DEEP ASH PIT ^^ I ii " "" ......------ i-^*j* ;Full Guaranteed Capacity : ^55uouk nndtesTiMOHiAL BrnfitZS ....Manlifncturod by.... -^* The GURHEY FOUMDRY COMPANY Ltd-, T0R0MT0-^ Highest Honors a) ihe World's Golumhlan Exposition. Send twQucctlt 8troi'*or our {Lfipago Catolafiuo A^work d! Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom, a8o VlaUsh Ave, Lake and Halstcd 3tS., CHICAQa, .ILL. K^SS^^t2Sg^^^SaSS5g^^ V < v.~ \ i ' r .y a'IAl b- tim-.k$k. ,' " "i'f}^tim'K 'jV"< niy ., j-i-

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