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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1878, p. 3

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THE FREE PRESS, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, ONT., tBi> TRt >K TIMI TAItl.l., f j> >; A .-.ton as follow m ;oi>i. wot. 1 r.v. S-.s it Kvpro ^* T-.r. v,to rnM > p.w i'Al-r-f-' Vm> -0f<. r,U ir,:\i.; Vid s'V.vor,- -. r.vt r.v,\.-l \\\x K\;n > \\c> !,-rn I'lAi . l.-". ,.H f.i;v>- .1 '^v ) \-T. 1:03*. 111. ".V 10s.in. 1.00|l.ln. o. 17 p.m. 7; 07 v.m. S:S." A. HI. l> : a.m. 11:30. ,.!!!. .'-il^pim. 0::;oi..i;,. - Icecream atV. ^v. Hill's. --- Head Ilynils' advertisement. - There uro koiuo cases of ty phoid fever in Uuulph. | A cvuresrror,dent sends us ^mio itoma from llallinnfiul. Merchants eotn|iliihi of dull % but hope for bettor after liar- ^orv:-. ,- ::i tin- Methodist I'hur.-hv ever Si-: Ov-ilV.. l-olh morning -anil o cpliu: m -;.>,.' Rll.l l> oVI.vk. rr-.l-eoti volv. Hcv.'K. llor.iiM, r:i.jor. LOCAL MATTERS. i ir ulnr Combs, Hack Oomhs, i'.;:'.iV.j, Vases, lY.rsv*. Gold .V ; .1 Mvi'lU-ry all Kind.- of Watchcs- >:, Jewellery ami Spectacles ro- i .-.; lie.i. Hvilli's JcwcUorv store. .V, V.. MoGaivm's Fly t is tlio host, o cents a -W'hci * VITIOX UtiA .W.w. s-.i t.M-.os, . Sp^o.-.s, -o'.u a 1*1rsou wH' '.U, V.l.l W-bo friV.U\.p til lyou want Silver -h rvs Cruets. Vickie Knives. Forks, buy >se line A>f business it ence knows Tlso oal pir-.re -.n ' town ptn:k of p':.v H v:i.i' .VivcTj w {: cri ed \va ViMl cv.i 'see a At Hysi<U' J'owellery Store. -"Triple silver p'.Mvd ware, warranted r.fv'i-: to cimi^o .-.'.or. Cruet Stands, r..-k!;' Stands, eiacr liowl,/_ Butter Oo-ior*. Note. The oii?y store in !.'n- th.-.* keeps nsliiioUHs lino of Vioisa c.ll '.;.! exrniiue mv ile-.\ Kfii'Js. --loo OVOlUU itl'. To "day is Emancipation day. -Av:ia T during hoi I id, tunc vest, Stvkvr. sheet. " --Hail, ono and a half inches in diiuneter, lollitt--.SVuftiiiMv;, on tho 1-UU ult. - Ami now tho young lads nrcv sent a mile or so lo borrow a half round square,. l.oith handles tho " Noiv llii^ht." it is svj>irior in ovory ro- /spoct to coal oil. ' Mr. John Orewson was sunstruclc whilo unlortj. aiij; liay.imo tlie moit^ -.Foars aro entertained by tho farmers iu iliis neij;li!>of!to.Hl that thf continuod rains, will c.iufo the wlie.it to spro:it. . -InLtallation of officers of the new l..\\ H. in Uvis, Vilh^o, to-morrow Too t'ictiui at (J. W, Kill's. -^-Harvest hands liavo bocn tak ing a holiday during thu raiun thin Week, i ....".'". - Now is tho. timn to wash with .1. K. McWai'Viu'ti live coat Toilet S"-H>.. '. }_ : . - A largo crowd nro taking in thu exenrsion to Victoria I'arU, .Soar- Iioim' Height!) to-day. , .....Mr. J. -McArthur, tailor, loayos town.to-morrow to comploto his Btudios in tho scienco of cutting. Ou Wednesday,'wo wore pro- son tod with a full grown oar ot com, hy Mr. T. S. Armstrong. is tho season. llrst \vo have scon This thu gej nr^ for \\:t ger.nine .fir catcher go to Le:tii"e- " Tbe cara SolJs lK>gin to comb t'r.'::r ^-.:ii.c:i tri^s.-s: Mer.tL'.y "-i5--da ..at Agne'w's v.. i ii:-rnoo:i. - Pate.^Pai-is Green ztA Hel.i- cvenin^. Me:nl>ers of all I.e invitei! to bo'^vrosont. -J .-A-Tlie sun was eclip.sed, by clov.d^aJl day Mninlay. Uon't let Us h-o.ir anything s.bov.t it being post-iumuil ou a.-c.Hint o: .t':.vc- vfbather. " The' recent rains havo given the farmer* th.c :ir>t chaneo for gfnn-.bl- '.iii; this season, .an.! a foil jnany of thein have tahen a.lvantaso of it: -r-The qupstiou has been . ask"dj. " Is tliero a Ilaie Hall club in this ;Virl-vg ." We bt lidve thorois, bul | the trouble is, irhero will you tiud jlnili?! On tho -Y-.-,-. the t".:. i-: :-i- M-' Saturday,-Mr. Starret, of on Monday, Mr. Panton, of and on Tuesday, >lr i'-;i, late of the Oaltvillo E-'urr- ? Milth.'.vs' ^la! As thu ; .r.oihiS to ice Comic: -;i live. - __A:-.d V."-.- r.' . nest Mo:: lav ">jre< ii Yijiplu :;j phy;;^ '^.T-Z.."; Nearly a'l the cities, towns ting ill I an.I vi'.'.arts in t'.ie province have either eve-_-.n^. hail, or arv intending; to have a civic season I hoi.day: Is thc.ro any prospect of I Ac ten having one? ; A young lad of >Guelph, has bovs'i b-cin taken before the magistrate, and ?-* ami costs, or -0 days in. jiil-, .row iifiz stones at a nassinj tiaiii. .o.-a more 1 i=d that G >h -\\. >_ u.-.-t ro v. da ol vour.j: !> I;. hc-yonn. icrve-.i : laectin^ . Wi lu">o a. la.'.s in tiiis vicinity .heivue. rrill bo hill J in sday. 7th A:Uii3t, at c into- c nsidora'.ioa t3.al.il ty o: s:-.ii:n.;t;:;'j; the new A.-:, known as the. .Scott . leiitSrs of :h:3 eouuty.. J ne,n who liiv- beer.' of U-.vm. ::ic- f ^ -V. . i , -w. S "1 irnve i that i-ch.I-drcn t.-> sc . --SiO."'0 conin-er.c.'. nii^ht sJnd -a'.n. iq to ..-.-. th-.-ir is :"c. o; ,- '.:ai!, t::c c '::l:n.,: . p.-onii = -j if:' squirrel an.l lan thcrjlnv- p^t twelve Wo aro glad to leArn that Mr. Alex Mrtiui, who was aorioubly injured at Mr. Faul Kynnody'a raising, a short timo ago, is, xh- cDveiing. ^ Wo notice, that tho ^^ail ot the-29th-nit., in its leading editorial highly compliments Mr. W. II. fiStorey, glovo AnlHiufacturer, of this villager - i. ; That TeadiRB arrived, and it i* tho .host 1 ever saw, M) cents a pound; in n6at; clon cncklics, hold ing from onct pound to tivo pounds each. Got ono and try'it. Scorda Kobby Urocery.. We undei-stand that nrrangc- mentij liavo been niado for tho carriage of mails by tho Hamilton & North- Western ltailway, to eonnnenco on Aupast 1st. The ti. T. It- mails will arrive at Milton at 10:40 a^ m., but we will, not "-gut-tho' Hamilton inaiU till -l.*J5 pvin.,;%Ko tSat the lcnotitvvc derive from the arrangement -will be tempered a little.- 4100 . thaf! ono of Allan'n Fly Bricks will kill mere tiles than a ream of Morrow's Kly Paper and ono brick lasts a vvhule- season. . .; Mix to,_a thin past*;, add diio tea- spoonful of siiijarand place where (lies .ire thickest. '.'.', The. longer it stands the stronger -i,t becomes.' , . . J. C. ALLAN & CO. 'On the first pagb of this issue will ho found tho opening .of an ac count of " K Hunter's Adventures in tho counties of Hal ton jind Wol- lingtonj between 1820 '-air.l 1S40." Tbo s-cena is principally laid in tlio imnicifiate neighborhood of Acton, and nb.cioubi it P"ill Vo. read with interest by ail, both jgaang and old. After postponing the Hanlau- Ross boat race at Sf, J6hns: from dy to day siuco lostr Thursday, on account of unsuitablo weather, it was rowed yesterday. Afttr they had rowed about ono uiilc'aud a quirter, Hatilau was, ahead about two boat lengths and a half, wh.cn 11 ib$ ft:il overboard. Haulan cou- 'tinu'ed until ho Cuiah^d the live miles, when; it wns-dcidid'to'.row ohcii Hatilau came Storev roooiv- uovy 3200 lb from J. it J. It is very neat. Mr. W, II ed ycBtordnyj-?!* combination biifo Taylor, Toronto. J, K. McUnrvin, Druggist, .Acton- - Agont for tho Moridan Quadruple l'tatod Silvor waro, in liU-uotH, Uuttor and Piokto -..DinhoK, Spoona, Korku, 'loa Sorvioos, &o. &o. Kvery artiole fully warrautad, anil- sold vory ohcap, Tho liiends of Mr. Ienno Hanson mot at (JumpboU'H llotol, on Friday ovoning last, to nay hiiii n-fui'pwuU tnbuto, as ho was about leaving tho Village, i A largo number woro present, iticlud: ing soino from Stratford, Toronto, Ltorliu, and other yducoa. A very pleasant timo was upcnt. Ab wo aro vory much crowded for upaco wo havo to1 leiivo over tho full report for noxt week. hero, and BALM.WFAD. From oar own Correspondent. Tiuios aro much better Eanuera ar,o busy harvesting, they nro in oxpoctation of gooil ro- lurns for their labor this fall, as wheat seems to bo above the aver- nge. Tbero is ono principal storo hero, consisting of grocGiioa, dry goods, boots and shoes, ic.; tbero is a smaller ono opposite tho tavorn, and dressmaking is carried on Tiext door to the Post Office General Store. Mr. Hull man, tho no* wagon- maker) is doing a good business. ThOrO are two blacksmith (shops, a Methodist church, and a new tros-. byterian ono, which will soon be completed. Mr. Adaai Ackert, pump-uiaker| is doing a steady good business, and it seems li'otn the constant employment on hand, that bis servioes aro much appre ciated iti every part of the country. A . shoemaker and a tailor aro much wanted iu this Village. It is in icoutemplation that a branch of tho Toronto Telegi'raph will bo conduct ed to this i'osiOtBce. CoSiTANT UgADUR. AUGUTS 1, 1878, r*HH" ;_ FAWCY COOPS. > -i O X PI 0) TRIPLE SILVER PLATSP WARE, (Wa^rautcl Never to Clmiiize r.) Orneif' Stands, Piokls Stands, Sugar Bo-wls, Butte? Coolers. only Store in Town that keepaf A STOCfK of this line of GdoI . Please call and look over my Stock. ^ , ,- Q- ^a HYST33S' JEWELLERY. The \ - (0 o o o $ u lS>' /s : i |V ;>^ ir -' -1*"i-'~-~'Cf " v .--. ii * l \m k ii "*" ;i 1 V s':'^i Ji i * o Cleanse you^ Houses, "W^LSEE 8s CAMEE01T Who are prepared' ZF^HETT, 7p.^-jprHI-?,.. And thoroughly Renovate houses at the very lowest ratea. Orders from town and country attended-to William Walker's residence, J Acton, April 17, 187H.-3m it over a-: a in. i / Every isifal em^ytnant. .-f fry'th-iik."" ""' "-'" '. A change liiis been necss"^a,- tc I in the ban i, by the departare of Mr. Jaj. Vickh:: :ri:n'thi5 vjlaje. J. K. )I:' xsrri': blo^rs a hor^ noiT- . 1: was a failure. Although the exhibition -aas .free there Ttn.s.a Tirv sir.a'.l cr-iiti of people in- this v:c:lu*.v *.t;:o visited the echpse. dollar giv-en in these Jiard tinie?, to our h-'ine mechanics, is & dollar- put out at a ;*j-kI rate of interest m more re=t>e:ts than one. Mr.1 II. McGirman, of .Crew- ' E-.n's .'rimers, receiTe'i alight injuries, on Monday last, a; the raising of a bam, a: .Ino. Warren's, by a sleeper falli^;; on his hea'l. ilr. McGorman is able to attend work agahi. A larae number of farmers in t";;:5 vfcir.iry have to thresh a large portion of the grain they have housed, that they may h-e able to get the re- r.-iaisder under cover. It has not been necessary for som^ of them to do'- tlits for a number of vear3. 4 Gents, we are doing tbe order ed,, clothing trade: -Busy as ever haL-isson full time no slack time with u=.: The reason why vre have tlie largest stock ; the nobbiest and cheap est, goods; fitting and cutting a 1; "Workmanship and trimmings not toibe surpassed: inspection invited. Mc- Leod, 'Anderson & Co., Georgetown. On Sunday last, two cows, be longing t<j Messrs. S. Laird and 1'. Kelly, of this Village, were killed while trying to take possession of the Grand Trunk Railway, which right was disputed by a passing freight train. Two other cows were similarly disposed of th? satfle day, at. himehouae. , On Friday evening last a large crosrd assembled at Agnew's Hotel.for the pnrpoEe of organizing an Orange Lodge in. this Village. A .large number of names, were secured, a \ charter was sent for, and, as it will bo ', teen- "by advertisement in another The corning Provincial Exhi bition is- to be held in T<j"unto, from the 23rd to the, 2S:h of Sep tember. ' The entries for . the Vari ous chisaes will c'.os-j on tlie 25th of August, and l.-:t and ISth of .S-t'tember, re-fpes'.ivily. -i-feush fires have been very bad at Douglass; about IS miles north of Acton. ;The vii'.aite'was surround.cd bv pre, and Mr. Thos. ?lartiii, a farm er . living near the village lost hiSj sheds, harn3 and stables. Owing to the recent rains the. fire has been ex tinguished. Mr. S^n^ster, an emplo-veo of Mr. D; W. CampbeiH, of this Village has attracted large crowds for iu threo. boat length's uhgad. -An old lu-lv frctn the country, on entering a curtain store iu ithis Vsllaoe a few days aiucc, Baid to the proprietor, "who was busily en gaged' picking -;his ti.Ugcr-nails, '.Why, are you keeping store yet 1 I thought you - had gon't out of tho bu'iiuess. -L hain't seen your name nor anything' about-.your f'.ore in the Fuke Pat'so for a long time, atid everyhoily in our neigh borhood thinks you have goao out of business." Mr.-'J. iSharp, of iLirhehotiBe, hired f horse from Matthews & Nick- lin's livery stable, ou Sunday last, to go to Dublin Church,' and thence to Mr. G. Mulkollands. After Church, instead of going to Mr, Mirihollanu's, a3 he had iutended before getting the horse, he made his way to Stewart- several Sabbath evenings past, to tho r town, wbre he stayed a short time, and Open million. On Tuesday eYcuing last a large Crowd ussombled to the Opt-n Divi sion in the Temperance liall, in this Village".. Mr. D. WcMackon, tho W. 1'. of tho Division, ably, tilled tho chair. After opening by singing ttyo usual odo, several aelec tious of voctl and instrumental music were well rendered by ilaster J. Loiior, and Misses Cameron, Watson, and Kickhn- -Kev. llr. llobbs was then called on and after giving a short account of the speeches of Mr. Murphy and Mrs. Yuumaus, at--t.no Grimsby Camp I'emperaiico Meeting, he stated thai iho object ot the meeting was lo anpoint delegates tp the conven tion to be held in Milton,- on Wed nesday next, the "lh ot August. Tuisconveiuioii w.isappoinled 10 take into corfsideratioh tho advisability of submitting the new Temperance Aci. known us ;iie Scott.Act, to this c^iiiy. - Delegates have already been nppointed' by- the. different lodges in the county, and tlie n-.eot- ing was called to appoint delegates who were not connected villi any of the Ibdues. Ailer M.r. Hobbs bad spokcii, Master \V. Snyder :uid Mr. C. La=by ' rendered difficult lecicaiions, and Mrs.' Christie lol loped with a solo, alt of whicu we're given in excellent style. Itv. Mr. Davies as followed by' Kev'. D. B. Cameron, both of whom fiave some excellent advice to young men, and nlso to the proposed convention. The deleRatea nominated for the convention were Messrs. \V. I'. Brown, Jno. Coates, Aich^Campbell, James iiyder, Jno. Walters and Jno. Robinson. After nominaiing i the. ciindtdates Messrs. J. and C." Hill were loudly ench'orcd on a duet on tho violin and organ. Miss H. Speight read, Mias-E. Cameron sarig. and Miss F. Christie read, ail "of" jsrhich vsera much appreciated. Alter another duett by J. and: C. Hill, the best open division we have had the plea>uie . lo attend was closed. corner cr Mill and John streets, where he has been exhorting the people to leave their wicked ways, and turn to that which is good. The clearing sale is Btill going on. Beautiful Muslins for 6c in Black and. Whites, Browns and Whites; Greys' Plain Black and White, J in width. Magnific*nt Grenadines for 5c and tic per yard, worth 25. Cottons for 3c upwards. Millinery and Mantles for half price. Now is your time to make money by Saving it. McLeod, Ander son iCU, Mammoth ^ouse, George town." To <'orre*pondrnlH. V.'e want newB from all parts of- the. County, and if any one" will -send us items, of interest from their several neighborhoods we will be glaij 'to re munerate them for the trouble. Never mind your chirography. or grammer, just send us the fi-cts and we will make it readable. If an accident, runaway," or" anything that could interest the public occurs, wo will be glad to re ceive the facts, but be sure of/the truthfulness of your news before you send it. We want facts. Help us to make the Fr.r.E Press interesting, and improve yourselves in the art of com position r The laying of tho corner Btono of the new St. George's church in Georgetown, was the occasion of quite a demonstration. Service was held in tho old church, after which the pro- cssion,- was formed, and march*- ed to the new Eitc. Here 'thje appropriate ceremony was ' read by column,, the officers are to be installed 'George Elliott/ Eceve of Guelpli, who i on Friday evening. . To "tho many customers of Geo. -'Hyndfl Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silver Plated Ware, and Fancy Goods. Having made special arrangements to purchase direct from a leading manufacturer of -splated ware, (thereby saving the wholesale agents profit, and giving the benefit to fay customers.) 1 intend keeping a eplendid stock of Cruets, Pickle Stands, Batter .Coolers, Knives, Forks, Spoons, . i%c. tc.i always in Stock. Give me a ^ call. Geo. Hyndi. J. . McG arviu, drjgyis^Acton laid the; corner stone. Mr. Elliott then addressed the assembled ladies and gentlemEn, having been previously presented with the handsome silver trowel which/ho used on the occasion. The trowel is' very pretty, and bears an, appropriate irucription. It was in tended to wind up tho affair^pleasant- ly, .in a garden party at Hie' residence of the pastor, Rev. Mr. .Bowibv. but tbe rain interfered with this part of the programme. | .then ho thought it would bj time to return witlrthe horso, when it sudden ly showed si^ns of weakness, and after a short timo fell dead in the shafts. This greatly discomfited the traveller, who made his way to Acton, and ac quainted the proprietors of tho livery stable with the facts of the case. Qfcanhg out our gents' btraw Hats, Ready-made Clothing, gents fur nishings, Boots and Shoes, Carpets and, in fact, in- all lines of goods, great bargains will he given. Money we want, money we must have. Jiow is your time you will-get a bij'pile of goods fc* a very littlejuiouej-. McLeod, Anderson S: Co. The Quoit match, between Mr. G. Gibbs, of Georgetown, and Mr. H. Cameron, of Acton, for 25 a side and the championship of Halton county, was pitched in the covered skating rink, in Georgetown, last Friday. This match, which has been looked forward "to with great interest, since, the 2-lth of May, when it was arranged, resulted in favor of Gibbs, the Bcore at tho finish standing, Gibbs Gl, Cameron 50. Tho game was very exciting, as the scoro was comparatively even all through. Considerable money changed hands. The Acton Quoit club aro en-- dnavoripg- to arrange another match for $109 a side, and tho championship of ' tho county, bktween the samo parties, tho game to be pitched in Acton. $50 is already up and the re mainder will be placed a3 soon as tho challenge has been accepted by the Georgetown club. Mr; P'amcron is confident he can beat Mrl Gibbs, pn vidod tho game is pitched in open ai where a good light can bo obtained. An effigy of Mayor Boaudry, of Montreal, was carried-through tho principal streets of Toronto, on Wednesday- evening, last, at the head of a tofchligh't Procession. The cortege, uccomplnied by a fife and drum band, proceeded , to Don Mount, -frberb ; the burning tbpk place. .-' I/ Ice Cream, at C. XV. Hill's. TraclivrV Lxnmliiation. The Examination of Candidates for Second Class Certificated, extending over five days,.closed oh the 12th July. Fifteen candidates at Milton, and three at Oakville, applied for certiticater of this grade. Their answer papers will he read and valued by tho Board of Ex aminers at Toronto. The names of the successful candidates will not bo known for some time. For.Third Class Certificates, .there were thirty-five applicants. Tho under-named eighteen candidates suc cessfully passed tho non-professional examination. Sarah Andrews, Emma Beals, Alice Blacklodk, Jemima Cunningham, Mary Jane Godfray, Sarah A. Kennedy, Matilda Kenney, Clara Lavelle, Agnes martin, Jennie Pattisoh, Mary Preston, David Allan, Robert H. Cairns, John Caroon, Wm. J. McClenahan, Chester ' Ferrior, James H. Kowdcn, Jacob H. Markle. . : Before obtaining their Third Class Certificates, the candidates nominated by the Board of Examiners will require to attend the County Model School, and at the clo'so of the session pass an examination in the work .of the terra, together with any other subjects connect ed with the practice of teaching', which the Minister may appoint. No candi date can ho admitted tp this examina tion, which is called iho professional Examination, unless he receives a. certificate from tho Head Master of tho^ .Model School, that ho has throughout tho term paid satisfactory attention to his duties, and that he is in tho opiuion of tho Head Master, a fit person to bo allowed to ;*o ud to tho Examination. At the next non-profcsoioual Exam- amination, the minimum percentage required to pass in this County will bo 40 on Griiuiuiar and Arithmetic re spectively, 33$ iii each of tho other subjects, as welt as 50 of the aggregate [ value of all the papers. J,'E. McUafvih,'druggist, Acton . j, g_ McGarvin,.druggist, Acto/i , J. E. M'jGarvin,,druggiat, Acton All orders to be loft at jhn-st., Acton. "Walker & Capieron tmm m* Galatea, Stripes and Checks- handsome. Plain Cambrics in Blacl; and Navy Blue, Seal Brown arid My lie ; Choico designs in Black nnd Whito Prints, Another Lot of Dress Linens; Very latest styles in English and American Linen and Laco -(Se^s, Cuffs and Collar*. ' - Magnificent Parisian Ties in Lace and Silk. . Best Stock of Fancy Hosiery in 'the-whole trade*' " . ' I New Goods always find their yay to the Fashionable We&W Eud first, rendering out1 stock always attrac tive, and keeping us busy even in the'dulljseason. We are opening to-day 10 Cases New Goods thoroughly roplonishiug ' our stock," A. O. BUCIIAM. F..shioBablo West End Dresi, Man tle and Millinery Establishment.' Uuelph.'duly 15, 1878. /- new; &90DS1 Arriving daily- at ir. W. MANNAS- s He has now Jn stock large and well -selected lines of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, utass ware, &e., alt: of which he will sell cheap fo; oash. Ready-made Olothin a specialty. X x J. \ffy. Haan, in returning thanks] |to his ^numerous. jtomers for their libera (heretofore solicits theii Ifavors. lActon, July 31st J87&/ and cub I patro'nagal continuedl MANN] -3m.| H li o p Q CD P go- a- & o rn I, iB9xalAxn.- mm ! VAQtSBTJISBST.:, NEW BRICE STORE, PIANO ORORBAMSENt Any pewion. ^yho_wllt | .tite and forward- m GO CO Id o a XSl o B-l fed E3on^to s^ ^SicM to pr*o ?y ln',tni- KSS^illMted ot tbe lowest wbolciiulo price, ?45&l!SmeaStcW-i*lP tho liistmmeut,trce. or niter nJ^inSunt^icredltod the balance may be paid mo any__.____ IneasU nnd Tbey neod not dottK their friends clt IvrtiTthen ship Uwra the insframenl. 3t bo known to tho matter, and wilt U ?rieudia real servlee, at I hiUl maia _ mokaJ nperlor PIANO issasANDEasa __________ ORQAIT.- ^ero U no manufacturer ot Pianos andOrKunj In this or unr other country who *<* ****?** nisny rvT State and Territory Mnie; the nmpvCTjJlc: SinBey are tho best la tlio world." CATITION. My success W broiiKUt Into oxlstcnco liundreusof CRATEDrooffiEHXONOUE PAIUX3R ORO ANSaro ------onotf - "'"-'*' inufi DA Jc <hnVwvwt4t tonoil and" most perfect Instruments tr be?o nStltal la thjjor anyjo.tber.coun- tvr before miu.i""s"yy ;; p*v^""iVnli" try. Addrcs* DJINIEL F. BEATTY, \tasn lnntoB, Ne\T Xcr^y,JJ^^_^'erlciw_______ - .....------ABOthcrbattloonhlEhprJces, ITAOIIID waron the monopolist renew- nHOinn cd. .i^"Seo Boatty's latest H MANTLES- AJS08TUME&-;. Also, dsplebdid Stddk of Staple -and. Fancy Dry- Qood^, consisting of black iancj colorr ? ed Silks, Gashmerea and Fancy Dress Goods. Bad Gloves, all the new* shades (1, 2 and 8 buttons), Lisle Thread drloves, Parasols, Sunshades, Lace Goods, Trimmings and Fringes/ Prints, Gomtrices,' Muslins)/ Grey tiinens, "White and Grey Cottons. English Freno-a/and S2?3sian K(ia(ly-Made Clothing, Black and Blue Brpnd- tplotlis, Diagonals, English, Scotch and Canadian Twjeficls. SUITS MADE TO QRDER, AND A PEHFECT FIT GUA1RANT%E.D> OR NO SALE/ Ajfull assortnient of Gents-Furnishings,. - "VV^hijLe Dress Shirts, Collars, Culls, Ties, feic. ,- I -i' A,splendid Stock of Choice Fainily Groceries, j. ' ' . TEAS A SBECIAlkFY. ' ,:'-, CTOX MOXTIILY SALE, The Acton monthly Bale will bo held at Agnow's Hotel, on Fair Bay, Tlmrs&ayV -ith July. All kinds ofiStock, Implements, to. will be s'oldby paying 50 ots a-pioco. Sale at 12 o'clock. JOB PllIXTINGofallkimls neatly w I promptly eseoutod at tli , FREE PHESS OFFICE,; Kcxt IlicPost OJttce Hill Stvcot, W OTICE. TERMS. Ten months' credit on appi*ovcd ioint notes. ; All ontries must bo made to Mr. Jaa. Ttyder, Sec. WM. 1IEM3TREET, Auctioneer. Farmers, now is the timo to iuprovo your stock Tho fipst prize bull, " Sir William TempieXlII,;(ii>J) got by "Sir William Tcmplh,!i[2.29()], .aam Diana, by Red Prince %G0'2] gV.,dam Anuetta, bythoGuolph Baron. [669], 4419 g. g. dam. Ann, by Patriot 1525], will nerve ' cows on thu premised of the undersign ed during the Season. Terms to in- j suro Thorough-bred cows, $4.00. liGradecowB, 51.50. .3m# ; nJ. OEL LESLIE, k t No. 5, cou 1, Eri JAMES /SYiMON, in returning tljanks to his numerous friends and customers for the very liberal support accorfled to him since he commenced business-in.-Acton, would remind them that never before in the history of'Canada were such' bar-., gains offered in Acton. The Goods hnve been bought for Ca>h and will be sold at a, small aclf v van|ce on cost, , .: : j f 1 JAMES SWlQi^f Prbduoe ot all kinds takan in exshangelat tho highest market'.piice. :: ; THE NEW BRICK STORE MAW ST., ACTO^.^ Acton, April 10th, 1878. f 1 ' " g^j. ^xW^s4*.,=i^ ^=:?v-^ Ai^^^'^-J^"U^Jg?i3^g*^^jSg^fe

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