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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1878, p. 4

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I: I fy. '- I*? wapw^^iwygCTMMWHyi THE FREE PRESS, ACT01T, HALTON COUNTY, ONT,, MARCH 7, 1878. TOHMl. Mlki: UOIMI I OK lol'lt < ><i r., Frcii-Jonos, hatter, of,Leicester Square. Presents himself to yon, A&d Jf-i*u may ^ucss when he* i^ drvs^od, pLuirls lie knows a tow . AVidnw fell in love with him, AVhilo ruling in a train, ?!><? had a, blessed l\v Svith her, " Who caused us Will nfiich i>;iin. (SlMKKN.) hr oonfomulod yn\i|ii; urviiin caused nu> a t;r,.it deal -tt f,\m ami forni'.v : ami the v, Mow, his mother, intruducj-d me ,> him as his VlK-k'.! Fml .loli'M vas neve:- an 1'nel-; b"fi>ro, aud will never l>e :u;.iiu. not it he knows it. Ami the whole et the journey the mother said to the hoy-- '"Tommy, uuvko room for your undo, There's a lit'ie dear '. I want hiwto sit Jiere. You kuow~munn:a lias v't a htm. Ami that she'll give to you, (Soilou't annoy, there's ; . p>ed hoy, ^lake room lor your I'nele. do !" When first T met the firm of tlreeu, Tw.-is.^o my joiin-.ey down To spend a day at Kosli.vviHe, Just like a swell fiv'n town; Tlio Widow u>v,-,I ro!i:an:;e scenes, ,Aud a squeeze on the sly, JJnt when my arm v cut round-her waist. The boy- bewail io cry ; (SlN-KDN.) He dceiar-.-d1 1 wa? !u:rt- iiul would i'.n.iti- iia : " sitting between us. Only fancy, unk ing love nTa.jjirl with a hoy hi tlie-.v.vy. J3ut ehe skid to him iu a voice .~o svrcct : " Tommy, rqxke*rbo'.n for ycur .Uncle," etc, The mother told her levins son To -watch the yias-iii train ; But "So," he said, "my I'nele Fred Will kiss voivr hand :u.-f.in.'- The Widow "blushed rvnraJden.Mush,-, And 1 was not myself, For who could make love en a seat, In front of that your.;; elf', (SpokeV Yes, it .would never do to make love before the Imy, and tibo vrid- -ovrsaid. ** Not bt-fore the boy, Fred, not before th? l>oy.*' . Jiist thoa v.;e went ta eta tunnel, ruuVs-Ue sail, ", .,. " Tommy, make room for your Uncle,' etc In a sar^ retreat at ItosaervrUo, I \rent down on my kttves,-.' And asked if siie -would liy with-iao Across the bright blue seas. . _. She sighed, and said, " Yeu v.'icked man! - - "-_ ~* Aut'ho-sr about the child V And clasped Jiiir. iocdly to her brer.Dt, While 1 the agopy piled '. (SroKES.) I said, " My lovely of all lovely beings, krt-hs dy to some foreign clime, where I will protect yeu and yonr boy." She answered and rail,- "How about my little pie-shop in Seven Pial^V' "Ohj jPlcomsbury ; 'Jo you - -keep spje'-sfioi"!- - "Tommy, make room for yonr Uncle," etc i corn side*. A Tn*rt in Ids carriage was riding al^ng; A giily dressed wife l'y his aide ; In satin and laces she Rooked like a ; _qr:een, ' iAnri he like a king in his nride. A 'vrood sawyer stood on the street as they passed : '. The carriau'e and coaple he eyed ; And said as he worked with his saw on a leg, " I wish I was rich and could ride." The man in hh carriage remarked to his wife, - " One thing I would ive i: I could ri'give pll my wealth for the strength i and Vae health Of the fian who" is sawing the wood." " A pretty youns maid with a bundle of work, Whose faee, as-the morning tr-as fair, Went trippini; alone with a smile of-de- Ucht, While bnmming a love breathing air. She looked on the carriage, the lady she saw Arrayed in apparel s.j fine, r And said in a whisper, "I-wishfronrmy heart Those satins andflaces were mine." The lady looked oit on the mr-.id with her work, So "fair in her calico drc^i:, ' And said, "I'd relinquish position and ' Her beauty-and power to possess." Thna it is iiv the world, whatever our lot, Our minds and our time we employ In longing -and sighing for rwhat we -hare not, .. '. -_ ^ Ungrateful for what we enjxjy. Baby showsiiiave proved disas trous ever since, the one King Herod inaugurated. There is one trouble greater than carving a turkey - It.consists in not having a turkey to carve. This sort of winter is rough on manufacturers of sleighs, dealers in. "fiirs, and the oldest inhabitants. If a woman wants to-faint in comparative Bafety, Maine is.tlie' place to doit. A woman fainted il a car on a Maine railway, and' thirteen liquor casks were prompt-, ly placed at her disposal. In this connection it may be incidentally mentioned that, there ; were just thirteen men in the car. An -exchange speaks--t>f a Yer- moat editor's wife presenting her Husband with a. fourteen pound daughter.- Oh, jes, we remember the circumstnnce. The editor re- _ ceivtid the donation with hisaccus- "' fcom^d stpivity, and penned the following before he discovered that the gift was not sent for the usual puff: "A magnificent baby has been laid upon our table by Mrs. Blank, and we have no hesitation in pronouncing it the best that baa come und,er our notice this season. - We return thanks for the generous gift, anJO can only add that v^o hope __; that the printer will be similarly- remembered by many others of our v readenv" When the editor dis covered what a bhindar he had __ made, ho took a solemn oath never . to. write another puff, not even if j liia cellar was filled with.' water j- melons and his back yard with cordwood. The city of Boston hns 21 (i hotolu Population of Molbounie, is -->,- 000. (lood tlnngj -ccnomllj" ,001110 slow. - Roliitivo beauty pretty cousin. Littlri Bolgiuiu tiupjvofls /i.OOO,- 000 people. ' * " IVvoption ono cannot sou through --A glass oya. Tlio than who said ho whs out ou n lark was really out on a, swal low.. A ilruggist is not iimpiiropriuto- ly Urtia'd the chirf, pillar of 'so ciety, t New Vork is tho third city ill Ohristondoin in point of population and wealth. There rtre sonio 120,000 nlli^ntor skins tanned and used in tho United States annually. Sixty 'thousand paper cuffs and colh;to daily is tho product of un "A.lb::ny factory. j Thole nro s.-ud to bo over lJ^WO tlontists ,in tho United States in active business. It ia a stiiHigo fact that when peopUi indulge in liigh words i they use low langtiago, Springfield, Mass., boasts of 40,- 000 volumes in her public library. Good for Springfield. There are several provincial capi tals of China which contain over 500,000 inhabitants. Philadelphia has over 200 acres of ground devoted to public parks within tho city librics. ' >"o, nia'crr.,' said a grocer to an applicant for credit, '.I wouldn't even trust my own feelings.' Some of. tho .creeds insist that we must forgivo "our enemies, but that God is gciugjo fousMiis. There should be about -5200,000,- 000 in gold collected annually at the New York CusLrm house.' Los Angelos county. Cal., hss 40,000 orange trees, Which produce on an average, as the papet tells us, 1,000 each yearly. Id Switzerland donkeys have .beil.": on their necks. In thiscpun tryiiijnot unusual to see thepa with belie3 on their arms. ; The world is said to use 250, 000,000 lbs. of tea each vear, and 715,000,000 lbs. of coffee. China and Bruzil are the principal pro ducers. An . observing politician -says, that the difference between those going in and out of office is mainly this : the former are sworn in and the latter go out swearing. An Iowa schoolmistress has been discharged because, for the amuse ment of the children during recess. she stood on her head. One of the trustees chanced-to-see the feat. Among the uiariy surmises as to what will become of the.iast iimn, is'is queer tbatj nobody b.os yet dis covered that hb is'ilfSiined to Le talked to death by the lust woman. The publisher of a weekly: paper in Illinois prints in each issue a chapter of the Bible, and.upon be ing ridicrtte'd for ifby. his contein- Doraries, remarks editorially : VTe publish r.olthtng but what is news to our readers.' ' Hi '. where did you get them trousers ?' asked an Irishman of a man who happened to be passing vrith a pair of remarkably shui-t trouser3 en. ' I- got them where thoy grew,'.was the indignant re ply. 'Then, be nio conscience,' Slid Paddy, 'you've pulled them a year too Eoon. A 3Minneapolis boy was sent by his teacher, a-woman, to the.super intendent to be whipped. The lad. suspected the contents of the note and hired a boy ho met on the Etreet to'deiiver it, giving him ten cents. The superintendent didn't discover till after the castigation was over that the boy he had flog ged had not seen the inside of a school house for a month. A Dublin bill' discounter, who does business to the extent of $100,- 000 to::150,00e a month, lives arone'ln a largo house" in a respect able street, sleeping oft a stretcher, and having bills on jtho house an nouncing it to be letj'.i'a order that he may avoid, as ho has actually succeeded in ayeioTiug the payment of rates, on^fhe plea that he was merely taking care of the house. . A Scotchman, being examined by his .minister, was nsked: ' What kind.of a man was 'Adam ?' ' Oh, just like ither fork.' The minister ins'ted on haying a more special description of the Srst man, .-press ed for more explanation. '..YVeel,' said the oatecliuujeo, ' be was just like Joe Sinipson, the horse cooper,' ' How bo V asked tho minister. ' Weel, naebody got anything by him, and many lost.' A sturdy vagabond, with full black beard of unusual length, was recently brought before a London Magistrate, who questioned him about his past life, ' If one can believe all. that is laid to your charge,' said tho judge .solemnly, Your conscience must be as black as yonr beard. ' Ah replied the wily roguo, ' if a man's eoupoience is to bo measured by his beard, then your Mordship has no con science at all.' j 0 H Pi '! & fan P <D f-< Cv3 H & \ m d" a V. e. CJ t- o 4) 1-1 a -A .rH ft CAST OUT But not Destroyed. Having tuado arrangements with Mr. Mitchell, of Milton, for an -agency for tho salo of Sash, Soora. Framos, Mouldinco, Srcsso.1 Flooringr. shootlnc, "Wainscot, Sldiaff, &3. I E.^oOARVIN'S Hall of Pharmacy, To* Drugs, Patent ayLodiGines, Dye Stuffa, GomTas, Brushes, 55cj. DAMSEL F. BEATTY'S ti*1.-a.-<.Ti:vi^-**i.*t -^.vr." t MTrr-,'.-Kf-c^arrB PiAi<rdSj8B 'oaGANS BEATTY & G,iANJ' H'l U AUK a.n'i' ri'iiKiiiT.iui n|.;\TTY'rfC10IdC- HUati:i> >i.n.i>i:.N )iin(ii;i:i) cah- I.Olt (IKK AN iuetli(.K\ieek>l toned ami most (.erUn't. iiihiuiin.-nis ever ln-fm e mnnnfnotureil !u ibis oriiny- other conn- try. 'J'be .vnil.l is olml len^ed tti LMH<n, lliein. lirsl ili^c<umts inul term - ever be fore j-tv. n.. Ue-e'< hotiom panic prleenl How ready to Jo.bel/:, au'enlH. and the- trade In gelii'rul.' An oiler. Tliese cele brated tn-lrtuu nif- ittther 1'lano or (Jrnan* boxeilanit Nhlppeil any wliere, on live or ririe,11 (lays'test trial. Money re funded ami freight elmrKos paltt hotli waysirin 'iny way iinsalisractory. Kully. warranted for slj^ years nsstrlelly llrt- elnss. KXTItAtiltDINAltY blllKUAb DISCOUNTMrIvhii to Cliurelus. SclKXJlK, Lodges, Halls, MinlKlers, Teaeliers, etc., , ,,,- ! In order to have Hi. -m introduced at once I aril prepared to furnish any ol where I i-nve no amenta. tIioiiuhuIk iiok- iha bovo, at prices that defy com petition. Ploaso call nnd sco uam pi as of moulling, ic, before, pur clisvsing olso.wbele. BLINDS 30 CSNTS PER TG3T. Kindly thanking customers for pa?i favors antt Hoping still to moril a fair bhare of your patronage. I am respectfully yours TKO.S. EBB AGE', Agent. Shop at Mr-. Overton's old stand. Aeion, Deei LTlh, 1S77. Sti-Iv. S!GM PAINTERS oTc'rVi,^ ttonofUie I'uiU it S'.nti's and IVovlne'e- toanM-.-er:!il< rid vprtlsi<ni"iit. A.ldres.'. UAM1X F. IHIATTV, U'ashlngton, .>ew Jersey. m use. New liltisira'ed Ailverilser(Cata. lOK'HI" filllllOMJ Willi llHt Of tOKtllliOIlllllv, rutw rea'ly, sent tr. e. Kiiablisb.rd In IV.V1 .\,id,es< DANIEL F. BEATTY, \\ ashlliKlon, New Jersey, TSELBf W.STEWART&CO NOW SHOWIHa A very largo nnd very chotco assort' rnont of: - ' Now Dry oods FALL WEAR IK ' Now Black and Colored Silks. ; Now French Cathinores, New Uibb'onaand.Ties, Now Drees Goods. Now Staple Dry Goodg, THE ACTON -& HEAL GRACE'S QELEBRATED gALVE A Sure Ucllcfror lUe Snrrrrrr. pnKf'Ap.Er* nv . SETH W. FOWUE & SONS, 88 IIA'KR-ISqN AVKNUK, ' BOSTON, MAPS. Oi R:\CK\-S CEtiKBRATKl) SALVE, ; . Is a Vegetable rteiiarat'ion, . Itiveii!"d i:. th:> l"ib centmy biv-Dr.^'Il- II. IU Ur.'.e-, S-ii(../-,m In Killj; Janus' nr'iiy. 'i'iir.i:^';!, ,:s .'i^o!icy ii.. careJ tie, .snn S nf \ ho Jjho.-,l hieriotlb i;o.-t-s a<l 'wound- u.i'frieiitled the s'cill oftho m<*t elnin 11: bi!V^ii-i:ii.> of bis d-ii-.aiid v.-:,< re^.ir,le.I ny (i')l v.tio IciieV,- Iif 111 r.s a'pub- ie benefie-t'.ir. 1'Itiri: i ii:nt.s a no.v.. s. ttEACE'S < F.LKHUITKO S.tLVi: Cl'UCS V1.I1: II IV.,TNT).-;. llt-.^KN 1,1 M li.S, SALT " i:;r>:r.*j, en'ii.ni.Ai.v.^ sour: t:i:kast, siltrt I.lf>. K!:^'sil'i:i.A.--, i:l\(;-, w.oitn.-, ('Ai.i.r.-n.s, se.\ j.r> iik.id ClIAl flO HANDS, ili.'Il.VS, CiMLitS, KKI.ON-, si-,r i.s .s'ir.i-jf, fi.ci:i!S, W.il'MlS, STINGS, S^UNGM.S. : -T-ircrii:;:.j, wirr.-:, Mll:s, *i.fl.l:s i.i:s, SlOSf, -irjtVISS, il'.M.s, nr-ri:"!.'*.. i ; ;-.: whitlows WAtfJS, Ill.:..-TKI!'s, TAN l-I ri'r.i:.-, - "i:^:.-, serit\'V, I re if I no f:ov,'l Nfi n aii.s :.- i:tti.k .hash. ML'iliL'nu AND ILKA UITKS, .Sl'II>Kll " STINGS, And all cutttneou^ diseases and eruptions dOiierally, For sale by all drt]f;^'ists, grocers, and at all f.iunt-y Mare--throli^Oout Ltie i;nl- tod Stir.-s and lirllisb I'roWncts. I*rice by mail :',u coins -; Bj rea-JInp Rlnl practidnf the incmimiiblc truths coij talncU In tbo best medic* book ever issued", cntitlcl SELF-l'ItESEUVATIOK Price only $1. Sent by mat ______________on receipt of price. P treats of EihanJtciLVitnlltv, Prctuararc Declino NcrrouJ untl 1'hyfifal DcWlityt and the emllest eoacomitant ills rnd untold mlicrics that rcsuB thcrcfrotn, an J contains more tlian Moriffinal pro enptious, r.ny oni\ef which Is worth the price ol the ooolc. Tliiitbc^k^vaa-trTitlen by the most c tensive and probably the most fkilful practitionei in America, towhom was awarded a gold and Jew cllcd-iaed&l by the National Medical Association A Pamphlet, Illustrated with the rciy flue* 6tccr Engravings Tel of art ana beauty ent 'razz to all. Send for it' at once. Addrcsa INSTITUTE, No. 4 Uul.TM YSr I 9 jBctfst.,Boston. Mais. . i ll I Vbiil SCHO'JI. TKACHEKS : You can easily increase your salary by devoting a very small portion of your leUure tinfe to my interest. I do aot: expect you to canvaBS for my cblebrated Beatty's Pianos and Organs unless you see fit to: but tho service I require of you is both plensant and profitablo. -Full par ticulars Free. Address DA'MEL F. BKATI'V, Washington, New Jersey GASH FOR SKINS. Tie are prepared to pay the highest casii price west of Toronto for all classes-of Sheepskins and Calfskins iu good condition delivered atom* tannery. II'e wi.sli it to he distinctly understood that v,-c paj- the IJiohj-st I'l-ieK for such, r.'iriners will study their inter ests by i>rin[riii their; skins to us, in stead of selling them'to'Middlemen and Peddlers. ST0I1LV, MOOltK & CO. Persons leaving skins at the factory of \\*. II. S-ronia- & <o'o. will also re ceive the highest price for them. PI.AN0 BEflTT There is no manufacturer of Pianos and Organs in this or any other Country who has received as many unsolicited indorsements as lins Mr. Beatty. From every State nnd Ter ritory comes the same verdict. "Tiiey are the host in the world." Illustrated Advertiser, (Catalogue Edition) free. Address DANlEbF BEATTY, Washington, New .Jersey. w- ANTED. PilOTOCRAPIIURS should for ward ino their address if they wish to obtain a Piano or Organ in exchange; for.. Photographing. Ad dress DANIEL F. BEATTY, Wash- mgton.-Nfctv Jersey. AGTOU PLANING MILLS I>. V/. CA3IPEL-Ii, Prop. ". I.rwlies and gentlemen to learn Tele- gr.i|ili Operating for olliees o])ening in the Dominion. Stamp for answer. : Address ^MAN".u:i:n., \. " Box 95o, Toronto. 1 RED. Having purchased the jahovo named establishment, I am prepared to inanu- facture ; ' - SASH.-DOOBS, ; MOULDINGS, &c ..' . All kinda of pivA'arura' Promptly attended to. D. W. CAMPBELL. Acton, Dec. 4th, 1877. 22-3m ^f* PianoT,, 'grand, siiuaro and upright, are pronounced by the r press nnd the people AND: as the most beautlfu 1 and sweet- est toned Pianos ever manufaclur- ORCAWS, "a|3 WASHINGTON, best In tho world! NEW JERSEY, Beatty's celebrated liolden Tdneued Parlor Organ. Any manutacturcrcballenged to equal them. Thoy possess power/depth, brilliancy and sympathetic dollcncy, exquisitely beautifully solo effects, and tne only stop action ever Invented tnntpannot be dip- arranged by use. The bellows capacity is so irreat that but lit! lo effort Is requir ed wlLh the feoi to supply'all the nir necei-Rary. -Befit made and most elcjr.int cases In tho market. All solid wood ornaments. Uverylnstrunientfully war ranted foTsIx yearsasstrlctly first-class, nnd sent on from 5 to 15 days' test trial Addressn\Nl!r.L F. iBEATTY, \yasntne- uft OTrJorBev. 1' CONSUMPTION CURED. 1 ./".,"-,1' rjlTFleiAN. rrtlnMl from artlTt prae- I tlcSl noylnff ha.' plun-il in !,i ),ai li l,v m . I Indlm MluioTi.ty Un- L.nnuln of a VfJeUble i itemedy Tor. U.c tjH^.I.v untl permanent cure of Consumjition, \jlxihma, JlroncMtis, I Ctittuvlt, I "i? *,'ATllrp,a,1;n,,:H ^""R- Arrcctlons; alio 1 t..?.,iaTI? fn<"*r.d><-! Cie,.f r NcrvoUllte. blllly and all Nrrvnui C.inipln:ie. oner hT- I InR tlinrouciejr tf-.u-d ii, wonderful furatlTC I power, iu ihiinaand. ol ca.es, a-el. it lil. dutj to |'W" kxownto 111. jullrrhic frllowi. Aclo- ISSi ' " '.""live r.nilaronii'lciilliMisilMirclo I f?L- i?.. .HI110-." "uflonnp, he wjU ,c rl FHJ=:K lliiuV'),ASl't.. to all rno di..lre It, thl. rcclm. I wllh full directions lor pa'pnriiipanr .ticceuful- I S-,i?,'.D|r- Sct" ."-" peturn mail .l.y iddrtuliis I yith itanip,,utiiiinB tii5 paper. ^ -nn. c. STKVKKS, C3.1-. BOi SO, BiiOCKVILLE. ONT. mo sis want"I3illheads, Statenientfe, L,et- BUSINESS MEN. ter-lioaus, Knvelopes, MercnnttleVi'ilnt'. lng,of any kln'i, done in buslnesSBtyle, senil your orders to the! Free pnisss onlco. BaUsractlon euarantepd. IDEE I An>' Person wlio wjll make rilbbi and forward me a list oil tho iiames of reliable persons of .thellr ac quaintance-who wis-h lo prorure en in strument, either Piano,or Organ, I twill use my host endeavors to soli them tne, nndfor every Plnrio I succeculnselling to their lis twit bin one year, Iwllloridit thora with 510, and for every Orgnnl$5, to bo applied pn payment of elthof a Piano or Orpan; and when it amounts to n sum BufTicient to pay for on Instrument solrctednt me lowest wholesale price, I wllllmmtdiatoly-slilp tholnstnmient, frce.ornfitrrany aP'innt Is credited the balance may be i.idJmo In cash nnd I will then ship tbem.' the instrument.. Tley need not be known In the matter; and Will bo doing their friends n real ser- vlnp, as I slinli mako special ofTcrs to them,sellilif.'a iiperior.Instrument for from OTiclialf o (lvo-llniils wlint is ordinal I ly asked by agents. Please send meallslat once andnflor you Have made Inquiry you ean ndil to it. Adiiress DANIRLiF.BEATTY Washington,New Jersey. J . ova stock op ' ; ' Tweeds, Cloths, fand ^ Overcoati nga Is very ohoioo and cheap, -, Wo'hold a very superior and large lot oj NEW MANTLES AND MILLINERY. M. Stewart & Co,, GlELPD. October 16, 1877. is the " T BEST NEWSPAPER Pulslished ia Haltoii Couaty $1 ONE.Y ww. tvV3 A BBMBI **}$& Per year, M advance. I Immense Sales of KS AND DRESS GOODS THE FASHIONABLE WEST, END, !. \. ----------- . j. 600 to 700 Yards SBL^IlsrG- DAILY. - We are showing, without exception, the Largest, Most Attractive and Cheapest STOCK of SILKS, AND DltESS GOOPS Ever ahow-Ji in this' town. . ' Ladies visiting Guelph and buying Dress Goods, Silks, "VelvetepnB, ' Mantles, A/illineiy, Furs, etc., without first Beeing our, immense and. beautiful stock, do themseLves a great injustice.- We : esteem it a pleasure to show our good's. ' --*o the Fashinable West EDd, the leading house for Silks, Dress Goods, Ifantles'ahd JlfiJlinery.' Full stock of fashion able Trimmings, Buttons, Fringes,: etc., to mutch all our materials, j A. Ov BUCHAM, Fa'shlonablo West End Dress, Mltiinery and MantleKstablishniMit. Guolph, Oot.'ia. 1877. SCHOOL-BOY'S GlotMnGl A; large lot of- M^GHIFICfeNT TWEEDS I Suitable for Boy's Clpthtagi i / at th.e 1 EAST END CLOTHING STORE. Oleaning- out tkejStock to make room for Spring Importations. >p >cial Inducements to Cash Buyers. . Also a lot of Gents' Under- clothing to be sold chfeap for cash. Remember the Bast End Clo- ling Store. Acton, February 1,1W8. FYFE & McWAB. To Merchants and other Business Men1 in Acton, as -well as throughout th : ; ,~ -D i County, the Free Press is an invaluable Advertising Medium. 'f-- I Oof Uni+naiad PaellHiea for Escoaitaf *21 klodj of: BOOK -BaW:Ua AND ^JOB PRINTING % to trn t ir*rk (m1 t* wiythiBg 4m U lh ebbU*. MO0RB & GALBRAITH, PulDlialrs and Proprioi^ors. '?J

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