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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1878, p. 4

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r? m Mr 1 f , ^r^^tfiaag2av>asaew^svcE^; 5? v.*. n;- -i.^ -ir-vl| t'.y.,' ngiiiSSJZjC^pTC TIIK b'UKK PRESS, AJUT-ON, ILALTON COUNTY, ONT., ivr. \or:ii\;_ ii.;jk t> siv. ^le- r-.irnod nln-ni't ly. en her lie.tl, "i-\ 1-"roll oh h-;-\ -l>y the way, I . TV it ;i\f t'io little nnvtMv 1 tws ; . 'A .1 .'.live, pir! t > jiVlV.-l" ___\ ' ^fiion sliooi.o.1 !e r ar.lont lover with t " 1'Tt' notion:; more tn-sny." " And this is, th -n, tho end of all My ]i!on*M*t ?:immrV ii!":-i:i," ^'.o.tnurnuiivil. as sin: loft ins side '!' ' sy-o.'.i- Tlio pl.iv where tlioy hud pi. iUo.1 their -truth. IWnoath the moon's s,,.'t boa n. X voiine; otiioer,- not. over iond of lighting, \\ aifi'd'on'- liis_ com mander il4 ;1)( i'VV : of n'/Am title to ivi|Mi's! loiivcl of absence-on' a visit to his fathor^md iuollii'V. .bith of whom: wire r\tfi n'tel^- ill'. " Y said (In- < lenoral." ifiyly, 'honor -(piosi Ii'iivd of nhsVueoon 'a visit i his fathor^md iuollirr. .bith of lii.nii: wrro i'\'lt< n'tel^- ill'. " Vt1:',' lid (ho (lenoral." dryly, "honor I vniir father and mothei, timt u<>:;r A deplorable state of affairs i'X ists in ran' ot tlio imiiiiI ios of Min nesota. In fho past two vats, Ifv IliVl ai'ii'S of growing wjn'tlt liv.ve boon "mind by yr.'siislopp is,-and now ill.- farmers, who. linvo L!0,(H>0 i\.",o. :j-'ady for soediii:.', inythnt >'I*hod thrm well - " 'by 'he -State tlii'V baiaiot plant Have nothing more to say." ! moie (lam i'iu' half offthv land pre ! pii'.-.l. .. . ". j T!i" principal of tr Public 'school I it P.issio, N...1., lias discovered the " !n? tolls mo I ivn i\;iir, and she A 1 oili'l !i.:.l to-.1.1 Fr 'in olio Ih.lt's r:.!i .-.!;! i'.i>l!y 1 oriST" Ai d >ho had .I'l-wovi a \ o.i. lie it hrs iv.iv aa aUorot A'i.1 miiiiilod \\it'i'.V,o t'.v. \Yhilo sho trol Kisiiinn".'! ir.a.-.y rial}-.- That to tlio rioli !> -].>nu', Aiui R.mc t !"0 i%o.id;Ti^ roniitii l.'.y "With n--> lov.' in iho son^. : i'xi-taiuv> of a si'ov't '[si'oii'ty, ooii- 1 .-isiin^T of a 'iniiaiuT t.'of pnpila <>i tlio institution wliosn. avowed oh- Time p-.s'-cd, ana sho, the fa!.*.', fa!so . lVio. . ' ** jv! iv.is to st".il tfont tlio stori's. r>,t "on a ividiiv'. -ive.s'.n : ' . Ths soi'iftv was ov^aiii.'od in ^renl ]U.:U\ e'ntres.' l'V Taws, Was 4auie.l lor nei-le ileea-, " t , ,. " . . . *li-i Aalknidlvnetiitoatliersoals. "n.loit.s ot n1,-m..1'vsl1i|.. .\\ 1.,'.. Who hroi^lit to him fioir r.i'o in. , \ 'h"<vt" I tno iv^isim [.".von pw ' sn^ 'ap-Xi'\v llOil; I - - ' MARCH 14, 1878. 0 <ll H V- lb S3' 0) U2 Co r- CI3 Eh u . t t &H t"tf Boots 8s SHo.cs. p " l>i r'oh : I love hiai still."s!a *' l'\\ :i-'I liim po to-il.iy !" }Io heir.l tlio slr^Ti.-e confe^sio:: i::r.ilo. And said : "Kxi'tise mo, pray ; My hf.irtjirhuriod with my \v:l'o, I'veiiv^rhiiii; men' to s.-,y !" V1KST LOVE, Ho'wlioiif 1 lovo.i in er.rly vea:?. So iv.'lij so tenderly ; V l:o iillelt With a tiivt passion's hope* ami fears,. A heart whieli time his iiot \\'.stilled. 'fan 1 for.-et him? U-.y l.y day 1 strive -. To r'::id no"- dreams fay eKi jre.-.i'.'.; t > York weeklies. A T.'Vt'alon attorney having dird oxooialiiijjly ]ioov, n r-hilliii^ snl> soription was set i-foot to pay the ox pel'so of i ho funeral. Most of tho attorneys and barristers havir.pj (sntisrrik'il, one of Uu'in nppliod to To'or, afterward Lord Vhiof .1 ns tioo N'orlinry, expressing, thd-hopo that ho.would nlso snhscrli.l'1 a isli i I - llr.2. ' Only a: shilling to' loirv an nttnrnr-y ( Horo is a gniiioa. Qo and hn'.y t.r.'nty-ouo of tli-ni.' IlisaveU-levea icaco irer-: rav raiml to | w __ . - drive. v ; b.ysr'3 uatlaar^ic .^iis, - And let another love my o.iriy lnvv [ - . rerilr.ee. I. '-/'I Tut nil fa vain I stplve .-.ud ffrive ib.'i ><""'--- V"- " W X- f r' 1^ r-'. v --'"?. 5=3 i 1 ! CAST But not D! HHvinp tn.ailo arj.iniToinonts with -v- '1. rc'.ief 'Whare'r I do 1 He eoTiies in ilre^r.'.e : On^V m. r^- see him ftlaml I>e.-;.]e my conch ; oaee r.ior? his ae.'CT:: ; -Tteep My s'.!:fer:iij.s-e.il iaoilss ; o:ice.::i-': . i:is han-i la mine so ^ontiy.'ir.oarnfu'iy. ^ -' -.> K' -'-.' . Tee- ..el-4. le.lhl i.l 11" Mr. Mi'tr-lioU, 'r>f| iipenry for Scvsli. Hoors^i-Tijjiss, Mouldine. Dursca .floor:! Wainscot ostiroyod. Milton, for an i\w. yi\o of jnc. sJioetin. Idina". Kc J.. L ioGAprfSi Chemist &, Druggist, .-' Manlier of Gollogo of Pharmanyj'^h.*' li;ivn just rcccivnl .1 full line of. r.y Examination, | FELT GOODS, !': Norn, K|io Mill Street, | OVERSHOES ACTON ONT.j AND RUB3ERS ! for winter use. t,DAK|ELsF.;B|EATTY^ PIANOS &"0B.aA2sTS RRATTV Pictuo. (in a .mi SPECIAL ATTE1TTIQ1T GIV21T - TO 0EnEHBDr,W0RK. . Ih'jKiiiiiij; pri)[ii|illy atloinli'il Jo, ,VNn lU'lIldH'J'.an iii:iTTV'sr:;|,|., ItltATI'M) (i'H.lll"N 'K)N(Jlll-.l) I'AII- l.l I It Oltii \ ,N lire I he Ml cries I I one. I mikI IIK.M eerleel 1II s I t mil til I s e v.r " li.foi e inaie.f ie: tir.'l In !'lii> or nny oi. r eoiin- Ir.\. '1 lie ..ej-l.i is ehulleerid [o eijini, ilu-nir 1' ^ 1 .ti'-rounl ^ "nil lerm <-vei lie. l.>ie i:i\'-i'. I:...--- t.i.iioiii jianie rr'ei si now I. a.l\" I-. Jo .1m-i>, areiiis, iin-1 llif; Ira.I" In i; *- I'i.i t ! Iii-lrnlil Ills .|'ln I- I lain or - _ u,Ki, !iiiE OLDEST CHOCERY HOUSE live oi [ill. i ii .lays' lesl trial, Minn-j-'r OiST YOU II Framing1 PONE -AT C. W HILL'S.. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY All oi.fiiij J Irindc of Houldiners liopt in \ '-'Stock. Deeuiuher 1-7^-1 S77. Olf I'ltlXTIX; <>fa!lkin<iK ly .n I promptly oxcRiiteil at th FRKK I'llKSS OFFICE, Mvvl flir Toil Olllcc .11111 Slrri"). 1 am proparod tho l.ovo, nt prhlos tli.u dol'y enm- potilion. I'lc.'u-(> it'SI I and sop s im- plos of mouHinrrj ,Vc., ncfore. pnr oliasing elsowhoroi fnniloil maI iVeiulil clinnret |,alil Imlli s'nysifl:i iny nay llle a'.l li:fne|o|-y. I'nlly M'urraiil e-l *. r slxieaifi asstrleitv llrst- <lass. I'.XI'HAiiltlUNivKY l.!lll;lt.\!. 1)1-Ci It' N 1'-. .^U ern lo Olm relws. Seliools, I I.<Iit"S. Halts, Mliiist'ers, Teachers, ei<., o furnish any of 1 hi ....lei-1<> have i Ii -n, . ntio Inee.l ai one,- Wli"I'o 1 have i.o n^. his. 1 liniisaihls n ' 111 Use. Now rin-I r:i'oil A. Ivor i iso i (I'll' n- ]..i:ii.. I-Mliloii, wiih list- i f le-it.noiilals, 'now r. :i.lv, <-.ni (r.-o. IN :ii.llsl:r .1 In is'a. A.j.i,.,. DAFJIEU F. BSATTY, Wash I n(.tl on. Now Jorsev , DLlf.'!33 3& CENTS PUR F39T; 'TviinKy tjniikirip' custnuif-rs for j'ast favorsatnl ho'p'insstill to merit a fair blmro cf yourj jvitr.inago. 1 am icspocifiilly yours "THOS. iKHTlAiiK. Apont. AeK.e, r.t Mr- iK-.'k>i:i's oal stniel Yfb.ieidj-ia :: lhi-e i:>. .-id.-.i' ^T-'i^ k'n i:v. i imo, my ta'e.igi , ii-.'.a a-ver, - Or set iu. :"re_- ivith aim to 'ive Jj3 reasonable; and yfm will bo happy. ; . Fly the pleasure* that will bite to morrow. ,- -ilen'-si ^vil manner?; live in nrasfi; ; their virtues we writo in water. ". Th^ro cir.net !io ijrr.'.i'rr- treach ery than fir.st. to raise a confidence, and then deceive it. To "ever active. m;laudilde pur suit*, is the dtntincu'ishing charac teristic of a_miia of merit. The bigJier character r. person supports.,-the more he s'noald re gard his minutest actions. What, is often'ttJr m r-d shyness,. _. is nothing iiiore than rellned seiis-i, and an indifference to common observations: ' ' Be choSrfnl, . hut not li^iit : familiar, rather.than intimate ;'^nd intimate with a very few and on good grounds. We are pvn raoze' sensihle of _- grief thanipl^'iP'.ir.- ; our joys pass in s. raoi-ieht. ieit our grief is are of long continuance. T^et not the emphasis of hospi tality lie m ho.l and hoard, hut let truth and love, and honor and .'" coarfesy How in thy deeds, i Do riglit and .fear not ; - tliou in ays t Vie sure that, with all thy consideration fop^.the world, tboii wilt h-3-ver satisfy'the world. Money, like manure, does no _' good till it ia spread. There is nol r real us * of riches-, oye.-pt- in the. " dL-tribution ; the. re-', is all con-. . C;it. .-" - A man should r.ever he ashained to own he has been in the v.-rung ; which is but Kiu'ing in otlif.tr words, that he is wiser today, than he was yesterday. " '.'__ wives and forty-four children art about to begin an internectitle legf I warfare over his will. - When a man wants to call puppy. Jin wliistlns, but u girl jijnt-' walks Along with her handkerehief floating, across her shoulder. A youth of Augusta, Ga , who. waH'married by a niugjstrate the other day, insisted that,1 the bride phould pay the fee, as. he bought the license. - -A California, man thinks he can ruin the ice dealers even more *-Sectnally than the present mild weather. Ho has constructed a faucet which contains numerous small'tubes inclosed in larger ones, _and between the outside of one and the inside *f tho other certain chemicals are packed that cause the water which is drawn.lrom the orifice to be as col 1 as icr>. Even boiling water, if allowed to nil: through this magic faucet, will come out cool and fit for ^lri'nkina. v ,' r.'-'i or. Ih^'.v ..l^.ll :-:h ti X !"!i:,*.y-'T Entrs-ctriofi, P.:i- \riy u :^.:i - -i".: o'linv, V t *,i\or CompV.i'nt rmi i(. T.".rif>:t tJ:* t' i" (m7 ZM-irrn'r;!, 1 nil f.:/' V- - t?, T- tivt, :vti.'.:i. :'*. tinit i>{ t M-"* I* lilt'! S:-i!^'- :i:nl I'mvl :;r-->- t" : - !>im;;j. :. r:r;vm, \\*.i-hij;^to:i, .now J-T-t-y. - IN ACTON Is tho plnro to got good cheap Groceries, Grockery, (2-las& asd Hardware, rHYSELFa^rvse^friOW IH STOCK, trcDtsofr.x]iv.irtr(l Vitality, PrcmstaroDcclino 'e**""" BM T^ WWSlJ KcrvouB and Physical Debility, and tbc cndlcci i coneotiiitijit ills*i.nd untold miseries that rcsut | ihcrcrroin.ar.U contains more tlianMoriginiil pro Atld to arriye \". a few days a full turirtlOTis, any one of which U vortli the pnee o) | " tholiock. Tliijbonk'waswrittenhytlicraortci I BUjiplv of tcn*ivc and probably tlie most Bhhfulpractilioncl j in Aracrica.to.n'licrawasitTrardcdapoMtniljew Trr-ii -p, - MTtTi fl ht- "HltT fl c f~r cllrd medal by the National Medical Anfociation I w-11 J?5.5Sr. Vfi.liaOT7 J^iiEaS, UC. A raraphlcu illustrated wiiii_tbe_vcrT_ tines : In tho 1;,tost .Styles and Patterns. -I By rc-.dlr.fT r.ml practlclni the lneBliinablc trmlis con tained In the best mediea book ever i^ard, cntillei pRIir.F-lTiKSErA'ATlON Stcd-Knpravincf a mai id bcanty- vel cf art ani sent rncn to nil. Send for It at once. Address I'EAHODY irEDICAL=iBEB>a INSTITUTE, No. 4IluUTHY'X Caci S:., Boston. Man. D lllv qCHdilL TKACI1ERH: Ymi can QRACE'S QELudilATSD gALVii A Sare Itr:lcCrar tlir SnCTcrcr. ri:i.rA];i.n :iy SETH V/. FOWLE 5t SONS, S3 llAltiusoiN- Avniruk, JlOSTOKj 31 ASS. ' I.'. ......-1_ " > " el "l'.i"0> ;rt. taiv . and l-h valine cTect or: r::e .!::.- :.. .:li.. . y > Dr. j. V AT2?. U CO., r-ractioafCVsiiri'- , , LsOTTELL. r.rA... r. S. i. IC2. zj.1*^ by /^. Dr-^irOiHTB rvn::i-ir::i:r.T cjiiA"ri-s rr:i/Kiin.\Tr-D salve, . Is fi N'e -?iahl.<' 'Preparation, lavenf't In til" lTtti OTinny 'vi' Kr.U'p- 11 nil (ir.io/'.-Sar^.-on In ICiin; James" nriiiy'. Tnroucli itil aitonry tie eared itions-inds of Iho most serious sores and wnn lids that I m Hied t tie Shi 11 of I lie nios; rmin'-nr-pliyslciims nr Ms d iy, noil was retarded i^y o!t wlio lEiiew tn'ln i>s. n pu!)- lc henofaetor.- i ; ritirr. 2"i fitNTs A iin.x. . Ay-er's ^ciLt-z-y JLX Por ^storing to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. 2.ir:rs rzir.nic itkis s.hve i'-i.K'Ui' wounds, rito/.i::; :.i>;iis, salt r.irm'M, rinj.m..\r.\'s, soin; nia/.sT, : s.-.r.- i.n'.s, i:i:vsii.t;i.\s, nisn- TOr.'.l.-'.l'AI.l.t'StS, SOAI.II JIK^IJ OIIAOITO HANDS, ' i nrp.:-s. c.inciuIs, nti.'acs, i s-.imh, - s u:ms, i I'Ceil'ts, wuryns, srii'os,1 snr^fil.i:-), rn-Tiins, wnNs, |- stii:s, ; i'lr.r.s ah-k-s; i.!ii:ei;i.i'.s, IirNIONS, SI'IIAI.VS,' IIOIIJS. iUTr:., v ri'TS WHITLOWS' v.'Ains, :u.isTi:r.s, tan' PI.HI'I.l'.S, 1'oii.vn, I Sei'liw, iron, isor.owivo N.iu.s viitti.i: i:as:i, :jfSCJLUTO ANI> KI.EA IIITr.S, Kl'IDiilt STINCS, .\.nd all cutanooie. dispieses and eruptions (jfiiorully, Frirsalo hv all dru^^lsts.itrirers, iinil at ail country stores t,i!irou^huiM the. I' lil ted Stat"* rind Itrlilsli Provinces. Price hy mall.'lu cents easily increase your salary by tlcvoling a very Btnal] portion of your leisure time to ray interest. I | do not expect you to cnnvtis.s' for I my .celebrated Iloatty's I'ianPs and i Organs unless you see iit tb; hut the service I require of you is hoih pleasant anrl profitable. Full par ticulars free. AddreFB DAMEL K lilCA'TfY, Wiishington, New Jersey GASH FOU'SK U"o Arc prepared to pay the liit^liept c.ipli pricu west --of 'Toronto for .ill cln.^scH of - ^ -SJuM^psTiins and Cnlftkius in ^ood condition <U.*IivcT^'d ut our tnnm-ryr ' Jl'e vrlfh it to 1>o di^tiiiotly'imdcrslond- that wo pr.y tlu? Mh.iii'.st L'i.in: fur such.. KannOrs w\\] .^ttidy tlfeir inttir- o.sts ]>y lirin^in^ tln-ir ?k:ns't-o. us, in- stt-.id of sflJiiiLr-tlu'in to Mithlleu'tn and Peddlers. " - . STOKEY, MOOIJK'tv- CO. I.^r;-n;;s leaving skins ;it tlic factory .of XV. H. .Stoiikv A- Co. will al.-o ru- ceivu tlic highest juice for thuin. also kocp on hand a few of- Messrs fcihurly A: Die trich's celebrated LANCE TOOTH CltO.S.^CL'TSA \VS. The best now in use. All goods will bo sold low for cash or pro i duce. Cash fortuities. CHARLES T. HILL, Mill Street, acton. ^ Feb. ]f)th, JS7S. NEW DOMINiON BGIOT Sc SHOE STORE (^pposito Agnew's,Hotel, Main ( Street, Actoii. KEXTHBT & 302T i '- . . Wisji (o call Iheatfenlion of tiiein- llahitants of the Village of Acton rin.1 vicinity to their immense sl.osk of LOOTS, SE03S & GP.OCSHISS. Comprising all tho latest styles in Boots and Shoes. Ojdei'od \Vork receivesourspeeial attejition. Repairing promptly at tended to. Oiif Grocery Department Is well supplied with Teas, Sugars, bruits, Biscuits, | Tobaccos, Soaps, ! Coffees, &a, &c. | '. __ Please call and examine Our Stock. i . j . KENNEY k SUM Actonr-Dcc. 12 1ST". - -AT THE 1 G-TJEJL^SI. THE ACTON B is the k ST NEWSPAPER Paeljlshed in Ealtoss Ooiiaty^ im&Y j$ Per year, iji advance. To. Merchants and other Business Men i M PIANO g i^j.i'.tii'.ji ORGAN" There is no manufacturer of Pianos and ()rgans in this or any other country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as has Mr. Bcattj-. From every State and Ter ritory comes (he same verdict. "They are the best in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue- Edition) free. Address DANJEi; K. 13EATTY, Washington, New .Jersey, r>*.- -f'^K. ^^Miner + t> ,r |i, Paris is to have an extensive underground railway system, with -iVur principal lines, all meeting be low the g:u"den of ^e Palaig 11 oval, where an immense" depot will be erected. Twenty-one million dol- ' lars are "to be furnished for the work'fiy; the geni-ral 0.ovorinentl t-.li*. -r-par'T.^nt of the Seih'e"aud the city of P iria^ ble, heal'.hy, .-'-'> --f--jjp\ ftni effectual W&fSjng tae hair. It soon re~ stores fadeel or gray hair fii7%-^^^C- .-" to its original color, with the r/hns-and'freshnessof youth. Thin hair is thickened, fall ing heir clir-clied, and baldness often, though not always,- cured by its use.. ^Nothing can restore tao hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed; but such as remain can be saved by thi3 anclieatioii, and stimulated 'n.f/ activity," so mat a new growth' of liair ii produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with' a pssty sediment,- it jyill keep it clean and vigorous. Its' occasional use will present tlio. hair" frJin turning' jrvny oruf.illinrr of}) "iiid coiifoqtK'iit.ly 'prevent baldness. The restoration ofi vilality it..gives to (he scalp arrcits anrl prevents the foniiation of urfnilruff, wliieh. ia often ho ureleanly and offensive. Free Trom those deleterious sub stances which make some prepara tions dangerous, and injurious to tlio hair, the Vigor can only benefit, but not harm it If wntited iiiere!v-for a HAIR JJRE.SSING-, nothing'else ran be found so desirable. 'Contain-' ine; neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and < et, lasts teng on the htiii, giving :; r rich, j*loss".ltLstre,.aiid ti gratefu pej-fiimo. *? Prepared by Dp, i. C. Ayer& 0o.f ^-icllenl and Analyliral f.'neni!. zoiriiT.T.. ,vra. A OKsiilllg | -f^HOTOCRAPIIl'lriS sbould for- fnicn 1.'..- ii, JL ward me tbeii-address if tlicy once agreea- wish to obtain a I'iano or Organ in Wo im-i'-ii... ' exchange ' for Pbologrnphinp.- Ads dress DANIEL V. i'jEATTY,. Wash ington, Kqw Jersey.| ACTOK PLAlimG MILLS D. W. (lAM^BEiil/,11rop. . Having purchased jtlnl above named e3talili.sliiiient, lam prepared toiinami- facturo' | : SASH, DOORS, ! .':'rMOULE|IN^S, &c in<iii of L & T57AXTE. Ladies and gentlemen to learn Tele- gr.-ipli 0|iorating for ofiioes opening in thed'oiniiiion. Stani]i for answer. Address M.\N.\ni:i:, : Box Ooa, Toronto'. ----'------------^---____":------ COPJSUPtlFTfaK CURED. Art ni.T> l*iivflieiA>. nlirct! frnm nrtho pror- a l\cr, JioviiiR tin" Jilfn'c-U hi 'ii hamlc liv nn" Knit H Iridin: Jlinlonnry tin- fuTimi'n i>1 a VcRt-taWc CotiAittiijition, Arthtn'tif JtroncIiltUt,' {'tttavvht c-Ti'l *ll Trirfat firri'-LunT AflVntJonn ; nl*n" A Toillive Ami Hiliral Cufcfnr Norvnus Do- bllltv ami nirN'rniiii* Cuiniilarnlji. nflrr hov- Irp tliorotichlv It tctl il* v.i.mlt rinl tnirotivr p'jwrrs hi tflou*ni'ti nt rnwi, i. rl it hii-<lulT ti> m*Vc It ktmirn U< Id* ..iiMrrinr- I.'Ihiw.. Ariii- aU'il liv tli:i ninl!v4>^tMr n riniRi'iri'.tiniin ilrirc to [| Ur CllAJUiK. td nil vhuctci-irc it. Ihii ircif.e. 3 v-hti tij|] 'JinrtiotiK (nr |>.-t|inriiiirniiv nirci'Mlul- )y win'/, r^rht li> iciurii mail ly ucIlI Mi Hi itniiiji, ncniini^ liiio paper. - l.u. C. bTKXESa. H.ti.y. JiuX tti, iJi:(Ji:iiVlU.E- O.NT. Proinptly attendL'd tot " I), wi CAMiJ,)lKLL. Acton, Dec, 4th, 1S77. . "-.... ; 22-3m J^B A S^ O S 'proiiounced'by u *m*.^nr/inr]ir^SB nn,| nlc |H,0/| i'ni it I'd'for Kixyo'irti tin's nii'l seiil on from .'i to ' tot.1. yry axr, dbcuoisth i!yi'.Rv~Ui:a.* ton :Vc:,JwsoV " ' ' 15 o nt t'y's I" I a n o s, 'finuiJ, Kijuart' and upright, are presfldllil tlio people AND as the most l.-cilutirul and sweet- =. est toned I'lnnos ever inaniitnctjir-' f 'S!1 ^>i^-sr-- i'Hnii.-iaimiM prononiioeilthe WASHINGTON, n'esi- In tlio world'. NBW J ERSEY. Jically's . c debrated 'iojiieii Tonitued I'lirlor Orirali. Any mamilact'ircrcl'iiHentreii tocijnnl them. I'lii'J' piiiKcsB power, jleplli, hill l.-incy and syinparhetlo .lolioncy, co|ii|KlteIv beantifuHy sol oo Hon Is, land ine only stop notion evol luvelllcil lljliteuiin.ol lie dis arranged by use. Tlie|bello\vs enpacli.y issotrreiil ttiat.butlltiljo e/lort Is requir ed with tile Too. to sopjily nil the nlr noeossnry. liestinnilehnd nirtsl elegant oiises In tlio-marlcoi. All. solid wood nrii'ininnlp. lOverytiisffnmont fully nr- '......" " ..... liofly ilrsf.plnsB, i d.iys'lest trial. *TTV, Washing rn KilHIMESS- MEN. If you , JL want liltlheads, .Stateiiients, l,et- icrlioiuis, Knvclones, Mercantile i'l int- ins.of'niiy kind,done In biislni's'sslvie, sfiinl :j-siur orders to llie.-I-'itF-K-Piu-tss olllco. -iSatlsraciioii cua ran teed. EE5EE ! Any Person wlio will make rllbb and forward meallstol the names of reliable persons oi llirlrau- qiialntiince who wish to juooiire r-n in- Rtrnment, either Pinno orOrfrun, 1 will nsoiny best ondoavors to sell them one, lindfor every Piano I sneoeed In Sellinc i to thai it 1st. within one year, I will credit' them with $10, anil for overy Organ So, to he applied on payment (if either'a IMnnoor Organ; imdAvlicn it amounts to' a Kiim nnflicient to pay for an Instrumont seleeloilat t<io loivo.sit Mllolosnle price,-: I willlmmtttlately ship the lustrum out, i rroe.oraflerany ai>'")iint Is credited the I balance mny be j.h1 mo in onshanij J will then ship them tlio Instrument. They nopd not be known In theinntter and will Iicdoliigt.lio1rfrjeiidsn.roiils-.r- vio.e, as J shnll make s]ie< Inl ofTcrstn tholiLsolllIlLMi iiperiiir tnslriiliii n( for from iine-linll In tvt (i-I1ihiIh what-ls ordinarily asked hViiKriiis. PlensespTnl me.a list nt onoe-anil nfior you have mnde Inquiry yon ran add lo It. Address HANIKljF^nEATTV Waihlnglon.New iensey. '.. ; Be:t make in ^uglisi. and American White Gotten?. Best make in Canadian Cottons and Sheetings. ! ' i- Best Gocds made in Tickings and Shirtings. Another lot of .losephino Kids, in black' and colors. Anothor lot of handsome cheap Embroideries. the Leading House in tho Trade for Choice G'oods. ' A. J BUCK AM, Fashionable West Knd Dress, Millinery and JIaniloJtstablishmeiit. Ouolpli, March 11, 1S7S. . " I ; SGHOOLi-jiOY'S lotliiiiG"! A. large l(^t of MA-OHEfflOBBra ' suitable for Boy' at thei AST END CLOTHING STORE. TWEEDS,! s. Clothing Cleaning' out the Stock to make room for Spring Importations. Special Inducements to Gash Biiyersr i - Also a lot of Gents' Under- clotliihg to be sold cheap for cash. Remember the Bast End Glo- ihing Store. AcLon.X^c'oruary 1,1878. FYFE Sc McNAB. Acton^ as Well as throughout th Oounty,'-the Free Press is.;an " invaluable Advertising i- Medium.1 Oar Unrivalled Facilities for Executing all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRIHtlNG^ Enable US0 turn out work equal to soy thing-done in theeitUf. MOORE QALBRAITH, PulDlislier? and Pro; a.

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