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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1878, p. 4

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i*J!gJP' JiL',L[Jjy-^g^g--3ggstgs!assi T1IK FREE t ,RT A tlAt'HKI.OB,* : YVantel, ft partner of my joy-- N..t every oho will <lo" While in i y heart she's l.iwd list, So she ni'ist love Hue too. NV-rntr.1,. no fortn of beauteous niouf.l, Aithsott, ci'Kpicttin- ^imus : No heaN that's shirt from sympathy With man's mioviisiiij; cares. YVantei?, a joyous toe.lin..; hoart^- Whalp'cr the iiii";w;ii\l t'o'.ni, ' A lively, kin.I and olioeifnl smile,' -To cheer me 'mid life's storm, Wanted, h jwir of lovinjj eyes, li lectors of till' mill.!, ' While in their depths,! Kniiii- o.iro, My photograph" 1 find. _ VVar.tod, an nn.tivi.U-d love - -Anl lnCfc thfit wnnot roam : . >Viih busy li.iiHiu liy love inspired, /,\ly wife must .-tay nt hnUHV 'VsCftlllU'.SK, It nuint lit'h.jivnt RiitisfueUon 'U tlio oio,.o of life, to be uliKi tu look hack on tin; yi'iifK which nrc \\inued, and to feel that you luiviv live 1, not 'or .yourself alone, hut jtluit vu USOl'lVl (HI OlIllM'N. YlMf <? FREfes, ACTON, HALTON COUNTY, C)NT MARCH 28, 1878, IWVlSilllV U);vv-l>( assured, also, tlml tin waju: \TIIK\K\MS VOl < l\. "K. -r;:j^'-ste m. W hen thin -s don't ^o to suit yon. And tli* v ,::-lvl seems up-ode down, JVu't ,-,Jiv your tiiiK' in frottiuo. Put drive a-ray tti.it fniwu . Jsilioe iile is oft . perplcxilis,', . Ts tnr.ch t'.c ; -i < pirn ']' boar all thin...- i.i-wciy, Anil ssiili! whenever You -can; Yfhr fcboubl von dread to-morrow. Ami thus iK.-poil to-day ? y\ir when you borrow tumble, . Ton must expect to pay.; / ' ' It is a j,,>..d old !ii.i\i:n,' "".".' Which s'ajuhi lr u: Pou't cr-.ss l in. la : ., Until ilia or:a--j . t'i'1 n.; is sihuy. ' apj i'less nt iii'iy pori-ul Yo;i mi^h: I... .^j-.-- J :'.".! .-!i" ^i :hi:. If vo:: uoul"-; ...t: Xhc tho-i ;h: tii .. I 1 ! no of | Are o.lnr.ys ;n:c TllOl-.- HiUnI i o smile:': ,1. :-...!; I.] ! : : v. in">iie: J\'n! t'iii'.i^n vim r..' 1 i i uv .'.:'.{, \ ou ni!s> E;r.in u::t vo :r -a^ki-. Ih.U prjci.n'.s jewel -!. .-altii. And tliiy.i_ih you're strong :in(l stur.K "\ ou m.iy li.nv in owiity piir.-i " 'An.l c-.irih has manv triV.U \yh:ch I cons.ilJr'worM. ; . (But whether j.y-or scrrow / Fill nil your "mortal sp.-.u, -i-'llw;ll ujake vour :..-.t:;ii-;iv l-rii-'hter ' HlUOtl of ooiufoi't- tUlll "f lift'. 'I'inio is ii,idling in this vvorhl si) oooil us iisi'l'uliii'.sy. It liiuils vour follows iif you tkiul you to-tltctn ; it ii'iids loltIn'" iinprovt'iui'iit -of vuur own oliiiTiii'tiT, iiiul it jjivi-s your r.o.il oi' iijipoiliii. oi- iirsooioly -- inuoh lio'voml \vh:it.-!iiiy iirtilu-i il station o;il Ik'StOW. "Ki'i'l,v, of -uiotor fiur.o, Iium lr... come Imnkiupt. Tlio' L'li'Vi'hiiul' !I, itihl cruelly suvs of liini: 'Ivci'ly iilisorhoil "ulioiit 4; 100,(1(10 . fijiim orriltiloiis 'pevjilo to ilovilop his Inuuhlit; nmc-ftitio, vhii-li wins ^oini; to MlplTMl'tll! Stl'iini, ;illll llvsju'lin,' ri,:iii!v with tin- usi' of furl, .Ho pll'ti-Uiioil lluit with 11 tl';ll'U','i!'lll of whUt ho I'ouhl run h train of O'li-s H'hunilroJ miio.s. - l-'nr oior throe yoin-.s he lived suinp! uouslv, drove '.::.% Iior.sos, wmo iliuno-.uU, uml il:-:-.nk .o!i:i'i-'ii.-,;;uo a: t !'.. t-xponst of ' '-' st.vk'N.Jdois: in his. iii.itui' ootii puiv. If Keriy. <;ets hih' desrrls h;. will furiiish uiutivo- power for !> .^.ikiiii; sto:u- in.tht> penitentiary. , .! ' iiiiMtion i'l'ii improve TKitm'e, lotti n- i ii-nipletcly cllalioo it. Jtotuoinl'lier silways- that- lahor^M .jue'iji' the eoiulitii ns \ f our exi.st- I'lk'i1. 1^1 S <1 . fell fxi .5 r-H J? Q Hiving ruailo a Mr. Sritcliell,. r nijuncy for oqT But not ihostroyeii. r in^onionts with f Milton, lor an Iho sale o| Sash, Basra. Pi':.~i33, Wotililnes. D-rcsapd ';71 - "Waiascet, to fiiniisli :iiiv of 1 iim'prepari'il tho h 'Ve, at pieces tint .Joly rnm. pelition. .Plt.a>i call mwl si-'c s-im- To mi!e \i her.ever '.you i-au. A PoliceniKU Outfitted. *iyvrs Catliarttc Pills, ~~vti& .i.-;.:.-m'.-i titr. Polii^men ni-e gouenilly shrewd enoiii;li to detect rognos, hut thoir | s-igacity is so!ue::uiiis blunged bv ! the impudenc co-'iln.-ss -of oui- j wLo |tis liimse'.f o;V as :i:i lioaes: iaaiu It is tMie, however, even in a rogue, to tin 1 sneri audacity -aa: ii. the foi'owin^ incident : , Polieeinan. Bulger, of the Tenth Station, htiil a hit of experience thr other niirht ,whicli he is not foiul if talkilii; ahoht. It wes past mi.I- j night as lie was leisurely pushum his beat thron^h Jes=np street, and | as ho came opposite to Diiiyton & I 'Prost's jewellery store he ob. erved fleams of light thinii-h tlio i bilks of the shutttrs^iuul ho r.ijiped at the door. " Is that you, poiiceiuun ?" a voim witiiin. " :V os," uiis-ivoi-o i JJ u.'ger. " Well, its oi.lv me.' .It's t For the relief mil cure ol" all u.eraHs*ea'.ent.* in the ^li.uiaeli. liv er, and lieweln. *lt;ey are a miti! r.i'.'rie:it, ar.il an exeelit'llt |.ll'|!5. live. Ueinjri>urt> Iv ves-eUable, Uiey eoat^iin no BUNDS 30 CI^NTS PER FOOT. Kindly thank .pastfaw.rsatol In pies of hioulii chat<ing elBeulie l.'ir hliaro of yoi THtiH ^liiip nt Mr- o Adoivllec. 117111, 1 siriov.- i...'<tip5 ami sT.nVririj: i~ preveiiteil liy I Hon m i ne P in, u **- :r li;e.ely n-e; anil ever>- I":iiiiilv htujiild |toalis\ipr il>n| Ac. j oeforc- pur Jv'F...loGARIN Chemist & Druggist, Jdcinbci' of . i OoHe'go -of Pharmany i .- liy F.Xiiinination, IVorlli Side Mill Slrcct,- ACTON ONT. mA^Oli k OB.Cj-4.3nS JXTST ARRIVES, A splendid lot of Bprlng Boots & Sho:r,c -AT TUK CENTRAL BOOT & SHOE STORE, Call cr,a osamiao jtfccia 'beforo buvlae ekciRoic. ' ' ' BBATTY ^i1^ U^.^l: AN Kl,l-- i!.i: \ti:h i;u,.i.ii' n luMii'i.n i',\n. 1,1m < >i;i: s.N ni-e (in. s eeu ,i loueil uml inosl. oerleei I list. inn* nl s ever l)"fote tnaio liej.'.uvtl In (Ins or any it.r eouii- tl-jj'. 'lie' - c .i-l 11 IS el.allien ll In ei|llll, lllelll. 11 sl-.llsci.iiiH- "11.1 tfl no < vo. I>e- lere KlVvli. - Ifee-i l.olioiii |.anle | r!ri si now i-elnly In jo li is, awn s.iHlil Ihe Iialoll) C-llelal. All l.llel. '1 hose .Ccll:- iir..le.i in' irein -ins .t'ler 1 lai-.o "or i)i;:aii' I't'iie.i ana shljiiuil a n;.1 whei i',.'i<ii li\-c ..r llli.-iii .;:.ys" li si ti l.il, M, n-.v le- I. rnocli-ii uiLl^lr.-ialit ol-.aiv.i ' null 'Ui.lH TUS ;vnyh i( la -iliy May in.sa!isl'iietoiy, Fully' w.ii r.,nt .-.I a r M.\ v.-ros :.sliii-iJv lir>l- ' "II'.-." I'.Vt'KAnltDIN \UV Id ll'KltAli ,:u -(-up n I- :: I ci. to i'i.11 clo s So.a x.l..., I..IK s. Halls. Minlsii-i',. Tea' -In is,'el. ., In .nil-r lo liiir ifi -tu . iiti-.i-liteeil a l ui.rr ivll If 1 I'a ve Iiu:.i III.; i rilo.iKiiiuU n..W 111 use. Now 1 I'l-Ira ei I SV1VITI ^01 (' If II- 1 U1 !< Kllt'lllll, M'llll llSl j I ll-MlllllllllllS, ii-w r. lei.v. s.-n: ir. e. ' t"- a,llsl:i.i lo vi.I..-.. r>AN!Ef- F.- BHAT TV". 3'ECl.rAL'-ATTH1TTI0JT aiYBJ7 TO 0nr:E335D "woaii. i! i $(\M v,UUC gkt Yoirn Picture i Praining iJONIp AT C. WEILL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY 11 kinds of Mouldings tost in ;fltOClEv 3"(im -" ; THE A0TON TOB ;ittlNTINUfallkiiulH nittlly ml i)rorrk|>.tly oxonuteil :it Hi I'MiKK PliESS OKFlt'E. \evl the l"6sl Ulllre 31 111 Klrerl. ug custoniors for pinostiH to m'er'u a fc' patronaj ; I tmiiespfctl'iftly yours" u han.l ror^Iieif in-ons-taui r.n.l -j pt\lt:t t. UK.liriv. Waslilnntoii, .New '.'.inireil. - I.ouj; exiien-jicc n:v I Jersey. ' " ' l r.ght. it i" " Y.-s."" r.'>:- lhe.fi!'-. Ji d--r I'.'ir.-U;- i ll throu^'. (.i filiv/ to*. il_; It .|v 'r ! ihe I).'!' !., " Is in' v..:i Kind v chll ou .iked nil t, ish t I was just tixing i,i::!.t." '- liuod l.ioht," and i'ad. -- .1" I r pas.se.lj :.:lu. a'.i.i ne iii!i:!i-.i j '.life Vnifo i.ap I" have ll;..'! lellel'. M a prove.'. :ae:n- lo l.e Uie i-.-ile.t Ue.-l o|- :;'.l llio I'HIs with -,\hirh tho IlfarivCt I'.tiaaU'ls. l'.y Hn-ir on.-.bii'iiiil n-r, m : hluod is i-ini.:.-.1, i;:c ..rr.r,e.i..'.i-i>r the sestein cx- jaei'!. ..lol.e.'taia. r.'mi.veil, ami the whole ii-.a. lar.ery of iiT.' iv.o.i^vil to Its hcalihv activ ity. I::::fn:.;l orirrais \i hi.-h hecciaic t"lor->v.J an... >: -! i'!.:ra?o,l l.v .t./n-'.. filta. .-.lii -;.a.u!:...i! into a.'li.vu. Tlaw iiiripient >r-.-a-.- !- i-!|.|i;wl into health, 13a' value o! ^i..i.ii ihi::.-.., wa.a iv.koac.t on the va-l raii::::ii.|e- ui.o enjey I:, r.in lir.rilly be e...:i. mite.l. Tiu-ir -ii;;-.ir-'-..atinf mates Ilea l..-..i.-:.ii: : . ar.'l nreiO.-ves ttieir virtne.- unae.i airv.l :..; .i.-.y lcil~Oi of tir.ie, so Una -te.-.y :.- ., aral i.eri\~alv lcliai.Ie .\::l: J.ii-'ii -,-..r !ai... ll.ev i.ie mild.'ami oner- r.r^ v. :'.:. it .'.i-farkuirv j nu- cocstitiitioti OF i|LiLvja, / i'uii o:i-.-.-:i..:;s are ^K^n on the svmiiper to e.-irh l...T.h.ev toi.-.Mlicm.i-' Kan-.ilv I'liysie, .-'i-i f..:- ;::, eomiilaUit.-, vvtiieh lhe--e i .'...' I..i.| or euro : 1' ..- i;;><<;:<.iu or Indlfrrttlon. *nt. " n*". Ijoioior. ami I,o of At>|>p. til.', tJi--;- -ti.iiv.1 l.e lakeVi iiiTOleralelv In - ..i.-ira, ami rciure iu. healthy :..^le a:nl n.-t:oa. - r'or liver Com-ilalnt anil ils rarinin .';>!^:'e. MilHui* I8i'ai!ucfce, NUU t7z'-t'.lJi-!iT*..T*3ua:Hce 'irOr..paPifri.. ne, Itillou-. t ollc aril UKloua Fi>. ' "'I I'-c la.l.r:on.-ly taken to. >" the ilUv.-i.e'l a.-lion, or .".' ,".'"i.!rrr or Itiarrbxu, l.iit oao . I ....... i- _-f..-T...!lv r."|iii^ .]. ^ '.' !i<Mitii:itiri, tfiont, firnvrb irt. .Piiin in : , I-..rii. inel I.oiu-.. !l,.-v -houlil ?n-!v i.".l,...l.:.- l-tMiuri-il, t.'.'r hhllpc a :!.e -y^ieiiu Willi s.-ch iil.oii..- .li .-.|.r,-;ir. ainl I>rop.lrnl Mit, .1. . ill.;. -:: taken in l.ir^'e aial fr. '""'I') pioipi.-e ::,e t.Ti\:iil' a Cr.isti^ P.n;!iir.lnr!. .1'lfirrpilo'f hnu!il ho ./,'.'." Pi'o'im'e. the ile^irtd effect b.f ->:,<n.-r nil. tfihcoar-ortwo T'lllito !.^--ti'in.aar1 relieve tU- s|...i...i.!i. -: '-.iial .he', .iirailatn. .he -:..iiuir-h -1-. :.. .imi invi^or- '. -.c:a. II'.ie.f> i: i~ o:l..ii. adiania- lo -.i..<l ..'::.i r)ro:i.r . EBBAi'iE. Agonl. lion's olil slalel 7. ili-ly I C.?^ wameil in LIJ OVer./ sec s nips nut Provinces rilKeni lit. \,lilri... Wavlil-______________ By reading enfl practlelnl the Inestimable truth* coo taint J ill the ben laiilie* book ever l..furil, cnliilei VIBtrAS"! E>SKLF-1'IIKSF.RVATI0,THVSPB pl'riceonlysi. Sintbymal ID a V B. 2a D i n receipt nf price. I- Cremtsof Elhan.<lcil Vitalliv, Prcnl.iturc.Dicllno KtrToiiiainl I'h)>lcal DelJilily, uli'l tlio cniilrst concotratr.r.t ills anil tiniolil mi.O'ic* that rrRub ihercfrom, ami eoataiu* more tiiaii Uoricinul pr crintionsf any one of Tsjach i worth the rericc o) the DooU. This book wan written by the mof t en tensive anil r>robablj-lh: moft skilful practilionci In America, loirhomups awardetlauolilarid jell cllcu medal by the Kational Medical A?f ociailoa A 1'iimplilrt, illimratfil with the Ttry fln- ptcrl Knea-avinp^ a^raar- ~" " " Til- of art end beauty pent rr.EE lo -oil. Send for it ot once. Atldrcfii INSTITUTE. No. 4 Uul.THVvl.| E tachSt..Dostoo,M. B niVbbl Aclon,- March 20, 1-S7S. 0LCE2T CRCCEHY HOUSE IN ACTON Is the plaro to get ynuci cheap Groceries, . ' .Crockeiyi G'laU aad y Hardware, ORAGE'3 pELI:3ilATED gaiVE A Sure Crltrr Tor the SnCTerrr. iiosr AKKII J1Y SETH W. F&VJI.B&. SONS 8U.1IAIIKISO.N- A VKNli:, URii'h's CKi ts a Vfiifia invented in th'- 17' 11 ini lir.ic.', .-stir army. Tlirot-h tlioesnnils of l !i*. wmilils that I.nil] I'mllieU' |>liys:ei;ii rr-n inle.I Ii.v all wl le benefactor. Piii.'i: J"> j|.:o.^.: All a -b^o;: <;tt.i( :: > vv.i. :UHArf-.I) SAI.VK, )!e IV.'jiar.'Ujo:), li e-miny by l-'r. Wil- on in Klna Jiinies' lis ii^e-ncy he '-ure.i- rio^t s tioiih si.res nn.i d Hie 'kill of the-most -,nv o knew him is a pal.- KSTS A IIOX. KltllHX,l si I.V i: H|i-:s '! "Wil v- Mild Warn tiny thine; boat, a mi Ti i.-i .i-;i .-i.'i'. :'i 11 -i"*':^1 r^v. Ay^r'3 ; iia-ivtu :. ii....f><-n an,i- tiia. '.. Won't Vol eo'.M-.! jo I ""' ti.ii f- l an r. el .lp.-ir. ,.,-,. i " . , I t'll>' l,,n"r' " i-.i.'.L- an.l reno >')U: V, V.-.j'i t. imi t I ViUinjjeire.-. o.i tiit>.ilir'.--iiveap|.;iii!ttts f voir to s i.i fiOai your 1-0 . rn!:i\\!:::n i:v ' " '." * ' j Dr. J. f AY2S & CO., Prac'tlsal Chcmisti loot- Was op--;:,-d an.l Pi)l:c.- i wO irt:LT., 21 AS.?.. If. S, ,l. Illiali' Dad--r ei.to|..i, ali.l he found \ '"**?* EVCr.vWHX the iiiinat.i. to ben wry gup I'-inau ! '------------------------------_______ __ __ Jy looking man in a linen dus'.(;i. ' " (,'oiiik rioht up to the srove. jiulii-ftljtiii. 'lvveiis.e-nie-u inumeiit." - 'I'In* man took the ash pan fioin the holtoui of the stoveijind carried it down ct-lUr and emptied it, and when lie returned And v.lpecV 1 i Ii.-.ikIh, h.'S'iit]., with a smile : .. "Cliiilynigbt, isn't it. j" "Ve.1.'. " Chilly outside and dull inside, [Another s-inile.] New <mmh fur the .spring t;-i de, aiitfTJiavejto keep your eyex Ojieii. Liuet,omr: wTJrk, this watching all "night;'hut I manage to iind some coiiifort in thi. Wf.n't you jijin vue in'a tip?' Xou-'ll tiucl it the. [iure thi-i"" gor m J!S,s>U. Jy9s mm }m ;J'#1 For x-escoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitaiifcv and Color. A dressing .-ti once agree ar- We, heftl.liy, and efi'eciual _._.,for preserv- ^0&$&ng *h hair. g&Ml1* soon r"- fZJ^xkp"stores faded ^ or gray hair Ami ihr- man in" the duller pro-1 mnln^^f^T f.*5 fri^naj kv,| it black bottle and ;l tumbler. ^i^V^^^^A \ youth, lmn hair is thickened, fall ing hair checked, and baldness often, j though not always, cured/'by its i use. Nothing can irestore tae,hair j where the follicles arejdestroyed, or 1 the glands atrophied; and decayed} | but such as remain'can be saved by j this amplication, aid stimulated rntn activity; 30 mat a new .growth' of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the- ihair-.with a pasty sediment, it "/ill kecjrJ it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use vnll present the hair frjin; turning 'gray or falling off, "<nd -consequently prevent baldncsa The restoration of vitality it gives to the scalp arrests and prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so uncleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious 'sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to tia hair, ihe Vigor can only .benefit, but not harm it. If wanted'merely for a HAIR DRESSING, i&thing else an be found so desirable. Contain ing neither, oil nor dye, it -u-es not soil white cambric, and jet lasts l?ng on'tfie liair, giving -j r rich, gloss-- li^ire, and u gratefn. perfume. KI.KMI M-l.r.NIIS. KMoZKV I.| >.| lis. SALT llllc.l .-.I, .-im.niJAiN-.. s.,i:i.: io-cast, soil. lacs, i.-.a-irj:!.!-, ni'i:- iri.l:jl.',rAI,IA'sl..-,sl'AI,ll UK.all on.vi ifr:n has os, in' it ns, v..si m:s,- ri.i.. .vs, "A I.I) -,. ' WfU'M)^, FJ.STi.Ils, I'.'i.es U'-Nioxs",! ntri:, \V ,1 I its , rnii'i.i:.-, j.-.ti:.-)..- ri.'U, l Mieoiel* . .'I I'S'iC'lTO A.NI) .si l )v i :-ls A it -y. '-s'ly: lll'l' III.I ei.i'.l::s, siiin(,i.i:s, s-.ns, Klll.'-Kl.l'.- , ins, ii..n.-., Wn.lTl.llW'K n-.its, 'I'^.y .s"l'IIVV, S'AIl.s, Mxri.i: i: \s|., ki^:a niia;s, -I'ljii;!. ris-tis, llseas. .s and rnpllou. And all ciilane'ius i^enernlly l-'nrsile liy i'dl jli-nu^lHs. uroccrs. 'anil at all count .-y s|or - in rmie:lioui the IIni- I.-.mI x;:i! . nml lirtlisli l'l-nvliiees. I'rlee by mail an eenis >W)TO(MAl ward me their add IIKWS -shoul.l for- P.iiiceiuau Bulger papiouk, iiiul, liaviiig -.vtj'rp.] lii.s lip, and j-ivinjr his (ingei-n a no v.- v,-;iiuiiiij;. hi: left thw siorn nml resumed Lis beat, raiti.slied that all v.-is li^hi at Ibav- toll it Frost's ktoi-o, L>.!C ni.reiiio brougiit, n now ro- veahnent. ..iu i I.'ibSL'a sf.or~ had boon roib'-.i -during tin: niglit ".f Sfl/iOO worth, of vvalchcs ami j-wpflei'y. : and, although Policeman' Jiapget ciirrif.s in his mind an tx- nct dagnerrelypfrof "the robber, the ndroit. ras:cil has not yet been found. Blame not before you examine the truth. Th1> trial ix not fair whftre affec- lion i* judge. l _Vowh !rutde in storins are forgot- ten'in.ealm"8. Unreasonuble haste is, the direct l-oad to error. ! ' Curiosity aliotit triflen is a mark . of a little mind. ' However little, wo diave to do, let ns do that Utile well. No man is wise and 'Viie but h that U libtrwt an.l virtuous. wish to obtain exchange for dress DAN 1Kb mcton, Xcw Je i Pinno or Orjrnn in 'liotographing. Ad- V. BliATTV, VVash- sey. if they QCHO )l. Tl.'AOIlEIhS: You can *s5 o isily increase your salary by devoting a very tin.il] 'portion o! your leisure tinie hi thy interest. 1 itjo not oxpect von to canvass for rny eolebr.ited Health's 1'ianos ni J (,)rg-.tis unless you see tit to;*but the service I reipure or \ou is both f?tT>:isant and profitable. KulI par- titulars Tpeo. Address DAMKL K. BKA'ITY, Washington, New Jer.-iy ;S8 H'o arc prepared to ray .the. highest c.-vsli price west of Toninto for all class,-.- of . ; j .Khcepslcins aiul Calfskins - - tu .;.). id en. lition delivered at our tannery. - . II"e wi.-h it to be ilistinctly iiiiderstooil that we pay the I lli'.iuusr ; l'uti i: for such. l'arniers will study their inter ests hy bringing their skins to us, in- .stea.l of sellini-' them to Middlemen anil IVd.lkr.-i. ~ - ' ..STU11KY. MUORK &C(. IVrs.inn lcavino skills at the factory of W. II. S/otii-.v A; I'd. :will ah., re ecive the liik'uest jiriee for .them. BEftTTYg^ There is no innnufact iirei of Pianos and Orgnns in this or any otlioi country who has received as many unsolicited iii.lorser. ents as has Mr. Beatty. From every .Slate and Tor ritory oomrs the sum-, verdict. "Tlipy nre the' host in the wnild " Illustrated Advertis'er. .'(.'nla1..i.'ii< Kdiiion) free. Address D.VNIEi- K HEATTY, Wiishingtoii, New .lorsoy. B Of IN'; SL'i OCK, And to nrrive io a' lew tluya a lull supply of "v7aU Paper. "VTindo-w Blir.ds, &c. In the Intesti Styles nvd Patierns. 1 also ki<>p on haiidn-few of j . Messrs >lull ly &. Die trich's celebrated LANCE TOOTH CROSSCUT SAWS. The best now in use. All goods will be sold low for cash or pro duce. Cash for Hides. CIJHKL.E.ST. HtLL, ; i Mill Street, ACloll. I;eb. 19lli, 1878. ' X KLV/ DCKlKItN BOOT & SHG 3T0BE Opposite AgneW's Hotel, Jlhin' ; Street, Acton, KENNET as SON Wish to call the attention of. the ia- Jiabiliillts of the .Village of Acton ~Tind vicinity to their inimeniie BtOCk Of '" '-.!. BOOTS, SHOES SB GaOOEEIES- Comprising all, the latest styles in. 4Joots and ^hoes. i '; .'.._ Ordered Work'receives our special attpiuion. .Kepairinjj'prompaly at tended to. Our Grqcery Jjepartnient Is Ttell supplied with Teas, Sugars,' Fruits,.-Biscuits, .- Tobaccos, Soaps, Coffees, &c, &c Please cull and examine Our Stock. KENNEY' SDK Actonr Dec. 12 1S~". j - -AT THE- FSSBICMBLE WEST END AXTKI). Ladies ami ^t^itlemeti to learn Teli - gr.ipli Operating for oMices openui},' in the Doiuiiiion. SUmm for ausucr. Address M VN.n:i:i;, lio\ llao, Toronto --------------------------------------\__ GTJELPH. Be.t make in English and Amoiican White Cottsns. Best mskc in Canadian Cottons and Sheetings. Best Gceds made in Tickings and Shirtings. is the CI BEST NEWSPAPER Published in Halton County I $i only ::il :Per year, in advance. kGim pmmm bill's I>. IV. CA3tlBKLL, Trop. . Having purchased ...the above named e-itahlisluneiit, 1 facture am prepared to niniiu- SASH, DOORS, -.MOULDINGS, \&a All 2>r PrtJinptl i Actuii, Dec. 4L.li, y attenileit to. . 1). W. (.'AXIIT.EIJ.. 1ST 7. 2-i-Sm B^ATl WASHIMGTO NEW JSRSSYfUi'iiii}- olilen Toll!:llPl in iiiiitictin'orehi They innsess po und K.yn-ipaihetli kinils of N C0rV]SUr^PTH3K GURSD. AN iil.l. I'llvsi.lAN. niireil Irein r.-liit l.rw- ...li SI .ii.tan ,! ,,, , v.c.-i.l.Io ll.n.id, | .ni,aI1Pllt r,rre ,,j tirituchiti/t, llNiimjitioii. .(.-.;, < iliirih. ;I,i'J,!;1'i7hr7,,:p;:',,I-vr'",iA'!ctlon9:'ho n-,],,'1 ?" -S"^""' ("."...'li:..'.. rll.T liuv. n; tl... . m,.i,',1. rhil i-tirmivc i;;?.Vi,^^r^:,sv..,;,,;,':.'^;:s,^:';;';,,f'"- ""niiAKv.-Yi,-.:'^.'^.^..^.'"^ ;;:^' v"1;1','!1'.'1'""11"1;' ' ,i: /. u-nv. Sri.i I,, ii-iinii. ii.ml I , iiililii.,,],,.. -."IMS II. i. |..-.|.,.r. i u. c. s'I'i:vi:ns. . " Uo-\ .-.I, llui.i i:vii...ii o>r. I ;.!. On X?C> IJenltyK O* !' 1 u n o *, griiHil, tirjnure EJAWjOSSrVUn^i.J'hl ""**r'"'w,-~"" " "p.eisanil the pcoiile AND an tlie mo at tpjiiiilfnl an.l swett- est imii (1 H anus ever muniilnctiir- 0R_CAws;?.a-. w v,a pronoiuic.pdtiio N. best.-In the world, celebrated I'urlrir Orunn.. Any llpiiyeil touiiiiiil them, ver, .lept.li, liririanc.v delicacy, vxiii'iiNitply beautifully solo ell'ccIs, anil tile only sfoii action ever In venke.l I lint cannot bo ilis- 'irriiiiftci! by use. The bellowy capacliy '.......-real tlnabi (.little elhirl Is requl eil Willi tlie Tec necc'sarj-. Best oases' In the in i -^. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayr & Co,, ^l^TrS;.^;^ 0 *?-nctlcal and Analytical Cncm',-' t. hn.Hciii.iii I'r'om tfcal'f.'nci{. .',- Ui.VKI.T., MASS. Oct. r<r AX.I- DIUIUCUSTS HVKKv-lCl% A1'll-'-sJ)\XBKIi in >'c-vr JerKev, to. mi|i|il> nli Hie mr n.i.lcan.i most, utctr.int ,1'kel. All solid w.mil Vliis-lriimentI'ull.v "-iir- rsiisst.i lel.ly llrsl.-elass, lo la .livs't.est irinl, I-'. KK.iTTY.'i/itRhlfpr Ti) B1ISISESS 5IKJV.-H you want illllheiidf, t->tteinciits. Let ter -fiends, Rnvelones, Mercanllle Pi Int IniCJof any ltlii'l, done In bnslninssl vie, semi your ordcis lo Hie I-'uke I'k'i^s.- orllc*. Hatlsfact Ion jxnaranleeil.' CDCC I APy ne'i-son who will make ErilCk i and forward men list oi the names of reliable persons oi iiu-ii ac'- qnaintnncf wlio wli-h to proi iirei n in strument, either Piano or Organ, J will use my best endenvors to sell them one. and lor everv Piano 1 siiccredlnsellnp toMieli list. wlthhi oreyear, 1 wlll-crrdit them ii Itli $10. and Tor everv- Oikiiii *6, to bn applied on p . yn. cut rir ell tier a HI lino or Drcai.; and'when it n mount, to a sum luiincient to pay for an lnslrt-.n'Pnt sehcleilnt t o lalvesl iiiiolisnlt. p: Ice, I vrillliiimtdlatej.vsiilp tlicljuHtrnnient, free,orafierlinytjt' lant Is credited the balance miiy he i.,o.l me In cash . nd I will then Khlp them the InsYrnrrent, TI ry necdiioMie Itnnwr. In the rrijtter, nml wil I.be dolnjd I hclrf rU-n<b n r. nlttei.- 'vlce, tis I Hhnli innUe speclnl iifcrnto thorn.scUin..'ir nperlel- liisdiino nt for from oncliull' In ivii-Miiri'H wlint In or.llnnrllv aslred hv ,\u ills Pie: sesend me a lis' at once and nfi er yon ha' * mndo iunnirv "voo ran eihi to if.. ArlciresH u\MKl.I".HKATi'l'V WiiHidnglon.Netv Jersey. JTJST O^'En^TEilD Another lot nf Josephine Kids, in black and colors.-.. Another lot of '. handsome cheap Kinbroideries. ty.f' Alwnys opening New Goods at (lie Fasliiohable West End the Leading House in the Trade for Choice Goods. A. O. BUOHAM/ Fnslilonalile West Knd Dress, Millinery mid MamieKstabllshment. Oitolph, .Murei.i 11. 1S7S. SCHOOL-BOYS inGr! i A large lot of suitable for Boy's Clothing ' - ' '. -" EAST END CLOTHING STORE. Gleaning: out tlie Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Inducements to Gash Buyers. ^ . Also a lot of G ents' Under- :clotl]in<r to be sold cheap for cash. Remember the; East End Glo- To Merchants and ot&er Business Men in Acton, as well as throug-hout the \^ : .. County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising i" Medium. i - ti i OtTr Unrivnlled Facilities for Executing 11 kitfiioi J^ BOOK AND JOB PRINTING finable us to turn out work efjsl to anything dene in thacitWlJ tiling Store. Acton,February .li 1878, "V- FYFE & McNAB; MOORE & GALBRAITa Pttl)UsiM as* 2roprlti.: -&

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