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Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1878, p. 3

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IT-' &mWft i \i Yi Mftrf-' ~ ana 'ORE .^L*11 18.78."' t\n tuiMv T-nii: TAiin Train* 'e.ive \e!on as f oll.ms : .- .' i;. <>: v km. | laltt fOJT [ Acton aas * Toronto r.i.vl D,v Kip"^ Kip'rO'S Nicht !-\i'r.-s) i;vrmi\e.l Psv K\prc. s Western niAfl toade-.i mixed l..-..'M'->. M? p.m. 7.:07 p.m. '.. "3:3.-1 h.m. !i:.ra. tlA>.a.m. f':t~ p. m==-. Sav.ee in tho Mo'.hodist Church every S:i;-!>nUi -rvt-lllll^ l\l,. iuX-l*l M !-lX o'etoc-S: an.t both iHDrittUitniKlcyoii- . rS '* -Wo 4lTtfl' tMtiMtlt,' of < noli " rn.otith.- , Kkv. U. Wont**, I'nstor. Ski: - .-Wedding runt" -" l"li-i lulny prescat* in Fnney *.*_cv>ds.and Jewellery til the yvar round at Coo. Hynds Jew ellery Store. Acton. CalL' |P9r *S in Monday night. *. Attend tho iocture. - w-ilonthl/Salo-to-diTy, - . -Go and hear Watson. __ T.<nt commenced. tcSvCTvIby. r Villago.Council next Monday trfght. i . *' ^-Whero is " tno snow, tho beau tiful snow J" CjSpring iB arniug, ond-*o are h&adsorx&ns. 'i Don't fail to hear Watson on ^lond.-.y night, -. Ksquesirij Council meets on -Friday. March 15. Remember the Soiree iu tho Ccncrcpitior.nl Church :7-j-i.i^ht. try Jl E. Mcllirvia'sWorni Powders. Tt>" weajvor not to yfbar un overcoat, is'now thcifsestion,- - Wallijiat'Or Very ckcr.p at the Vest 0:;icu' Store, Aotou. liny your prJcn onj flower Kcds. at i. F. Mxi.'.rvhi, IVu- Store. -ConiW, lurpo, line, and circular ^r: !n* >' K, MellarvinV. l:( No. 1 IaUo Huron UYmni^ !>:H.u,. to' 82.00 per barrel nt lVd i.'iliee More,' Acton, " ' ; - Stock takinj;- nt tho Glasgow Ibmse, .Veton. C.oodn uoing very cheap. N<S reasonable oash olVer refnseil; con- . uh\ m:iUd your money ^o .is far asi you e.:\n. UeniV-.h.ihor. th:it l'auiods ,"HV- te:i : in o Hi lots nt IvV- y:30v>.m. |vr IK. Chri^tio. Hoiulerson & t'o. Mr. NV. W. Roo, ntiettoiiocr, will soil by imbliu auction, thu farm, fiirtu .atook nd impleiuonta of Mr; .John Allison, lot 27, 5th ooiC, "Nnssiijjawoyn, ou TuoBday, M'vvoh r.V' For p.ntioulars sw hi Jidyortisvtnon't in uiiother column. Urv'atlic.^ Uioro n man with roul po dead, ;- ' Who never to himsvK h;\th raid, 1 w ill a family paper take, liotli for my own and ehinlron'RiJake* It snoli thcro lio, lot hini ropent And have the Fur.r. I'kkw to him'gent. - "f ' .1 . I-S I i V to.Sjo ?i ihm-i- ') - Lbs : ' .. '-: F 1 - ^. *+ - ! 'ES - . * Ito. ! - OtMOT. tCAH oBtrei IEBY V! rtftoustyr 1 s' ( -i j-eoenti " " -r, rroxo te, 1U* otlater- a or UJO cire tnal. W ary cure. , harwJ <w ." ' Tof*.' Jj i| -~ ' i Romciuher you can get ~the Kis: cxV l"va at tiiv Po=i OlScc Store, -Ac-.qn. ' r Ice is hoi^ngjiSf on ^sicklin's pcrd ssd re::io-.-cil to sfaeJivf for sam.raer .:! from tbriv trin'-.pj, two of whom wore print- cry. No work nor money, aliO'swvy, hakor, has ro- " t'.-ccl tie price ot four piu'nd loaves of brea^i frcn: fourteen to twelve conU ^ CloTtr ncd Timothy Seed nt I\^5t Cfllce Storv, Acton,- at l-'West martv: prices rur cos';:. Tho Gc-orgct.-otTT'i H-:r.y.l, Oak- ^i".i; i>j-re.>i ai*-Milton C:^n:;<:.:-.i hr^ tt present cruised in dis<:aE3!n^ " Pro tection." The Ottawa.Fret Vrcs* comes te K-.nd in. a acw diess, which looV.3 fpk-r.diii. We wiUi our namesake fur ther success. Wo have a largo quantity of w-irtc. pr.pcr on hand, suitaole for ^TTij>p:n^ purpose:!, which we in ti;ll cheap- r^je . cheapest cottons in tho market, at the iHa.-j.o.e Hoi>?<j ;! eo the Udic-i say. Tiiie their advice a|i.!_ 1-qy your cott-ons now, from Christie-, ilcn- dtrscu.i Co. * i ' " i^ A1 conwrt waB held in the town hall, Rockwooil, last Friday even ing, nd was well attendeh A hacd- &<-.tne sum was realized by the concert, which wjis c'ontribntKl to the Prcihy- tcriau initiio fund. .-.'., Tho 'M"eaford Clinmld'. and 2^or'J\^G^y fidvtriher is the name of a new paper which lias just' started in . ^ie4for'L It ia Don-political. Altlicmglj -It is- f.mall at present, no bouht it will j^ro-w if it receives . proper encourage- cc-ut. Tho- Acfa-.n Plow Work?, which were lately purchasbd by Mr. Sydney Sjjiith., wi]l resume operations ahortlv. A numl>crof hands are at pre- ccnt employed cleaning up the machin ery, aftcr^Jwhich tho works will ho put" la tall bla^t. Mr. )Pred Sedord, one of Messara. VTj H. Storey i Co. 'e travellers left yes- tenlay morning for the Lower Provinces. TM year Mr. Secord Eas mot. w-ith great success in different parts bf the oountry.iand no-doubt he will do well on this trip. -In-the commnnicationfrom "A Member Methodist Church," an error occurred irTtK thiri paragraph and 2lBtlino. Instead of jreadiiig " Jmt is ko.lt tLctar in hi3 denunciations," it ehould rt-a/1, "but is ho loo scx^re in his denunciations." ' . '"'.'. : " -.-While Mr. Edv."nr3 Matthevvs w-a.s coming Off Kicklin'e pond" with a 16a<l of ice, on Tacsday lest, one of hie burses l^roke throfi^h andsank over head. With considerable difficulty tho animal wis taken from its cold hath and landed on terra jlrma', none the worse' for its' ducking. , The Georgetown JCown pall was destroyed by fire about one o'clock on Saturday morning. It was supposed to have been the work of an iacendiary.- The building was insured in the West ern ftw $700. The dwelling of W. T>. Brown, waggon-m aker, barely escaped destruction. Mr. J. B. Wateon, the bnraor- ist, will deliver aiiother lecture in the Temperance Hall next Monday eyening, on the " Particnlar Allurements ond Proper Amusements for the Youth of Both, Sexe."- Those who heard Mr. Watlon %?hen he waaher last declared that the lecture was excellent. ' No public auction, on lot 15, 5tti con., ^assagawoyh, on Monday, ]\rnrch 13, tho farm stock and iiuplomciils belonging to Messrs, W. Drcdgo and V). "Reiil. If you want good stock-uttond this'-Bale. The pnblic can phico tho most explicit confidence"in Mr. lh V. Beatty, of Washington, New Jersey, who man ufactures and sella his jUBtly Celebrated Viaiiix^ and. t)rjaus. Certificates from the o'.licii-.ls and promitK-nt ineii of hi:i own city, ro'iunnrciat reports'-:and tes'i- ! nioni.Us frxMn thousands who have d"ealt with iiitti. all verify the statement. See his sdvertr?eiiieut. - The other day one of our mer chants was heard to remark that pro tection was required for this village. He i'r-.ip'-i.'ed that tho Corporation should buildj>u*iKV around tho Village," so as, to make tho people stay in tho Village- and bii\ tlieir goods. ^Vc miyhf "s>.y iTrat if merchants would advertise t'.u-ir g-oda more liberallv, they would not have to cry for protection. k.'?-is!i'c -V::.v.- n moutldy journul of "intor- cstinjj inforu a-tion on cduc.itionul- sind other subjects id to'Viand. It is a neat little sheet of eiijlit pages, well printed, nnd is full of intcvest- ini reading matter to- the leucuur nud ill interested 'in c'duSation. Tho sabscriptioti prise is only 81- -C>n Tuesday morning about six o'clock, the lams', sheds, a straw "tack,..one horse, and a number of silicon, cattle , and implements, belonging to Mr. .hjha rdliott, lot II; 3rd eon.,.La- ipicshT^, were comtiletely destroyed by tire. Mr. Elliott had been in the bam at ail early" hour, prvp.-.ring to go to Brampton, and it is surposcd that the tire originated from a lantern which he had with him when lie was. preparing his horse3 for tho journey, -. Tho lire was discovered hv one of hia s.onj;<p.iite a time afuir he had left, but they, were toj l.-.to to save many of the animals from heir.Lj burned to death. Tho lo^s is about JtMOO. Tho buildings " and stock are insured, but to what extent is not vet knowm Bible fcorhij CniumUtcc Jlerllnr;. TheV'.niiiiiittco of the Actoh Ilraiicli of the 1'pner. Canada Bible Society :met in tho Vestry of Knox's Church, Acton on the evening of.. Friday, March 1st. The l're-ident, Arch. Campbell, in the chair, - '. The committee decided to hold tho Annual Tublm meeting of tho Society iu the rrcibytpriah Church, Acton, on tlio evening of Monday, 58tli March, at 7:'}0 p.m., sharp, and instructed the St crotary to invite the resident minis ters to address the meeting. The followins collectors were appoint ed to take up subscriptions in aid of the Society,; !- 1st and. 2nd line?, Erin Alex. Ken nedy and Ales. Libby. 3rd and 4th lines,'Erin--?. S. Arm strong and Cbri:;. Snaekhamnier. 5th rind Gth lines, Krin D. Hender son and Fcter Mr.nn.'sr. liit line, Ksquesini, and town lino below Acton cross-road John" Secord and .Samuel Moore. . . . .--: 1st and 2nd line, Esqtfesing, and town line above Acton A. Campbell and Duncan Kennedy. ' 2nd and 3rd lines, EsquosinR, below Acton D. V. Christie and John War- Ten. 4th line, Esquesing, above, and 4th and 5th lines; below Acton cross-road John Mann, jr! and W. P. Btowd. R, Campbell and J. McDonald. Acton, north of Mill stroot '.Mis* Steel and Miss Jennio Cameron. Acton, south of Mill street Miss F. Christie and Miss C. Smith. .; Collectors' Book3 will be furnished by the Secretary, V. Henderson,, and collectors aro requested tb visit their respective divisions and mako returns to the Secretary-Treasurer " not later than Thursday, 1-tth March, so as to enable him to lay a full report before the annuahmeetins. .-Friends-of- tho Riblo fiocioty .. will greatly obligo tho collectors by being prepared with their subscriptions when called upon. f __Crockery, Glassware, <tc., nil kinds at less than wholsalo prices. Our Teas j well, if yon want to bo happy, get C lbs. of our 6c Tea, worth C5C pes lb wholesale.. Sdcord'fl Cash Store. f 165 halt barrels Inspected No{ 1 Lake Huron Herrings, split and heads off, will bo rushed off at tho extraordi nary price of 2.00 per single barrel, or gl.SO in 5 barrellots.- T3e wise and se cure, some, as they will not last many days. One hundred barrels already sold. Warranted prirno, or money re funded. Secord's Cash Store, Montreal House. Tiiikgs jncE.-aTonoy, Preserves, Jams, Jellies, Canned Fruita, Finnan ifaitdies, Boualeaa Cod Fish, Salmon; Meal,"' Con: . --Wudo it lbitchor'H Razora, .stioj.ii, Shaving ,Soap, ."te, at J. K. Mc Cinrviii's lh-]i,g tSl'uro. I ~ A London, Out.."confectioner ia Kondiiig 200 boxoa, containing over 500 vuriotios of confectionery, to tho Paris Kxhibition. ; , --Yesterday Mr. 0. W. Hill showed uh n lino lot of Knglioh, French and American l'ietiuo Frames lately imported by himself, and wo.^voro na. tonished upon finding how Cheap ho iu felliiij; them, - ^ .-<: Tho Rrnmpton pnp6ra havo lntely been pitching into ono another in nUhcr a lively stylo, nnd, tp juiliro from their talk, a person would como to tho conolua- ion that there was tt giont ninount of;;:gub und no biniina in their nrtickfi, During tho past week, on oo- eount of the unfavorable state .of tho weather for. that particular purpose, there was no skating on tho rink. Bir' on Saturday evening a number oi yoiyig infn went to tho rink and ekatovl until tho ico got co bndly cut up that ^it was impossible for them to skato thoro any longer. TheJ- then adjourned to Nick, lin's pond ahdj enjoyed themselves for a- time, afi|er which they decided upon forming kn exploring* cxpcdilioji, and, with that cdijeet in.view, they went up ptream. They h.-ull^ono.a distance qf^u soiuetliing less than a hundred"mileh,' wlieu, to their great horror, they found they were lost. Visions of homo, and of bears and "wild-cats, came up) beforo them,and they began to w.ondcriit they had been ns good boys as they shouhll. Some of them took a solemn oath that if they readied home attain safely they would never, never, go skating again. Only one of tho wanderers is'known to have reached home, and tho others well, we'll suppose they are in the wil derness yet, as we havo not heard any thing to the contraryr" Green's August , Flower for Dyspepsia, Billiousness and IaJie;estiou at J. E. Mctiafvin'a .Drug Store. _ ___-----^ aii :_.------- iTac Cand SocIaI. ' Tlio Hand Social, which was held at Dr. McGarvilfs rcsidenco last Tuesday evening, was a grand success. Over one hundred persons were present. Tho band occupied a.stand on the verandah f the house, and played a few tunes in excellent ^style, after which all ad journed inside, where they partook of a sumptuous supper, provided by Mr3. McOarviu. After justice had been done to_tho'edibles, all corts of game3 and amucements ' were indulged in. S2U was realised which will be applied to the Hand Fund. Ureat credit id duo to Mrs. Metiarvih for tho manner in which the social was gotten up, and, ho doubt the b*nd.: boys will keep her in remem- hrouco oj her kiud donation to their fund. - Tho Acton Brasa Baud ia now second to nono in tho County of Ilalton for their ruolicieney in jilayin^, and great credit is due to Mr. John Hill for hia untiring efforts to improve their playing. We hope to ceo a, few more of our large-hearted citizens take an inter est in thn Band and givo'a social, in their behalf, as thcro is nothing -Vfhich encourago3 them co much as to soo that tho citizens^tak'o an iutorost iu -their welfare. (^sixruiU iii. -1, All parties indebted to tho undersign- ed 1)1-0 rcn|ioi!tfiilly.rei|iieated to auttlo on or before tho 'JOth Marolt, 3o.lt _ 'U. 'IV (iABU)WAY. s1 IIOIM-saoKN BULL FOR .HA|,S. " Bollolhike." Bod. ,'Two ydura old, Siro --8_rd Unite of Springwooil i Bain - -Nlaggie* Belie, by Coiintaneo'ti Duko, &e, Can ho Been on the farm ndjoiuinu tho /(J. T. Kailway. ' j 3G-tf i C. S. SMITH. Acton. Q.E0RGE M1VLNS, Barbor and HairdrofjBoi*,' adjoining, Secord Bros.' Store, Mill Street, Acton. Hair Hwitelieu'and eonibiugs prepared to order. OYOT33B.Q rocojved daily' by ex'pross. TO Till! rUHlTuriiFTlTl,"'n'a.. tjons a foi.i riu.M, cuidoDH. If you WiUitii-KiKid AUOriONKKU try eou<;jl; gikish, tlutt I=-B^.O-E3 PBOGLHMED t Sales extraordinary at the J :'.:\ ;^;:' i BveTybody satisfied, A word to tho wiBO-SymOn-s ohoup storo estitblishotl =--"- oiuinry low in-ices. now ao.iHom " ' ' iicoounttf t twico j rvii I DBEQ3 Q00D3. FLAHBL3 fto, TWEBD3 AND CrEMtffl! Fltli* ITo umlerslaiHla lila business, mil J. A'IUj-..hm iniiKlmrK '.< >. J^OTICE. ' All partlos Indobtod -to Ooorgo -11. I-cvonsaro roviuc'stcd to call aud sottlb atonco.ior olso thoir aeflouuts will bO put into court for collcctiou. In futuro, ho intoudrto conduct hls^busiuoss on Mi-telly cash imncijilrg; " 3C-2t QPEN MIVJSiON. The Acton i^ivieion, Sons of Tempor- anejj;'will have an Open Division aud Free F,iitert;iuimcnt on Tnc.uVay even- in/, l'Jth of ..March, in the Teiuperance Hall, Acton. Allare cot-dially invited. A special reipiest is herewith extended' to tlio.*) who have recently signed the Murphy Pledgoto be iireaeiit. it . bv oitni-ut. N OTJCE. Tlio unilorti^ned bees lenvo to an nounce to I'lll'tmuB, 111 d otln-IH I-HJ-: ui d In hulter iniiKini; wjio puri o-e penilie n new -Uhurii tuiit tliey w..nl.i eolisu.l tlieir own iillerrsis liy onlerlni; imiii <-f A. Holmes'. Improved Tniiular Da^U <'luirnH, I am now tuk n^ oiders- lor them, liavlntriiuieliui-. dlh. lit to maniinu-iiiro ami lull. Tliev nro ullliont doiuil tlio best in llio m irlcel.. your patror.aite N resi.oe'.r.ill v sulu lied. Circulars-nnd t-j.tlnniiiL.tjn.i-(,ii ai.pli- ration. Territory lor sale," '.'aniihietur- cd and sold by V. L. MI-DON Aid). 23-fi'n. Acton, cut. "JpORH. PA.C2il.3ti UorSE. - The subscriber ha-i always on hand all kinds of fresh Meat, Sausage's and Poultry, cheap. ] CI1AS. CAMERON. Acton, Deo. 12th IS,"7. 23-3m" .Serges (noty Bhudrs) 10, Vl\, 15 25o. luistroB, 12, Hi, 25o. Illnok Hilku, 50, 75o, f 100. Blnoif Bright Li; I Btrt'8 15, 20, 2iie. Knipross cloth, | Baratheas, ! ParauiottOH, j Crape" clotlm, j VolVOtOOUH, ' ! (All now shailoa , .,-' .."_ WincoyH, Plain anil Kunoy, 8.10 1 til I^DuchOBRO KuitingH tho latest -or : nil, 15, 30j 25. UbuuI pri0or25o NisniNas. Twoods 40o, $1 25, .Shirtings, all tho latest makes,5 (Juiiin'ii celobratod nroar.Shirts' Ties, ColliirH, i Eid^ and Cloth (llovea, Underclothing. BraooB, Hats and Caps. Ac, Jt.o.c Ao. O^TT'OWfl. &6. Kid elores, aHnewshldcs, to ma (erf drois. Flatifiols;-. ' 1" ^ , Canadii Ofoy, 25,'85c't Heavy Twilled, 25) 40o, Factory'Cottons,-C..7 ', 9o. ' Wri'tte Cottons, 7, 9, I0c,~ | __________, SpecialJduos 38 inches, 12Jc, worth .Sewiug*H7ikBr.very oheap, Jl-o J' *. i CorsGJs.Frenob wore anoi MTTcrf, Irois, Silk Buttons, new sbudej, Fringes, ; . Braids &c, &o., &V &o. Adjustable Iing, strong, Hoiiyy Jean, 62$, i_ Collars, Cutf4~ai)d, Ties.ivery cheip Clouds,'-Scarfs, Hosiery) *o., <6o.,"Ao. ".. .*fcsig g^r s.stMr.n^i^" r '^^si^^:wiri b(on b*M ? ^ 4 .trttde- lAdhti you tn&y. Youre Truly, E.I?roduco of alb kinds tnkon ns cash, at highest market price Acton, January 23, 1878. ? JAMES1SYMOIU About two o'clock, on Tuesday afternoon, a large crowd congregated nt St. Albau's Ciiurch, Actcn, to witness the nuptials of Mr. John Nicolsou and Miss Xancy Whitley." The event had been studiously kept from tho cam of tho "eueral public, but, a3 such matters always will leak'out to a considerable dcrco, a largo crowd of both nexca ao- somblcd to witnecs a ceremony which always possesses co many charms to the uninitiated. At precisely two o'clock tho organ pealed forth a Wedding March, and tho groom appeared, accom panied by his hrothar, who assumed, positions in front of thsi altar. Tho bride immediately followed, leaning on her father's arm, with the bridesmaid and groomsman-in tho rear. On reaching' thoraltar and taking their respective places, the brido and groom in the Cen tre, Kev. C. R. Lee, commenced tho ceremony, nnd tho happy twain woro speedily made one;- Tlio brido was at tired in a travelling dress of Mouvo Silk, with mantlo and hat to match. Tho ceremony over, tho brido and groom recoived (tho warm congratulations o their malny. frionda' osscmblcd, after which a party of iu vitod friends pro ceeded to tho rosidonco of tho brido's father Naosagaweya whero toa was par taken off. Tho supper over, tho bribo and groom proceeded to Nelson, whoro a wcok will bo spent in visiting friends of tho brido. In about two weeka tho newly married couplo will depart for Sanilao county, Michigan, whoro, wo understand Mr. Nioolsoa has recently purchased a farm. I. J.'IS'MgGARVIN, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST FINAL I Of all classes of WINTER ST^-EZEJlFIt-lsra- - ^;.. -^Half-Tearp/ i:| Citri^Me, &- A1 CXO.N' 'aiOXTISLY SALK. Tlio Acton monthly sale will he held at Agnew's Hotel, on Fair Day, Thursday, Harcli *7ib. All kinds of Stocly Implements, &c. will be sold by paying fill cts a-pieee. Sale at IB o'clock. TFT1MS..-Ten 'montha' crdcit on approved joint notes All entries must bo n-.ado to Mr. Jan. Ryder, Sec. WM. IIFMSTUEIOT, Auctioneer. 20-tf Is now going- on at THE GOLDEN LIO In a few -weeks Stocktaking legin, mid by lluit iinie, if rices WILL DO IT, We will not have a single piece & C^o* ACTON To ^void jGarryingf over any heavy goods yet in stock, on ^ account; of the unprdce dented mild winter announce, ;a "V-- GRAND SWEEplTSIGiSALE, COMMENCING ON of llc.itvv/ Gootls Icff. BIUTI13. Near Acton, on tho 28th ult.. tho wife of Mr. James Bell of a daughter, Iu Esquesing, on tho 24th iii3t., tho wifo of Mr. ltobert McPhcrson, ,pf a 'son.' In Acton, on tho 5th inr.t., tho Arife of Mr. A, Stephenson, blacksmith, of a daughtor. BIABBTED. At St. Alban's Clmrch, Aoton, on tlio Cthinst., by tho Kev. C. 11. Leo, M.A., Mr, John Nicolson, of Actot^ to JNnncy, only daughter of Thos. Whitley, Esq., of yasaagawoya. THE OLDEST CHQCERY HOUSE INACTION Is; tho plaro to -%<sl ^aod ohcnp Groceries, Crockery, Glass and Hardware,- KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EGAL. Skrdjues, PoacHes, "Oat Meal, Buck Wheat Floi-.r, Flour, Or young man Or lady should fail to h<af'j ait^as, Lemons, Apples, and everything this lecture. ;j nice at Seeord'a Cash Store. Having /dtfred my intention of: rq- movinc fromtieorgetown, I J>og to inti mate to my fHend8 and thejpablic gen erally that I/wilUcontmue tho practice of my profession at my present otiioo, MiU street, 00rg6^ M|THESON. Georgetown, March 6th, 187J8. 3G-2t 51 And to orrivo.in a few days a lull bupplyof Wall Fapor. "Wiiidow Slisas, Sco. fn tho latesi Styles aad Patterns. I also keop on hand a few of ' Messrs fchnrly & Die- :. trioh'a coiobrated LANCH TOOTH OKOStJ-CUTSA WS. Tho best now iri uao. All goods will bo sold low for cash or pro] dUCO. Casli roriHiacsi CHAULBdT. HILL, Mill Street, Acton: Peb. 10th, 18T8: '. SPECIAL BARGAINS DRESS QOODS, ^ - TWEEDS, ! JUST 50 BUFFALO R0BE|L^FT IN &c. S^S^RDfY JAW.' ;10, 15f8, All lines of heavy Woolen Goods-r-Di|ess Goods, Fancy Q-oods In fiact their -entire stock of Dry Goods will be loilered at | ' "AfERy BOTTOM PRICES/' Two cold, months yet-tb be provided^ fbrN iv:Heavy Ove r- coats, Tweeds, Blankets, Man tles, Shawls^ Shirting-s, Win-, ceys, Furs, BocfesrHose, Mitts,; &c, &jc, wjll be absolutely t recLiiired. iDoii't fail to secure them at the right place and 7at the right price. r ! ^ l!l-i : tL^n:-: 1"--- J. D. WILLIAMSON & CO Ouolpb, Fob gUL".U.1 1. 1S7S. .^HiillL-WW-g THE I^OST OFB^ICE Capli i . . i Tkis is a Q-iauiri ialo. H >1U No goods oh^rged^ elxcdpt at regular markied prices.- JAMES MATtKEWS. Achm, ?eb. l% rmv In & THAT FAMOUS SGo TE lb. lotsfHt 45 cents,- CHE.ISTIS, SB DBRSOlrf & CO. -*A

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