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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1878, p. 4

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V ' ItKfsg&j 'tit"f feSl ^-: t*-^?.-; - .r2* .-a-iai ' "Si" _ * "f-lsSfl rt-v. .^*a l?"?i ' 'HH mm > -^ IS Wm: TtiAlH It -^IM - sffil nr \&<^^Sm aEBk.- ' -i BOIL IV [)tl\t >. l^____________ Whatever you li.ru o to say, my fri"iid, Whatever witty, or >:r.ivo, or gay, Condense r* union as iays von can.' Ami say it in the readiest way : .Ami w bet leer you \vrite.nf rural all'airs Or of matters ami things in town Just take a won! of friemlly mlvice-- JVSjl itdown, '. go" When a couple, of Illicit would >lo. I Wlmt' |b the difference-, between it di'iiuinoiit printer at.d a Hind lrt'.nloiij ( One tramps-tho track '--find the nUu't' t'i'iicUs tliti.tntiiip. A.Tox-ts cn'itor accepted n posti tiou on ti l^ahituoiv paper, ninl the lirst week ho Jwas urivsti'tl throe timos for lihul.Vjil stt ikiit.Lj ui'gii'. ntojittv with four-oH'cndcd individ mils, vyho--eaino in to riors"owhi| ui go SP' n eon pin Your butter is spread s-ouiueli. yon see, ' y,, uh,j W]ls st;XV,lieil between The.' Tliat the Weait-'ooKs plainly tliuiuult; i r it ti 1 ,, .'; i., .... 1, r 1, when you haee a .lory to tell. *I.ou do,,blade.8 0,0 1,-gl.t lit, he. .'(" !."" :$ i^ . So, Ami ivouU like a little renown, To make" cpiito sure of your wish, my frit-ud, ! ...- Jtoi! it ijown. When writing an artiele for-tlio press, - Whether prose or verse, .just try . To settle your tliou^liu ill the fewest v\ ortls ' "" '. Ami let them In- ciispsonl dry.\And when it is finished; .ami yen-sup- i pose It is ilohe exactly blown, Just Tin.'), it'Over ajta-u and then -:j ftoil it ^low n. jJTFor_e>litors ilo not lil.e to print '-"- An artiele tnrily !.':i.j. Ami the getters I reader .lees Hot care ' For a coxiplo ot yards of sVnj; , So gather--your wits jn the smallest tna.ee. If you want a little renown. And every time you write, my fiicud. Boil it down. 0 TOE lVIsn OF A YOl * I V1>Y. W"ante\l a ham! td h>hl my o n, -, As down life's va'.e.l i;lido ; Wuteil an arm to lean upon,. For ever by my s';de. Wanted ra firm and steady foot. With step secure and free ; To take its straight and onward paeo Over life's path with me. Wanted A head above my own ' ., . - So much, that I might waik-'beiieatu Its shadow, o'er me throjvn. Wanted an eye, within whose depth Mine own might'look, and see, Uprising from a guiltless heart, Overflown with love to nie. , Wanted a lip.-Vhnse kindest suiile \V(-uld sjvak ""or u:e ale-ne ; A voice whose richest melody , Would brc3th aaeettetis toue." W"anttd a true, religious sou!, To pious purpose -givea; -WE:h tvliom mine i\\ n Tirglit "pa-s a:on; Th: roa-.t that !c:;.is to Heaven. J I - :______ I wits lotivins; tho ollieo. At tho ex piration of! ten dny.t he resigned his ;poKttioii. lie s:iid editing a newspapet in H.tltiiliot'o was too tame woik- "not enough vatiety mid eseiteinent in it for Tiim ; and he lmd concluded to ret tint to Texas, where u'u oditor',s duties were more vuiied and rei] jiiud a kiiowledijo of pistol pr.iet ioo. A eouutrvuiati paying his tirst visit to : tilasgow, met with .par ticular attention from a frit nd-who accompanied him during" the day to .llie'VHi'ious curiosities of the citv. In fho -evening; he tonlc-lwin to tho tlio.it re. rAndrew had never seen n play, ii.iid had rib iiiea of the sort of entertainment j to be got there. Tht\Jrl had:,not bec'ft long; tsiniTed be- -fme tlie' cui'tain rose, e.nd tl.e fi'St scene commenced with the uproar of a ilonustie sqnatdile.- Krom "" words tbey came to blows," and confusion . rioteil on tlie stagv. While -The battle raged,; Andrew- very cot-lly tttniing to "his friend, whispertd, "We'd as weel Kan.g liwuie, for I st'e iia?thing wjli be di.ino.here the_ nieht, a.-, they ;hue -cepst'ti oot atna'.ig themsul's." &ycr*s Cathartic Pills,. Krr tin- mVrf- Vul cu.c of all (itTumreiiiCI^ in ti'.c .-t,'if.:i"!!, liv* . er, .ii'.l Linvel>, Pjn-t ii'i.T, m t>\.-<.'!lo^i i-u /a- uvi'. . lU'iiiir pm> " ly vV.-C'-ai'lL'. tJioy c\'i[Iii:i' i:i> "i"r cr.fy .or mii.^r.il ,-^ iEilrvt-r. ^i;:. It H p-i Tt Id |i CO ' h i of m. 1 g : & ;0 a But not;Destroyed.'.'. ^VJ" PRESS, ACTON, 1IALT0N COUNTY,, ONT., MARCH 21^1878. "i-'i 10 ; ^ iyii tx -. ^ k C- fH - <i- #4 ^ rxi C" w O: . <bii pq ^5 ' ' ^ J I E. HcGABViN pa s ft Chemist & Druggist, Blornbci' of , Gollog'o of Phai?raany ; By I'].\-:imitiation, \'ort!i HUle Mill Htrcct, ACTON ONT. DAH8EL F. BEATTY'.S EXANOS & OBO-ANS OUT npements with Uilton', Cor an Hiving Tundo arm .\iitcliell, of ngency for tho salo of Sd3h. Dj:rs. S'r.i,m)t:3, KotildisE Drossoi Floorialff. snoatinj, Wrviusco:,, Slain;-, ai. :1 am propared :tf furni.-li any.of lluv,' bo'vo, at pric-iis that defy cojn- pothion, plcttJo .cili and see s.mi Boots' 5s S!ho:s. CRAlNE' & SON iwivu JuhI received a full line of FELT GOODS, J OVERSHOES a;id rubbers for'wiiittir nuo. GKT. YOUK H SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN to or.oaauD "wors. Picture rraming DONE AT C.W HILL'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY Ill kinds of MoulUncrs koptin | Btock. 32-Gpi x THE ACTON I pies of moul litjg, chasing elsewhere. &c, ocfore pt:r BEATTY ^iVi AM' I'l'ltl'lllt.an UK VJ,"i'V'.-.t:i-:l,Kr lllt.tTKIl li-lltHKN H^Ntilll.l) ('Alt- l,l>i; OKt-< \N-tii'<-lt:r s\ve"le*-l toileit at:(l most- (ii'ileel hist rem. ins i-wr l foi < njau-.f ictmeil In Mns or any <f'ir i-oiui- U'y. 'I'Ikt orl't" is. t-liytlei'i-i-cl i< einui, lllelll. lit SI illsciltlltt-. "Ilil teim <-i Ill" for.* giv- li. ltoel-; holtoni panic'i-rieent now l":ul.v to Jo )l>--ls, ;. ! UN. un-J the trail**tu :; in-riil. An i-Mrr. 'llleserele- Jiialed iniriim nis .-Tier flar.o nr uit.';'i. l-oxe.i lilet slilppetl any who: e.'oil l llvi- ortil'tet-ii days' list nlal. Mi-ihj- it- fui-ili-d and frrlulit eliiirji-i I'.iid. I.otli -va\s it In -my u;ai- lit s;ill-l.ictoiy. I-'.n 11 >' w.w r.Ktili-'l lor six vc;il. i.s si r li-ll\- fitx- i-ras-..t I'.XTitAUItlilNAKY I.IHIOItAl. lH-COi; N.-l-s-ri, en to Clill-eln s. Soi.ools, i l.iid-,-ijs. Halls, Miiilsiers, Tch-Ik is, eie., I In "i 'i'-r to halo I ti.'in . lit !*'> -nci-d at one.- , wle-ic-l have noamnts. ThoiK-ands ni,w in use. New lllUvlin'od Ailvi rl Kfl (I u'a l--gue: ICitlilonj Willi list if lei-tliuiilil.'if.--, ivw r-a ly, sent ire. K- a ,il--l:i o In isvi. .Vidros. OAMIL F. Ci-ATTY, Washtti^ton, New Jersey, i:':'.\'l ::Vc':.i"oirt!.in.Vl\,:- \:., pii-.-d. 1 BLIWD3 30 CEHT8 PER FCOT. Kindly thinking customers for I'tistfavtirsaiid hopingstill'to meritia i.dr share of your'Jprf.tronage. I am re.specuuljy yours TIKIS. EBBAGE, Agent. Simp at.NIr- Oeoi-faii's old sliind AetuO, Dec.-UTtti, HTTJ - ^>U-ly. A Bad Doy. I %; Teacher Devii, i: is a bad iv.ial " : j |iy- 'Icquisitive bov , bad i" " . " ,:"." - Teacher '" Yon try to find out." Smart boy I know why. L.^-ave' 'out theD, and is is evil; leave but the e, and you have r.V or vise ; leave out the v, and there is (7 or ill, bid;; then leave out tho i and you w^l hava /, he!C; so it is liud anj-way. it ileii of decision Judge. A feathered fraud the gull. -- Foot rule Avoid tight -sloes. An enormous swell A baloon. A qoiet spirit A whiskey still. A favorite exclamation A lass! r Every honeymoon has a man in Cold comfort Ice in hot weath er. Children's wear ! Who'd think it? - _ :' An anctioneeFs motto Buy and bay. Tliff over carious are not over wise. ; Best stable butter Billy the goat. A seamstress' exclamitioa "A bem?" - " { ' The end of the world to'mnle money. ; 1 Imposing figTires Booked ac- " counts. : Cross-eyed mtn'are naturally x sigh ted. Tbe . tobacco chewer's music Spittune-:' So.mftthing for ladies' ears.only Ear-rings. . What, makes it pair of bjots ? Two boots. England wants, to collar Kussia, but can't, find the c-uilar. Choose those, companions who administer to your improvement. It is said that lime dusted over potatoes will prevent their decay. Truth, though it alwayn liea be tween two extreme.s,does not always lia in the middle. A gargle of sulphur and water basjbeen uf-ed with success iu some - cases of dipthetia. Patient rubbing with sweet oil will remove finger marks from polished furniture. To treinup a boy ib the way he should go, it is necessary to switch him off occasionally. Who "is the la:iest man? The furniture dealer. He keep-3 chair.-) and lounges about all the time. The gjrj who said_ she would not marry the litist UHtn living, com promised by marrying one of the worst.- - -; In Arkansas neckties are cheap. The crowd puts one around your neck/filhigK it over it tree, and1 it doesn't cost you anything. An., anecdote- of llr. Gerrefc "Smith relates that ijiii'one occasion, when a visitor had outstayed his welcome and had becouio a preter natural nuisance, Tilr. Smith in the morning prayed for a blessing to 1 descjad upon " uiir viNitirig brother, pwbftsHll this <iav depart from us," I j-r-i-.t-.t t!i.-:a to i.e.-the .-.it',- t, -::.,'.-[, %.i>a !i.-t :' all the I'ill.i A'.'h v.hii!i 1*1^ amrki-t .-.!.-.-ai-.a... n> Ki-lr .., :.--il-a.-d n-e. li. - Mood <: :-.i..a--d". the s-r-u-in er- oio nr-Ci-v o.-ja': ruit;-,,,-! tn it^ lu-althv activ- le.-r.---.-l p-^.-.:l- \v!:i.-h l......i::.e tli.rr-l a.-.p.-iii--.-:-!i':.j_i . : -,.n->-I S.y !:/'i-f fills. : :"! -!r u.i.i:-.-^ :a:-< a, t:on." 'i'-iais itn-ipi./at ',!- 1~ ,v.!l><' '1 ihi-i hi-allk,tiie v-ihie .if w!i'i"tt e'l : -.-', V. a n arVinnniii the v., j r--.fil:itiide--'a .':o i-njnv it, r.ia lianilv tic nm.. ;n;!--d. T:iAr- M:^ar-ci-alin?- make.--- ti..- ;-.i-;-.:nt t 1 -.-'.!;-, and pn-i-r-v-r- ttioir virf.i. ' -nuiinpai.-id l.r a".v lengt!! of lime, so t!i 1 'ti.:--.- are t-,-?r Ir.-. h, .-.:. !y reliable A!:].GU'..'.i >e.o. !:i!,_-. titey .-.re mild." and u;er- 1 at^ ivitliMUt di-r-a: irau-.v 5 *.h-j eoa.-taati'JU o" du-t od oi-ciii-.ttiiai. r'uli ii: c.-ti"!-.- arc iri.^n on the wrapper to. earn L<\.h"-.v ::> e-c tla-in a- a l-'amily rl:v.-ie, aao for tin- I'l-li..'-.-. i::^!c(.'::iidaiuts, v.liich flie.-e I'ill.' rapidly cure: 1-'".- Eiy-,.-<-fiiii or Snflitr(-ilon. l.:Mf- le*ne-. !..lQi-ticir, aa-l L<,W cii ,4lirt-. tite, ti.ey- -iriald 1-e taken ne-.L-i-a^U ta stiaudar.-tti- -^t.-iaach, aad re=t-jrc it^ healthy^ tone and a;-:i'i:i. ; . For X*ixee Complaint and. it3 vari.-.Ua yiiiptm=, Ctlitiu* ICeadacIie, Jiiclt If t-iitl-.icti<-. .Tiinr.iilcff or <^rr*-n Ml<-k- ( nr, ^I.lioas Ctilic and IJili<>t; - < i?r. ttrey .dHml'I Ik- jiati-inii-lv taiit-n-lur each ra.-o* t' com-rt tire d--f-a.c-l a'-tion, o^ remove llic oh.-tni.-tioa- tvhi-h rail-e it- i V"'ir I>yKpnt4-ry or >turrliexii, hut onei milil ilo-c is genr-ntlly 1 ttjnir.".1. For . X?livu:ii;ti7u, O'oaf. <2rjvoI. J'aliiitacioti of tli^ Hmirt. >>iln In tlf ."it!r, liark, and S.oin>. they ~t:o:-.ld '.; :mro the di-ea.--ed a.-tioi: of the- ~y-tem. Willi such .:tiaa.i:e tho-e r;mpla-:its df^appcar. For Brt>i!- to-1 I9rop>lral finy .1- :n^*. I'ic> -hv-d'! -..- takf?n- 111 t.a-ire and fre- |t:fi!t I'oi-oi to priiiiticcltie effect of a dra.-tic >ar-rc. . Fr>r Sapprp-i<io:i. a lar^edo.-o i-lioiild he aken. ;:-,-j[ produces the tleiirial elect b" sytnpathr. ^ ) As a />;-iner 1'W. tahp ooi> ortwn Pil'ln to proiao'.e diccstion, and n-licvt- t!-? stoia-tt-h. An oce.i-ional da-r- .'tiiaulate-'.l.e -loin.irh -Ollil li.iMi-1-, restore- 111.- l]ii.e'.i-.'. 'O.d ilil igor- a;, y :em. If.tr.ir-o" it i-.iut^n ..dv.-nta ^i-iia- -\v.:>i..e u'fi ^Tc'-loiis ,leT-.':n_-cfri.-:.i e>;irts. Oan -,vl-.., feeU-tolc-i-:.!,:-,- well, i.t'ivn lln.l- :ha. a da.-o i,f: these l'UU "makes him feel ,ieei,. o<\\y hett^c, from ttieir ele:in>:ntr aad reno vatni^ effect on the digestive apparatias. ' 3 fbefareij.'ev. Dr. 3. P ATEE &. CO., Practical Chemists LiOirEzi,, .ir.tss-..- v. s.-.i. J3 Siir uv aio. br.^-'vGis-rs iiVizav-uriLtuT U"li of the I.' i:tc-y S to uuswt'rtlil ; id .-er litvn:i l'. !!!: VTTV Jer.-ey. 1 Provln Hem nt. Ad.lre-s W'ashlne.tqti, .Sew QRACE'S CELEBRATED gALVE r ehc Hurrerrr. A Sure Rcllrrfu PlttPA SETH W. FOVV SO lt.vitaiso.N IIOST-'N" (JltACH'.S CELFAM Is a Ves^tabtc By reading an4 pra<Mldl the Inestimable truths con taint-din the beft tnedica book cTcr liaucd, cntillet 1SELF-I'ItF-SEMVATIOK Price only $1. Scntbymal on receipt of price. I' treats of Exhausted Vitality, rrcmnmro Dcclloo j."crvou and 1'hydcal Debility, and the endtesi concomitant Ills and untold miseries that rcsui therrfiom, and contains moro than 50 original pro criptions, any one of which is worth the price ol (he hook. This book tvas written by tho moft ex . tennive and probably the most skilful practitionci in Anicricsvtowbomwas awarded a poldnndjci? cllcil medal by the National Medical Asfociatlon A I'amphlct, illustrated with tho_vcry_ flasa Btccl Enpravint;* a mar- " " " " . vel of art ana beauty I sent rltiru to all. SetiJ ) for it ot oDce. Address I I'EABODY. MEDICAL 1N"STITUTE, No. i Bui. &ach St., Boston, Mut, SOUO.Jb TEAGHEK.S^-oT easily increase yri'ur salary devoting a very Hninll portion o( your leisure time to my interest. I do'not expect you to canvass for j my celebrated Beatty's I'i.-itios aid fOrgans unless you see fit. to;vbut the service 1 require of youls doth ideasant and profitable. Full par- ticul-irs Tree. Address DAMEL K BICATTV, jWashington, New Jersey Hepafriiig'prouiptly uttendeil to. CRAlNE & SOH Uccetnber.lTr IS77.. ITriE OLDEST CRGCERV KdUSE IN ACTON Is tho plaio to get good cheffp ^'roopics, ' 1 Q rockery, - '. Hardware, T^B PKINTINdpfallklnds neatly vi I ^> romptl y oxecutetl'At tb FREE PRESS OFFICE, .Vcxi.thcI'M- Olllce Mill Is-trCOt. U" nmi OCK full NEW DOMINION )T & SHOE STORE Opposite Agnew?s Hotel, Main 1 Street, Acton. can hv :i> ii'y : LE &. SONS, AVH.NfF., 31 ASS. t.VI'f-L) SAI.VE, Preparation, Invented In th:- 17tti c Jl nil Grac -, Sur^eor army. Ttiro-ai;lt i:>, thousands of t hl> tnu: wounds that twilled !he st;lll of the ino-t eminent physieians of lil.i die, aoil was reiraru'ed by tilt who ' ichc-nefaf-tor. mu.y by Dr.AVil- i 11 Ktnu James' agency lie rnrcd : serious sores and Arid tie .departed. Ayer's H^irVig,< For restoring 'to Gray TTm> its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing fhich ir, ai once agreea ble, healthy, and effectual for pr^serv- dng tne Iiair. It . soon rs- 'stores faded or gray hair to its original color, with the gloss and freshness of youth. 1 Thin hair is thickened, fall- ing hair checked; and baldness oftep, though not always, cared by its use. Nothing can rastoro tae hair where the.follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by this apclication, and stimulated 'nr/> activity, so tnafc a new growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean andyigorotis. Its- occasional use will present the hair fr-Jin turning gray or falliirg off, 'ind consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality-, it gives to the scalp arrests and-- prevents the formation of dandruff, which is often so ui'cleanly and offensive. Free from those deleterious subr stances which make some" prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to tba hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not jiarm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else ran be found so desirable. Contain ing- neither oil nor dye, it ioes not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on.the hair, giving "; p rich, clog?" ItLstre^ and a gratefu. fif rfume. Prepared by Dr. J^C. Aye.-; & Co., P^9cHcal and Analytical (Inata's " . ' ZOWJST.T., JITA8S., BOiAj jr* jm, DEUOOISTS EVEB'rUEa* l-l-.icn 'Z> c:j:>s cn.vcL's cele:i;$ itk- s.ilve t.-fui FT.E.srr ^e6t-^-ps, na itur.i-M, cimaii.Ai.v srnti. i.ies. .kl:v Vi-oi:MS,CA!,t.i-.s;:-, .c.it.ii iiiiaIi Bl'llNS, S'-AI.II-i, Wor.N us, j-KS'Ti:i:s, 1-1r.14.s- li-.NIONK, nr-rj:, WA.HTS, t'I*tI'I.'KS, ciiAf-iM::i ('..M'Q'lH. s.hk-v si INe.s, W1..-.-SI, Ali:-KSS, Hi-i-.M.N CPTS III.ISTKU ITCH, INOr.OWT-.r, NA1I.S, NP.TTl.K I'.ASIT, lew.liim i.s a jiiib- s. A i;ox. v:v.-.< i.i.-n:s, salt i:k ltt:t;.\sx, :l.i:in<;- JANDS, IT.I/iNS, Pl.'-I-US, SIIINOI.KS. hi t i:s, KltllCKI.E.S, llOII.v, WHITLOWS TAN scntvr, MfalJClTO AM> KLl:. STINC; I lilTES, Si'IDKit And all ciitarieotis diseases and eruptions yenenilly,! ". .... ^ For sale by all driie; at at] eouut--y sUires in ted .S:at"s aiel 'lirillsh by rriail :',o een,Ls li-ts. grocers,.and rotii,-iaiUt I lip Uni- I'roviutes. Price PHOTOGRAPH ward me their wish to obtain a Pi: exchange for Pho dress DANIE-Ij F. mgton, New Jersey W should for- hddress if Uiey no or Organ- in tjograpliinij. Ad- yEATTY, Wash- ma mills D. W. CAMPBELL, Prop Having piH-chased establiHhinejt,.I am | facture ' qASH, DOORS, " MOULDINGS, &c All kiiu ?L4 M ; Promptly att . u. w Acton, Dec. 4th, 1S77 0A3H FOR SKINS- And to arrive in a few days a supply of Wall ?apor. - Vindo-w Elir.do, Sw. In the latest Styles,iittd Patterns. I iiIho k( ep on hand a few of ileksrs shurly ic Die- .11 sell's- celebrated LANCE TOOTH CROSr'-CUTSAWS, The best now in use, All goods will be sold low for cash or pro duce. Cttsli for IS ides. CHARLES T. HILL, Mill Street, Acton; Feb. 19th, 1878. i SSNXTET 8s soar I . . VVitlb to*cull the attention of the in habitants or the Village of Acton unil vicinity 10 their immense |Btock of . BOOTS, SHOES & GBOCEHISS. domprising all the latest styles in Boots and Shoes. t|rdere.l Work receiveaourspecial attention. .Repairing promptly at- tended to. Owr Grocery Department is the BEST NEWSPAPER 3?ublislie& in Saitoh Oaunty I. Is well supplied'with Teas, Sugary, ! feruitls, Bisbuits, ",>*' I Tobaccos, Soaps, I-! -Coffees, &c, &c Please call and examine Our Stock. ; KENNEY k SO^ Acton, Dec. 121877. $1 OILY !$ H'e .ire iircparod to pay tho holiest cash jtrlue wo^t ot ToiMtito for nil cl:;. "scs i>f - .SlK-cfi-ilcins and Calfskins in eood cunilitiou iklivcitHl.it our tannery. H'e-wisli it to be distinctly understood that we pay the Hjghkkt Pltici; for such. Farmers Mill study their inter ests by bringing their skins to us, in stead of ix-llin'g tlictn' to Miililletneh and Peddler:;. " ' STOREY, MOORE .t CO. .c^tory re- cei\'e the highest;iirice tor them. oLuni,i , .>te/i.ivi. iv lY-rsons leavinit skins at the f;/dl of \V. II. Xtoim-.v ,t Co. will- alliJ w iU*l \$ F2A3JTO W 1=3 IM1C3SI j , OBGAN -, ThereisnomanufacturerofPianos land Organs in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Be.itty. From eyery State and Ter ritory comes the sam4 verdict. "They are theib'est in the world." IHtistiated Aflvpitiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. : Address DANlElj F. BEATTY, Washington, New Jersey. "AXTE. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele- grajili Operating for oflices opening in the Dominion. Stamp fpr ans'wer. Address Mana<:ki:, - Box S">r>, Toronto. ^he above namcil repared to UKinu- .3 of .'tided to. CAMPBELL. 22-3in HdOtt^K I' I a 11 o ii, -Brand, square ^ I Af^ O 3 ilronouiiced'by tho .-^..im.. *,'rpi<!SKniid tho peoplo AND us tlie- most, Leifutlful iinilsweet- irtn est toned 1'lnnosjover munnlncttir- ORG AMS. to1-,Hsr.1 ?,3 i^iU-Filii-iK"",lr',Tinj -_i'gtai. iironoiiut-ed tnn MIkSHIHGTON, riem In the worjd. NEW JERSEY. Bdtiiiy'H celebrated ylneii Ton^iied l'arfor Organ. .Vny man'trt.iet'irerelmllen^ed toeinuil tiiem. Tnoy iiosfesH power, ilupMi, brll iiiney and syiuputliotle delicacy, excinisitely lieautlfully snloeireclsjantl tne only stop tction ever Invenleil Itiat ennilnt lie ills- irraiiKedby use.. The bellows .capacity is ko ureal that but.llft e ellorl lsreitulr- id with the feet to s|!ippb ali tlir-j nlr neness-iry. Host mnileaiiil most otewnrit iisck In the inaikoi All solid wood rnaihenls. Kvery instriinn-nt fully war ranted for six yeiirsni.^trlel.lj'-tlrst-elass, inrl soul on from .1 to IS days'teut-trl.-il. A-ldressI>.l>ii:i, -. BK.iTTV, WuBhlnj tn Now Jersey. ' I GONSURflPT^ON GURED. AN fiui I'nvsleiAS. iT-timl Iron, acli-cpmc- ticc. ImvliiE 1m ,,i.-,,. .1 h, !ii l,ai l l,v mi K Jmlm Mu.i.ii.iir? Oil- feriiiieu ..J a Vi^liiile llcim-ily tur iIil-.jinilv i.ml ivniiniiciit cure of CoilKllliiiilii-ii, Asllnnii, Jliuucltitis, (iu,>,; /,, mli'lTlin-iti-.i t.-iT.,- -Altoctlona: ol-o a I'o.itirc nml 1' <!-, : < n r f..r Nerving De- lulitv o. J nil NYr>.,u< CmiC'n!.. nllrr huv.j tup tlii,.r l U, WMiMl.-rliil rutntivi- B IK..wcrliil.-i | ,..nM-.<. tn-Ml lii. dulv In l.iakcit kneniilii lii, Milli-i-li.e ri-lliii. Arm- 0|V" ">' "'-......lilt- "nil a tiiii.iii-ialiin. thUt- ,n rtht-vt; liimniii ui!!,..'!,,... h,. u i;: n'lnj Vllf-.h of c-HAitt;!-:. a, .. ilh lull -Jini-ii..i;, | r ,ir.,ir.iiii-'iiiiv .i.i-t-i-.,nii- ly usuij;. S.nt l,y f.-nirii .mail l> odtliciiiti^ Mall Lliinip, iimiiii,^ tlii tin-it-/. i it. v.sii:vi:ns, . v&v. lioitti, huutaivtu-ii. Ont. TV ES5IHHNESS MEN. If you want Hilllieads, Statements, Let ter heads, Koveloi'cs, Mercantile l'llnt- l'ug, of any kind, done In business style, send your ordois to Hie Hike Piikss oftlcn. Satisfactioneiinrjinteed. EDKC I A"y Porso|i who will make. FHKC ' am' forward me a list ot the naniCR of reliable persqnK ol ihelrac- (liiiiliiliwicr wlio\wf(-li 10 proline I'll in- Htrument, eillier Piano^or Orgu'n, I will use my best oniloavors to sol1 tlieni one, and for every Piano I succeed In .sellinir to t ties t list within oceyear,l will credit t-hem.-Willi i?IO, and ror every Orgnn^5, to be applied on payment of either a Plnnooi-Orsniij ami when It amoiiiitsto n sum f-.nfrieieni to pay fibran lusl rcntent seleeledal t. elowesl lhole.ale inice, I wllllmm. dialely sHtpilheinsti-unient, free,ornft.eruny ii"iapt. Ik credited the balance may he imiil.ran In ctiKlinnd I will then ship them tho Instrument. T! ey npptl jiotbo known In the matter!, and will be ilolni; their friends a real ser vice, as 1 shall make special otTers to theni.selUmia niirrior liiHtrmiienl for from one-liair to nrn-lliii-ilu what is ordinarily aslced hvnRents. Plenspscnd trie a lint at once and a fier you have made Inqnlrv yon rat)' nilil to It. Adtlress l>ANinLP.BEAirT>' Washington,New jersey. . . 11 - TV EST ^ND GTJELPH. 3e.t make in ^Jagiish^aad Americaa Wait ' Oottensr ' "'-_ Best maks.iji Canadian Cottons and Sheetings. Best Goods mad in Tickings and Sairtings. o"crsT o^Eisr^:3D Another lot of Josephine Kids', in black and colors. Another lot of handsome cheap Embroideries. ' v 'g7.i- Always opening New Goods at the Fashionable West End rthe Leadin" House in thoiTrude for Choice poods. ^_ ? 1'aahlonablc West Guelph, JIarch H. 1H78. Aa O. BUCHAM, End Dress, Millinery and Mantle Establishment. SCHOOL-BOY'S lot V A large lot of ; suitable for Boy's Clothing at the E&shr END CLOTHINfe STORE. Cleaning put the Stock to make i "room|for Spring Importations. . Special Inducements to Cash Buyers. . "' ! Als6 a lot of Gents' Und^r- clothing lo be ^rold ehe_ap for ca'sl-i. Remember the ^ast End Clo- Per year^in advance. To Merchants and other Business Men ia Acton, as well \as throughout the Gounty, the Free- Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium. V -, Our Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds ot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Enable us to turn out work equal to anything done in the cities? thing Store. Acton,February 1,1876. FYFE-&. McNAB. MOORE & GALBRAITH, Publishers aad Proprietors. . S3" .. 1^"

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